An ordinary turtle at home. What do you need for a red-eared turtle. Feeding tortoises

Pets are in almost every family. They become favorites of both adults and children. Today, many people prefer to have exotic animals that do not cause much trouble to their owners. Decorative reptiles have become popular because they do not need to collect wool and feathers throughout the house. They do not wake up in the morning and do not call for a walk, they do not scream like exotic birds. In addition, they are hypoallergenic, which is quite important in our time. Therefore, those who want to have a pet prefer turtles. At the same time, for some reason, they are looking for small animals on the Internet, in pet stores. Dwarf turtles - what they are and where is the best place to buy them, as well as how to care for a pet, these are the points that you need to pay attention to before making a purchase.

Dwarf turtles - do they exist?

Dwarf means very small. Is there such a turtle in nature? It may be disappointing, but such reptiles do not exist. And even if you are offered to buy a pygmy turtle, the size of which does not exceed three centimeters, know this is an absolute deception, there is no such species in nature. Many unscrupulous sellers, and sadly, even in pet stores, give out baby red-eared turtles as pygmy ones. And under favorable conditions of detention and rational nutrition, the baby grows up to twenty centimeters. Therefore, calling them dwarfs is hardly appropriate.

The smallest turtle in the world is the Pennsylvania turtle, the maximum length of which does not exceed twelve centimeters. But it lives exclusively in the shallow rivers and lakes of eastern America. That is, it is a freedom-loving reptile that lives in natural conditions.

There are also small specimens among aquarium turtles. Their length varies from six to thirteen centimeters. Reptiles larger than the indicated limits are classified as large species and require slightly different conditions than small turtles. In total, there are several types of turtles of small sizes, which are great for aquarium maintenance- This:

  • Flat turtles, their weight is only one hundred and seventy grams, the length is about eight centimeters. They do not require a lot of space, so a small aquarium will suffice for them. The main food is moisture-loving plants. Very popular with fans exotic pets because they are very easy to maintain;
  • Trailing turtles grow up to a maximum of thirteen centimeters. their homeland North America and Africa. Represented by four subspecies;
  • Muscovy turtles are also popular as pets. Their size varies between fourteen and fifteen centimeters. It's not hard at all to take care of them. This miniature tortoise is represented by four species;
  • Spotted turtles are amphibious. For their home maintenance, an aquaterrarium is required, since both water and land are required in equal proportions. The size of the turtles reaches thirteen centimeters;
  • Chinese three-keel turtles are also miniature species, their size is about thirteen centimeters. They do great in small aquariums.

Here, perhaps, are all the little turtles that exist in the world and are suitable for home keeping in aquariums.

Therefore, if you are offered to buy a pygmy turtle without specifying its type, then most likely you will be disappointed in the future, since the reptile will grow up and you will have to radically revise the conditions for its maintenance.

As we have already said, for dwarf species most often given out babies red-eared turtle, which is also popular with ornamental reptile breeders. And if the purchase has already taken place, then you should not be upset, since these turtles are also beautiful, therefore, it offers detailed information about how to properly care for a pet so that it fully develops and pleases its owners long years.

Care and maintenance

The red-eared turtle, although not a dwarf, is a fairly popular pet. The size of an adult reptile reaches twenty, in rare cases- Twenty-five centimeters. With the right maintenance, the turtle will live in the family for about thirty years, and there are cases when the reptile lives up to fifty, but this is ideal conditions. In order for the pet to feel good and develop properly, he needs to create favorable conditions for keeping.

Turtles need a large aquarium to live. The optimal volume is one hundred and fifty to two hundred liters. And this despite the fact that childhood the red-eared turtle is only about three centimeters in size. Exists natural regularity The larger the space, the more fully the reptile develops and grows.

Despite the fact that the turtle belongs to aquatic reptiles, it requires dry land. Therefore, in the aquarium, it is necessary to provide a hill of stone or other artificial objects that will act as land, where the turtle will go to rest and warm up. At any time of the year, an ultraviolet lamp should always be near the aquarium, in summer it can be replaced by fresh air and a light sun, but not direct rays, they are dangerous for reptiles. Ultraviolet is vital for the red turtle, without it they often get sick and die quickly.

The water in the aquarium should always be clean and warm. When changing it, only water that has been settled for two days is used. It is good if a pump filter is installed in the aquarium, which will help purify the water.

Let the land from the water to the island of land should have a rough surface, it will be easy for reptiles to climb it. The heat-loving red-eared turtle needs to bask in the sun. At home, this whim is quite simple to fulfill. You need to take an ordinary electric light bulb, with a power of not more than 40 watts, and install it at a distance of ten centimeters from the place where the turtle will rest on land.

Regarding the ultraviolet lamp. There is certain moments that need to be taken into account. The fact is that its rays come in different lengths, so it is best to give preference to special lamps designed specifically for reptiles.

These lamps are necessary for the disinfection of aquariums and animals. You can't do without them in the cold season. Turn on the lamp three times a week for five minutes. The distance from it to the aquarium should be thirty centimeters.

small red-eared turtles perfectly adjacent to aquarium fish, but as they grow older, they begin to hunt them and eat them. Yes, do not be surprised, red-eared reptiles belong to predators, therefore, in adulthood, they are kept in a separate aquarium. By the way, these small predators can bite a person’s finger, so you don’t need to tease them and substitute the phalanxes to the animal’s mouth.

What to feed a turtle

Picking up a diet for the red-eared turtle is not at all difficult. Since she is a predator, she will eat raw meat, fish even with bones with great pleasure. The only thing in which it is necessary to limit the animal is in oily fish. Also, with great pleasure, the turtle eats bloodworms and granulated food. However, you should not feed the animal with only one type of food, the food should be varied and complete, otherwise the reptile develops rickets and the shell is deformed. This happens from a lack of vitamin D. Therefore, certain feeding rules must be observed. Young reptiles are fed mainly on food of animal origin, gradually increasing plant nutrition. From birth to two years, the animal is fed once a day. After a day later.

Pet diseases

With improper maintenance and nutrition, domestic turtles often get sick. The most common disease that awaits reptiles in an aquarium is pneumonia. It occurs as a result of hypothermia. It is necessary to ensure that the water of the animal is not lower than twenty-eight degrees. The first signs of the disease are:

  • loss of appetite;
  • lethargy;
  • impossibility of immersion under water.

Pet treatment should be to provide warmth. To do this, you need to monitor the temperature of the water in the aquarium, the lamp above the land should be constantly on, and the turtle itself should be kept two or three times a day with a warm steam of chamomile decoction.

They can also catch reptiles and infectious eye disease. The turtle's eyes become inflamed and the eyelids swell. With such symptoms, it is isolated from other animals and kept exclusively on land, lowered into the water only for an hour or two a day. Treat inflammation with antibiotics for the eyes, instilling them three times a day.

If the turtle's shell has become soft and has begun to lose its shape, then it is necessary to ensure proper balanced nutrition, including vitamin supplements in the diet. Plus, most likely the animal does not have enough ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, in the summer, the reptile should be taken out into the street, and at other times, do not forget about ultraviolet lamps. Also, with insufficiently nutritious food, the animal's skin may peel off.

If you follow the basic rules for keeping turtles in aquariums, reptiles will become your favorite pets for a long time.

IN Lately appeared fashion trend: along with the usual pets, people increasingly began to acquire exotic animals, one of which are turtles.

These reptiles have inhabited our planet for more than two hundred million years and, depending on the habitat, are divided into aquatic and terrestrial. This article will be devoted to turtles that live on land.

General information about turtles

Currently, about 40 species of land turtles are known to science. Their sizes range from very small - the size of Matchbox, to giant - weighing at least 500 kilograms. But for home maintenance, a representative of this species, which has a completely mediocre size, has proven itself well.

Central Asian (steppe) or Horsfield tortoise - representative of reptiles, which feels quite comfortable in a home terrarium. Its natural habitat is considered to be semi-desert and steppe terrain in Central Asia, but it is also found on the territory of Pakistan, Afghanistan and even on the coast of the Caspian Sea.

These turtles live mainly in sandy soils, but are also found in clay soils. Despite the arid climate, the ground in the habitats of these animals must be wet. This is due to the fact that turtles dig holes and if the soil is dry, they are forced to wander in search of a suitable option. Another reason why reptiles prefer moist soil- the presence of large quantities of grass, which is a food base for them.

Peak activity of these turtles falls on early morning and for the evening. During the daytime and evening hours, they prefer to sleep under rocks, snags or in burrows.

In nature, these reptiles hibernate in winter and summer to protect themselves from the effects of adverse temperatures and from hunger, which threatens them due to a lack of food at this time. If the home conditions are comfortable for the turtle, it will not need to hibernate.


The Horsfield tortoise has a rather modest size. The dimensions of its shell range from 13 to 25 centimeters in length. Males are inferior in size to females: their shell grows from 13 to 20 cm, and in females from 15 to 25 cm. But at home, these animals grow up to 17-18 cm in length.

Their shell consists of 16 keratinized scutes on top and 13-15 of the same flaps on the bottom. Another 25 shields are located on the side surfaces of the shell. It has a rounded shape, slightly flattened at the top. From above, its color varies from olive-yellow-green to olive-brown. Dark spots are located on top of the main color, their color correlates with the color of the soil on which the turtle lives. Tortoise head and paws Brown. There are four clawed fingers on the paws.

In nature, these animals live within 40-50 years, and in captivity with comfortable conditions their life expectancy may increase.

What do steppe turtles eat?

Under natural conditions, reptiles feed on plant foods: grass, young shoots of shrubs. Sometimes they can treat themselves to berries and fruits.

Home conditions suggest for a turtle varied diet:

  • 75-80% off total food should fall on fresh greens and hay
  • 5% should be vegetables
  • 15-20% fruit

Prepared food should be put on a plate or on a special surface, where the possibility of eating the soil along with food will be excluded. Hand feeding is not recommended.

As for the frequency of feeding, young individuals need to be fed daily. Adult turtles are usually fed once every 2-3 days. The serving volume should be approximately half the volume of the animal's shell.

Attention should be paid to the fact that overuse turtle juicy food and fruits can lead to the fact that in the stomach of a turtle the fermentation process will start.

In order for the animal to receive the amount of calcium and other trace elements it needs, it is necessary to include special mineral baits in its diet.

A land pet does not require constant access to water, so there is no need to put a container with it in the house.

The care that your land friend will need is not too difficult. But there are a number of conditions that must be met.

How to choose the right house?

It doesn't matter if, having acquired a turtle, you did not have time to buy a house for it. At first, a turtle can serve as a home cardboard box, the dimensions of which should not hamper the movements of the animal. It would be wrong to leave the reptile to live on the floor before buying a special dwelling, as this can negatively affect the life of the turtle. Your new land pet may catch a cold or hide in the farthest corner, where it risks starving to death in the future. If the turtle is small, even though it has a shell, it can be crushed by its owner, who did not notice and stepped on it.

Therefore, proper care and maintenance of a turtle means equipped terrarium where your pet will feel most comfortable.

Land tortoise care is a must includes bathing. This contributes to the stabilization of the water-salt balance, the replenishment of moisture reserves in the body and the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to bathe the animal in warm water (+32-35 degrees) once every two weeks.

breeding process

Under natural habitat conditions, Central Asian tortoises reach sexual maturity at the age of about 10 years.

In the period from April to July, the female makes holes in the ground, in which she then lays her eggs. One individual can make up to three clutches, each of which contains up to six eggs. At a temperature of +30 degrees and a humidity of 60-70% incubation period lasts from 60 to 65 days.

Between August and October, the eggs hatch cubs about 3 cm in size.

At home, steppe turtles can become parents at the age of 5-6 years.

Breeding requires a female and two young males. After the mating process is completed, the female must immediately be isolated. For 2-3 months, the expectant mother is busy carrying eggs. During this period, her diet should be rich in vitamins and minerals.

The female lays eggs in the ground and safely forgets about them. They must be immediately taken out and placed in an incubator - a special place where the soil layer is at least 18 cm, the temperature is + 29-30 degrees and air humidity not less than 60%. An individual that has laid eggs should be kept separate from the rest for some time, continuing to feed it intensively. This is done so that the animal recovers after pregnancy.

Three months later, newborn turtles emerge from the eggs.

Baby care

In order to ensure maximum survival of the offspring, certain care is required for it. Small turtles should not be placed in the same terrarium with adult reptiles, as they can inflict injuries on babies that are incompatible with life. The bottom of the terrarium for young animals lined with small sawdust, temperature regime the same as for adult animals. You need to feed the cubs with plant foods with the addition of calcium.

Problems of maintenance and disease of turtles

The most common disease that owners of land turtles face is rickets. Its manifestations are noticeable only in the later stages, when the animal deformed shell and skeleton. This disease occurs due to a lack of ultraviolet radiation.

Treatment consists in irradiating the reptile under an ultraviolet lamp, adding calcium and vitamins of group D to its diet.

If you properly care for the turtle, it will delight you with its company for many years!

If you bought a turtle as your pet, then you should immediately warn that it is only necessary to keep a turtle in a terrarium. It is a mistake to think that these reptiles feel comfortable when walking around the apartment or living on the floor. Under such conditions, the turtle can be injured, swallow harmful objects or climb under the battery, get stuck and die.

Before you buy it, you should decide what to feed the turtle and where it will live. An ideal place to live is a horizontal terrarium, preferably with a hanging island. If you have a waterfowl, you will need at least 200 liters of water. The island should be placed in the center of the aquarium. It can be made from two conventional plates that are attached at an angle. We need such an island so that the turtle can get out of the water onto land. First of all, it should be remembered that food for land and aquatic reptiles is different. The diet should be varied, and access to food should be constant. Only under such conditions will your pet be able to live up to 30 years.

If you purchased, then the terrarium in size must be at least one square meter. Depending on the habitat of each species, you need to choose the right one. As a rule, it is 25-30 degrees. At the bottom of the terrarium it is necessary to put soil up to 10 cm high. It is needed so that the claws of the reptile do not wear out, since this, in turn, can lead to deformation of the legs. The turtle also likes to hide, so a small box should be placed inside its lair. Place it in a part that is not heated. The box should be cool. As you can see, caring for turtles is not an easy task. IN summer periods From time to time, the reptile can be taken outside from time to time so that it can enjoy the sun's rays. If you have a private house, then fence small plot and plant grass there. For a turtle, this place will be just perfect. A must have, turtles are a lot more nimble than you might think. Turtle care is least of all in the spring, as these reptiles go into hibernation.

What to feed the turtle throughout the year? These reptiles feed on plants, so they must receive vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries and leaves of wild plants on an ongoing basis. If you buy food for your "pet", then it is best to mix it with grated apples or other fruits. Dry food will be much better absorbed. Dandelion and potato leaves can also be added to the resulting mixture. Such a diet will be more useful and balanced than feeding the turtle alternately, first with food, then with leaves. Occasionally, you can also give reptiles meat or fish. There are some individuals who are happy to taste low-fat varieties of chicken or boiled fish.

Juveniles should be fed two to three times a day; for an adult turtle, once is enough. The owners of these funny animals should be aware that several times a month they should arrange a hungry day. This required condition for the health and growth of the animal.

The turtle, which must be looked after closely, actively drinks water, and sometimes likes to soak in it. For maximum convenience, pallets and drinking bowls need to be sunk a little in the ground. For drinking, the water must be at least at room temperature, while for swimming, the water is slightly cooler. Never pour water from the tap. Let the jar stand for several hours. The turtle, which also includes bathing, is very whimsical about water procedures and sensitive to chlorinated water. Bathe the reptile once every two days in water with a temperature of at least 35 degrees. Bathing for a turtle is not only a pleasure, but also an appetite stimulation.

The terrestrial has lived on earth for more than 210 million years. Translated from Latin, the name of the animal means an earthen vessel or brick. In Russian, the name has ancient Slavic roots and its meaning is "shard".

Land turtle - description and structure

The main characteristic of turtles is the shell. Its main purpose is protection from enemies. It is so strong that it can withstand a load of 190 times the weight of the animal itself. The shell consists of parts:

  • Carapace. It is divided into internal armor, which is based on bone plates, and outer layer, represented by horny shields. Covers armor in some animals dense layer skin.
  • The plastron is formed by ossification and fusion of the abdominal ribs, clavicle and sternum.

The head of animals of medium size, streamlined. These features make it possible to quickly remove it when threatened. But there are species whose head is very voluminous, practically does not fit into the carapace. In a number of reptiles, the end of the muzzle resembles a trunk with nostrils at the end.

The eyes of animals living on land are always directed downwards. Most often, the neck of reptiles is short, but there are species in which it is the same length as the shell.

The beak replaces the turtles teeth. It is to them that animals grind and bite off food. The surface of the beak is covered with bulges, rough to the touch. They replace teeth. In herbivorous reptiles, the protrusions are jagged along the edges.

Archaeologists have discovered ancient turtles. They had real teeth, which were reduced over time.

The tongue of animals is short, never protruding. It is needed exclusively for swallowing food.

The tail is present in almost all representatives of the species. In times of danger, the animal hides it under the shell. Sometimes the tail ends in a spike.

Reptiles have color vision. It helps them in finding food. Hearing is well developed. Thanks to him, the animal hears the appearance of the enemy.

Turtles are characterized by molting. At land species it slightly affects the skin. A small amount of transparent shields exfoliate from the shell.

At adverse conditions: drought or frost, turtles hibernate. Its duration sometimes reaches six months.


The weight and dimensions of the animal vary depending on the species. The weight of the most major representatives sometimes reaches 890 kg, and their size is often over 2.6 meters. The smallest turtles have a mass of no more than 126 g, and a length of up to 11 cm.

How long does a land tortoise live?

In freedom, the reptile can live up to 200 years. But on average they live about 20-30 years.


In animals, sexual dimorphism is poorly developed. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to determine their belonging. However, if you look at behavioral features and the structure of reptiles, it is possible to find out:

  • the shell is elongated in the female;
  • the plaston is concave in the male, flat in the female - this makes the mating process easier;
  • the tail of males is thicker, often bent down;
  • the cloaca in females is located closer to the end of the tail, looks like an asterisk, and in males it looks like a gap;
  • boys have a V-shaped notch next to the tail;
  • males are distinguished by aggressiveness not only to prospective rivals, but also to females. They pursue the partner, nodding their heads and biting her.

animal species

Based on the way in which reptiles climb into the shell in danger, two suborders are distinguished:

  • Side neck. The head is hidden in the direction of one of the paws.
  • Hidden neck. The neck is folded in an S-shape.

Specialists distinguish several varieties of turtles living on land:

  • Elephant (Galapagos). The mass of the animal sometimes reaches 390 kg, the length is 1.8 meters. The size of reptiles depends on climatic conditions a habitat. In arid areas, the shell has a saddle shape, the limbs are long. In the area with high humidity domed carapace.

  • Egyptian. The smallest turtle. The size of males is no more than 12 cm. Females are larger. The shell has a brownish tint. Habitat - Middle East.

  • Land Central Asian tortoise. Body about 19 cm. Carapace yellow with spots, rounded. There are four fingers on the forelimbs. This is the most popular type for keeping a house. The land tortoise lives up to 49 years. Habitat: India, Syria, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan. Due to trapping for the purpose of sale, the population has practically disappeared.

  • Panther. The length of the animal's shell is more than 0.8 m, weight is about 49 kg. The carapace is domed, high. Its color is sandy yellow. In young turtles, a dark brown spotted pattern is clearly visible. As the animal grows, it disappears. Habitat - Africa.

  • Speckled Cape. The smallest turtle on Earth. The size of the shell is not more than 9 cm, weight is from 96 to 164 grams. Lives in Namibia and South Africa.

Turtles live everywhere. The exceptions are: Greenland, Antarctica, the Arctic, New Zealand.

What does it eat in the wild? The basis of nutrition plant food. To maintain the protein balance at the right level, animals eat small insects and snails. Reptiles get the necessary moisture from succulent plants, but if there is a source of water, they never miss the opportunity to drink it.

Representatives box turtles are eating poisonous mushrooms. This makes their meat inedible.

Reproduction in reptiles occurs in different time. It depends on the location and type of animals. But all representatives of the class have similar features. For the right to fertilize a female, males enter into battle with each other. Land tortoises try to turn over or force their opponent to retreat with the help of shell strikes. After a competitor leaves the battlefield, the victorious male begins courtship. At the same time, he tries to ensure that the female takes the best position for mating.

To attract a partner, the male strokes her muzzle with his limbs or sings.

Females dig holes in the sand to lay their eggs. Crocodile nests or their own burrows are also often used. The masonry is securely covered with soil from above, and then compacted with light blows of the shell.

The surface of the eggs is covered with a leathery shell or shell. There are up to 190 pieces in the masonry. The incubation period is 91 days. The female makes several clutches during the mating season.

Turtles are solitary reptiles. They look for a couple for themselves only during the mating period.

Content at home

Today it is one of the most popular pets. Maintaining and caring for them takes a little time. These animals are unpretentious, so even children can follow them. When choosing pet, it should be borne in mind that some species are capable of reaching very large sizes.

To create optimal conditions for the life of an animal, you need to purchase terrariums or aquariums equipped in a certain way. They can create a microclimate that will the best way fit the animal. Where the reptile will live, two thermometers are installed. They are needed to control the temperature. For safety reasons, alcohol devices are used.

A land tortoise at home needs daily water treatments. Bathe the animal in warm water. It adds a small amount baking soda. The procedure is needed to remove soil and food debris from the body.

A land tortoise at home cannot sharpen its claws on its own. Therefore, they must be periodically shortened with a nail file.

In winter, animals do not get enough sun. To replenish vitamin D in the body, turtles need to be irradiated with a quartz lamp. It is important to ensure that the rays from it do not fall into the eyes of animals.

The domestic tortoise is very fond of digging holes. In order for the animal to feel comfortable in the terrarium, soil should be poured onto its bottom. It is better not to use sand for this purpose, as the reptile often swallows it, which can cause intestinal blockage. The ground must be moist. Only in this case, the domestic turtle will be able to dig a hole for itself. Smooth medium-sized stones should also be placed at the bottom of the terrarium. The shelter for the animal is a house. You can buy it at a pet store or make your own. The aquarium should have a container of water.

The domestic tortoise is a territorial animal. This should be taken into account when placing two individuals in one terrarium.

What does it eat in captivity? Experts consider the best products:

  • dandelions;
  • vegetables;
  • greenery;
  • snails;
  • earthworms;
  • grass;
  • strawberry.

All food should be cut into small pieces. The turtle eats from a shallow large saucer.

Interesting facts about the land turtle

- one of the oldest inhabitants of the Earth. Their unique nature allowed them to survive difficult conditions to maintain its originality. Exist Interesting Facts about these animals:

  • The sex of future offspring depends on the ambient temperature. If the incubation period passes in coolness, then males hatch, in heat - females.
  • An amazing event happened in the museum of Dnepropetrovsk, which struck all its employees. For a long period, the exhibited eggs lay on the shelves, and in 2013 turtles hatched from them.
  • In some states in heraldry there is an image of these reptiles.
  • Turtles almost never harm humans. But caiman during mating sometimes take people for rivals and attack. Leatherback turtles sometimes confuse swimmers with females, swim up to them, wrap their flippers around them and drag them under water.
  • Animal meat is considered a delicacy. It is cooked and eaten raw.
  • Expensive beautiful accessories are cut out of the shell, which adorn women's hairstyles.

Land turtles are amazing animals, among which there are both giants, reaching a length of about a meter, and pygmies, no more than 9 cm in size. The behavioral features of these reptiles have won the hearts of people. A domestic turtle is a kind of silent pet that does not cause almost any trouble to its owner.

People who know little about the features of these ancient reptiles It may seem that keeping such a pet is a very simple and unpretentious matter. Indeed, turtles have been domesticated for a long time, and in many respects they are more unpretentious than other reptiles. However, they need quality care. It is important to satisfy the needs of your unusual pet, the only way he can live in captivity for decades. How to care for a turtle at home so that it lives comfortably, does not experience difficulties, and avoids injuries and illnesses?

Turtles are not rare pets, and often found in private owners. In addition, rarely any zoo, aquaterrarium or zoo corner does without such inhabitants. It is not uncommon for owners to keep their shelled pets in the same way as other pets, allowing the turtle to roam freely around the house. They put bowls for food and water and even try to introduce the reptile to the tray. That is, the animal remains free and, of course, does not leave the dwelling.

But is such a free life suitable for the turtles themselves? Most zoologists believe that this situation is unacceptable. It is impossible to identify a reptile with cats or dogs, it is too different from them, and not only externally.

Being at large, the turtle is in constant danger. She can start eating small garbage, get stuck in any appliance, get a cold, having been in a draft. In addition, it is not uncommon for the owners themselves to step on their pet or stumble on his shell. To avoid tragic situations, you should provide your pet with a safe territory - a spacious terrarium, where it will be comfortable and convenient for him to live.

How to properly equip a turtle terrarium

Most perfect option for the turtle - living in an aquarium, the size of which would allow her to freely walk, eat and sleep. You can also equip a wooden box, but it is desirable that one of the walls be transparent. Furnishing a reptile house includes the following:

  • setting up a house in which the turtle could sleep and just relax- for these purposes, you can use a clay pot, which is enough to turn over, or a plastic container;
  • feeder- when installing it, it is important to take into account the strength, dimensions and sluggishness of the reptile - a light, unstable bowl will be constantly turned upside down;
  • drinkerrequired element, water should be clean and fresh, it should be replaced daily;
  • heater- most reptiles love warmth, even aquatic individuals get out on land to bask. But you can’t put the aquarium in direct sunlight or near heating appliances - the turtle can quickly overheat. It is better to install the device in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe feeder and drinker so that it maintains an air temperature within 25 ° -27 ° С;
  • UV lamp- is necessary, since under its rays vitamin D3 is synthesized in the animal's body, which is involved in the processes of calcium absorption. She imitates very well sunlight, only install the lamp should not be lower than 20 cm from the bottom of the container;
  • thermometer- turtles need stable temperature readings, to monitor changes, it is worth installing a measuring device.

Tank bottom coating

It is covered with soil or hay bedding. In the first case, the particles of the material must be large so that the turtle does not eat up the pebbles. The second option is more summer, since it is not so easy to find hay in winter. It is allowed to cover the bottom with sand, but some reptiles eat it. If such behavior is typical for a pet, then it is better to refuse sand.

Another option is to fill up a layer of sand, and lay a layer of large pebbles on top of it - the pet will grind its claws about them. Some species love to burrow, in which case it is worth putting more material in the tank so that the turtle can enjoy. Do not use pieces of paper, expanded clay particles, sharp gravel, fillers that are intended for cat trays, even wood ones, as soil.

Turtle hygiene

When caring for a pet, special attention should be paid to the cleanliness of his home and personal hygiene. If the turtle is occasionally allowed out for a walk around the house, it is important to ensure that it does not eat small items and does not get into a dangerous situation.

reptile home care

Consists of a number of events:

  • bottom cleaning- it is carried out every day, excrement and other garbage should be removed;
  • washing feeders and drinkers- wash as it gets dirty, it is advisable to do this more often;
  • water change- it should not stagnate, so it is replaced with fresh every day.


Turtles love to swim, but many zoologists recommend taking water procedures no more than 1 time per week. If the shell is dirty, you can wipe it with a soft, damp sponge. It is not necessary that the reptile is completely immersed in water, it is enough for her to be in it by 2/3. It is important that the head is above the surface. Water should be warm, temperature not less than 30°С.

During washing, the reptiles should be carefully washed with a sponge or hands of the limbs, muzzle, carapace, without touching the eyes. Heavily soiled areas can be washed using baby soap. Turtles are very fond of such procedures. You can understand this by the relaxed, calm state of the pet and even the satisfied muzzle. It is allowed to stretch the pleasure of a pet for 20-30 minutes.

Upon completion of the procedure, the reptile should be blotted with a soft velor or terry cloth and released into the terrarium. As for young turtles, they can have bath days more often - 2-3 times a week.

Clipping of claws

In nature, reptiles grind their claws on their own, and they try to do the same when living in captivity. But it is worth making sure that they do not grow more than they should. To do this, you need to cut them regularly, using sharp scissors or a special nail clipper.

The procedure should be carried out very carefully and carefully: only the white part of the nail plate is trimmed, since the vessels of the circulatory system are located in the dark areas.

Are walks helpful?

You can take your pet outside, it's good for the reptile. But only if the weather is warm, dry and the air temperature is not lower than 25 ° C. The turtle will happily wander around the green lawn or lawn, breathe fresh air. Important to choose suitable site- calm, clean, where the reptile will be protected from overly curious or aggressive animals.

You should always keep an eye on her - despite the seeming slowness, these shellfish often run away from their owners. If the place turns out to be noisy, then the turtle will hide and will not even show its nose from its shell. These pets love to feast on fresh herbs, you can let them go for a walk where dandelions, clover, plantain, timothy, chamomile grow.

Video how to care for a turtle at home

Common diseases of pet turtles

Most often, the causes of diseases of these reptiles are associated with improper care:

  1. Injuries. Often, pets fall from a height and get fractures. In these cases, they are put in a cast or a splint, which the reptile wears for quite a long time, since it takes a long time for the bones to grow together.
  2. Carapace necrosis. May develop due to mechanical damage. Pathology is considered serious and requires long-term treatment. A solution with a disinfectant effect is constantly applied to the affected area.
  3. Colds. This is a common disease that a reptile catches when it gets cold or in a draft. It is possible to understand that the pet has a cold by abundant discharge from the nose and shortness of breath. In most cases, therapy is prescribed, including taking antibiotics and vitamin preparations.
  4. Intestinal disorders. Diarrhea often torments turtles. It can be caused both by eating spoiled food and infectious agents. It is advisable to show the pet to the veterinarian and take a fecal analysis. According to the results, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Turtles are weird unusual creatures that have inhabited the earth for many millions of years. They have adapted well to life in captivity, but still need good conditions and quality care. In this case, they life cycle will last at least 30 years.

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