What is not an inanimate object. Objects of inanimate nature. Self-determination to learning activities. Problem statement

Talking and writing about wildlife is accepted with elementary school: animals, birds, plants, insects are the object of the closest observation. Inanimate bodies are somehow overlooked and less interesting, so sometimes even adults cannot determine what belongs to inanimate nature. Let's finally look into this issue of natural history, especially since USE tests and GIA periodically return to children's issues!

The concept of "nature" from the point of view of the natural sciences includes everything that is not created by people. All living organisms are classified as living nature, all material bodies that appeared without the conscious participation of man are referred to inanimate nature. It is quite easy to distinguish a live cat, for example, from an inanimate stone, but confusion often arises with particulars. Here is a cobblestone - a material body inanimate nature. A brick is no longer a natural body, but an artificial one. A block of marble is a natural body, and David from under the chisel of Michelangelo is an art and, accordingly, its nature is of the same name.

If distinguish natural objects from artificial ones is quite real, knowing their origin, then the differences between living and non-living things can sometimes be completely non-obvious. To determine them, it is necessary to know the structure and functioning of the object of study. Bodies of inanimate nature:

  • do not exchange matter, energy and information with the environment (do not eat, do not breathe, do not emit energy and substances);
  • not capable of self-reproduction;
  • do not develop;
  • do not respond to stimuli;
  • have a simple structure.

The combination of these features allows us to speak of an object as inanimate.

In addition, there is a certain regularity in the existence of systems of inanimate nature: the principle of least action is relevant for them. The system always tends from a less stable state to a more stable one, keeping the minimum surface energy. The inanimate does not resist the influence of the environment, while the living struggles with it in order to continue the normal functioning of the organism.

Inanimate nature: interesting examples

Stone, star, water, ice, air, earth - all these are bodies of inanimate nature, possessing all its features. Their definition does not cause difficulties. But, for example, a tree: undoubtedly, a living organism that grows, develops, multiplies, reacts to the world and eventually dies. What about a fallen tree in the forest? When the roots stopped pumping nutrients, and the foliage - to be renewed, the lying tree ceased to be an organism and became a body - inanimate nature. Of course, changes occur with him, however, under the influence of living organisms or external factors: bacteria cause wood to rot, insects feed on it, wind breaks.

In any discussion about what objects belong to inanimate nature, viruses are mentioned as examples - either living organisms, or a complex of organic molecules. The fact is that they do not have a complex cellular structure, but multiply only in other people's cells, gathering from molecules like a crystal. Viruses also do not have a metabolism. However, they are subject to natural selection and carry their own genetic code which is unique to living organisms.

Coral reefs look like stone in every way, but they are created by the simplest invertebrates. coral polyps. This, however, does not make corals (and their colonies - reefs) living objects: polyps are living organisms, after the death of which a calcareous (sometimes organic) skeleton remains, forming a coral. Polyps that feed, reproduce, develop, and die are living things, while coral is non-living.

In nature studies classes, children are asked what relates to objects of inanimate nature: the sun - yes, a tree - no, the Moon is an inanimate body, the GLONASS satellite is an artificial object, water - yes, a stump - ... Here are the problems with the stump: it seems to be almost a tree, but at the same time it feeds, breathes and multiplies somehow completely imperceptibly (and when new shoots appear, it seems to be not a stump anymore, but again a tree). A dead stump, dried up - an inanimate body, fresh - a crippled living tree. Mushrooms, although not plants, are also alive, flowers in a flower bed are alive, in a vase they are dying, in a herbarium they are inanimate.

As you can see, there are intermediate states of objects between living and non-living matter: the functioning of the body after death is no longer possible, but individual cells and tissues are still alive. But the seeds of plants exhibit all the properties of inanimate bodies: their metabolism is slowed to the limit, they do not respond to stimuli, do not multiply (for example, in a bag in the refrigerator). Many plants look dead in winter. This is called the state of hidden life, and differs from the dead in that under favorable conditions the organism comes to life.

What is animate and inanimate nature: signs, description, examples

Sometimes children drive their parents into a dead corner by asking tricky questions. Sometimes you don’t even know how to answer them, and sometimes you just don’t find the right words. After all, children need not only to explain correctly, but also to speak in a language that is accessible to them.

The theme of animate and inanimate nature begins to interest the children even before the start school life, and it is of great importance in the correct perception of the world around us. Therefore, you need to thoroughly understand the topic of nature and understand why they distinguish and what it is - animate and inanimate nature.

What is wildlife: signs, description, examples

Let's first understand (or just remember) what nature is in general. There are a lot of living organisms and inanimate objects around us. Everything that can appear and develop without human intervention is called nature. That is, for example, forests, mountains, fields, stones and stars belong to our nature. But cars, houses, airplanes and other buildings (as well as equipment) have nothing to do even with the inanimate area of ​​​​nature. This is what man himself has created.

What are the criteria for distinguishing wildlife.

  • A living organism will in any case grow and develop. That is, it will definitely pass life cycle from birth to death (yes, as sad as it sounds). Let's look at an example.
    • Take any animal (let it be a deer). He is born, learns to walk after a certain time, grows. Then already in adult their children appear, the same deer. And in the final stage, the deer grows old and leaves this world.
    • Now let's take a seed (any, let it be a sunflower seed). If you plant it in the ground (by the way, this process is also thought out by nature). After a certain time, a small process appears, which gradually grows and increases in size. It begins to bloom, it has seeds (which then fall to the ground and repeat a new cycle of life). In the end, the sunflower dries up and dies.
  • reproduction, as a constituent and important component of any living object. We have already given some examples above that all living organisms reproduce. That is, each animal has children, each tree sprouts shoots from which new trees grow. And the flowers and various plants they scatter their seeds so that they germinate in the ground and from them new and young plants turn out.
  • Nutrition is an integral part of our life. All those who eat any food (it can be other animals, plants or water) belong to wildlife. To maintain life and development, living organisms simply need food. After all, from it we find the strength to develop and grow.
  • Breath- Another important component of wildlife. Yes, some animals or small organisms do this function in the same way that humans do. We breathe in oxygen through our lungs. We breathe out carbon dioxide. Fish and other inhabitants that live under water have gills for this purpose. But here, for example, trees and grasses breathe through the leaves. By the way, they do not need oxygen, but, on the contrary, carbon dioxide. Moreover, through special tiny cells (they also perform important metabolic processes), oxygen is released, which is necessary for animals and humans.
  • Movement- that's life! There is such a motto, and it fully characterizes the living world. Try sitting or lying down all day. Your arms and legs will simply ache. Muscles need to work and develop. By the way, children often have a question - how do trees or flowers move in a flower bed. After all, they have no legs and they do not move around the city. But note that the plants turn to follow the sun.
    • Do an experiment! Even at home, on the windowsill, watch the flower. If you turn it in the other direction from the window, then after a while it will again look out the window. It's just that plants make their movements very slowly and smoothly.
  • And the last and final step is dying. Yes, we mentioned in the first paragraph that everything completes its life cycle. By the way, in this matter, too, there is a fine line.
    • For example, a tree that grows is related to wildlife. But the already cut down plant will not breathe, move or multiply. This means that automatically it will already refer to inanimate nature. By the way, the same applies to a plucked flower.

Now let's delve a little into the topic, what other signs of wildlife are there:

We have discussed important mandatory conditions. Now let's add a few more scientific facts. Let's just say, in order for your child to shine with intelligence and quick wit even more. After all, do not forget that information in terms of study is never superfluous.

  • We mentioned that wildlife must move, breathe, eat, and go through a life cycle. But I would like to add one more small nuance. These are waste products and excrement. Excretion It is the ability of the body to get rid of toxins and waste. Simply put, all living organisms go to the toilet. It's just a necessary chain so as not to poison our cells. Trees, for example, shed their leaves, change their bark.
  • By the way, about cells. All living organisms are made up of cells! There are simple creatures that are composed of only one or a few cells (these are the so-called bacteria). But more on that later.
    • Many cells are grouped into a tissue. And those, in turn, put together a whole organ. Organs, or rather their composition (that is, the totality, group) make the finished organism. By the way, all living beings that consist of organs belong to the class senior representatives. And they are very complex organisms.

IMPORTANT: To make this topic clearer to the child, make a person or other living creature from the designer. Let him imagine that every detail is a cell.

  • It is impossible not to note also the energy of the Sun and the Earth. All living beings simply need sunlight and enjoy the gifts of the earth. For example, minerals. The most accessible and understandable are salt or coal, which are mined from its soil.
  • Each of us has our own habits in behavior. This is called a reaction to environment. Behavior is a very complex set of reactions. By the way, for each living being they differ from each other.
  • We can all adapt to any change. A person, for example, came up with the idea of ​​using an umbrella during the rainy season, while other animals simply hide under a canopy or a tree.

What types of living things are distinguished by biology?

  • Microorganisms. These are the most ancient representatives of wildlife. They can develop where there is water or moisture. Even such tiny representatives can grow, multiply and go through a whole complex life cycle. By the way, they can eat water and other nutrients. These usually include bacteria, viruses and fungi (but not the ones we eat).
  • Plants or flora(in scientific terms). The variety is simply huge - this is grass, and flowers, and trees, and even unicellular algae(and not only). Give a child full information about why they belong to the living world.
    • Because they breathe. Yes, we remember that plants produce oxygen, and absorb (or absorb) carbon dioxide.
    • They are moving. They turn to follow the sun, twist the leaves or drop them.
    • They are eating. Yes, some do it through soil (like flowers), get their nutrients from water, or do it all from two resources.
    • They grow and multiply. We will not repeat ourselves, since we have already given examples of such an explanation above.
  • It's just a huge complex that includes wild or domestic animals, insects, birds, fish, amphibians or mammals. They can breathe, eat, grow, develop and reproduce. Moreover, they have another feature - the ability to adapt to environmental conditions.

  • Human. It stands at the very top of wildlife, since all of the above signs are inherent in it. Therefore, we will not repeat them.

What is inanimate nature: signs, description, examples

As you have already guessed, inanimate nature cannot breathe, grow, eat, multiply. Although there are some nuances in these matters. For example, mountains can grow. And huge plates of the earth can move. But we will talk about this in more detail later.

Therefore, let's highlight the main features of inanimate nature.

  • They do not go through the life cycle. That is, they do not grow and do not develop. Yes, mountains can "grow" (increase in volume) or crystals of salt or other minerals can increase. But it's not because of the multiplication of cells. And because of the fact that there are "newly arrived" parts. Also, it is impossible not to note the dust and other layers (this is what is directly related to the mountains).
  • They don't eat. Mountains, stone or our planet do not eat? No, inanimate nature does not need to receive additional energy (for example, the Sun and the same Earth) or any nutrients. Yes, they simply do not need it!
  • They don't move. If you kick a person, he will start to fight back (here the reaction to the environment will also be involved). If you push a plant, it will either stay in place (because it has a root) or lose its leaves (which will then grow back). But if you kick a stone, then it just moves a certain distance. And then it will be immobilized to lie there.
    • The water in the river moves, but not because it is alive. The wind plays a role, the inclination of the terrain and do not forget about such a tiny detail as particles. A person, for example, consists of cells, but water (and other non-living elements) consists of tiny particles. And in those places where the connection between the particles is the smallest, they try to take the lowest place. As they move, they form a current.
  • Of course, one cannot ignore them. stability. Yes, the question may arise in my head that sand and earth have a free-flowing state (you can make cakes out of them). But they can easily withstand the weight of not only one person, but a whole billion (even several). And about the stone, you don’t even need to explain.

  • Weak variability- another sign of inanimate nature. A stone can change its shape, for example, under the influence of a current. But this will take not even a month or two, but several years.
  • And it is necessary to note the point lack of reproduction. Inanimate nature does not give birth to cubs, it does not have offspring, or it does not have additional shoots. And the thing is that their life cycle does not end. Take even our planet - it is already many years old. And the sun, stars or mountains. All of them, too, have been in their place in an unchanged state for many, many years.

IMPORTANT: The only change in nature is the transition from one state to another. That is, for example, a stone can become dust over time. And most a prime example water emerges. It can evaporate, then accumulate in clouds and fall as precipitation (rain or snow). It can also become ice, that is, take on a solid form. We remind you that there are three states - gaseous, liquid and solid forms.

What are the types of inanimate nature?

A child already in the primary grades should have elementary ideas not only about living nature, but also about inanimate elements. To make it easier to perceive them, you need to immediately distinguish three groups. Moreover, in the future, in a geography lesson, this will only be a plus.

  • Lithosphere. We all live in such a huge house as the Earth (by the way, this is the only planet in space where there is life). It does not consist only of earth, sand and vegetation. This is a relatively small (although its layer is at least 10 km) surface layer.
    • And under it there are more layers of the mantle (they are in a molten state and tens of times thicker than the uppermost layer), while the core is located inside the planet (it consists of molten metals).
    • And do not forget about such an important condition that our Earth's crust consists of puzzles. Yes they are called lithospheric plates. But for a more understandable perception, they can be attached in the form of pieces of a picture. Here they share Earth to continents and oceans.
      • Where they sink, water bodies (seas, rivers and oceans) are formed.
      • In places of elevation, earth surfaces and even mountains are formed (they appear as a result of the fact that one plate overlapped another).
    • Hydrosphere. Naturally, this is the water part of the Earth. By the way, it occupies almost 70% of the entire surface. These are rivers, lakes, streams, seas and oceans.
    • Atmosphere. In other words, it is air. It has several layers and it has two main components - nitrogen (occupies as much as 78%) and oxygen (only 21%).

IMPORTANT: We need oxygen to sustain life. But nitrogen, diluting it, does not allow excess inhalation of oxygen. So these components are very important to us and they keep each other in balance.

By the way, you still need to highlight separately. After all, without it there would be nothing alive. Yes, in principle, there would be just darkness. It gives us warmth, light and energy.

How do living beings differ from objects of inanimate nature: comparisons, features, similarities and differences

We have already given a complete concept of each aspect, highlighting the main differences between animate and inanimate nature. That is, they showed their main characteristics. Moreover, they provided it in expanded form, so we will not repeat it.

I just want to add what similarities there are between animate and inanimate nature:

  • We are all subject to the same physical laws. Throw down a rock or lizard. They will fall down. The only thing is that the bird will fly into the sky. But this is due to the presence of wings. Under water, it will still go to the bottom.
  • All chemical reactions equally affect living and inanimate nature. A lightning strike leaves a similar mark. Or an even simpler example - the appearance of salt deposits. That on a stone, that on a person there will be white stripes from the drying of sea water.
  • Of course, we do not forget about the laws of mechanics. Again, they are all subjected equally, without exception. For example, under the influence strong wind we start walking faster (if we follow him) and the clouds start moving faster across the sky.

  • We all have some kind of change. Just a person or any other animal grows, changes shape. The stone also grinds down, the cloud changes shape and color depending on the content of the number of water droplets (that is, moisture).
  • By the way, color. Some animals have or can become the same color as objects of inanimate nature.
  • Form. Pay attention to the similarity of a shell or lichen to a stone, or the structure of graphite to a honeycomb. And the snowflakes starfish, for example, do not cause any symmetry in the forms for anyone?
  • And, of course, we need the light and energy of the Sun.

How to show the relationship between animate and inanimate nature? Invisible threads between animate and inanimate nature: description

We gave not only the differences between animate and inanimate nature, but also showed common features between them. But it is also necessary to highlight the fact that in nature everything is interconnected.

  • For example, the simplest is water. It is necessary for all living representatives. Be it a man, a lion, a squirrel or a flower. The only difference is that plants get moisture through the root, while animals drink it.
  • Sun. It belongs to inanimate nature, but it is simply necessary for green plants to produce oxygen. Living beings need it in order to see and develop normally. By the way, the stars and the moon perform a similar function at night, for example, to light the way.
  • Some animals live in burrows they dig in the ground. And others, for example, ducks live in reeds. Moss grows on rocks.
  • Some minerals serve to nourish many animals and humans. Even take the most banal salt. Coal helps to keep warm, and it is mined from the bowels of the earth. By the way, this also includes the gas that enters our burners and pipes.

  • But animals play an important role. For example, fallen leaves, rotting, nourish the soil. Even some animal and human waste contribute to its enrichment. But it doesn't mean household waste, he does not rot.
  • Plants provide shelter for most animals, who in turn pollinate plants, disperse seeds, and drive off pests. For example, a tree or a stone serves as a house for a person (if it is built).
  • These are not all examples. Each chain of our life is closely interconnected with other aspects of nature. By the way, I would also like to isolate oxygen, without which not a single representative of wildlife would exist.

What indicates the commonality of animate and inanimate nature?

To do this, remember the course of physics. All living and non-living objects are made up of particles. Or rather, from atoms. But this is a slightly different, more complex science. And I would also like to connect knowledge from chemistry. All representatives of nature have the same chemical composition. No, they are all different in their own way.

  • But in any living representative there is the same element that is found in inanimate nature. For example, even water. It is found in all plants, animals, humans and even microorganisms.

The role of soil in the relationship of animate and inanimate nature: description

The role of water and oxygen is simply huge for wildlife. But the soil itself is simply impossible to overestimate. Therefore, we will immediately start with the most important thing.

  • The soil serves as a home for most representatives of the animal world. Some live in it, while others just build houses. Plants also "live" in the soil, because otherwise they will not be able to grow.
  • She is the most nutritious. Yes, no one compares to her. After all, it has all the necessary minerals and elements. And sometimes the connection can have indirect contact.

For example, soil nourishes plants and, together with water, promotes their growth. And those already become food for other animals. By the way, some animals are food for representatives of the higher chain.

IMPORTANT: We have already mentioned this, that animals and plants also enrich it after their death. And the chain begins again, the resulting substances become food for microorganisms and other plants.

  • For people, for example, it also serves as the basis for the extraction of all minerals and minerals. Even the same coal. And also, oil, gas or metal ores.

Factors of inanimate nature affecting living organisms: description

Yes, all factors of inanimate nature affect living organisms. And to a direct extent. You can find a whole lot of them, but we will highlight the most basic and main ones.

  1. Light and warmth. Refers to one point, since living organisms receive it from the Sun. Yes, its role is also hard to overestimate, because without the Sun there would simply be no life on Earth.
    • Without light, many organisms would simply die. Light enables many chemical processes in organisms to take place. For example, plants can produce oxygen only under the influence of sunlight. Yes, and you and I would not have looked like that.
    • temperature in each climate zone different. For example, at the equator (in the middle of the globe) it is maximum. There is a completely different vegetation and, for example, the skin color of the inhabitants is darker. And the animals there have other characteristics.
    • In the north, on the contrary, people with paler skin live. And you are unlikely to meet a giraffe or a crocodile in the Arctic. Plants also change in the degree of temperature change. The color and shape of the leaves change.
    • And the cold, in general, can be fatal for many living beings. At very low temperatures neither man, nor animal, nor plant, nor even bacteria will survive long.
  2. Humidity. It is also important for all life on the planet. Without it, both animals and plants will die in the same way. If the humidity falls below the required limit, then vital activity will begin to decrease.
    • By the way, in a hot climate, water vapor is better preserved. Therefore, frequent precipitation in the form of rain is observed. For example, in the tropics, they can be in huge numbers and go for several days.
    • In cold regions, approximately 40-45% of the moisture goes to the formation of dew or snow. We can conclude that the colder the area, the less often it rains. But in hot climates you rarely see snowfall.
  3. In the north, the ground is covered with a layer of snow. Therefore, she will not be so rich. In hot countries, sands are more common. Chernozem (that is, black earth) is considered the most fertile.
    • By the way, the shape of the soil is also important. In the mountains, again, there will be other plants and animals that have adapted to live on the slopes. And on the low ground, near the swamps, their own rules reign.

Why are humans classified as living beings?

Man does not just belong to wildlife, he is at the top of the whole chain! We talked at the very beginning about signs. Here we draw conclusions about this. Man breathes, eats, grows and develops. Everyone has their own children, and in the final stage we leave this world.

  • Moreover, a person can adapt to climate change and other environmental changes.
  • We all have our own reaction to what is happening. Yes, when we are pushed, we do not fly off to the side, but we fight back.
  • We make the most of the resources not only of the earth, but also of the ocean and space.
  • Man uses heat, light and energy from the sun.
  • Man has all the features of living nature, he has a mind and a soul. Moreover, he makes the most of this opportunity.

For example, animals cannot build their own house. And a person even makes a whole work of art. And this is just a small example of his work. We make the most of plants, trees and other animals. Even if you take the lion - the king of beasts. His person can easily win (yes, for these purposes he uses such inventions as a dagger or a pistol).

Video: Living and inanimate nature: objects and phenomena

The purpose of the lesson: To acquaint children with living organisms and their properties.


  • develop the ability to observe, think logically and creatively,
  • educate respect for all living things around us,
  • contribute to the formation in the minds of students of a single, holistically colored image of the world around them as at home, their own and common to all people, to all living things,
  • to systematize and expand children's ideas about animate and inanimate nature, develop interest in their knowledge, enrich moral experience, cultivate love for the natural environment.


  • picture of a children's playground
  • containers with soil, germinated bean seeds
  • newspaper "We and Nature"

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment

2. Self-determination to learning activities. Problem statement.

There is no person who would not hear or utter with admiration the phrase “What nature! Beauty!”, “I was in nature.” And what is nature? Let's try to answer this question.

Let's mentally go out into the yard (a picture depicting a playground is attached to the board). We have a playground in front of us. Consider this picture carefully. Name what is created by human hands, and what exists independently of us.

(in accordance with the answers of the children, the teacher writes down the named objects in the columns "Created by human hands", "Objects of nature").

So, what do we refer to as objects of nature? What is nature?

Conclusion: Everything that is not created by human hands, and we ourselves are called nature.

3. Knowledge update

What can we attribute to nature?

(the teacher sets the hourglass and the children express their opinions for 1 minute, which the teacher fixes on the board)

4 . Designing and fixing new knowledge.

Now let's test ourselves!

(the teacher opens the board with a table of wildlife objects; the teacher comments on each section, and the children say which of the following applies to each section.)

First of all, nature refers to:

  • Human
  • animals (animals, birds, insects, fish)
  • plants (trees, shrubs, flowers, herbs)
  • mushrooms (growing on the ground and trees, unicellular mushrooms, which are used, for example, in bread baking, and lactic acid mushrooms)
  • microorganisms that can be seen, for example, in a drop of water. These include bacteria, microbes, viruses.
  • stones that have existed for millions of years, minerals
  • air is a mixture of invisible gases, it is the atmosphere of the earth and water (it is everywhere: in the oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, in the soil, there is a lot of water in the atmosphere)
  • nature includes the Sun, the Moon-satellite of the Earth, the Earth, stars and planets

The diversity of nature amazes and delights people. To understand it, people classify all objects of nature. Nature is divided into living and non-living.

(Open the board with a table of natural objects.)

Let's think about what of natural objects we can attribute to living, and what to inanimate nature.

By what signs were we able to combine wildlife objects into one group, what do they have in common?

During the discussion, the children find out the signs of living organisms, which the teacher writes on the blackboard:

  • nutrition
  • breath
  • reproduction

5. Physical education minute

Get up, please, from your seats. I will do riddles. If the answer refers to wildlife, then you squat, and if it is inanimate, then you clap.

We all like it
We cry without him
And as soon as it appears
We look away, we hide:
It's very bright
And hot-hot! (Sun)

Is this a cat?
No, not a cat.
Is this a barrel?
No, not a barrel.
Maybe a pumpkin with a tail
She ran to visit us
Slipped under the porch
And pretty grunted? (piggy)

On a fragrant flower
A flying flower sat down. (butterfly)

Over forests, cities,
Over the fields
Caravans are passing by
Unprecedented ships.
Keep their way around the earth
These wonder ships. (clouds)

Alena stands:
green scarf,
thin mill,
White sundress (birch)

Strange star
Fell from the sky.
Lies on my palm -
And disappeared. (snowflake)

6. Knowledge update

Can living organisms become non-living?

Each living organism exists for a certain time, and then it dies, and new ones appear in its place. But if we do not take care of plants and animals, they can die before their time, so we must always remember that nature is our generous friend, it creates everything the necessary conditions for our life, in response we must protect and increase its wealth. And how to do it? How can we show concern for nature?

7. Practical experience.

Today we will try to multiply natural resources, let's plant the bean seeds that we sprouted in one of the previous lessons. If we do it right, with love and care, then the sprouts that appear will help us deal with the topic of the next lesson “Plants and Animals” (children plant sprouts in the ground)

8. Consolidation of what has been learned.

What is nature? Answer the question using the reference chart on the board.

(Everything that has existed, exists and will exist independently of man and his efforts is called nature.)

What objects of animate and inanimate nature can you name?

What features of wildlife objects did you recognize?

Man is also part of nature. The creative group of our class prepared a photo newspaper "We and Nature".

(Pupils hang a newspaper on the board)

The main task of man is to preserve and increase natural wealth. After all, nature is our great friend! Let's save nature!

9. Reflection of educational activity in the lesson.

When you get home and your parents ask you what you learned in class, what will you tell them?

Let's fill in our mood screen - today is a tree. If you didn’t like the lesson, you glue a yellow leaf on the tree, if you liked it, then green, and if you really liked it, a flower.





Department of Adaptive Education

Project type

Public lesson.

"Living and inanimate nature"

Pepinova Irina Vladimirovna,

Group #3



  1. Lesson topic: "Living and inanimate nature"
  2. Age of students– 7-8 years old (grade 1)
  3. Item name: the world
  4. Authors: G.G. Ivchenkova, I.V. Potapov
  5. Type of lesson : learning new material
  6. Lesson type: lesson of "discovery" of new knowledge.
  7. The purpose of the lesson: to form the ability to differentiate living and non-living nature

Planned results:

subject: Students will learn to differentiate between living and non-living things.

to form the concepts of "nature", "wildlife", "inanimate nature" and develop the ability to differentiate them

development of thinking, the ability to classify and exclude unnecessary concepts; memory development; visual and auditory attention and perception

building respect and careful attitude to nature, the development of the ability to see the beauty of nature

Regulatory UUD.

  • show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation;
  • independently evaluate the correctness of the action and make the necessary adjustments;
  • in collaboration with the teacher, set new learning objectives;
  • plan your actions; exercise final control; independently take into account the guidelines of action allocated by the teacher.
  • self-assess their performance in the classroom.

Cognitive UUD.

  • build logical reasoning, including the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships.
  • carry out subsuming under the concept on the basis of object recognition, selection of essential features and their synthesis;
  • search necessary information to complete the task; establish analogies;
  • carry out the analysis of objects; make a comparison; to select an object according to the necessary criteria.

Communicative UUD.

  • negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities.
  • to formulate own opinion and position; exercise mutual control and provide necessary mutual assistance in cooperation.
  • construct a monologue.
  • ask questions necessary to organize their own activities,
  • to formulate their own opinion and position.

Personal Outcomes: the formation of educational and cognitive interest in learning material; ability to assess one's own learning activities.

Metasubject results:

  • regulatory UUD: be able to accept and maintain learning task; plan your actions in accordance with the task; carry out step-by-step control on the result; adequately perceive the proposals and assessment of comrades;
  • cognitive UUD: build a message orally; to analyze objects with the identification of essential features, to compare and classify according to specified criteria;
  • communicative UUD: to be able to formulate one's own opinion and position; to ask questions; consider different opinions and justify your position exercise mutual control.

Equipment and materials:

Personal Computer; presentation on the topic "Living and inanimate nature"; individual tasks on separate sheets; pens; colored pencils, children's drawings.

Lesson progress (see below)

During the classes:

1) Organizational moment

Guys, now we have a special lesson. I will lead it and there are guests on it. Let's turn around and say hello to our guests

2) Setting goals and objectives of the lesson

Guys, try to guess what we are going to talk about today. You will be prompted by the pictures that you see on the screen.

Slide #1

Look my dear friend

What is around?

The sky is light blue

The sun shines golden

The wind plays with leaves

A cloud floats in the sky.

Field, river and grass,

Mountains, air and foliage,

Birds, animals and forests

Thunder, fog and dew.

Man and season

It's all around ... (nature)

About nature.

Slide number 2

Right. Today we will talk about nature. We remember everything we know about her. The theme of our lesson is living and inanimate nature.

3) Conversation

D let's take a look around. What surrounds us? What do you see?

Desks, computer, chairs, etc.

Right. Guys, is this nature?

No. These are things. They are made by human hands.

Fine. Now let's look out the window. What do you see there?

Trees, grass, sky, etc.

Can we call them nature?

Yes. This is nature. They are not made by human hands.

Right. This means that nature is what surrounds us and is not created by human hands.

We found out what nature is. Who remembers what nature is like? What two groups can objects of nature be divided into? Let's look at the screen.

Slide #3

What do you see?

Tree, cat, butterfly, etc.

Is it nature?


What is this nature?


Right. This is living nature. What about wildlife?

Slide #4

Animals, birds, fish, insects, plants, fungi, bacteria.

Slide #5

Look at the screen. These pictures also have wildlife, but one picture is superfluous. Think what.


Right. Why is he redundant?

Because he is not alive.

Right. How can we distinguish living from non-living?

Living things breathe, eat, grow, multiply, move, die.

Slide #6

Well done. We remembered the signs of wildlife. All living things necessarily breathe, eat, move, grow, give offspring.

How does a person breathe? And the cat? And the fish?

What does a person eat? And the cat? And the cow? And the caterpillar?

How does a tree grow? And the butterfly? And the frog?

What is the human offspring? Have a cat? Dogs? Bear?

How does a person move? And the bird? And the fish? And the tree?

We found out what belongs to wildlife and how we can distinguish living from non-living. But what about inanimate nature? We look at the screen.

Slide number 7

So, inanimate nature is stones, earth, water, sun, mountains, sand, stars.

Slide number 8

We found out that we are surrounded by the world of things on the one hand and

Slide number 9

nature on the other. Nature is everything that is not created by human hands.

Slide number 10

Nature is both living and non-living. All living things breathe, grow, eat, move, give birth, die.

4) Consolidation of the studied material

physical education minute

Game "Guess where nature"

Now we will play the game "Guess where nature is." I will give you a word, and you will say whether it is nature or not, and if it is nature, then what kind, living or not. One, two, three, four, five, we begin to play. Try to give an answer - where is nature, and where is not.








5) individual task on separate sheets

6) The solution of the test "Living and inanimate nature"

Accompanied by a slide show. Children take turns reading the questions aloud and answering them.

Slide #11

1) What is nature?

  • Everything that surrounds us
  • Everything that surrounds us and is not created by human hands
  • Everything created by human hands

Slide #12

2) What is nature like?

  • Nature is living and non-living
  • Nature is only alive
  • Nature is only inanimate

Slide #13

3) What is inanimate nature?

  • Bullfinch
  • Table
  • Stone

Slide #14

4) What is related to wildlife?

  • Tree
  • Doll
  • Cloud

Slide #15

5) To what group can a person be attributed?

  • Man is living nature
  • Man is an inanimate nature
  • Man is not nature

Slide #16

6) What is not nature?

  • Tit
  • Lizard
  • Metro

8) Working with cards

Filling in the table " Live nature/Inanimate nature". Each student has their own copy of the spreadsheet. Children write the suggested words in the appropriate boxes.

10) Summing up the lesson

What did we study today?

What do you remember the most?


When planning the methodological work of the school, the teaching staff sought to select those effective forms that would really allow solving the problems and tasks facing the school and teachers. primary school.
When studying the standards of the second generation, I singled out for myself fundamental difference in transition to new level education. The activity approach is the basis. The child learns the world around him through activity, which should become the basis of learning. It is the activity, and not just a collection of certain knowledge, that is defined by the Standard as main value learning. In conditions when the volume of information doubles at least every five years, it is important not only to transfer knowledge to a person, but to teach him to master new knowledge, new activities. This is a fundamental change. My main task in preparing lessons is to get away from the teacher's monologue, to come to the conclusion that the child receives knowledge not because he carefully listens to the teacher, but because he comes into contact with new knowledge through activity. The functions of the teacher have changed. The teacher only accompanies the child. I try to build a lesson in such a way that the student can feel like the master of the lesson: what can he answer, when to answer, how to answer. With this approach, the student is not driven into a certain "framework", I give him the opportunity to express his opinion. Working in the system, using the activity method, I strive to reveal the personality of the child, to instill in children an interest in education, in learning.
The key position of my methodological work is the formation in children of the ability to learn, that is, to develop the ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. When organizing educational activities in the classroom, I set myself the task of self-realization of students. The goal of training is the holistic development of the student's personality, that is, the most complete development of the active creative possibilities inherent in it.
The introduction of new federal state educational standards not only provides new opportunities for the student and teacher, but also increases the responsibility for the formation of the individual, the citizen. The new standard imposes new requirements on the results of primary education. They can be achieved thanks to modern teaching materials, including study guides a new generation that meets all the requirements of the standard: the optimal development of each child on the basis of pedagogical support for his individuality, in the conditions of specially organized educational activities, where the student acts either as a learner, or as a teacher, or as an organizer of the educational situation.
All exercises are designed so that each student, performing a series of tasks, can formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson. Quest system different levels difficulties, the combination of the child's individual activity with his work in small groups and participation in club work make it possible to provide conditions under which learning goes ahead of development, i.e. in the zone of proximal development of each student based on the level of his actual development.
When planning lessons, I try to follow the requirements for a modern lesson:
- independent work students at all stages of the lesson;
- the teacher acts as an organizer, not an informer;
- obligatory reflection of students in the lesson;
- high degree speech activity of students in the classroom.

For a long time I prepared myself to start geography with my son. She appeared in our studies with their country of origin, in the study of the flags of all countries and their capitals, and even the Cosmos, with the location of the Earth in it, we more or less learned from the cards “World on Ladoshka”.

Well, it's time to really introduce geography so that the child understands what the countries that he learned with flags and car emblems mean. What is Japan, China, France? But where to start? How to properly bring a child, two years of six months, to this huge topic?

Please be patient, the post will be long, but I hope it will be useful. I will describe our classes in detail so that you have a complete picture. While reading, think about what materials you have at home for this topic, what games for the development of logic, fine motor skills, and creativity you could offer your child. Consider the age, skills, and most importantly, the interests of your own child. Well, if our classes suit you to the fullest, then I didn’t waste time writing this material in vain.

So, let's begin. Having surrounded the available books and looking around in search of materials on this topic, I tried to draw up a plan for our classes. At first there was an idea to fruitfully walk along the continents, but Alexander's interest pushed me to a “journey” through Italy. But intuition suggested that something was missing, a jump across the continents or immediately to some country could not give a complete picture of the world.

And I decided to start with an explanation - what is living and inanimate nature. Having taken this topic, I nevertheless tried to take into account that a child of the third year of life endows with a soul and the ability to feel everything that surrounds him. The ability to see the living in the inanimate is one of the manifestations of the work of the imagination, which in turn is closely related to creative thinking. In other words, I explained more about what relates to living nature, just in a couple of words mentioning what relates to inanimate nature. Nevertheless, the child was able to draw his own conclusions.

Encyclopedic knowledge

This knowledge helped us get books.

The first one Entertaining geography publishing houses White City. We started with the chapter "A Planet Called Earth". We read, talked about the fact that Alexander lives in his room, his apartment, building, street, city, country - this is our little house. And then, as in the book, they switched to the idea that the country is located on a continent (ours is on an island). Continent - in a certain part of the world. Part of the world is in the hemisphere. And the hemisphere is on the planet Earth. It turns out that your home is the whole Earth.

It seems to me that such a position is correct for a child, then he understands better why and why it is necessary to protect the Earth. From the same book, we learned that our planet is like spaceship, which is constantly moving, never stopping for a minute. Of course, they repeated the location of our planet relative to the sun, how it rotates, at what speed. The globe that our dad brought us from the office helped us with this. The globe is black and white, but as a visual aid it will do.

Second book wonderful planet. We began reading this book with "The Shape of the Earth" and "What are the dimensions of the Earth." They took our little men from Lego so that they “bypassed” the Earth (globe) and they had to walk for 2 whole years, 10 hours a day. They took Alexander's cars so that they would “circle” the Earth. The plane, we have a Boeing 747, circled the globe in just 2 days. In general, we tried to read the topics in the book and beat them for clarity. Alexander had a lot of fun playing these games.

They also read about the air that surrounds us and about the rotation of the Earth around the Sun (here are the seasons, the day and the four cardinal points). Now I don’t remember where I first read that you can take a flashlight (the Sun) and pointing it at the globe to clearly show that at the same time in the four corners of the world different time days. So we did, simultaneously looking at the pictures in the book, where in New York the child wakes up, in Paris he has lunch, in China he has dinner, and in Australia he sleeps.

Since we again touched on the topic of the seasons, we read with pleasure “ All year round” Marshak from All the best for children. I have been looking for books with poems for a long time in our library. And although we have a lot of them, we both like this book, as it contains a lot of works for children of our age. The illustrations are quite colorful, and most importantly relevant to the text.

In general, when trying to explain to a child about animate and inanimate nature, you can use different books, even those that seem to be irrelevant to the topic. For example, Well, where else, if not in the garden, you can find many representatives of wildlife ?! There are plants, birds and insects.

It can be ideally explained in colorful illustrations exactly how trees and flowers eat. After all, the children did not see the roots with their own eyes, and when we explain that the flower drinks water from the rain and eats vitamins and minerals from the earth ... and where is the flower's mouth? Of course, a little later, the kids will torture us with their questions, and this will probably be one of the first. But now, going through the theme of nature, looking for all the signs of living nature in objects, it seemed to me successful to analyze this issue in this book.

One more example, Mole big book. We read “The Mole and the Rocket”: the mole rushes up, and the houses below are getting smaller and smaller .... yes, here it is geography in the picture in the book! A city by the sea, an island in the sea (my little home). There is also inanimate nature with the development of the child's imagination.

“I wonder,” thought the mole, “what kind of clouds really are: wet or dry, warm or cold, or maybe they are sweet?” And then the rocket flew down, leaving the child with all these questions .... . An ideal moment to talk about clouds, try on the signs of wildlife, dream up what they are. And who drives the clouds? Of course the wind. Well, let's do physical. warm-up:

The wind blows in our faces
The tree swayed.
The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter
The tree is getting higher, higher, higher.

Here Alexander argued for a long time that the wind was alive. And even that he breathes. Several times I had to ask questions if the wind is born, breathes, eats, reproduces and dies? And even in these questions the answer was “Yes”. Then she asked questions differently: Does the wind have a nose? What does the wind eat? What are the children of the wind called? As a result, the child agreed that we would attribute the wind to inanimate nature.

Downloading a book on the topic living and inanimate nature

I am sure that there are books for children that talk about animate / inanimate nature, but we didn’t have those, so we had to do it ourselves. The first book on Doman is called “Five Signs of Living Nature”. It is intended for independent reading by a child. In it, I tried to explain more accessible language, how can we determine whether an object belongs to wildlife or not. At the end, the child is given the task to determine by signs if the bear, butterfly, flower and children are alive.

The topic needed to be developed and as a result we had one big book called "Nature" consisting of 4 parts. I printed it on laser printer, fastened on a spiral and put a cover. I'm sure the book will serve us for a long time, since the topic of animate / inanimate nature will be considered in older groups of children. garden and school. What else is in this book? It begins with an illustrated poem. Alexander read it 2 times, and on the third he already told it himself, a very light and pleasant rhyme.

Look my dear friend
What is around?
The sky is light blue
The sun shines golden
The wind plays with leaves
A cloud floats in the sky.
Field, river and grass,
Mountains, air and foliage,
Birds, animals and forests
Thunder, fog and dew.
Man and season
It's all around...NATURE.

After the poem, the book continues precisely with “Five Signs of Living Nature”. Then the part “How animals and man adapted to the change of seasons”. I did it according to Doman, but I read this topic, like the next one, to the child myself, so that I could better focus on the content. Yes, and the text in the last two parts a little more. And we end with the chapter “Wildlife”, where we summarize everything that we have learned from the initial chapters. We talk about the need to protect nature and that no one has the right to arbitrarily interrupt the life of another.

A book explaining to preschoolers what relates to living and inanimate nature. It needs to be downloaded and printed.

You can download this book by becoming my subscriber. Fill out the form below and to the indicated email address an email will be automatically sent to you. If you don't receive it within ten minutes, check your spam folder. Since the book is large, I had to divide it into two parts.

An experiment for the little ones

Well, it’s probably difficult to call it an experiment, however, in order to consolidate the material, we fed pigeons and fish in the park. They discussed that they move, grow, eat, die and reproduce. She offered to feed the stone with bread in order to come to the conclusion that it does not eat, which means that it is inanimate. Alexander immediately took it with a laugh. He understood that the stone would not eat bread and laughed at me. My baby, laughing, gave me: “Mom, the stone does not eat, it is not alive.” Curtain, the experiment is over.

In the park, talk with your child, living or inanimate nature includes: a stone, pigeons, a pond.


As always, the “Big Book of Tests for the Development of the Kid’s Intelligence” helped us out.

Here you can take any tasks where there are representatives of animate or inanimate nature. Those. a task is carried out about the season, for example, after which we analyze what the sky, birds, trees, puddles, children refer to. Task: what happened before the bud or the opened flower? Here is an example for a child about the movement of flowers - the opening of a bud. And even “what should be drawn in an empty cell?” - a great example for talking about what kind of nature a mushroom, a Christmas tree and snowflakes belong to.

Fine motor skills of hands

1. Here I took the work on “It can be your baby” paper crumbs.

Creative work for the development of fine motor skills, where the child studies wildlife.

We break the bread. Paper for tearing of the same quality as the album sheets themselves. Of course, children are different, accidentally tearing a sheet of a book during a coup, this probably happens to everyone. But tearing this page into crumbs is really work for children's hands. And of course, during the work, the topic of birds that feed, fly, breed .. that is, was discussed. alive. Again, the movement of our planet; the season is winter; snow that covers food for birds; people who help wildlife in such difficult moments.

When working with a child, do not concentrate only on the process of tearing paper or gluing it in the right places. Turn on your imagination, discuss with your child the story you see on the page and bring him to the topic on which you are working. In our case, this living and non-living nature.

2. finger game with a discussion of who belongs to wildlife.

(Handles on the head, like bunny ears)
This is a bunny - a white side.
Bunny, bunny - lope, lope (we jump)
This is a goose - ha-ha-ha.
Ha-ha-ha, come here
(hands to the sides, we walk, we flap our wings).
Here is a goat - me-me-me.
Give me water Alex
(The thumbs are raised up like horns, the rest are clenched into fists).
This is a squirrel - jump-jump
(Handles pressed to the chest like paws)
Squirrel, squirrel - red side.

Music about nature

We really like Vivaldi's The Four Seasons videos. Compositions in which the scenes of nature are perfectly matched to the sounding music. We listened to 1 a day, since before we had already heard and seen them, doing music, this time we also had a discussion of nature while watching. Even our dad joined us, he liked what we do.

Wildlife cartoon

Receiving information from a child fairy tale characters difficult to overestimate. Therefore, I always select cartoons for thematic weeks. The best, as it seems to me to this topic, will be the series “Wildlife Lessons from Aunt Owl”.

Colloquial speech: pure talk about nature

Within one day, we 4-5 times after the end of the meal uttered these short tongue-twisters:

  • Yat - yat - yat - Nature must be protected.
  • La - la - la - we will save you Earth.
  • Wait - wait - wait - We don't need acid rain.

P.S. Acid rain had to be explained separately.

Creativity with a discussion of animate and inanimate nature

1. From the “Miracle bee” I chose works on inanimate nature. So, they took “Salute in the night sky” and changed it to stars; "Pond"; "Clouds"; "Rain". Alexander performed all the work himself, then discussed whether the objects belong to living or non-living nature.

Discuss animate and inanimate nature in the child's creative work: rain, puddle, stars, clouds, frogs...

2. On a walk, everything happens quickly. Mom thinks of something, and Alexander gives in to the idea for a few minutes, because there are a lot of interesting things around and you just want to walk and play. The idea was to talk about sand, stones, twigs, leaves and create some kind of picture from all of the above. But all that has been done joint work, these are stones, sand and the image of the sun over the house. We found out what these materials refer to and my child ran away to ride the slides.

On the playground in the game, discuss with your child whether stones, sand, fallen leaves belong to living or inanimate nature.

3. After reading the book “Our Garden” we decided to make our flower with roots. Alexander did the work himself with my tips. I was pleased to see that my boy's fingers were strong enough for the smearing technique. Luckily for us, sunflower seeds were on sale in the pharmacy (this is difficult here) and we included them in our exposition.

Using the example of a flower with roots, it is easy to explain why the flower is alive. And the smearing technique will strengthen the child's fingers.

4. From the “100 Masterpieces” for comparison, where is living and where is inanimate nature, I chose four reproductions:

Claude Monet was the first to hang on the board Corner of the garden in Montgiron and Henri Fantin-Latour Flowers in a vase. It is a little difficult to understand for a child, but still it is necessary to explain that the flowers that we cut and pick cease to be alive. Since we read the book "Our Garden" with an explanation of the structure of the flower and did creative work a flower with roots, I managed to tell in a fairly easy way that flowers cannot “eat” when they do not have roots, they gradually fade and we throw them away. From this, of course, it follows that it is better to admire and smell fresh flowers and not to pick them unnecessarily.

When discussing the painting Corner of the garden in Montgiron, I asked, what is alive in this picture? Alexander listed all living objects, and when asked what was inanimate, he answered that it was a house. I specifically omitted the topic “what is done by human hands”, since all toys would fall into it. But as I wrote above, the child himself drew conclusions on inanimate nature and included some things in this category, like a house, made by man.

2 paintings also participated in the second discussion: Konstantin Kryzhitsky Early spring and Victor Borisov-Musatov Spring. Here my child left his mother with her mouth open. He began to enumerate inanimate objects depicted in the painting “Early Spring” are mountains, snow, a river, the sky, and living ones are trees. Everything, the topic is mastered!

Board game for kids

I ordered the board game “Feed the Squirrel” before our trip to Disney via the Internet. And she fits our theme so well. The game develops fine motor skills, since the squirrel needs to be squeezed so that it takes acorns in its paws. Teaches the child to follow the order in the game, of course, the repetition of colors and competition. And if without jokes, then Alexander really won against me, he collected acorns in a hollow first. Of course, we talked about a tree and a squirrel, trying on the properties of wildlife.

As I wrote at the beginning, knowing what belongs to living nature, the child is able to draw a conclusion about what belongs to inanimate nature. I hope, dear readers, you liked the article. Please share your impressions about it in the comments.

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