Animal world of mountains. Mountain animals: yak, bighorn sheep, grizzly, wolverine, condor, llama, spectacled bear, irbis, panda, argali, golden eagle. Siberian ibex

Unlike flat territories, which are characterized by horizontal (sprat) zonality of landscapes, mountainous regions have vertical zonality, i.e., a change of landscapes in the direction from the base of the mountains to their peaks. When climbing mountains, a sequential transition from one belt to another is revealed in accordance with changes in temperature and humidity at different heights. Thus, in the mountains, the flora and fauna naturally, as it were, repeats the features of latitudinal landscapes - steppe, deciduous, mixed and coniferous forests, alpine tundra with alpine meadows and, finally, the glacial zone. However, the complete similarity between mountain landscapes and their corresponding horizontal natural areas does not exist, since the mountains are located in different climatic regions of the Earth and rise above sea level from the territory of various latitudinal zones, which inevitably has a certain effect on the nature of mountain flora and fauna. So, for example, the appearance and composition of the flora and fauna of mountain steppes and deserts Central Asia reminiscent of the nature of the Central Asian plains. The mountains of the forest zone in the corresponding belts have a close species composition of the flora and fauna of the lowland forests.

Within Russia, mountain landscapes occupy more than 6% of the entire territory of the country and are well expressed in the Caucasus, in Western Siberia(Altai, Sayans). As for the Ural mountains and Eastern Siberia, then they rise from the territory of the taiga, which smooths out the specificity of the mountain belts of these regions.

Because mountain systems Russia are located on vast expanses and remote from each other, their fauna does not represent a single whole. The fauna of each of them to some extent differs in species composition from the rest. In this regard, it is more expedient to consider the characteristics of the animal population of the mountains in relation to those species groups that are represented in the zone of alpine meadows, since it is these animals that have the most pronounced features characteristic of the mountain fauna.

The influence of eternal snow affects the nature of the alpine belt adjoining it. Here, the main habitats suitable for plant and animal life are sufficiently moistened, since during most of the summer there is an influx of melt water from the side of the snow cover. According to the conditions of the mountainous relief, surface water quickly flows down and does not form wetlands, so there is no permafrost anywhere. In spring, moisture-loving perennial grasses of the meadow type develop, on which peculiar ground mountain birds feed on snowcocks, stone partridges, kekliks, etc. These birds move well on uneven hard ground, maneuvering among rubble placers and rocky ledges, and quickly run along steep slopes.

Typical for the highlands are also various herbivorous animals - marmots and haystacks (pikas). Some of them live among stony placers, others inhabit high-mountain areas of the steppes. Many of them dig holes and hibernate for the winter (marmots); others do not hibernate, but prepare stacks of fragrant hay for the period of winter starvation (hay delivery). No less characteristic of the mountains are stone voles, living either in burrows, or in crevices of rocks, or among stony placers, where they arrange warm spherical nests from wool, down and feathers collected in the vicinity.

Living conditions in the mountains are very different from the plains. As you climb the mountains, the climate changes: the air temperature drops, the wind strength increases, and often the amount of precipitation, the winter becomes longer. High in the mountains, the air is rarefied, it is difficult to breathe. The nature of the vegetation from the foot of the mountains to the peaks changes over just a few thousand meters, counting vertically (see the article “Vegetation high mountains»).

Natural conditions in the mountains change not only with height, but also when moving from one slope to another. Sometimes even neighboring areas of the same slope differ in climate and vegetation. It all depends on the position of the site in relation to the cardinal points, the steepness of the slopes and their openness to wet or dry winds.

Dagestan tour.

Living conditions in the mountains are varied, their animal world is rich and diverse. In the middle belt of mountains, where the climate is not yet too severe and there are forests, as a rule, there are significantly more species animals than in the same area of ​​the adjacent plain. The animal world is rich in a relatively narrow strip of the upper limit of the forest, especially on the subalpine edges. Above, the number of animal species begins to noticeably decrease. The tops of high mountains, where eternal snows lie, are almost devoid of life.

In the Alps, traces of chamois were seen on the top of Mont Blanc (4807 m). Mountain goats, some species of sheep and yaks come very high into the mountains - almost up to 6 thousand meters. Occasionally, after them, a snow leopard rises here, a snow leopard - an irbis. Of the vertebrates, only vultures, eagles, and a few other birds penetrate even higher. The bearded lamb was seen in the Himalayas at an altitude of 7.5 thousand meters, and the condor was seen in the Andes at an even higher altitude. When climbing Chomolungma (Everest), climbers observed alpine jackdaws at an altitude of 8100 m. A nest of a snow partridge with a laying of eggs was found in the Nepalese Himalayas at an altitude of almost 5.7 thousand meters.

Often the same animals are found in several zones of the mountains, but, as a rule, their numbers are significant only in one of them, the most suitable for the life of this species. A large number of species outside one or two of their most characteristic zones are rare or not found at all, and only a few can be seen in different zones of the mountains. Therefore, each mountain zone has its own fauna. It consists, as a rule, of a number of species close or identical to those found in the fauna of the corresponding latitudinal zone of the Earth. For example, in the tundra belt of the mountains of southern Siberia, called loaches here, one can observe reindeer, tundra partridge and horned lark, characteristic of the northern tundra.

Snow goat.

Fauna of the Alpine belt of mountains in Europe, Asia, North America and to a lesser extent North Africa V in general terms homogeneous. This is explained by the fact that in the highlands of the Northern Hemisphere, living conditions are similar, and the core of the mountain fauna comes from common centers of speciation - mountains. Central Asia and some other mountainous areas.

Many mountain animals live only where there are rocks. Mountain goats, bighorn sheep, argali, as well as goral and musk deer are saved in the rocks from predators. Birds - rock pigeon, swifts and red-winged wall-climbers - find convenient places for nesting there, hiding from bad weather. The wall climber crawls along sheer cliffs like a woodpecker along a tree trunk. With its fluttering flight, this small bird with bright crimson wings resembles a butterfly.

In many mountains, screes form; the life of the mountain pika, also called the haystack, snow voles, and some other rodents is associated with them. In the second half of summer, they all diligently collect blades of grass and twigs of shrubs with leaves, lay them out on stones to dry, and then take the hay under the shelters of the stones.

Alpine goats.

The peculiar natural conditions of life in the mountains affected appearance animals constantly living there, on the shape of their body, lifestyle and habits. They have developed characteristic adaptations that help in the struggle for existence. Mountain goats, chamois and the American bighorn goat have large mobile hooves that can move widely apart. Along the edges of the hooves - from the sides and in front - a protrusion (welt) is well defined, the pads of the fingers are relatively soft. All this allows animals to cling to barely noticeable bumps when moving on rocks and steep slopes and not to slip when running on icy snow. The horny substance of their hooves is very strong and grows back quickly, so the hooves never “wear out” from abrasion on sharp stones. The structure of the legs of mountain ungulates allows them to make big jumps on steep slopes and quickly reach rocks where they can hide from persecution.

During the day, ascending currents of air prevail in the mountains. It favors soaring flight large birds- bearded lamb, eagles and vultures. Soaring in the air, they can notice carrion or live prey from afar. The mountains are also characterized by birds with fast, swift flight: Caucasian mountain grouse, mountain turkey, or snowcock, swifts.

Yak. Long and thick hair on the belly and sides serves as a kind of bedding for him.

In summer it is cold high in the mountains, so there are almost no reptiles there: for the most part they are thermophilic. Only viviparous species of reptiles penetrate above others: some lizards, vipers, in northern Africa - chameleons. In Tibet, at an altitude of more than 5 thousand meters, there is a viviparous round-headed lizard. Roundheads, living on the plains, where the climate is warmer, lay eggs. What has been said about reptiles is also true to a large extent for amphibians, although they penetrate the mountains a little higher - up to 5.5 thousand m. Of the amphibians common in our country, the Asia Minor frog and the gray, or common, toad penetrate the mountains higher than others . The upper limit of the vertical distribution of fish is about 5 thousand m.

Snow leopard, or irbis.

Lush plumage of mountain littsi and thick fur of animals protect them from the cold. The snow leopard living in the highlands of Asia has unusually long and fluffy fur, while its tropical relative, the leopard, has short and rarer fur. Animals living in the mountains molt much later in spring than animals of the plains, and in autumn their hair begins to grow back earlier.


Hummingbirds in the Andean highlands nest in caves in large communities, which helps keep the birds warm. On cold nights, they go into a stupor, thus minimizing the expenditure of energy for heating the body, the temperature of which can drop to 14 °. One of the remarkable adaptations to life in the mountains is vertical migrations - migrations. With the onset of autumn, when it becomes cold high in the mountains, snowfalls begin and, most importantly, it becomes more difficult to get food, many animals migrate down the slopes of the mountains.


A significant part of the birds that live in the mountains of the Northern Hemisphere fly south for the winter. Most of the birds that remain to winter in the mountainous areas descend to the lower zones, often to the very foothills and surrounding plains. On high altitude very few birds spend the winter, such as the mountain turkey. In the Caucasus, it usually stays near the places where tours graze - the closest relatives of mountain goats. The snow here is torn apart by their hooves, and it is easier for the bird to find food. The loud, alarming cry of a cautious snowcock warns the aurochs of danger.

Deer, roe deer and wild boars, found in the mountains up to alpine meadows in summer, descend into the forest in autumn. Many chamois also go here for the winter. Tours and other mountain goats migrate closer to the upper border of the forest, settling on steep rocky slopes. Some of them descend into the forest. Sometimes they move to the southern slopes, where alpine meadows snow melts in the very first hours or days after a snowfall, as happens in the mountains of the Caucasus, or go to steeper windward slopes, where the snow is blown away by the winds. In the mountains of Siberia, "blowing" often winters reindeer rising here from the forest. If the snow is too deep and dense and the ground lichens in the loaches are inaccessible to reindeer, they go back to the forest and feed on tree lichens there.

Mountain turkey, or ular.

Following wild ungulates, predators hunting them migrate - wolves, lynxes, snow leopards. Diversity natural conditions in the mountains allows animals to find places for wintering near the areas where they live in the summer. Therefore, the seasonal migrations of animals in the mountains are, as a rule, much shorter than the migrations of animals and birds on the plains.

In the mountains of Altai, Sayan and northeastern Siberia, wild reindeer make seasonal migrations within 10-20 km, and their relatives living in the Far North, in order to reach the wintering place, make a journey of several hundred kilometers. In the spring, as the snow melts, the animals that descend down migrate back to the upper zones of the mountains. Chamois, mountain goats and other ungulates living in the mountains often die in winter and in early spring during snow storms.

Alpine insects: on the left - a glacial flea; on the right - springtail.

From mountain animals to different time and in different parts light, a man domesticated a goat, in Asia - a yak, in South America- llama and alpaca. Yak and llama are used in the mountains mainly for the transport of goods by pack; Yak females give very rich milk. The alpaca, like the llama, belongs to the group of New World camels (American calluses); it gives a fine wool, superior in quality to sheep.

We have not yet said anything about invertebrates - insects and spiders, meanwhile, it is they, and not animals and birds, that are permanent inhabitants of high altitudes. Scientists from India and other countries discovered in the Himalayas at an altitude of 3500 to 6000 m above sea level several hundred species of arthropods settled here - flies, springtails, beetles, aphids, butterflies, mayflies, locusts, ticks, centipedes, etc. In 1924 when trying to climb Chomolungma, the expedition members found active jumping spiders at an altitude of 6600 m. This is still the highest limit at which live invertebrates were found in the mountains.

Strong ascending currents of air bring from the lower zones of the mountains and from the plains masses of plant pollen, especially juniper and other conifers, spores, seeds, as well as aphids, winged ants, midges, mosquitoes, butterflies, etc. There are known cases of aphids carried by wind over a distance up to 1280 km. According to the Indian entomologist Mani V spring-summer months on the Pir-Pind-jal mountain in the Himalayas at an altitude of 3.5-4 km, at least 400 dead arthropods were deposited in 20 minutes on a snow field area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 10 m 2 different types. Especially a lot of organic remains accumulate at the foot and in the cracks of the rocks. Due to them, many high-altitude insects and spiders live. Coniferous pollen feeds, in particular, on small insects, podura, or glacial fleas, living directly on snow and firn fields.

Groupings of invertebrates that exist due to organic remains brought by mountain breezes are called aeolian (Eol is the god of the winds in ancient Greek mythology). In terms of the nature and origin of their food coming from other vertical zones, they are similar to deep-sea animal groups that ultimately exist due to organic residues that sink to the bottom of the oceans from upper layers water (see article "Animal world of the seas and oceans").

Insects in the mountains often live under rocks; summer in sundial the stones are very hot, and the air temperature near them is higher than in other places. As shelters, insects also use cracks in the earth and crevices in the rocks, rare spots of carpets. alpine plants, soil, small ponds and even snow. Most mountain insects are small in size, living under stones - a flat body shape, due to which they can successfully find shelter. Especially a lot of insects are found near the edge of melting snow, where the air and soil are more humid and where it is easiest to find food - organic remains carried out by melt water. The low density of the atmosphere and the associated low oxygen content in it do not have a noticeable negative effect on insects.

Insects spend a long winter under a thick layer of snow. In summer, they are usually active during the hours when the sun is shining brightly; therefore, their periods of intense life and rest often alternate several times during the day. But some insects were observed in an active state even when snow began to fall in the mountains and the thermometer showed several degrees of frost. Podura are unusually resistant to cold. On the plains, night bats are active at dusk and at night, in the highlands they lead a diurnal lifestyle: at night the air is too cold for them.

Many insects in the mountains are dark in color and highly pigmented (spotted). This better protects insects from excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, which are very intense in the mountains. In some species of butterflies, bumblebees and wasps that live high in the mountains, the body is densely pubescent - this reduces heat loss. The shortening of the antennae and legs also contributes to the latter. High in the mountains, bees and bumblebees are extremely rare, and here the main role in the pollination of flowers is played by flies and other Diptera and butterflies.

Strong winds in the mountains make life difficult for flying insects. The wind often brings them to snow fields and glaciers, where they die. As a result of long natural selection in the mountains, species of insects arose with greatly shortened, underdeveloped wings, which had completely lost the ability to actively fly. Their closest relatives, living on the plains, are winged and can fly.

The living conditions in the equatorial highlands of Africa are very peculiar - on the mountains Kilimanjaro (5895 m), Rwenzori (5119 m), etc. If seasonal differences in air temperature in these mountains at an altitude of 4-4.5 km above sea level are insignificant, then its daily fluctuations are extremely large. In the alpine desert belt, the air temperature almost always drops below zero at night, while during the day, at an air temperature of about 6 °, the soil surface, illuminated by the sun, heats up to 70 ° and above. Therefore, almost all animals are active here only early in the morning and late in the evening, total no more than 2-3 hours. For the rest of the day, all living things hide and hide in holes, cracks in the ground, under stones, and only in cloudy days active life lasts longer.

The coloration of mountain equatorial insects is usually dominated by faded, desert tones; in some insects, on the contrary, the chitinous surface of the body is shiny, silvery, conducive to the reflection of sunlight. Beetles are characterized by bright colors and roundness of the elytra, forming, as it were, a vault over the abdomen; the air gap under the arch of the elytra protects the beetle from overheating.

Thus, in insects of the equatorial highlands, adaptations are combined for protection both from very low temperatures, and from excessively high. A lot of interesting pages from the life of animal mountains has not yet been read and is waiting for young inquisitive naturalists.

Mountain habitats vary greatly from the base to the top of the mountains. The temperature on the mountain peaks environment low, the atmosphere is rarefied, and the level of ultraviolet radiation is high. As the climate changes, flora and fauna change between. On the highest mountain peaks, environmental conditions cannot support the life of trees. The area of ​​mountains where trees stop growing is called the forest boundary. Few trees, if any, will be able to grow above this line.

Most animal species live at lower altitudes, and only the hardiest fauna are found above the tree line, where the atmosphere is very thin and tall vegetation is absent.

In this list, we take a look at 10 mountain animals that have adapted to difficult conditions life on top of the world.

Brown bear

Height: up to 5000 m.

Brown bear ( Ursus arctos) is a species from the family that has the widest range, and is found in the northern part of Eurasia and North America. The animals do not appear to have specific altitude restrictions and are found from sea level up to 5000 m (in the Himalayas). In most cases, they prefer scattered vegetation, which can give them a place to rest during the day.

brown bears adapted to high-altitude conditions due to their thick fur and ability to climb mountains. They are the largest land predators, after polar bears, and can grow up to 750 kg. Brown bears feed on berries, herbs, shrubs, nuts, insects, larvae, as well as small mammals and ungulates.

Himalayan tahr

Height: up to 5000 m.

Himalayan tahr ( Hemitragus jemlahicus) is a large ungulate animal from the bovid family, common in China, India and Nepal. This representative of bovids grows up to 105 kg, and has a size at the withers of up to 1 m. It is adapted to life in a cool climate with a rocky landscape, thanks to its thick fur and dense undercoat. In the Himalayas, these animals are mainly found on slopes from 2500 to 5000 m. They are able to move along the smooth and rough surfaces characteristic of mountainous areas.

Their diet includes many plants. The short legs allow Himalayan tahrs to balance while reaching the leaves of shrubs and small trees. Like other bovids, they are ruminants, with a complex digestive system, which allows you to get nutrients from hard-to-digest plant tissues.

bearded man

Height: lives up to 5000 m, but was found at an altitude of 7500 m.

bearded man ( Gypaetus barbatus) is a representative of the hawk family. This species is common in the mountains, with the presence of rocks, slopes, cliffs and gorges. Birds are often found near alpine pastures and meadows, mountain pastures and steppes, and rarely near forests. In Ethiopia, they are common on the outskirts of small villages and cities. Although sometimes they drop to 300-600 m, this is rather an exception. As a general rule, bearded vultures are rarely found below 1000 m and are often found above 2000 m in some parts of their range. They are distributed below or above tree lines, which are often found near mountain tops, up to 2000 m in Europe, 4500 m in Africa and 5000 m in Central Asia. They have even been observed at an altitude of 7500 m on Mount Everest.

This bird is 94-125 cm long and weighs 4.5-7.8 kg. Females are slightly larger than males. Unlike most other scavengers, this species is not bald, relatively small in size, although its neck is powerful and thick. An adult bird is predominantly dark gray, red and whitish in color. The bearded vulture feeds on carrion and small animals.

Tibetan fox

Height: up to 5300 m.

Tibetan fox ( Vulpes ferrilata) is a species from the canine family. These foxes are found in the Tibetan Plateau, India, China, the Sutlej Valley in northwestern India, and parts of Nepal, particularly in the Mustang region.

Tibetan foxes are known to prefer barren slopes and streams. Max Height on which these mammals were seen was 5300 m. Foxes live in burrows under stones or in rock crevices. The body length is 57.5-70 cm, and the weight is 3-4 kg. Among all types of foxes, the Tibetan has the most elongated muzzle. The color of the coat on the back, legs and head is reddish, and on the sides it is gray.

Himalayan marmot

Height: up to 5200 m.

Himalayan groundhog ( Marmota himalayana) throughout the Himalayas and on the Tibetan plateau at an altitude of 3500 to 5200 m. These animals live in groups and dig deep holes in which they sleep.

The body size of the Himalayan marmot is comparable to that of a domestic cat. He has a dark chocolate brown coat with contrasting yellow spots on the head and chest.


Height: up to 5400 m.

Kiang ( Equus kiang) - large mammal from the horse family, which has a size at the withers of up to 142 cm, a body length of up to 214 cm, and a weight of up to 400 kg. These animals have a large head, with a blunt muzzle and a convex nose. The mane is vertical and relatively short. The upper part of the body has a reddish-brown color, and the lower part is light.

Kiangs are common on the Tibetan Plateau, between the Himalayas in the south and the Kunlun Mountains in the north. Their range is almost entirely limited to China, but small populations are found in the Ladakh and Sikkim regions of India, and along the northern border of Nepal.

Kiangs live in alpine meadows and steppes, at an altitude of 2700 to 5400 m above sea level. They prefer relatively flat plateaus, wide valleys, and low hills dominated by grasses, sedges, and a small amount of other low vegetation. This open area, in addition to a good prey base, helps them spot and hide from predators. Their only real natural enemy besides humans, is the wolf.


Height: up to 5500 m.

Orongo ( Pantholops hodgsonii) - artiodactyl mammal medium-sized, native to the Tibetan plateau. The size at the withers is up to 83 cm, and the weight is up to 40 kg. Males have long, curved horns, while females lack them. The color of the back is reddish brown, and the lower part of the body is light.

On the Tibetan plateau, orongos live in open alpine and cold steppe regions, at an altitude of 3250 to 5500 m. They prefer flat open area with sparse vegetation. Animals are found almost entirely in China, where they live in Tibet, the provinces of Xinjiang and Qinghai; some populations are also found in Ladakh, India.

Orongos feed on beans, grasses, and sedges, and in winter they often dig through the snow for food. Their natural predators include wolves, and , and red foxes have been known to prey on baby orongos.

Tibetan gazelle

Height: up to 5750 m.

The Tibetan gazelle is a relatively small antelope, with a slender and graceful body. These animals grow up to 65 cm at the withers and weigh up to 16 kg. Males have long, tapering, ribbed horns, up to 32 cm long. Most of the body is greyish brown. Their fur has no undercoat, and consists only of long guard hairs that winter time thicken considerably.

The Tibetan gazelle is native to the Tibetan Plateau and is widely distributed throughout the region, at altitudes ranging from 3,000 to 5,750 meters. They are limited to the Chinese provinces of Gansu, Xinjiang, Tibet, Qinghai and Sichuan, and small populations are found in the Ladakh and Sikkim regions of India.

Alpine meadows and steppes are the main habitats of these animals. Unlike some other ungulates, Tibetan gazelles do not form large herds and are usually found in small family groups. These artiodactyls feed on local vegetation, including forbs. Their main predator is the wolf.


Height: up to 6100 m.

wild yak ( Bos mutus) is a large wild animal native to the Himalayas in Central Asia. This is the ancestor of the domesticated yak ( Bos grunniens). Adult yaks have a size at the withers of up to 2.2 m, and a weight of up to 1000 kg. The length of the head and body is from 2.5 to 3.3 m, excluding the tail from 0.6 to 1 m. Females are approximately 30% smaller than males.

This animal is characterized by a massive body, with strong legs and rounded hooves. The fur is extremely dense, long, hanging below the belly, and perfectly protects from the cold. The color of the coat, as a rule, varies from light brown to black.

Yaks are common in treeless areas, at an altitude of 3000 to 6100 m. They are most often found in alpine tundra with a relatively large amount of grasses and sedges.

Alpine jackdaw

Height: up to 6500 m, but was found at an altitude of 8200 m.

Alpine jackdaw ( Pyrrhocorax graculus) is a bird from the corvid family and it can nest at the highest altitude compared to other bird species. This indicates that the alpine jackdaw is the highest mountain organism on our planet. Eggs are adapted to a rarefied atmosphere, and can also absorb oxygen well and not lose moisture.

This bird has glossy black plumage, a yellow beak and red legs. She lays three to five spotted eggs. It feeds, as a rule, in summer and vegetation in winter; the jackdaw can easily approach tourists to get additional food.

This species usually breeds at 1260-2880 m in Europe, 2880-3900 m in Africa and 3500-5000 m in Asia. Alpine jackdaws nest at an altitude of 6500 m, which is higher than any other bird species, even surpassing the jackdaw, which feeds on the most high altitudes. This bird was spotted by climbers ascending Everest at an altitude of 8,200 m.

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Mountains are an area often inaccessible to humans, but this does not mean that mountains are inaccessible to various species of animals and plants. The nature of the mountains differs significantly from the nature of the plains for the reasons that at a height the air is more rarefied, and water is less available - all this leads to the fact that the mountains have a special flora and fauna.

Animal world

Mountain animals are forced to have a dense skin and strong limbs - this is necessary in order to endure the temperature dropping with height, climb up and feel comfortable on hard surfaces. Ungulates, felines, monkeys, various reptiles and insects - these are the most often found in the mountains. The inhabitants of the mountains are unpretentious and hardy. Bighorn sheep, yaks and mountain goats can feed on lichens and dry grass, thanks to which they survive in harsh mountains. Asian snow leopards and cougars living in the highlands of America can easily move through rocky areas and live in solitude. Golden eagles, mountain eagles notice their prey from afar - and strong air currents at the height of the mountains do not create obstacles for them. In the mountainous equatorial regions, gorillas are found, whose strong limbs help to move. Also, a wide variety of lizards feel comfortable in mountainous areas.

Vegetable world

The delicate edelweiss flower is considered the main decoration of the mountains of Europe and Asia - the leaves of an amazing flower prevent the evaporation of moisture from the plant. Blue spruce is a tree most commonly found in the mountains of America. This tree can grow at astonishing heights of up to 3,000 meters above sea level. In general, the mountainous areas are covered with lichens and thorns, since the sun located nearby dries everything, however, a wide variety of plants can be found in the tropical mountains, since the forests there are filled with moisture. As a rule, vegetation is dense at the foot of the mountains, but vegetation is rare at high altitudes.

The nature of the mountains at all times amazed humanity with its beauty. It's amazing and beautiful world in every way. The relief has been created for many billions of years and during this time it has acquired bizarre and bewitching forms. What do mountains hide in themselves? What kind of plants and animals are there? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

Features of the nature of the mountains

The mountain climate is unique and it is he who influences the weather of the entire planet, both seasonal and daily. On the hills, a special interaction of the earth with air and rivers begins. Water, condensing and originating in the mountains, descends in thousands of streams down the slopes. Due to this movement, they form major rivers. On the hills, one can often observe how clouds and fogs are born. Sometimes these phenomena cannot be distinguished from each other.

The higher, the more rarefied the air, and the lower the temperature. Where there is cold, there is permafrost. Even the mountains in Africa in their high points covered with snow and glaciers. But on the hills the air is the cleanest and freshest. With height, the amount of precipitation, the strength of the wind and the radiation of the sun increase. From ultraviolet radiation in the mountains, you can even get a burn to the eyes.

No less striking is the diversity of vegetation, which replaces each other as the height increases.

Altitudinal belts of mountains

When climbing in the mountains change climatic conditions: air temperature and pressure decrease, air pressure increases solar radiation. This phenomenon is called altitudinal zoning(or explanation). And each such area has its own special landscape.

Desert-steppe belt. This landscape zone is located at the foot of the mountains. A dry climate prevails here, so only steppes and deserts can be found. Often people use this belt for economic purposes.

Mountain forest zone. This is a zone with a very humid climate. There is simply amazing nature here: and Fresh air and beckon to go for a walk.

Mountain meadow belt. Represents woodlands, alternating with subalpine meadows. Lightened trees, low shrubs and tall grasses grow in this zone.

Alpine belt. This is an area of ​​highlands, which is located above the forests. Here you can find only shrubs, which are replaced by stone screes.

Mountain tundra zone. Characterized by cool short summer and severe long winter. But this does not mean that there is sparse vegetation. Various types of shrubs, mosses and lichens grow in this area.

Nival belt. This is the highest point, the area of ​​eternal snows and glaciers. Despite the rather harsh climatic conditions, there are certain types of lichens, algae and even some insects, rodents and birds.

Name and amazing on the planet

Huangshan and Denxia are the colored mountains in China. They are colored yellow and pink. You can often observe beautiful lighting effects.

Mount Roraima in South America is always eye-catching. It is interesting because the channels of numerous rivers are covered with quartz crystals of various colors.

Grand Canyon- this is a whole complex of valleys, ravines, gorges, caves and waterfalls. Due to the multicolored layers of rocks, as well as the play of light and shadow, the mountain changes its shades every time.

In Africa dragon mountains are beautiful landscapes with canyons, valleys, cliffs and waterfalls. The name of the mountains has a mystical origin. Its peaks are always hidden by fog, but it used to be believed that it was the dragon that emits puffs of smoke.

Altai- these are the mountains that Russia can be proud of. They are truly beautiful, especially in the autumn-winter period, when the waters become bottomless blue.

Hanging Rock is a mountain in Australia, better known as the Hanging Rock. It rises a hundred meters above the surrounding terrain. This creates the impression that the mountain is hanging in the air.

Dangerous natural phenomena

The dangers lurking at every turn are the features of the nature of the mountains. It is worth remembering this when planning to conquer the peaks.

Rockfalls are most common in the mountains. Even the collapse of one boulder can cause an avalanche of boulders.

Mudflows are a mixture of water, loose soil, sand, stones and tree debris. This phenomenon begins suddenly and demolishes everything in its path.

Icefalls are a beautiful, but no less dangerous sight. The frozen blocks never stop and almost reach the foot of the mountains.

Dangerous insects in the mountains

The nature of the mountains is dangerous not only for its formidable natural phenomena, but also insects, which are often found on hills.

Perhaps the most common ixodid ticks. They are dangerous with the disease they carry - encephalitis, as a result of which you can even remain disabled. Ticks are found along trails and are most active in spring and summer.

The vespa hornet is the largest representative wasp, the size of which reaches five centimeters. These insects live in hollows and do not attack for no reason. The bite is painful, but poses a threat to the attack of several hornets.

Scorpions most often inhabit deserts, but they can also choose mountains in Africa or Australia. Since they tolerate cold and temperature fluctuations well, they can be found not only at the foot, but also at the peaks. The bite of some species is known to be venomous and even fatal to humans. But without a reason, these creatures do not attack. Scorpions prey on insects, which often come to light near the fire and tents. During the day they hide under stones, bark of stumps and in rock crevices.

Scolopendra is dangerous only in hot climates, especially in autumn period. At this time, her bite becomes poisonous and can even lead to death. The female karakurt also poses a threat. The males of these spiders are not venomous at all.

Mountain plants

As already mentioned, the mountains are characterized by different climatic conditions. Therefore, on the hills at a relatively short distance one can observe the diversity of the plant community.

The nature of the mountains is harsh, but incredibly beautiful. Plants are forced to adapt to local conditions: prickly wind, cruel cold and bright light. Therefore, most often at a height you can meet undersized representatives of the flora. They have a well-developed root system, which helps to extract water and stay in the soil. Cushion-shaped vegetation is widespread, there are specimens in the form of rosettes that spread along the surface.

Meadows with alpine grasses are replaced by tundras, which are a bit reminiscent of northern ones. Forests can be deciduous, coniferous and mixed. Here, trees and shrubs also grow in the form of dwarfs. Most often you can see larch, spruce, pine and fir. And only the most high ridges do not have vegetation, but are covered with eternal glaciers and snow caps.

Healing mountain herbs

Very famous for their life-giving properties medicinal plants mountains People at all times have risen to the heights in order to prepare useful herbs for the future. All the variety of these species cannot be listed, but there are several of the most popular medicinal plants:

  • hawthorn;
  • Siberian barberry;
  • badan thick-leaved;
  • valerian officinalis;
  • spring gentian;
  • highlander bird;
  • Golden root;
  • St. John's wort;
  • fireweed;
  • maral root;
  • alpine poppy;
  • dandelion;
  • rose hip;
  • edelweiss.

mountain animals

A lot of animals live in the forest zone. When cold weather sets in, they sink into the warmer lower zone. These are deer, wild boars and roe deer. But representatives of the fauna with a warm cover and long hair only sometimes descend from a height in search of food and warmth. These include mountain goats, sheep, argali, tundra partridge, horned lark, snowcock and white hare.

Animals living in the mountains have adapted very well to harsh conditions. They perfectly tolerate cold and deftly move over rocks and steep slopes. This is not only but also Snow leopards, foxes, wolves, hares, ground squirrels and marmots.

Most of the birds come here for the summer, and only live here permanently. large predators: golden eagles and eagles. Mountain reptiles also like to bask in the sun: lizards, snakes, salamanders and chameleons.

The nature of the mountains is so amazing and diverse that it certainly deserves attention from a person.

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