Keep aquatic turtles. What do you need for a red-eared turtle. Arrangement of a terrarium for a land turtle

When buying a turtle, you must first understand what it is Living being and not just a fun toy for kids. Turtles are not very beautiful, they do not know how to caress or play, but this does not mean that they can be mistreated or not fed for many days. Turtles need to be cared for just like any other pet.

Most often, we have red-eared turtles in our house. Like any turtles, they live a long time: at least 30 years in good conditions. But an unprepared and irresponsible owner can shorten the life of a turtle to 2-3 years.
Red-eared turtles are merman turtles and should only be kept in spacious aquaterrariums. So, for one turtle you need an aquarium of 100-150 liters. Although red-eared turtles spend most of their time in the water, they need dry land where they can rest and walk. Some owners of turtles are limited to sticking a plastic island to the wall of the aquarium. But this is not the way out. It is difficult for a turtle to climb it; a gradually rising slope will be much more convenient for it. The sloping bank should be rough enough so that the turtle's claws easily cling to it. The stores sell special islands for turtles, they meet all the necessary requirements (Inclined slope, rough surface, big square"sushi"). The land surface should be large enough - at least a quarter of the total area of ​​​​the aquarium. It will be easy for you to feed the turtle on the island where it will go out to bask.
Water in with a turtle needs to be changed completely 1 time per month. It is advisable to pre-defend water.
Turtles need warmth. Therefore, we install a lamp over the island. Since the lamp will be a source of heat for us, MirSovetov recommends buying an ordinary incandescent lamp - its heat dissipation is simply wonderful. Moreover, the light of an incandescent lamp is so similar to sunlight. If the lamp constantly warms the island, there is no need to heat the water, the turtle will always be able to get out and warm on the island. MirSovetov recommends: the island should be at a level of 30 cm from the edge of the aquarium, if it is too close to the edge, the most nimble turtles will probably try to escape
Turtle feeding
Red-eared turtles are happy to eat bloodworms, minced meat and granulated feed. However, to eliminate the turtles, boiled fish is needed (give the fish along with small bones, do not be afraid, they will not choke). Try not to give them fatty fish such as capelin, sprat, mackerel. Meat should not be the main food. Turtles "brought up" on meat inevitably get sick. The diet of young red-eared turtles should be dominated by animal foods, and with age, plant-based foods should be preferred. Until the age of two, the turtles are fed every day, and those that are older can be fed 2-3 times a week.
How to feed? Place food near the water's edge first. When the turtle is used to it, start feeding it on the island by placing the food in a saucer of water. If your aquarium has algae planted, the turtles will eat it. So that they do not lack plant food, give them lettuce, young cabbage and various pond algae. Do not forget that turtles can eat small ones. aquarium fish so feed them on time.
If the turtle's claws have grown too long, trim them with manicure tweezers. You don't need to cut your beak, because your turtle is a predator and it needs a sharp edge of its beak to tear food.

This type of turtle is a land turtle. They are quite large - weight 1.8 kg, shell length 15-25 cm. The color of the shell is different: from light red to dark olive.
In nature, the Central Asian tortoise digs holes and actively moves only two or three months a year. Therefore, when keeping it at home, you need to create a spacious terrarium in which temperature and humidity levels will be constantly monitored. In such a terrarium, a turtle can live long years without any disease. However, more often she is allowed to simply “travel around the apartment. The fact is that a turtle cannot be kept “freely”: letting it live on the floor in a room, you risk stepping on it at night, it can catch a cold from an accidental draft and die. In addition, Central Asian turtles need to dig - and they dig what they find - garbage on the floor, carpets, slippers ... So a terrarium is better. In it, the turtle will be able to choose for itself corners with a lower or high temperature, wetter or drier.
As for red-eared turtles, a lamp is installed in the terrarium, the air temperature on the bedding under the lamp is + 25-28C. IN summer time the turtle needs to be walked. Let the sun out on her, but make sure she doesn't eat anything and get hit by a car. It is best to keep the turtle in an aviary (the bigger the better, minimum size enclosure 1 x 1.5 meters) where she can dig at her pleasure and hide in shaded corners, just like in nature. However, do not forget that the turtle digs holes up to 2 meters deep, so the walls of the enclosure will have to be buried at least half a meter.
The terrarium needs to be cleaned once a month. Every week they change the water in the drinking bowl and partially replace the soil. And once a month they completely change the bedding, wash the walls of the terrarium with soap and water. To prevent turtles from getting sick, during cleaning, the terrarium is washed with disinfectant solutions, such as Betadine.
Central Asian turtles need to be fed coarse plant food- tough grass, cabbage, carrots, beets. The food is placed in the feeder for one and a half to two hours, after which the remnants of the feed must be thrown away and the feeder washed.
Features of caring for a land tortoise
Land tortoises molt periodically. Only the skin on the paws and head changes. At this time, you need to bathe the turtle in warm water with the addition of 1 tablespoon of soda. After bathing, the skin is lubricated with vegetable oil.
In addition, MirSovetov would like to draw your attention to the fact that in order to maintain cleanliness, turtle care also includes bathing once a week. To do this, we collect water in the bath (t + 30С) and put the turtle there. Water should cover it only by a third. Gently wipe the turtle with soap and water, making sure that the soap does not get into her eyes. The turtle should “soak” in the bath for no more than half an hour, after which it must be wiped off. To strengthen the shell, you can lubricate it after bathing with olive oil. At the corners of the turtle's mouth, food residues sometimes dry out. They must be carefully washed off during bathing.
If you manage your turtle correctly, its claws and beak will always be in good condition. But if the food and bedding are too soft, the turtle's beak and claws will grow back a lot. In this case, they need to be cut. Look at the turtle's foot against the light - you will see that the tips of its claws are transparent and do not have blood vessels. These tips can be removed. But do not try to do this with ordinary scissors, you will need wire cutters. The regrown edges of the beak are also bitten with wire cutters, and the uneven edge is trimmed with a file.

bog turtles

They are widespread in middle lane Russia and often get into our homes directly from their native stagnant pond. The color of the shell can be dark olive and almost black.
She needs a low terrarium (about 30 cm high) with land (a lamp is needed above the land so that the turtle can warm up) and a water part. The height of the water is small, about 20 cm. Turtles feed and defecate into the water, so it must be changed frequently. The cleaner the water, the healthier your turtle is.
Bog turtles are predators, it is useless to feed them with cabbage. In the summer, give them pond snails, earthworms, large bloodworms. Swamp turtles need to be fed at least once a week. They are highly intelligent and can be easily trained to stick their heads out of the water to grab food. You can even teach them to take food outside the pool, but they will still run into the water to eat it, as instinct tells them. It is very interesting to watch them: if you give a turtle a whole small fish, it will turn its head towards itself and swallow it. And if the fish is too large, the turtle will tear it into smaller pieces. Be careful - their jaws are very strong, an untamed turtle will not fail to bite you. But if you do not offend them, the turtles quickly get used to the owner, begin to greetly stick their heads out of the water when he appears.
Trim beak and claws bog turtle no need. Even very long claws are not a hindrance for her, because she is a predator and breaks prey only with the help of her claws.

It is forbidden...

You can not keep any turtles without additional heating. You can not feed turtles one type of food. Only vegetable or only live food is equally defective. A harmonious "menu" should consist only of a combination of plant and animal feed.
It is impossible to keep red-eared and other aquatic turtles no sushi (she might drown).
It is impossible to keep turtles of different sizes in one terrarium, as, in principle, several males cannot be placed together - fights are inevitable.
And finally, you can’t cook turtles in the same dishes as people. And do not forget about personal hygiene after contact with the turtle.

The land tortoise is one of the most unpretentious pets. In the article I will talk about the types of these reptiles, and which of them can be kept at home. I will consider the conditions home content pets. I will figure out how to equip a terrarium for them in an apartment and what to feed them in summer and winter. Description and characteristics of land reptiles.

Domestic tortoises come in different sizes from 10 to 30 cm.

The history of the life of the land tortoise on earth has more than 200 million years. Today, more than 50 species of these cold-blooded animals are known, which differ in appearance and size.

  • A strong shell in which reptiles can hide their heads and limbs is the first feature of these animals. It has a very strong shell on the back and abdomen and serves as a means of protection against dangers in natural environment a habitat.
  • In the world there are turtles of various sizes. There are species whose dimensions do not exceed 10 cm. And there are giants whose mass is close to a ton. Small turtles with sizes of 15-30 cm are usually chosen as pets.
  • Small limbs and a streamlined head, which allows them to quickly hide in the shell entirely. The neck is usually short.

About 50 species of turtles are known.

  • Almost all species have a tail, some have a spike at the tip of the tail.
  • Hearing and vision are well developed for obtaining food in natural conditions. The eyes are always directed down to the ground.
  • Instead of teeth, they have a beak with which they chew food. On the beak there are growths that replace the teeth of these reptiles.
  • The colors can be different - most often these are shades of green and brown.
  • Moulting is characteristic - transparent scales can peel off from the shell from time to time.

Turtles shed their scales during molting

Various types of turtles live up to 200 years. But the average life time of small species is 20-30 years.

In their natural habitat, they can be found on the African and American continents, as well as in Asian countries and in southern Europe. Most often they prefer steppes and deserts, less often they are found in tropical forests.

Turtle species

Reptiles are divided primarily by the type of their coloring:

  1. Leopard. The mass of these turtles reaches 50 kg. It is named so due to obvious spots, we resemble the color of a leopard, on a high shell.

    leopard turtle

  2. This is a small turtle with dimensions up to 20 cm. The shell is round with a yellow-brown color. This is the most common type for home maintenance.

    Central Asian tortoise

  3. Asian. This turtle has two varieties: depressed (has an average size of up to 30 cm, a reddish-black shell, brown paws and many black spots); brown (a large turtle with a shell length of up to 50 cm and a weight of up to 30 kg).

    Asian sunken turtle

  4. Mediterranean. The size of this turtle is up to 35 cm, the habitat is Europe. The color of the shell is light olive or yellow-brown with dark spots.

    Mediterranean (Greek) tortoise

  5. Radiant. The coloring of these reptiles is distinguished by regular yellow lines on the surface of a dark brown shell. Representatives of this species are rare. The dimensions of the shell reach 35-40 cm, and the weight is about 10-13 kg.

    radiant turtle

The Asian Brown is the only turtle that builds a nest for eggs and guards its future offspring!

Pros and cons of such pets

Keeping a turtle, like any pet, has both pros and cons.

Many animal lovers keep turtles as pets. The advantages of living at home with such an animal:

  • Unpretentiousness. Turtles need minimal care - creating their own corner and feeding.
  • Hypoallergenic. Many people want to get a cat or a dog, but due to an allergy to wool, they cannot do it. With a turtle, such problems will not arise - no wool and other problems.
  • Profitability. Turtles themselves are very inexpensive, they do not need additional vaccinations and all kinds of accessories. From food, the turtle needs some greens, vegetables and fruits. In the summer, you can pick her fresh grass and pamper her with strawberries or raspberries.
  • Longevity. Pets live for 20-30 years. The owner will not be upset often because of the loss of a pet and look for a replacement every couple of years.
  • Safety. Turtle is the most calm and non-traumatic pet. She will not bite, push or frighten either an adult or a child.

Potatoes and all kinds of citrus turtles are prohibited!

To some, a turtle may seem like a boring pet, but for others, on the contrary, it will turn out to be a troublesome friend.
  • Boredom and monotony. You can't really run and play with a turtle. You can’t take it with you to frolic on the street or on the lake. Such a pet quickly gets bored, especially children, and they quickly lose interest in the turtle.
  • Difficulties in treatment. If a turtle gets sick, not all veterinarians can help treat it. Most often, you need to go to the capital in search of a professional herpetologist. His services, travel and treatment are likely to cost a pretty penny.
  • Uncleanliness. Turtles often develop fungal diseases or problems with their shells, especially if they are improperly maintained. If you let the turtle walk around the house, then you need to be ready to search for and clean up excrement.
  • Night creaks. Turtles love to move around at night, accompanied by scratching sounds. For light sleepers, this can be a real problem and lead to sleepless nights.

Each person chooses an animal according to his spirit and temperament. For homebodies and people who do not like fuss and loud sounds, the turtle is perfect. Also this great option as the first animal for families with children. The child will be happy to follow and care for this unpretentious pet.

Conditions for the proper maintenance of a house or apartment

Set up a terrarium for your pet

For comfortable life turtles at home, she needs a properly equipped terrarium. The ideal size for a small reptile is considered to be a horizontal aquarium 60 by 40 cm. Special material for turtles is laid on the bottom of the dwelling for easy change. 2-4 cm of soil is poured on it (it can be sand, gravel chips, hay or sawdust. You can mix all these options).

The land turtle needs ultraviolet light for the health of the shell and the creation of an optimal temperature regime.

  1. an ordinary incandescent lamp;

Turtles love to bask in the sun, so the ideal daytime temperature is 30-31 degrees Celsius. An incandescent lamp with a power of 50-60 W, installed at a height of 35-40 cm above the surface of the aquarium, will help to achieve this. At night, the temperature should be lower, so it is important not to forget to turn off the lamps for your pet.

The reptile terrarium must be equipped with a lamp

The UV lamp is installed at the same height.

When choosing a lamp in the store, you need to clarify that it is needed for a turtle! Reptiles require a special spectrum of UV rays!

To prevent diseases and clean up dirt and food debris, the turtle should sometimes be bathed in clean water, to which you can add a little baking soda. It is enough to carry out this procedure once or twice a week.
Claws need to be filed down with a nail file as needed, otherwise they will interfere with the pet when moving.

What to feed in winter and summer - the secrets of proper nutrition

Pay attention to your pet's diet

You need to feed daily with greens, vegetables and fruits. You can buy ready-made formulas for feeding at the pet store.

The turtle should always have access to a bowl of clean water!

Preferred Diet:

  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • some cucumbers;
  • any lettuce leaves;
  • greens and grass (from parsley to plantain);
  • apples;
  • berries;
  • cereals (semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal).

Health and disease

Land tortoises are prone to a number of diseases - carefully inspect your pet to notice the first signs

Turtles are prone to some diseases:

  1. Ear problems. Due to improper heating, otitis media or inflammation can occur. Most often, such a disease is treated only by the surgical method. A clear symptom is swelling in the ear area.
  2. Pneumonia. It also appears due to hypothermia of the animal. Symptoms are refusal to eat, wheezing, discharge from the nose and mouth, coughing and sneezing.
  3. Renal failure. It also occurs as a result of improper care and nutrition.
  4. Injuries. This includes fractures of the limbs and injuries of the shell. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for owners to step on turtles, or pets themselves fall and become crippled.
  5. Dermatitis, fungus. Spots, peeling and scratching are signs of skin diseases.
  6. Helminths. When they are detected, both the animal and the person need to undergo a course of treatment.

Any of the diseases should be treated only under the supervision of a herpetologist. Self-medication can lead to sad consequences.

The main mistakes in the care of land turtles

Follow the rules of care and then the pet will delight you with its good mood and health

Often people buy turtles without thinking about what kind of care they need. Most common mistakes in keeping reptiles:

  1. The absence of a terrarium as such. Unfortunately, most people buy reptiles, forgetting about the arrangement of their habitat. They let them crawl all over the house without providing any temperature regime, no others comfortable conditions for the life of a pet.
  2. No UV lamp. Not all owners are aware of the extreme need for ultraviolet light for pet health. If there is no such lamp, there are problems with the shell and the health of the baby.
  3. Cleaning a pet with a stiff brush when shedding. Bathing should not be accompanied by any additional cleaning products or brushes. After bathing, dry with a soft towel.
  4. Keeping multiple pets in one terrarium. Doing so is strictly prohibited. Two males in the same area or animals of different sizes will definitely start a war for territory.
  5. Washing the terrarium in the sink with kitchen utensils. All cleaning is best done not in the kitchen. The use of a kitchen sponge is also undesirable for hygienic purposes. It is better to prepare a separate set of rags and sponges for cleaning the animal's dwelling, and after this procedure, thoroughly disinfect the sink.

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap!

Turtle is a wonderful unpretentious pet. With proper care and feeding, he will delight his owners for many years. Many people like to watch how the pet basks in the sun, take it with them to the country for a walk on the grass. And for some, arranging a reptile's place of residence turns into a real hobby. If you don’t want to waste time walking and constantly fussing with an animal, a turtle - the best choice for purchase.

Of the pets that inhabit modern apartments, it is worth highlighting everyone's favorite turtles in a separate "caste of household members". Land turtles are classified as wild reptiles, but they are perfectly kept at home. Their main difference from vertebrates is the notorious slowness and composure (in the literal sense of the word). This must be remembered before deciding to start a "little animal". The article below talks about what constitutes the care of a land tortoise at home.

To keep a domestic turtle in an apartment, you will need a special house. In it, she can hide from prying eyes. Shelter for a reptile is necessary by nature. In the natural environment, the turtle chooses the optimal size shelter so that it fits freely in it. At home, such a shelter will serve, for example, flower pot, you can use the box. You need to watch the pet - where he likes to retire in order to equip a house there.

Choosing a turtle is not so easy. In the world today there are over 35 species. It's only land. For keeping a house, a Central Asian variety of turtles is suitable, they are also called steppe. Such turtles will be inexpensive, and in terms of size they are acceptable for average apartments.

The Central Asian land turtle has a rounded yellowish, reddish or reddish shell. olive color. Such a reptile is perfect for keeping in an ordinary apartment, having a shell only 25 cm long. Under natural conditions, such turtles can live up to 50 years, and this is in arid Central Asia. However, at home, even with proper care, reptiles of this species can live side by side with their owners for 40 years - which is also a lot. Wherein we are talking about the usual and inexpensive care of a turtle. The main thing is to observe her daily routine, carefully monitor the state of health, appetite.

About walks

Turtles are not constantly in hiding, but periodically go for a walk. And for this they need a territory larger than the terrarium. For example, in the summer you can let your pet go for a walk on the grass (of course, under control so that she doesn’t eat something wrong or doesn’t collapse somewhere). To avoid overheating in the sun, it is worth equipping a special aviary or installing barriers.

Care turtle overland at home

To live in your area land turtle you need to prepare a place - a terrarium with soil, a house and a couple of feeders, put a drinking bowl and UV lamps separately.

Choosing a terrarium for a land tortoise

Modern terrariums are presented in the following versions:

  • glass (regular)
  • plastic,
  • wooden

The standard size of the terrarium is two or even three times the size of the reptile itself. If the size of the turtle is 12 cm, then the volume of the terrarium usually reaches 80 liters. For placement in an apartment, a calm, ventilated, but without drafts, place is chosen, and the structure is placed on a stand at a height of about 20 cm from the floor. Putting the "box" on the floor is not recommended to avoid debris and dust accumulation in the house.

After installing the terrarium, soil 4 cm thick is poured into it. Under the soil are meant different variants decoration - you can use sawdust or hay, stones or pebbles, you can combine these elements. It is important that the stones are flat and smooth. The pebble itself is selected according to the size of the pet's head. Ordinary earth or sand is not at all suitable for soil. Do not use cat litter as bedding.

Sawdust (or other flooring) should be changed regularly, it is recommended to clean the terrarium daily. The turtle's home should be equipped with a pool where it can dive entirely. However, the water level must reach half the shell so that the turtle can independently climb in and out of the tank (pool). By the way, your pet will be in it quite often.

Caring for a land turtle at home suggests that for a comfortable stay of a land turtle in a terrarium, there should always be drinking water in a drinker. It is important that there is always free access to it, as well as to the feeder. A flat bowl or plate will work as the latter, you can even adapt a jar lid. True, the feeder can not be placed directly under the lamp. Remaining food must be removed.

In continuation of the topic about the comfortable living of a turtle in a terrarium, more attention should be paid to the issue of maintaining temperature. For a land tortoise, a temperature of 20 to 30 degrees Celsius is suitable. For heating, a special lamp with a power of 1 W is used per 1 liter of terrarium volume. The lamp can be purchased at pet stores. The device should be positioned so that not the entire space is heated, but a shadow remains where the reptile can hide at any time. The maximum temperature in one place should not exceed 32 degrees. The lamp is connected for a couple of hours in the morning and in the evening.

About feeding the tortoise

Everyone knows that turtles, regardless of species, are herbivores. Their daily diet for 90 percent consists of plants, herbs. The traditional turtle menu includes: clover, plantain, dandelions. You can feed lettuce leaves, vegetables (cabbage, carrots). Also, fruits should be included in the turtle's diet: apples are most suitable. It has been observed that reptiles love berries and seaweed.

An adult turtle is fed once every two to three days, more often it is not recommended due to possible problems with digestion. Until the turtle is two years old, feeding in the terrarium should be placed daily. The remaining 10 percent of the diet is animal food. For example, you can occasionally give Ground beef for variety.

What should be given up?

  • potatoes (fruits or peelings),
  • fruit bones,
  • citrus peel,
  • Ready-made food for dogs and cats.

Proper nutrition of reptiles involves vitamin and mineral supplements. For these purposes, it is worth buying a reptile. It can be vitamins in powders. In order not to guess with the dosage - all top dressing is carried out in accordance with the instructions. Once a week, vitamins are added to the feed. Some owners also put chalk in the terrarium so that the turtle does not have a calcium deficiency. If this is a problem, the reptile will try the chalk itself, do not force it.

How to bathe and water a land tortoise at home

Caring for a land turtle at home includes the mandatory cleaning of the terrarium, which takes some time. Therefore, it is better to make a schedule for washing the turtle house. Regularly - at least once a week - the turtle needs to be bathed. To do this, pour into a small container warm water(up to 36 degrees), you can add a little chamomile solution to the water. If the reptile manages to defecate, the water needs to be changed. Cleanliness is the key to your pet's health. This is an important criterion when it comes to keeping at home.

For land bathing - soap is usually not used, unless the pollution has a strong character. In the latter case, you can not use a brush, it is better to replace it with a soft sponge. Finally, a rag will do. It is important to know how to wash a tortoise. It is necessary to wash not only the shell, but also the neck and head. To do this, it is enough to carefully, without pressing, walk with your finger along the limbs of the reptile. A full swim takes about half an hour. After that, the turtle must be thoroughly wiped dry and returned "home" (you can not leave the pet after bathing on the floor, so as not to catch a cold). It is worth remembering that in the process of bathing, the turtle also absorbs water through the skin. Therefore, in the first days after buying a reptile, bathing is done every day until the pet is fed with water. Then you can move on to weekly bathing and the usual care of a land tortoise at home.

Diseases and problems of land turtles

The better you take care of your turtle, the longer it will live in good health. Therefore, it is so important to try to avoid possible problems when caring for her. Consider the main ones in order to know how to care and not make mistakes:

In any case, with the initial symptoms, you should seek help from a specialist. Also, only a veterinarian can prescribe preventive measures. Knowing how to keep a land tortoise at home, you can safely leave the reptile in a specially designated clean enclosure.

How to care for a land tortoise at home: video

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This article will focus on caring for a land tortoise at home. It would seem that everyone knows what to do with these reptiles: bought, brought home, released on the floor. You can put cabbages, pour milk, it will warm up under the battery, and winter under the bath. “It’s possible, I know for sure, the neighbors’ turtle lived like this for 30 years, and nothing.”

Funny? But many people hold such views, without hesitation, how to take care of a turtle. As a result: animals in a state of coma enter the veterinary clinic, they slowly died over the course of several years, walking on the floor of the apartment, suffering from dehydration, dust and low temperatures by getting food that their body can't process...

Turtles do not know how to speak and express emotions, so even in the event of a serious illness, they will crawl as usual, as long as they have at least some strength to move around.

Let's start with the fact that all tortoises for sale are caught in wild nature, they are smuggled and sold illegally. For the most part, these are Central Asian, or steppe, turtles. As a rule, such animals suffer from various diseases, including those that can infect humans. Therefore, it is desirable when acquiring an animal immediately, and not to the usual, but to a herpetologist, a specialist in reptiles.

If you decide to keep an animal at home, then it is important to remember a few rules in order to create suitable turtle conditions:

Caring for a land tortoise at home is a rather costly and complicated matter, you need to be prepared for this. It is not necessary to buy a terrarium, you can make it yourself, for example, from boards or an old aquarium of a suitable volume. It should be well ventilated, have no roof and be located no higher than 20 cm from the floor.

Soil is poured at the bottom, ideally a rounded river pebble, but it is quite difficult to keep clean, so you can choose something else that can be easily replaced, but not too small and does not contain increased amount dust (for example, alder, beech chips or shavings). The layer should be at least 5-6 cm.

At a distance of 30-50 cm from the bottom in one corner heat lamp installed(a 1 W incandescent lamp per 1 liter of terrarium is suitable). Heating mats and stones will not work. At the other end, you need to place a shelter.

The source of ultraviolet light should be a special lamp. ReptiGlo 5.0 or 10.0, widely available in pet stores, will do. We must not forget that after six months the radiation spectrum changes, and it needs to be replaced. We cannot talk about the proper care of a land tortoise at home if it is not allowed to UV rays. To some extent, it is possible to replace the lamp with exposure to the sun throughout the summer, but this option is not suitable for young animals.

Proper feeding is the key to health when keeping tortoises. Food: a mixture of greens (most of the diet), vegetables, fruits and mineral and vitamin supplements for reptiles. Do not give in large quantities cruciferous, spicy herbs, watery and starchy fruits and vegetables (cucumbers, banana, grapes).

Rickets due to vitamin deficiency

It is forbidden to offer reptiles poisonous plants, fruit bones, any animal food (including cottage cheese, milk, eggs), prepared pet food, human food (porridge, bread). Special turtle food pellets usually do not meet the needs of the animal.

Calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D₃ and vitamin A must be present in top dressing. Vitamin D₂ is poison for these reptiles!

In summer, it is necessary to take the turtle out for a walk as often as possible if the temperature in the shade is above 20 ° C. The main thing is to make sure that the animal does not eat something poisonous, does not get injured, overheats and does not run away (when heated, they are able to develop decent speed, and their outstanding ability to disguise and dig into the ground makes it a real problem to find a lost reptile). Feeding is best organized by cutting fresh herbs: dandelions, plantain, clover, gout and other plants, removing poisonous ones (such as buttercups and plants with milky juice).

If an aviary is being built for an animal, then the walls should be dug 30 cm into the ground. It is also important to exclude the presence of garden ants, as they can cause severe damage.

In winter, there is a natural decrease in the activity and appetite of the animal. You can shorten the daylight hours, but it is necessary to carry out a full wintering, otherwise it can be detrimental to the body. The usual care of a land tortoise at home does not require this event, it does not negative impact on the state of health.

After all contact with the animal, be sure to wash your hands, especially for children!

For any changes in appearance and behavior of the pet, it is better to remember that turtles are very hardy, and the most dangerous diseases can develop for a long time completely unnoticed by the owners. Treatment of advanced pathologies is not always possible and effective.

Aquatic turtles are predators, unlike their land counterparts, so you need to feed the aquatic turtle accordingly, mostly animal products. Thanks to this diet, these turtles have a higher than land species, metabolism. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the diet of an aquatic turtle in a slightly different way than to a land turtle.


Protein must be present in the diet of an aquatic turtle. It is vital for the health of your pet, so it is unacceptable to keep a predatory aquatic turtle on a plant-based diet. Experts recommend the following proportion of animal and plant foods:

  • 70-90% of the diet should be food of animal origin, preference should be given to fish and seafood, but with great pleasure the reptile will also eat meat, for example, young mice and rat pups, while rat pups are preferable.
  • Up to 20% of the diet may contain food of plant origin. You can feed the water turtle with lettuce, plantain, clover, seaweed, carrot tops and sprouted wheat.
  • No more than 10% of the diet can be dry specialized food containing vitamin D3 and other essential trace elements and vitamins.

And now let's take a closer look at how to feed an aquatic turtle at home and make a list of suitable products.

Fish and seafood

The basis of the diet should be food that is a habit for the reptile, i.e. the kind that your pet eats in its natural habitat, mostly fish and seafood.

The fish should not be oily, and not large sizes. The ideal option will be if the turtle can swallow the whole fish with bones and head. It is not necessary to give live food to the turtle, but experts recommend occasionally releasing it into the aquarium (or a special feeder) to maintain the predator instinct live fish. It is better to cut large fish into pieces and remove the scales. The following types of fish are suitable for feeding:

  • carp,
  • perch,
  • cod,
  • goby,
  • whiting.

Fish caviar can also be offered to a turtle.

Fatty fish, before giving the reptiles, should be cut into pieces and poured over with boiling water, after which they should be kept in hot water. It is better to refrain from feeding the turtle with such fish:

  • Tulka,
  • sprat,
  • herring,
  • mullet,
  • pink salmon,
  • capelin.

  • Shellfish (crayfish, crabs, squid) - in limited quantities and monitor the reaction to such food. Give only meat from the tail. shell and internal organs throw away.
  • Raw shrimp with shell. In shell in in large numbers contains calcium, necessary for the turtle. Can be given in unlimited quantities.
  • Frogs. Can be given in unlimited quantities. The frog must be small, purchased from a specialized store, or bred specifically for feeding. Catching and eating toads from a neighboring rate is not worth it.
  • Mussels, octopuses. You can give in unlimited quantities. Buy also in a store or from people who breed live food for sale.

Meat and insects

Insects can be used as supplementary food, and insects should be fed to the aquatic turtle no more than once a week. For individuals under the age of two, it is worth refraining from feeding on insects. Insects can be stored in the refrigerator and after defrosting offer reptiles. Dry, live and stunned insects will also work. In any case, you should observe the reaction of your pet to such food.

The following types of insects are suitable for the turtle's diet:

  • Grasshoppers and crickets. A rich source of calcium, it is better not to offer your pet live.
  • Any not poisonous species snails. An excellent source of protein, can be easily grown for home feeding. Can be given live.
  • Cockroaches. Of course, catching a domestic cockroach is not worth it. Take an interest in the availability of marble cockroaches in the pet store and offer them to your pet. don't give it to a turtle.
  • Worms. An ordinary earthworm, well washed from the ground, as well as a flour worm. Although some breeders do not recommend eating worms for turtles, complaining about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

From meat products, you can offer the turtle chicken or other lean poultry meat. Occasionally you can give beef. Chicken or beef liver Turtles will love it too. Fatty meats such as lamb or pork should be avoided.

Include meat products in the turtle's diet should be no more than once a week.

Vegetable feed

Feeding a sea turtle at home with vegetable food should be no more than two to three times a month. Feed of plant origin should only be offered to adults who have reached the age of two.

This is due to the fact that with age, turtles accumulate the right amount of protein and do not require such intensive growth as young individuals. It is also worth understanding that your turtle may refuse plant food, for example, treat such food with contempt, and most likely leave it untouched.

As plant food, you can offer your pet plants that are suitable for feeding:

  • Young leaves of dandelion, plantain, nettle.
  • Sprouted wheat, young shoots of carrots.
  • Young cabbage leaf or lettuce.
  • Various seaweeds, dried seaweed.
  • Cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin.
  • Apples, banana, pear.

Prohibited Products

Foods that should not be fed to sea turtles include:

  • fatty fish and meat, as well as fatty minced meat;
  • dairy products (cheeses, milk, cottage cheese);
  • eggs and eggshells in any form;
  • crab sticks and other preservatives;
  • salty, peppery food.

Where to feed and how often

When asked how much to feed domestic aquatic turtles, the answer is the same as in the case of their land counterparts. For young individuals, once a day will be enough, preferably in the morning. For reptiles that have reached two years of age, food can be offered two to three times a week, adults are also best fed in the morning, although for sea ​​turtles this is not as important as for land. If your turtle loves to eat at night - do not deny her this pleasure.

It is best to feed the aquatic turtle at home in a separate container. This is due primarily to the fact that the remains of fish and other food of animal origin will remain in the aquarium, thereby polluting it. If you do not put the turtle in a separate container, you will have to change the water in the reptile aquarium two or even three times a week. To avoid an unpleasant smell and possible pet illness, it is easiest to purchase a small aquarium for feeding the turtle, or another container where to place the turtle during the meal. After the turtle has eaten, return it to the aquarium.

Now you know what to feed your pet turtles, and we hope that this information will help your pet stay healthy for many years to come.

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