Do you need eggs in cutlets? How to replace eggs in cutlets? Recipe for cutlets with mayonnaise and starch. Ground beef cutlet recipe

Do I need to add an egg to the cutlets?

    Eggs can be added to cutlets; they will make the mass denser and the cutlets will not fall apart. But you don't have to lay eggs. The main thing is that the minced meat must be well mixed, and the cutlets must be placed in a well-heated frying pan.

    Whether to add eggs to cutlets or not is everyone’s right; so to speak, from personal experience, everyone decides for themselves whether to add eggs to future cutlets. Eggs are most often added so that the cutlets keep their shape and do not fall apart. Well, for the taste, everyone can try it for themselves, add eggs to the cutlets once, and not add them another time. And then decide for yourself what tastes better.

    That is, my answer to the question will be the following, no one obliges you to do this, this is a voluntary matter. But I will also add that if you have no doubt that it is a real mixture as minced meat for a future cutlet, then it is better not to add eggs.

    I used to always add an egg to minced cutlets, because that’s what my mother taught me. But then somehow I came across a note where they said that the egg gives the cutlets toughness. Then I stopped laying eggs. I can’t say that I noticed any particular change in taste, as for me, the cutlets just became a couple of kopecks cheaper. It didn’t affect the consistency either; they never fall apart for me.

    The egg in the cutlets serves as a kind of cement, giving the minced meat and other ingredients viscosity and solidity. In a traditional recipe, eggs are always used, but there are certainly substitutes (natural and artificial) intended for those who are allergic to the white or yolk.

    I never add.. For viscosity, just mix well and beat the minced meat..

    Yes. Of course, you need to add an egg to the cutlets.

    The egg is added so that it holds the meat together and does not fall apart into pieces, both in meat and in some other dishes.

    Without the egg, the cutlets will fall apart and you will just end up with minced meat.

    It’s a matter of taste: you can add it, you can leave it out... if the minced meat is of high quality, then perhaps you can do without adding it... or use quail eggs instead of chicken eggs... they usually add it for greater density

    No! I don’t agree with those who claim that minced meat falls apart without an egg. Vice versa! As soon as I add the egg, the minced meat becomes liquid, and forming cutlets becomes extremely difficult. And my family doesn’t like the taste of eggs in minced meat. I add either bread, grated potatoes, rice or semolina to the minced meat. The cutlets are always good.

    You can add an egg, if there is no egg then rice will do. I always make meatballs this way and they never fall apart.

    It’s better to add raw, grated potatoes, eggs, and hard cutlet mince.

    You can add an egg to the cutlets, or you don’t have to add it. Whoever is used to it and whoever likes it the most does it.

    Usually an egg is added to cutlets so that the cutlets do not fall apart during frying and keep their shape. But in this case, the cutlets will not be so juicy, I won’t say that they will be tough, but you will immediately feel the difference in taste.

    I don't add eggs to the minced meat. To make them fluffy, I add a little grated potato or a loaf of bread soaked in milk. And another little trick: in order for the cutlets to be fluffy, you need to beat the minced meat (take a portion of minced meat and carefully throw it on the table).

    If you skillfully form cutlets and roll them in breadcrumbs or semolina, then the cutlets will not fall apart even without eggs.

    If you use minced meat made from real meat without any additives in the form of raw potatoes or rice, then it is not necessary to add an egg. The meat is perfectly formed, holds its shape during frying and does not fall apart. If you are ever in doubt, you can roll the cutlets in semolina and fry, this is also a guarantee that the cutlets will hold together and will not fall into pieces.

    I also sometimes add diluted ketchup to the frying pan, evaporate the water and what remains is a gravy to which seasonings are added and the taste becomes more aromatic

    You can add milk and get a different gravy.

    so if there are no eggs in the house, feel free to fry them, nothing will happen to the cutlets

5 secrets for making perfect cutlets.

The aroma of cutlets from the kitchen... This means that today will be delicious! However, sometimes this beloved dish is not as perfect as we would like. But many housewives know from our grandmothers that home cooking has its own wonderful secrets. These little secrets are often passed down “by inheritance,” but if your family rarely cooked cutlets, then some of the nuances may be unknown to you. Therefore, today we invite all interested parties to “unravel” the classic recipe for making cutlets!

1. Good f arsh - the key to success and juiciness

Do you remember the taste of cutlets from the cafeteria? However, they didn’t have any special taste, they just wanted to eat. They were prepared according to the principle of “more bread and less meat,” and the meat was from the cheapest and toughest parts. Ready-made minced meat purchased in a store will also not bring the dish closer to ideal. For best results, buy beef sirloin, back, shoulder, neck, brisket or thigh. Before grinding in a meat grinder, remove all bones, cartilage, films and veins. To give the cutlets juiciness, minced meat is usually made with the addition of fatty pork or lard. The classic proportion is to take 0.5 kg of pork or 250 g of lard for 1 kg of beef. Of course, if you wish, you can use lamb, chicken, turkey, fish or game for minced meat. But in any case, you should not excessively grind the meat in a blender or meat grinder.

2. How many eggs and onions should I add?

Egg is an important component in making cutlets. For 1 kg of meat, 2-3 pieces are enough, you don’t need more, otherwise your cutlets will be tough. Onions go well with meat, but you don’t need to put too much of it either. Add onions at the rate of 200 g per 1 kg of minced meat. You can grind it together with the meat in a meat grinder, or you can, like some housewives, lightly sauté the chopped onion before adding it to the minced meat.

3. Bread or crackers are a must

Softened bread is not included in the recipe for economic reasons. Added in the right proportion, it gives the cutlets a special tenderness. Another thing is that for various reasons this ingredient is sometimes “overused”.

You will achieve a harmonious taste if you take 250 g of white bread per 1 kg of meat. The best option is a piece of dried loaf soaked in milk or water. Remove the crust from the swollen bread, knead and mix with minced meat. Sometimes bread is replaced with grated vegetables (potatoes, cauliflower, pumpkin, etc.).

4. Spices and herbs are the final accent

Our perfect minced meat is almost ready and just needs the finishing touches. At this stage, your task is to remember combinations and a sense of proportion. But you definitely need to season it! Salt, red and black pepper, fragrant coriander or hot chili - all at your discretion. Some people even like to add oregano, rosemary and savory, but these are experiments. Greens are also good in cutlets - dill, parsley, cilantro, green onions, mint. But if you only want to follow the standard recipe, stick with salt and black pepper.

5. "Rest" and successful breading

Before breading, it is recommended to cover the bowl with minced meat with a lid or film and place it in the refrigerator to “rest” (for about half an hour). Then mix the infused minced meat again to saturate it with air. By the way, there are chefs who advise adding a handful of crushed ice for juiciness, but this is not necessary. Next, wetting our hands in cold water, we make beautiful cutlets. If you like golden breading, you can use store-bought bread, but the pros say that freshly prepared breading (crushed crackers in a blender) will be much tastier. You can also bread it in sesame seeds, flour, starch, batter or lezone.

That's all! All that remains is to fry our cutlets, and you can serve them on the table! You've probably already prepared a beautiful dish to serve and come up with a great side dish? Then it's time to gather around the table and enjoy your culinary masterpiece!

No, it is absolutely not necessary to add bread and eggs to the cutlets. And in general, from my point of view, cooking homemade cutlets does not impose any strict obligations on the cook. But a creative approach to cutlets is necessary and even mandatory! I think you should stay away from so-called classic recipes and canons once invented by someone.

For my taste, soaked yeast bread pretty much spoils the cutlets. An obsessive yeasty sourness is always present in ready-made cutlets. That’s why I never put bread in minced cutlets. I add eggs, but only occasionally.

About a creative approach to cutlets. If you have high-quality minced meat, then you just have to think about the right additives to it. These additives should give the cutlets not only taste and aroma, but should also provide the minced meat with a good binder: so that the cutlets are easy to mold, and when frying, they retain the correct shape and do not fall apart. So, the task is: future cutlets should turn out crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. What is needed to solve this problem?

I always try to experiment with homemade cutlets. For example, last week I cooked cutlets without bread and without eggs.

I came up with the composition of the minced meat along the way, intuitively. But in the end the cutlets turned out excellent. I will share the cooking method.

1. I had seven hundred grams of beef. I put it through a meat grinder twice.

2. Beat one large onion and three cloves of garlic with a blender into the smallest pulp, adding a quarter glass of milk.

3. In a mortar, I ground the following dry spices with coarse sea salt: black and allspice + coriander + cumin.

4. Combined minced meat with onion gruel and ground spices. I added a heaping tablespoon of dry garlic powder and a spoonful of dry red paprika. Mixed the minced meat.

5. Fresh cilantro and parsley (two bunches) chopped very finely. Added to the minced meat and mixed.

6. Next, I added unusual ingredients to the minced meat: two heaped tablespoons of rich sour cream + two tablespoons of corn starch + two tablespoons of sifted wheat flour + five grams of baking powder. Mixed the minced meat well, added two tablespoons of corn oil, kneaded it again and beat it with your hands. Covered it with a tight lid and put it in the refrigerator to infuse for several hours.

7. After refrigeration, the finished minced meat became fluffy and elastic at the same time.

8. I rolled the cutlets with my hands soaked in corn oil. I put corn oil in a hot frying pan and did not bread it in anything. I fried it immediately under the lid, turning it over to the other side again under the lid.

My cutlets turned out with a golden crispy crust. And the inside is very lush and juicy. Here you have a completely unusual experimental composition of minced meat - but the result is surprisingly successful.

I would like to wish my readers success in home cooking. I am sure that awareness of your own inner freedom from any canons will always have a beneficial effect on the results of your culinary experiments))

Chef Evgeny Mikhailov answers:

I believe that it is really better not to put eggs in cutlets - curdled whites make them tougher and rougher. If you don’t want to give up eggs, the main thing is not to overdo it and use no more than 2 eggs per 1 kg of meat. The same amount of minced meat requires about 200 g of onion, pre-sautéed and cooled, since raw onions may not have time to fry and will give the cutlets a harsh taste.

Bread is another important component of the dish. Without the crumb, you will end up with a lula kebab, not a juicy meatball. Naturally, it is important to maintain proportion. It looks like this: for 1 kg of meat - 250 g of white bread and 300-400 g of milk or water. Do not use a fresh loaf - it will give the dish a sour taste, but use yesterday's and a little dried out loaf. Some of the bread can be replaced with grated potatoes, pumpkin or other vegetables; the minced meat is also good to decorate with spices (paprika, black pepper, coriander, chili) and herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro, mint). Such additives are a matter of taste; the main thing is not to forget to add salt to the future dish.

How to cook cutlets

How many variations exist, and how many more will inventive chefs come up with... We bring to your attention one of the recipes for the most common homemade beef and pork cutlets.

Breading options
It is advisable to cover the bowl with the prepared minced meat with film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour so that the bread absorbs the meat juices. Then thoroughly mix the mass again, beating it with your hands and saturating it with air. At the very end, some chefs advise adding a handful of crushed ice to make the dish juicier. After this, wet your hands in cold water and start making cutlets. If desired, you can cover them with breading - under the golden crust the minced meat will remain juicier. Most experts do not trust store-bought breadcrumbs and recommend making them yourself - to do this, you just need to grind white bread in a blender. Then roll the cutlets in the resulting crumbs and place them in the frying pan.

As a breading, you can also use sesame seeds, small bread straws (in Soviet times they were used to cover Stolichnye chicken cutlets, which were popularly called ministerial), flour and lezon. The last one is 3 eggs, lightly beaten with salt and 1-2 tbsp. spoons of milk or water. The cutlets are first rolled in flour, then in lezone and only then covered with bread crumbs.

Subtleties of frying
There is nothing complicated in frying cutlets, the main thing is to place them in a hot frying pan with hot oil (preferably melted butter) so that the minced meat “seizes”, a crust forms and the dish does not fall into pieces. In addition, keep a distance between the flatbreads: if you place a mountain of cutlets on one vessel, they will quickly release juice and begin to stew rather than fry. As soon as a golden crust appears, you can reduce the heat and cook under the lid. It is better not to torment the cutlets by turning them over frequently (it is advisable to do this a couple of times), but do not move too far from the frying pan, otherwise you will end up with coals instead of a juicy meat dish. However, you can skip frying and stew the flatbreads or steam them.

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