The best vacation destinations in December. Where to go in December to the sea abroad where it's hot? TOP countries in December. Island pleasures in the Indian Ocean

Looking for a place to relax in December?

We have what you need:

  • 7 countries where you can go to the sea in December inexpensively and without a visa.
  • 4 countries for beach holiday at the end of the year where a visa is required.
  • 3 the best places in Russia for a holiday in December 2020.
  • Where to fly with children abroad, and where to go with a child in Russia.

Where to relax in December abroad inexpensively and without a visa

Few people want to spend vacation on paperwork and running around official institutions.

First of all, you should look at the resorts of those countries where a Russian can go without a visa, or to countries with a simplified entry regime (where a visa can be issued via the Internet or directly at the airport upon arrival).

Here comparison table weather conditions in the main visa-free destinations:

Let's take a closer look at the conditions in each of these countries.


From 25 000 rub. Budget vacation and great service!

Entry into the country

A visa is issued directly at the airport for an additional $15. Upon arrival in Sharm el-Sheikh and no intention to travel outside the Sinai Peninsula, a visa is issued free of charge.

Things to do and see

A tourist should spend the morning on the beach and in the sea. In the late afternoon, you can go for a walk around the area or return to the hotel. A feature of winter in Egyptian resorts is a huge number of tourists from Russia and European countries.

Arriving in Egypt on December 22-24, you can catch the celebration of Catholic Christmas. At this time, most hotels arrange parties for guests. This way of spending time will allow you not only to watch colorful entertainment programs, which usually involve the best show teams from different countries, but also to start useful contacts with residents of the EU, who are quite friendly on vacation.

Beach holidays in Egypt

in Dahab you can do active sports


New Year's light show at the pyramids

Traditional souvenirs in the bazaars

Surfing and diving can also be done - instructors and stations operate as normal. However, you will have to go scuba diving or surfing instead of swimming in the sea. It is most convenient to “actively relax” in the morning.

Those who are not tied to one resort and hotel should go on a Red Sea cruise or a trip along the Nile. Humidity and temperature are conducive to excursions, the heat will not interfere with the inspection of historical sights.

On the eve of the New Year, it is worth looking at the markets and sales. The main thing is not to forget to bargain with the locals. The “starting” price is not a trinket, it is 3-4 times too high.

After 11 pm, the time for tours of local bars and restaurants begins. The Golden Five Hotel regularly hosts the Singing Fountains light and music show, which deserves the attention of fans of spectacular performances.


Early winter - great time for holidays in Asian countries. Thailand is no exception.

What you need to do

In addition to relaxing on the beach and swimming in Thailand, it is worth traveling for local shops with exotic curiosities. At the end of December, the sales season begins in shops, and you can get original gifts for the New Year for a penny.

Due to the not too hot weather and the lack of rain, December in Thailand is suitable not only for a beach holiday, but also for mini-travels around the country. A tourist should go on an excursion to the mountains or at least ride around the surrounding villages to feel the atmosphere of “non-tourist” regions.

Beach in Phuket


Local restaurants have a wide variety of seafood

IN northern regions countries you can find more active entertainment than lying on the beach, including ski resorts.

In December, the rainy season in Thailand has already passed, the temperature is around + 25ºC, and the water is ideally warmed up for swimming. The humidity of the atmosphere is quite high, but the weather does not interfere with a relaxed holiday. The water at night is often warmer than the air. It is worth bringing a light cape or windbreaker with you to protect you from the evening coolness and dampness.


In Thailand, it is rare to find a hotel that offers a full ration, usually hotels offer breakfast or meals are not included at all. But the choice of cafes and restaurants with seafood will please any gourmet! Dinner for two will cost from 600-1200 rubles.

If you are going to travel to Thailand for more than two weeks, then it will be more profitable to find flights and a hotel room on your own. Living in Asian countries is cheap, the most expensive thing is to get to the islands. Read more about flying to Thailand in ours.


From 60 000 rub. White sandy beaches and many wild islands!

From December to March, tourists from Russia and Europe flock to Vietnam. The swimming season in the southern part of the country never ends, and the opportunity to spend the New Year holidays on the warm sea attracts foreigners year after year.

Where to rest

In the middle part of Vietnam, you will be able to swim and "culturally have fun." Not too hot weather allows you to go on excursions to Hue and Hoi An, to historical sights.

It is better to go to the northern part for one-day excursions, and to stay in the southern part for swimming and relaxing on the sea.

In Mui Ne and Phan Thiet, the weather is suitable for outdoor activities - for example, kiting.

Popular Destinations in December:

  • Ho Chi Minh City;
  • Nha Trang;
  • Phu Quoc.

In the northern regions continues to get colder. On the plains, the temperature is kept within + 15-20ºC, in the mountains it is several degrees colder. In Hanoi average temperature does not rise above +18-19ºC.

It is better to go on vacation to the central part of Vietnam at the end of December. Closer to the New Year, the rains end, and the air temperature is still quite high - 20-25ºC. The sea warms up almost the same as the air, up to + 23-24ºC.

Nha Trang, like Phan Thiet and Munier, is better to visit closer to the middle of winter. In early December, storms occur here, and the sea is often muddy and not very pleasant for swimming.

Fukuoka Resort

Ho Chi Minh city

Nha Trang Resort

Lunch at a seafood cafe


Here, as in many Asian countries, most often only breakfast is offered in hotels. But there are cafes and restaurants on every corner, so don't worry! Seafood, crabs and local delicacies will surprise you with their variety! Dinner for two will be from 800-1500 rubles.

Dominican Republic

From 110 000 rub. Carnivals and beach holidays!

Starts in December best season for a visit to the Dominican Republic.

Things to do in the Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is perfect for those who love nature, exotic landscapes and the sea. New Year's holidays are celebrated mainly by tourists, but the locals "picked up" the tradition and arrange fairs, shows and other entertainment programs for foreigners.

Arriving in the Dominican Republic for Christmas, you can catch carnivals, a kind of "interpretation" of the caroling ritual, and at the same time celebrate the holiday in an unusual setting - without snow, but surrounded by palm trees, or with a glass of cocktail in the warm surf.

Resorts in Santo Domingo

beach holiday

Christmas celebration



Türkiye is one of the most popular countries among Russian tourists. In the resorts you can meet compatriots in any season. However, you should not go overseas to Turkey in December. The local winter, although mild, is not conducive to a beach holiday.

Things to do

Although the swimming season is already closed, a trip to Turkey in December will allow you to get to know the country from an unfamiliar side. In December, more active recreation is popular, for example, skiing. skiing. To do this, you should get out to Palandoken or Uludag.

For those who cannot imagine a vacation without swimming, the only option would be hotels with their own indoor pool.

But for the choice of souvenirs, December is the perfect season. Ankara annually hosts a specialized international fair that lasts up to a week.

From 10 to 17 December, the whirling festival of dervishes - Sheb-i-Aruz - takes place in Konya. The exotic dance lasts up to three hours. In general, winter Turkey is more conducive to active tours and cultural trips than to traditional beach holidays.

Ski resort in Palandoken

Ankara city

Attend the whirling dervish festival in Konya

Prices for holidays in Turkey

It is most advantageous to take an all-inclusive tour, which includes flights, a hotel with accommodation, meals and many other amenities, transfers and insurance. The season is low at this time, so hot tours can be found from 30 thousand rubles per week for two.


From 44 000 rub. Luxurious skyscrapers in the middle of the desert and hot sun!

At the beginning of winter, tourists from colder countries flock to the UAE.

Things to do?

The weather allows you to go to the UAE not only for the sake of the sea and clean beaches but also for educational excursions.

In December, the Emirates celebrate National Day of the United Arab Emirates. In the same month, a rugby tournament takes place. Fans of intellectual entertainment should visit the International Film Festival.

New Year in the Emirates is celebrated on a grand scale. Whatever resort attracts the attention of a tourist, the holidays are guaranteed to be noisy and fun. In Dubai, the Burj Khalifa hosts a spectacular show - fireworks, complex pyrotechnic shows and a laser show.

December in the UAE is suitable for diving and relaxing on the beach. Calm sun allows you to get an even tan without getting burned or heatstroke.

In December, it is most comfortable to spend time at the main resorts. For a relaxing holiday fit:

  • Abu Dhabi;
  • Sharjah;
  • Ras Al Khaimah.

Luxury hotels in Ras Al Khaimah

View of the city at night from the observation deck of the Burj Khalifa tower

UAE National Day

New Year's Eve at the Burj Khalifa


It will be cheaper to take a ready-made tour with hotel accommodation, meals, transfer and insurance. For a week for two people, it will cost from 44 thousand rubles for 2-3 * hotels.

An independent trip will be much more expensive, so the flight will cost from 16 thousand from Moscow in both directions, a hotel room from 2 thousand per night. The standard of living in the Emirates is very high, so food prices will be appropriate from 1500 rubles for a dinner for two.


From 108 000 rub. Island of freedom and ecotourism!

Holiday prices in Cuba are not too high, and the sea and sandy beaches are tropical climate let you enjoy good rest. The weather here in December is so wonderful that you won't want to leave!

What to do on the island of freedom?

  • Beach vacation. By the way, the most famous beach of Cuba, Varadero, is considered one of the cleanest beaches in the world!
  • Cuba is an ideal place for ecotourism. There are 23 reserves, 14 national parks, 7 unique areas listed in UNESCO, and the largest colony of Caribbean flamingos lives here.
  • It is best to rent a car and drive all over the country. Be sure to swim on the beaches Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean.
  • You can also rent a bike and ride through the mountains, get to know the local population better.
  • Go diving, there is an amazingly diverse underwater world and more than 20 diving schools.
  • For lovers of fishing, an excursion to the sea is the best option. You can catch really big fish here!
  • Go to baseball, the players here are considered some of the best in the world.

Rent a car and see the whole country

Go diving

Carnivals are often held on the streets, especially before the New Year.


The visa-free regime in Cuba is valid for up to 30 days.

Where to fly on vacation in winter with a visa: at sea and not only

Holidays in Europe at sea in December - not too much fun.

Greece, Spain and Italy beach season already closed. Although the winter in these regions is much warmer than in Russia, it is better to enjoy the resorts not in December, but in the middle of spring.

Russian citizens still need a visa to travel to some popular tourist destinations. It is usually not too difficult to get a travel permit, especially if you apply during the "high" season.

India (Goa)

From 39 000 rub. Beach holidays, meditations and temples

December is a great month to visit Goa. Most of the locals understand Russian, so there will be no problems with communication even if you prepare the trip yourself.

How to have fun?

Of course, sunbathe on countless beaches and swim in the warm ocean! And if the beaches of India are tired, you can go on an excursion. The first candidates "for inspection" are spice plantations, crocodiles and turtle farms.

Be sure to see the old part of Goa, included in the UNESCO list. A separate exotic entertainment is a ride on elephants and swimming with them. Be sure to jump with a parachute or ride a paraglider and admire the views of the ocean. You can plunge into the constant atmosphere of the holiday in numerous nightclubs and discos. We advise you to visit the reserves of Kotigao or Bondla and "relax your soul", left alone with nature.

And, of course, meditate, go through healing and cleansing procedures.

Be sure to try swimming with the elephants

beach holiday

Visit spice plantations

Take your kids to the festival of colors

Meditate, undergo healing and cleansing procedures


If you are planning to go on a trip to India for 7-10 days, it is most advantageous to take a ready-made tour.

It is best to look for a trip for a month on your own. Accommodation and food in India are very cheap, air tickets will be the most expensive.

Sri Lanka

From 80 000 rub. The famous exotic island of Ceylon tea!

The season on the exotic island of Sri Lanka is just beginning, rains are possible in the first half of the month, but in the second half of the month the weather stabilizes and there is no precipitation. This is worth considering if you are going on vacation with children. However, in the second half of the month, both the number of tourists and prices will also increase. The sun in December is not so scorching, the water is warm, and the humidity drops - this is the perfect time to relax here.


Regardless of the length of stay in the country, you must apply for a visa in advance. You can do this online, which greatly simplifies the task.

Things to do?

  • On the beaches of Benton, you can not only swim in the ocean, but also diversify your vacation with walks on the Benton River.
  • Visit the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage, where you can get up close and personal with these animals. Now there are about 80 individuals here.
  • Shopping at the World Trade Center in Colombo. Exactly this high building on the island has 40 floors.
  • Watch the migration of birds and whales.
  • See wildlife in Kumana and Yala National Parks.
  • Plunge into the atmosphere of the celebration of the New Year and Christmas.
  • The island is famous for its tea plantations, head to Nuwara Eliya and get to know the local traditions.
  • In the Holy City of Anuradhapura, you can see archaeological sites and sights, many of which are listed in UNESCO. Be sure to take a look at the temple and the Mahabodhi tree.

beach holiday

Mahabodhi tree with the holy city of Anuradhapura

Get wild in Kumana National Park

Visit an elephant orphanage

See the tea plantations in Nuwara Eliya



From 100 000 rub. Ancient Aztec and Mayan cities and white sandy beaches!

Mexico attracts tourists not only with its snow-white beaches of the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, but also with the culture of the ancient Mayan and Aztec civilizations, National Parks, architecture and, of course, traditional cuisine. Here pagan and Christian traditions, ancient pyramids and modern amusement parks, luxurious palaces and a museum. The sea in December is warm here, the sun is gentle and not so active - the perfect time to visit the country!


It is necessary to obtain permission to enter and exit the country, this can be done online.

Things to do?

  • Enjoy a beach holiday in Acapulcoi. At night you can relax in numerous clubs and bars.
  • Surfing at Cancun
  • View the sacred Mayan city of Chichen Itza. The temple is shrouded in many legends and was used for sacrifices. It will also be interesting to see ancient city Tulum.
  • Visit the Cathedral in Mexico City, the main Catholic church combines elements of baroque, renaissance and neoclassicism.
  • Museum of Underwater Sculptures - contemporary work art, consisting of four hundred statues at the bottom of the ocean, fascinates with its beauty.
  • Giant Crystal Cave looks like an ethereal place! Crystals here form naturally at 100% humidity and a temperature of +50 ºС and reach a length of 11 meters
  • For children and those who like to "tickle their nerves", the Xplor Amusement Park is suitable. There are harmless children's attractions here. as well as extreme entertainment - you can swim on rafts along rivers and caves, go down cable car or ride a buggy through the jungle.


Traveling to Mexico is not cheap, but the big luggage experience is worth it! The most expensive thing is a long flight, the accommodation itself is not so expensive. Dinner for two will cost from 1200 rubles.


From 100 000 rub. Homeland of the kangaroo a great opportunity go surfing!

If you want something unusual - go here! Rest will not be cheap, and the flight will be long, but distant Australia will leave a lot of positive impressions! The first picture that comes to mind is the endless ocean, kangaroos and surfing. However, this is not all that this incredible country can surprise you with! Australia combines modern cities with skyscrapers and untouched nature.


It is necessary to obtain a visa in advance at the embassy of the country. Be patient, getting a visa here is not so easy, you need to submit a lot of documents and wait for a positive decision... But it's worth it!

Things to do?

  • Beach holiday on one of the most beautiful beaches Planets - Bondi Beach
  • Explore Big barrier reef scuba diving - this is nowhere else on our planet!
  • Visit the famous Opera House in Sydney. This business card country, a masterpiece of architecture.
  • Drive along the Great Ocean Road with its "12 Apostles"
  • Look at Uluru - a sacred place for local natives.
  • Drive across the Harbor Bridge - one of the largest arched steel bridges on the planet. Opens here amazing view to the city!
  • Visit one of the many National parks and plunge into the wild.
  • Tasmania is famous for its unique nature, this is the southernmost inhabited point on the planet, only Antarctica is farther.
  • Horizontal waterfalls - a unique natural phenomenon
  • Surfing here attracts athletes from all over the world!


As such, there are no ready-made tours to Australia, but you can plan a trip yourself. Traveling to the homeland of kangaroos will not be cheap. Flight and accommodation prices depend on the city you are going to. Dinner for two will be from 2000 rubles.

Where can you relax in Russia?

In December, you can relax in Russia.

If you like ski holidays, it is best to go to Dobmay or Sochi.

And in the Crimea, you can see what is simply impossible to see in the summer!

Dombay (Caucasus)

From 20 000 rub. For fans of active winter sports!

If you like to conquer mountain peaks, you should definitely go to the Caucasus! Dombay is a popular ski resort North Caucasus, is famous for its beautiful views and mild climate, and is also included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Here you can not only go skiing or snowboarding, but also engage in other active sports such as ice skating. More than 10 tracks of varying difficulty and length, well-equipped slopes, ski schools, hotels and cafes - there is everything for a comfortable stay.

Fans of extreme sports can try to get off the untrodden trails. The service here corresponds to the Olympic level, and the prices are much cheaper.

Also, rest here will be to the taste and just connoisseurs of nature - the beauty of the local views is breathtaking! You should definitely climb Moussa-Achitara - this is a famous Observation deck, from where an incredible view of Mount Dombay-Ulgen opens - the highest mountain in the Western Caucasus, the top of which is hidden in the clouds. It also offers stunning views of Caucasian mountains, Dzhuguluchatsky glaciers, Sufrdzhinsky peaks and even Elbrus.


The best way to get to Dombay is to buy a ticket to Mineralnye Vody. It will come out 3-4 thousand rubles. Next, take a bus ticket, transfer to the resort or rent a car. Renting a hotel room from 1400 rubles per night. The cost of a sleep pass for 5 days will be from 6500 rubles. Dinner for two will be about 1500 rubles.


From 70 000 rub. Will amaze your imagination with unearthly landscapes!

This unique edge seems to be an absolutely unearthly place and we will produce great impression for any tourist! Here are erupting volcanoes and valleys of geysers, waterfalls, an extraordinary ecosystem and lakes with warm water.

There are 160 volcanoes and 414 mountain glaciers! It should be noted right away that a trip here will not be cheap, but it is definitely worth it! Almost the entire peninsula is untouched by man nature, wild bears, and the entire population is concentrated in several small towns. It is cold in Kamchatka in winter, so warm, waterproof clothes and shoes should be in your backpack.

You should definitely look at the Valley of Geysers, where boiling fountains burst into the sky every now and then. It is best to take a helicopter tour and see the whole area, it will cost from 25 thousand. Also look at the active Klyuchevskiy volcano, from which steam is constantly coming out. You can relax at the thermal springs, try outdoor activities in the mountains, climb the Avachinsky volcano.

Valley of Geysers

Klyuchevskiy Volcano

Immerse yourself in the world of wildlife

Weather in Kamchatka

The weather depends on the place of rest, the average daytime temperature is -6ºС, however, if you climb high into the mountains, the thermometer will drop to -22ºС.



From 26 000 rub. Attractions and mild health-improving climate.

The climate here is quite mild in winter, the weather is sunny, and all coastal cities come to life and prepare for the celebration of the New Year. In the mountains, you can do active sports here, as well as look at the frozen waterfalls, which take on a magical look. You can bask in the thermal springs on the Arabat Spit.

You should definitely look at the Swallow's Nest, decorated with snow-white snow flakes, visit the karst caves. Winter in Crimea is a great time to observe the stars and planets; you can do this at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.

You can even take a boat trip to good weather or climb mountains. Numerous palaces and museums of Crimea will not make you bored. IN new year's eve many tourists go to Ai-Petri.


Where is the best place to go on vacation with a child?

For children, not only the warm sea and the cleanliness of the beaches are important. When choosing a place to relax with children, you should think about:

  • availability of infrastructure;
  • the presence of children's entertainment in the hotel;
  • excursion programs that kids will like;
  • climate for children's health.

Holidays with a child abroad

Egypt, Thailand, UAE or Goa, which one to choose?


Your child will surely enjoy a holiday by the sea, and numerous entertainment programs and attractions are located right in the hotel. The type of all-inclusive holiday will allow you to forget about many problems - a varied diet will allow the child to choose his own lunch, and the animators will spend their leisure time. In addition, the rest here will come out on a budget. All beaches are sandy with a gentle entry into the water.

Thailand and Vietnam

White sandy beaches, warm sea and numerous excursions will make it interesting to spend your leisure time. These countries are increasingly focused on family vacations - there are many water parks, attractions and interesting places for children, infrastructure is developed. Hotels often provide babysitting services and reduced or free accommodation for children.

The city of the future will definitely conquer your child! In addition to beach holidays and the warm sea, there are water parks, attractions, swimming pools, zoos, dolphinariums, karting and interesting excursions.

In India, you can ride elephants with your child and visit various excursions, and Nice weather will allow you to spend a lot of time on the beach. With a child, you can visit the Festivals of Colors or National Parks.

Holidays with a child in Russia

Crimea or Sochi? Or maybe other ski resorts?

Ski resorts

active lovers winter holiday can safely go to one of the ski resorts in Russia - the choice is huge. Rosa Khutor, where the Olympics or Dombai in the Caucasus took place, is also popular with Zavyalikha. You can ski, snowboard, skate, go on excursions to the mountains and admire the beautiful views.


In the resort city of Sochi, you can have a great time walking in parks, excursions, Olympic facilities, or go on rides in Sochi Park.


Mild winter climate and festive New Year's Eve atmosphere, numerous excursions and sanatorium programs - you definitely won't be bored here!

It's gray outside. The work is already pretty boring. I want new experiences, sun and warmth. What to do in this case? Take a vacation and make a change! Holidays in December-January are best spent in exotic countries- they will help to plunge into the real summer. So which states are best suited for this? Where is it possible to organize a vacation inexpensively in December? We will answer these questions below.


Rest in allows you to enjoy its mild and warm climate. It must be taken into account that for this given time The islands of Phuket, Koh Samet, Pattaya, Koh Samui and Koh Chang are best suited. While in Thailand, visit Fr. Phi Phi Lay, where the shooting took place famous movie"Beach".

But lovers of rock climbing and unearthly landscapes planning a vacation in Thailand in December will definitely like Pranang. In this place, travelers will be pleasantly surprised by the turquoise clear water, White sand, as well as grandiose rocks. But keep in mind that December is the beginning high season at the resort. The tour will cost from 43,000 rubles.

Winter holidays: Egypt

December 2014, according to forecasts, will be one of the most successful for this country in terms of the influx of tourists. The popular resorts of Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh at this time of the year turn, one might say, into Russian-speaking ones. There are many direct Russian flights here. Thirty-day visas are issued at airports. You can also get a tourist visa in Cairo.

But at this time the weather here is not the best for swimming. At night the temperature reaches +15 °С, during the day - +25 °С. It is also worth noting that the water at this time warms up to room temperature, there are very strong winds. Although, given that all hotels have warm well-equipped pools, the desire to swim is easily fulfilled. By the way, in some places you can get to the beaches only at 9 am, and after five in the evening they are closed. This is due to the presence of poisonous fish in the cool water.

Can be combined with a tour. During this period, excursions are much easier to carry than in summer.

The main advantage of a holiday here in December is the opportunity to explore the nearby surroundings on your own by renting a car. There are all conditions for this - roads in excellent condition, low cost of gasoline, inexpensive car rental, police loyalty to foreign citizens.

Dominican Republic

You need to understand that the Dominican Republic is not only a beach holiday. Beautiful waterfalls, underground caves, national parks, ancient palaces…

The Dominican Republic is a great choice for honeymooners. This amount of adventure and romance is impossible to get in any other country in the world. And if you don’t know where to go in December, choose this particular state for travel. At this time of the year, the weather in the Dominican Republic is beautiful, which is conducive to swimming, excursions and sports. Rafting, diving, surfing - any equipment is at your service. Beginners should not be afraid to learn these sports, as experienced instructors will teach you the basics, as well as insure against troubles and falls.


This is a country of skyscrapers, comfortable hotels, large water parks. Rest in December in the UAE is the right and successful choice.

At this time, the daily temperature in the country reaches +25 °C. Sometimes it rains, although not often. Very rarely - sandstorms that can somewhat spoil 1-2 days of vacation. But it is better to go to the beach in the middle of the day. By this time, the water has time to warm up.

In addition to relaxing on the beach, you can also engage in active recreation. Vacationers have the opportunity to tour the emirates - all of them are colorful in their own way. You can go on a camel or jeep safari. Scuba diving is an unforgettable experience.

Many tourists who decide where to go in December and find themselves in the UAE seek to combine their vacation with shopping. Great amount shopping centers, where sales are constantly held, affordable prices for goods are very attractive for those who like to treat themselves to shopping.

It must be remembered that the UEA is a Muslim country with very strict laws. It is forbidden here:

  • take a tip;
  • transport alcohol between the emirates;
  • drink it in public places;
  • gambling;
  • photograph military installations and state institutions.

Before traveling here, you should familiarize yourself with the restrictions.


If you are still undecided where to go in December, then I would like to say that the popularity of Mexican holidays has grown tremendously over last years, in fact, as well as the level of service at local resorts.

Having received a daily portion of the sun here, you can go on interesting excursions - for example, to the city of Chichen Itza, where the famous pyramid of Kukulkan is located, and also please children with a vacation in the Shkaret Ecopark.

Sri Lanka

This is one of the cheapest and most popular holiday destinations in December. It should be noted that here for a vacation in December, the prices are really affordable - the cost of a tour is $ 900-1300 per person. Paradise on Earth and the Land of Smiles - this is how tourists call Sri Lanka. Here fabulous nature, even climate without sudden temperature changes, cheap accommodation, smiling and friendly people, decent level of service. It is better to purchase a combined tour - rest + excursions, which are better planned for the first half of the vacation. Thus, you can look around a little, as well as get acquainted with the customs and life of the local population, monuments of ancient history, as well as examples of unusual architecture, which are not counted here.

In Sri Lanka, it is better to choose the southwestern and southern coasts for winter holidays when the dry season is here. The southern one is completely indented by bays, therefore, calmness constantly reigns there. Diving, windsurfing, surfing are the most common sports on the island. A visa to the country is opened at the airport upon arrival. Its cost is $25.


Don't know where to go in December? Go to Cuba - it's a great choice! The ultramarine of the sea, diluted with cream, and snow-white beaches - all this splendor is not so expensive (from 14,000 rubles per person), given the fact that almost all companies throw out last-minute tours for this month.

Since Cuba is a tropical country, the weather here is appropriate. There are no storms, the air warms up to +30 °С during the day.


In Goa, the dry season begins in December. But in order to relax cheaper, it is better to go there in the first half of this month, since a huge number of people come here by the New Year, due to which prices rise by an order of magnitude. During this period, a harmonious and calm place turns into a real Turkish bazaar.

Arriving in Goa, you need to know that these are not the United Arab Emirates and Egypt with a developed infrastructure. The main number of Russians visit North Goa (cheaper). There is always a huge number of informals, people falling out of socially accepted conventions. In this place, people value human communication, freedom. During the holidays there is an opportunity to find a lot of activities - paragliding, water sports, yoga classes, bike rides, attending parties and bars.

The average cost of a two-week vacation is 35,000-50,000 rubles. per person.


In Indonesia, on the stunning island of Bali, small villas, beautiful sunsets, sunshine and white sand beaches await you. If you watched the movie "Eat, Pray, Love", then you understand what beauty you are offered to visit.

Immediately after the release of this picture on the screen, travel agencies organized special excursion programs, which include visits to those places where the heroine J. Roberts was looking for herself. Tourists began to be led to the soothsayer Kituto. To understand whether this is the person who predicted the heroine of the film, or a well-chosen double, will only be possible after a date with him.


Vietnam is a new tourist destination for Russians. This is a country that is cheap to live in and very interesting. Its only drawback is the remoteness and the price of the flight. Other than that, it's a great place to stay in the winter.

Holidays in - it's meaningful and interesting excursions, beaches with different flat, fine weather, helpful and correct service, good hotels, low prices quality and healthy food. Russians who arrived here for two weeks do not need a visa.

It is worth noting that it is better to spend holidays in Vietnam in December in the south of the country - at this time the dry period begins here.


This archipelago is in Indian Ocean and includes 115 islands.

The most distant of them are formed by island reefs and coral atolls. The central part is made up of granite islands with polished rocks, tropical forests and snow-white beaches. In December, the average air temperature is 29°C. Mahe is the largest island in the archipelago.

The largest beach is Beau Vallon. There are no stones in this place, although there are often waves. Therefore, the place is ideal for sports activities. Anse Intendanse is famous for its amazing beauty. This is a beach, which is a five-hundred-meter arc, bordered by palm trees. On about. Praslin is located Enns Lazayo. This beach will delight you with white soft sand, lazy waves and turquoise water.

Holidays in Thailand, Bali, Seychelles, Cyprus and other countries in December are great. These are the states in which vacationers are waiting for various pleasures of beach tourism, along with the mild sun, underwater strange world, warm waters oceans. We really hope that we were able to describe in detail best resorts for a holiday in December, and you will make the right choice!

Cancun, Mexico - white sand beaches and the secrets of the Mayan civilization.

Ski resorts for a trip in December

Lech, Austria is an expensive resort with a long-term reputation.

Rosa Khutor, Sochi is a Russian resort with a huge amount of entertainment for children and adults.

Austrian Lech.

Christmas shopping in December

London - great service and sales a couple of weeks earlier than elsewhere in Europe.

Berlin is a New Year's fairy tale at one of the most beautiful European Christmas markets.

Where to relax by the sea in December

Thailand, Samui

  • Air temperature: 31 degrees.
  • Water temperature: 27 degrees.
  • Pros:inexpensive, warm and tasty.
  • Minuses:difficult road to the island.

Escape from the Russian bad weather to a paradise island with golden sand and the purest by sea ? Yes! Be sure to spend a couple of lazy days onMaenam - this is one of the least crowded and calm beaches of the island. In addition, it is located next to a palm grove, which will save you from sunstroke during the hottest daytime hours. Well, plus for budget travelers - entrance to the beach is free.

If you like extreme entertainment, rent a bike (from 100 baht / ≈ 200 rubles per day) and go along the laborious route to the impressive statueBig Buddha.

National marine park Angthong.

More can be visitedfishing village and stock up on seafood for the whole next year - every Friday there is an open-air fish and marine reptiles market (serving of shrimp in batter - 100 baht / ≈ 200 rubles, beer - 80 baht / ≈ 160 rubles).

  • How to get there:There are no direct flights from Russia to Koh Samui, so first you take a ticket to Bangkok (from 28,000 rubles one way), and already on the spot - from the southern bus stationSai Tai Mai to the island (the ticket price includes a ferry crossing). Tickets can be purchased before departure. The cost starts from 400 baht (≈ 800 rubles).
  • Visa:if you stay in Thailand for less than 30 days and you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, you do not need a visa.

Viewed: 25031


Where is it better to relax in December at sea abroad? best beach holiday: TOP 5 countries and resorts

The first winter month brings a lot of joy to Russians. Snow is falling somewhere, somewhere people are already skating, and preparations for the new year are underway all over the country. But there are those who prepare for the new year in their own way and choose a hot country to meet New Year by the sea on the shore with sand. A beach holiday in December 2018 at sea abroad is quite possible. In many countries, the beach season is open and you can inexpensively relax in Asia, the Caribbean and Africa. Our experts have made a small TOP destinations for recreation at the beginning of winter. Watch and compare it to your list.

Residents of Russia cannot imagine December without snow, light frosts and New Year's fuss. But life is changing and many people no longer imagine a Christmas tree in their apartment instead of beautiful sandy beaches and warm sea. Are you one of them? Then let's see where in December it is best to relax on the sea, so that it is inexpensive and beautiful.

Cuba is number one.

To be honest, we put Cuba in first place simply because you are unlikely to ever forget the new year that you met in Caribbean. Distant Cuba has always attracted tourists with its endless beaches, its leisurely life and carelessness. And in this country you will meet New Year's celebration one of the last - how do you like this prospect?

In the first winter month, the weather in Cuba is sunny. The air temperature rises to +30 degrees, at night it drops to +20. The sea, or rather the ocean, is very warm and warmed up to +28. The winds are left behind, the rains are the same. The spruce waves are noticeable and under their light noise you can easily fall asleep on the beach.

In addition to the beach, there are other entertainments in the country. These are rare cars that drive on local roads. This National food, which you can try everywhere, and it is not expensive. Plus, don't forget beautiful nature islands of freedom - it is such one and only here.

The Indian resort of Goa is in second place in our ranking. It is very cheap to rest here, the only thing that is expensive is the flight. But this is not such a problem, especially when you consider what beauty awaits you in Goa.

In December, the resort is dominated by the sun. During the day, the air warms up to +27 +30 degrees. It is a little cool at night, but it is unlikely to be below +20. The water in the sea is about +28 degrees and this cannot but rejoice those who flew here on vacation from sub-zero temperatures.

Also, do not forget that Goa is India and it has its own culture. rich story. Many excursions, elephant riding and museums with the history of the country. You will see how the locals live, what they have in common with us and why locals no hurry anywhere.

Dominican Republic - bronze medalist.

We can argue endlessly about the honesty of our ranking, but we insist that it is the Dominican Republic that should take a place in the middle and get bronze. Firstly, and this is not a secret, local beaches are constantly recognized as the most beautiful in the world. Secondly, there are amazing hotels called bungalows. These are small houses designed for one or more people. In the Dominican Republic, bungalows are located right in the ocean in shallow water and often have a glass floor, which allows you to see the bottom of the ocean and swimming fish. And thirdly. It is in December that thousands of whales off the coast of the island of Haiti, and this spectacle is impossible to miss and forget.

As for the weather, the sun shines here 99% of the days, and there is not a single cloud in the sky. The air is warmed up to +30, which is not so hot. Humidity is average, and at night it is much easier, because it is only +22 degrees. The ocean off the coast of the island has a temperature of +27 degrees. Local beaches are clean with white sand. Sometimes they go around the corner and seem endless.

Half of the tourists come to the Dominican Republic not for the beach, but for surfing and diving and other water activities. And you should try yourself in something, we are sure you will like it.

Vietnam is the fourth so far, but it is breaking into the top three.

From year to year, there are more and more people who want to relax in Vietnam. And it's not easy. Resorts and hotels here are modern, many opened several years ago. The beaches are completely sandy and it is a pleasure to relax on them.

The average water temperature off the coast of the country is about +25 degrees. During the day, the air warms up to +30, and at night not lower than +22. There is no rain, the winds do not blow often. You can be on the beach from morning to evening and not regret anything.

My favorite form of entertainment in Vietnam is diving. The underwater world keeps many secrets and stories that diving enthusiasts unravel. The underwater world has not yet been explored here, so divers often find valuable items and items from the recent war.
Tourists are also entertained with trips to waterfalls, excursions and stories about ancient history countries.

Thailand is the last in the TOP.

Many will say - no, the resorts of this country should come first - and they will be right in their own way. Thailand has long been number one in winter time in terms of a beach holiday. And for this reason, we left it in the TOP, but in the end. The country has been visited by millions of Russians, and many have done so several times. Therefore, for beginners, Thailand is an amazing country, and for experienced tourists, it is a common place where you can sunbathe and swim in the sea.

In December, the country has sunny weather with temperatures under +35 degrees Celsius. It gets cooler at night, but not by much, around +25. The sea will delight you with its calmness and warmth up to +27 degrees. There is little rain, or maybe not at all for the whole month.
Natural attractions and cultural monuments are the best excursions in the country. There are so many of them that you can devote your entire vacation to trips to them. But there are also ancient temples that are worth visiting. And don't forget the elephant village.

At night, life in the country is seething as well as during the day. Thousands of entertainment for every taste. Tourists happily accept the rules of the game, and it seems that they do not sleep at all on all days of rest.

Where else - the continuation of the TOP.

We do not insist that our TOP be equal. It's just our opinion. In addition to these five countries, there are other places where it is warm on New Year's Eve and you can swim in the sea. For example, Dubai or Israel. And if you fly away, then there is Mexico and Brazil. The list goes on: Indonesia, Maldives, Seychelles, Egypt and so on. The choice is great, and you probably have your own preferences and your favorites in the TOP.

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