Characteristics of the natural zones of Australia. The originality of the organic world of the mainland. Geography lesson on the topic "Natural areas of Australia. The originality of the organic world" Natural areas of Australia originality of the organic world

If you compare the distribution of the natural zones of Australia and Africa, you will find that in Australia, as well as in Africa, large area occupy zones of savannahs and tropical deserts. Tropical deserts and semi-deserts are located in the central and western parts of the mainland. Savannas border this zone from the north, east, southeast and southwest.

Although Australia has the same natural areas as South Africa with Madagascar, except areas altitudinal zonality, but the organic world here is completely different. Nature has created a huge nature reserve in Australia, where many plants and animals are preserved, close to those that inhabited the Earth in ancient times and disappeared on other continents. species composition plants and animals is characterized by poverty and originality. This is due to the fact that Australia and the adjacent islands have long separated from other continents. organic world for a long time developed in isolation. Up to 75% of mainland plant species are found only in Australia. These include many types of eucalyptus, which are very diverse. There are giant eucalyptus trees, more than 100 m high. The roots of such trees go 30 m into the ground and, like powerful pumps, pump moisture out of it. There are stunted eucalyptus trees and shrub eucalyptus trees. Eucalyptus trees are well adapted to dry climates. Their leaves are ribbed sunshine, the crown does not shade the soil, so eucalyptus forests are light. Eucalyptus trees have hardwood which is good construction material. And their leaves are used for the production of oils, paints, medicines.

In addition to eucalyptus, Australia is characterized by acacias, casuarinas with leafless thread-like branches, which are not found on other continents.

In the subequatorial forests, among tall grasses, along with other trees (palms, ficuses, etc.), peculiar bottle trees grow - with a trunk thick at the base, sharply tapering upwards. Feature subtropical forests - the dominance of various types of eucalyptus trees intertwined with lianas, many tree ferns.

Thickets of dry shrubs are common in the interior desert regions, consisting mainly of low-growing prickly acacias and eucalyptus trees. Such thickets are called scrub. There is almost no vegetation on mobile sandy ridges and stony placers. Unlike Africa, there are no oases in Australia, but the deserts do not look as lifeless as, for example, the Sahara.

The fauna of Australia is also very peculiar. Only here live the most primitive mammals - echidna and platypus. They are interesting in that they hatch the young from eggs, and feed them with milk, like mammals. There are many marsupials in Australia. Their cubs are born very small, and the mother wears them in a bag representing a fold of skin on her stomach.

The vast majority of marsupial families are unique to Australia. Among them, the kangaroo family is especially common. Giant kangaroos reach 3 m. There are dwarf kangaroos, 30 cm in size. There are also wombats resembling marmots. In eucalyptus forests you can find marsupial bear koala. It lives in trees and leads a sedentary nocturnal lifestyle, it is also called the Australian sloth. A very rare predator, the marsupial devil, has survived on the island of Tasmania.

The world of birds is rich, diverse and also peculiar. Especially a lot of parrots. In the forests there is a beautiful lyrebird bird, birds of paradise with bright plumage, in dry savannahs and semi-deserts - emu. There are lizards, poisonous snakes, crocodiles are found in the reservoirs of Northern Australia.

Australians love and care about the nature of their mainland. They pay much attention to the protection of plants and animals and their study. An emu and a kangaroo are depicted on state emblem countries, and echidna, platypus, lyrebird are depicted on Australian coins.

  1. What is a natural complex?
  2. Which natural complexes called natural areas?
  3. What main reason alternation of natural zones?

natural areas. If you compare the distribution of the natural zones of Australia and Africa (see the map on the flyleaf), you will find that in Australia, as well as in Africa, the savanna and tropical desert zones occupy a large area. Tropical deserts and semi-deserts are located in the central and western parts of the mainland. Savannas border this zone from the north, east, southeast and southwest.

Rice. 66. Australia - home of evergreen eucalyptus and acacia

originality organic world. Although Australia has the same natural zones as South Africa and Madagascar, except for the altitudinal zones, the organic world here is completely different. Nature has created a huge nature reserve in Australia, where many plants and animals are preserved, close to those that inhabited the Earth in ancient times and disappeared on other continents. The species composition of plants and animals is characterized by poverty and originality. This is due to the fact that Australia and the adjacent islands have long separated from other continents.

The organic world has long developed in isolation. Up to 75% of mainland plant species are found only in Australia. These include many types of eucalyptus, which are very diverse. There are giant eucalyptus trees, more than 100 m high. The roots of such trees go 30 m into the ground and, like powerful pumps, pump moisture out of it. There are stunted eucalyptus trees and shrub eucalyptus trees. Eucalyptus trees are well adapted to dry climates. Their leaves are located with an edge to the sunlight, the crown does not shade the soil, so the eucalyptus forests are light. In eucalyptus trees, hardwood is a good building material. And their leaves are used for the production of oils, paints, medicines.

In addition to eucalyptus, Australia is characterized by acacias, casuarinas with leafless thread-like branches, which are not found on other continents.

Rice. 67. Unique animal world australia

In the subequatorial forests, among tall grasses, along with other trees (palms, ficuses, etc.), peculiar bottle trees grow .. - with a trunk thick at the base, sharply tapering upwards. A characteristic feature of the subtropical forests is the dominance of various types of eucalyptus trees intertwined with lianas, and many tree ferns.

Thickets of dry shrubs are common in the interior desert regions, consisting mainly of low-growing prickly acacias and eucalyptus trees. Such thickets are called scrub. There is almost no vegetation on mobile sandy ridges and stony placers. In contrast to Africa, there are no oases in Australia, but the deserts do not look as lifeless as, for example, the Sahara.

The fauna of Australia is also very peculiar. Only here live the most primitive mammals - echidna and platypus. They are interesting in that they hatch the young from eggs, and feed them with milk, like mammals. There are many marsupials in Australia. Their cubs are born very small, and the mother wears them in a bag representing a fold of skin on her stomach.

The vast majority of marsupial families are unique to Australia. Among them, the kangaroo family is especially common. Giant kangaroos reach 3 m. There are dwarf kangaroos, 30 cm in size. There are also wombats resembling marmots. In the eucalyptus forests, you can meet the marsupial koala bear. It lives in trees and leads a sedentary nocturnal lifestyle, it is also called the Australian sloth. A very rare predator, the marsupial devil, has survived on the island of Tasmania.

The world of birds is rich, diverse and also peculiar. Especially a lot of parrots. In the forests there is a beautiful bird lyrebird, birds of paradise with bright plumage, in dry savannahs and semi-deserts - emu. There are lizards, poisonous snakes, crocodiles are found in the reservoirs of Northern Australia.

Australians love and care about the nature of their mainland. They pay much attention to the protection of plants and animals and their study. The emu and kangaroo are depicted on the state emblem of the country, and the echidna, platypus, lyrebird are depicted on Australian coins.

  1. What are the features of the location of natural areas in Australia? How are they explained?
  2. What is the uniqueness of the plant and animal world? Explain the reasons for this peculiarity.

The exceptional originality and antiquity of the flora and fauna of Australia is explained by its long isolation. Most plant species (75%) and animals (90%) of Australia are endemic, that is, they are not found anywhere else in the world. There are few mammals among the animals, however, species extinct on other continents, including marsupials (about 160 species), have survived. Characteristic representatives of the Australian flora are eucalyptus (600 species), acacia (490 species) and casuarina. The mainland did not give the world valuable cultivated plants.

Australia is located in four geographical zones- from subequatorial to moderate. The change in natural zones is due to changes in temperature and precipitation patterns. The flat nature of the relief contributes to a well-defined, disturbed only in the east. The main part of the continent lies in tropical latitudes, That's why greatest development got tropical desert and semi-deserts, occupying half the area of ​​the mainland.

The central parts of the mainland in two geographical zones (tropical and subtropical) are occupied by deserts and semi-deserts. Australia is rightly called the desert continent (Great Sandy, big desert Victoria, Gibson Desert, etc.). On the Western Australian Plateau in tropical conditions continental climate dominated by tropical deserts and semi-deserts. In stony and sandy riverbeds, thin forests of casuarinas stretch along the riverbeds. In the hollows of clayey semi-deserts, there are thickets of quinoa and salt-tolerant species of acacia and eucalyptus. Deserts are characterized by "pillows" of bushy cereal spinifex. Soils of semi-deserts are gray soils, deserts are primitive stony, clayey or sandy.

In the south of the mainland in the subtropics, deserts and semi-deserts occupy the Nullarbor plain (“treeless”) and the Murray-Darling lowland. They are formed in a subtropical continental climate on brown semi-desert and gray-brown soils. Against the background of dry rare cereals, wormwood and saltwort are found, tree and shrub vegetation is absent.

The problem of scarcity is most acute in Australia. Previously, it was solved by pumping groundwater from numerous wells. But at present, a decrease in the water level in artesian basins has been recorded. The depletion of underground water reserves, along with a decrease in the full flow of rivers, has exacerbated the shortage of water in Australia, forcing the implementation of programs to conserve it.

One of the ways to preserve nature is the creation of specially protected natural areas. They occupy 11% of the area of ​​the continent. One of the most visited is the Kosciuszko park in the Australian. In the north is one of the largest parks in the world - Kakadu, where not only wetlands are taken under protection, which serve as a habitat for many endemic birds, but also caves with Aboriginal rock art. In the Blue Mountains Park, stunning mountain landscapes with a variety of eucalyptus forests are protected. The nature of deserts has also been taken under protection (parks Great Victoria Desert, Simpson Desert). object world heritage Ayers Rock, a giant red sandstone monolith sacred to the Aborigines, has been recognized by UNESCO in Uluru-Katayuta Park. fairy world corals are protected in the underwater park of the Great Barrier Reef.

In big barrier reef there is the greatest diversity of corals on the planet (up to 500 species). The threat, in addition to pollution of coastal waters and poaching, is posed by polyp-eating Starfish"crown of thorns". Temperature increase ocean waters Due to global warming, corals are bleaching and dying.

The main feature of the animal and flora Australia - the predominance of endemics. Australia is the most deserted continent. Global, exhaustion water resources, depletion of flora and fauna pose a threat to the nature of the mainland. specially protected natural areas occupy 11% of the area of ​​the continent.

Vdovina M.V.

Lesson outline - travel on the topic:

natural areas s. The peculiarity of the organic world Australia.

Goals: to reveal the features of the nature of the mainland and the reasons that caused them; to improve the ability to compare, analyze and compare maps of different content.


educational : to introduce students to the natural areas of Australia andgive them accurate description ; show features of flora and fauna; identify the reasons for the originality of the organic world of the mainland

developing: continue the formation of skills and abilities to work with a map, a textbook, additional material; develop the cognitive interests of students, attention; stimulate the desire to expand their horizons; learn to identify causal relationships, compare, analyze, draw conclusions

educational: to cultivate honesty, the ability to objectively evaluate one's own knowledge and the knowledge of one's comrades, a sense of collectivism, delicacy, the ability to defend one's point of view and listen to the opinions of others.

Students should be able to:

Explain the reasons for the endemicity of the organic world, the features of the placement of natural zones in comparison with Africa.

Students should learn:

    Natural areas of Australia and their characteristics

    Features of flora and fauna, as well as the reasons for these features

    The most characteristic representatives of the animal and plant world

Lesson type: study lesson.

Conducting methods:

verbal method: conversation, explanation, clarification; visual: illustrative and demonstrative; practical: independent work;

Means of education: australia physical map,map "Natural zones of the world"atlases for7th gradetextbook,cards with new words.

During the classes.

“... this region is the most curious in all the globe! Its origin, plants, animals, climate - all this surprised, surprises and will still surprise scientists around the world. ... the mainland, where trees annually lose not their leaves, but their bark; where the leaves are turned to the sun not by the surface, but by the edge and do not give a shadow; where the trees are stunted, and the grasses are gigantic; where animals are unusual; where quadrupeds have beaks, such as echidnas and platypuses; where the jumping kangaroo has paws of different lengths ... The most bizarre, most illogical country that has ever existed! The earth is paradoxical, refuting the laws of nature.”

Jules Verne "Children of Captain Grant"

Stages and semantic blocks of the lesson

Teacher activity

Student activities

I. Organizational moment.

(2 minutes.)

Missing mark.

II. checking d.z (5min)

front poll.

III. Lesson topic message, goals and objectives, motivation learning activities students.

Our lesson today is unusual, we will go on an exciting journey with you. We are explorers of a unique realm of nature.

“... this region is the most curious on the entire globe! Its origin, plants, animals, climate - all this surprised, surprises and will still surprise scientists around the world. ... the mainland, where trees annually lose not their leaves, but their bark; where the leaves are turned to the sun not by the surface, but by the edge and do not give a shadow; where the trees are stunted, and the grasses are gigantic; where animals are unusual; where quadrupeds have beaks, such as echidnas and platypuses; where the jumping kangaroo has paws of different lengths ... The most bizarre, most illogical country that has ever existed! The earth is paradoxical, refuting the laws of nature.” Jules Verne "Children of Captain Grant"

What do you think Paganel described in this way?

Can you guess what the lesson will be about?

Unique nature Australia.

About natural areas, about the organic world

IV. Learning new material.

(20 minutes)


Guys, we continue to study with you in all its grandeur and beauty, the magical, and often exotic world of Australia. And today in the lesson you will meet face to face with this unusual continent, its nature.

And the blue sky, and the lush greenery of the foliage, and the endless expanses of the ocean, and the morning whisper of grass, and the joyful singing of birds, and the sound of the surf - all this is nature that lives forever next to man. A person discovers for himself all the charm of the planet while traveling.Any expedition, journey begins with the study of the map.Pay attention to the map at the board "Natural areas of the world"

What is a natural area?

Let's remember: In which sequences should characterize a natural area?

Why do you think it is necessary to take into account all the components of nature when studying natural areas?

Consider the map "Natural zones of the world." Name the areas in which Australia is located.

I invite you to explore some corners of the nature of this continent. And so we need to equip expeditions.

Come to me one by one from the representatives of the expeditions and get the envelopes.In envelopes: 1 group - hard-leaved evergreen forests and bushes , group 2 - variable wet rainforests, 3 group - savannas and woodlands,

4 group-desert and semi-desert zone.

On expeditions, travelers record their observations in travel diaries. And we will use them. As a travel diary for notes during the trip, we use the table that lies on your desk. - You need to distribute responsibilities in your group.

1-Climatologist – Describe the climate of this natural area:

Determine in which climatic zones it is located (using a map in the atlas"Climatic zones and regions of the world" and the map "Natural zones of the world")2-soil scientist- to determine the type of soils of a given natural zone (by comparing the "Soils of the World" map and"Natural areas of the world")3-Botany- to study the flora of the natural zone.4-Zoologist- to study the animal world of the natural zone.

Exploring your natural areaYou canuse the textbook and additional text prepared by the teacher. - I'll give you 5 minutes. So the roles are assigned. We begin our research.

The time has come to an end, I invite you to present the results of research.(slide number 3)

As you move from the coast of Australia to its center, humid tropical and subtropical forests are replaced by dry and light eucalyptus forests with hard foliage. Then come the savannas, and in the very center of Australia there are deserts and semi-deserts with shrub vegetation.

95% of animals and 75% of plant species in Australia are endemic, i.e. found only on the Australian continent.Since the Australian mainland was isolated from other continents for a long time, due to its remoteness. Its flora and fauna are very peculiar.(slide number 4)

Let's give the floor to the first group of researchers and their specialist climatologist. Let's start from the southeast and southwest of Australia, which is located in the zone hard-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs.(slide number 5-7)

We found out that in the southeast of the mainland the most favorable climate and enough fertile soils that is why this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mainland is the most populated and developed.

Next, we get totropical rainforest zone (Group 2)(slide number 8)

(after the climatologist) Why is there a forest zone in the east? Is it related to precipitation?

Mostly marsupials are found here.

(slide №9,10)

We are in the territorysavannas and woodlands . (Group 3). climate zone does it correspond? (the word to the climatologist), etc. according to the plan

(slide №11,12,13)

Story: General form the savannah varies greatly with the seasons. During the dry season (summer) lifehere it freezes, the soil dries up and cracks. But as soon as the rain falls, the savannah turns into an ocean of grasses. Bottle trees that store water in their thick trunks.

And finally we got to the most sultry and lifeless zone of Australia -desert and semi-desert zones (Group 4)

(slide №14,15,16)

3/4 of the mainland area is occupied by deserts. What is it connected with?

Unique thickets grow in the Australian deserts, which are called -scrub. What is it?

Such deserts are good pastures for sheep. There are no oases in the deserts of Australia.There are many lizards in dry savannahs and deserts, poisonous snakes; mosquitoes and other insects.

At the end of our journey, I ask you to pay attention to how man has influenced and changed the nature of Australia. First, the area of ​​forests is rapidly declining. Secondly, 75% of the mainland is now subject to desertification. Thirdly, some species of animals are completely exterminated, while others are on the verge of extinction. The flora also suffered from economic activity and introduction of man into wildlife this unique part of the world. And despite all this, only about 2% of the country's land fund is occupied by protected areas.

Australians strive to preserve a unique organic world. The emblem of Australia depicts an ostrich and a kangaroo, on the coins - an echidna, a platypus and a lyrebird bird.(slide №17,18)

(slide 19)

“Journey is penetration into the realm of the significant and beautiful,” wrote K.P. Paustovsky.

Atlas page 13

this is a large PC, which has a common temperature and moisture conditions, soil type, flora and fauna.

geographic location, relief, climate, inland waters soil, flora and fauna

in the natural zone, the components of nature are interconnected. For example, climate depends on geographical location and relief

variable moist forests, savannas and woodlands, semi-deserts and deserts,

hard-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs, mixed forests

Group work.

Answer according to their natural area.

Yes, it has to do with precipitation.

with climatic conditions.

Read the textbook definition on page 154

V. Consolidation

Traveling across the Australian continent, we studied its natural zones, their features.

What determines the location of natural areas?

What is the peculiarity of the plant world?


The ratio of heat and moisture (climate)

The peculiarity of the plant world is due to the fact that long-term isolation from other continents, as well as the dryness of the climate, contributed to the formation of deserts and savannahs.

V I.Homework

(slide number 20)

§37, Write an appeal on the topic: "Let's save the nature of the mainland"

Geography teacher: Paramonov A.I.____________ Methodist: Dushina I.V._____________

List of used literature:

1. Korinskaya V. A., Dushina I. V., Shchenev V. A. Textbook for grade 7 M., “Enlightenment”, 2007

2. V. A. Korinskaya, I. V. Dushina, and V. A. Shchenev Toolkit Geography of continents and oceans Grade 7. M., "Drofa", 2001

3.Multimedia educational program: Geography Grade 7. Geography of continents and oceans.

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