Presentation "Reserves of the Khabarovsk Territory" presentation for a lesson on the surrounding world (grade 4) on the topic. Presentation on the topic "unique places of the Khabarovsk Territory" Bologna State Nature Reserve

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Nature reserves of the Khabarovsk Territory Completed by: Nezhdanova Kristina Lepnina Daria Romanova Anya Vidyakina Alina Padalko Roman

Komsomolsky Reserve

The Komsomolsky Nature Reserve is located in the basin of the Gorin River, a large left tributary of the Amur River, in the Khabarovsk Territory. The reserve was founded in 1963. The relief of the territory is low-mountain, smooth, the watersheds are flat, completely covered with forest. The modern territory of the reserve includes both mountain ranges and riverine lowlands. On average, the height of the mountains is 500 meters above sea level. The highest point of the reserve is Mount Chokkety (about 800 m). The reserve is located at the mouth of the Gorin River basin, a left tributary of the Amur. In addition to the mouth of the Gorin with its tributaries, the reserve includes a 100-meter strip of the Amur riverbed. In the floodplains of these rivers there are many lakes and oxbow lakes. Most lakes are small and shallow. Most large lake- Scourge. Its length is about 2.5 km, width more than 1 km, depth up to 2 meters. The territory of the reserve is located in the zone of influence of the Far Eastern monsoons. Winters are usually cold, with little snow, summers are cool and rainy. The average January temperature is -25ºС (minimum -50ºС), July +20ºС (maximum +35ºС).

Dzhugdzhursky reserve

The reserve was created in 1990 to protect the undisturbed mountain-taiga landscapes of Priokhotsk with their inherent flora and fauna, as well as the marine ecosystems of the south of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and marine mammals, and places of migratory gatherings of birds. The territory of the reserve includes the central part of the Dzhugjur ridge and the southern part of the Pribrezhny ridge.

The vegetation features of the protected area are determined by the harsh climatic conditions western part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. According to botanists, the largest center of endemism is located on the coast of the Ayano-Maisky region, that is, many of the plants growing here are found nowhere else. Three species of plants in the reserve are listed in the Red Book of Russia. These are Lady's slipper grandiflora, Valerian ayanskaya and Borodinia Teelinga. The most common animals in the reserve are brown bear, sable, and wolverine. Rock grouse are also common. Typical Arctic species are also represented: ptarmigan, rough-legged buzzard, and Central Asian ones: bighorn sheep, black-capped marmot, mountain pipit. In the coastal part of the Sea of ​​​​Okhotsk, a variety of pinnipeds are found: ringed seal(Akiba), spotted seal (spotted seal), piebald seal (lionfish), bearded seal (sealed seal).

Botchinsky Reserve

In 1982, in the Russian Far East in the river basin. In Botchi, a reserve of regional significance with an area of ​​239 thousand hectares was organized. In 1984, according to the plan for the development of a network of reserves in Russia until the year 2000, the scientific community of the region made a justification for the need to create a reserve on the basis of an existing reserve. As a result of detailed expeditionary studies of the biological diversity of the Khabarovsk Territory, the Botchinsky Nature Reserve was created in 1994 in the Sovetsko-Gavansky district on the site of an existing reserve. The area of ​​the Botchinsky Reserve is 267,380 hectares, it is located 120 km south of the city of Sovetskaya Gavan.

The Botchinsky Nature Reserve is located in an area where inhabitants of the north and south coexist. In the north, the forests are dominated by coniferous species: larch, spruce, fir. Representatives of the Manchurian taiga include: Amur grapes, Korean cedar, pointed yew, and ginseng. Larch forests are developed in the upper reaches of the tributaries of the Ikha and Mulpa rivers. Thickets of dwarf cedar are found at the headwaters of the Botchi River and its tributaries. Fir-spruce forests most common in the watershed between the Nelma and Botchi rivers and at its source. Among the plants listed in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation, lady's slipper grandiflora, leafless mullet, and obovate peony are found here. Among the mammals, elk is widespread, and there are wapiti, musk deer, wolverine, reindeer, and brown bear. But the white-breasted bear is considered a rare species here. Botchinsky Reserve is the northernmost permanent habitat Amur tiger, whose number here is in last years ranges from 4 to 6 individuals. Of the birds listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, the mandarin duck, Steller's and white-tailed eagle, osprey, peregrine falcon, golden eagle, and fish owl are noted. Black stork and black crane are also seen.

Bolshekhehtsirsky Reserve

The territory of the reserve occupies most of the Greater Khekhtsir ridge and is located between the river valley. Ussuri and the Khabarovsk-Vladivostok railway. The reserve's topography is predominantly mountainous, but there are also flat areas - flat, slightly dissected surfaces of ancient lake terraces. They lie on absolute altitudes from 35 to 100 m, on average 40–50 m above sea level. seas. Lowland areas are characterized by long-season permafrost and waterlogging; The main type of landscape is chenopodia. The foothills of Khekhtsir are hilly and rugged. Average heights are 80–150 m, individual hills reach 200–250 m above sea level. There are several oxbow lakes - Nymphaeum, Surprise, Brazenievoe. Spring floods are not pronounced; floods are common in summer, during the monsoon rains.

In foothill and mountainous areas, hazel oak forest is common, and the grass stand is characterized by bracken fern, asters and Ussuri sedge. In addition to oak, in such places there are Amur linden, small-leaved maple, and Daurian birch. The valleys are dominated by willow, alder and ash forests. Willow forests are represented by Schwerin willow, alder forests by downy alder, and ash trees by Manchurian ash. In the valleys of mountain rivers and streams there are shrub and cedar forests from the group of valley wet cedar-broad-leaved forests. The dominant position in the fauna of the reserve as a whole belongs to the fauna of mountain coniferous-deciduous forests. The dominant species of mouse-like rodents in the forest-meadow foothill zone are the field mouse and the eastern vole. In the lower reaches of the Chirka, the gray rat lives outside of human habitation. The forest-meadow landscapes of the northern slope of Khekhtsir limit their distribution in the reserve Amur hedgehog. The most common ungulates here are roe deer, in summer - wapiti and wild boar, and predators - badger, raccoon dog, and fox. Wolves periodically enter the foothills of Khekhtsir.

The region is distinguished by its rich natural world, due to the fact that vast territories are occupied by light-coniferous taiga. In addition, over 60% of the region is occupied by mountain slopes and ridges. The relief is predominantly mountainous. The landscape is picturesque, represented by many species rare plants.

The Khabarovsk region is characterized by rich natural diversity, moderate climatic conditions and attractive forests. This is influenced by the fact that the region borders the Amur region. There are many different types of mushrooms in the forests. The winters here are quite cold, but the summers are long and hot. Land winds sometimes blow from the west, but they also last for a very short time.

Flora of the Khabarovsk Territory

The taiga forests here occupy vast areas and extend for several kilometers. Vast territories are occupied by coniferous forests, in which there are Daurian larch, cedar, and spruce. There are rich pine forests that amaze with the majesty of the trees. A small share is also allocated to deciduous forests; species such as lotus, Manchurian walnut, aralia, ginseng, Amur velvet, Daurian rose, and Chinese lemongrass grow in them.

It is noteworthy that such species as maple, fir, oak and elm grow in these areas. Among the rare plants of extraordinary beauty are Dahurian rhododendron, Eleutherococcus and pointed yew.

There are many mushrooms growing in densely forested areas, e.g. yellow mushroom, larch moss, ilmak, milk mushrooms, alder, May mushroom, flywheel, oiler. All these species typically inhabit the forest from May to September, some of them can be found in October.
About 155 species of mushrooms and plants that are at the stage of extinction are listed in the Red Book. These include ferns, mosses, mosses and lichens. Also, very little remains in the Khabarovsk Territory angiosperms, over 15 species of mushrooms need protection.

Fauna of the Khabarovsk Territory

The main forest representatives in Khabarovsk: fox, wolf, lynx. The Amur tiger is a particular source of pride in these parts. Also in the forests there are moose, roe deer, deer, musk deer and wild boars. There are also fur-bearing animals, including weasel, muskrat, squirrel, otter, and wolverine. Siberian weasel lives near the sea. There is also a variety of birds in these areas, for example, hazel grouse, wood grouse, nutcracker, waxwing, and partridge live in forest areas, and pheasant lives in some areas. Among the waterfowl, the region is inhabited by geese, mergansers, and ducks. Slightly less common are the Indian cuckoo, Ussuri pheasant, blue flycatcher, black grouse and blackbirds of two types: gray and stone.

Larger forest dwellers include the Manchurian hare, wapiti and roe deer. The brown bear is also found in these parts, and there is also a rarer species - the Himalayan bear, the number of which is gradually increasing.

So many river fish: burbot, pike, grayling, crucian carp, catfish, carp, yellowjacket, mackerel, flounder.

There are animals of the Khabarovsk Territory listed in the Red Book. This is a ground beetle Amur cat, white-cheeked tern, Amur snake, White Owl, as well as the gray crane. There are very few of these representatives left, they need protection. The Japanese grass snake is unique.

Climate in the Khabarovsk Territory

The climate in the Khabarovsk Territory is moderate. On natural conditions influenced by the proximity of the sea and the nature of the relief. Autumn here is quite long, as is winter. The average temperature in January is from -18 to -25, in some areas it can reach -38 degrees. In the southern regions, the temperature in winter can drop to -47 degrees; winter here is long and cold. In summer the temperature ranges from +17 to +25 and is warm. In summer, air humidity usually increases. Spring begins at the end of March, the main peak occurs at the end of April and May, temperatures reach +10-15 degrees. Precipitation per year is approximately 700 mm.

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Glebko E.A. teacher additional education MBOU NOSH No. 3 Troitskoye village 2016 Sights of the Khabarovsk Territory

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Despite its remoteness from the European territories of Russia, the Khabarovsk Territory was developed by the Russians very early - in 1639, the Cossacks led by Ivan Moskvitin founded the first fort on the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, and 8 years later a second Russian fortress appeared here. The region is an ideal place for tourism: here, nature has created all the conditions for both extreme sports lovers and those who like relaxing walks. Both of them have the opportunity to see with their own eyes a unique landmark of the Khabarovsk Territory - a flower listed in the Red Book - the Komarov Lotus.

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Komarov's lotuses Komarov's lotus is listed in the Red Book. In the Far East it grows in natural conditions, both in the Khabarovsk Territory, and in Primorye, and in the Amur Region. In recent years, thanks to some lotus lovers, quite a few artificially bred lotuses have appeared in a variety of reservoirs in our region. Komarov's lotus is a tropical species, a relict plant that has come down to us from pre-glacial times. Its estimated age is about 100,000,000 years. He has successfully adapted to our low temperatures just like some of the tropical animals - amur leopard and harza. Withstands frosts down to -40 degrees. But provided that the temperature of the sludge in which it resides is not lower than +4. However, sometimes, when the reservoir dries out completely, the lotus still dies and does not bloom the next season. Perhaps it falls into its characteristic suspended animation, and in a few years it will bloom again.

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Bridge over the Amur River Khabarovsk Bridge or “Amur Miracle”, until 1917 “Alekseevsky Bridge” - a combined bridge crossing over the Amur River near Khabarovsk with separate double-track railway (on the lower tier) and two-lane automobile (on the upper tier) traffic. The celebratory opening and consecration of the bridge took place on October 15, 1916. Alekseevsky Bridge at the time of construction was the longest in the Old World. The structure had a total height of 64 m, and the solid structure of metal and concrete reached almost 2600 m in length. The project, a grandiose bridge structure at that time, was awarded a gold medal at the World Exhibition in Paris.

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Petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan Sikachi-Alyan is a national settlement on the banks of the Amur River, 70 km from Khabarovsk. In the surrounding area, on basalt blocks, there are petroglyphs - drawings of masks, animals, birds (about 300 images in total). The most ancient drawings date back to the early Neolithic era (7-6 millennium BC). Near Sikachi-Alyan there is an eco-tourist center and an ecological trail. Center for rehabilitation of wild animals “UTES” in the village of Kutuzovka, a 2-hour drive from the city, where you can see tigers and other animals.

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Amur Pillars Rocky outcrops “Amur Pillars” are located a hundred kilometers from Komsomolsk-on-Amur, in the lower reaches of the Amur River, near the village of Nizhnetambovskoye. They are granite pillars of various shapes, located on the top and slopes of a hill almost 900 meters high. Visitors can expect unforgettable landscapes, clean taiga air and crystal water. These places also attract a large number of climbers.

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Admiral Nevelsky embankment in Khabarovsk A very attractive and lively place in the city is the embankment named after the great Russian admiral Gennady Ivanovich Nevelsky. Researcher Far East, Russian admiral G.I. Nevelskoy for six years (1849-1855) led two expeditions, Sakhalin and Amur, which explored the Amur region in difficult conditions, described the shores of the Tatar Strait, compiled maps and studied the nature of the Far East. Admiral Nevelskoy Embankment - business card Khabarovsk, wonderful, the most beautiful and favorite place for walks and recreation for Khabarovsk residents and their guests, for meetings of loving couples. This is a place for holding festive and entertainment events, showing various show programs.

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Shantara Islands Shantara is a small group of islands on the edge of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Being very unique, they simultaneously embody all the beauties of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Multi-colored rocks and wild taiga. Strong tidal currents that roar into the narrow straits between these rocks. Six-meter high tides, and extensive drying areas that open at low tides. Wandering ice and constant fog. Bears, which bred in huge numbers on the islands, and the marine population - whales, beluga whales, killer whales, seals... The harsh northern sea. The archipelago includes 15 big islands, as well as many small islands, rocks and rocks. The Shantar Islands are not only the pearl of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, but also incredibly interesting for tourists and travelers from all over the world. The Shantar Archipelago is located far from populated areas: 100 km. to the west is the village of Chumikan, at the same distance to the south is an endangered village. Tugur, 400 kilometers to the North - the city of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur. This explains the fact that pristine nature and fauna have been preserved on Shantar.

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The area named after Lenin Square in Khabarovsk Lenin Square in Khabarovsk is the central square of the city. Located in the Central District at the intersection of Pushkin, Gogol, Count Muravyov-Amursky and Passage streets. The total area is almost 25,000 sq.m. The main celebrations and events are held on Lenin Square. Previously, the square was called differently, Stalin Square, Soviet Square and Nikolaevskaya.

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Dusse-Alin mountain range The Dusse-Alin mountain range is located in the very center of the Khabarovsk Territory in the Verkhnebureinsky district and is unique in its beauty, unusual relief and variety of unique natural monuments. Due to the inaccessibility and protected status of part of the ridge, these places are also called the “Lost World”. Only a few, well-prepared tourists can boast of conquering this kingdom of rocks, lakes and waterfalls. The wildlife of the ridge is extremely diverse - from the bug-eyed lenok, a unique inhabitant of Lake Korbokhon, to the owner of these places, the brown bear. The Dusse-Alin ridge is very interesting in terms of tourism, allowing you to become more familiar with the nature and features of the nature of the Far East.

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Cathedral of the Assumption of the Mother of God in Khabarovsk On Komsomolskaya Square, opposite the Nevelskoye embankment, in the heart of Khabarovsk, the magnificent City-Khabarovsk Cathedral of the Assumption majestically rises above the Amur Mother of God. Those who come to the city try to get into this temple, which is distinguished by its unusual architecture. This is probably the most beautiful building in Khabarovsk, both inside and outside. The structure, more than 50 m high, seems solemn and slender due to the significant excess of its height over its length and width. The impression is that the cathedral is bursting into the sky. It is crowned with 7 gilded domes, clearly visible at the entrance to Khabarovsk. In 1996, the temple was included in the plan for the revival of the historical part of Khabarovsk. And in September 1999, the city authorities handed over to the Khabarovsk diocese a museum rarity - the image of the Mother of God of Albazin. In 2000, the icon of the Mother of God of Tikhvin was returned to the City-Khabarovsk Cathedral of the Dormition of the Mother of God. And the construction of the current temple began with the funds and forces of the church, state and parishioners. At the beginning of the new millennium (November 30, 2001), the Assumption Cathedral was restored. And now this tall, bright and eye-catching beauty, repeating the five-domed structure of the destroyed monument and its general style, stands in the center of Khabarovsk to the delight of everyone, both believers and non-believers who appreciate beauty.

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Lake Amut The beautiful mountain lake Amut, located in the mountains near Komsomolsk-on-Amur, annually attracts nature and wild recreation lovers with its beauty and pristine nature, because this is the cleanest lake in the Khabarovsk Territory. The lake is located at an altitude of about 740 meters above sea level, on the Miao-Chan mountain range, surrounded by centuries-old fir trees growing on the hillsides and creating magnificent scenery. The size of the lake is quite large, its length is 450 meters, its width is only 130, and its depth reaches 70 meters, while the transparency of the water is comparable to Lake Baikal, and in some places reaches 10-15 meters. For the most part, the lake attracts tourists from the Far East. These places are an ecologically clean region of the Khabarovsk Territory and this is what tourists come here for: clean Mountain air, a clean lake, untouched nature - what else is needed for have a great holiday from the bustle of the city? Lake Amut is suitable for both regular recreation and sanatorium treatment, and even Buddhist pilgrims often visit Amut, speaking of the high concentration of grace in the area.

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Monument to Erofey Khabarov Arriving in the city of Khabarovsk, at the exit from railway station, the first thing you see is a monument to Erofey Pavlovich Khabarov in the image of a Russian hero in a Cossack hat and armor, personifying the courage, greatness and bravery of the Russian people. Erofey Pavlovich, the explorer after whom the most significant Far Eastern city was named, was born somewhere in 1603 near Veliky Ustyug, Vologda region. He was a decisive, resourceful man, an adventurer of sorts. The Trans-Ural lands in those days were considered very rich, so the brothers Nikolai and Erofei Khabarov decided to check it out. And not without reason. Born a peasant, Erofey Khabarov, a few years after such campaigns, became a merchant. Monument to E.P. Khabarova is the calling card of the capital of the Far East, as the beautiful modern metropolis of Khabarovsk is called, having its own artistic significance, expressiveness and value.

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Khabarovsk city ponds Khabarovsk city ponds are three ponds located in a cascade and separated by small dams. These ponds, located between Dikopoltsev and Pushkin streets, at the beginning of Ussuriysky Boulevard, are artificial. They were built for the 125th anniversary of the founding of the city in the summer of 1983 where there were previously ordinary ravines in the upper reaches of the Plyusninka River. Each of the three ponds is good in its own way: the first has singing fountains that work around the clock, in the evening with musical accompaniment; the second is a pond with boats, catamarans and an unusual restaurant, built in the form of a plate, where you can have a snack and just have a good rest in a friendly and cheerful company, and the third is again a pond with color music and singing fountains.

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Mount Shamanka A very beautiful Nanai legend is associated with Mount Shamanka, located near the village of Verkhnyaya Ekon, Komsomolsky district. According to legend, the mountain is a petrified girl, petrified by magic. If you look closely at the rock, you can see the outline of a face, and if you touch it, you will feel the warmth. The mountain is rocky, its temperature is 10 degrees higher than the temperature of the surrounding stones, which has not yet found a scientific explanation. The flowers growing on it are extraordinary. If you pick a flower, the weather will definitely change. Nanai people believe that the mountain heals and also helps successful fishing, so fishermen always brought her gifts before fishing.

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Bolshekhekhirsky Nature Reserve Bolshekhekhirsky State Nature Reserve is located 15-20 kilometers south of Khabarovsk, within the Bolshoy Khekhtsir ridge. It was established on October 3, 1963. Its area currently amounts to 45,439 hectares, of which 12,000 hectares are a protected zone. The forest cover of the reserve is about 90%. The administration of the reserve is located in the village of Bychikha, Khabarovsk region. The reserve is home to 1,020 species of vascular plants, 218 species of mosses, 148 species of lichens and 824 species of fungi. There are 6 species of amphibians, 8 reptiles, 224 birds, 45 fish and 50 mammals. A small population of Amur tigers has been preserved in the reserve. Excursions are held at the Nature Museum of the reserve, and there are ecological routes in a specially designated area.

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Amur River Legends say that the ancient inhabitants of the Far East personified the Amur with a huge dragon sleeping on the sand. It was believed that coastal willow bushes were the scales of the Amur, so local shamans made amulets from twigs. The Amur is not just a big river, it is special, unlike any other. As if in a dream, turning from side to side, Cupid constantly changes its course slightly. The river has always been rich in fish stocks, being the breadwinner of the Far Easterners in difficult times.

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Vyazemsky Warm Keys The Teply Klyuch mineral spring is located 17 km from the city of Vyazemsky, Khabarovsk Territory, and is included in the list of specially protected areas. The waters of the source flow into the Third Seventh River, which, in turn, flows into the Ussuri. The source is a small pit measuring 2 by 3 meters, from the bottom of which underground mineral waters and gases rise. Then the water flows into a slightly larger reservoir and goes into the stream. The water in the source rarely drops below 16-18 degrees Celsius even in the most severe frosts. Therefore, bathing in the spring is especially popular during Epiphany holidays.

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Khabarovsk region is also an industrial region. Mechanical engineering, forestry, metallurgy, oil refining, food industry, transport and communications - this is not a complete list of areas of activity in which residents of the region are employed. There are so many attractions here, it’s impossible to list them all. Those who have visited here will certainly want to return here again and again...

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respect for nature; fostering independence and responsibility. The methodological conditions for organizing training in an elective course should be friendly communication and a creative approach to processing information. Elective course “Studying the Khabarovsk Territory with the help of PowerPoint programs” is divided into 3 components: theoretical, where the main attention is paid to studying the features of the nature of the region and teaching basic skills in working in the Microsoft Power Point program. The second part is practical, which is aimed at developing the skills to process theoretical knowledge through information technology. The third part is specialized, where the main task is to expand professional horizons, comprehend the material from the point of view of its use in various professions (climatologist, hydrologist, programmer, etc.). The main forms of student activity are organizing individual work or working in small groups. Expected learning outcomes: Students’ knowledge of the natural features of their region; Mastering student skills project activities based on information technology; Development of presentations on topics in the Khabarovsk Territory. The elective course “Studying the Khabarovsk Territory using PowerPoint” is one of the forms of pedagogical support for students in choosing high school profiles.

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