Striped catfish. Platidoras striped - a catfish that sings. Platidoras striped - video

rattle big fish can be heard from under the water at a distance of 25-70 m. Some large species are considered commercial. These fish easily tolerate a very significant oxygen deficiency, and they can be transported without water in a humid environment for 2-4 hours.
Fish of the family lead exclusively night image life, and sounds serve them for communication with each other. They are especially important during the breeding season, because with their help, males not only attract a female, but also let rivals know that the place is occupied. After all, armored catfish, like all other representatives of the catfish order, guard the nest (usually made from floating plants) and the laying of eggs.
Observations in the aquarium show that amblydoras (Amblydoras hancockii) "sing" most beautifully, the sounds they make resemble the melodic trills of small tree frogs. But the star-shaped agamix (Agamixis flavopictus) just croaks; like him, but a little more tenderly communicate with each other and chocolate acanthodoras (Acanthodoras cataphractus). These catfish are popular with amateurs and breed quite successfully in aquariums, and platydoras (Platydoras costatus) has become quite a common species.

"Singing Catfish"

Several hours have already passed, as the light was turned off in the aquarium, but iridescent trills and loud croaking, similar to "talks" are heard from the room tree frogs. This is how armored catfish communicate with each other, many species of which are kept in aquariums.
The Bronyakov family (Doradidae) includes almost a hundred species, united by different experts in 35-38 genera. These South American catfish reach a length of 25 cm. They are distinguished from other South American catfish by large scales with spines and powerful serrated first spikes in the pectoral and dorsal fins. These are the fish that produce different sounds.

When keeping armored catfish, the aquarium is "supplied" with many shelters (snags, pipes, etc.), in which the fish sit out during the day. Water hardness 8-12°, pH about 6.6, temperature 22-24°C. Armored catfish are fed with live food: bloodworms, tubifex, coretra (up to 75%) and plant foods (fouling, algae, scalded lettuce, spinach and cabbage). You can also use artificial food prepared with agar-agar. Fertility large species reaches 3-4 thousand, small - 500-800 eggs.

based on materials from the almanac Aquarist

The family of armored catfish includes almost a hundred species. These South American catfish grow up to 25 cm in length. Their difference is large scales with spines and powerful notches on the first spines of the pectoral and dorsal fins. They are produced by fish different sounds. They can be heard even at a distance of 25-50 meters.

The fish of this family are only nocturnal, and the sounds they make are used to communicate with each other. Great importance sounds have during the breeding season. Males attract a female with them and they also let rivals know that the place is occupied. Armored catfish guard the nest, usually built from floating plants.

Amblidoras “sing” very beautifully. Their sounds are very similar to the melodic trills of small frogs. They also make different sounds. stellate agamyxes, .

What to feed armored catfish

Armored catfish need to be fed alive. A bloodworm, a pipe maker, a coretra will do. A quarter of the diet should consist of plant food. It can be algae growth, scalded and chopped lettuce, spinach, cabbage. You can also use special pellets for catfish for feeding.

Catfish that make sounds - video

The Bronyakov family is strong and lean individuals. They do not give the impression of shy and indecisive fish. Perhaps these associations are due to appearance, biological structure and lifestyle.

Catfish platidoras is a typical representative of this family. He is confident, bold, moves clearly and quickly. At first glance, his thoughts seem understandable, but this is not always the case ...

What is interesting in appearance?

Catfish platidoras has a cylindrical body with a sharply developed shield at the back of the head, which passes into the anterior section. dorsal fin. Lateral lines along the entire body have hard, straight outgrowths. More often they even look like bone spikes.

Given the bright striped coloring, such features increase the originality of the fish.

On the flattened head is a pair of curious eyes and two pairs of antennae (from the upper and lower lips). The antennae give the fish a comic and mocking expression, but, most importantly, they serve as an indispensable tactile organ.

Platidoras striped may have a contrasting or more smoothed range of colors. Its brightness depends on age and living conditions.

Lifestyle – stable and original

Catfish striped platidoras leads a different life from other fish. During the day, he is in a calm and indecisive stage, at times he simply sleeps, burrowing into soft ground or hiding in a shell of a rapana. At night, there is a period of his wakefulness. He is looking for food. A simpler option - it picks up the remnants of food that have fallen here from the bottom, more difficult - it digs the soil with its nose, hoping to get out the small inhabitants of the aquarium and their offspring.

Living in lower layers aquarium and night life allow you to pick up an interesting and diverse ensemble of inhabitants in the aquarium. The striped catfish platidoras is not afraid to become food for big fish and he does not hunt for their fins. He is different. It is peaceful and spontaneous.

And one more interesting fact. This catfish platidoras singing. Due to the peculiarities of its structure, it is able to make sounds like a song. Of course, there is no melody in such works, and the crackling and hissing sound is more like a creak. But lovers of such original individuals are ready to challenge the unusual talents of their pets.

Under what conditions does he feel happy?

Get an idea on the question: "Catfish platidoras: content?" is not difficult. Criteria for the state of water are average, an aerator and a purifier are required. Water change - weekly for one third of the aquarium.

Particular attention to design and lighting. Here, the ideas of people and fish coincided. As beautiful as possible, with wide algae leaves shading the overhead light and creating halftones! There are many relief decorations with grottoes and caves, stone barricades and the remains of large snags. If they have deep caves, Platydoras will use them when they decide to breed.

From above, the aquarium must be covered with a lid, glass or supplied with the aquarium.

Equally important are neighbors. It is better to choose fish that live in upper layers water house. They must be large, not bully, without obvious signs aggression. Cichlids, large-sized tetras, characins and, of course, single-species catfish are suitable. The aquarium cannot be small. Catfish needs somewhere to travel and develop his reflexes. The volume of water is at least 120 liters.

As platidoras loves, keeping it in an aquarium should not be left to chance. It is necessary to ensure cleanliness, timely change of water and the absence of irritating factors. Not needed:

  • bright light;
  • loud sounds;
  • sharp ground;
  • powerful moving streams of water.

How to set up a catfish for breeding?

How important is keeping the striped platydoras during the spawning season? It is safe to say that the success of the whole business depends on it. Before spawning, the selected individuals (it is better to pick up two or three males for one female) should:

  • qualitatively and regularly feed;
  • lower the water temperature to 17-18 o;
  • equip lighting in such a way that a single beam of light penetrates one small gap and no more.

In Platidoras striped breeding is special and interesting. The female transfers the milk taken from the male to the selected area and it is on it that she lays the first batch of eggs from above. In the future, layers of milk and caviar alternate with enviable accuracy. This ensures high-quality fertilization of eggs, even those located in low layers.

According to some aquarists, sometimes Platydoras begin to build a kind of nest before spawning, bringing pieces of small algae, small particles of soil and other suitable elements to the chosen place. But science does not explain this behavior.

Everyone loves catfish in aquariums. They are interesting to watch and attract their attention. But for this they must be cheerful and cheerful, and this depends on following the rules of care and maintaining optimal conditions for their life.

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Habitat The striped catfish (Platydoras armatulus) was first described by Valenciennes in 1840. The name of the genus - "Platydoras" comes from two Greek words: platys = smooth, doras = skin. This species is widespread in South America. Individuals are found in the Amazon in Peru, Bolivia and Brazil, as well as in some other river basins Brazil, in the Rio Orinoco basin in Colombia and Venezuela, the Rio Essequibo in Guyana, and in the coastal drains of Suriname and French Guiana. The species is not listed in the international Red Book.

For many years, Platydoras was erroneously referred to as Platydoras costatus, until a classification was made in 2008 by a group of researchers led by Piorski. The species Platydoras costatus includes individuals that have a limited habitat, including a couple of rivers in eastern South America. In its turn, striped catfish platidoras is distributed throughout South America, inhabiting the Amazon and Orinoco river basins, and has been caught for sale for decades. This fish belongs to the Raphael catfish.

There are also two species very similar to it, having a striped color, but living in different places. These are Platydoras costatus and Long-nosed Platydoras (Orinocodoras eigenmanni), which has a more elongated muzzle. Another very common type of "Raphael" is the spotted catfish Agamyxis pectinifrons, which, judging by the name, has a spotted color. Platydoras armatulus lives in bodies of water with stagnant water or weak currents.

In streams and wetlands, individuals hide among tree roots or aquatic vegetation. Catfish feed on mollusks, crustaceans and detritus. They are usually found in areas of soft sand, into which they burrow in case of danger. The rainy season causes them to migrate to flooded forests where there is plenty of food.

Aquarium size

When calculating the necessary space for the life of the armored ones, you need to remember that they grow quite large. So a baby the size of half a finger will not stay that way for long.

If, nevertheless, it is decided that the striped catfish will settle in the aquarium, then a container with a volume of 100–150 liters must be provided in its possession.

It is important to consider that almost all catfish lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle, so too high vessels with a small bottom area are not suitable for keeping these fish species.

It is best to use a rectangular aquarium equipped with a lid with a wall height of 35–60 cm and a similar width.

Apart from large area bottom, such containers have one more advantage - most aquarium plants feel good in them.

Water parameters

It cannot be said that the striped catfish aquarium is picky, but there are quite strict requirements for water indicators.

  • the content of calcium and magnesium oxides (hardness) - 6–15 ° dH;
  • pH (acidity) - 5–7 pH;
  • water temperature - 22–30°С.

Most comfortable condition catfish habitat is a soft neutral environment without salts, warmed up to 26-30°C. This is not surprising, because in their homeland in South America, the rivers are filled with rain and melting mountain snows.

However, a huge part of the tropical fish sold in Russia is bred and raised by domestic aquarists.

These individuals are better adapted to local realities, feel normal in rather hard and acidic water and are not afraid of short-term hypothermia.

But the presence of aeration, filtration and the creation of a small bottom current will significantly improve the health of the fish. Do not forget to change 25-30% of the water in the tank once a week.

Soil composition and bottom design

In its native element, Platidoras (striped catfish) is used to living on a soft bottom, hiding in thickets, in piles of snags or among stones. In the aquarium, you should try to create similar conditions, so the soil should be with a fine structure. A 5-10 cm layer of small round gravel or sand is suitable for this.

The presence of abundant vegetation, snags and hidden places is also important. The catfish prefers to be at the very bottom, but often likes to swim throughout the aquarium, so it is desirable to have floating dense plants, such as and.

Armored animals lead a twilight-night lifestyle. Too bright lighting unnerves, frightens them and forces them to look for shelters, in the role of which ceramic pipes, pots, artificial caves and grottoes, large stones can be used.


Aquarium striped catfish do not harm large plants, eating only the smallest algae. Nocturnal inhabitants raise silt from the bottom, which can lead to plaque formation on thin leaves.

Abundant vegetation is necessary for Platidoras to wellness but remember to leave enough space for swimming. It is preferable to have plants floating on the surface that can shade the bottom. For example, elodea and hornwort.


Places natural habitat striped catfish - swampy streams and rivers.

The unpretentious catfish platidoras feels comfortable in the presence of a small current, enhanced aeration and moderate filtration. The saturation of water with oxygen is important for the health of the inhabitants of the aquarium.


Stripes do not feel comfortable in too bright light, they prefer shaded places. If you want to watch the fish at night, set a dim backlight.

Food and diet

The striped catfish is an aquarium glutton that eats both animal food and plant food.

Due to the tendency to overeat, it is necessary to constantly monitor the size of his tummy and, noticing that he has greatly increased, do not feed the fish for a couple of days.

Feeding is done once a day, before turning off the lights.

Platidoras happily eats the following sinking foods:

  • live and frozen bloodworms, tubifex, enchitreus, grindal, coretra, earthworms;
  • small pieces of meat and fish, caviar of other fish, various crustaceans;
  • special tableted, granulated feed, flakes;
  • pieces of zucchini and cucumbers, spinach, lettuce and seaweed.

It is important that the protein component of the diet is 3-4 times more than the amount of plant components. In search of food, the striped catfish comes out at dusk and remains active all night. The fish picks up food from the bottom or searches for it, loosening the soil, which helps to keep the aquarium clean and improves the aeration of the substrate.


Raphael's striped catfish are peaceful bottom dwellers. They are great for multi-species aquariums and are very friendly to their medium to large sized neighbors. However, small fish will be perceived as food. Due to the strong armor on the body, representatives of the species Platydoras armatulus settle with large aggressive fish.

As neighbors, South and Central American, large tetras and other haracin, cyprinids, and other anabontids, gambusia and other catfish, which do not have a heightened sense of territoriality, are perfect. Catfish can be kept alone or in a group.

When kept in groups, individuals will show territorial behavior, therefore skirmishes between members of the group are inevitable, but they will not cause any damage to each other. As a consequence, they will even begin to share their hiding places with each other. IN wild nature individuals of Platydoras armatulus gather in flocks for protection. Males and females If you look at the fish from above, it is noticeable that mature females are thicker than males.


Reproduction of singing catfish In captivity, striped catfish are bred very rarely. This is a spawning fish, but it is bred for sale with the help of hormonal injections. Only isolated cases of successful spawning in an aquarium are known, when breeders found already swimming fry.

Also, a couple of successful cases of breeding have been recorded in very large aquariums, but this turned out to be very difficult and there is very little information about the process. Female platydoros catfish (©Joel Rahkonen) In the wild, female platydoras lay their eggs for fertilization in rivers and streams. It is also known that smaller representatives of the Bronyakovs are also called nest builders.

In the aquarium, they may collect various debris, or find places with leafy debris or pieces of wood and try to hide under them. Then another fish of the same species swims around the “nest”, but this will not be a fact of successful fertilization and subsequent reproduction.


Platidoras was called the singing catfish, for the ability to make vibrating or chirping sounds to attract a female or in moments of danger.


  1. Pay close attention to your diet plan. Fish get sick and die due to a lack of necessary substances or with an excess of food.
  2. Thoroughly clean new items and plants, and quarantine freshly purchased fish before transferring them to the main tank.
  3. Watch your nitrate levels. Severe excess is the optimal environment for the development of mustache infections. To avoid this, the constant replacement of part of the water will help.
  4. Do not feed fish more than they can eat, otherwise decaying organic matter will contaminate the water, leading to fin necrosis.
  5. Platidoras - owners of spikes on the body, when trying to catch them with a net, injuries are inevitable. Use a dense linen net for transplanting.

Platidoras striped is the most popular among ornamental catfish. These cute fish have a bizarre coloration, a funny tummy and are able to make pectoral fins melodious and chirping sounds.


Catfish platidoras has a cylindrical shape and a flattened abdomen. The mouth is surrounded by antennae, two on each jaw. The females of this species are much larger than the males. The average length of an individual in an aquarium reaches 15 cm. In nature, specimens up to 25 cm long are found. Platidorasas are long-lived, with good care they can live for 20 years. Color ranges from dark brown to black. The body is decorated with light stripes of different lengths. With age, the pattern becomes more and more blurry.

The striped catfish is very hardy and there are practically no problems with its maintenance. For a beginner, it may not be suitable, but it does not require much experience.

There should be enough shelters in the aquarium, which can be snags, decorative caves, etc. It is better to put soft river sand at the bottom, as platidoras like to burrow into it. These catfish are awake at night, so the lighting for them is subdued.


The striped catfish is practically omnivorous.

IN natural environment prefers mollusks and crustaceans. They feed on everything they find at the bottom of the aquarium. The fish are fed every day. Since catfish are active at night, food is poured in the evening. At the same time, you should not be zealous, since they can die from overeating.

The diet of platidoras must necessarily include protein and vegetable components. Usually they pick up pellets and flakes that settle to the bottom, which are mixed with tubifex, enchitreus or bloodworms. You can pamper the fish with live earthworms or finely chopped pieces of meat and fish.

Who will get along with?

Catfish platidoras striped is a rather peaceful fish, so it can get along with any neighbors. The only exceptions are small species that will be perceived as food. Dense thickets and floating plants can save the situation, where small individuals can hide. Aquarium catfish do not conflict with fish larger than themselves. Goldfish, angelfish, cichlids, large barbs are ideal for the role of neighbors.

Platidoras mainly live in the lower layers of the water and rarely rise above. If you plan to keep more than one individual, then each needs its own shelter, as they are very territorial.


The striped platydoras reaches sexual maturity at two years of age. However, it is very difficult to breed them at home. Usually, gonadotropic substances are used for this.

On average, the female lays 300 eggs. The incubation period lasts 3 days, and after 5 days the fry are already able to write themselves. For successful breeding, a spawning vessel of 100 liters is chosen. Water parameters: from 27 to 30 degrees, softness - from 6 to 7. You will also need to create a small current and place several shelters on the bottom.

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