Catfish agamix star-shaped, or agamixis white-spotted. Armored catfish, or singing catfish Striped catfish aquarium maintenance and care

The armored catfish family includes almost one hundred species. These South American catfish grow up to 25 cm in length. They are distinguished by large scales with spines and powerful serrations on the first spines of the pectoral and dorsal fins. They produce fish different sounds. They can be heard even at a distance of 25-50 meters.

Fishes of this family lead only night look life, and the sounds made serve to communicate with each other. Sounds are of great importance during the breeding season. The males use them to attract the female and also let their rivals know that the place is occupied. Armored catfish guard a nest, usually built from floating plants.

Amblydoras “sing” very beautifully. Their sounds are very similar to the melodic trills of small frogs. Star-shaped agamixes also make various sounds.

What to feed armored catfish

Armored catfish need to be fed alive. Suitable bloodworms, tubifex, coretra. A quarter of the diet should consist of plant food. This can be algae growth, scalded and chopped lettuce, spinach, and cabbage leaves. You can also use special pellets for catfish for feeding.

Catfish making sounds - video

The grinding sound of large fish can be heard from under the water at a distance of 25-70 m. Some large species are considered commercial. These fish easily tolerate very significant oxygen deficiency, and they can be transported without water in a humid environment for 2-4 hours.
The fish of the family are exclusively nocturnal, and sounds serve them to communicate with each other. Especially great importance they have during the breeding season, since with their help the males not only attract the female, but also let their rivals know that the place is occupied. After all, armored catfish, like all other representatives of the catfish order, guard the nest (usually made of floating plants) and the laying of eggs.
Observations in the aquarium show that Amblydoras hancockii “sing” most beautifully; the sounds they make resemble the melodic trills of small tree frogs. But the star agamix (Agamixis flavopictus) simply croaks; Chocolate acanthodoras (Acanthodoras cataphractus) also communicate with each other in a similar manner, but a little more tenderly. These catfish are popular among hobbyists and reproduce quite successfully in aquariums, and Platydoras ( Platydoras costatus) has already become a completely common species.

"Singing Catfish"

Several hours have already passed since the lights were turned off in the aquarium, but iridescent trills and loud croaking, similar to “conversations,” are heard from the room. tree frogs. This is how armored catfish communicate with each other, many species of which are kept in aquariums.
The Bronyakov family (Doradidae) includes almost one hundred species, united by various specialists into 35-38 genera. These South American catfish reach a length of 25 cm. From other catfish South America They are distinguished by large scales with spines and powerful jagged first spines in the pectoral and dorsal fins. It is with this that fish produce various sounds.

When keeping armored catfish, the aquarium is “equipped” with many shelters (snags, tubes, etc.), in which the fish sit out during the day. Water hardness is 8-12°, pH about 6.6, temperature 22-24 °C. Bronyak catfish are fed with live food: bloodworms, tubifex, coretra (up to 75%) and plant foods (fouling, algae, scalded lettuce, spinach and cabbage). You can also use artificial food prepared with agar-agar. Fertility large species reaches 3-4 thousand, small ones - 500-800 eggs.

based on materials from the almanac Aquariumist

There are many catfish that belong to the armored family (Doradidae). They are often also called singing catfish for their ability to make loud sounds. This group of catfish lives in South America.

Now they are quite widely represented on sale, both small and large species. The problem is that large species such as Pseudodoras niger or Pterodoras granulosus quickly outgrow the size of the aquarium in which they are kept.

In order not to push unprepared aquarists into purchasing large catfish, in this article we will focus only on those species that are modest in size.

Unfortunately, not all of them are still available for sale.

Singing catfish can make sounds in two ways - a grinding sound is produced by the blows of the pectoral fins, and a sound resembling a grunt due to a muscle attached to the skull at one end and to the swim bladder at the other.

The catfish quickly tenses and relaxes this muscle, causing the swim bladder to resonate and make sounds. Singing catfish have created a unique mechanism that serves them as protection from predators and a means of communication in nature or an aquarium.

Another feature of armored catfish is that they are covered with bony plates with spines that protect the body. These spikes are very sharp and can injure your hand if handled carelessly.

Due to the bony plates, singing catfish have such an attractive, prehistoric appearance. But they also make the fish very inconvenient for catching with a net, as it desperately gets tangled in the fabric.

When frightened, armored catfish instantly spread their fins, which are covered with sharp spines and hooks. Thus, the catfish becomes practically invulnerable to predators.

If you need to catch it in an aquarium, it is better to use a net made of very dense fabric, in which the fish will be less tangled.

Some aquarists prefer to pick up the fish by the upper fin, but you need to be careful not to touch the body, the injections are very painful! But the most The best way- is to use a jar or Plastic container, then you won’t hurt yourself or injure the fish.

For large species, you can use a towel, wrap the fish in it and remove it from the water, but do this with two people, one holding the head, one holding the tail.

And again - do not touch the body and fins, they are razor sharp.

The ideal soil would be sand or fine gravel. The aquarium should have driftwood in which catfish hide, or large stones.

Some aquarists use clay pots and tubes as hiding places, but just make sure they are large enough for the fish.

There are many cases where a grown-up armored catfish got stuck in such a tube and died. Always use cover with the expectation that the fish will still grow.

The size of the aquarium for singing catfish is from 150 liters. Water parameters: 6.0-7.5 pH, temperature 22-26 °C. Armored catfish are omnivores, they can eat any type of live and artificial food - flakes, granules, snails, worms, shrimp meat, frozen food, such as bloodworms.

As mentioned above, sand is preferable as a soil. Because the fish creates a large number of waste, it is better to use a bottom filter under the sand or a powerful external one.

A weekly 20-25% water change is required. The water must be settled or filtered to remove chlorine.

Types of Platydoras

As I promised, I will list several species of singing catfish that will not grow to the size of river monsters. Please note that although singing catfish are not considered predators, they will happily eat fish that they can swallow. It is better to keep with large or equal sized fish species.

Platydoras armatulus

Platydoras armatulus
- or singing catfish. This type of catfish is now the most widely represented on sale and it is with it that the armored catfish are associated.

Like all armored catfish, it prefers to stay in groups, although it can also protect territory. Its habitat is the Rio Orinoco basin in Colombia and Venezuela, part of the Amazon basin in Peru, Bolivia and Brazil.

Platidoras striped, reaches a size of 20 cm. I note that a small group of these catfishes easily cleans the aquarium of snails. Singles eat the same thing, but not as effectively.

Orinocodoras eigenmanni

The Orinoco catfish Eigenmann is less common and very similar to the striped platidoras. But an experienced eye will immediately see the difference - a more pointed muzzle, a difference in the length of the adipose fin and the shape of the caudal fin.

Like most armored fish, it prefers to live in a group, which is difficult to create, since Eigenmann’s catfish ends up in amateur aquariums by chance, with other platidoras.

Found naturally in Orinoco, Venezuela.

It grows up to 175 mm, and like Platydoras, it happily eats snails.

Agamixis stellate ( Agamyxis pectinifrons)

or star-shaped. Quite often found on sale from good suppliers. The color is dark with white spots on the body. It still prefers groups; it is recommended to keep 4-6 individuals in an aquarium. Lives in the rivers of Peru. Grows up to 14 cm.

Amblydoras nauticus

Amblydoras-nauticus (formerly known as Platydoras hancockii). A rare species of singing catfish, the description of which is quite confusing. It is not common, as a rule, juveniles are no more than 5 cm, while adults reach 10 cm in length. Schooling, lives in the rivers of South America from Brazil to Guyana. This species prefers neutral and soft water and abundant thickets of plants.

- dark anadoras. A very rare catfish, found in wholesale deliveries from abroad as bycatch to other types of armored catfish. Juveniles are 25 mm, adults up to 15 cm in length. Like the previous species, it prefers soft and neutral water and an abundance of vegetation. Feeding - any food including snails and bloodworms.

It is also rare, but has an extremely peaceful disposition even in a community aquarium. Reaches a length of 13 cm, like all armored fish - gregarious. In nature, it lives in the rivers of Ecuador. Required pure water with good filtration, omnivorous.

Platydoras costatus

Platidoras belongs to the order of armored catfish, which in case of danger are capable of making peculiar sounds. These fish are also called talking catfish.

Platidoras striped spends most of its life at the bottom, and during daylight hours mainly in shelters or thickets of plants. At night, he crawls out to feast on the eggs of other fish, fry, or special food prepared by a caring owner.

Feeding Platydoras

These catfish are quite voracious and can feed on a variety of sinking foods. They love animals very much, but they will not refuse dry food. 20-30 percent of the Platydoras diet should consist of plant foods, or you can simply use spirulina-based food. Such foods as “Tetra TabiMin”, “Tetra PlekoMin”, “Al Motyl”, “Sera Premium Spirulina Tabs”, “Sera Viformo” have proven themselves well.

Platydoras striped: content

To keep a pair of Platydoras, you need an aquarium with a volume of at least 100 liters. It is advisable to plant it with plants and equip it with various shelters in which these catfish will feel good. Optimal temperature water for these fish is +24-+30℃, hardness up to 15°, pH 6-7.5. Aeration, filtration and weekly replacement are required. aquarium water by 10-20% of the volume.

Platidoras is a peace-loving catfish, but fry and small fish (up to 4-5 cm) are not suitable for its neighbors, since they are perceived by catfish as food.

It is advisable to catch catfish from an aquarium with a net made of dense fabric (rather than a mesh), since platidoras spread their fins when stressed (and pectoral fins have spikes with a hook at the end) and can easily get tangled.

In a large aquarium, platidoras good conditions reach a size of 18 cm. Males are smaller than females, but are more contrastingly colored. Puberty in these catfish it occurs by the age of two years.

The lifespan of platidoras is 10 - 12 years, but there are cases when such catfish lived up to 15 years, it all depends on the conditions of detention.

Platydoras striped: video

Among lovers of ornamental fish, Platydoras striped takes pride of place. It is a beautiful large catfish with bright colors. It has a peaceful nature, so it is suitable for multi-species aquariums. Active life the fish prefers to live at night, but in comfortable conditions she can “walk” during the day, delighting her owners with her curious disposition.


The fish is native to the waters of South America. The striped platidoras catfish belongs to the Armoraceae family, so it is easy to guess that it has a kind of “armor” in the form of hard plates on its body and head. In addition, there are spikes on the sides that can be pricked. There are two pairs of dark antennae on both sides of the head. The coloring is no less remarkable. From the head to the tail they are wide and light in color. The older the fish, the less pronounced the pattern becomes. This large fish. Adults reach an average of 15 centimeters, although in the wild they grow up to 20. Females, when viewed from above, appear larger and thicker than males. By external signs these fish can be confused with longnose catfish. They can be distinguished from each other by the length of the muzzle and adipose fin; in the longnose they are more elongated. In good conditions, Platydoras striped lives about 12 years.

This fish is unpretentious and hardy, so it does not require careful care. For catfish, it will be enough to change 30% of the water once a month. This pet prefers medium-hard liquid, which will be enriched with oxygen. The volume of the aquarium must be at least 120 liters. The lighting is dim. If you like to watch the life of fish at night, you can install LED lamp, which emits a red or lunar color.

Platydoras striped requires shelter, secluded corners and places to explore. Empties in driftwood and plastic tubes are suitable for this. In addition, at the bottom there must be good sand, because in the wild these fish like to burrow into it. Due to the fact that they dig, a light coating may appear. Catfish do not tend to eat algae, but small plants may be an exception. If you monitor the condition of the aquarium and the quality of food, the likelihood of the fish getting sick is very low.


In nature striped catfish feeds on crustaceans, mollusks, detritus, as well as everything that falls to the bottom, so we can say that these are omnivorous fish. The fish's main diet should include some plant components. This can be granulated food (which settles) along with frozen bloodworms. Catfish also like tubifex and even live moths.

Feeding should be daily, but at the same time you need to control the amount of food. It is known that the striped catfish is prone to overeating. There were cases when they died from excessive consumption of food. The best moment feeding is the time before turning off the lights in the aquarium.


There are many fish that can be successfully bred at home, but striped platydorus is not one of them. These catfish are propagated for sale using hormonal injections, but naturally, even in large aquariums, this happens very rarely. There is very little information on this process, since most often with successful spawning, breeders found the fry already swimming.

For spawning, it is necessary to prepare a separate aquarium in which temperature (27 0), acidity (up to 7 pH), hardness (up to 6 0) and water level (20 cm) are controlled. Floating plants are also launched. In addition, before spawning, it is important to keep the spawners separately and feed them with live food. The male must build the nest from the leaves. The female lays approximately three hundred eggs. But to carry out spawning it is necessary to use a pituitary suspension. After this process, the producers are evicted. The incubation period is 72 hours. On the fifth day, the larvae begin to swim. The young are fed live dust and microworms. Growth takes a long time.

Compatibility of aquarium inhabitants

Striped catfish are bottom-dwelling and peaceful fish. Regardless of the size of their “neighbors,” they treat them well. But there is a danger that catfish will regard very small fish as food. They can be added to aggressive fish, since the striped platidoras has strong armor that will protect. For example, characins, cyprinids, gambusiaceae, anabontids and catfish, which do not have pronounced territorial rivalry, are suitable for proximity. You can also add Central and South American cichlids.

Striped catfish are suitable for group and single keeping. If there are several Platydoras living in an aquarium, they may become territorial and fights will occur from time to time. But you shouldn’t be afraid of this, because they won’t harm each other. Over time, this behavior may change, and they will be able to live in the same shelter, since in nature they often flock together.

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