Finger games "autumn". A selection of poems on the theme "autumn" Finger games "Autumn"

Autumn quests
V. Orlov

In the morning in the forest
Above the silver thread
Spiders are busy -
Telephone operators.
And now from the tree
To the aspen tree,
Like wires
Cobwebs sparkle.
The bells are ringing:
- Attention! Attention!
Autumn assignments!
- Hello, bear!
You hear?
- Yes Yes!
- It's just around the corner
Until winter comes
To the threshold,
Do you need it urgently
Find a den!

The bells are ringing
In squirrels and hedgehogs -
From the top
And to the lower floors:
– Check it quickly
Your own storage rooms -
Are there enough supplies?
For wintering?
The bells are ringing
At the old swamp:
- The herons are all ready
For departure?
- Everything is ready for departure!
- Good morning!
In April again
We are waiting for you!
- Hello, bunnies! –
Heard from the receiver. –
Winter is coming
Change your fur coats quickly!
The bells are ringing
In linden and maple:
- Hello, tell me,
Who's on the phone?
- Hello, at the phone
– Close;
Your anthills!

Golden leaves
E. Blaginina

Golden leaves are falling and flying.
Golden leaves decorate the garden.
There are many golden leaves on the paths,
We will make a nice bouquet out of them.
We will put the bouquet in the middle of the table,
Golden autumn has come to visit us.

S. Mikhalkov

We sit and look out the windows.
Clouds are flying across the sky.
The dogs are getting wet in the yard,
They don't even want to bark.

Where is the sun?
What's happened?
Water flows all day long.
It's so damp outside,
That you won't go anywhere.

If you take all these puddles
And combine into one,
And then by this puddle
Sit down
Measure the depth

It turns out that it's a puddle
The Black Sea is no worse
Only the sea is a little deeper,
Only the puddle is a little narrower.

If you take all these clouds
And combine into one,
And then on this cloud
get in,
Measure the width
That will be the answer
That the clouds have no edges,
That in Moscow it’s rain from a cloud,
And in Chita there is snow out of the clouds.

If you take all these drops
And combine into one,
And then this drop
Use a thread to measure the thickness -
There will be such a chapel
That no one ever dreamed of
And I will never dream
So much water!

R. Sef Rain,
The rain is drizzling
Sows rain through a sieve
The smoke is gray.
Rain is an artist:
He's drawing
And he plays the trumpets
No worse.
So the gray snow began to fall,
Lay down thickly.
How good is it?
And sad.

F. Tyutchev
There is in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day is like crystal,
And the evenings are radiant...

Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere -
Only a web of thin hair
Glistens on the idle furrow.

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
10 But the first winter storms are still far away -
And pure and warm azure flows
To the resting field...

E. Blaginina
Hello, autumn! Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came.
We, autumn, will ask you:
What did you bring as a gift?

N. Nishcheva
Let's go to the garden
We'll reap the harvest.

We'll drag carrots
And we'll dig up some potatoes.

We'll cut a head of cabbage,
Round, juicy,
very tasty.

Let's pick a little sorrel
And let's go back along the path.

They walk in a circle, holding hands.
"They're dragging me around."
"They're digging."
"Cutting off."

Show a circle with your hands - 3 times.

They walk in a circle, holding hands.

Polina Fomenko

Autumn holiday scenario« Aunt Autumn» , V older - mixed age group.

Teacher Fomenko. P.D.r. Krasnozerskoye village, Novosibirsk region

MKDOU Krasnozersky kindergarten №4

To the music, children enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.

1 child

Summer flew away quickly

A migratory bird into the distance,

Autumn has spread wonderfully

A fading shawl.

2 child

The guest gave - autumn

Fruit harvests,

drizzling rains,

Body of forest mushrooms.

3 child So let's praise autumn

Song, dance and games!

There will be joyful meetings

Autumn, This your holiday!

(To the song " Autumn has knocked on our door(phonogram)"appear Autumn walks around in a circle, sings along to the song, dances along.)

Hello, Autumn!

Hello, Autumn!

It's good that you came.

You have us autumn, let's ask

What did you bring as a gift?


- I brought you flour!


- So there will be pies!


- I brought you some buckwheat.


- The porridge will be in the oven.


- I brought you some vegetables.

- Both for porridge and cabbage soup.


– And apples are like honey.


- For jam, for compote.


- I brought honey.

Full deck!


- You and apples, you and honey,

You brought bread too.

And good weather

Did you give us a gift?


-Are you happy about the rain?


- We don’t want it, we don’t need it!

Autumn: no guys, which one? autumn without rain, here I have prepared for you game: “Who is the best puddle jumper?” Music for the game

(2 teams, 2 umbrellas, 2 stripes of puddles. The first players with an umbrella in their hands jump through the puddles to the Christmas trees standing at the other end of the hall, run back, pass the umbrella to the next player, etc.)

Leading: see autumn how our children seem to enjoy running through puddles. Well, they also prepared a song for you “ Auntie Autumn"

Autumn: You sing well.

And now it’s time to stretch your legs and compete. I invite you to the game “One-two-three! Take this sheet!

One two Three! Take the red leaf!

One two Three! Maple Leaf!

One two Three! Take any two sheets!

One two Three! Take the same sheet as mine!

One two Three! Don't take anything!

Autumn: Well done guys, you know how to play.

Ved: autumn and we know that with your arrival the leaves on the trees become multi-colored. And that's why we have prepared a dance for you « Autumn leaves»

(Dance being performed)

Autumn: Well done kids, you sing and dance, and can you solve riddles?

Autumn: I have a basket in my hands, (shows)

In it - autumn gifts.

Everything that I am rich in,

I brought it for the kids.

I brought vegetables

From the garden bed,

But to find them out,

Guess the riddles.

This fruit is sweet and delicious

And this product is useful.

He hangs on a branch in the garden,

The kids love him. (Apple or pear) .

This vegetable grew in the ground,

Today it's a pile on the table.

Fry or put a little in the soup

Very tasty (potato)

Without it, the soup is not tasty.

They put it in a vinaigrette,

Rub on a grater quickly, deftly,

Two for salad (carrots)

Summer grew and worked,

Dressed up in a hundred clothes.

Has grown thickly in the garden

Our juicy... (cabbage)

The vegetable is tasty, although small,

It fell from the garden into the jar.

Finally got salty

Our crispy (cucumber)

Autumn: Oh, well done, how everyone solved the riddles together, oh, well done!

Educator: see autumn how well children solve riddles. And we invite you to look skit"vegetable dispute"

scene"Vegetable Dispute"

Vegetables together: Which of us vegetables is both tastier and more useful?

Who will be the most useful in all diseases?

Ved.: The peas jumped out. What a braggart!

Polka dots: I'm such a good, little green boy!

If I want, I’ll treat everyone to peas.

Ved.: Blushing with insult, the beetroot grumbled.

Beet: Let me say a word, listen first,

I am needed for both borscht and vinaigrette,

Eat and treat yourself - there is nothing better than beets!

Cabbage: Shut up, you beetroot!

Cabbage soup is made from cabbage!

And what delicious cabbage pies!

Trickster bunnies love stubs,

I’ll treat the kids to a sweet stump!

Cucumber: You will be very pleased after eating a lightly salted cucumber!

And everyone will like a fresh cucumber, of course.

It crunches on the teeth, crunches... I can treat you.

Radish: I am a ruddy radish!

I bow to you very low.

Why praise yourself? I'm already known to everyone.

Carrot: The story about me is short.

Who doesn't know vitamins?

Always drink carrot juice and nibble on carrots -

Then, my friend, you will be strong, strong, and dexterous.

Ved.: Here the tomato pouted and said sternly.

Tomato: Don't talk, carrot, nonsense.

Shut up a little!

The most delicious and enjoyable

Of course, tomato juice!

Children: There are a lot of vitamins in it. We drink it willingly.

Ved.: Place a box by the window, water it more often,

And then, like a faithful friend, green onions will come to you.

Onion: I am the seasoning in every dish

And always useful to people,

Did you guess it? I am your friend.

I am a simple green onion.

Potato: I, potato, am so modest,

Didn't say a word

But everyone needs potatoes:

Both big and small.

Ved.: It’s time to end the dispute,

There is no point in arguing.

We all know that you are all together

Tasty and healthy. (vegetables in unison)

Autumn. And to finally reconcile you all. I suggest everyone together

Join the round dance!

Comes to life before our eyes

My cheerful garden! (Children wear vegetable hats)

I'm leading: Guys, our vegetables have made peace. For this I suggest you play a game "preparing vegetables" The game is being played (we transport vegetables by car)

Autumn. Guys, have you noticed that I have a magic scarf on my shoulders?

Handkerchief colorful painted,

Unusual, difficult!

I suggest to you, friends,

Let me play with the handkerchief!

Want to? Then everyone stand in a circle.

The game is being played "Magic Scarf"

Cheerful music plays, children run lightly around the hall, the music changes to calm - the children crouch and cover their eyes with their palms. Autumn goes around the children and covers one with a handkerchief, saying words:

Once! Two! Three!

Who was hiding inside?

Don't yawn, don't yawn!

Answer quickly!

The game is played three times, last time Autumn covers a basket of apples.

Leading. All the guys are here! Who was hiding?


We raise our handkerchief

Now we’ll find out what’s underneath it!

What is this? My gifts! (Autumn treats children) .


I had a lot of fun!

I loved all the guys.

But it's time for us to say goodbye.

What to do, things are waiting!

Goodbye, kids!

Autumn is leaving.

Finger games "Autumn"

"Autumn leaves "

One, two, three, four, five, (Bend your fingers, starting with the thumb.)
We will collect leaves. (Clench and unclench their fists.)
Birch leaves, (Fingers are bent, starting with the thumb.)
Rowan leaves,
poplar leaves,
Aspen leaves,
We will collect oak leaves,
We'll take an autumn bouquet to mom. (“They walk” on the table with their middle and index fingers.)


The wind flew through the forest, (Smooth, wave-like movements of the palms)
The wind counted the leaves:
Here is an oak one, (Bend one finger on both hands)
Here's a maple one,
Here is a carved rowan tree,
Here from the birch tree - golden,
Here is the last leaf from the aspen tree (Calmly place your palms on the table)
The wind blew it onto the path.
“Autumn, autumn has come to us...”

Autumn, autumn has come to us.

Brought rain and wind. (Children tap the finger of their left hand on the palm of their right)

Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip,
Brought rain and wind.

The green garden has turned yellow,
The leaves are spinning and flying. (Rub palm against palm)
Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu,
The leaves are spinning and flying.

The songs of the birds are not heard,
Let's wait for them until spring. (Cross your hands, move your hands up and down)
Chick-tweet, chick-tweet,
Let's wait for them until spring.

Autumn walks along the path, her feet are wet in the puddles
It’s raining and there’s no light; summer is lost somewhere.
But we won’t be bored, we’ll play with our fingers

Finger game
(movements through the text)

The fingers went out for a walk, began to collect leaves,
Red leaf, yellow leaf,
And then let's count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5!
How many leaves did you collect - 5!

"Pick mushrooms"
(movements according to the text, bend each finger one by one)

This finger went into the forest,
This finger found a mushroom
I began to clean this finger,
This finger started to fry
This finger has eaten everything,
That's why I got fat!

Outdoor game: “Rain”
(movements through the text)

To us on a long way, thin leg
The rain is bouncing down the path
In the puddles - look, look, he's blowing bubbles!
The bushes became wet, the flowers became wet
Gray wet sparrow, cleaning its feathers quickly!

Finger game
(movements along the text, rub, massage fingers one by one)

What a fungus!
This is a big fungus!
Here's a small mushroom
It's like he's sitting on a rock.
Shakes his hat
Plays with the kids!

Autumn leaves

How many painted leaves,

Red, yellow, gold!
A leaf for Sonya,
A piece of paper for Sasha... (we hand out pieces of paper and list all the children)
Let's wave a leaf,
Let's dance with the leaf.
Red, yellow, gold,
A leaf curls above me (2 times)
Here are the leaves high, here are the leaves low,
Here are the leaves far away, here are the leaves close! (2 times)
We are leaves, we are leaves, (running in a circle with leaves)
We - autumn leaves.
We sat on branches (we squat)
The wind blew and they flew. (blow)
We flew, we flew,
So tired, so tired!
The wind stopped blowing...
The leaf lay quietly on the ground...
The wind suddenly blew again (we are blowing)
And he blew the leaves off the branches. (we run in a circle)
All the leaves have flown
And they sat down on the ground again. (We make movements according to the text)

There's a bunch of leaves lying here
Someone rustles the leaves.
From under the leaves there is a black nose.
Who's covered in needles?
Of course you guessed it
Who did we meet?
With a hedgehog!
Top-top-top - here, top-top-top - there.

Walks through the forest, collects gifts.
(We spread the fingers of our left hand like the needles of a hedgehog, with our right hand we make rings with our fingers and “put them on” the needles)
If he finds a berry, he will hit a needle.
If he finds an apple, he will hit a needle.
If he finds a leaf, he will hit a needle.
If he finds a mushroom, he will hit a needle.

Suddenly the Scary Wolf comes out,
Scary wolf, click your teeth!
-I'm not afraid of the wolf! Here are my needles!
The wolf got scared and ran away.

Little hedgehog, four legs,
He walks through the forest, carrying gifts.

The hedgehog brought gifts to the hole,
He took out an apple and began to divide it.
He began to divide the apple,
He began to feed the children:
A slice for Sonya, a slice for Sasha,...
Well, and a slice for yourself.
Oh, what a delicious apple!
The hedgehog ate a slice, said “thank you,” and went to bed.
“Hr-psi, hr-psi!”
Let's not disturb him.

The north wind blew: “Ssssss,” blew all the leaves away... (move your fingers and blow on them.)

They flew, spun and sank to the ground.
The rain began to patter on them:
“Drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip!” (Tap your fingers on the table or palm.)
The hail hammered on them,
It pierced all the leaves. (Knock on the table with your fists.)
Then the snow began to dust, (Smooth movements of the hands back and forth.)
He covered them with a blanket. (Press your palms firmly to the table.)

One hand (palm open, fingers spread) is a hedgehog, the fingers of the other hand are forest animals. The baby squeezes each finger of the other hand with one hand.
“A hedgehog walks through the forest, handing out nuts to everyone.
Little white bunny (we squeeze the little finger),
Gray top (squeeze ring finger)
Red fox (squeeze middle finger),
To little sister squirrel (we squeeze our index finger),
And the hedgehog gives the bear pine cones (squeeze the thumb).

Let's ask autumn
Blaginina Elena
We play this game like this: let’s count, choose Autumn and Rain... Rain hides somewhere for now, and Autumn comes out into the middle of the circle.
We begin to walk slowly and sing:
- Hello, autumn! Hello, autumn!
It's good that you came
We, Autumn, will ask you,
What did you bring as a gift?

- I brought you flour! - Autumn answers.
- So there will be pies! - we shout in unison.
- I brought you some buckwheat! - says Autumn.
- The porridge will be in the oven! - we rejoice.
- I brought you vegetables! - says Autumn.
- For both porridge and cabbage soup! - we shout.
-Are you happy about the pears? - asks Autumn.
- We will dry them for future use! - we answer.
– And apples are like honey! - says Autumn.
- For jam, for compote! - we rejoice.
“I brought some honey too!” - says Autumn.
- Full deck! – we are surprised.
After that we spin again and sing:
- You and apples, you and honey,
You brought bread too.
And good weather
Did you give us a gift?
-Are you happy about the rain? – Autumn smiles slyly.
- We don’t want it, we don’t need it! - we shout and rush in all directions.
But Rain is right there - he is chasing us, loudly saying:
-Who will get caught in the rain?
He'll go drive now.
We run until Rain catches someone. The one he catches
becomes Rain, and we choose a new Autumn. Let's do the math and choose.

Rain-dick, Rain-dick, po-li-wai
(for each syllable, tap the table with the fingers of both hands, imitating rain),
There will be a loaf of bread
(index finger right hand bend the thumb on your left hand).
There will be rolls
(while listing the muffins, use the same finger to bend the remaining fingers on your left hand in turn),
There will be dryers, there will be gingerbreads, cheesecakes.

“The rain came out for a walk”
One two three four five,
(Hit the table with the fingers of both hands. The left one starts with the little finger, the right one starts with the thumb.)
The rain came out for a walk.
(Rapidly hitting the table with the fingers of both hands.)
Walked slowly, out of habit,
(“They walk” with the middle and index fingers of both hands on the table.)
Why should he rush?
Suddenly he reads on the sign:
(They rhythmically hit the table with their palms and fists.)
"Do not walk on the grass!"
The rain sighed softly:
(They clap their hands often and rhythmically.)
- Oh! (One clap.)
And left. (Rhythmic clapping on the table.)
The lawn is dry.

Coordination of speech with movement, work on the tempo and rhythm of speech
Drop once, (Jump on your toes, hands on your belt.)
Drop two. (Bounce.)
Very slowly at first. (4 jumps.)
And then, then, then (8 jumps.)
Everybody run, run, run.
We opened our umbrellas, (Spread our arms to the sides.)
Sheltered herself from the rain. (Arms in a semicircle above your head.)

Rain, rain, have fun! with each right finger
hands knock on the left palm
Drip, drip, don't be sorry! with each finger of the left hand they tap on the right palm
Just don't kill us! make “splashes” with your fingers
Don't knock on the window in vain! the right fist knocks 2 times on the left one, then we change hands
The splashes in the field are thicker: use your fingers to depict “splashes”
The grass will become thicker! cross your hands - fingers spread

Back massage game
(to the words of the song “Rain” by E. Poplyanova)
(Children stand one after another like a train, forming a circle)
The rain runs on the roof. They pat their palms on each other's backs.
Bom! Bom! Bom!
They tap their fingers on the cheerful, ringing roof.
Bom! Bom! Bom!
- At home, sit at home, they beat you with their fists.
Bom! Bom! Bom!
Don’t go out anywhere, rub them with the edges of your palms.
Bom! Bom! Bom!
Read, play, Place your palms on your shoulders and rub your shoulders with your thumbs in a circular motion.
Bom! Bom! Bom!
I'll leave - then play. Stroke with palms.
Bom! Bom! Bom!

Then the children turn 180 and repeat the massage.


Quiet, quiet, quiet rain,
Rain, rain, drip-drip-drip! (Use your index fingers to lightly tap any surface. This is especially effective and fun to do on water.)
And then the rain gets heavier,
Rain, rain, drip-drip-drip! (Now tap your palms lightly.)
Si-i-il, si-i-il, si-i-il li-i-even. (Knock your palms loudly.)
Thunder, thunder, thunder! (Clap your hands.)
There's lightning all around in the sky! (Raise your hands up and shake them.)

There was silence - shhh, silence - shhh, silence - shhh. (For each word “silence,” put your index finger to your lips and say “shhh.”)
Suddenly the force of the wind gave way to - shhh. (Raise both arms up and swing them from side to side, saying “shhh.”)
And now it’s raining quietly, do you hear ( index fingers lightly tap on any surface)
It dripped, dripped, dripped across the roof. (Knock lightly with your palms.)
He'll probably start drumming now. (Knock your palms harder.)
Already drumming, already drumming! (Knock your palms hard.)

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