How is the forest useful? What does the forest give us? The main wealth of forests Find out what forests give people

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Creative name of the project: The forest is a home, and everyone feels comfortable in it.”

The goal of the project: to develop environmental literacy among students. Project objectives: To introduce students to the meaning of the forest. Consider environmental problems in the forest belt that arise due to human fault. Teach students to formulate learning objectives, choose methods of activity. Teach how to select information from various sources (including the Internet) and systematize it. Develop skills in public presentation of the project.

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“Brainstorming” (formation of student research topics) – 1 lesson, 15 minutes. Forming groups to conduct research, putting forward hypotheses for solving problems - 1 lesson, 20 minutes. Choosing a creative name for the project (together with students) - lesson 2, 10 minutes. Discussion of the students’ work plan individually or in a group – lesson 2, 15 minutes. Discussion with schoolchildren of possible sources of information - lesson 3, 20 minutes.

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Stages and timing of the project:

Independent work students to discuss the assignment of each in the group - lesson 3, 10 minutes. Independent work of groups to complete tasks - lessons 4, 5, 6. Preparing a presentation by schoolchildren on a report on the work done - lesson 7, 20 minutes. Defense of the obtained results and conclusions – lesson 8, 20 minutes.

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Topic of the educational project: What does the forest give to people?

Fundamental question: What does the forest give to people? Problematic questions: Where and why do forests grow in Russia? What is the importance of forests in human life? Where do forest environmental problems come from? Is man a friend or foe of the forest? Academic subjects: the world, literary reading. Participants: 4th grade students, Semyon Vorobyov, Gegham Asatryan, Darina Fatkullina, Olesya Samartseva.

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Problems (topics) of students’ independent research:

“The forest is a home, and everyone is comfortable in it” - Semyon Vorobyov. Ecological problems of the forest. - Asatryan Gegham. Is man friend or foe? - Samartseva Olesya. Where and why do forests grow in Russia? - Fatkullina Darina.

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Research presentation results:

Environmental competence of students on the topic of forest protection. Ability to work with information from different sources, illustrate it. Develop observation skills. Develop research skills.

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Project: What does the forest give to people?

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1. Where and why do forests grow in Russia?

Most of Russia is located in a forest zone, stretching from the eastern borders of the country to its western borders. In the northern part of the forest belt, where the surface of the earth receives less heat than the southern part, dense, impassable coniferous forests which are called taiga. Cold-resistant tree species grow in the taiga: spruce, pine, fir, larch and cedar. To the southwest of the taiga, the surface of the earth receives more heat and moisture, so they grow there along with coniferous trees mixed forests: birch, aspen, alder, willow, bird cherry, oak. The most powerful tree of these forests is the oak. Oak trees are demanding of soil, heat, and moisture, so they spread east only to the Ural Mountains. They extend even further south broadleaf forests and groves. In these forests grow: maple, ash, beech, elm, oak, linden, hawthorn, viburnum, rose hips, raspberries. Forests occupy more than half of Russia's territory and constitute our main natural wealth.

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2. “The forest is a home, and everyone feels comfortable in it.”

What is the importance of forests in human life? There is nothing nicer: A mountain ash is waiting for us in the forest, Wandering and thinking here, Nuts and flowers. It will heal, warm, Fragrant raspberries will feed the Russian forest. On dense bushes. And if the thirst torments me - Life seems different, Then the little forest forest leaves me And my heart doesn’t hurt, Among the thorny thickets When above my head, A fontanel will show. Like eternity, the forest is noisy. The meaning of the forest: pharmacy source clean water and food source of wood source of fuel home for plants, animals, mushrooms protector of air, reservoirs, soil resting place

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3. Ecological problems of the forest.

Where do forest environmental problems come from? We came to the river to spend Sunday, but we couldn’t find a free place near the river. They sit here and sit there: Sunbathe and eat, Relax as they want, Hundreds of adults and children. We walked along the bank and found a clearing. But in the sunny meadow there are empty cans here and there. And, as if to spite us, Even broken glass!

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Forest problems:

People try to preserve broad-leaved forests - there are very few of them. Back in the 18th century. By decree of Peter I, cutting down oak groves was prohibited in Russia. In the forest zone, fur-bearing animals and fishing on rivers and lakes are developed. However, uncontrolled hunting of fur-bearing animals has led to a reduction in their numbers. Therefore, now hunting for many animals is limited or completely prohibited. The main problem of the forest zone is Forest fires. A fire in a forest is very difficult to extinguish, especially in windy weather. After the fire, the forest begins to slowly die out. The children's fun of setting fire to dry grass very often turns into a tragedy for the forest. Attention! The forest is harmed by: Human pollution of the forest with food waste Deforestation Illegal hunting Fires

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Forests in Russia grow in conditions favorable to them, which depend on heat, amount of moisture, climatic conditions, soil properties, etc. The forest is important for humans as a source of health, clean air, and a habitat for animals. 3. Human destruction of forests for economic needs and through negligence can lead to an environmental disaster on Earth. Take care of the forest!

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Do you know how many gifts the forest gives us? The significant benefits of forests affect our health, industry, rivers, and fields. Unfortunately, people do not fully appreciate such generous gifts.


Thanks to the forest, factories receive basic industrial products consisting of wood. These are wood resins, wood flour, from which linoleum, wood-laminated plastic, cellulose, turpentine, alcohol, particle boards, fibreboards, etc. are made. The list can be continued for a long time.

Wood is used on the farm, it acts as timber and lumber, such as timber, plywood, boards. What does forest give us in the industrial sphere? Railways, construction buildings, bridges, power line supports and much more.

Many items necessary for humanity are made from processed products and from wood itself: chairs, blackboards, teachers' chairs, desks, ceilings, floors, window frames, school roofs, walls. Smaller items: sneaker materials, briefcases, toys, textiles outerwear, skis, clubs, sleds, balls for playing football. This list is also far from complete.

What benefits does forest bring to the national economy?

The national economy cannot do without forest materials from which they are made: handles for shovels, boats, sleds, matches, carts, plywood, furniture, varnishes, fishing floats, wheel rims, etc. Each of us can continue this list ourselves. Think for a minute, what would happen if there was no wood? What would we end up with?

Spruce wood

White with a yellowish tint, having a silky tint, pliable and sonorous, spruce wood has been valued by mankind for a long time. It was used to build royal chambers, temples, huts, bridges and barns. Spruce wood gave us the opportunity to develop creatively, thanks to the following instruments: guitar, violin, balalaika and other musical sources.

Just one cubic meter of such wood produces 600 half-silk suits, 400 pairs of magnificent silk stockings and 250 kg of cellulose.

Pine resin

For farming, resin (pine resin) is extracted from the forests. To do this, use specially prepared notches to cut the tree bark and collect the resin in a vessel. Rosin is obtained from pine sap - a substance that produces garden putty, driers, high-quality soap, synthetic rubber, plastic, varnishes, artificial leather.

Benefits of the forest

Are you still asking what the forest gives to people? The forest feeds man! Berries, mushrooms, animal and poultry meat are all the merit of the forests. The forest clothes the man! Forest animals are rich in warm natural fur, which is used to dress people in cold weather. winter time. The forest teaches a person, it gives him all the necessary school subjects. The forest heals with its beneficial medicinal herbs. The forest saturates our lungs with carbon dioxide and oxygen.

We can talk about the benefits of forests for a very long time. But the conclusion will always be the same - they need to be protected and not forgotten about how important this is for each of us.

Objectives: To develop knowledge about the characteristics of trees different breeds; To develop knowledge about the characteristics of trees of different species; Understand the beauty and value of each tree; Understand the beauty and value of each tree; Show the inextricable connection and significance of the forest in human life; Show the inextricable connection and significance of the forest in human life; Nurture love and careful attitude to nature. Foster love and respect for nature.

Russian forest There is nothing nicer to wander and think here. It will heal, warm, and feed the Russian forest. And if thirst torments me, then the little forest boy will show me a fontanel among the thorny thickets. Rowan berries, nuts and flowers, fragrant raspberries on the dense bushes are waiting for us in the forest. I’m looking for a clearing of mushrooms, not sparing my legs, And if I get tired, I’ll sit down on a stump. Life seems different, And the heart does not hurt, When overhead, Like eternity, the forest is noisy.

They are necessary for animal and human nutrition: ASPEN - the hare gnaws aspen in winter, since its bark contains 10% fat. CEDAR – pine nuts are the favorite food of bears, squirrels, wild boars and sables. BIRCH - Birch juice good for human health. OAK – the fruits of the oak tree are eaten by birds, cattle. LIPA - the queen of Ussuri honey plants, main value– linden honey, linden oil.

FOREST is our wealth! THE FOREST is the green outfit of our Earth. Where there is a forest, there is always clean air. THE FOREST is a home for animals and birds. THE FOREST is a pantry that generously gives away its gifts: nuts, mushrooms, berries. FOREST is furniture, paper, industry. FOREST is a “green pharmacy”. In order for a person to receive values ​​from the forest, he must take care of it and protect it!

Riddle: The house is open on all sides, It is covered with a carved roof. Come into the green house. You will see miracles in it. Subject educational project: What does the forest give to people? Author: Larisa Petrovna Vasilchenko, primary school teacher at Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 3” in Orenburg. 4th grade. The world. Natural areas . Russia is a country of forests. Creative name of the project: The forest is a home, and everyone feels comfortable in it.” The goal of the project: to develop environmental literacy among students. Project objectives: To introduce students to the meaning of the forest. Consider environmental problems in the forest belt that arise due to human fault. Teach students to formulate learning objectives and choose methods of activity. Teach how to select information from various sources (including the Internet) and systematize it. Develop skills in public presentation of the project. Stages and timing of the project: “Brainstorming” (formation of student research topics) – 1 lesson, 15 minutes. Forming groups to conduct research, putting forward hypotheses for solving problems - 1 lesson, 20 minutes. Choosing a creative name for the project (together with students) - lesson 2, 10 minutes. Discussion of the students’ work plan individually or in a group – lesson 2, 15 minutes. Discussion with schoolchildren of possible sources of information - lesson 3, 20 minutes. Stages and timing of the project: Independent work of students to discuss each assignment in a group - lesson 3, 10 minutes. Independent work of groups to complete tasks - lessons 4, 5, 6. Preparing a presentation by schoolchildren on a report on the work done - lesson 7, 20 minutes. Defense of the obtained results and conclusions – lesson 8, 20 minutes. Topic of the educational project: What does the forest give to people? Fundamental question: What does the forest give to people? Problematic questions: Where and why do forests grow in Russia? What is the importance of forests in human life? Where do forest environmental problems come from? Is man a friend or foe of the forest? Academic subjects: the world around us, literary reading. Participants: 4th grade students, Semyon Vorobyov, Gegham Asatryan, Darina Fatkullina, Olesya Samartseva. Problems (topics) of students’ independent research: “The forest is a home, and everyone is comfortable in it” - Semyon Vorobyov. Ecological problems of the forest. - Asatryan Gegham. Is man friend or foe? - Samartseva Olesya. Where and why do forests grow in Russia? - Fatkullina Darina. Results of the research presentation: Environmental competence of students on the topic of forest protection. Ability to work with information from different sources and illustrate it. Develop observation skills. Develop research skills. Project: What does the forest give to people? Authors of the project: 4th grade students of secondary school No. 3 Asatryan Gegham, Vorobyov Semyon, Samartseva Olesya, Fatkulina Darina. Leader: Larisa Petrovna Vasilchenko Hypothesis: Human life and forests are interconnected. Research methods: observation, experiment, analysis, generalization, excursion. 1. Where and why do forests grow in Russia? Most of Russia is located in a forest zone, stretching from the eastern borders of the country to its western borders. In the northern part of the forest belt, where the surface of the earth receives less heat than the southern part, dense, impenetrable coniferous forests grow, which are called taiga. Cold-resistant tree species grow in the taiga: spruce, pine, fir, larch and cedar. To the southwest of the taiga, the surface of the earth receives more heat and moisture, so mixed forests grow there along with coniferous trees: birch, aspen, alder, willow, bird cherry, oak. The most powerful tree of these forests is the oak. Oak trees are demanding of soil, heat, and moisture, so they spread east only to the Ural Mountains. Broad-leaved forests and groves extend even further to the south. In these forests grow: maple, ash, beech, elm, oak, linden, hawthorn, viburnum, rose hips, raspberries. Forests occupy more than half of Russia's territory and constitute our main natural wealth. 2. “The forest is a home, and everyone feels comfortable in it.” What is the importance of forests in human life? There is nothing nicer to wander and think here, it will heal, warm, and feed the Russian forest. And if thirst torments me, then the little forest boy will show me a fontanel among the thorny thickets. Rowan, Nuts and flowers are waiting for us in the forest. Fragrant raspberries On dense bushes. Life seems different, And the heart does not hurt, When overhead, like eternity, the forest is noisy. The meaning of the forest: pharmacy source of clean water and food source of wood source of fuel home for plants, animals, mushrooms protector of air, reservoirs, soil resting place 3. Ecological problems of the forest. Where do forest environmental problems come from? We came to the river to spend Sunday, but we couldn’t find a free place near the river. They sit here and sit there: Sunbathe and eat, Relax as they want, Hundreds of adults and children. We walked along the bank and found a clearing. But in the sunny meadow there are empty cans here and there. And, as if to spite us, Even broken glass! Forest problems: People try to preserve broad-leaved forests - there are very few of them. Back in the 18th century. By decree of Peter I, cutting down oak groves was prohibited in Russia. In the forest zone, fur-bearing animals and fishing on rivers and lakes are developed. However, uncontrolled hunting of fur-bearing animals has led to a reduction in their numbers. Therefore, now hunting for many animals is limited or completely prohibited. The main problem of the forest zone is forest fires. A fire in a forest is very difficult to extinguish, especially in windy weather. After the fire, the forest begins to slowly die out. The children's fun of setting fire to dry grass very often turns into a tragedy for the forest. Attention! The forest is harmed by: Pollution of the forest by people with food waste Deforestation Illegal hunting Fires Conclusions: 1. 2. Forests in Russia grow in conditions favorable to them, which depend on heat, amount of moisture, climatic conditions, soil properties, etc. The forest is important for humans as a source of health, clean air, and a habitat for animals. 3. Human destruction of forests for economic needs and through negligence can lead to an environmental disaster on Earth. Take care of the forest!

Target: introduce the importance of forests in nature and for humans.


  • consolidate the difference between taiga, mixed and broadleaf forests;
  • consider environmental problems in the forest belt that arise due to human fault;
  • develop cognitive interest in studying nature;
  • cultivate respect and love for nature, a culture of behavior.

Equipment: map “Natural zones of Russia”, multimedia textbook “The World Around us” for 4th grade, poster with a picture of a forest, cards.


I. Organizing time

Hello forest, dense forest,
Full of fairy tales and miracles!
What are you making noise about?
On a dark, stormy night?
What are you whispering at dawn?
All in dew, like in silver?
Who is hiding in your wilderness?
What kind of animal? What bird?
Open everything, and do not hide:
You see - we are our own!

II. Communicating the topic and purpose of the lesson

Teacher. The theme of our lesson is “hidden” in this poem. Which natural area will we go to today?

Students. The poem talks about the forest, which means today we will go to forest zone.

III. Updating students' knowledge

– Before moving on to studying a new topic, I would like to find out what you know about the forest zone.
– Show the forest zone on the map: taiga, mixed forest, deciduous forest.

A drawing competition is being held “How I imagine the taiga, mixed and deciduous forest.” Students comment on the drawings.
The teacher offers to listen to several reports about the inhabitants of the forest, prepared by students at home.
At the teacher's choice, several students work using cards.

1) Write 2-3 power circuits in the forest area.
2) Connect with arrows the trees and the forest in which they grow:

- Now we will solve the crossword puzzle.

1. Which tree is a symbol of Russia?
2. Conifer tree, which sheds needles.
3. This animal has a spotted color, “whiskers” and tufts on the ears.
4. This animal can not only jump, but also fly.
5. Coniferous forest.
6. A coniferous tree with flat needles and cones sticking up.
7. Lives in the wilderness of the forest, both in summer and winter, a diligent worker, a forest carpenter with a nose.
8. Coniferous tree with short needles located singly.
9. Tree with heart-shaped leaves.
10. What bird distributes the fruits of the cedar pine?
11. Coniferous tree with a smooth yellow trunk. The needles are long and come in pairs.

The answer. Take care of the forest.

IV. Learning new material

– Today in class we will talk about forest protection, the role of the forest in people’s lives and the role that people play in the life of the forest.
The entire forest from the treetops to the ground is inhabited by animals. And what a variety of plants! And all this lives together, is closely interconnected and does a huge job.
Work in groups. You need to choose forest animals (group I), forest plants (group II), flowers and berries (group III)

V. Reading of S. Nikulina’s poem “Russian Forest”

There's nothing sweeter
Wander and think here
Heals, warms,
Feed the Russian forest.

And the thirst will torment -
That's a little forest guy for me
Among the thorny thickets
The fontanel will show.

I’ll bend over to him to get a drink -
And you can see everything to the bottom.
Water flows,

A rowan tree is waiting for us in the forest,
Nuts and flowers.
Fragrant raspberry
On dense bushes.

I'm looking for a mushroom clearing
I, without sparing my legs,
And if I get tired -
I'll sit down on a tree stump!

The forest loves pedestrians very much,
For them, he is completely his own.
There's a goblin wandering around here somewhere
With a green beard.

Life seems different
And my heart doesn't hurt
When over your head,
Like eternity, the forest is noisy.

– What relationships is this poem talking about? (About the relationship between man and forest.)
– What role does the forest play in people’s lives?

Based on the students’ answers, the teacher writes down the diagram “The Meaning of Forests” on the board.

Physical education minute

The deer has a big house.
He looks out his window -
Bunny by running through the forest,
There's a knock on his door:
"Knock Knock, open the door,
There's an evil hunter in the forest."
“Bunny, bunny, run in,
Give me your paw quickly!”

VI. Teacher. Is a person always fair to the forest? Is it his fault that environmental problems in the forest arise? Listen to the trees talk. "Oak and Rowan".

- Oh, Rowanushka, Rowanushka, why are you sad?
- I, Oak, was a fresh rowan, but I became a dry snag. They skinned me like crazy, butchered me like a nut. No berries, no twigs, no branches - even if you hit the fire with your head. At least you would stand up for me.
- What are you doing, Rowanushka! I myself am the kind of person who would rather put it in a woodshed. All autumn they knocked acorns off me - they thrashed me with stones and sticks. My whole soul was shaken out. I was an oak tree, but I became a club.

VII. Group work

– What environmental problems are we talking about:

Group I

Sasha cried as the forest was cut down,
She is still sorry to the point of tears.
There were so many curly birches here!
There, because of the old frowning spruce
The red clusters of viburnum looked out.
A young oak tree rose there,
Birds reigned in the top of the forest,
All sorts of animals were lurking below.
Suddenly men with axes appeared.
The forest rang, groaned, and crackled.
The hare listened and ran away. (N. Nekrasov.)

- About what environmental problem is the poem talking about? (It's about about deforestation.)

– Look at how wood harvesting is currently going on. (Painting “Logging”) If earlier the forest was cut down as needed, with the help of an ax (which cannot destroy forest areas), now after the work of lumberjacks such pictures remain (showing photographs). People thought that there were so many forests that they could not be cut down. Now it has become clear: the forests are in danger! The girl Sasha from N. Nekrasov’s poem also understood this; she felt sorry for the birds and animals left without a home. How do the photographs make you feel? (Free expressions of children). These photographs evoke different feelings, but I am glad that you are not indifferent to the fate of the forest, that you are concerned about the problem that has arisen - this means that you will look for ways to solve it. This is your homework.

Group II

– Listen to V. Shefner’s poem “Forest Fire”:

Forgetful hunter at rest
I didn’t sweep it away, I didn’t trample the fire.
He went into the forest, and the branches were burning out
And they reluctantly smoked until the morning...
And in the morning the wind dispersed the fogs,
And the dying fire came to life.
And, throwing sparks in the middle of the clearing,
He spread out his crimson rags.
He burned all the grass and flowers together,
He burned the bushes, green Forest went.
Like a frightened flock of red squirrels,
He darted from trunk to trunk.
And the forest was buzzing with a fiery blizzard,
The trunks fell with a frosty crack,
And like snowflakes, sparks flew from them
Above the gray drifts of ash.

– What human act became a terrible disaster for the forest? (The man did not put out the fire, but it flared up and turned into a forest fire.)

- But this might not have happened if the person had followed the rules for making a fire and had not forgotten to extinguish it and make sure that the fire would not flare up again. You will have to compile a reminder “How to make a fire” at home for such would-be hunters and tourists.

III group

Did you see the swans being shot?
Did you see them fall?
Tell me, what if the birds knew
And if only they understood,
That their farewell flight will be
People will shoot them at dawn,
Tell me, would they not fly?

Students. This refers to illegal hunting (poaching).

Teacher. Man has long killed animals to obtain food for himself, but this was necessary for the survival of people. People began to kill even more than they could eat. Now, excessive hunting has led to the complete extermination of some animal species. Nowadays, hunting of forest animals is limited, and poaching is punishable by law. The following are listed in the Red Book:

  • Plants: ginseng, lady's slipper.
  • Beetles: corncrake beetle, stag beetle, relic woodcutter.
  • Birds: eagle owl, mandarin duck.
  • Animals: bison, Amur tiger.

Let's fill out the diagram.

VIII. Consolidation

– Draw signs that would reflect human actions that are dangerous to the forest. What should you show in your signs?

Students. You can't cut down a tree. You can't make fires. You cannot leave trash in the forest. You can't kill animals.

IX. Lesson summary

– What is the significance of the forest for people?
– What plants and animals of the forest are listed in the Red Book.

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