How to mix olive color. How to get blue.

The selection of colors is a rather responsible task. The combination of colors in design has always been one of the main tasks. Be sure to attach importance to color combinations, this is important! The color scheme should not strain or unnerve you in any way.

Still, there are colors that are the most advantageous for you. And their skillful combination with the rest creates the concept of elegance and taste. Dressing in monochrome, when all the details of your toilet are the same color, has long been a sign of bad fashion.

To learn more about this topic. The most common types of paints used in our era are acrylic, oil, watercolor and pastel. No one is better or easier to master than another. The best one for you depends a lot on your personality, whether you're allergic to solvents, and how willing you are to wait for the paint to dry.

My personal recommendation is to start with acrylics because they dry quickly, mix and clean with water, easy to paint outdoors, and easy to hide mistakes. Acrylics can be used on almost any paper, canvas or wood.

In the film Fury - It is April 1945, and victory over the Germans is already close: the Allies are confidently moving deep into enemy territory, and the resistance they put up is getting weaker by the day. This, however, does not mean at all that on the way to victory ..

Required color

Mixing instructions


White + some red


Red + black or brown

royal red

Red+ blue

orange red

Red+ yellow


Yellow+ red


Yellow+ a drop of red


Yellow + white for lightening red or brown for a darker shade

pale green

Yellow+ blue

grassy green

Yellow+ blue and green


Zgreen + yellow

light green

Green+ yellow

Turquoise green

Green+ blue

bottle green

Yellow+ blue


Green + yellow and black

Turquoise blue

Blue+ some green


White + blue

Wedgwood blue

White + blue and a drop of black

royal blue

Blue+ black and a dash of green

Dark blue

Blue+ black and a dash of green


White + some black

Pearl gray

White + black, some blue

WITH red brown

Yellow+ red and blue, white for lightening black for dark.


Red& yellow + blue and white for lightening

golden brown

Yellow+ red, blue, white. More yellow for contrast


Yellow+ red, black and some green


take brownand gradually add white until a beige color is obtained. Add yellow for brightness.


White + brown or black

Rose gray

White + a drop of red or black


White + light gray plus a dash of blue

Green gray

White + light gray plus a dash of green

gray coal

White + black

lemon yellow

Yellow + white, some green

Light brown

Yellow + white, black, brown

Fern green color

White + green, black and white

forest green color

Green + black

emerald green

Yellow + green and white

light green

Yellow + white and green


White + green and black


Yellow + brown and black

royal purple

Red+ blue and yellow

dark purple

Red + blue and black

tomato red

Red + yellow and brown

Mandarin, orange

Yellow + red and brown

Reddish chestnut

Red + brown and black


White + orange and brown

red burgundy color

Red + brown, black and yellow


Blue+ red


Red + white, blue and black


honey color

White yellow and dark brown

Dark brown

Yellow + red, black and white

copper gray

Black + white and red

eggshell color

White + yellow, a little brown

Color tone defines the name of the color: green, red, yellow, blue, etc.

Lightness characterizes how much one or another chromatic color is lighter or darker than another color, or how close this color is to white.

Saturation color characterizes the degree of difference between a chromatic color and an achromatic color equal to it in lightness. The qualitative characteristic of an achromatic color is only its lightness.


Colorists-artists involved in airbrushing and professional painting by color paints divided into "Spectral", which make up the solar color, and "Simple" (we will do without quotes).

Simple called such colors that cannot be made from other colors, but from a mixture of simple colors you can make all the rest.

Three simple colors:

yellow - lemon yellow;

red - pink-red hue;

blue - blue azure.

In nature, there are two types of color mixing:subjunctive (additive) mixing and subtractive (subtractive) mixing.

First ( subjunctive ) mixing is the summation of light rays in one way or another.

The four types are described below. additive mixing :

  • spatial mixing- characterized by the simultaneous combination of multi-colored light fluxes in space;

  • »we touched on the basics of drawing - what you need to do to draw about what you want. And they did it on the example of a pencil and paper. Why? Because it is easier than learning to paint with paints, because in the case of using paints, in addition to the problem " How can I draw this? the problem "" appears - so that what happens is very similar to what is intended. And in this article we will try to give an exact answer to this question.

    Subscribe to receive free lessons drawing. It depends on your budget. Try different brands and see what you like. You will find differences in the consistency as well as the smell of the paint. Mixing colors with very cheap paints can be frustrating because the results are boring. This is due to the fact that there are fewer pigments in colored substances and more filler diluent.

    Yes, you can mix different brands of top and bottom paint. However, be careful when mixing various types colors or using them in the same picture. For example, you can use oil paints on dry acrylic paint, but not the other way around.

    How to get the right color? There are two ways. The first is traditional, using the color wheel known to many:

    So, there are primary colors:

    • yellow
    • blue
    • red .

    which, when mixed, give

    • orange
    • green
    • violet
    • brown .

    Moreover, the shades of mixed colors depend on the proportion of the primary colors. And, using the color wheel, you can get the desired color like this:

    For acrylics, watercolors and oils, if you want to mix colors, start with two shades of red, two blues, two yellows and whites. Basically, you want two shades from each primary color: a warm and a cool version. This will give you a wider range when mixing than just one version of each base color.

    If you don't want to mix all the colors, you can also buy brown earth, golden brown earth and green. Color is one of the fundamental elements of painting and not only. The more you know about the colors you use, the more you can master them. Don't let the word "theory" intimidate you. Mixing colors isn't particularly difficult to understand.

    1. Take a certain amount of the main color (for example, blue )
    2. Add some amount of a second base color (for example, yellow )
    3. Compare the resulting green with what you wanted to get
    4. Add one or another primary color to correct the hue.
    5. Or simply take the desired shade of green from a tube jar.

    Why does the last paragraph appear - take the desired shade from the jar? Because getting the right color by mixing the main ones sometimes happens difficult.

    What support should I start painting on: paper, canvas or something else?

    You can paint just about anything, as long as the paint adheres well to the surface and that it doesn't rot. Acrylic paint can be used on paper, plywood, wood or canvas, with or without a primer. Watercolor can be used on paper and cardboard.

    The ideal paint surface should be treated in advance. Otherwise, the fuel oil will eventually rot the paper or yarn. How much or how much you want. If you are painting in oils, you may want to have a different brush for each color because the paint won't dry quickly on it.

    Basically, to start, you can get the desired color using such a color wheel. However, as skill grows, so does the need for more precise color matching. After all, with the help of the principles described, it often turns out dirt. For example, it is very difficult to get a good violet color by mixing red And blue. Or is it hard to get necessary shades green , orange, brown colors. That is, the principles do not take into account any factors that affect the result when mixing colors.

    If you're going to be mixing colors before using them, you'll need a surface to remove excess paint and blend the colors. The traditional choice is a dark wood palette with a hole thumb in it, which makes it easier to hold. Other options include glass blades and disposable paper, some designed to be held and some designed to be placed on a table. Painting kits usually come with a pallet.

    Because acrylics dry quickly, you can't store a range of colors on a traditional wooden palette and then expect to be able to use them an hour later. You will need to use a water retention palette, or best just squeeze as much paint out of the tube as you need.

    We are happy to tell you that these factors really exist, and, moreover, with their help you can cope with the problem of "dirt" and still learn to get the right colors not by intuitive mixing, but by ordinary simple sequence of actions. This sequence and the reasons for the “dirty” of the standard color wheel were not discovered by us, but by Michael Wilcox. Who wrote the book . How to get the color you really want". By the way, you can download this book by Michael Wilcox at the link Blue and yellow do not make green.

    How thick should the layer be?

    Choice of thickness of a paint and varnish covering at your discretion. Some use a thicker layer to render texture and deep surface depth. You can change the consistency of paint by thinning it out, making it thinner.

    How often do I need to clean my brushes

    If you want your brushes to last longer, clean them thoroughly every time you finish painting every day. The brushes used in oil painting are not cleaned with soap and water but with a special thinner and then stored in oil.

    Naturally, it will not be possible to present all the material of the book in one article, so we will limit ourselves to the main points, and we recommend that you take the details from this very book by Michael Wilcox “Blue and yellow do not make green".

    So, how to reliably and accurately get the right color?

    For this, it is necessary to take into account an important theoretical point. Why do we see color? Because different objects (including paint pigment) have different surface, which reflects light differently from the sun or other light source. That is, the surface, for example, of a bathtub, has such a structure that it reflects all colors and absorbs nothing. And all the colors of the rainbow, as we know, form white. Accordingly, the bath appears white. On the other hand, the surface of soot has such a structure that it absorbs all the light falling on it. And soot reflects nothing. As a result, we see black soot.

    Is it acceptable to see brush stroke lines on the canvas?

    If you leave visible tracing lines in the painting, it depends entirely on the drawing style. If you don't like them to be visible, you can use a paint knife to remove the marks left, and so paint smoothly. Alternatively, outline the lines drawn with the brush as an integral part of the picture.

    It doesn't have of great importance because you can always draw this place. Exist different ways start painting starting at the top, gradually descend after completing the top, creating a colored sketch over the entire surface, and then gradually detailing this background until it becomes the final image. No one approach is more correct than the other. It's a matter of personal preference.

    What happens if you mix white and soot? It will turn out beautiful grey color. Why? Because the light is reflected from the pieces of white completely, as white. And then it is partially absorbed by soot particles. The more soot in the white, the darker the gray obtained - due to the fact that more and more white light reflected by the white particles is absorbed by the soot particles.

    Colors embody us in a myriad of forms and images. The truth is that we reach about 87% of our sensory experiences through the world of color. Man uses colors and expresses himself through them. The base colors are divided into. Primary colors - red, yellow, blue Secondary colors - colors consisting of two primary colors of warm colors - red, orange, yellow, brown cool - blue, green, pearl neutral - white, brown, beige strong color - Mixed with white, black or a complementary color in light colors - less powerful colors because they have been mixed with white, black or with a complementary color. Color psychology and room colors Colors play especially important role in our lives because they directly affect our mood and our state of mind.

    Exactly the same principle works for colored pigments. Thus, red paint is red because it reflects predominantly red color. Blue color looks blue, since the pigment in its composition absorbs all colors except blue. In the same way "works" and yellow color - the pigment absorbs most colors except yellow.

    Each of us has a personal spectrum of favorite colors and unusual colors. As a result, color environment that surrounds us affects our mood. The influence of primary colors on a person's mood: red color Red is an optimistic, vital color of action, ardor, movement, struggle, passionate life. It is the most expressive, extroverted color associated with full life, courage and sacrifice, love, strong feelings and passionate actions. Red can't leave anyone cold.

    You may love or hate this color, but you can hardly remain indifferent to the color red. Red color increases muscle tone, speeds up the pulse, increases tension, speeds up blood circulation, increases adrenaline and liver activity. It can cause headaches and is not suitable for people who are easily irritated or emotionally unstable. Orange color Orange bright, bright, warm color fire and sun. For the Indians, it symbolizes courage and sacrifice. It is not as aggressive and passionate as red, but it is an emotional stimulus that is a cheerful, pleasant color that helps to overcome fatigue.

    Next, we move on to mixing colors. So, for example, you take blue paint and red paint. mix them up and get dirt. Why? Because the reflected red ABSORBED blue pigment in the same way as the entire incident color. Accordingly, the red pigment absorbs all the emission of blue - because the nature of its surface is so arranged that predominantly red pigment is reflected.

    Because of these features, it is an additional help in the treatment of depression. Orange expresses warmth, generosity, effortlessness and playfulness. It increases appetite and is supposed to help you get out of bed in the morning. Orange strengthens the lungs, pancreas and spleen and stimulates the activity of the heart. Accelerates digestion, increases appetite, can calm or excite. This color can stabilize feelings, miss certain people. All orange tones have the same meaning and influence, depending on the dominant components.

    But you may ask: "What nonsense, because mixing blue And yellow we still get green, and according to your theory, dirt should also turn out? Well, if there were really pure colors in nature, then we would see the formation of dirt. But there is one But, which makes it possible not only to mix colors, but also to carefully and reliably select the right shade of color.

    Yellow The yellow color of the sun, light and optimism, revitalizes, activates and releases fears. Supports alertness, stimulates concentration, mimics creativity and intelligence. Enhances the activity of the muscular system, an important quality of this color is communication. It has a positive effect on how we feel if it is on the walls or in other places in the apartment. Yellow color affects most of the respiratory organs, helps to heal nervousness of mental origin, increases tension, quickens the pulse and increases the frequency of breathing.

    So, the pigment reflects not only one light. Light of one wavelength is reflected in greater measure. So, the red pigment mainly reflects red color. However, all other colors are also reflected (for example, violet or orange). Exactly the same can be said about yellow color - predominantly the pigment reflects yellow, but nevertheless enough in large numbers may be reflected orange or green. WITH blue same thing - it can carry additional "harmonics" green or purple .

    The most common yellow tones are cloudy yellow, bold yellow, olive yellow, and lemon yellow. Green color also talk about health. Possessing green colors, he tries to heal nervous fatigue and hysterical status, because this color acts calmly on nervous system, effective for fatigue, may improve migraine. Green color is characteristic for the expansion of capillaries, reducing tension, stimulating the secretion of internal juices. On the other hand, it is the color of tranquility, tranquility, peace, meditation.

    Its symbolism touches human emotions, calms and relaxes. Since it has a calming effect, it is the most suitable color for baths and bedrooms; even in vegetation. It has the opposite effects of red; Reduces tension, calms the nervous system and migraines, establishes personal balance, eliminates fatigue and insomnia, and dilates capillaries.

    So there is Not three primary colors. Eat six primary colors:

    1. Mainly reflective paint red and to a lesser but significant extent orange .
    2. Paint that mainly reflects red and to a lesser (but significant) extent violet .
    3. Pigment that reflects predominantly yellow and in addition green .
    4. Pigment that reflects predominantly yellow and plus additive orange .
    5. Mainly reflective material blue and partially violet .
    6. Material that reflects predominantly blue and partially green .

    Well, have you already understood the principle of color formation?

    It's very simple: you take yellow from point 3 and blue from point 6, mix these colors. Blue pigment neutralizes yellow color, yellow pigment absorbs Blue colour. What color remains? Right, green! And not just green, but beautiful, bright and juicy green.

    Blue Color Blue is part of the primary colors. The opposite color is yellow, a mixture of these two colors results in green, which combines the qualities of both colors. In nature, it is widely distributed in the azure sky, which is reflected in the water. Blue symbolizes: wisdom, intelligence, immortality, infinity, depth, superiority, spirituality, mysticism. Since it combines the characteristics of the two extreme ranges of color shades, it acts somewhat mysteriously.

    White color White color is the color of clarity and is similar to a wave of a mixture of three natural colors: yellow, red and blue. For this reason, we often respond positively to White color. It symbolizes clarity, innocence and purity, but also a new beginning, birth. With regard to blue tones, he works very coldly. It is also a symbol of divinity, perfection, pride, goodness and eternity. A white apartment is light, it looks spacious, but too much white looks unemotional, lifeless, sterile and gives the impression of a hospital, so white paintings, posters or framed images are recommended.

    In the same way: by mixing the blue from point 5 and the red from point 2, you neutralize the blue and red colors, and a juicy and saturated color appears. violet color.

    And finally: by mixing yellow 4 and red 1, you get orange due to the fact that the red pigment will absorb the radiation from the yellow, and yellow - the reflected radiation from the red pigment.

    The result is NEW color wheel of the six primary colors:

    The colors have arrows that point the way for the optimal development of the "blended" color. Respectively, variety of shades is born as a result of some combination of these SIX primary colors. "Incorrect" combinations (eg blue 6 and red 1) produce muted shades of colors (eg muddy purple). The combination of one "correct" color and one "wrong" (for example, blue 6 and red 2) produces more developed shades (for example, a brighter purple). And finally, the combination of the "right" colors (for example, blue 5 and red 2) produces a pure and bright color (bright and beautiful purple).

    Naturally, reading the article is not enough to master getting desired color. It is best to read the book Blue and yellow don't make green» by Michael Wilcox plus do the practical color matching exercises in the book. However, our question has been answered.

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