What animals live in Mongolia. Desert in Mongolia. Gobi Desert - plants, animals, interesting facts. Animal world of Mongolia

With this blog, I will limit my impressions of the animal world of Mongolia. Naturally, it is impossible to cover the topic in one trip .... Who are we for this vast Universe? As Kabayashi Issa wrote in haiku

Our life is a dewdrop.
Let only a drop of dew
Our life is still...

Maybe I undeservedly ignored the cattle ... The Mongols have cows like this (meat direction) ... They graze on their own and can repel the predators of the steppes ...

real masters of the steppes...

ships of the desert...

all-weather yaks...

and golden goats...

coexist with wild relatives...

Mazaalai (Ursus arctos gobiensis) - Gobi Brown bear living in the Gobi desert in Mongolia. A very rare animal is on the verge of extinction, the population is only about 30 individuals.

The photo is not mine... There are many legends about Mazaalai... He walks mostly on two legs, eats grass, does not enter into conflicts... (Yeti?)

Vip room, of course they smiled ... but the Mongols are proud of their animals and guard them ...

nevertheless, the most numerous rodents here ... but what about ... they are the main ones in the food chain ...

I walk through the Sakhalin fields, where there are a lot of mice, but I have never met such curious ones ... The quantity forms the mentality ...: 0))

moreover, they are different here: here is the mistress of the Xiongnu kurgan...

and this close relative jerboa...

sometimes their excessive curiosity forces them to carry out educational work ...

too curious end up on the table for predators...

gophers, the same are very common ... quite a furry beast ...

but the main tarbagan in the world of rodents is the Mongolian marmot ...

"What can be in common between the legend of a rodent and the founder of a great doctrine? But further research in the field of folklore will show that the transition from Yerke-surk to Yerka, the head of the cult, does not seem insurmountable." So he put the question in his book "Yerke. The cult of the son of heaven in North Asia: materials for the Turkic-Mongolian mythology" G.N. Potanin.

and what a chic fur ... Malachai from him is a feast for the eyes

yesterday I took a sable that ran to us on Sakhalin .... compare the fur ...

and hunting for a tarbagan is a whole comedy in several acts ... I spied on a picture in the museum: one hunter dresses up in white hare and ... dances in front of the burrows of the tarbagan. The one freaked out from the performance, climbs out, takes a place in the stalls ... and then other hunters take him ... Craving for art is detrimental to tarbagans ... Run, Yerke ... run ...: 0))

to complete the picture (not loved by me) there are not many insects in the desert and steppe, but if you come across ... vile, but dangerous ... At least you shouldn’t walk in sandals ... At the top there is a desert tick, at the bottom there are locusts ...

01. A towel B hair dryer C fork D knife. A b c d. A cold milk B juice C bread D medicines. forest hazards. Dangers. Never use without adults: A matches B doll C computer D cat. Home dangers. 03. Fire. A alarm clock B iron C refrigerator D fire extinguisher.

"Clothes of the Slavs" - Embroidery played a special role in the national Slavic costume. The national clothes of the Slavs were everyday and festive. Slavic costume. Among some Slavic peoples, instead of a sundress, women wore a skirt. A patterned kokoshnik served as a festive headdress. After the wedding, a woman must necessarily appear in public only in a headscarf. On such a shirt, as a rule, a sundress was put on. The national Slavic costume was directly connected with the life of the peasants.

"Visiting Spring" - Live nature. Each willow lamb is like a fluffy yellow chicken: Sitting and glowing. You click - the golden smoke burns. A hornet on mica wings, striped, angry and hungry like a tiger. Author Thematic planning Lesson. Topic: On a visit to spring Resources. The willow has blossomed. Repetition of the material covered on the topic: Inanimate nature. Tiny helicopters. Anisimova Antonina Ilyinichna. Birds are the first heralds of spring. Start. Butterflies spread their wings. Pava flew in, sat down on lava, Dissolved feathers for any potion. If you touch it with your finger, your finger will turn yellow. Lungwort. The flies are buzzing.

"Long-lived animals" - Completed by: Teacher Yaroslav, student of grade 2a. Elephants are long-lived. Route sheet. Hypothesis. Animals are long-lived. Find out which animals live longest. Pets are long-lived. WHALES LONG-LIVERS - 150 years. MKOU Russkopolyanskaya Gymnasium No. 1. reasons for longevity. Hatteria is the same age as dinosaurs 200 million years. Turtles are long-lived animals.

"Patterns Nature" - Create boulevards and squares. Start test. Added a template for correcting incorrect text from the keyboard. From the discharge of sewage from factories and factories, sewage from farms. Colorless. due to fires and natural Disasters; Compiled by the teacher primary school Kocheshovskaya school Mednikova N.A. according to the template of Ivanov D.V. The transition between slides is carried out programmatically. Time: 0 min. 25 sec. Because of the construction of cities, roads, cultivation of fields. Clean.

"Red Book of Yugra" - In places of nesting, the factors of population decline are oil extraction and drainage of swamps. Assumptions: When the clutch dies, a second one is laid, but always with fewer eggs. Beak length less than 38 mm. The clutch consists of 2-8 (on average 5.5) whitish eggs with a green tint. Full plumage of chicks occurs after about 70-75 days. Go to the library for the necessary literature. Feathers on the neck are somewhat elongated. After 5 weeks, the chicks hatch and are cared for by both parents.

Rare animals and birds of Mongolia

Mongolia- a country with boundless expanses under a clear blue sky and with a virgin rich animal and flora. In the mountains of Altai, Sayan, Khangai and Khentei, the alpine tundra is combined with the taiga of Siberia, and free steppes directly bordering deserts Central Asia. Therefore, the diversity of the animal world is so great here. Many species of Arctic, Mediterranean, Siberian, Manchurian and Central Asian faunas live in Mongolia. get in here and European species. In total, about 380 species of birds and 138 species of mammals are found here.

In the Red Book of Mongolia 18 species of birds and 17 species of mammals are listed. Of the birds, it includes: Siberian Crane, Black and White Cranes, Bustard, Beauty Bustard, Black Stork, Spoonbill, Whooper Swan, Mute Swan, Sukhonos, Mountain Goose, relic seagull, curly pelican, pheasant, white-tailed eagle, osprey and reed pike. From mammals: wild camel, Przewalski's horse, Mongolian kulan, Mongolian saiga, saiga, reindeer, the Ussuri elk, the reed boar, the piscivorous bear, the red wolf, river otter, dressing, steppe cat, snow leopard irbis, an Asian subspecies of the beaver, forest dormouse, long-eared jerboa. Many of these species are included in International Red Book.

Of course, a lot could be said about these animals, but we will limit ourselves to bringing summary only for some species of rare animals and birds.

Mongolian saiga- endemic to western Mongolia, that is, it is found only here and nowhere else. Has a limited range. Very few. Is one of the rarest species world fauna.

It lives in the dry steppes of the foothills of the Altai Range from Ulaan Nur to Lake Ubsa.

Mongolian saiga horns have long been highly valued in oriental medicine. And high-quality meat is a favorite dish of local residents. This was the main reason for the strong decline in the number of a unique species.

The Mongolian saiga is different from the saiga inhabiting the steppes Central Asia and Kazakhstan, small size, whitish color. Males have short and thin transparent horns. They escape from pursuers at a fast trot, reaching speeds of up to 70-80 kilometers per hour. Characteristic running saiga - low head. Therefore, the Mongols call this animal "bukhun", that is, hunched. In June, females usually bring two cubs. It feeds on feather grass, multi-rooted onion, wormwood, blackberry and other plants. On the pasture, especially in spring, autumn and winter, the saiga competes with livestock. The fishing of this animal is prohibited, the number of saiga is at an extremely low level. In order to preserve the gene pool of this rare animal, it is necessary to create a restricted zone in its habitats, reduce livestock grazing, intensify the fight against poachers, conduct extensive research on the ecology of the saiga and develop measures aimed at increasing the total number of this species.

Mongolian kulan now found only in the southern and southwestern regions of Mongolia. Very rare. It is included in the International Red Book. According to the census of 1974, there are about 15 thousand of these animals. In terms of speed, the kulan is not inferior racehorse, and surpasses it in endurance. Almost from the day of its birth, the young kulan runs as fast as adult animals. This allows you to escape from your main enemy - the wolf.

In its distribution, the kulan is closely associated with water sources. In winter, when there is snow, and in spring, when there is a lot of surface water, the animals disperse widely across the steppe, but in a dry one. summer period kulans concentrate around watering holes, moving away from them no more than 10-15 kilometers.

Now the kulan is under strict protection, and it is hoped that the protection and relative inaccessibility of the habitats of these animals will allow them to be preserved for centuries.

Snow leopard (irbis) lives in the mountainous regions of Mongolia. Rare everywhere. The distribution of these predators is closely related to ungulates, and primarily to mountain goats and rams. It is under strict guard.

wild camel lives only in the Trans-Altai Gobi. Included in the International Red Book. In total, there are several hundred of these animals. Previously, there were much more camels and the range of this species occupied the deserts of Central and Central Asia. Now a wild camel can be found only from the southern slopes of the Edrengin ridge to the state border, and from east to west - between the ridges of Tsagan Bogd and Azh Bogd. The main habitats are hollows, desert slopes of mountains and hills. In summer, autumn and spring, it occurs near water bodies. It comes to watering holes at dusk or at night. A camel brings one camel in April.

The wild camel is more slender than the domestic one, it has long, thin legs, thinner and shorter hair. Camel hunting has been banned in Mongolia since 1930. To preserve this species, domestic camels are not allowed into its habitats, special restricted areas are created.

Pike-eating bear found only in a very small area of ​​the Trans-Altai Gobi. There are no more than two dozen individuals of this species. The bee-eater inhabits mountains with deep gorges near springs among thick reeds. It makes long journeys in search of food. 1-2 cubs are born. From its brown counterpart, the pischooter bear differs in small size, relatively light color, white claws, agility and fast running. The area where this rare animal lives is completely included in the boundaries of the Great Gobi Reserve.

Measures are being taken to create favorable conditions and to increase its number.”

white-naped crane distributed in the northeast and in the extreme east of the country in the basin of the Onon and Ulza rivers, in the middle and lower reaches of the Kerulen, Khalkhin Gol and on nearby lakes. The total number of this crane in Mongolia does not exceed 400 specimens. They arrive in April, from mid-May the birds begin to arrange nests. They lay two eggs. Chicks appear in the first decade, June. Both parents take care of the offspring. natural enemies- large hawk birds and four-legged predators. Due to nesting sites, the White-naped Cranes compete with the Common Cranes. On the recommendation of the Mongolian-Soviet biological expedition, the government of the Mongolian People's Republic decides to preserve the nesting biotopes of the white-naped crane along the Uldza River.

relic seagull was not so long ago known only from the USSR from Lake Alakol and several lakes of the Chita region. And in the 70s, these rare birds were found in the basin of lakes Boir and Khukh Nuur. It is assumed that this species also inhabits some of the western lakes of Mongolia.

mountain goose- one of the species, the number of which is constantly declining. Especially for last years. It is almost non-existent in the Khentei mountainous region, it is scarce in the central Khangai, on Huosugul and in the Mongolian Altai. The total number of these birds in Mongolia is now estimated at two to three thousand. And it is believed that this is the largest breeding population of mountain goose in the world.

The main factors behind the sharp decline in the mountain goose population are big cut their livestock in wintering areas, destruction of nests, poaching and an increase in the disturbance factor of the nesting period. Mountain geese arrive in Mongolia from mid-March. Nests are arranged along the pebbly shores of lakes, on ledges of rocks. They lay 5-6 eggs.

Cane sutor And, as it was believed, lives only in the reed beds of Eastern China. But over the past 6-7 years, Soviet ornithologists in the basin of Lake Khanka and members of the ornithological detachment of the Mongolian-Soviet biological expedition in eastern Mongolia have found new habitats for this bird.

The reeds of Lake Buir, the lower reaches of the Azyrgan Gol River and a group of lakes in its system are still Famous places nesting of the reed sutor in Mongolia. In these areas, this bird is a fairly common species.

Where the sutora lives, measures are being taken to conserve reed beds.

Article tags: Animals, Entertaining material

In connection with fishing on this trip, an understanding arose. Understanding how fragile this "fish abundance" is. The Mongols began to fish, in the villages and campsites near the fishing spots - signs fried fish. Plus, the Chinese, they say, are buying up fish. All this, sadly, will soon put an end to the excellent Mongolian fishing.

Mongols identify fish with spirits. Those. if you kill a fish, the spirits get angry. That's why they never fished. But right now, more influential spirits have appeared and "loot conquers evil."
In the spring in Mongolia, a total spawning ban on fishing until June 15th. But despite this, in the western part they catch fish, spitting on everything. Everything is like ours.

One pleases - the export of fish through customs is prohibited in any form. At least our compatriots do not use barrels of grayling.

Well, let's not talk about the bad, let's talk about the good! Khubsugul! The fish are still there, you just have to find them. In the evening it was found by bursts. It would seem - a uniform coast, the bottom is also uniform ... But only in one place on the surface - splashes and circles. We throw it there ... Lenok!

We didn’t catch a lot, a couple of pieces and that’s it. But we had enough, and the size pleased.

In 2009, there was a curious incident at Khubsugul.
First fishing on the lake. I have read and heard about local lenks. I put on a trout-lenok lure, inflate the boat, and set sail from the shore to the depths. The water is more transparent. How deep is completely unclear. I lower the lure like a sinker to measure the distance to the bottom. The lure falls to the bottom and immediately hooks. I pull - a snag ... It's a shame, the first cast - minus the spinner! :(I pull carefully. And suddenly the snag starts to pull to the side... :)

like this unexpected gift from the lake.

After that, we spent two days scouring the water area, tapping the bottom with a jig, throwing some snacks ... And of course, not a single burbot appeared :)

Okay, let's go back to 2011. From Khubsugul we went to the lake Terkhiin-Tsagan-Nur, which is "abundant with fish" in the guidebooks. But apparently, everything is changing very quickly, and no fish were found there. I wrote about this a little earlier. Instead of bites, fragments were found on the shore Chinese networks and mummies of dead burbots and perches.

And then we went up the river. Ider-Gol. It was necessary to immediately go to it, and not spend three days on the trampled Terkhiin-Tsagan-Nur.
In Ider-Gol - grayling and lenok. The road goes along the river. Stopping for a snack, we immediately catch a couple of pieces of both. Then he fished more, let everyone go. Lenok was caught small, but apparently the whole thing is in spinners. I did not expect that the Bluefox turntables #3 and #4 would be enough for medium-sized grayling and a very small lenok. I should have gotten bigger baubles!

Most of the bites are at the moment the spinner falls into the water. Just like a fly

There is also a taimen, but we did not get it. There were simply no suitable places for him in these places - more and more stretches and even rifts.

Further the path lay on the lake Khyargas-Nur.
We are incredibly lucky with this lake. Tourist season already ended, many yurts were taken off the coast and dumped somewhere. We drove to the southwestern part of the lake, to the isthmus, where the shore is rocky. We got up not far from an empty camp site, and for three days we were blissed out at an absolutely seaside resort.

The water in this part of the lake is slightly salty, and the osman is found in it.
Osman fishing is naturally sea fishing.

This fish of the carp family, but predatory. Nature deprived them of their teeth, and instead endowed them with a hefty head with a huge mouth. Looking at his head, the anecdote "I also eat in it" immediately comes to mind. The bikers met at the border enthusiastically told that they saw the heads of huge fish on the banks! They simply did not know what the proportions of the Osman's body were. :)

He pecks at everything that moves. I tried it on a lure - it takes. Long thin wobbler - takes. A short thick wobbler - takes.

There were no large ones, the thickest was 4 kilograms. Many have marks on their backs - apparently, a cormorant hunted them unsuccessfully in childhood :)

One osman for lunch is enough. And fishing is a pleasure! Therefore, further sport fishing "caught and released" begins. Caught on a large white spinner. In order not to injure his face with numerous hooks of a wobbler.

By the way, a funny souvenir was found on the shore. Homemade Mongolian tackle on the Ottoman. Impressive with its conciseness and faith in fishing luck

Ukha from ottoman - none. There is no navar, no aroma either. His meat is not fatty. But very gentle. Biologists met 3 years ago taught him how to cook: remove the fillet, lightly fry and stew in milk.

Well, again, signs of the times. On the shore, in a crevice among the rocks, lay a pile of dry Ottoman heads. As it appears, locals set up nets and feed tourists on the basis of fried fish...

And finally, Lake Tolbo-Nur. We stopped there to spend the night, but it turned out to break the spring :) But there was time to go fishing in the evening.

However, besides fish, many other living creatures live here.

About birds

Mongolia is generally some kind of bird sanctuary. Apparently, birds are not hunted here. And they feel extremely at ease.
Most of all, the hunting soul is struck by geese. At first I thought: "home". Turned out to be wild. But cheeky...
Not that at a distance of a shot ... at a distance of ten outstretched arms!

They graze, sleep, walk ... in general, they feel at home. They don’t fly around a car standing in an open field, but fly nearby, they only start to bang louder.

In addition to geese, swans are occasionally found, but few. But on the wet lowlands, especially after rain, there are a lot of storks. Spoonbills roam in droves, combing the silt with their flat beaks. And nearby, black storks catch frogs or someone else ... These, by the way, are more careful. Apparently they know that in the Red Book :)

Partridges are constantly found in the steppe. And if they had not taken off, I would never have known that they were there. The coloring is completely camouflage, sitting on the ground and completely merging with Mongolia.

Partridges, by the way, although they are relatives of chickens, they have a brain. With this brain, they perfectly understand that vultures, although scary, are absolutely not dangerous. There he is, sitting in the background:

Vultures are orderlies of the steppe. Appearance is proud, like an eagle

But the habits are absolutely not eagles. If a sheep has died somewhere, soon a dinner group of vultures will gather around. They are funny assholes. It’s hard for them to take off, so they walk on foot, hunched over and waddling from side to side. They swear, shoved, drag each other's offal ...

And of course birds of prey in Mongolia there is a great variety and richest assortment

From some tiny hawks to golden eagles. It is difficult to photograph them - they sit until the very last thread on a stone, then take off and disappear.
Today they have mastered hunting from under cars. They sit by the road and, as the car approaches, they do not take off, but rather tense up and turn their heads. Mice-gophers-pikas constantly dart in front of the car, and they guard them. Sometimes it flies further nearby, hunts:

Cormorants nest on the lakes. Black, the size of a goose, with a long beak, fly above the water itself. The person is treated with slight distrust. But when the cormorant is full, laziness wins over caution. On the shore of Khyargas-Nur met us penguin.

Upon closer inspection, the penguin turned out to be a gorged cormorant. Fat, with lowered wings, he sat on the shore and - I'm sure - hiccupped. There was even a doubt - is he healthy, not injured? No, just stuffed with fish. Having studied us, he lazily ran across the water and flew away.

About animals

The most ancient Mongolian animals are reptiles. Contemporaries and direct relatives of dinosaurs. Monstrous lizards, a thunderstorm and the death of all the surrounding insects. They proudly rise above the desert, majestically merging with the landscape... And in case of danger, they instantly burrow into the sand!

In general, Mongolia is the birthplace of rodents! There are a great many of them both in quantity and variety. The ubiquitous ground squirrels, pikas, jerboas, mice, some unknown half-jerboas - in short, their hordes. Marmots (in Mongolian Tarbog) were seen little, they are actively hunted by the Mongols themselves. We didn't see any large wild animals either. Hunting for ungulates in Mongolia is highly developed.

Gophers live mainly where the grass is thicker and greener. And where it is higher, drier and colder - there are pikas. Her portrait is at the beginning of the story. In some places the slopes are pitted with their holes, they especially like to dig under a stone or some kind of already inanimate object...

Thrifty mice mow hay and stack stacks at the entrances to burrows.

Jerboas run exclusively at night, and like hares - without leaving the headlights. When he jumps quickly, his legs are not visible, only his body, round as a tennis ball, ears, and a tassel on his tail.
By the way, there are also hares, and not in the steppe, but in rocky areas where you can hide from predators.

Well, about


At the end of the journey, we arrived at Lake Tolbo-Nur (where the spring was broken). The road to the bay turned out to be surprisingly traveled. It turned out that the Chinese go there - road builders. On the lake, they found a place where water from the nearest village breaks through cellular(this directly expresses the nature of the Chinese - everywhere they will find and use what they need)

In general, we also decided to carry out a communication session there. The session was erratic, and soon we put the phone down and got ready to go fishing. Curious birds were circling nearby, and then we hear - a new sound comes from the stones ... An ermine began to hunt for the birds!

The animal is extremely curious and agile, he quickly lost interest in birds, and focused on us. Well, what happened next, needs no comment. I was just filming and trying not to laugh....

Such robbery and banditry ...

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