The most effective rituals to attract love on New Year's Eve. Conspiracies and rituals for the new year, New Year's Eve, Old New Year, Chinese New Year Conspiracies for a husband on New Year's Eve

Every girl at least once in her life thinks about divination, love spells, conspiracies and similar magical rites. For a love spell, you can choose any day, but it will be most effective on Christian holidays, such as Christmas, New Year or Epiphany. It is believed that these days magic is most powerful, and actions are fruitful.

For centuries, people have believed that on the night of the Old Year, love spells must come true. This happens because the numerical value changes on this night. Magic and sorcery hover in the night air, filling it with the necessary energy. The love spell for the Old New Year is endowed with special power. The main thing is to aim for a positive result and believe in yourself.

On New Year's Eve, magic increases due to the power of the holiday in the air. A love spell must be carried out at this time, and the result will please you. Love spells are easy to perform, they do not require large expenditures of energy, and the effect of them is significant.

Preparing for the ritual is easy:

  1. First, you need to clearly imagine the man you will bewitch. The most important thing is not to doubt that this is the man you love. If you are still single, then there are many other love rituals, rituals that are aimed at attracting your man, destined by fate.
  2. Secondly, based on the ongoing ritual, it is necessary to prepare all the attributes of a love spell in advance, so that later you don’t look for anything and don’t waste time, because some rituals are limited to a few minutes.
  3. Thirdly, faith in one's own magic. With insufficient focus on a good result, rituals should not be performed. If you doubt what you are doing, nothing will work. It is necessary to sincerely believe in the power of the Old Year.

With candles and a mirror

A love spell for the Old New Year with candles and a mirror is considered the oldest ritual. Such a ritual should be performed once a year, on the night of January 13-14, at which time it is endowed with special magic. This rite does not bewitch the person you know. It is aimed at attracting love, destined for you by fate. If you want, for example, to take a man away from his wife, a love spell will not work for you.

The ceremony should be performed in a separate room between 22 and 23 hours. Sit at the table in loose and light clothing in light colors and let your hair down. For a love spell, you must have three candles - white, gold and red.

  1. White color affects purity, wisdom, protection and harmony of the soul.
  2. The golden color enhances the effect of the magical rite and speeds up its implementation. In addition, gold is aimed at the attractiveness and masculinity of a man.
  3. Red color symbolizes passion, enhances attractiveness and increases sympathy. It attracts your life partner.

Tie all three candles with a thread, preferably red. After they need to be put in a crystal glass with water and set on fire. Water will penetrate into your aura, fill with its energy and help you find out what is destined. Carefully looking at the flame, read the love spell:

“Fire, endow the betrothed with love. Fill it with the power of love, hot as fire and pure as water. Fire reaches water - my labors succeed. My words are strong, they cannot be changed.

If the ritual was endowed with sincerity and faith in the power of magic, then the man will meet you in the near future, perhaps even in the first month.

With festive champagne

The most common is a love spell using champagne. This rite does not require strong magical actions, it is simple to perform. Champagne is a traditional drink, so it is directly related to the magic of New Year's Eve. On the night of January 13, take a glass of champagne and say the words of the conspiracy:

“The New Year brings a different life. In this life, we are destined to be with (name of the chosen one) and share happiness. We will not part with (name of the chosen one) either for a year or for a lifetime. So be it.”

Say this New Year's conspiracy as quickly as possible, then drink the drink in one gulp. It is believed that the love spell begins to act immediately, almost the next day. To speed up the result, you need to meet with your betrothed more often, but if this is not possible, do not be discouraged. This is quite a strong love spell at a distance. Even if you are now apart, then after the conspiracy you will see each other soon.

Also in this love spell you need to invest your dreams and thoughts about how you will live with your loved one. Do not perform this ritual without seriousness, just out of curiosity, because it can backfire, you will attract negativity, and the consequences will be unpleasant. We also recommend this video:

For wine and photos

Since ancient times, a love spell for alcohol, especially for wine, has been considered quite complex, but at the same time true. This ritual is not the easiest, and so that it does not become dangerous or entail negative consequences, clearly and correctly fulfill all the conditions.

The time of the sentence may vary, depending on the goals you achieve:

  1. For crazy love, the period of coincidence of two moons will be the most suitable.
  2. During the dark moon (the night before the new moon), the plot will contribute to a strong attraction. So strong that a person will not be able to sleep, eat, he will continuously think about you and look for meetings. However, such an impact can push him to crazy actions, so you should be careful. At the slightest mistake, the love spell will have the opposite effect and act negatively.
  3. The safest and mildest sentence will be during the full moon. He will attract tender love and care without subjugation of the will.

To conduct a home love spell, take a bottle of wine with photographs - yours and your betrothed. Lay a clean tablecloth on the table, put a bottle of wine in the center and 3 candles on the sides. A photo of a loved one should be under the wine, also wrap the bottle with your photo for more effect. There is another way in which your photos are tied together with red thread, in this case, put them on the table under the wine. If you do not have red threads, you can take white or black ones.

Open the bottle, light the candles, lean over the wine, focus and say the words of the love spell 3 times.

“I will drink wine, in the heart of the husband of the servant of God (the name of the betrothed), I will awaken love, I will awaken desire. Strong, unbearable."

After the spoken words, tightly cork the bottle, put the rest of the things in a secluded place so that no one can find them. Now drink the person you have chosen with this charmed wine for a day, otherwise the love spell will lose its power. And most importantly, no one else should drink this wine.

There are some difficulties in conducting the ceremony, if you are not confident in your abilities, you should not start it. Unpleasant consequences may arise, for example, alcohol dependence, problems with the psyche, with health or with close relatives.

For a personal item

Often girls bewitch a man for a personal thing. In order to conduct this ceremony, it is necessary to prepare the necessary items in advance:

  • red candle;
  • silk red ribbon;
  • any personal item of the guy.

The ceremony itself is held from January 13 to 14 at exactly 12 am. Light a candle and set yourself up for a positive outcome. When the time comes, tie your loved one's thing with a red ribbon and say the plot:

“I (name) take possession of the heart and dreams (name of the betrothed) and fill his thoughts with myself. Now he will suffer and be bored, he will not be able to live without me, and will only be happy next to me. Let him not let me out of his arms. I tie the knot, and my words begin to act. Let it be so."

After the spoken words, the object will be filled with energy and will be a magnet for a loved one. The thing must be hidden in a secluded place where no one will find it.

For a New Year's card

Cast this spell on someone with whom you already have a relationship, such as friendship or business. To bewitch your loved one, on the last Friday before the Old New Year, write the following words on the card with a pen without paste:

“From now on, (name of the betrothed) will be mine. Love me and don't sleep at night. You (name of the betrothed) will not be happy without me.”

Just like other love spells, this one should be carried out with full confidence in one's abilities.

After the “written” words, take a pen full of paste and write any wish on top of an invisible plot, and give a card to a man. In order for the love spell to work, ask him to read a wish on New Year's Eve. His eyes will read the visible wish, and the soul - the secret and invisible.

We bewitch money for the Old New Year

The most common love spell for the Old New Year is aimed at improving the financial situation, and such a ritual is quite simple. You need to take some coins, a couple of paper bills and a bag of red cloth. The bag must be sewn in advance, while sewing, imagining how the financial situation is getting better.

On New Year's Eve, after 12 o'clock in beautiful clothes, go outside and find a house where people are still having fun celebrating the holiday. Stop near the house and cast the spell:

“People have joy, people have happiness, so I will have this year. Money will love me the way these people love each other. Joy will await us with money, we will become good friends.”

This spell must be read 5 times, then put the prepared money in a bag and put it on the threshold of this house or in a mailbox if it is an apartment. After the ritual, calmly go home and wait, the love spell will immediately take effect.

from Natalia Stepanova

It is necessary to pay attention to another white love spell - a conspiracy for money from Natalia Stepanova. It will help you connect all the power and energy of money for the next 12 months. To do this, take 7 coins, preferably a large denomination, and wrap them in 7 red square pieces of paper. You will also need 7 church candles.

At dawn on January 14, wash your face with cold water, wet your wrists and heels with it. Then dry everything with a clean towel and start the ritual. Read a prayer over the first coin, wrap it in a red piece of paper and seal it with candle wax, it should burn out completely. Do these steps with every coin in the next seven days, and good luck will not keep you waiting. You can even more love spells from Natalia Stepanova for different occasions.

Can there be consequences for such a love spell?

The consequences can be unpleasant if you do not tune in and do not believe in a positive outcome. If you are performing a rite for the sake of interest, it will not be effective. Strong consequences are not expected, only the lack of results or mild health problems.

You can incur negativity if you rely on bad emotions, whether it be greed, curling or anger, which is what black magic is already built on. In such a case, the consequences can be dire, worsening the financial situation, and in rare cases even death. This must be borne in mind in order to understand whether you are ready for a love spell.

On New Year's Eve, a special magical time comes, characterized by high energy, a time when witchcraft for love miraculously succeeds. Don't miss this time. Make your own home love spell at a distance on New Year's Eve. Choose the best love spell that will help you solve the problem: bring love to life, refresh feelings in marriage, return a loved one.

There are light attachments and bindings, there are also strong love spells for a guy for the new year. It just so happened that in our country there is a strange tradition to celebrate two holidays of the beginning of the year - Old and New. A practicing magician cannot but take advantage of this oddity, and make a love spell not only on New Year's Eve, but also on the night of January 14th.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, affirm that not only men are bewitched on a winter festive night. Most New Year's conspiracies are universal, and therefore a love spell for the old new year is suitable for influencing a guy and a girl. Let's start simple.

Love spells and love spells for the new year December 31

These easy conspiracies - love spells are most suitable for young girls who do not have a serious relationship, youthful romanticism. Magical conspiracies of this order can really work at home, but entirely on the strength of the intention of the magician - the performer.

  • Homemade drink for a glass of champagne

You can make this simple love spell for someone you like by contact, celebrating the New Year in the same company with the object, but you can also remotely. With good visualization, this is not difficult to do. During the traditional chiming clock, when everyone congratulates each other and the glasses clink, looking at your beloved guy, read three times to yourself the words of this easy love spell for the new year on December 31:

“(Name) you drink wine, you find love. To be with you (name) together, to love, to grow rich, to divide life into two. Amen".

  • Light love spell for a New Year's gift

Prepare a gift for a person you like, for whom you have views of a certain character, and read the home plot of the lung on this thing 7 times love spell for a guy on New Year's Eve January 1:

“The dove flies, the message brings home, in the heart (name) carry my image. Let his blood burn with love. No one can change my words. Amen".

  • Love spell for New Year's card

If you have the opportunity to give a card to a handsome guy you like, use the magical power of a secret message. With a pen without ink, write a conspiracy on the postcard:

“(Name), you will come to me, (name), you are always waiting for me, love will find us at any hour, my love spell will be strong. The key to my words. Amen".

Then, on top of the plot, write New Year's greetings. Give a card to your beloved boy, and soon you will see the result of your festive winter love spell.
  • Love spell on New Year's Eve

If your lover is not with you on New Year's Eve, write a witchcraft plot on a small piece of paper, thinking about your beloved guy, visualizing how he performs. This love spell for a man on New Year's Eve works like a quick call with a strong love attraction:

“From now on and forever you (name) are mine. You will love me alone, only desire me, you won’t sleep at night without me. Come to me, (name), this night, and stay with me all night. I think it will. Amen".

When you hear the chimes, burn the paper, throw the ashes into your champagne glass, and drink with the last stroke.

A strong white love spell for a husband on New Year's Eve through food

To bewitch a husband who loves to take a walk, treat him with special pastries on New Year's Eve. Bake a cupcake or cookie, talk about pastries, thinking about your beloved husband. This is a white conspiracy for a spouse, so it makes sense to apply it to those who have a connection with the Christian Forces:

“God bless with bread, and reward with holy water so that my husband (name) is always with me. Blood in the liver, but salt in food, and your flesh is in me (the name of the rivers). Amen".

The real way to bewitch is magical, and inherently universal. With its help, you can influence the legal spouse not only on New Year's Eve, but also at any time when the need for magical intervention arises. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend making this light white love spell on your husband for the old new year, the effect will be no worse than on New Year's Eve.

Home love spell for a man for the New Year from a photo

This winter love plot works well on December 31, if your husband’s feelings for you have cooled down, and your goal is to revive former love. No less accurately, a love plot on the holidays of the new year will work to make a loved one longing and wanting to see you. You can use this method of self-love spell on New Year's holidays on January 1, but you can also when the need arises.

To influence a man, you just need to have his photo. And, of course, good visualization is essential.

Looking at the photo, read the words of the New Year's love spell for love three times:

“Ahti, the slave (name) cannot live without his shadow, he will not overcome longing for me (name). Walk, stumble, suffocate from longing, as the sun goes across the sky, so go and you go along any road to me (name). Amen".

Everyone who did this particular version of an easy homemade love spell for the new year in the photo of a guy noted its quick action. Works for attraction, like a love affair or a challenge. Works for a short time. Therefore, when a man shows interest, take the opportunity to influence him in a different way, consolidating the result of love witchcraft. And of course this easy homemade love spell on the photo can be performed on January 13 - on the old new year.

Black love spell of a man for the new year - for sexual craving for a woman

In order to make the most love spell on your beloved guy, you need:

  • photo of someone you like, or any biobinding (hair, blood, nail, etc.)
  • red candle

Looking at the candle, read the plot of this love spell three times in winter for a man’s love and attraction:

“Rejoice, fire, rejoice, embrace with a fierce flame not soft wax, but a heart from a white body. Kindle it, ignite it fiercely (name), so that both during the day in the sun and at night under the moon (name) would rush to me, to his wife (name). He would hug me tightly, cling to me tightly, hold me tenaciously, do not let go of himself, love, caress, crush me under him. His flesh would burn fiercely, his body would want me alone, his wife (name). Be my words strong, stronger than damask stone, better than warm wax. Amen".

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

When reading a love plot on the flame of a New Year's candle three times, you need to burn a photo, or something from a man's biobindings, if any. This love spell on New Year's Eve on January 1 belongs to the category of natural, those that work on. And with a clear visualization of the performer, of course. Witchcraft similar to him conspiracies on New Year's Eve December 31 often used by magicians in their black magic practices as auxiliary, to reinforce and enhance the main love ritual. Naturally, this magical rite can be performed on the old new year on January 14, but I would not argue that this is a strong love spell for a guy. But in the complex, such rituals work well, and give stable results.

How to bewitch your girlfriend in the falling snow

When the snow falls, go outside, and, looking at the swirling snowflakes, read the words of the love plot three times in a whisper:

“As this snow falls on the ground, and does not go anywhere from the ground, so would (name) lie down with me, do not do anything from me. No matter how you spin, the snow is white, you will still lie on the ground. No matter how proud you are, beauty (name), you will still be with me, you will lie under me. Castle in my words. Amen".

A conspiracy for fresh snow - for beauty, for attractiveness, a love spell for a man's attention

This way to bewitch your beloved guy on pure snow is easy to do. In the evening after sunset, when fresh snow falls, scoop snow with your hand and carry it into the house. Read over it a conspiracy of a love spell on the snow, and when the snow melts, then wash yourself with melt water.

An article on the topic: "magic conspiracies for good luck and wealth in the new year on the site love spell master" will help you do everything right.

The conspiracies that take place at the end of December and for the new year are very diverse. Most of them are aimed at leaving everything bad in the outgoing year, and in the new year to attract new luck, financial well-being, health and love.

It is important to remember that rituals for the new year should be carried out only after complete cleansing of all accumulated negativity, you should not have negative energy left in you, otherwise the rituals performed will not lead to the desired results.

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New Year's magic and its rituals

On New Year's Eve, you can…

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Magic rituals on New Year's Eve

New Year's love spells are more likely to ...

The period of the New Year holidays is a unique time with powerful energy and mysterious forces. New Year, Christmas, Old New Year - all these days go one after another, and therefore it is important not to be late and carry out all the rites and rituals on time that will provide you with everything you need next year.

The New Year in the minds of people is a day of expectation and a night of celebration, when we make our most secret desires, which later very often come true.

Every person wants to have as much luck, joy, love, prosperity as possible in his life, so do not miss the opportunity to change your life for the better, which the new year gives us.

Ritual for health and youth

In order for the new year to bring you health and youth, you must definitely carry out this simple ceremony. It is necessary to perform the ritual during the last hour of the outgoing year. You need to stand in front of a mirror, light three red or three church candles, take a spoonful of honey and say a conspiracy:

“On three sides is the day, on the fourth side is the night, from the damp earth the water flows away. So let all the sicknesses flow away from my body, all diseases go away, I will be healed by mother earth, I will be healed by pure water. Like a drop of sweet will I put into my mouth, so I will walk the earth like a swan. To become young for my age, I will seal my age with sweet honey. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Honey is a storehouse of useful substances and an excellent store of information.

After pronouncing the last words, you need to eat a prepared spoonful of honey and drink it with warm water. This is a simple but effective magical rite that can significantly improve health and protect yourself from disease.

Charm spell for good luck

This magical ritual should be performed only on December 31st. In order for the ceremony to be as effective as possible, you need to concentrate on forgiving all your enemies, let go of grievances, leave them last year, thank God for the past year and pray that He will support you in all future endeavors, so that you and your relatives were healthy.

After that, you need to light a church candle and, holding it in your hands, read the words of the conspiracy:

“My merciful God, be in the year that comes with me. Send health and prosperity to me, me and my family.

Send me gold and silver, and more good things. Bless me for peace, bless for peace, so that I never part with You.

Holy archangels, yes good angels, the whole host of heaven, do not let me, the servant of God (name), and my family suffer in the new year.

Protect us from trouble, protect anyone from ailments, from fire, and from water. Throughout the new year, be my God with me. Save me, save me, and protect me from evil and adversity. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

To make wishes come true

If you want the new year to bring the fulfillment of all your cherished desires, perform this simple magical rite. For wishes to come true, you need to have a golden ring on your hand. When the chiming clock starts, touch the ring to the lobe of your left ear and concentrate all your strength on visualizing what you want, imagine that everything you want is already with you, and then the new year will definitely bring what you want.

For reciprocity in love

If you are celebrating the New Year with a loved one who has not yet reciprocated your feelings, ask him to pass you an apple from the New Year's table from hand to hand. In no case should this apple be eaten, it must be discreetly hidden, and later put under the New Year tree. When you wake up in the morning, pick up an apple, remove the core from it and put a small piece of paper on it with the name of a loved one written on it.

Choose a dry and ventilated place so that rotting does not start.

After you need to tie the apple with a red thread and hide it in a warm place where no one will see it. While the fruit is drying, your lover will definitely turn his attention to you, which will become a guarantee for future love. Naturally, no one should know about this ritual, otherwise the magic will lose all its power.

Conspiracies and rituals for the new year for wealth

In the new year, many people ask higher powers for wealth. This is not surprising, everyone needs money, and the energy of rebirth gives a person tremendous opportunities to change his own life.

There are many different magical rituals aimed at attracting financial well-being in the new year, and many of them have already proven themselves from the best side.

Conspiracy for money for the new year

The first little change that you will receive in the new year for change must be saved, wait for the new moon and perform a magical ritual. To do this, put a trifle in a new clay pot, put it in a secluded place. A dark place and every night during the period of the growing moon we read the words of the conspiracy on it:

“As the moon grows in the night sky, so will my money grow. As the moon arrives in the night sky, so will the money in my pockets arrive. Amen".

To enhance the effect, in addition to reading the magic words, you need to add new coins to the pot. When the full moon comes, hide the pot so that no one can ever find it. You can bury it near your own house.

Fragment of a painting by K. Makovsky Yuletide divination, 1890s.

Conspiracies for the New Year have a special depth and great power. Whatever such a conspiracy is aimed at, it will be stronger than at any other time of the year.

When New Year's Eve is called magical or witchcraft, they usually mean its romantic festive atmosphere, but in fact this night and the entire New Year period can be called magical.

This is the period of the change of the annual cycle, when not only the numbers of the calendar change, but the renewal and rebirth of all things takes place. The magic of New Year's Eve is strong and effective. Don't miss magical days!

The New Year is coming soon, followed by Christmas. These are such dates saturated with energy and mysterious power that it is on these days that the strongest New Year's conspiracies are held.

  • New Year's conspiracy for love
  • New Year's conspiracy for mutual love
  • New Year's conspiracy for health
  • New Year's spell for good luck
  • New Year's conspiracy for wealth
  • New Year's rite to increase well-being
  • New Year's conspiracy for the fulfillment of desires
  • New Year's bath for beauty
  • Conspiracy on New Year's Day for complete well-being
  • Amulet against bad luck in the new year

New Year's conspiracy for love

A conspiracy is not only for the love of a man, it helps to gain the love of others, their kind attitude, help and support.

Take a colored scarf, the main thing is that you can wrap your shoulders in it. Throw it on yourself. Then light 7 candles - put one in the center, it will symbolize you yourself, and place the rest of the candles around. And mark: the first candle is the love of a man, the second is the love of relatives, the third is the love of friends, the fourth is the love of colleagues, the fifth is the good attitude of other people around you, and the sixth is love as a sense of self.

After that, read the plot:

“Love will envelop me with a bright veil, whoever looks at me will fall in love, love, whoever hears me will no longer forget, whoever takes my hand will follow me. I will be the sun for everyone, I will be ringing gold, I will be clean water, a radiant smile. A new year begins, it is filled with light, the light comes from me and descends on others. And I will become a joy, a favorite and a reward to everyone who appreciates me, will not leave me, will not change. Love will envelop me, confuse me in its networks and never let go! No loneliness and sadness! My word is strong!

After the plot, do not remove the scarf for another 10-15 minutes. Then, during the year, throw it on your shoulders when you need to charm someone. No need to carry it with you, just wear it at home for five minutes, going to an important meeting for you.

New Year's conspiracy for mutual love

If you are celebrating the New Year with your loved one, ask him to give you an apple from the New Year's table. Hide it discreetly under the tree, and in the morning take it out and remove the core from it. Write the name of your loved one on a piece of paper and put it in place of the core. Tie the apple with red thread and hide in a warm place. While this charmed apple dries, your loved one will fall in love with you more and more. Everything must be done in complete secrecy. Keep the apple and don't show it to anyone.

New Year's conspiracy for health

This old conspiracy is very effective, but you only need to read it sober. However, you can create it not on New Year's Eve, but on January 1, when you wake up. So. Light a church candle, pour holy water into a clay bowl (certainly clay, plastic and other materials are not suitable), dip the fingers of both hands into the water (hands, of course, must be clean) and read:

“God, God! Bless! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen!

As the Lord God strengthened the sky and the earth, and the water, and the stars, and as on that damp mother earth there is no illness, no blood wound, no pinching, no swelling, the Lord also created me, the servant of God (name), as the Lord created, firmly established and firmly strengthened my veins, and my bones, and my white body, the same with me, the servants of God (name), the whole year would not be on a white body, on a zealous heart, nor on my bones nor which disease, no blood and no wound, and no pinches, no aches, no swelling. One Arkhangelsk key: forever and ever, amen!”

After you have read the plot, take three sips from the bowl, and wash your face three times with the rest of the water. Pour the remaining water into a small bottle and drink three sips if you feel unwell.

New Year's conspiracy for health and youth

To be even healthier in the new year, be sure to perform this short ritual. It is held in the last hour of the outgoing year. Stand in front of a mirror, light three red candles, take a spoonful of honey in your hand. Tell:

“On three sides of the day, on the fourth night. Water flows out of the earth. Run away, sickness, run away sickness. Heal Mother Earth, water. I will drop a sweet drop in my mouth and walk the earth like a swan. I will find a young one for a century, I will seal it with sweet honey. Amen".

Eat honey, drink it with warm water. The ritual has been fulfilled and excellent health awaits you in the new year!

New Year's spell for good luck

Make a talisman of the appropriate year for good luck. Take a small figurine of the patron of the year, the main thing is that you can carry this little thing with you everywhere without drawing attention to it. After New Year's midnight, light a golden candle, and cover your talisman with two palms, like a house, feel the heat emanating from it, imagine that the heat turns into a bright light that breaks through your fingers. Now read the plot in a whisper:

“Luck accompanies me in everything, I don’t know misfortune in anything, I see how I only cry from happiness, how Fortune is my second mother. The palms are filled with light, the light of Good Luck enters the talisman, the coming year drives problems, lies, resentment, tears and deceit. Luck will be my companion, every turn is a happy occasion, everything around is beautiful - the world and people, only it will be so, it will be so. My word is strong!

After the plot is read, leave the candle lit for another 7 minutes, and then hide it and take it out when you need additional magical support. In this case, light the candle again, say your request to it, that is, just say out loud why you need Luck at this particular moment.

Another effective conspiracy on New Year's Eve to attract good luck in the coming year is pronounced in the last seconds of the outgoing year. It goes well with our tradition of celebrating the New Year to the chiming clock with a glass of champagne in hand. At the same time, the Chimes themselves do not play any magical role, but they help to keep track of time. So, in the last minute of the year, holding a glass of champagne in your hands, say to yourself:

“The glorious New Year is coming, it promises me great luck. I will succeed in everything, I will not know misfortunes and sorrows. For that year, good sweet wine will be given.

Having said these words, in the first moment of the New Year, spill some champagne from your glass on the table and quickly drink the rest. Spilled champagne is your sacrifice for the coming year. If the conspiracy for the New Year has reached its goal and the year will really be successful for you, do not forget your promise and sometimes (no matter what days) “feed” the year, pouring out of your glass again, while saying to yourself: “I don’t forget good I give thanks."

In order for luck to accompany the coming year, you need to burn seven candles in turn on New Year's Eve. A candle can be put on the festive table and replaced as it burns out with the next one. This will not only bring good luck, but also give a solemn flavor to your holiday.

New Year's conspiracy for wealth

This plot will require: 7 coins, if you have gold collectible coins - even better; a piece of natural fabric 25 by 25 centimeters; a piece of honey, preferably in honeycombs or three tablespoons of the usual; and seven green candles. Put the coins on the cloth, put a saucer with honey there, surround it with candles, light them and read the plot:

“I will collect the coins, tie them in a bundle, lie down, magic, you will have time, a hundred will be attracted to each small coin, to these hundred - gradually another five hundred. Lure, coins, you are your brothers, so that my everyday life will be marked with wealth. So that the holidays are generous and rich, so that everything I do finds payment. So that things turn into hard cash, I, coins, took you into a magic knot. I will hide the bundle, and the time will come when a hundred will be attracted to each coin. To these hundred - gradually another five hundred, and there will be as many of them as in a hive of honeycombs.

After reading the plot, eat honey, and remove the bundle and candles from prying eyes so that no one finds these attributes of the plot during the year.

Another New Year's conspiracy for wealth

To do this, early in the morning of January 1, go shopping, you can buy anything at the same time. Throw the first little change received in the new year for change as high as possible into the sky, saying before that:

“Happy coins, fly free, return me a hundredfold for that. So that luck does not pass me by and wealth grows day by day.

After tossing coins, do not wait until they fall to the ground, but leave without turning around.

New Year's rite to increase well-being

For the New Year, carp is prepared and eaten by the whole family. What is the secret? When cleaning carp, the scales are collected and put to dry on the windowsill.

Small symbolic wallets are glued from paper and a pinch (how many you grab) put the scales there.

Each member of the family should put such wallets in a wallet, 1 wallet is hidden in a secluded place in the apartment, and the rest should be given to friends, familiar colleagues.

And then the whole year there will be no need not only for you, but also for your friends.

In order to avoid financial problems, before the New Year and on New Year's holidays, you should try to count money as often as possible, naming large sums of money quietly and in a whisper (even if in fact they are quite insignificant).

New Year's conspiracy for the fulfillment of desires

If you want all your passionate desires to come true, then after the new year comes - at any time from midnight to dawn - light 12 blue candles for the number of months in a year. Wait until the flame is even, and read the plot:

“In January, whatever I want will come true. In February, all wishes will come true. In March - I will wish for a lot, and I will not know refusal of anything. And in April, whatever I want, I will certainly get it. In May, all I have to do is make a wish - and the wish will come true again. And in June, the desired - to be, I just have to drink water. And in July I do not know worries - all desires will come to the threshold. August, lull my path with stars so that my wishes come true. In September, as if by a secret from the outside, all desires will return to me. And October will not let you down - it will find fulfillment for desires. In November, what I want, I will get from other people. And December, he - as a result, the term for innermost desires. My word is strong!

Just remember that this plot is not for trifling desires. And you don’t need to use New Year’s magic on trifles.

Another simple ritual for the New Year, for the fulfillment of desires. When making a wish to the sound of the chiming clock, do not forget to touch the left earlobe with a gold ring - then the wish will come true for sure. And do not forget that it is more effective to formulate a desire in the present tense, as if it has already been fulfilled.

New Year's bath for beauty

So that in the coming year you will amaze everyone with your beauty, prepare a magical bath. On Friday - this day of the week is dedicated to Venus, collect a magical bag of herbs - you will need mint, chamomile and orris root. Well, if you collected all this and dried it in the summer. And if not, then buy it at the pharmacy.

The proportions are as follows: one violet root, if it is in powder, then take 3 pinches, 1 pinch of chamomile and 2 mint. Combine it in a bag and ask in any form from these beauty herbs. Choose such words so that they come from the heart, call the herbs by their names.

Sleep on a bag of herbs overnight. And on December 31, before dressing up in a New Year's dress, put a bag of herbs in the bath, fill the bath with very hot water so that the herbs open and boil.

But do not lie down in the bath right away, wait 15 minutes. During this time, light candles in the bathroom, prepare the most beautiful bathrobe and your favorite body lotion. After you sink into the water, close your eyes and say: “I am the goddess of beauty and love, my skin glows from the inside, it is young and fresh, smooth and silky. Everyone is amazed at my beauty! Let it be so!"

Lie in the water for 15-20 minutes, feel how your body is filled with vivacity and strength, how every particle is smoothed out. Then slightly blot the body with a towel, wait until the skin dries itself, apply lotion and continue to prepare for the New Year.

Conspiracy on New Year's Day for complete well-being

This plot is read on the morning of January 14 (New Year in the old style). Get up before everyone in the house, take water from the well (or pour it from the tap, but don’t drain the water before that, take the very first one). Water must be poured into an unpainted metal bowl. Fold the fingers on your right hand as for the sign of the cross, lower this hand into the water and begin to draw a cross inside the water - up and down, left and right.

Baptize the water like this and read the plot:

“I will get up early in the morning, I will bless all the creation of God, earth, sky, air, water, sun, moon and frequent stars. I will bless the new year of the Lord, and all the days to come. I will pray to the Lord God, I will ask the Lord God. Lord God, Creator and Builder of all visible and invisible creatures, who created times and years, bless the New Year, which begins today, which we consider from Your incarnation for our salvation. Let us spend this year and many after it in peace and harmony with our neighbors; strengthen and spread the Holy Ecumenical Church, which You yourself founded in Jerusalem, and sanctified with the saving sacrifice of the downed Body and the most pure Blood. Raise our Fatherland, save and glorify; give us long life, health, an abundance of the fruits of the earth and the well-being of the air; save me, your sinful servant, all my relatives and neighbors and all faithful Christians, as our true supreme Shepherd, protect and affirm on the path of salvation, so that we, following it after a long and prosperous life in this world, reach Your Kingdom of Heaven and have been rewarded with eternal bliss with your saints. Give, Lord, to this house prosperity and Thy good pleasure, daily bread, silver-gold, and more than that, Thy peace. Amen. Amen. Amen".

This plot must be read twelve times, according to the number of months in a year. Then take your hand out of the water, cross yourself, and sprinkle all the corners of the house crosswise with this water. Drain the rest of the water under the threshold of the house in which you live. This is a spell for the whole year. It does not only affect financial well-being. Whoever does this, everything will go well both in the family and at work.

Amulet against bad luck in the new year

Make it, and it will faithfully help your Guardian Angel, protect you from all sorts of troubles and misfortunes.

To this end, before the onset of the New Year, sew a round piece of red fabric with a white thread (along the perimeter).

Then assemble to form a small bag.

Inside, place a few pine needles (a small cone), a woolen thread (13 cm long), a copper object (you can wire).

Add a few sprigs of silver wormwood, a pinch of dried lilac flowers, red rose petals, a sea (river) shell, seven grains of wheat (oats), three dried yellowed oak leaves, a white metal coin, a piece of silk and a little wax (cut from a candle).

In total, if you notice, there are twelve objects, symbolizing the number of months in a year.

At the end, put three of your hairs into the assortment, and before tightening the thread, blow into the bag three times, after each time saying:

“Winter, spring, autumn, summer, do not leave me without an answer.

Keep the servant (s) of God (s) (your name) from the evil word,

from witchcraft's slander, from sore ailments, from loose spoilage,

from a thief, from the evil eye - twelve times a time. Let it be so!"

At the moment when the clock starts to strike twelve, holding the bag by the thread in your left hand, swing it so that it, like a pendulum, makes twelve movements in time with the chimes.

Always carry this miracle amulet with you and you will see that failures will turn away from you.

A conspiracy is not entertainment, so do not get carried away with magic unless absolutely necessary.

For your New Year's conspiracies to be truly effective and useful, you must sincerely believe in what you are doing, but at the same time, do not “lie on the stove” yourself all year. Remember, any conspiracy, any magic gives a chance, an opportunity, help, but it never does anything for you from beginning to end. So - hope for conspiracies, but do the deed. Happy New Year!

More about preparing for the New Year

Read also:

CONSPIRACY- a ritual based on the power of the word. This is a magical text that has a certain structure. The conspiracy must be read for protective, healing purposes, helps to implement plans. Conspiracies are pronounced in a whisper or in an undertone at sunrise, facing east.

Conspiracies are usually read on the following topics:

  • love and feelings;
  • wealth and money;
  • luck;
  • from magical influence (damage, evil eye, curse);
  • from diseases.

Below is a list of incantation texts on each of these topics.

New Year's time for miracles

What is spoken most often

What they want the most

Talismans of the New Year

We use talismans

Conspiracy for wealth

We attract wealth

Rules for New Year's conspiracies

We follow the rules

Even serious adults who are very skeptical about everything in life change their usual worldview on New Year's Eve. Moreover, they, like children, believe in New Year's miracles, waiting for pleasant surprises and joyful surprises. The universal belief that a miracle will surely happen in the New Year and a long-awaited dream will come true, indeed sometimes leads to the fulfillment of desires. Therefore, it is not surprising that conspiracies for the new year are of a mysterious nature, and the rites associated with them are covered with a slight veil of magic.

New Year's time for miracles

What is spoken most often

What they want the most

On New Year's Eve and throughout the Christmas week, people try to magically attract love, wealth, success in all endeavors, career growth and prosperity. Conspiracies for the new year begin to operate about a week before the holiday and another week after it.

On New Year's Eve, their efficiency and energy strength reach their climax.

Talismans of the New Year

We use talismans

The conspiracy before the New Year for good luck is directly related to the symbol of the coming year. Therefore, in order for the magical action to have power for all 365 days, it is necessary to appease the owner or mistress of the coming year. To do this, they make talismans for good luck, which they wear constantly with them: on the neck, wrist or ankle, sewn into clothes or kept in a wallet.

In order for the talisman to contribute to the fulfillment of the conspiracy, it is held in folded palms, mentally imagining how the heat emanating from it turns into a bright and powerful stream of light, while trying to simultaneously visualize desire. The talisman can always be contacted when additional help or support is required.

Conspiracy for wealth

We attract wealth

If New Year's Eve and the festive week are filled with hopes for improving the financial situation and stabilizing financial well-being, then a magical rite-conspiracy for wealth will help fulfill expectations. To carry it out, you will need seven metal coins, an even piece of natural woolen fabric and a church candle.

Coins must be folded into a cloth and tying it in a knot, say the following over a lit candle:

“I will collect the coins in a bundle, let the magic ones lie before the deadline, let a hundred be added to each so that the wallet is not empty.”

After that, the candle will need to be extinguished and removed along with the bundle away from curious prying eyes and unnecessary questions.

Rules for New Year's conspiracies

We follow the rules

All ongoing conspiracies for the new year should be focused only on oneself and personal interests. Conspiracies for well-being for friends or good luck for loved ones, unfortunately, do not work. New Year's magic is really effective if the conspiracies are aimed at resolving some painful, painful or problematic situation.

If a person, as they say, does not know what he needs, or is too dispersed in his desires, none of the strongest conspiracies will work. Any magical conspiracies, especially New Year's ones, give everyone a great chance to change something in their lives and get something they have long desired. And they come true and work if a person sincerely believes in their power.

The New Year holidays are a period filled with the strongest energy. At this time, rituals are performed to fulfill the most cherished desires. A love spell for the New Year will help attract the attention of a loved one and make his feelings mutual.

When is the best time to do a spell?

Experienced magicians recommend performing simple love rituals on New Year's Eve to take advantage of the power of everyone's favorite holiday. Since these rituals have their own specific features, they are performed strictly at midnight, from December 31 to January 1.

Proper preparation

Our ancestors prepared for the New Year's love spell in advance. They put on clean clothes, the most beautiful expensive jewelry and laid rich tables. On this day, positive energy is everywhere. With the help of rituals, it was multiplied and fixed in the house.

Before performing a love spell ritual, be sure to ask for forgiveness from everyone you offended, wish them health and wellness. In order for the conspiracy to work on the bewitched man, you must first prepare and adjust your consciousness. If there are no important reasons and you are driven solely by interest, it is better to immediately abandon this idea.

Unlike magic rituals, divination and love spells performed on New Year's Eve are not so strong, so they do not have a negative impact on the energy and health of the chosen man. If you correctly combine magic and conspiracies, you can safely count on the help of higher powers and get a good result.

Variants of New Year's love spells

A love spell for the New Year can subdue the will of anyone, even the strongest person. There are many different ways to get the attention of the chosen one. All you have to do is choose the option that suits you and get started. The most important thing is to have time to do everything before the chimes strike.

Various items are used for rituals:

  • champagne;
  • plants;
  • Christmas decorations;
  • a piece of paper with a wish;
  • photographs, etc.

With a candle

To perform this ceremony, you will need a mirror, a photograph of the chosen one and a candle. 5 minutes before midnight, put a mirror on the table, and on it a photograph of a man. Light a candle, take it in your right hand and read the plot 3 times:

“As candle wax melts from fire, let the heart of a loved one also melt. Recede all evil, as darkness recedes from the fire of a candle. Amen".

After that, the candle should burn out completely. If it went out while reading the plot, this means that the man has good protection, so the power of New Year's witchcraft will not work.

And another version of the video:

For champagne

A New Year's love spell is done on various objects, incl. and the traditional New Year's drink - champagne. This ritual attracts the attention of the chosen one to you for a long time. For the ceremony you will need a glass of champagne. When the clock strikes midnight, take it in your hand and say:

“Happy life in the new year. In it, we with (name) are destined to be together. We will be happy, we will not part for a single day.

Such a ritual can also be performed for the love of a wife or husband. If you feel that your married life is starting to break down, say a glass of champagne on New Year's Eve and let your loved one drink it. The text of the conspiracy must be pronounced quickly. The love spell will take effect immediately after the wine is drunk.

For holiday food

This is the simplest love spell with great power. Practicing magicians consider this rite the most effective method of influence. The main thing is to persuade the chosen one to celebrate the New Year with you. After a man eats a charmed holiday meal, he will immediately pay attention to you. Over time, the feeling that arose on New Year's Eve will grow into love.

To perform a spell you will need:

  • delicious food that your chosen one will not refuse;
  • red light;
  • photograph of a lover.

Food must be prepared on December 31st. During the preparation of the dish, a photo of a loved one should lie on the table, and a lit candle should stand on it. When preparing food, think only of your beloved. When the dish is ready, wash your hands and carefully, so as not to burn yourself, hold them over the candle flame. Feel at this moment how the heat of the candle passes through your entire body, and start reciting a magic spell:

“Night covers the earth, magic is in the air, the will (the name of a loved one) subdues. Love will come to him, a new day will not start without me. Whatever (name of the chosen one) does, all thoughts are about (your name). He will love forever, and will not even look at others.

Treat your betrothed to a charmed dinner. The main thing is that this dish is not tried by another man. After you read the plot, you need to hide the photo of your loved one under the pillow, and burn it over the candle in the morning. The ashes should be scattered in the wind with the words:

"In the new year, (man's name) found his love and stayed with her forever."

For a thing

To carry out this ritual, you need to prepare several items in advance:

  • red candle;
  • red silk ribbon
  • any thing that belongs to the chosen one.

A love spell is performed at midnight from December 31 to January 1, when the last year passes into the future. Before the clock strikes, light a candle and direct all your thoughts to the guy or man you want to bewitch. At exactly 12 o'clock, tie a silk ribbon to a loved one's thing and cast a spell:

“I (my name) want to take over the heart and desires (name of the chosen one). Let him think about (his name), miss, yearn, and when he is near, bloom and rejoice. After the knot of love is tied, no one will be able to resist these words.

For a New Year's card

New Year holidays are the best time to bewitch your loved one and become happy. You can try to perform a ceremony on a greeting card.

Buy a beautiful New Year's card, take a pen, turn it over to the other side (the one where there is no pen) and write a spell:

“From this day forward, you will always be mine. You will miss, yearn, love. On the other hand, you won't be happy. So be it.”

Now take the other side of the pen and write the wish in ink. The card must be handed over to the chosen one.

For a New Year's gift

The love spell will be especially effective if it is carried out on a New Year's gift, that is, on a thing that the chosen one will use. It is desirable that it was made by hand, for example, you can knit a sweater or paint a picture. For the ritual, any other thing made of natural material is also suitable: leather, wood, fabric, etc. The most important thing is that the bewitched man constantly uses it.

You can buy an exquisite lighter, a chain or a purse and speak with these words:

“I will go out at dawn, pray, bow, cross myself and go into the field. Three winds fly there, three brothers - Stoke, Leto and Siver. They will kindle passion and dry the servant of God (the name of the chosen one). Breathe longing and love into him.

For food

A love spell on food during the New Year holidays is a sure way to attract the attention of a loved one. Food is a substance that can absorb energy and thoughts, so it must be prepared with love and pure thoughts. During cooking, read the plot:

“As Eve went after Adam, so (name of the chosen one) will follow (your name). Together we live, share bread and salt, do not know another life. Amen".

A love spell on food may not work immediately, but after a certain period of time.

With a light

In love magic, the power of fire is often used. A light can act as a conductor of energy. Such a ceremony should be held on New Year's Eve. You will need a photo of your loved one, a red or white light, and a bowl filled with pure snow or ice.

Before performing the ritual, you need to put your thoughts in order and direct your energy to achieve your goal. Put a photo of the chosen one in front of you and try to remember his voice, smell and temperament.

Light a lantern, burn a photo on its fire, and pour the ashes into the snow. After that, put the bowl on the fire and wait until its contents begin to melt. On melt water with ashes, you need to cast a spell:

“The frost freezes, misses (the name of the betrothed), the home has become not sweet for him. Cold and frost will drive away the fire, love will blaze in his heart. Melt water brings spring closer, love grows stronger, the soul asks for (your name), only wants to be with her.

“I fill the barriers with water, dissolve them in the ground. They are no longer on our way, the union with (the name of the beloved) is indestructible.

After the ritual, you can safely celebrate the holiday. You will receive the first results in 10 days.

For Christmas decorations

If you want to bewitch a guy, you can make a love spell with Christmas tree decorations. The love spell will take effect on New Year's Eve when the chimes strike. For the ritual, you will need a Christmas tree toy purchased at the store. The ceremony must be performed in advance. Retire in a room, think about your chosen one and read the spell three times:

“When the Christmas tree lights up with New Year's lights and toys are pumped on it, (the name of the chosen one) will begin to worry and worry. Will (your name) remember, call up an image from memory and mentally reach for it. He will love (your name), come to her, confess his love and stay forever.

The charmed toy must be brought to the house of the chosen one. If you cannot do this, hide the toy in the yard or in the entryway. The smaller the distance from the spoken subject to the chosen one, the faster you will get the result.

A love spell on a Christmas tree toy can be supplemented with other love rituals. It works great as an aid.

On honey

A love spell on honey in the New Year has great power, like all other rites that are tied to a certain date. This ritual is performed on New Year's Eve and only with the growing moon. For a love spell you will need:

  • 12 red candles and 1 white;
  • photos of your loved one and yours (you can take a general picture);
  • watch;
  • pouch made of golden fabric.

The ritual is carried out in the kitchen. It must be completed before the clock strikes midnight. Place your photographs on the table in the center and place 12 red candles around. The white candle should be in the center of the circle in the photographs. On the right side, behind the circle, you need to put a container with honey, and put the bag somewhere nearby, but not on the table.

At 11:55 p.m., start lighting the candles one by one. Move in a clockwise direction and say the following words:

“I call secretly to the twelve months. Give us with (name of the chosen one) the power of love:

January - make strong love.

February - add passion.

March - give affection.

April - add joy.

May - warm with warmth.

June, July, August - warm up the relationship.

September - get rich and give happiness.

November and December - make our destiny one.

Let it be so".

"As honey sticks to everything, so we will stick together forever."

Gather candle ends and photographs in a bag and hide under the mattress on the bed where you are going to sleep with your loved one.

The consequences of a love spell

Some believe that a love spell for the New Year makes a person fall in love against his will. But it's not. It's just that the object has a desire to be close to the one who performed this rite. A New Year's love spell is a strong conspiracy, but it uses only white energy, so it does not have negative consequences.

However, you need to remember that you have to pay for everything. After casting a love spell, be prepared for loss. It may be something that is dear to you. In addition, a charmed man can periodically show aggression. Even if your chosen one was free, unpleasant consequences cannot be avoided. You may even have a desire to remove the love spell.

How to take it off

The easiest way to remove a love spell is with salt. This ceremony is performed during the day, because it is associated with the sun. Take a clean frying pan, pour a handful of salt and put on fire. While the salt is heating, say the following words:

“White salt is pure life. I pour out the salt, remove the magic and other people's thoughts from the head (the name of the bewitched).

Repeat this plot until the salt is heated. When it becomes hot, pour salt into a plate, put a photo of the bewitched on top and hide it in a safe place. The rite must be repeated 3 times. On the fourth day, salt is poured into the washbasin and washed off with running water.

Online fortune-telling: is this particular spell right for you?

Have you chosen your ritual? Check if it is suitable for you and your destiny?

The most complete description in all details is a love spell for New Year's Eve with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.


On New Year's Eve, magic and magic allow you to fulfill all desires, and if you reinforce the desire with magic and on New Year's Eve, read a love spell that works very quickly, then the man or guy on whom it is made spell in the new year will forever love the one who bewitched him and no one will ever be able to remove from a person the action of a love spell made for the new year.

You need to read a love spell in the photo of your loved one placed under the New Year tree in your home. Yes this a strong love spell for the new year must be read at home and in order to bewitch a person on your own, you only need his photograph!

All love spells for the new year allow you to independently bewitch a person for New Year's Eve and even before the new year, a loved one will fall deeply in love with someone who was able to independently read a love spell from a photo in the new year. You need to read love spells only on New Year's Eve from 20-00 on December 31 to 6 in the morning on January 1 at this time the love spell is the strongest and can quickly bewitch your beloved husband or boyfriend.

Put a photo of a bewitched man or boyfriend under the tree and look at the photos in the eyes of a loved one say a pre-memorized conspiracy - a love spell :

I look into the eyes of my beloved,

I enter the soul and flesh of the servant of God (name) with love.

I do not bear evil, I only pray for love.

For a century you will love the servant of God (name) and be with me.

Never change, but love and respect.

My love spell forever, never finish.

Love spell on the lock, the key to the devil at his side.

The photo on which the love spell was made should lie under the tree for the whole new year. In practice, the effect of a love spell on love in the new year comes very quickly - sometimes even after a few hours. With the help of a love spell read on the night of the new year, you can forever bewitch someone you love.

P.S. If you didn't have time independently read a love spell for the new year and bewitch your loved one on the night of the new year don't be upset, there is still time to fix everything and read a love spell for the old new year which is no less effective.

If you read this article, you will learn trouble-free ways to quickly fall in love with a girl or woman and strongly bind her to you. In order for a girl to fall in love strongly, you don’t need 10 ways - just one trouble-free working one, which we will tell you about. Understanding how girls in love behave is not so difficult, even if a friend or woman who

Love spells that need to be read at Christmas time are the most powerful love spells that are done once and for all. If you bewitch a loved one, a man or a woman, a guy or a girl for the holy week (from the appearance of the first star on Christmas Eve (on Kolyada) to Baptism (baptismal blessing of water)), the bewitched person will live with you in love and harmony throughout

A white love spell on a guy without a photo that you need to read at home will definitely work on your own. Look for a working way to bewitch a guy from a distance, this fast-acting love spell will be able to bewitch a boy to you forever from a distance, acting on him immediately after you finish reading the words of a love spell on the strong love of a young

No need to search on Avito how to get your husband back, use this sure way. Quickly return a husband from a rival to his family with the help of magic will help this quick conspiracy to return a husband. This is perhaps the fastest and surest way that works flawlessly and will definitely be able to return a walking husband to his family with his wife and children, even after a divorce. The return plot on the husband must be read in

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Vanga gave a good white love spell for a man's love and read a white magic conspiracy for love that will definitely work at any distance from a man. The conspiracy will quickly bewitch the beloved husband to her forever so that he never walks and always returns home. A strong conspiracy so that the husband loves to read his wife, you need to salt which, after reading the love spell, you need to salt the food and

A safe and proven love spell that works instantly and immediately the next day or on the date specified during the love spell, a love spell begins to act on a man or a guy, forcing him to show strong love and strong love feelings with all the consequences and actions that follow from them (courtship, adoration and deification ). This one

Spell for the New Year

New Year is the most long-awaited and most magical holiday of the year. This is the time when it is customary to make wishes for the coming year. But this is the best time not only for making wishes, but also for their fulfillment. If you want the guy you are dreaming of to finally pay attention to you and inflame with passion, or you want to return your departed husband, a love spell for the New Year is the best way to do this.

Magical New Year's Effects

New Year's magic is not only strong and effective, but also safe enough for you and your chosen one. The festive atmosphere of waiting for a miracle, which always accompanies the New Year, generates a huge amount of spiritual energy. Why not use it to make your dreams come true?

A simple ritual

A love spell for the New Year can be done in many ways. One of the simplest and most common New Year's love spells is a love spell with a glass of champagne. To perform such a love spell, you need to say magic words in the first moments of the new year, holding a glass of champagne in your hand.

In this life, we are destined to be together with (name of your chosen one),

together happiness is a foregone conclusion.

We will not part for a year, or for a lifetime. So be it!”

Having said these words, drink champagne in one gulp. Despite its apparent simplicity, this love spell can be very effective. Try to show your chosen one more often in the first days of the new year. If you cast a love spell with a strong intention, you will surely feel how his attitude towards you has changed.

Ritual with a postcard

Another opportunity to bewitch a loved one on New Year's Eve is to use a love spell for the New Year with a holiday card. This love spell is good in cases where a girl has close enough friendships or business relations with her chosen one that she would like to turn into love. For this love spell, you need to use a pen without paste (or with a completely used paste) to “write” a magical plot on a New Year's card.

Namely, these words:

you will want me, you will not sleep at night without me.

There will be neither happiness nor peace for you until you unite with me.

This must be done with maximum desire and self-confidence. Although nothing will be written on the outside of the card. The energy of your message will remain in it. After that, with a regular pen, write any ordinary New Year's greetings on the card and hand it to the person you want to bewitch. Under the guise of a joke or a friendly request, convince him to read this postcard on New Year's Eve. Then the effect will be as strong as possible. Be sure - with your eyes your chosen one will read the visible text, and the secret message will fall into his very soul.

How to bewitch a loved one on New Year's Eve

Once a year, a magical time comes when all your magical actions acquire a special meaning and power. This is possible only on the night when the digital value of the year changes, that is, on the New Year and the Old New Year.

To the full extent, such a statement also applies to the ritual of a love spell for the New Year: it will become much easier and more effective to bind a man’s love to yourself on this global holiday. It is only necessary to prepare in advance for the magical ritual and conduct it correctly.

Most often, experienced magicians advise using separate rituals on New Year's Eve, designed to increase the effect obtained from the magical action and take full advantage of the released power of this holiday. Such love spells have some specific features and are often carried out strictly at a certain time. However, this does not mean at all that they are difficult to perform and require significant energy costs from the practicing magician. Rather, on the contrary: such conspiracies and love spells are often recommended to beginners in magic, since it is quite simple to carry them out, and the result will have significant power.

All of the following New Year's love spells are distinguished by their simplicity of execution and, at the same time, maximum efficiency. Of course, there are stronger rituals that allow you to completely paralyze the will of another person and make him your complete slave, but such love spells already belong to black magic and carry the corresponding consequences. Therefore, their use must be strictly deliberate and balanced.

Love spell on champagne

The traditional drink of the New Year's holiday is a glass of champagne and it is on it that one of the simplest but most effective love spells is performed. Such a magical effect will allow you not only to attract the attention of a certain man, but also to firmly bind his love to yourself.

To conduct the ceremony correctly, it is enough in the first minutes of the New Year to pick up a glass of drink and pronounce the following conspiracy words:

This phrase should be pronounced as quickly as possible and then immediately drain the glass to the bottom in one gulp. The magic of this love spell will begin to act almost immediately, however, in order to consolidate it, the one who performed the ceremony, the girl should arrange meetings with the object of the ritual as often as possible.

In such a love spell for the New Year, it is very important to correctly invest all your thoughts and desires regarding the common future with your loved one. Such a ceremony should not be carried out out of idle curiosity, without serious intentions: this can lead to negative consequences for the bewitching girl.

Love spell on a thing

To carry out this conspiracy for the New Year or the Old New Year, you should prepare in advance so that you have everything you need at hand.

Therefore, purchase or prepare the following items in advance:

  • Red wax candle.
  • Red silk ribbon.
  • Any personal item of a beloved man who still keeps a trace of his energy on himself.

The ritual itself is carried out at the very junction of the years, that is, around twelve o'clock at night. Moreover, it will have the same power both in the New Year itself and in the Old New Year, which is calculated according to a different calendar. By this moment you should prepare: light a candle and mentally tune in to the desired outcome of the love spell. When the time is right, tie the man's personal item with a red ribbon and say these words on it:

Now this item will serve as a kind of magnet for you, attracting the love of the object of the conspiracy to you. Hide the thing in a safe hiding place where strangers will not find it and wait for the result of the love spell.

Love spell on a New Year's card

This is a fairly powerful love spell, but it is carried out only once a year: on the night of the change of years. It can be either the New Year's Eve itself or the Old New Year's holiday. In addition, such a ritual is only suitable if you and your loved one are already connected by a certain relationship, but which in no way develop into a real feeling.

In order to properly conduct the rite itself, you need to stock up on a New Year's card and a ballpoint pen, in which there is no longer any paste.

Tune in to the ceremony, feel confident in the fulfillment of your desire and write with a pen that will not leave marks on the postcard, such magic words:

After such actions, the postcard paper will still remain clean: it should be filled with the standard text of the New Year's greetings addressed to your chosen one.

Such a magical item should be presented to a man on New Year's Eve or on the old New Year, and be sure to persuade him to read the words of congratulations aloud. His eyes will see only the standard words on the postcard, but along with their pronunciation, magic letters will also fall into the soul.

After all these manipulations, the love spell will begin to act immediately, since the magic words will grow directly in the energy of the man himself.

New Year's love spell: subtleties and features of rituals

On the night of the New Year, we all expect a miracle - small, big, no matter how old we are, we all love miracles. So the girls at this time are waiting for magic and love. This holiday gives not only a lot of emotions and experiences, but also a large number of fortune-telling, rituals and, of course, love spells.

With a huge variety of love spells, a love spell for the New Year is the simplest, kindest, brightest and most effective. Any wish made to the sound of chimes, any witchcraft will surely come true. There are numerous New Year's simple love spells, which you will now learn about.

In order to make a love spell, many objects are used, moreover, the most diverse in nature and function. So for the New Year, a lot of funds are used:

  1. Champagne;
  2. Desires written down on paper;
  3. Blood of birds and animals;
  4. Plants;
  5. Glass;
  6. New Year's toys;
  7. And many others.

In this article I will give some of the simplest examples. The first such love spell on New Year's fairy-tale night will be a ritual for desire. Ten minutes before New Year's midnight, on a sheet of white paper, write the name of the loved one you want to bewitch. Write it down as many times as will fit on the piece of paper you have chosen. Squeeze the scrap tightly in your fist and hold for five minutes, then burn it over a glass of champagne. When midnight strikes, drink champagne with ashes.

Love spell on chocolate

There is another fairly simple love spell on New Year's Eve. Take two chocolate bars, one milk and one black, and two photographs, yours and the young man's. Retire separately in a room, the ritual will not take much time.

Unpack the chocolate and take it out of the wrapper. Put your photo on the black tile, and the guy's photo on the milk chocolate tile. In doing so, you need to speak:

You are dark chocolate, I am milk chocolate. You have my picture, I have yours. As my photo lies on you, so I want to lie on you, as your photo lies on me, so you must want to lie on me. As they are inseparable, so we will continue to be together!

Connect the chocolates together so that the photos are on the outside, and tie the tiles together with red thread. After that, put them under your pillow, where they will lie for the whole New Year, and wait for the holidays to end. When the Old New Year comes, chocolate is buried in a snowdrift in a place where people hardly go.

Spell with money

In addition to simple ones, there are also complex New Year's love spells. They require considerable ingenuity and efforts, which can be of a completely different nature. The next ritual will require a little cash, but the result will be worth it. So, the time has come to talk about the New Year's love spell for money.

new year's eve spell

New Year's love spells refer more to the rites of white magic than black. If a girl wants the guy she likes to pay attention to her or wants to return her departed husband, then a New Year's love spell is the best way to fulfill any desires.

New Year's Eve is the most long-awaited, magical and mystical holiday night of the year. Conspiracies, amulets, prayers and love spells, carried out for the new year, have a very powerful positive energy.

Whatever the conspiracy or love spell is aimed at, it will be stronger than at any other time of the year. Even the most notorious skeptics, having once tried to use the traditional conspiracy, will soon feel its power.

In this article: Chasing failures; .

New Year's love spells are more likely to.

The New Year is a period of change in the annual cycle, when not only the numbers of the calendar change, but also the rebirth and renewal of all things take place. In addition, people experience a sharp emotional and energetic surge, subconsciously or not, they are waiting for a miracle. On the one hand, this makes them more sensitive and open to magical influence, and on the other hand, it creates a strong energy that people with minimal knowledge of magic can skillfully use to their advantage.

New Year's love spells refer more to the rites of white magic than black.

New Year's magic is not only effective and powerful, but also quite safe. A festive positive atmosphere of waiting for a miracle always accompanies the new year and forms a large accumulation of accessible spiritual energy.

Love spell with a glass of champagne

Rituals on New Year's Eve can be performed in different ways. One of the most common and simple magical rituals is a love spell with a glass of champagne. To perform this ritual, it is necessary in the first minutes of the new year, picking up a glass of champagne, say the following words:

“New year, new day, new life. In this new life, we and (name of the chosen one) are always destined to be together and share happiness together is predetermined. We will not part with (name of the chosen one) not for a day, not for a year, not for a lifetime. So be it.”

As soon as the words are spoken, you need to drink all the champagne in one gulp. After New Year's Eve, the girl who performed the love spell needs to show herself to her beloved as often as possible.

Despite its apparent simplicity, such a magical effect is considered very effective. The girl must perform a love spell with strong and serious intentions, otherwise the wish will not come true, and the lover may completely move away from her.

Love spell of a loved one

To carry out this ceremony, you will need a red candle, a red ribbon and some small object that belongs to a loved one. It is necessary to light a candle, tie the prepared object with a ribbon and imagine that you are tying the heart of the chosen one to yourself, say the words:

“I (the name of the girl performing the love spell) now want to take possession of the heart, mind and desires (name of the victim of the love spell) and fill his thoughts only with myself. Let him suffer, suffer and be bored, he cannot live without me, but he rejoices and blooms next to me. Like a hungry animal, it throws itself at me and from its strong embrace does not let me go. As soon as I tie a love knot, all the words I uttered will take effect and no one will be able to resist them. This is my will. Let it be so!".

After the words are read, the charmed object must be hidden so that no one can find it.

You can’t help but try your hand at New Year’s rituals - this is a very good time for magic

New Year's love spell with a holiday card

The ritual using a holiday card only works in cases where a woman has a business or close enough relationship with her loved one that she would like to turn into love. For this love spell, you need to take a pen without paste or with a completely used paste and, as it were, “write” with it on a New Year's card the following words:

“From now on, you (name of the chosen one) are forever mine. You will love me, you will want me, you will not sleep at night without me. There will be no peace or happiness for you (the name of the beloved) until you unite with me.

This rite, like any other, must be performed with self-confidence, maximum desire and faith in performance.

By writing down what we want, we send a request to the Universe

After the love words are “written”, you need to write any New Year's greetings with an ordinary pen, and then give a card to your beloved.

To achieve the maximum and quick effect, you should, at a friendly request or under the guise of a joke, force the guy to read the presented card on New Year's Eve. With the eyes of a loved one, only the visible text will be read, and a secret magical message will enter his soul.

Of course, in addition to the listed simple rituals, there are more complex love spells for the new year, which are related to black magic. But strong rituals

it is almost impossible to carry out independently, and it is not worth it, because the consequences of such magical rituals are very dangerous both for the customer himself and for the bewitched person.


On New Year's Eve, a special magical time comes, characterized by high energy, a time when witchcraft for love miraculously succeeds. Don't miss this time. Make your own home love spell at a distance on New Year's Eve. Choose the best love spell that will help you solve the problem: bring love to life, refresh feelings in marriage, return a loved one.

There are light attachments and bindings, there are also strong love spells for a guy for the new year. It just so happened that in our country there is a strange tradition to celebrate two holidays of the beginning of the year - Old and New. A practicing magician cannot but take advantage of this oddity, and make a love spell not only on New Year's Eve, but also on the night of January 14th.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, affirm that not only men are bewitched on a winter festive night. Most New Year's conspiracies are universal, and therefore a love spell for the old new year is suitable for influencing a guy and a girl. Let's start simple.

Love spells and love spells for the new year December 31

These light spells - love spells are most suitable for young girls who do not have a serious relationship, who are in a state of youthful romanticism. Magical conspiracies of this order can really work at home, but entirely on the strength of the intention of the magician - the performer.

  • Homemade drink for a glass of champagne

You can make this simple love spell for someone you like by contact, celebrating the New Year in the same company with the object, but you can also remotely. With good visualization, this is not difficult to do. During the traditional chiming clock, when everyone congratulates each other and the glasses clink, looking at your beloved guy, read three times to yourself the words of this easy love spell for the new year on December 31:

  • Light love spell for a New Year's gift

Prepare a gift for a person you like, for whom you have views of a certain character, and read the home plot of the lung on this thing 7 times love spell for a guy on New Year's Eve January 1:

  • Love spell for New Year's card

If you have the opportunity to give a card to a handsome guy you like, use the magical power of a secret message. With a pen without ink, write a conspiracy on the postcard:

Then, on top of the plot, write New Year's greetings. Give a card to your beloved boy, and soon you will see the result of your festive winter love spell.

  • Love spell on New Year's Eve

If your lover is not with you on New Year's Eve, write a witchcraft plot on a small piece of paper, thinking about your beloved guy, visualizing how he fulfills your magical order. This love spell for a man on New Year's Eve works like a quick call with a strong love attraction:

When you hear the chimes, burn the paper, throw the ashes into your champagne glass, and drink with the last stroke.

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