Prague national cuisine. Czech cuisine. Food in the Czech Republic: national dishes


These are Czech dumplings made from wheat or potato flour, boiled in water and formed into balls, then cut into slices and served hot.


A very popular dish in bars. It has many variations, but the most common is to cut the beef into large pieces and pour a thick, slightly spicy sauce over it. Usually goulash is served with raw chopped onions and horseradish. (It should be noted that the name of the dish comes from the Hungarian word “gulyás”, which is more reminiscent of soup.

Czech goulash is more similar to the Hungarian dish perkelt.) One type of goulash is savory goulash, which, as the name suggests, is cooked with seasonings, but is not as spicy. Szegedin goulash is made with pork, not beef, and cabbage.

Beef Goulash

A classic Czech dish served with sliced ​​bread (Czech: houskovy) dumplings. Fresh onions and peppers are usually served as a garnish.

Pork goulash

The main dish of Czech cuisine. It is served in the same way as beef goulash, except for the meat: it is made from pork.


A delicacy served with beer. These are sausages that are marinated with vinegar, vegetable oil, onion, red pepper and various spices. Such preparations are usually made in beer stores themselves or at home.

Svichkova with sour cream

Beef tenderloin in cream. The method of preparing a home-cooked meal is different from a meal served in a bar. But even the quality and taste depend on the bar. But as a rule, the tenderloin is marinated and then fried with root vegetables and onions. When the meat is ready, you need to take out the vegetables and “stavu” (meat juice) and wipe them. The sauce is made from cream and flour.

The meat is sliced ​​and served with sauce, bread dumplings, a lemon wedge with whipped cream and cranberry sauce. Although the name comes from certain type meat, the word “svickova” can also be applied to the sauce and served with other meat, for example, venison or rabbit.

Svičkova with sour cream is often called the sweet brother of Czech goulash. This is beef tenderloin that is fried in a pot and served with a creamy sauce. Carrots add sweetness to it. Serve cranberries and whipped cream on the side.

Fried pork with dumplings and cabbage

This is truly traditional food in the Czech Republic. The base of this dish is pork, which is served with dumplings and sauerkraut. Of course, it may seem bland and greasy, but it is one of the most favorite dishes among Czechs, and in Prague you can find it in many restaurants.

Fruit dumplings

There are many variations of this dish. Bread and potato dumplings are also very popular. Bread ones are often served with gravy, in which the dumpling can be dipped. Potato dumplings are served as an additional dish to fried or smoked meat. Špekove dumplings are made from fatty bacon and are no longer so popular.

Fruit dumplings are filled with a variety of fruits, but the most common are plums, apricots and blueberries. Served with cottage cheese or poppy seeds. Despite the fact that the dish is sweet, it is often eaten instead of the first course.


These are delicious Czech pies filled with fruit, jam or cottage cheese.


Fried cheese (smažený sýr). It is rolled in breadcrumbs, fried and served with salad.

Fried champignons

Mushrooms are rolled in breadcrumbs and fried.


One of the Czechs' favorite dishes. It looks like a big round waffle. They must be served piping hot. There are otlatki with chocolate or nut filling, there are many options.


This is a Czech bun. It is made from wheat flour, water, yeast and salt. Sprinkle poppy seeds, cumin or salt on top. Such a delicious, sweetish yeast bun with egg can be found in almost every Eastern European country. Typically it is a braided bun with or without raisins. Czechs and Bohemians call it “houska”.

For Jews this is challah. This bun is similar to a French brioche. It is incredibly delicious on its own, with butter or fried. Leftover buns can be used to make bread pudding or doughnuts.

Baked kahna

This is Bohemian roast duck. Served with bread dumplings and stewed red cabbage. In the past, duck or goose dishes were too expensive to afford to eat every day, so this dish was only served on special occasions. special days.


This is a medium rare steak. If you want to order your steak well done, be sure to say "done." It is usually served with French fries and sometimes an egg.

Fried chicken cutlets

Cutlets rolled in breadcrumbs. They are very similar to Wiener schnitzel, but Czech cuisine usually does not use cheese. This dish is usually served with cold potato salad or boiled potatoes.

Chicken breast

Served with any side dish, but most often with potato pancakes (grated and fried in the form of pancakes).

Roasted rabbit

Fried rabbit - very popular dish, although you can rarely find it in restaurants. This lean meat can be prepared in different ways: in a creamy sauce, fried with garlic, or cooked without seasoning with vegetables and onions.

Czech dishes have many ways of preparation. If you like the dish itself, but don't like the sauce, just order it without the sauce (“imposs omachki”).

In the Czech menu you can find the following names:

  • Směs – for example, “Kuřecí směs”. This means that the meat is cut into small pieces.
  • Prsa chicken breasts.
  • Piquant, Ďábelský, Pálivý – the dish is served with hot sauce.

The Czech Republic is not only a beautiful and unique country. This is an original, tasty, and most importantly satisfying cuisine. Czechs love to eat well. In cafes and restaurants, the portions are huge; you can safely order one plate for two. Be sure to read (or better yet, print).

There are a lot of original Czech dishes, and you really want to try them all. And, of course, don’t forget to taste several varieties of famous beer. From this European country tourists take away not only souvenirs and positive emotions, as well as a lot of gastronomic experiences and a few extra pounds. So what does the Czech Republic taste like?

There are different types of soups prepared in the country, the most favorite among them is garlic soup. Methods for preparing it in different regions a little different. Somewhere they put cheese in it, somewhere potatoes and smoked meats. Czechs especially lean on garlic with the onset of cold weather. This is a good antimicrobial agent.

Garlic is served in a round rye bread roll with the pulp scooped out. The lid of this saucepan is also edible, made from bread. Initially, only goulash soup was served this way. Now onion, garlic with cheese and smoked meats, and potatoes are poured into the loaf. The main thing is that the soup is not too liquid and does not leak out of the bread.

By the way, soup in a loaf is not on the menu at all establishments. It is offered mainly in restaurants. In their daily lives, Czechs eat soups from ordinary bowls.

In Czech cuisine, dumplings often replace bread. They are made from regular or potato flour. Cook strictly by steaming, then cut and serve as a side dish. Dumplings complement meat dishes with thick sauce; they are dipped in it and then eaten.

There are many recipes for dumplings; they often add fillings, such as liver, onion, meat or even cabbage. Fruits are placed in sweet ones, cheese and sugar are sprinkled on top.

This fancy name hides ordinary potato cakes; they are somewhat reminiscent of our potato pancakes. Marjoram is a mandatory ingredient here. Bramboracs are eaten as a separate dish or served as a side dish for meat.

By the way, recently a survey was conducted in the Czech Republic to determine the title of the most national dish. It was the bramboracs who won.

Czechs prefer pork to any meat. The secret of such love is simple and easily explained. From time immemorial in the Czech Republic this meat is considered the cheapest, it costs much less than beef.

This is a Czech brand. The drumstick is first soaked in a beer marinade, then boiled, and smoked over a fire right before serving. Knuckle is a very filling dish and one person usually cannot eat it. Cafes and restaurants usually indicate how many people it is intended for. Pork knee goes best with Czech beer.

The Czechs themselves consider the knuckle to be quite fatty and rarely eat it.

Fried pork with dumplings and cabbage (Czech: Vepřo-knedlo-zelo)

Pieces of loin or shoulder are sprinkled with spices and fried in a frying pan. Then pour water or broth on top and send it to the oven.

Stewed cabbage is the second most popular side dish after dumplings. And the combination of cabbage and dumplings is on the list of the most favorite gastronomic preferences of the Czechs.

They are baked under a delicious, crispy honey crust. Served with several types of sauces. Delicious and as always there is a lot. Therefore, before ordering, it is better to check the weight and calculate your strength.

This dish is for those who don't like pork. The base is veal or beef tenderloin. It is served with two sauces at once - sour cream and lingonberry. In addition, a slice of lemon and, of course, dumplings are placed on the plate.

There are many recipes for this dish. And a good Czech housewife always has her own secret for preparing svickova with sour cream.

It is prepared from both pork and beef. The meat is cut into cubes, then cumin, garlic and pepper are added to it. All this is stewed over low heat. When the meat is almost ready, add flour and tomato paste. All this languishes for a few more minutes. An invariable attribute of goulash is dumplings, they are dipped in a fragrant sauce.

Drowned (and this is how the name of the dish is translated) in the Czech Republic is called pickled sausages with peppers and onions. This is my favorite beer snack. Moreover, it is almost impossible to eat utopenets without washing it down with a foamy drink. It is very greasy and contains a lot of vinegar. Beer enhances the taste significantly.

In general, various sausages, wieners, and sausages are very popular in the Czech Republic. Locals love to eat them hot and always with mustard.

People in the Czech Republic love cheese, especially fried cheese. The local variety is well suited for this; it is soft and fatty. Small pieces are rolled in breadcrumbs and placed in a frying pan. The cheese is served piping hot with your choice of sauce.

This dish goes well with cranberry or lingonberry sauce. Nourishing, high in calories and very tasty!

Round, crispy and thin. Karlovy Vary is famous not only mineral water, but also with their waffles. They have been produced since 1780. At first there were only two varieties: chocolate and nut, now there are 15 of them. There are lemon, apple, tiramisu and local liqueur flavors.

By the way, it is believed that these waffles can only be prepared in Karlovy Vary, since the recipe calls for water from mineral springs, but they can also be found in Prague.

The Czech Republic is a country of taste and aroma

Everything here makes you want to try it. It is better for tourists to combine meals with walking and sightseeing. Then only positive memories and not an ounce of excess weight will remain from this European country.

Going to the Czech Republic, we scoured the Internet in search of various information, including information about various Czech dishes that you should try in Prague.

Most often they recommend trying pork knee, dumplings, thick soups, shanks, goulash, ribs, pastries and beer. But, of course, we should not forget that although Czech food is very tasty, it is very difficult for the Russian stomach. People with sick stomachs especially need to be careful so as not to ruin their vacation.

I would also like to draw your attention when you place an order in a restaurant - look not only at the price, but also at the weight, because in the Czech Republic the portions of some dishes can be large and only two people can finish them.

Here is a list of Czech dishes that we compiled before our trip to the Czech Republic.


Czech soups are most often pureed soups. They add butter, egg yolks, and smoked meats. In some types of soups, yeast fried in oil is added, which gives a piquant unusual taste.

Sauerkraut soup – Zelňačka

Garlic soup – Česnečka (garlic)

Tripe soup - Drštková

Potato soup with mushrooms in a bread bowl – Bramboračka (bramboračka)

Soup made with sour milk – K oprovka (koprovka)

Soup with liver meatballs – Нovězí polévka s játrovými knedlíčky (Novezi vole with jatra dumplings)

Beer soup with cheese croutons – Pivní polévka (pivni polévka)

Onion soup with croutons and pieces of cheese – Cibulačka (tsibulachka)

Main dishes

The main course often consists of meat. Restaurants offer schnitzel, pork, goulash, and beef in sauce. But be sure to try the popular baked pork knuckle “Vepršov’s knee”.

The most popular side dish is dumplings, a boiled dough product with gravy. Therefore, it is not necessary to order bread if you decide to try dumplings, although most likely they will bring bread anyway.

Also popular in the Czech Republic are potatoes (potato salad, mashed potatoes, French fries), rice, stewed vegetables, and sauerkraut. We really liked the Czech salads - “Shopsky”, “Vlassky”, “Brno”.

Hot dishes(Přílohy)

Pork knuckle baked in the oven with horseradish and mustard – Pečené vepřové koleno (vepřové koleno liver). The weight of the dish is usually about 2.5 kg, so it is advisable to order this dish for several people.

Baked pork with dumplings and stewed cabbage – Vepřo-knedlo-zelo (veprsho-dumpling-zelo).

Baked pork ribs in honey – Pečená vepřová žebírka v medu (baked vepřová žebírka v medu)

A dish of cold cuts (pork, duck, smoked neck, sausages) with cabbage, dumplings and flatbreads – Staročeská Bašta (staročeska bashta)

Meatloaf topped with mushroom sauce – Vepřová panenka s houbovou omáčkou (veprřová panenka with houbovou omáčkou)

Pork goulash with bread or potato dumplings – Vepřový guláš (Vepřový guláš).

Shish kebab of several types of meat with vegetables – Královský meč (Královský sword).

Baked pork liver – Pečená vepřová játra (vepřová játra liver)

Beef cooked in traditional Czech style sour cream sauce. Served with a slice of lemon, soft cream, berry jam (usually lingonberry) and dumplings – Svíčková na smetaně (svičkova with sour cream).

Beef goulash with dumplings and gravy – Pivovarský guláš (brewery goulash).

Beef steak in butter and spices – Rumpsteak s bylinkovým máslem (rumpsteak with bylinkovým butter).

Stewed leg of lamb – Dušená jehněčí kýta (smothered egněčí whale).

Young lamb meat with side dish – Jehněčí s jáhlovou kaší (jehněčí s jáhlovou kaší)

Duck baked traditional recipe with apples and oranges – Pečená kachna s pomerančem a jablky (baked kachna with oranges and apples).

Baked trout – Pečený pstruh (baked pstruh).

Fried carp – Tradiční smažený kapr (tradiční smažený kapr)

Popular Czech side dishes

Potato dough balls fried in a deep fryer – Krokety (croquettes)

Bread dumplings – H ouskové knedlíky (gouskové dumplings)

Potato dumplings – B ramborové knedlíky (Bramborové knedliky)

Deep-fried potato and parmesan mixture - Rosti

Boiled potatoes – V ařené brambory (varzhene brambory)

Fried potatoes – O pékané brambory

Mashed potatoes – B ramborová kaše (Bramborová porridge)

French fries – B ramborové hranolky (Bramborové granolky)

Crispy toasts and croutons – Topinky, tousty (topinki, toast)


Apple strudel – J ablečný závin (apple zavin)

Blueberry dumplings – B orůvkové knedlíky

Butter bun from vanilla dough in the form of a tube – Trdlo (trdlo)

Hot thin waffles with filling – Oplatky (payments)

Ice cream with fruit, sweet sauce, waffles and chocolate – Zmrzlinový pohár s čerstvým ovocem (Zmrzlinový pohár with stale sheep)

Ice cream with hot raspberry syrup – Horka laska

Sweet pancakes with ice cream, topped with raspberry syrup – Zmrzlinové palačinky s horkými malinami a šlehačkou

Tiramisu with fruit – Domácí tiramisy zdobený čerstvým ovocem (Domácí tiramisy made with stale sheep).

From this list, we did not try everything, but we tried not to gain weight.

But in fact, there are a huge number of national dishes in the Czech Republic; it would take a long time to list their names. No one will remain hungry!

Any nation is made up of many years of traditions. The taste priorities of each people are formed under the influence various factors, both external, geographical, and internal, inherent in each representative of a particular nationality.

Features of Czech national cuisine

In the formation of Czech culinary preferences last role played the national cuisines of countries close to the Czech Republic - Austria, Germany and Slovakia. Austrian and Czech dishes are especially similar. The main dishes of these peoples are meat - steaks, chops, goulash.

Meat dishes

  • (Baked pork knee) ( definitely try)- Baked pork knuckle, pre-marinated in a beer or wine marinade with the addition of various seasonings. This dish is especially popular when paired with beer. It is served on a special mini-skewer attached to a tray, which contains everything necessary for its absorption: sauce, onions, herbs, cheese, pepper.
  • Vepřová panenka s houbovou omáčkou– meatloaf with lots of mushroom sauce. The roll resembles a doll (panenka) in appearance, hence the name.
  • (Pork ribs baked with honey) ( definitely try) - pork ribs cooked with honey and soy sauce.
    When serving, pour over the remaining filling and decorate fresh vegetables and chopped herbs.
  • Staročeská Basta- Pork, duck cooked in the oven, baked sausages, smoked neck are served on one large plate. To this abundance of meat are added white and red cabbage, potato cakes and bread dumplings.
  • Přírodní vepřový řízek na pepři(Peppered Pork Steak) – a large piece of pork, grilled. Serve this dish with plenty of pepper, chopped onions, cheese and pieces of bell pepper.
  • Pečená vepřová játra(Baked Pork Liver) - Pork liver cooked with lots of lemon and parsley. Serve potatoes or potato salad as a side dish.
  • (definitely try) - beef tenderloin cooked in the oven, frying pan or on the grill and when served, topped with a special sauce consisting of vegetables stewed in meat broth and whipped into a homogeneous puree with the addition of cream or milk. When served, Svichkova is complemented with bread dumplings, lingonberry, cranberry or blueberry jam.
  • Pivovarský guláš(Brewer's goulash) - pieces of beef generously sprinkled with aromatic and nutritious gravy. Goulash is brought to the table in a plate with the addition of dumplings, onion cut into half rings and decoration in the form of a bunch of celery or parsley.
  • Čertovy roštěnky- roast beef made by chefs with a lot of seasonings.
  • Skopové plátky na majoránce– lamb fillet, prepared with marjoram. The dish is served with sauce, dumplings, and vegetables.
  • Vepřova kotleta v omáčce– fried lean pork steak. Serve with plenty of sauce.
  • Královský meč- kebab of pork, beef, lamb, “layered” with vegetables. The way this dish is served is unusual. The shape of the sword resembles meat placed on a skewer.
  • Moravský vrabec– pork, cut into pieces and cooked in the oven. The dish is served with vegetables, dumplings and sauce.
  • Jelení řízky na víně– a large piece of deer meat served with wine sauce.
  • Jelení guláš(reindeer goulash) – venison goulash. Served with tomato, parsley, onion rings, potatoes.
  • Jehněčí na fazolkách– lamb with beans.
  • Jehněčí plec s citronem– lamb shoulder seasoned with lemon wedges.
  • Jehněčí s jáhlovou kaší– lamb with the addition of millet porridge.
  • Bažant na víně– pheasant meat cooked in a special wine sauce.
  • Bažantí prsa s hruškami– baked pheasant breasts with pear pieces.
  • Kanec na česneku– cooked boar meat with a lot of garlic.
  • Zaječí guláš- goulash made according to the usual recipe, but from a “non-traditional” meat product - hare.
  • Jehněčí s jáhlovou kaší–cooked young lamb with millet porridge as a side dish.
  • Jehněčí plec s citronem- the shoulder part of the lamb, which was used for cooking lemon juice. This juice is poured over the lamb when serving. Vegetables and dumplings are the “standard” set for this dish.


  • Pečený kapr na česneku- carp cooked with a lot of garlic.
  • Tradiční smažený kapr– carp, fried in the traditional way, in a frying pan.
  • (Baked trout) – trout is baked whole and served on a plate “surrounded” by pieces of vegetables, lemon, cheese and herbs.
  • Pečený candát se sýrovou omáčkou(Baked pike perch with cheese sauce) – pike perch (whole) or its fillet, topped with a specially prepared cheese sauce, butter and spices, and baked in the oven. Served on a large beautiful platter with slices of lemon, tomatoes and salad greens.
  • Smažená treska v pivním těstíčku- pieces of cod cooked in batter with the addition of beer. Served traditionally - with vegetables, cheese and a glass of good beer.
  • Kalamari na česneku- squid fried with a lot of garlic. Serve on a large platter, sprinkled with green onions and garlic.

Side dishes (Přílohy)

Potatoes and legumes are most often used by Czech cooks as a side dish.

  • - various figures made from potato mass, simmered in large quantities oils
  • Kari plátky– round pieces of potato, deep-fried with curry.
  • Hranolky– fried potatoes, cut into cubes.
  • Fazolové lusky na slanině– beans with cracklings
  • Crokety– mini potato cakes, deep-fried.
  • Vařena zelenina– boiled vegetables with spices and sauce.

Soups (Polevky)

  • Bramboračka(Bramborachka) is a potato soup with smoked meats, beloved by all Czechs. Mandatory ingredients are carrots, celery, parsley, onions, and maybe mushrooms.
  • Gulášova polevka(Goulash soup) A lot of meat, potatoes, onions, garlic, and seasonings are used in the preparation.
  • (Garlic) ( definitely try). This dish includes potatoes, smoked meats, eggs, garlic and rye crackers (preferably homemade).
  • Drštková(Drshtkova) – tripe soup.
  • Zeleninova polevka- vegetable soup.
  • Zelňačka– sauerkraut cabbage soup
  • Pivni polevka(Beer soup) When preparing, beer, beef broth, sour cream, eggs, and butter are used.This soup is served like this: bread is crumbled into a plate and the prepared soup is poured over it.

Dumplings ( Knedliky) (definitely try)

  • Classic dumplings are small balls made from flour, yeast, warm milk, and eggs. Dumplings boiled in boiling water are placed on a plate, poured over with thick sauce and decorated with herbs.
  • Potato dumplings - prepared from raw potatoes, grated on a fine grater and mixed with sifted flour, raw eggs, salt, pepper. Served with fried onions and cracklings.
  • Bread dumplings are made from yeast dough.
  • Cottage cheese dumplings are usually used as a dessert. Cottage cheese balls are often filled with jam, fruit, honey, and nuts.
    Powdered sugar, jam, marmalade, preserves are a great addition to cottage cheese dumplings.
  • Dumplings with lard. Dumplings are formed from dough with the addition of onions, fried in a large amount of lard. Served with beer and as an independent, very nutritious dish.


Delicious pastries and sweets, prepared with great imagination, are very popular in the Czech Republic.

  • Zmrzlinový pohár s čerstvým ovocem– ice cream with various sweet “additives” (fruit, syrup, waffles, chocolate). It looks like a three-story sweet tower, decorated with fruits, chocolate, and nuts.
  • (hot love) - scoops of ice cream with hot raspberry syrup.
  • Zmrzlinové palačinky s horkými malinami a šlehačkou– delicious thin pancakes with cold ice cream, hot raspberry syrup and heavy cream, whipped into a strong foam.
  • Jablečný štrudl s vanilkovou zmrzlinou- Apple strudel.
  • Jablečny závin(Apple roll) - a roll of puff pastry with apple filling. Topped with sweet sauce and topped with an ice-cold sweet scoop and whipped cream.

Beer snacks

  • Sýrové prkenko(Cheese board). Several types of cheese are placed on a beautiful round plate made of natural wood - ramadur, hermelin, eden. Served with a garnish of radishes, tomatoes, olives and seasonings.
  • (Vltava drowner) ( definitely try) - an ordinary sausage, but very well marinated in an acidic marinade for 2 weeks.
    Utopenets is served like this: slices of tomato, sweet pepper and pickled cucumber are placed into a sausage cut lengthwise. The top of the sausage is almost completely covered with pickled onions and sprinkled with dill and parsley.
  • (fried hermelin cheese) ( definitely try) - fried cheese coated with breadcrumbs.
  • Рivni sýr oblozený(beer cheese) - a piece of bread, smeared with beer cheese and soaked with a drop of beer. Serve on a plate with sprat, onions, butter, which can be used to complement the “sandwich”.
  • Tvarchchky or Syrechky– aromatic cheese with low fat content (only 1%), deep-fried. Sometimes served as usual with onions and mustard.
  • Masové prkenko- a snack for beer, which consists of chopped pieces of bacon and ham sausage. When serving, add to these meat components pickle and pickled peppers.
  • Tatarský biftek z lososa na salátovém lůžku s opečenou bagetkou– raw salmon mince. Serve in layers: lettuce, toast, minced salmon.
  • Hovězý tatarák s topinkami– is raw minced beef. This dish is served with beautifully chopped tomatoes, toasted bread, green onions and different types sauces.
  • (Bramboracs) ( definitely try) - This fancy name hides ordinary potato cakes; they are somewhat reminiscent of our potato pancakes.

Street treats

  • Oplatky(thin waffles) – round, thin waffles with layers of nut, fruit, vanilla, and coconut filling. Very often oplatky are sold in beautiful cardboard boxes.
  • Trdlo- a large bagel made from yeast dough, hollow inside and rolled in sugar and nut crumbs.

A trip to the Czech Republic will give you not only an acquaintance with the history of the country and its attractions, but also the opportunity to try colorful and amazing delicious dishes Czech cuisine. The unique recipes of Czech culinary specialists, like the history of the state, are thousands of years old. In this article we will talk about the features of national food in the Czech Republic and the most interesting dishes of local cuisine.

The origins of Czech national dishes

For a long time the country was under the rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which left its mark on the national cuisine of the Czechs. Here we will find Austrian schnitzel, Hungarian goulash, German sauerkraut and roast goose. Some Czech dishes are originally Slavic: soups, cereals, side dishes.

In the photo on the right (click to enlarge) a popular Czech dish called “smeared rizek”. This is the most shining example heritage of Austria-Hungary - a copy of the famous.

But even borrowed dishes in the Czech Republic acquired their own special taste qualities, and they are prepared in Czech style with the addition of their own ingredients. We won’t look into cookbooks now, but will take a short excursion into the dishes that you can try in Czech restaurants.

Features of Czech cuisine

Czechs love sweets. They even add sugar to salads, sauces and gravies, which makes the dishes sweetish. For example, Czech children love sweet noodles with poppy seeds and baked milk.

Among the Czechs' favorite spices are: cumin, marjoram, poppy seeds, red pepper, ginger, dill. Mustard comes with everything meat dishes, which are marinated in vinegar. Sweet ketchup is also a favorite sauce of the Czechs.

The main national dishes and desserts are very fatty and high in calories. In addition, the portions in cafes and restaurants are impressive. We urge you not to order many dishes at once; one serving is often enough for two. High calorie content affects the size of the country's citizens; 21% of the population is obese; the Czech Republic ranks 6th in the list of the fattest countries in Europe. Perhaps the first thing we do is abuse food.

Soups - their varieties and features

Czechs call soups “voles”; it is impossible to imagine Czech cuisine without them. As in the Russian tradition, soups are given a place at the very beginning of the meal. Czech soups are thick in consistency, often more reminiscent of sauces. When cooking, they add semolina or pureed vegetables, butter and egg yolks.

Depending on the main ingredient, there are: garlic soups, sauerkraut soups, onion soups, vegetable soups, with smoked meats, mushrooms, goulash soups, cheese soups, beer soups with cumin, sauerkraut soups with apples, dill soups with sour milk and others .

The dish is served in a plate or in bread (such a dish will cost twice as much). Among the popular soups we will name “garlic”. It is based on chicken broth with potatoes, into which about 10 cloves of garlic are placed. They serve it in rye bread. This is an excellent antimicrobial agent. It is clear that you should not go on a date after such a meal, except to try the dish with your lover.

If you love meat, order the goulash soup. There is a lot of meat in it, it is pureed and looks like a thick porridge.

It will seem unusual cold soup on beer. Grated bread, sugar, raisins, and lemon are added to beer. Not every gourmet can handle such ingredients in one plate. Be careful with this dish.

It is unlikely that you will find dill soup with milk anywhere else. And in the Czech Republic they prepare it. It contains milk, sour cream, egg, flour and dill. The taste is unusual and not everyone will like it.

The Czech Republic is a paradise for meat eaters

Be sure to try the main dish of Czech cuisine - knuckle: baked pork knee (Recene veprove koleno, pictured on the right, click on the photo to enlarge). The dish is on the menu in every restaurant and cafe in the Czech Republic.

The meat is soaked in beer for a certain time, then boiled, then smoked. It becomes juicy and tender. It is usually served with sauces, mustard or horseradish; they can also bring sauerkraut. Czech food is also prepared outside on the grill. They fry huge shanks, cut them off as much as you want.

An ancient Czech dish “vepro-knedlo-zelo”. This is baked pork with dumplings and stewed sauerkraut. All this is poured generously with thick gravy. Will the stomach be able to “survive” such a meal?

Goulash has always been a traditional food in the Czech Republic. Each restaurant has its own recipe for this dish. It can be made from beef, pork, rabbit, poultry, liver or assorted. Goulash is served with sauces, always with dumplings, sometimes with sauerkraut, seasoned with garlic and cumin.

Meat dishes surprise with their variety and method of preparation. And what are the sauces for them? We didn't talk about pork necks, hams, schnitzels, baked duck with spices, Czech sausages. Order, try, enjoy!

Fish lovers will not find variety in Czech cuisine. Traditionally, at Christmas, Czechs fry carp and eat it with potato salad. In restaurants and cafes, the menu includes: carp soup, chops or fried carp. If there is still room in your stomach after meat, reserve it for fish, you won’t regret it.

Side dishes for main dishes

The main and irreplaceable side dish in the Czech Republic is dumplings. Flour or potato dough is steamed, liver, meat, onions or cabbage are placed inside. Dumplings are served in pieces for dishes, mainly meat. They can be served with sauce and bacon. There are sweet dumplings, they contain fruit or cottage cheese and sprinkle with sugar.

Popular side dishes include potato dishes, cabbage, vegetables, and croquettes.

Try “bramboraki” - potato pancakes (like our potato pancakes, pictured on the right, click on the photo to enlarge). They contain marjoram (an aromatic seasoning from a perennial plant) or meat.

Before ordering a side dish, make sure it is not included in the main dish.

Salads and snacks for beer

Among the salads, we note “Bramborovy salat”. In addition to potatoes, carrots, parsley root, pickled cucumbers, red onions, bacon cracklings and other ingredients at the request of the cook are placed in it. Czechs prepare this salad for the Christmas table. The “Vlashsky” salad will remind you of the usual “Olivier”.

Czechs love cheeses and dishes with this product. The national dish is “Camembert” - breaded, fried cheese. It is served hot along with sauces or cabbage. Another national snack is “utopentsy”, these are marinated sausages or small sausages seasoned with pepper and onions.

Abundance and variety of sauces

Czech sauce is an independent gourmet dish. Several centuries ago, the base of the sauce (it was called yiha) was flour fried in fat. Wine, water or beer, spices and roots of various spices were added to it. It was an independent dish, sometimes it was served with meat.

Nowadays, the main ingredients in the sauce can be cucumber, horseradish, tomato, garlic, dill, onion, etc. They are called “omachki” (from the word “dip”). This sauce is prepared using the juice of fried meat, sour cream or wine. Omachki is served with meat and potato dishes.

Czech desserts

This is a thin dough roll with filling inside it: fruits, berries, nuts, poppy seeds, chocolate, cottage cheese. Serve with whipped cream, ice cream or chocolate syrup.

Trdelnik - empty tubes made over an open fire, covered with vanilla, sugar glaze or cinnamon. The word is translated into Russian as “fool”, a hint that the sweetness inside is empty.

Another interesting cake, especially because of its name, is “Rakvicka” (in Russian “coffin”). This is a popular dessert among Czechs. The cake has an oblong shape and contains a lot of sugar and cream.

At the end of lunch, if you can handle it, order “palachinki” (pancakes). They will be served with ice cream or whipped cream. By the way, Czechs love ice cream very much; it is sold everywhere and in different variations. Among traditional Czech desserts, we highlight “Hot Love” - vanilla ice cream doused with hot raspberry syrup.

Favorite drinks in the Czech Republic

Of course, beer. About 70 breweries work to promote the worldwide fame of Czech beer. Tasting the products of these factories is a favorite pastime of most Russian tourists.

The national herbal liqueur Becherovka or tea with lemon will contribute to an excellent digestion process. Czechs love soda water and juices: orange, apple, pear.

Catering service in the Czech Republic

You can eat everywhere in the Czech Republic: on the street from trays, buying food from vending machines, in snack bars, canteens, pirozhki, cafes and restaurants. Well, there are simply countless pubs.

If you go to a cafe or restaurant, then be prepared for some nuances of Czech service in such establishments. The menu is often displayed in front of the establishment, you can familiarize yourself with it before entering. Neighbors may sit at your table, this is quite normal. Take this philosophically, because there will be a chance to make friends.

Another surprise will be a dog that is brought by its owner to a place where people eat. Czechs love dogs and animals in general. The dog can sniff your table, food and this will be in the order of things.

Don’t rush to order several dishes, they are all hearty, the portions are large, so fill yourself up gradually, ordering dishes at a certain frequency.

Desserts are not eaten in the Czech Republic after main courses: it is a small snack if hunger takes you by surprise, or lunch is too short.

In the country it is customary to wash down food with a considerable amount of beer, since the food is heavy, fatty, a lot of marinades, smoked meat, salty, sweet. Therefore, do not be surprised by its abundance in cafes and restaurants.

Beer is not drunk immediately after serving; they wait until the foam settles. Do not order several varieties at the same time. You should also take a snack with your beer.

If alcohol is not your drink, then order tea and a piece of Prague cake.

You can dine on weekdays at restaurants offering business lunches (denny nabidke). It includes a main course, salad, dessert and drink.

Tips may not be included in the bill. If you did not like the service and food, then tell us in advance not to round up the bill, but to pay strictly according to the menu. However, you will find establishments where tips are included in the bill.

Pay attention to the fact that Czechs get up early and go to bed early, so their breakfast starts around 9 am, lunch is closer to twelve, and dinner lasts until 9 pm. After this time, it will be difficult to find an establishment with a full menu.

Products as souvenirs from the Czech Republic

Tourists try to bring something unusual from the Czech Republic. Often food is also bought as a souvenir. The most popular drinks gifts are liqueurs, vodka, beer, and Moravian wines.

Those with a sweet tooth take home otlatki, strudel, Prague cake, and gingerbread. Cheese lovers buy Hermelin, Olomouc cheese curds, as a souvenir.

When taking food with you, you should take into account their expiration date and storage conditions. We recommend reading our review "".

We wish you to fully enjoy Czech cuisine, and read our interesting articles about the Czech Republic ( links below).

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