To help parents talk with children about trees and shrubs. Consultation for kindergarten parents. Amazing trees Consultation for parents trees in spring

Observation in nature is an important method of environmental education for children: it allows you to awaken feelings for nature, develop observation, sensory sensations and a rich imagination. Observation will help parents broaden their children’s horizons, enrich their thinking with a lot of specific information about the mysteries of natural life, and teach them to take care of it.



Consultation for parents: “Trees in spring”

In the spring the buds swelled,

And the leaves hatched.

Look at the maple branches:

How many green noses!

T. Dmitriev

Every spring we can observe the same miracle - it gets a little warmer and the sun comes out, trees and bushes wake up from hibernation and become covered with a barely visible green “fog” - swelling buds.

Just recently the branches were gray and dull. All the buds were dark, the same as the wood itself. These small hard scales, like a blanket, covered the kidneys from the cold. But then the sun began to shine stronger, the tree trunk warmed up. Water from the melting snow and the rains that followed it fed the root. And the tree felt it was time. The process of sap flow began - the sap from the roots began to rise up the trunk and carry nutrients, which the root kept underground all winter. Now the kidneys really need these nutrients in order to give strength to the leaflet hidden in them to open. After all, inside each bud, like a chicken in an egg, sits a small shoot. It has a small rudimentary branch, small and wrinkled rudimentary leaves and even flowers (if the bud is not a leaf bud, but a flower one). And as soon as this shoot begins to feed on the juice, it will begin to grow.

There are trees in which sap flow is especially strong. For example, birch or maple. If during this period a cut is made on the trunk of these trees, tree sap will drip from it. The tree seems to be "crying". And you can drink this juice. In birch it is completely tasteless, and sugar is specially added to it. But maple juice is sweet.

When the sap runs along the branches, the buds will receive the energy they need and begin to grow vigorously.

The first-born of spring flowering is gray alder. Her dangling earrings with grayish-green inflorescences are hard to miss.

Together with the alder, the hazel blossoms. Hazel from the genus of woody shrubs and trees of the Birch family. It is a brother of the white birch, with simple - round or broadly oval, rather large leaves. This shrub is familiar to many of us: it produces delicious nuts by autumn. The fruits of the hazel tree attract not only humans; some animals living in the forest feed on them - squirrels, wood mice.

Aspen and poplar catkins are amazingly beautiful. Burgundy with a lilac tint, covered with gray fringe - a real decoration of the tree. The wind will help aspen and poplar not only disperse pollen. When, after two months, the aspen and poplar give birth to seeds, each of which is dressed with a light parachute fluff, the wind will pick them up and carry them far, far away to populate new places.
And what affectionate names are given to willow catkins! Kitties, paws, guns... Indeed, fluffy, light, delicate silver-gray willow flowers resemble the fur of a kitten. When you look through them into the sun, you get the impression that they are glowing - the delicate pubescence is so beautiful. After some time from gray flowers will turn yellow with pollen. It's not just the wind that carries their pollen. Willow is one of the first spring honey plants. Its flowering is a joy to all flying insects. Bumblebees and bees, the first butterflies and flies, attracted by nectar, flock to a honey feast, and at the same time collect pollen and pollinate the green willow flowers growing nearby.
Ash also blooms before the leaves appear. In early spring the wind also carries its pollen. But ash flowers are not at all similar to the catkins of willows, aspens, and hazel. These flowers are not called earrings. They sit in beautiful pink bouquets along the edges of thick branches.
Trees in parks are shrouded in a yellow-green haze of pollen before the first leaves appear.

In general, if we consider the question,"what trees bloom in spring", we can safely say that everyone wintering in middle lane trees (and shrubs) bloom in spring and early summer. The exceptions can be counted on one hand. These include linden, which blooms in the first half of summer.

Observations in nature have great importance in the formation of children preschool age foundations of ecological culture. Such observations not only give children new information, but help parents and their children immerse themselves in amazing world personal live communication with nature, enter into direct dialogue with it.

Consultation for parents. The benefits of observing nature at different times of the year with your child. Many of us consider observing nature with a child to be a frivolous, boring and not particularly important activity. But this is not so, because it is precisely all kinds of observations that teach a child to think, analyze, compare, systematize phenomena, and find a connection between cause and effect. In addition, observations of living nature educate aesthetically and morally, making the child attentive and sensitive. No matter how much they talk about the seasons and natural phenomena associated with them, showing pictures and playing Board games, this is still not enough. As you know, seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times. And how great it would be to go with the whole family to the forest or park on the weekend, so that the child could see with his inquisitive eyes all the magical transformations that nature gives us. First of all, it’s worth talking about the signs of a particular time of year (season, month). Just try not to turn your conversations into a lecture. Ask him questions, be interested in his opinion, strive to develop his curiosity, let him think in search of answers, and it doesn’t matter if his guesses are not always correct. The most notable observations occur in living nature, especially in the plant world. By observing trees and comparing how they look in winter, spring, summer and autumn, your child will be able to better understand the changing seasons. It would be good to choose one tree that grows close to your house and visit it from time to time to observe its life. Birch is best suited for these purposes, since children are the best at distinguishing it from other trees. Draw the child's attention to the spruce and pine trees. Ask if they have changed with the arrival of winter and summer. Explain that needles are the same leaves. But small needles, unlike large leaves, they need less sunlight and water, so they don’t shed their needles and are always green. And so that this conversation does not turn out to be protracted and boring for the child, play with him in fun game: “One, two, three to (name of any tree) run. This way the child will quickly remember the names of the trees and increase their emotional background. And then it will be great to switch roles when your baby becomes the leader. The next, no less important and interesting topic children's observations - observations of animals and birds. A conversation about animals and birds may consist of the following questions: Where do they live? What are their houses called? What color can this or that animal or bird be? What do they eat? Explain why animals change color at different times of the year? Who hibernates in winter period? Which birds and why do they fly away with the onset of cold weather, and which ones do not fly away or, on the contrary, fly to us?

In any park you can often find squirrels, which you can watch and even feed. The child can tell what parts this funny, small animal. Discuss his habits and behavior. And of course, we again brighten up the conversation with fun games. “Name three or five animals.”, “Draw some animal (for example, a bunny, a fox, etc.).” You can also take a walk with your child to bodies of water, see rivers, lakes, and streams with your own eyes. Talk about the fact that water freezes in winter and why this happens. Tell us about the plants and inhabitants of a particular body of water. Many insects small crustaceans freeze into ice in winter, but do not die. And in the spring they warm up and come to life. In winter, fish sink to the very bottom, since there remains a small layer of water near the bottom that is not frozen. How stronger frost in winter, the smaller the layer. But there are still enough fish. But in the summer you can swim and fish in reservoirs. Well, if your child is interested in insects, worms, bugs, etc. and he is interested in the question: What are they for? Why are there so many of them in the summer, but where do they go in the winter? Explain to your young naturalist where this fauna hides or falls asleep. If you notice an old or rotten stump, unscrew a piece of its bark and you will find all sorts of beetles, caterpillars, butterflies, flies, etc. there. If you conduct this experiment in the winter, then these inhabitants will not move, as they will be in a numb state from the cold. But if you take one insect and warm it with warm breath, it will immediately come to life and move. It’s the same in spring: the sun will warm up and all the butterflies and midges will crawl out of their shelters. Any kid knows that a shovel is an incredibly necessary and useful thing; if, for example, there is snow outside in the winter, you can use it to observe how plants feel under the snow. Dig up the snow with a shovel, rake up the old fallen leaves and the child will see that there is real living, green grass there. He will probably be very surprised, but you will be able to explain to him that snow is a warm blanket for plants and shrubs, and under it they feel very comfortable all winter until spring. Well, you can complete your observations at home, by reading books on your “covered topic.” A lot of interesting stories you can find from V. Bianchi, for example: “Titmouse calendar”, “Where the crayfish spend the winter”, “Following the footsteps”, etc. And if you find suitable cartoons in your home video library, they are also worth watching with your child. The topic of observations and their diversity can be continued and continued with a child at any age. Your fantasies and, of course, desires will help you with this. Good luck.

Consultation for preschool parents is interesting" Amazing trees"

We are all accustomed to the sight of the trees around us and, passing by, we do not pay much attention to them. On the territory of our planet there are an innumerable number of amazing trees that will interest both children and adults!

The Guinness Book of Records contains a tree that has the title of the most dangerous. This tree is manchinella, a Central American plant, any part of which is poisonous and can lead to fatal outcome. The bark of the manchinella is covered in sap, which causes burns and blisters if it comes into contact with the skin, and if it gets into the eyes, it can cause loss of vision. The fruits of this tree are called “death apples”; despite their sweet taste, they are very painful to eat. Even a single attempt to take a bite from a deadly apple can lead to the appearance of ulcers in the oral cavity, and after swallowing a piece of fruit, a person will soon die from severe poisoning. You can’t even burn mancinella without risk; the smoke from its wood corrodes the mucous membranes. It can cause you to lose your sight or even suffocate.

A tree with a colored trunk, which is replete with all the colors of the rainbow, is called rainbow eucalyptus. This bright eucalyptus constantly surprises people and scientists, because its trunk is so colorful that you might think someone specially decorated it with very bright multi-colored paints. But this is absolutely not true. This type of eucalyptus itself is naturally bright. Among the most saturated colors that predominate in this type of eucalyptus are mainly blue, orange, green, purple, and brown. And the most interesting thing is that the trunk of each tree has its own unique pattern, which is never repeated. It's like people's fingerprints. Rainbow eucalyptus is native to the island of Mindanao in the southern Philippine archipelago, South Florida and the Hawaiian Islands. Young trees have bright green bark, and as they mature tree bark begins to come off in narrow stripes - and the open areas subsequently acquire different shades.

The versatile Boabab tree. It grows in Africa and Australia. Baobab flowers with a pleasant musk scent bloom in the evening, pollination occurs at night, and they fall in the morning. Baobab fruits, shaped like thick zucchini hanging on long stalks, are very tasty, high in vitamins and minerals, and can be equivalent in nutritional value to veal. On the outside they are covered with a fleecy skin. The local population appreciates them for their pleasant taste, rapid absorption by the body and ability to relieve fatigue. The seeds of the fruit are roasted, crushed and used to prepare a high-quality coffee substitute. The dried inner part of the fruit can smolder for a long time, driving away blood-sucking insects, and the ash is used to make cooking oil and soap. The leaves of the tree are a storehouse of useful substances. They are used to make soups, salads and cold appetizers. The shoots of young asparagus have an excellent taste. Baobab is a tree whose pollen is an excellent base for making glue. Paper and coarse fabric are made from porous bark and soft wood.

The cannon tree grows in South America, South India and the islands Caribbean Sea Its trunk is covered with large, cannonball-shaped fruits. On its trunk, a tree can simultaneously have from two hundred to three hundred fruits with a diameter of 15–24 cm. The fruits weigh several kilograms.
When ripe fruits fall to the ground, they often burst, making a sound similar to a cannon shot. Like coconuts, the fruit of the cannonball tree is very strong and heavy, and can cause serious injury to anyone carelessly passing under the tree. It is not surprising that you can often see a sign on trees with the inscription “Beware of falling cannonballs" Having fallen to the ground, the fruit is destroyed, releasing an unpleasant odor. True, it attracts some animals as food.
Due to their pleasant scent, the flowers of the Cannon Tree are often used in perfume making. The hard shell of ripe fruits is used to make souvenirs, dishes and other household utensils.

The country has considerable wealth,
The depths of the earth do not take into account miracles,
But more important than many, perhaps,
For the breath of the Earth - forests!
They contain treasures of health and wisdom,
There is unspeakable beauty in them,
They are a source of natural joy,
This is the basis of life - forests!

The most pressing problem of our time is the problem of human interaction with nature. This extremely important aspect of ecology cannot be left out of the participation of teachers.

Preschool childhood – First stage formation of the child’s personality, his ecological culture and environmental consciousness.

The forest is so big ecological system, provides enormous opportunities for this. It is well known that in Lately The condition of the forests has deteriorated significantly. This is facilitated Forest fires, deforestation, air pollution, resource depletion, forest littering, etc. In order for the forest to be healthy and beautiful, it must be protected.

The problem is the lack of environmental culture and environmental awareness.

The reasons for this are as follows:

  1. Flaw scientific knowledge about nature.
  2. Lack of development of environmental consciousness in children and parents.
  3. Lack of a system of direct communication with nature (walks in nature).

Basics of character life position The child is laid in the family. And in order to explain to children how to take care of nature, in order to instill in them some natural history skills, the personal example of parents is very important! Their careful, loving, caring attitude towards nature. The task of parents is to instill an ecological culture and respect for the forest in their children.

beauty native nature reveals the beauty of human labor, gives rise to the desire to make one’s land even more beautiful. Therefore, it is so important to show children how people protect and multiply natural resources, how much work they put into making forests happy for everyone.

In raising a child careful attitude There are no and cannot be trifles to the forest. Leaves just torn from trees, broken branches, a bug trampled in the heat of persecution - all this, if treated indifferently by adults, can lead to extremely undesirable consequences.

Children's love for nature begins with understanding its values. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to show the cognitive and aesthetic value of the forest. Thanks to this, over time, a careful, responsible attitude towards the natural environment will develop.

Parents can interest their child in a variety of ways.

Talk with children about the forest. Explain to children the need to take care of the forest for the benefit of all life on Earth.

Show that the forest is one of the sources of wealth and well-being of people, that man cannot make materials better than those created by nature.

Teach children not to break bushes or damage trees.

Systematically explain to children the relationship between nature and humans. Learn to notice the beauty of the surrounding nature.

Organize walks in the forest with your child more often.

Exercise your children in following the rules of behavior in nature:

In the forest you need to walk along paths, because you can step on insects.

On trampled soil, it is difficult for earthworms to make their “moves” and the soil does not loosen, and plant roots “suffocate” without air and gradually die.

You cannot light fires or break branches.

You cannot play loud music in the forest because you can scare the bird away from its nest.

You cannot destroy bird nests, look into nests, pick up eggs or chicks.

During walks, it is interesting to show children the plants listed in the Red Book, introduce the children to medicinal herbs, and tell them why they are called that. Children easily remember names such as coltsfoot, valerian, plantain, etc. Thus, every child should be well aware of the rules of behavior in the forest.

It is important to create an emotional contact between the child and nature: let him wander around on his own, find something unusual, sit quietly on a hillock, listen to the singing of birds or the murmur of a stream, or just look around him.

Each family has every opportunity to awaken and develop a child’s interest in the life of nature and the need for constant communication with it.

Reading books aloud about the forest and the life of forest inhabitants is very important. By involving the child in a discussion of what they read, adults explain unclear points and direct his thoughts and interests to the life of nature.

Environmental education It will be more effective only if there is constant, daily communication between adults and children in the family. Don’t waste your time reading good poems and stories about the forest, or going for walks. And then your children and adult life will treat the forest consciously and carefully.

What our children will be like depends on us.

It is necessary for each of us to truly love nature, forest wealth. Save the greenery of the forests, sunlight And Fresh air, clean water- this means ensuring the life of our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. Our children must help us save our forests.


CHILDREN OF HIGH PRESCHOOL AGE SHOULD KNOW THE NOUNS: rose hip, currant, raspberry, barberry, hawthorn, thorns, lumps, clusters, berries, aspen, rowan, linden, apple tree, spruce, pine, birch, buds, branches, trunk, leaves, fruits, seeds, catkins, crown, top, bark, roots, cones.

ADJECTIVES: white-trunked, slender, tall, low, elegant, beautiful, large, carved, birch, spruce, rustling, rough, branched, evergreen, spreading, small, green, yellow, red, prickly, smooth, round, oblong, sweet, sour, ripe, bitter, hard, soft, juicy, healthy, medicinal.

VERBS: prickly, grow, stand, sway, fall, ripen, sway, pick, collect, bloom, decorate, fly, crumble, make noise, plant, tremble, water, fertilize, protect.

Birch - birch.
Spruce - spruce.
Rowan - rowan.
Pine - pine.
Aspen - aspen.
Currant - currant.
Linden - lime.
Apple tree - apple tree.

What is the name of this tree?
Tree or shrub?
How big is it?
Where does it most often grow?
What parts does it consist of?
What kind of tree trunk does it have? (thick, thin, tall, short...)
What kind of bark does the tree have? (dark, light, smooth, rough...)
What shape are the leaves? (round, oval, carved, elongated, needles...).
How can it benefit people?
How does it change in different times of the year?
What can be made from this tree?
Why do people plant trees on city streets?

A mature tree is taller than a bush.
The tree has one trunk.

This is a birch tree. She has a white, thin, slender trunk. The branches have round leaves. The birch tree feeds with the help of its roots. Birch is a large deciduous tree. Most often it grows in the forest. In the city, people plant birch trees to make the air clean. Various crafts are made from birch bark. In spring, buds appear on the birch tree and turn into leaves. The birch tree remains green all summer. In autumn the leaves turn yellow and fall off. In winter, bare branches are covered with snow.

All plants can be divided into three groups: trees, shrubs and herbs. Trees are the largest and longest-living representatives of living nature. They are as tall as a ten-story building.
The tree consists of three main parts.
The roots hold it in the ground and absorb water and mineral salts from the soil.
The trunk and branches carry the sap and lift the leaves towards the sun. The tree becomes taller and wider due to the growth of shoots and branches at the top.
The trunks of all trees are covered with bark, which protects the delicate inner part wood from drying out and various damages.

Trees are deciduous and coniferous.
Deciduous trees shed their leaves in the fall and the leaves appear again in the spring. TO deciduous trees include willow, linden, maple, oak, birch, and poplar.

Shrubs are similar to small trees, but differ from them in that they do not have one thick trunk, like a tree, but several thin trunks connected together at the base.

Trees purify and humidify the air, create coolness, and some produce delicious edible fruits. A felled tree is construction material: dried trunks are used to make boards, plywood, furniture, toys, and paper. Trees grow slowly, so they need to be protected. We need to protect the trees, take care of them, sometimes talk to them kindly, and in the spring, plant young trees together with our parents.

What trees do you know? (deciduous and coniferous).
Where do trees grow?
What types of forests are there?
(If pine and spruce trees grow in a forest, then this forest is coniferous.
If oaks and aspens grow in a forest, then this forest is deciduous.
If spruce, birch and oak trees grow in a forest, then this forest is mixed.
If birch trees grow in a grove, then it is a birch grove.
If there are oak trees in a grove, then it is an oak grove.
If maples grow in a grove, then it is a maple grove.)
Why are they called that?
What does the tree have? (Root, trunk, branches, leaves (needles), crown, fruits.)
Are trees different from shrubs? How?
Are trees living or non-living?
Who (or what) helps them grow?

Acorns grow on... oak;
clusters of rowan grow on - rowan;
apples grow on an apple tree;
catkins grow on - birch, alder;
a round cone on a pine tree;
long cone on a spruce tree. Etc.

Spruce - Christmas tree.
Pine - pine.
Birch - birch.
A needle is a needle.
Branch - twig.
A bump is a bump.
Slender, curly, white-trunked... (birch)
Sad, sorrowful, weeping...(willow)
Slender, green, prickly...(spruce)
Strong, mighty, spreading... (oak).

There was a spruce tree growing near the house. There were cones on the spruce tree. Lena was collecting cones in a bag. Lena gave the cones to her mother. Mom made toys out of cones.

Where did the spruce grow?
What did mom make from the pine cones?
What kind of toys could you make from pine cones?



It's fun in the spring,
It's cold in the summer,
Nourishes in autumn
Warms in winter. (Tree)

Takes from my flower
The bee has the most delicious honey.
But they still offend me:
The thin skin is torn off. (Linden)

I have longer needles than a Christmas tree.
I grow in height very straight.
If I'm not on the edge,
The branches are only at the top of the head. (Pine)

Like pine trees, like fir trees,
And in winter without needles. (Larch)

Green in the spring, tanned in the summer,
In the fall I wore red corals. (Rowan)

Russian beauty stands in a clearing,
In a green blouse, in a white sundress. (Birch)

I dropped my curls into the river
And I was sad about something,
What is she sad about?
Doesn't tell anyone. (Willow)

You will find her in the forest,
Let's go for a walk and meet.
Stands prickly like a hedgehog
In winter in a summer dress. (Spruce)

In summer there is snow! Just laughter!
Snow is flying around the city,
Why doesn't he melt? (Poplar fluff)

No one is scared, but everyone is trembling. (Aspen)

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