Sequoia fruits. Maximum height of evergreen sequoia. Distribution and ecology of sequoia

Evergreen sequoia wood has high strength. It does not rot for a long time and can withstand lateral loads, making it suitable for a variety of purposes, including sawing. Giant sequoia wood is lighter and more fragile, so it is not used as lumber.

It is quite easy to process such wood, however, due to its softness and possible splitting during drilling and shaping, as well as planing and profiling, work must be carried out with great care.

Due to its excellent wood and rapid tree growth, sequoia is specially grown in forestry. Light and dense, it is not subject to rotting and insect attacks. Redwood wood is widely used for both construction and carpentry material. This wood is used to make furniture, sleepers, telegraph poles, railway cars, paper and tiles. The absence of odor makes it possible to use it in tobacco and Food Industry. It is used to produce boxes and crates for cigars and tobacco, barrels for storing honey and molasses.

IN Lately The construction of houses from sequoia timber, which is ideal for any wooden buildings, is gaining momentum. This structure will appeal to connoisseurs of comfort and convenience. Houses made from sequoia timber are characterized by high environmental safety, aesthetic appeal and a multifunctional, thoughtful layout.

A huge advantage of this material is the presence of oils in it, which protect the wood from rotting. Products from California redwood will decorate any room, as it is most popular in the manufacture of furniture.

Due to these qualities, sequoia wood is an ideal material for roofing shingles and exterior finishing of buildings. It is also used for the manufacture of racks and profile products for interior decoration. The wood is used to produce plywood and decorative veneer. The thick bark is used to make fiber boards and filter materials.

Use of sequoia

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plants
Super department: Gymnosperms
Department: Conifers
Class: Conifers
Order: Pine
Family: Cypress
Subfamily: Sequoideae
Latin name
Sequoia Endl. (1847),nom. cons.

Sequoia evergreen

Sequoia sempervirens ( D.Don) Endl.

Biostability and durability make sequoia wood an ideal material for the manufacture of wooden pipes, gutters and trays, tanks, vats, roofing shingles, and for the external cladding of buildings. It is also used on coffins, stands and profile products for interior decoration. The wood is used in the production of plywood. The thick bark serves as raw material for fiber boards and filter materials.

It is easy to work with, but due to its softness and possible splintering, care is required when drilling, chiseling and shaping, as well as planing and profiling. To reduce fiber crushing, it is necessary to sharpen the cutting edges and remove waste in a timely manner.

Sequoia varieties

  • Architectural varieties of sequoia are used where appearance must maintain compliance with design requirements long after the project is completed. This quality wood can be supplied either dry or undried. Unsurpassed in beauty and durability, it is best choice for precise and tight assembly of intricate or rigorous design projects.
  • Clean Sound(Clear All Heart) - The best variety. Can be oven dried, air dried or without drying. Careful observance of geometry, absence of defects on the front side.
  • Clean(Clear) - Similar in quality to Clear Sound, but may contain some sapwood. Ideal for visible parts of ground structures.
  • Yadrovaya B(Heart B) - Contains a limited number of knots and other defects not acceptable in the highest grades. Used in the same way as Pure Sound.
  • Grade B(B Grade) - Similar in characteristics to Sound B, but may contain sapwood. It is used similarly to Clean - for decking, garden structures and other above-ground structures.
  • Construction/Deck Sound(Construction Heart / Deck Heart) - All heartwood varieties contain knots. They are recommended for use near the ground surface, as supports, beams and decks.
  • Construction/Deck Regular(Construction Common / Deck Common) - Contains knots and a mixture of heartwood and sapwood. Recommended for above-ground structures such as fences, benches or verandas.
  • Trading Yadrovaya(Merchantable Heart) - The cheapest of the pure core grades, it tolerates slightly larger and worse knots than construction grades, as well as hairline cracks, small end cracks and a number of manufacturing defects.
  • Trading(Merchantable) - Same characteristics as Merchant Sound, but may contain sapwood. Suitable for fences, trellises and other applications not in contact with the ground.
  • Garden varieties of sequoia Best suited for outdoor use. Their variable texture and knot pattern allow them to be successfully combined with other natural materials. Garden grades can be supplied dried or dry and are usually supplied as edged timber, ranging from 6 meters in length to short trims used for borders and parapets.

Useful tables

List of largest Giant Sequoias by wood volume.
Tree name Location Height Diameter (m) Circumference (m)
General Sharman Grove of the Giant Forest 84.0 m 11,1 32,3
General Grant General Grant Grove 82.1 m 11,4 33,8
The president Grove of the Giant Forest 74.2 m 10 29,3
Lincoln Grove of the Giant Forest 79.1 m 10,5 31,3
Stagg Alder Creek Grove 73.9 m 11,6 34,2
Bul Talking Pool Grove 82.0 m 12,00 35,6
Genesis Mountain Lodge Grove 78.1 m 9,3 27,2
Franklin Grove of the Giant Forest 69.3 m 10,2 29,4
King Arthur Garfield Grove 82.9 m 11,1 32,8
James Monroe Grove of the Giant Forest 76.4 m 9,9 29
Robert Lee General Grant Grove 77.5 m 9,6 27,8
John Adams Grove of the Giant Forest 77.3 m 9,1 26,4
Giant Ishi Kennedy Grove 74.9 m 11,2 33,1
Column Grove of the Giant Forest 75.8 m 10 29,3
The road up Mountain Lodge Grove 75.3 m 9 26,1
Euclid Mountain Lodge Grove 84.2 m 9,1 26,4
Washington Mariposa Grove 72.8 m 10,3 29,9
General Pershing Grove of the Giant Forest 74.9 m 9,8 28,8
Diamond Eightwell Mill Grove 88.3 m 10,2 30,1
Eden Mountain Lodge Grove 76.3 m 10,1 29,7
Roosevelt Redwood Mountain Grove 78.9 m 8,8 25,5
J. Nelder Nelder's Grove 82.2 m 9,7 28,3
"AD" (Common Era) Eightwell Mill Grove 74.5 m 10,6 31,2
Michael Hart Redwood Mountain Grove 85.2 m 8,3 23,9
Giant Grizzly Mariposa Grove 64.8 m 10 29,2
Home Sequoia Grove of the Giant Forest 68.9 m 9,8 28,6
Matthewsla Mountain Lodge Grove 64.5 m 10,3 30,2
Great Goshawk Freeman Creek Grove 88.7 m 9,7 28,5
Hamilton Grove of the Giant Forest 73.8 m 9 26,2
Dean Eightwell Mill Grove 82.8 m 10,4 31
Beautiful Black Mountain Blackrock Grove 79.9 m 8,4 24,2
Giant Saddles Grove Saddle 67.5 m 11,3 33,4
Allen Russell Mountain Lodge Grove 78.2 m 8,8 25,4
Cleveland Grove of the Giant Forest 77.6 m 8,8 25,4
Dalton Grove Muir 84.8 m 8,4 24,2
Louis Ejassis State Calaveras Park 80.1 m 10,5 30,9
Nir Ed Grove of the Giant Forest 78.4 m 8,7 25,2
Evans Kennedy Grove 71.3 m 8,5 24,6
Three Girths of Jack Mountain Lodge Grove 74.3 m 9 26,1
Patriarch Grove McIntyre 84.1 m 8 23,1
Red Chief Longmeadow Grove 75.6 m 8,8 25,6
Guardian Grove of the Giant Forest 79.4 m 8,7 25,1
Bull Buck Nelder's Grove 74.9 m 10,6 31,2
Next to Bezvolny Grove McIntyre 77.7 m 8,3 24
Weak-willed Goliath Grove McIntyre 84.9 m 7,6 21,7
Candelabra Grove Saddle 69.5 m 8,1 23,3
Bannister Freeman Creek Grove 61.3 m 11 32,5
Ghost Grove Saddle 59.3 m 10,2 30

Everyone has heard about this tree, but few manage to admire it. Despite its enormous popularity, its distribution is limited for a number of reasons. Sequoia is a tree that belongs to the genus of conifers, the cypress family, and the subfamily sequoioideae. Consists of two species: giant and evergreen sequoia. Both of these species grow in North America on the coast Pacific Ocean.

Scientists are sure that in the distant past this amazing plant inhabited the entire northern hemisphere of our planet. Yours modern name The tree was not received immediately: the British and Americans tried to immortalize their heroes in it. Then a compromise was reached: it was decided to name the tree in honor of the leader of the Cherokee tribe - Sequoyah, who, ironically, called on his people to fight against both the British and the Americans.

Evergreen and tallest

Today this plant grows only in a small area in Northern California and Southern Oregon, on a narrow coastal strip. Evergreen sequoia- a tree that is the tallest existing on Earth in our time. Usually its height ranges from 60 to 90 meters, but there were also specimens taller than 100 m, and one of them even reached 113 meters. Most of them grow in national park Redwood, on ocean-facing mountain slopes and foothill valleys.

The sequoia trunk has a very thick and fibrous bark. While the plant is young, it branches along the entire length of the trunk, but with age, the lower branches are lost, and only a dense crown is formed at the top. The undergrowth in such a forest develops poorly due to lack of lighting. Despite the fact that an adult tree produces a lot of seeds, only a small part of them germinates, and even this part is very difficult - there is not enough sunlight. Due to such slow reproduction, the sequoia (the tree was previously intensively cut down) was on the verge of extinction. Today, the main places where this grows are taken under protection, and their barbaric felling has been stopped.

The territory of this huge North American reserve is the main repository of what is rightfully considered the greatest living organism. In terms of size and life expectancy, there are no equals in nature. The existence of the giant sequoia is calculated not in tens or even hundreds of years, but in millennia - it can live up to 4000 years. over such a long period it grows in height up to 95 meters, and in diameter it grows to 10 meters or more. - this is the name of sequoia - a tree (its photo has gone around the whole world), which has already lived for 4000 years and continues to grow, today its weight is 2995796 kg.

Some interesting facts

The tallest tree growing today is the Stratospheric Giant. It is located in Redwood National Park. In 2002, its height was 112.56 m.

The tallest tree on Earth was the Dyerville Giant. When it collapsed, it was possible to determine that its height was 113.4 m, and it lived for about 1600 years.

Currently, 15 sequoias have a height of more than 110 meters, and 47 trees are already approaching the 105 m mark. So, perhaps, the Dyerville Giant's record will be broken. They say that in 1912 a sequoia tree with a height of 115.8 m was cut down. But this fact has not been proven.

The most voluminous sequoia is a tree named General Sherman. Its volume has already exceeded 1487 cubic meters. m. They claim that in 1926 a tree with a volume of 1794 cubic meters was cut down. m. But it is no longer possible to verify this.

Sequoia is a genus of evergreen perennial woody plants, which belongs to the Cypress family. It is represented by the only species that grows naturally on the Pacific coast of North America. IN wildlife some representatives reach a height of 100 m. Being one of the tallest trees on earth, Sequoias can boast a life expectancy of up to 3 thousand years. According to one version, the genus got its name in honor of the leader of an Indian tribe.

The tree has a conical crown. The branches are located horizontally, sometimes slightly inclined downwards. The trunk is covered with thick bark. It is soft and can reach 30 cm in thickness. Thanks to its reddish-brown hue, which intensifies when separated from the trunk, Sequoia is called “mahogany”. The bark is valuable because it practically does not rot.

The leaves are green, oblong and grow up to 25 mm in length. The cones are shaped like an egg. The scales occupy a spiral arrangement. Root system spreads out greatly in width.

Sequoia bonsai is a valuable and rare specimen. This mighty tree is not easy to grow in a cramped pot, but it is worth the effort. The plant will worthy decoration interior


For a comfortable existence, it is better to place the bonsai on a window of eastern or western orientation. Sequoia is photophilous. However, when located on south side during the midday hours you will have to consider a shading system. Due to prolonged exposure to direct rays, the plant may die. But in winter, if there is a lack of light, moving the tree to a southern windowsill can be a solution to the problem. The main thing is not to forget to return the plant to its original place in the spring, when the sun begins to get hot.

Bonsai prefers moderate air temperatures. In winter it is necessary to place it in a well-lit, cool room. Optimal temperature from December to February +8–10°С. If the thermometer rises higher, additional spraying will be needed.

Sequoia does not tolerate the lack of fresh air well. In summer it must be taken out Fresh air, providing protection from direct sun. The plant does not like temperature changes and drafts. The rest of the time, regular ventilation of the room has a beneficial effect.

Diseases and pests

Aphids, mealybugs, spider mites.


Seeds, cuttings.

First steps after purchase

When choosing a Sequoia bonsai in a store, they pay attention to the condition of the crown, bark, branches and near-root zone. You just have to like the tree purely in appearance. You shouldn’t hope to correct the direction of trunk growth in the future or expect that the crown in your house will become much more luxuriant. It is almost impossible to radically change anything in a fully formed specimen. If you are fundamentally unsatisfied with something, it is better to refuse the purchase. It is also worth postponing the purchase when the Sequoia has a lot of yellow and dry leaves, mold on the trunk or traces of mechanical damage (for example, from a wire), small insects or larvae on the shoots.

When the bonsai arrives home, check the soil moisture. If the earthen ball is too dry, water the plant and leave it alone for 2 weeks. A newcomer needs to get used to the atmosphere of someone else’s home and adapt. After 10–14 days, Sequoia can be assigned to a permanent location.

Secrets of success

Sequoia does not tolerate drought. A long stay without water is detrimental to her. We must always ensure that the earthen lump does not dry out. However, bonsai also does not tolerate prolonged waterlogging. Good drainage and moderate watering will help keep the tree healthy and beautiful. For irrigation, it is recommended to use water at room temperature. Before use, it should be allowed to sit for at least a day. Excess moisture from the pan should be removed to avoid rotting of the root system. In autumn, the frequency of watering is slowly reduced. It depends on the temperature in the room. If Sequoia winters at +8°C, it is enough to moisten the soil 3 times a month. When the temperature rises by several degrees (+12–14°C), watering is carried out almost 2 times more often.

During the active growing season, the plant is fed. Complex fertilizer is applied once a month. It must be diluted first warm water. The dose is taken at half the amount indicated on the package. Sometimes bonsai are limited in nutrients, thereby trying to slow down growth. This is fundamentally wrong.

Possible difficulties

The trunk began to stretch

Reason: 1) the plant does not have enough light.

The root system rots

Reason: 1) poor drainage or lack thereof, 2) frequent soil moisture.

The leaves thinned and turned yellow and began to dry out.

1) rare watering, 2) long exposure to direct sun.

The giant sequoia or, as it is also called, the mammoth tree, has rightfully earned the title of the most tall tree in the world. It’s not for nothing that this long-liver is considered one of the wonders of the world. This plant belongs to the coniferous trees and can reach a height of up to 110 meters, while its trunk in girth can be more than 12 meters. And the lifespan of this miracle of nature is simply unthinkable. She can live up to 5 thousand years. This tree is the oldest on the planet.

How did the sequoia appear?

Currently, scientists have concluded that a tree appeared on the planet more than 100 million years ago. There is plenty of evidence for this conclusion: fossils found in different places planets, other geological deposits that allow us to identify the approximate time of appearance of this unusual natural phenomenon on the planet.

Even in ancient times, sequoia seeds spread across the territories that today are occupied by France, Japan and the New Siberian Islands. It is believed that giant tree existed back in the time of dinosaurs, when entire forests with powerful trunks occupied vast territories throughout the northern hemisphere. As experts say, 50 million years ago there was glacial period, which affected not only the distribution area of ​​the tree, but also its size. After the weather warmed up, the plant remained in its original form, however, it now settled in only one place. The mainland of North America is considered the birthplace of sequoia.

First giant sequoias were discovered by the Spaniards back in 1769, when they went on an expedition to the area of ​​​​present San Francisco. They received the nickname “Mammoth trees” from the botanist Endlifer, who was the first in the world to call them “red trees”. And at first no one could even imagine what to do with these huge trunks. For a long time, trees were not used at all, because neither a saw nor an ax can take them, due to the very hard bark and wood. And sequoia wood is not suitable for construction, like the material of other conifers.

Due to their uselessness, the giant sequoia forests were even completely destroyed in 1848. But people are very contradictory. By the time almost half of the trees were destroyed, environmentalists and US authorities began to protect the sequoia. After all, these giants natural world should have survived to posterity in its original form.

Present time

Currently sequoia, Wikipedia speaks about this unequivocally, grows only on the Pacific coast of California, although it is the property of all mankind, a unique tree flora. In addition to this place, sequoia also grows on the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada mountains. These are the only two places where you can still see giant trees in full beauty and power. The reserve occupies huge areas of the coast and mountain slopes, which gives tourists the opportunity to visit these places and admire the beauty of the forest.

The tree cannot grow high in the mountains because it requires very high humidity. But nevertheless, the mammoth tree tolerates low temperatures well, which allowed it to survive in the Ice Age.

Every year, the United States is visited by many tourists who are eager to take pictures at the foot of the giants, and the Americans themselves respect these trees. One of them even has a name - he was named after the American commander. This giant is protected by law as a cultural monument and is considered the property of all of America. Scientists are showing remarkable interest in sequoia, but it is not cut down under any pretext.

General Sherman

A tree named "General Sherman" grows in the Sierra Nevada and is considered the most... amazing plant on the planet. The height of the trunk is more than 83 meters, and its girth is more than 148 meters. The age of the tree, according to approximate calculations, is as much as 2700 years, which is quite a lot for a plant. But the sequoia constantly continues to grow, which is also quite unique fact. Sequoia annually grows as much wood on its trunk as an 18-meter tree can grow. Scientists are still studying this unique plant, which has seen almost the entire history of mankind.

No less famous representative

Another representative of the coniferous species is sequoia is a sequoiadendron tree. The place where this sequoia was cut down still preserves the base of the giant in its original form. It, like the General Sherman, is honored to become one of the symbols of America. The tree was cut down in 1930 after 1930 years. Very symbolic! Annual rings are painted on its trunk and signed:

What is sequoia

Externally the tree is a huge trunk covered with thick bark. Its thickness reaches 60 cm. The sap of the tree completely lacks oils that are found in other conifers, but there is a huge amount of tannin, which prevents the tree from burning. Even after a severe fire, the sequoia will survive and continue to grow, while other conifers die. The wood of this plant is not at all affected by fungi, rot or small bugs. Its roots are so deep in the ground that the wind is unable to knock down this tree. The growth rate of sequoia reaches 3-4 meters per year, the maximum height is 110 meters, high altitude The tree was discovered quite recently in one of the national parks; its height is 115.5 meters.

Sequoia wood has a bright pink color that changes to red closer to the center. It is very durable, which allows it to serve for a long time. Although sequoia is not used in construction or other purposes on the farm.


The northern giant is a gymnosperm tree and produces a huge number of seeds, but only a small fraction of them can successfully germinate. But even those that were able to break through the ground struggle for life for a long time. young tree branches along its entire length, but the older and more majestic it becomes, the fewer lower branches are preserved. This helps the sequoia to form a reliable and durable dome, which prevents light rays from penetrating down to the ground. And a young tree cannot live without light.

But nothing grows under the arches of majestic plants. That is why it is very difficult to say that a tree reproduces naturally. It's much more common planted with small seedlings, whose age does not exceed a year. And they are planted away from the main planting. But growing sequoia artificially will only be necessary if the wood begins to be actively used in construction. After all, then the plant may simply disappear.

Places of growth

Today sequoia grows in:

  • Great Britain;
  • Spain;
  • New Zealand.

The tree requires high humidity, and therefore all existing reserves are located near the sea. But you can meet this giant in Russia. We also have access to the sea and wet air With warm climate. This place is located in Krasnodar region, and therefore sequoia grows there. In the Sochi arboretum there is a planting of this evergreen, but not yet a giant. But within a few thousand years, huge trunks with branched crowns will rise there, which will amaze the imagination of tourists and residents of this glorious place.

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