How to make blueberry jam for the winter - recipes. Blueberry jam: traditional and quick recipes

Products for blueberry jam
Blueberries - 1 kilogram
Sugar - 4 cups
Water - 1 glass

How to make blueberry jam
Select ripe, dense fruits for jam. Remove forest debris and carefully, without disturbing the structure of the berries, rinse the berries in a colander. Slightly dry the berries and pour into a saucepan for cooking jam.
Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire. Pour sugar into warm water, heat and dissolve completely. After boiling the syrup, turn off the heat, pour blueberries with syrup and leave for 10 minutes. After that, put the pan with blueberries and syrup on the fire, cook the jam after boiling for 20 minutes over low heat. When cooking jam, it is necessary to remove the foam.
Pour the finished hot jam into sterilized jars and roll up. Turn jars of blueberry jam upside down, wrap in a blanket and wait until completely cooled. Remove cooled jam jars for storage.


- Mature soft berries are most suitable for cooking jam, unripe ones are not recommended.

To make blueberry jam dense, you can not add water: pour blueberries with sugar and leave for 2 hours, then put on a quiet fire and cook with constant stirring: already in the first minutes of cooking, you can make sure that the juice allocated by blueberries is enough to make the jam didn't burn.

When cooked in blueberry jam, some of the nutrients are preserved. Jam normalizes the work of the intestines and pancreas.

In the scientific literature, in addition to the well-known name, there are other options: swamp blueberry, undersized, marsh. In Russia, many common names for this berry are associated with the fact that they used to make wine from it: a water drinker, a drunken berry, a drunkard, a drunkard, a drunkard, blue grapes, a fool, a fool, a fool, a fool. There are also neutral common names: cabbage rolls, pigeons, blueberries, gonobobs, gonobobels, gonoboys, gonobols.

Blueberries are a low-calorie berry, so it can be included in the diet. In addition, due to the large amount of vitamins and minerals, blueberries speed up the metabolism in the body and enhance the effect of sugar-lowering drugs. Berries strengthen blood vessels, normalize the work of the heart and digestive system.

Blueberries grow in regions of the Northern Hemisphere with a cold and temperate climate: in Eurasia from Great Britain and Scandinavia to the Far East and Japan, in North America - from Alaska to Newfoundland and California in the south of the mainland. In Russia, it grows from the Arctic to the Caucasus. Prefers acidic soils, wetlands, rocky slopes.

Blueberries are a bit like blueberries, but have larger fruits. Its color is deep blue. And the taste is a bit tart. But this is not a reason to bypass this berry. It deserves more attention. One way to prepare it for a long time is to make jam.

The technology is simple, even a beginner can handle it. Therefore, while the harvest season is underway, you need to have time to cook blueberry jam for the winter. The berry has an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. Eating just a spoonful of this jam at breakfast, you can get a boost of energy for the whole day, increase immunity and protect the body from seasonal viral diseases.

Pros and cons of blueberry jam

Any method of harvesting blueberries for the winter has its own nuances. The advantage of the jam preparation technique is that this product is already ready for use, it has a pleasant taste and aroma, and has retained its beneficial properties. It can be used as a filling for pies and muffins, any other desserts. With a minimum of financial costs and personal time, you can get an excellent delicacy rich in vitamins and reminiscent of summer.

Blueberries should not be consumed by young children or breastfeeding women. In a baby, berries can cause diathesis. Excessive consumption of fruits threatens indigestion. Allergic reactions in the form of itching are also possible.

Like any other berry jam, blueberry must be consumed in doses. Then it will benefit the body.

Product preparation

To make the jam perfect, you need not only to follow all the rules for its preparation, but also pay attention to the preparation of the product before heat treatment. It is important to guess the moment of picking the berries. You should not take unripe fruits, they are not able to fully give their juice and aroma to jam. And also it is better not to use overripe specimens. They will turn into mush.

The most acceptable option: ripe, soft and beautiful berries. They need to be washed well with water. And then dry on a towel or just throw it in a colander and wait until all the water has drained.

Blueberries can be boiled without adding water, they are already quite juicy. When cooked over low heat, it gradually releases the juice, which makes the dish more saturated in taste. The jam is thick, with intense color and aroma due to the large amount of pectin in the composition of the berry.

How to make blueberry jam

There are several technologies for making blueberry jam. For some, the fast method has become a favorite, for others - the classic one. It is convenient to use a multicooker as an assistant. If you want to save as many vitamins as possible, you should choose the method without cooking.

Classic recipe

The motto of this method is simple and fast. The resulting product in the cold season diverges with a bang. And thanks to its beautiful color and pleasant aroma, it is not a shame to put it on the festive table or decorate a birthday cake with it.

  1. First prepare the syrup. For 2 cups of water you need 4 cups of sugar. The mixture is brought to a boil and boiled until the sand is completely dissolved. This amount of syrup will be needed to make jam from 1 kilogram of berries.
  2. Place selected and washed fruits in a saucepan, pour the resulting liquid and let stand for 2 hours.
  3. Then send the ingredients to the stove and simmer until the berries are completely boiled. It will take approximately 20-30 minutes.
  4. You can check the dish for readiness as follows: drop the jam on the flat surface of the plate, if the drop retains its shape, then the delicacy is ready.
  5. It remains only to distribute it hot in prepared jars, cool and send to the refrigerator to wait for the winter.

While the dessert is cooking, you can add other products or spices to it. Lemon juice or a sprig of cinnamon will make the taste and aroma of jam pleasant and original.

Without cooking

This method of harvesting blueberries for the winter is good because it allows you to save all the vitamins and trace elements of the product. It is not difficult to follow the recommendations, the process takes little time. And there are only two ingredients: blueberries and sugar.

  1. The fruits must be sorted out, spoiled. Rinse and dry on a towel.
  2. Grind the berries with a blender or manually on a sieve. In the second case, the cake from the fruit must be thrown away.
  3. Next, add sugar to the mixture. Its quantity depends on personal preferences, but not less than 1:1 to the mass of berries. In the process, you can try the workpiece and add more sand if the mixture is not sweet.
  4. Lemon juice will also help to achieve excellent taste. It will balance the acidity of the product.
  5. You can store the dessert in the refrigerator or freezer by putting it in jars. The container is pre-sterilized well so that the dessert does not turn sour ahead of time.

It is not necessary to feel sorry for sugar, because it is a preservative in this method.

There is another recipe for harvesting blueberries without using cooking.

  1. Berries must be washed and left to dry on the table.
  2. At this time, you need to boil the syrup. For 3 cups of sugar, you need 1 cup of water. The mixture is boiled over low heat until the sand dissolves. You can add a pinch of citric acid.
  3. Glass jars for harvesting must be carefully prepared: sterilized in the oven or over steam.
  4. Place the berries in a container and pour them with a hot solution. Roll up lids and set aside to cool.

Jam without cooking has a whole range of useful properties. There are many vitamins in it. The dish can relieve heartburn, and also help with cystitis.

Five-minute blueberry jam

With quick heat treatment, it turns out to preserve more of the beneficial properties that the berry is so rich in. This method of making jam is also popular because it saves time. True, the shelf life of five-minute blueberry jam is less than that prepared according to the classic recipe.

  1. Blueberries are poured into an enamel pan, sugar is placed there. Proportion 1:1. Put the mixture in the refrigerator overnight.
  2. In the morning, put the jam on the stove and cook for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling, stirring constantly. There is no need to add water, the fruits languish in their own juice. Do not use iron utensils or a spoon for cooking. It is better to stir the delicacy with a wooden spatula.
  3. Next, the dessert is rolled into jars and sent to the cellar.

In a slow cooker

Some people think that making jam takes a lot of time and effort. But that's not the case at all. With the help of a multicooker, the process will not require increased attention. You just need to load the ingredients into the bowl and set the desired mode.

  1. For 1 kg of blueberries, you can take 0.5 kg of sugar. Place ingredients in a bowl and stir.
  2. Set the "Extinguishing" mode.
  3. Cooking will take 2 hours, but all this time there is no need to monitor the jam, remove the foam and stir. The technology will do everything by itself.

Additional Ingredients

The taste of blueberries is a bit tart and fresh. Therefore, other products are often added to jam. The best duo for gray berries will be raspberries, blueberries, apples and citrus fruits.

Mint, vanilla and lemon balm will help to give the blueberry dessert a pleasant aroma.

Blueberry jam with blueberries

  1. First, the jam syrup is boiled. Mix water, sugar (a kilogram of sugar per kilogram of berries), lemon zest and juice, bring to a boil. Then transfer to a slow fire and cook for another 10 minutes.
  2. Blueberries and blueberries are sent to the resulting mixture. The ratio is arbitrary. They insist for an hour.
  3. Then send the mixture to the stove. Simmer over low heat for 40 minutes.
  4. After the allotted time, the jam is distributed into jars and rolled up.

Blueberries are quite tasty and very healthy berries. One hundred grams of it contains 0.5% pectins, which are able to remove radioactive metals from the body, such as cobalt and strontium. In addition, it contains up to 3% organic acids: oxalic, acetic, malic, benzoic and citric. This berry is able to maintain the activity of the body, supplying it with sugar, the content of which reaches 8%. Many components of blueberries promote hematopoiesis and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. In addition, they are able to improve the metabolism in the body, thereby healing it. Antioxidants, which are also found in the described berry, cope with free radicals that cause the body to age.

Blueberries could also be called an antiscorbutic that has been used by many people for centuries. In order to make jam from this berry, you will need: a stove, a colander, a saucepan, one kilogram of blueberries, four glasses of sugar, one glass of water. Grandmothers explaining to their granddaughters how to make blueberry jam say that this is a fairly simple process that does not require special knowledge and skills. Before proceeding directly to cooking jam, it is necessary to sort out the berries, removing the spoiled ones, as well as twigs, stalks and leaves. After that, the blueberries must be washed well in running water, using a colander, and then left to dry.

Pour water into a saucepan and put it on fire. As soon as the latter is heated, you need to pour the above amount of sugar into it and, stirring, achieve its complete dissolution. Next, pour the berries into the syrup and leave the mixture to infuse for ten minutes. After the specified time, you need to put the pan with the berries in syrup on a slow fire and cook for about twenty minutes more. While the jam is cooking, you need to remove the foam from it so that it turns out transparent. When it is cooked, it must be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up. Each of the cans should be turned upside down and then wrapped in a warm blanket. When the jam has cooled, the jars must be stored in the cellar.

Many residents of small villages located near forest areas probably know how to make dove jam. They note that this berry tastes very similar to blueberries, but is inferior to the latter in taste - it is less sweet. Many of the villagers use several methods of making blueberry jam. The first was presented above, and the second prescribes to pour hot syrup on a clean berry and leave to infuse for about three to four hours. And only after that it should be boiled for about half an hour over low heat. Vanillin is usually added at the end. And then the finished hot jam is rolled into processed jars. The third option recommends pouring pure berries with sugar and leaving to infuse for about five hours. After that, it should be boiled in several stages over low heat, each of which lasts at least half an hour. At the last boiling, citric acid must be added.

Some housewives also offer a fourth option for making blueberry jam, but without cooking. They advise sorting and washing the berries, and then scroll them through a meat grinder or grind them in a food processor. After that, the resulting mass is mixed with sugar in a one-to-one ratio and rolled into sterilized jars. Store it in the refrigerator. When thinking about how to cook blueberries, you should choose one of the methods proposed above. They are all quite simple and involve boiling the juice from the berries in order to obtain a sweet mass that is perfect for tea or becomes a delicious filling for buns and cheesecakes. Blueberry jam does not have a strong flavor, such as raspberry or strawberry, so it is often flavored with some seasonings that are recommended for sweet dishes.

However, for people who do not like the pronounced taste of products, this berry, like jam from it, will come in handy. Moreover, you can also make jam from blueberries, which can delight even the most demanding gourmets. To prepare it, it is recommended to take a kilogram of berries and four glasses of sugar, and cook this mixture until it becomes thick, has a rich color and a bright taste. After that, the jam is filtered through a sieve or colander. Gelatin is added to the resulting syrup without berries, which must be pre-filled with water and heated in a water bath. Then you should boil the mixture for another ten minutes and pour into jars that need to be placed in the refrigerator.

Not everyone has tried blueberry jam, but everyone who has tried it will certainly want to keep a jar or two in their pantry for winter tea parties.

In early September, bluish-blue blueberries ripen in swamps, in forest thickets and on mountain slopes. Above its thickets, stretched for kilometers, there is an intoxicating aroma, from which the head is spinning. An inexperienced "hunter" for berries may mistakenly assume that it is blueberries that intoxicate and dizzy, eating to lure them into the thicket of the forest or into swampy swamps. However, gray berries are devoid of any flavor. Such a pungent smell is emitted by her faithful companion - rosemary. He, like a jealous husband, accompanies his berry everywhere and drives away with a persistent, caustic aroma anyone who thinks of encroaching on this marsh jewel. And although blueberries do not have the most enviable reputation, and thanks to a foul-smelling neighbor, a lot of offensive nicknames appeared - a water drinker, a fool, a fool, a drunkard, a hemlock - a berry with a bluish-wax coating and a slightly tart taste has become a people's favorite.

Fans of blueberries appreciate it not only for its juiciness and pleasant taste. From time immemorial, blue berries were stocked up for the whole winter to provide the body with invaluable vitamins C, B1, PP and P, carotene and organic acids. The greatest benefit, of course, is found in fresh blueberries, so northerners try to keep them unprocessed. They use birch bark barrels and ... fish oil for this. Berries in barrels are poured with fat and buried in moss. This ancient method preserves the benefits of blueberries as much as possible. Residents of warmer regions use their own ways of saving vitamins in berries, and store the benefits of blueberries in homemade wines, marshmallows or “live” jams, for which the gray berry seemed to have specially accumulated a lot of pectin. The high content of this substance allows you to cook thick, rich in color and very tasty jam.

TOP 5 recipes for making blueberry jam

Recipe 1: Easy and Quick Blueberry Jam Recipe

Ingredients for 4-5 cans of 0.5 l: 1 kg of blueberries, 1.5 kg of granulated sugar

  1. Wash the berries and discard on a sieve to completely drain the water from the berries.
  2. Transfer the blueberries to an enameled bowl and lightly crush with a faience or wooden pestle (so that the berries just burst).
  3. Warm the berry gruel over a fire to a temperature of 60-65 ° C.
  4. Pour sugar into a warm mass, mix the products well, continuing to cook the jam.
  5. When the blueberries heat up again to a temperature of 65-70 ° C, the jam can be removed from the stove and packaged in a glass prepared for rolling.
  6. Cool jam at room temperature. You can store in cold rooms, but it is better to remove immediately in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2: Five-minute blueberry jam with mint notes

Ingredients for 2 cans of 0.5 l: 600 g of blueberries, 400 g of granulated sugar (preferably brown), a small lemon, a bunch of mint.

  1. Rinse the lemon with a brush, remove the zest layer from it with thin strips, squeeze out the juice.
  2. Strip the leaves from the mint sprigs. Cut the stems into two or three parts, tie with a thread. Place mint leaves on top of each other, roll up and chop finely.
  3. Prepare blueberry syrup. Pour sugar into 100 ml of water, pour lemon juice and boil. If foam appears, remove.
  4. Pour the zest, mint stems into the syrup and boil for five minutes.
  5. Mint leaves and washed blueberries are next in the sweet "soup". After boiling, boil the jam for another five minutes and can be removed from the hob. Remove the tied sprigs of mint from the jam.
  6. Roll the "five-minute" blueberry jam into sterilized jars or put it in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for no more than a couple of weeks.

Recipe 3: Blueberry Jam in Honey Syrup with Rum

Ingredients for 2 jars of 0.5 l: 1 kg of blueberries, 180 g of honey, 2 tbsp. spoons of rum, a bag of pectin.

  1. Pour the peeled, washed berries into a saucepan and send to a small fire. Within three minutes, the berries will begin to release juice.
  2. While stirring blueberries, pour honey into the pan and pour pectin (you can do without pectin, but the jam will turn out less thick).
  3. While waiting for the boil, the jam must be continuously, but very carefully, so as not to damage the berries, mix. After five minutes of boiling, the jam can be removed from the hob. Half a minute before, pour rum into the pan.
  4. Store "drunk" berries in honey syrup rolled up in steamed jars in a well-chilled place.

Recipe 4: Blueberry and Blueberry Jam

Ingredients for 1 can of 0.5 l: 250 g blueberries, 250 g blueberries, 400 ml water, 600 g sugar, one lemon.

  1. Boil syrup in a thick-bottomed bowl: mix water with sugar and add zest, juice of one large lemon. Put on the stove.
  2. When the lemon syrup boils, lower the temperature and simmer for 10-12 minutes.
  3. Pour the washed and dried blueberries and blueberries into the hot syrup. Sweet liquid should cover each berry. Leave the berry mix for an hour to soak in syrup, stirring occasionally.
  4. After the scheduled time has elapsed, return the pan to the hob and, after boiling, keep it on a quiet fire for 40-50 minutes. Blueberries and blueberries will start to pop as they boil, turning the syrup more inky, but the berries will remain fleshy.
  5. You can check the readiness of the jam by dropping a drop of hot syrup on the smooth surface of a saucer or spatula. If it holds its shape and does not spread, the jam is ready.
  6. Pour the blueberry-blueberry delicacy with lemon flavor into a sterile jar, roll up, cool and rearrange in the pantry. The remaining jam can be sampled. A sweet dessert is especially delicious with cheeses, white toast or biscuit cakes.

Recipe 5: Blueberry Jam for Biscuit Layer

This jam contains gelatin. The gelling additive is good because it perfectly holds the “marmalade” shape and perfectly fastens biscuit cakes. Such a dark purple layer on a white biscuit looks very impressive and beautiful.

Ingredients for 2 jars of 0.3 l: 500 g blueberries (can be frozen), 800 g sugar, medium lemon, 25 g gelatin.

  1. Pour the prepared berries with water so that it only covers the blueberries. Heat the container to a boil and boil for about ten minutes. During this time, the blueberries will only boil slightly and release the juice.
  2. Throw hot berries in a sieve or colander.
  3. Cool the resulting juice to 80 ° C, soak the gelatin in it.
  4. While the gelatin dissolves, rub the blueberries in a sieve or puree with a blender.
  5. Mix blueberry puree with granulated sugar and put on fire again. As soon as the thick liquid boils, boil it for another 5 minutes and you can remove it from the stove.
  6. Pour the juice with gelatin (through a strainer) into the pureed berries and add lemon juice. Pour into jars warmed up in the oven.
  7. Put jars of blueberry jam in a container of hot water. Sterilize jars for 5-7 minutes in water heated to 85 ° C.
  8. Jam cork, cool. Sweet preparation for the winter is ready.

Residents of the North know how to cook delicious, beautiful and healthy blueberry jam. Their experience will help you prepare the best winter dessert preparation:

  1. Good, rich and rich in color and taste, jam is obtained only from well-ripened, soft berries.
  2. For jam, the berries must be sorted out, rid of debris and washed in a colander, carefully immersing it in a container of water, or rinsed under the "shower". Gentle water procedures will allow not to damage the berries filled with juice.
  3. Blueberry is a very juicy berry and jam from it can be cooked without adding water. When heated, it releases enough juice so as not to burn.
  4. Blueberries have a somewhat bland taste, and in order to make jam with an interesting, memorable taste, it is prepared with other berries. The best dessert compositions are obtained with blueberries, raspberries, lingonberries, cranberries and apples.
  5. The delicate aroma of blueberries is enhanced by mint, lemon balm, citrus fruits, vanilla and other natural flavors.
  6. Jars with a beautiful, rich color of blueberry jam will look especially appetizing on the shelves of a pantry or locker if their “heads” are dressed in checkered capes and stick colorful labels with inscriptions.

almost exotic. If you cook it according to the original recipe, pour it into beautiful jars and sign it, then such jam ceases to be an ordinary preparation and turns into an exclusive sweet gift.

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