Report: Characteristics of the natural zones of Australia. The originality of the organic world of the mainland. What will we do with the received material?

Life in the world's oceans is extremely rich, but the marine flora is much poorer than on land. However, it is of no small importance in the endless circulation of substances. IN total There are approximately 10 thousand plant species: various herbs, algae, shrubs, mangroves, bacteria, and slightly less lower mushrooms. All of them participate in the endless cycle of substances in the ocean. Digesting the products of vital activity contained in bottom sediments and in water, they are at the same time suitable for use by many living organisms as food.

The fauna of the ocean has approximately 160 thousand species of living beings.

A little lower in this article, the organic world will be presented in more detail. Pacific Ocean.

general information

The vast World Ocean is divided by continents into several separate oceans. Each of them has peculiar features formed by nature.

The ocean, as a medium with life developing and spreading in it, is very different from land. This is related to the fact that water environment it has a relatively constant salt composition, almost unchanged in time and space.

This property contributed to the preservation of some representatives of ancient geological eras in the World Ocean. This is especially true for deep low temperatures water. For example, hedgehogs sea ​​stars and sea stalked lilies, which lived in the ancient Paleozoic.

Before we introduce the organic world of the Pacific Ocean, let us briefly describe this greatest, largest natural body of water in the world.

Pacific Ocean

The world's largest ocean by area is both the deepest and oldest of all oceans in existence today. Its main features are frequent movements of the earth's crust, great depths, a large number of volcanoes at the bottom, huge reserves of heat in its waters. In this regard, the ocean also has an exceptional diversity. organic world.

No wonder it is called the Great, because its area is a third of the Earth's territory and almost half of the surface area of ​​the entire oceans. The Great Pond separates the shores of 5 continents. The equator has a particularly wide width, therefore, on the surface, the warmest Pacific Ocean, the organic world of which feels quite comfortable in its waters.

There are a huge number of seas here, among which there are shelf ones, located on the shallows of the continents with shallow depths (up to 100 meters). Some seas are located in the interaction zone lithospheric plates. They are quite deep and are separated from the ocean by island arcs.

The Pacific Ocean is unique and peculiar. Its organic world is rich in endemics and giants. Many species of fish live here, not preserved in other oceans. These are such endemic mammals as sea otters, fur seals and sea lions.

General description of the organic world of the Pacific Ocean

A huge natural reservoir occupies vast territories located on different belts of the Earth, which contributes to the formation various conditions for the development of life. In the ocean, a certain zoning is expressed in the distribution of fauna and flora. Plankton here is represented by small crustaceans and unicellular algae (more than 1300 species in total).

In terms of organic matter, the Pacific Ocean is relatively rich. The organic world of its bottom consists of approximately 29 species of grasses and 4 thousand species of algae.

Low temperatures and enormous pressure at great depths reduce the composition of animal species and force them to adapt to such conditions. difficult conditions a habitat. For example, at a depth of 8500 meters, only 45 species live, which are inactive and work as "filters". They pass through the stomach a huge amount of silt, which is the main source of nutrition at such depths.

Fur seals, whales, sea beavers live in the ocean (the latter live only in the Pacific Ocean).

The composition of the organic world by area

Only in the surface layer of the Pacific Ocean, more than 1000 species of microorganisms have been found that are contained in plankton. In terms of species composition of organisms, one of the richest is the Sea of ​​Japan, located in the temperate zone.

In cold and temperate latitudes ah, brown algae develop well, in the southern - giant algae (macrocystis), growing up to 200 meters in length. In tropical areas, large green and red limestone algae from the coral family are common. The latter, in combination with coral polyps, form reefs.

The northern parts of the ocean are dominated by giant oysters and mussels, and equatorial zone huge bivalves tridacna, whose weight can reach up to 300 kg.

Life in the ocean is rich, especially near coral reefs in equatorial and tropical latitudes. The northern waters of the ocean are rich in salmon fish, the southeast (off the coast South America) - huge accumulations of a wide variety of fish. The water masses are very fertile here. The animal develops well in them and plant plankton, which is an excellent food for anchovies, horse mackerel, mackerel and other types of fish. And the latter, in turn, feed on penguins, cormorants and pelicans.

For comparison, a little about the Indian Ocean

The organic world of the Pacific and Indian Oceans is similar, since the nature of the second has many common features with the Pacific Ocean.

The Indian Ocean is distinguished by its peculiar position. Most of it is located in the Southern Hemisphere, the northern one is limited by the mainland of Eurasia, and therefore it has no connection with the harsh Arctic Ocean.

Its organic world is especially similar to the flora and fauna of the western part of the Pacific Ocean. Its tropical water masses are also rich in plankton (especially unicellular algae). Species of fish are also numerous and varied: mackerel, sardinella, sharks, etc. White-blooded fish (ice fish, etc.) live in the southern part. The areas of shelves and shallow waters near coral reefs are especially rich. Here thickets of algae create extensive underwater meadows. Sea giant turtles and snakes live in the waters of the warm Indian Ocean. Among the mollusks, there are many squids and cuttlefish. Whales and seals live closer to Antarctica.


The Pacific Ocean is large and rich. Its organic world as a whole is distinguished by species richness, antiquity and a high degree endemism.

More than 1/2 of the living creatures of the entire World Ocean of the planet are concentrated in its waters. This applies to both the animal world and plants. And this is due to the huge size, age and diversity natural conditions.

natural areas. If you compare placement natural areas Australia and Africa, you will find that in Australia, as well as in Africa, large area occupy zones of savannahs and tropical deserts. tropical desert and semi-deserts are located in the central and western parts of the mainland. Savannas border this zone from the north, east, southeast and southwest.

The peculiarity of the organic world. Although Australia has the same natural areas as South Africa with Madagascar, except areas altitudinal zonality, but the organic world here is completely different. Nature has created a huge nature reserve in Australia, where many plants and animals are preserved, close to those that inhabited the Earth in ancient times and disappeared on other continents. The species composition of plants and animals is characterized by poverty and originality. This is due to the fact that Australia and the adjacent islands have long separated from other continents.

organic world for a long time developed in isolation. Up to 75% of mainland plant species are found only in Australia. These include many types of eucalyptus, which are very diverse. There are giant eucalyptus trees, more than 100 m high. The roots of such trees go 30 m into the ground and, like powerful pumps, pump moisture out of it. There are stunted eucalyptus trees and shrub eucalyptus trees. Eucalyptus trees are well adapted to dry climates. Their leaves are ribbed sunshine, the crown does not shade the soil, so eucalyptus forests are light. Eucalyptus trees have hardwood which is good construction material. And their leaves are used for the production of oils, paints, medicines.

In addition to eucalyptus, Australia is characterized by acacias, casuarinas with leafless thread-like branches, which are not found on other continents.

In the subequatorial forests, among tall grasses, along with other trees (palms, ficuses, etc.), peculiar bottle trees grow .. - with a trunk thick at the base, sharply tapering upwards. Feature subtropical forests- the dominance of various types of eucalyptus intertwined with vines, many tree ferns.

Thickets of dry shrubs are common in the interior desert regions, consisting mainly of low-growing prickly acacias and eucalyptus trees. Such thickets are called scrub. There is almost no vegetation on mobile sandy ridges and stony placers. In contrast to Africa, there are no oases in Australia, but the deserts do not look as lifeless as, for example, the Sahara.

Animal world Australia is also very distinctive. Only here live the most primitive mammals - echidna and platypus. They are interesting in that they hatch the young from eggs, and feed them with milk, like mammals. There are many marsupials in Australia. Their cubs are born very small, and the mother wears them in a bag representing a fold of skin on her stomach.

The vast majority of marsupial families are unique to Australia. Among them, the kangaroo family is especially common. Giant kangaroos reach 3 m. There are dwarf kangaroos, 30 cm in size. There are also wombats resembling marmots. In eucalyptus forests you can find marsupial bear koala. It lives in trees and leads a sedentary nocturnal lifestyle, it is also called the Australian sloth. A very rare predator, the marsupial devil, has survived on the island of Tasmania.

The world of birds is rich, diverse and also peculiar. Especially a lot of parrots. In the forests there is a beautiful lyrebird bird, birds of paradise with bright plumage, in dry savannahs and semi-deserts - emu. There are lizards Poisonous snakes, crocodiles are found in the waters of Northern Australia.

Australians love and care about the nature of their mainland. They pay much attention to the protection of plants and animals and their study. An emu and a kangaroo are depicted on state emblem countries, and echidna, platypus, lyrebird are depicted on Australian coins.


  • study the features of the organic world of Australia, learn how to explain these features, compare the flora and fauna of Australia and Africa.



  • to form students' knowledge about the features of the organic world of Australia;
  • teach to explain the features of the organic world of Australia;
  • to teach to compare the organic world of two continents;
  • form new concepts.


  • development logical thinking;
  • continue the formation of skills to compare objects, work with the text of the textbook and its drawings;
  • develop practical skills and the ability to draw conclusions;
  • to teach to analyze and systematize information, to process it creatively.


  • development of interest in knowledge, culture of mental work;
  • development of a culture of communication and reflective personality traits;
  • creation of conditions for emotionally pleasant intellectual activity of students, with high cognitive activity of students;
  • show the importance of geographical knowledge;
  • development of cognitive activity and independent activity of students;
  • formation of information culture;
  • creation of a situation of intellectual difficulty in the lesson, the use of non-standard questions and problematic tasks;
  • formation of communicative competence and tolerance;
  • creation of a psychologically comfortable environment: students' feelings of joy and creativity and pleasure from intellectual tension.

Lesson type: combined

Types of student activities:

  1. Solution problematic issues and tasks that contain contradictions, require a comparison of the known with the unknown, a non-standard view of familiar facts and phenomena, and the formulation of hypotheses.
  2. Mutual verification of knowledge.
  3. Self-test.
  4. Independent work.

During the classes

Organizational stage

  1. Mutual greeting of the teacher and students, fixing those who are absent, checking the external state of the classroom, checking the readiness of students for the lesson, organizing attention: internal readiness, psychological organization attention.
  2. To prepare students for work in the lesson, to determine the goals and objectives of the lesson.
  3. Recording the topic of the lesson.

The stage of updating students' knowledge is carried out in the form frontal survey.

Question: What do we already know about mainland Australia?
Question: How many of you know what animals and plants live on this mainland?
Question: In what natural conditions do they have to live?
Question: What should the animals and plants of this continent be adapted to?

Exercise: on the map “Natural zones of the world”, determine in which natural zones Australia is located. Compare the distribution of the natural zones of Australia and Africa.

Answer: In Australia, as well as in Africa, a large area is occupied by savanna zones of tropical deserts.

The stage of learning new material

Although Australia has the same natural areas as Africa, the organic world here is completely different. Nature has created a huge nature reserve in Australia where they live rare species plants and animals.

Let's define and write down the features of the organic world of Australia.

  1. Relic species of plants and animals have been preserved in Australia.
  2. (New concept) Relics are animals and plants preserved from ancient geological eras. These include primitive mammals belonging to the order of oviparous - echidna and platypus.

  3. 75% of the mainland's plant species are found only in Australia.
  4. 90% of animal species are found nowhere else on Earth.
  5. These types of plants and animals are called - Endemics (New concept)

  6. Kingdom of marsupials.
  7. Plants and animals are adapted to do without water for a long time. (Why?)
  8. There are no predators in Australia.
  9. Most birds are flightless. (Why?)
  10. Poor species composition.

Question: How can such a unique world of this continent be explained?

Answer: The fact that Australia and the adjacent islands separated from other continents long ago and the animal world developed separately for a long time.

Question: Compare with Africa.

In the middle of the twentieth century, rabbits were brought to Australia; a few years later, the unique organic world of this continent was endangered because of these harmless animals. Why?

Task: Using the text of the textbook (§37) write down the endemics of Australia.

Write your answer in the form of a table:

Task: Verification work on comparing the animal and flora Africa and Australia. Distribute these organisms by continent.

(Students fill out the table on pre-issued cards, distributing the images of animals and plants seen on the screen across the continents.)

After finishing the work, students carry out self-examination.

Task: Remove the unnecessary and explain your choice.

A) eucalyptus, baobab, bottle tree, tree ferns, casuarina.
B) kangaroo, koala, zebra, elephant, leopard, okapi, chimpanzee.

a) baobab
b) kangaroo

Consolidation of knowledge

Verification work "True-False".

Students are presented with a series of statements. On the right statements they raise hand, and they do not react to the unbelievers.

  1. Koala - a marsupial bear that lives in trees,
  2. Kiwis are temporary drying rivers.
  3. The echidna and the platypus are primitive mammals found only in Australia.
  4. The kangaroo is a rare marsupial in Tasmania.
  5. Dingo dog is the only one large predator Australia.
  6. Big barrier reef- the largest collection in the world coral islands at east coast Australia.
  7. Scrabs are deserts in western Australia.
  8. Marsupials are animals that store food in a fold on their stomach.
  9. Eucalyptus is the tallest and fastest growing tree in the world.

Question: Why was a law passed in the 19th century prohibiting the importation into Australia of plants and animals from other continents?

Summing up the lesson

Analyze, assess the success of achieving the goal and outline a perspective for the future. Self-assessment and assessment of the work of the class and individual students. The teacher asks the students questions:

  • What was the purpose of the lesson?
  • Have we reached the goal?
  • Are you satisfied with the result of your work?
  • Today I found out...
  • The most interesting part of the lesson was...


§37 to prepare reports about animals or plants that are of interest to you.
Prepare a memo for a tourist traveling in Australia.
Evaluation and reasoning.

Task: Compare the flora and fauna of Africa and Australia. Distribute these organisms by continent.

1. Cheetah. 2. Koala. 3. Kangaroo. 4. Gorilla. 5. Okapi. 6. Zebra. 7. Emu. 8. Elephant. 9. Baobab. 10. Lyrebird. 11. Eucalyptus. 12. Ebony. 13. Bottle tree. 14. Giraffe. 15. Platypus. 16. Palm tree.

Africa Australia

natural areas. If you compare the distribution of the natural zones of Australia and Africa, you will find that in Australia, as well as in Africa, a large area is occupied by savanna and tropical desert zones. Tropical deserts and semi-deserts are located in the central and western parts of the mainland. Savannas border this zone from the north, east, southeast and southwest.

The peculiarity of the organic world. Although Australia has the same natural zones as South Africa and Madagascar, except for the altitudinal zones, the organic world here is completely different. Nature has created a huge nature reserve in Australia, where many plants and animals are preserved, close to those that inhabited the Earth in ancient times and disappeared on other continents. The species composition of plants and animals is characterized by poverty and originality. This is due to the fact that Australia and the adjacent islands have long separated from other continents.

The organic world has long developed in isolation. Up to 75% of mainland plant species are found only in Australia. These include many types of eucalyptus, which are very diverse. There are giant eucalyptus trees, more than 100 m high. The roots of such trees go 30 m into the ground and, like powerful pumps, pump moisture out of it. There are stunted eucalyptus trees and shrub eucalyptus trees. Eucalyptus trees are well adapted to dry climates. Their leaves are located with an edge to the sunlight, the crown does not shade the soil, so the eucalyptus forests are light. In eucalyptus trees, hardwood is a good building material. And their leaves are used for the production of oils, paints, medicines.

In addition to eucalyptus, Australia is characterized by acacias, casuarinas with leafless thread-like branches, which are not found on other continents.

In the subequatorial forests, among tall grasses, along with other trees (palms, ficuses, etc.), peculiar bottle trees grow .. - with a trunk thick at the base, sharply tapering upwards. A characteristic feature of the subtropical forests is the dominance of various types of eucalyptus trees intertwined with lianas, and many tree ferns.

Thickets of dry shrubs are common in the interior desert regions, consisting mainly of low-growing prickly acacias and eucalyptus trees. Such thickets are called scrub. There is almost no vegetation on mobile sandy ridges and stony placers. In contrast to Africa, there are no oases in Australia, but the deserts do not look as lifeless as, for example, the Sahara.

The fauna of Australia is also very peculiar. Only here live the most primitive mammals - echidna and platypus. They are interesting in that they hatch the young from eggs, and feed them with milk, like mammals. There are many marsupials in Australia. Their cubs are born very small, and the mother wears them in a bag representing a fold of skin on her stomach.

The vast majority of marsupial families are unique to Australia. Among them, the kangaroo family is especially common. Giant kangaroos reach 3 m. There are dwarf kangaroos, 30 cm in size. There are also wombats resembling marmots. In the eucalyptus forests, you can meet the marsupial koala bear. It lives in trees and leads a sedentary nocturnal lifestyle, it is also called the Australian sloth. A very rare predator, the marsupial devil, has survived on the island of Tasmania.

The world of birds is rich, diverse and also peculiar. Especially a lot of parrots. In the forests there is a beautiful bird lyrebird, birds of paradise with bright plumage, in dry savannahs and semi-deserts - emu. There are lizards, poisonous snakes, crocodiles are found in the reservoirs of Northern Australia.

Australians love and care about the nature of their mainland. They pay much attention to the protection of plants and animals and their study. The emu and kangaroo are depicted on the state emblem of the country, and the echidna, platypus, lyrebird are depicted on Australian coins.

End of work -

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organic world Atlantic Ocean depends on temperature, salinity and other indicators characterizing the water area of ​​this part of the MO. Conditions for the life of organisms change significantly from north to south. Therefore, in the Atlantic there are areas rich in natural resources, and relatively poor areas, where the number of animal species is in the tens, not hundreds.

The role of living organisms in the natural complex MO

The organic world of the Atlantic Ocean is significantly influenced by the large extent of the water area from north to south. The diversity of animals and plants is influenced by vast areas of land runoff and other natural factors. The sea, the bottom and the surf are home to thousands of organisms that belong to different kingdoms of the Earth's nature. Plants and animals are essential components natural complex. They are influenced by climate, the composition and properties of water, rocks that make up the bottom. In turn, the organic world of the Atlantic Ocean affects other components of nature:

  • algae enrich the water with oxygen;
  • respiration of plants and animals leads to an increase in carbon dioxide;
  • skeletons of coelenterates colonies form the basis of coral reefs and atolls;
  • living organisms absorb mineral salts from water, reducing their amount.

Organic World of the Atlantic Ocean (briefly)

Temperature and salinity values ​​are critical for the microscopic living things that make up plankton, as well as algae. These indicators are important for nekton - animals floating freely in the water column. The features of the relief of the shelf and the ocean floor determine the vital activity of bottom organisms - benthos. This group includes many coelenterates and crustaceans. There are a number of features species composition characterizing the organic world of the Atlantic Ocean. The photo of the seabed below makes it possible to verify the diversity of benthos in subtropical and tropical latitudes. Fish-rich water areas are confined to areas of intensive plankton breeding in the temperate and hot zones. In the same regions, a diversity of seabirds and mammals is observed. The high latitudes in the north and south are distinguished by the predominance of birds that feed on the surface of ice-free water, and build nesting colonies on the coast.


They form an important part of plankton. This group includes diatoms, blue-green, flagella and other smallest living organisms capable of photosynthesis. They inhabit the water column up to 100 m deep, but the highest density is observed in the first 50 m from its surface. Intense solar radiation in the warm season leads to the rapid development of phytoplankton - the "bloom" of water in the temperate and subpolar latitudes of the Atlantic Ocean.

large plants

Photosynthetic green, red, brown algae and other representatives of the MO flora are an important part of the natural complex. Plants provide oxygen for respiration and nutrients the whole organic world of the Atlantic Ocean. The list of bottom vegetation or phytobenthos includes not only algae, but also representatives of angiosperms that have adapted to living in salt water, for example, the genera Zoster, Posidonius. These "sea grasses" prefer soft soils of the subtidal zone, forming underwater meadows at depths of 30 to 50 m.

Typical representatives of the flora of the continental shelf in cold and temperate zones on both sides of the equator - kelp, They are attached to the bottom rocks, single stones. Marine vegetation in the hot zone is poorer due to high temperatures and significant insolation.
Economic importance algae:

  • brown (kelp) - eaten, serve to obtain iodine, potassium and algin;
  • red algae - raw materials for the food and pharmaceutical industries;
  • brown sargasso algae - a source of algin.


Phytoplankton and bacteria are food for herbivorous microscopic animals. Floating freely in the water column, they constitute zooplankton. It is based on the smallest representatives of crustaceans. Larger ones are combined into meso- and macroplankton (comb jelly, siphonophores, jellyfish, shrimps and small fish).

Nekton and benthos

Eat large group living organisms in the ocean, able to withstand the pressure of water, move freely in its thickness. Such abilities are possessed by marine animals of medium and large sizes.

  • Crustaceans. Shrimps, crabs and lobsters belong to this subtype.
  • Shellfish. Characteristic representatives of the group are scallops, mussels, oysters, squids and octopuses.
  • Fish. The genera and families of this superclass are the most numerous - anchovies, sharks, flounder, sprat, salmon, sea ​​bass, capelin, pollock, haddock, halibut, sardines, herring, mackerel, cod, tuna, hake.
  • Reptiles. A few representatives are sea turtles.
  • Birds. Penguins, albatrosses, and petrels get food in the water.
  • Marine mammals. Highly organized animals - dolphins, whales, fur seals, seals.

The basis of the benthos is made up of animals leading an attached lifestyle at the bottom, for example, coelenterates (coral polyps).

Features of plants and animals of the Atlantic

  1. In the northern and southern parts of the basin, the presence of different types and childbirth.
  2. There are few types of plankton, but total weight reaches impressive values, especially in moderate climate zone. Foraminifera, pteropods and (krill) predominate.
  3. High bioproductivity is a feature that characterizes the features of the organic world of the Atlantic Ocean. It is distinguished by a significant density of life in shallow water near the island of Newfoundland, water areas to the southwest and northwest of the coast of Africa, marginal seas and the eastern shelf of the USA, South America.
  4. The tropical zone, as noted above, is an unfavorable area for phytoplankton.
  5. The nekton productivity of the Atlantic Ocean on the shelf and part of the continental slope is higher than in similar regions of neighboring oceans. Fish that feed on phyto- and zooplankton (anchovy, herring, mackerel, horse mackerel and others) predominate. IN open waters tuna are of commercial importance.
  6. The species richness of mammals is one of the features of the fauna of the Atlantic Ocean. In the past century, they have undergone significant extermination, the number has declined.
  7. Coral polyps are not as diverse as in the Pacific Basin. Few sea snakes, turtles.

There are various factors that explain many of the listed features that characterize the organic world of the Atlantic Ocean. The conclusion from everything said above suggests the following: the reasons for the differences are associated with the small width of the Atlantic in the hot zone, expansion in temperate and subpolar regions. On the contrary, Quiet and Indian oceans have the greatest extent in tropical zone. Another factor that influenced the relative poverty of the Atlantic in heat-loving animals is the influence last glaciation that caused significant cooling in the Northern Hemisphere.

Organic world of the Atlantic Ocean: fishery objects

Moderate and tropical latitudes in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres are rich in life. Among the fish species of commercial importance are anchovies, pollock, tuna, cod, hake and others. Mammals are being hunted: whales and fur seals. Other types biological resources represented by mollusks, crustaceans, brown and red algae. Ocean plants are fed to pets and industrial processing. Most shellfish are delicacies, valued in the cuisine of many countries (oysters, squids, octopuses). The same characteristic can be given to crustaceans, including lobsters, shrimp and crabs.

Fishing and seafood production are more intensively carried out on the shelf and in the area of ​​continental slopes. But in recent decades, parts of the water area, which previously experienced not such a strong anthropogenic influence, have been involved in economic circulation. Therefore, the ecological problems not only coastal areas, but the entire ocean.

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