Mineral water extraction. Mineral water and Forex. Neutral mineral waters

Mineral water is a category of natural water containing dissolved salts and a number of biologically active microelements in its structure. It is mined from horizons that have retained their natural chemical composition. Belongs to the category food products, and in the case of an increased content of biological components, they are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Mineral water is classified into:
- drinking;
- actually, mineral external and internal application;
- treatment-and-prophylactic and others.

Location of mineral waters

The rocks contain various waters in terms of quality and inventory. The conditions of its occurrence are directly dependent on the physical properties of the rocks. These include porosity, that is, rocks containing small pores (voids) and duty cycle, that is, rocks containing large pores.

But, the issue of formation of underground water reserves does not have a single point of view. There are several hypotheses regarding their origin. For example, according to the theory of infiltration, accumulation occurs by seepage precipitation into the ground. And according to the theory of condensation, the origin of underground moisture is due to the water vapor of the atmosphere, penetrating and condensing in the cold earth's crust. Below is a zone of the so-called slow water exchange. They form pressure, or artesian resources.

The formation of mineral resources is a very long process. In fact, the chemical and even bacteriological composition of natural natural waters is formed under the influence of continuous natural factors. This is the geological structure of the basin and its influence on the composition of the rock, coupled with physical and biochemical processes. Climate, volcanic activity with changes in relief, one way or another, have a gravitational and electromagnetic effect on the mixing of formation waters. Many questions of education natural sources with a rich composition of carbon dioxide and other mineralization remain controversial. Taking into account summary hydrogeological situation, the depth of their occurrence in different regions earth's surface different.

Extraction of mineral water

The extraction of mineral resources is carried out in accordance with the technical designs agreed with federal authorities Gosgortekhnadzor. Along with the standard requirements for drilling operations, projects are also provided for the conservation, liquidation of wells, as well as the execution of the entire package of documents related to the extraction of mineral waters. Serious attention is paid to the isolation of different horizons, to exclude the mixing of waters of different types. Mineral resources are selected by the so-called intermittent crane method. It is connected with possible change physical and chemical properties and a negative impact on the technical and operational condition of the well. In this case, it is allowed to apply their continuous selection.

If mineral waters are extracted with an admixture, for example, oil, then the well is equipped with appropriate separators. In general, drilling operations are developed depending on the depth of the well, additional requirements when drilling for mineral springs. An important argument is the hydrogeological specificity of the deposit and, of course, the quality of raw materials.

Scope of mineral water use

mineral drinking water used as a spa treatment and canteen. For the purpose of sale, they are poured into sealed containers and artificially carbonated. In such packaging, carbon dioxide contributes to the preservation of the salt composition and medicinal properties. In resort conditions, various types of springs are used.

Mineral waters are classified according to the types of diseases. Can be used for diseases of the intestines, biliary tract, intestines. In general, you can use waters oriented to diseases of the digestive system. On the label, as a rule, the approximate chemical composition is written. But this data is useful for users who understand their disease.

For balneological purposes, only sources are used that are directly extracted from wells with a constant, unchanged chemical composition and protected from pollution. Their use is also possible outside the resort facilities, bottled in measured glassware. The spill is carried out at enterprises Food Industry with saturation with carbon dioxide, which preserves taste qualities and chemical composition for a long time.

Water is also used for external use. These include baths, swimming in pools, massage showers and others. Along with natural sources for medicinal purposes, artificially prepared mineral waters from pure lake or sea ​​salt. These are sulfuric, oxygen, bromine - sodium and other baths.

Natural and artificial waters are also used for inhalations, bowel lavage, enemas and other medical procedures.

Benefits of mineral waters

Natural mineral water is truly endowed with life-giving power:
- retains the taste of cooked dishes for a long time, in comparison with mains water;
- perfectly preserves the natural aroma of tea and coffee;
- slightly less mineralization is used in dry mixes, dilution of juices for infants;
- are used as a drink, refreshing and quenching thirst;
- contributes to the correct and timely digestion of food.
- are able to compensate for losses (in the form of sweat and natural secretions), since it is considered the most saturated with calcium, magnesium and other elements.
- allows you to improve efficiency and increase life expectancy, since it compensates not only for the loss of moisture, but also for part of the body's salts.
- perfectly absorbed, responds well to gastric juice with stimulation of intestinal activity.
- is widely used in cosmetology.

Disadvantages of mineral water

Low content of mineral salts:
- do not provide the nominal balance of minerals;
- contribute to the washing out of microelements accumulated in the body, which is fraught with weakening of bone tissue;
- the absence or low percentage of fluorine causes caries and destruction of tooth enamel;
- lack of magnesium can lead to the disease of cardiovascular insufficiency;
- lack of iodine can become a growth retardant and mental retardation.

But highly mineralized moisture, for example, sulfates and chlorides, will lead to the appearance of urolithiasis. And an excess of sodium chloride will certainly cause unhealthy work of the cardiovascular system.

For edification, it is necessary to take water moderately mineralized.

Where does mineral water come from
Mineral waters are waters used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, which include biologically active mineral components. Mineral waters are usually extracted from underground water sources. In this case they are called natural mineral waters. Currently, artificial mineral waters are also produced.

Origin of natural mineral waters

In the thick earth's crust aquifers are formed. Water enters them either along with precipitation, or is filtered from sea ​​water, or formed by combining hydrogen and oxygen from magma. By origin, such waters are called filtration, infiltration and deep waters, respectively.


Mineral waters often come to the surface of the earth in the form of springs or springs. In the place where the water comes out, a special well is arranged - capturing. Its elevated part is called the pump room. A pavilion is built over it. If the water does not come to the surface of the earth, then a well is drilled. Not only businessmen or Forex traders, but also less wealthy people often visit resorts with mineral springs, such as Truskovets, Kislovodsk, Karlovy Vary and others.

Characteristics of mineral waters

Mineral waters are very diverse in their composition and physical properties. Therefore, the following characteristics are used to classify them:

1. General mineralization. The concentration of all ions, expressed in grams per litre.

According to the total mineralization, mineral waters are divided into:

Water of weak mineralization - up to 2 g/l;
water of low mineralization - 2-5 g / l;
water of medium mineralization - 5-15 g / l;
high mineralization water - 15-35 g / l;
brines - 35-150 g/l;
strong brines - more than 150 g / l.

Inside, usually water of low and medium mineralization is prescribed. They are also sold in bottled form. Waters of high mineralization have a laxative effect. Pickles before ingestion are diluted with ordinary fresh water. As an external agent, waters of various salinity are used.

2. Ionic composition. The ratio of biologically active ions in water.

The most common mineral water ions are sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, bicarbonate and sulfate ions. The concentration of ions is denoted as equivalent-percent (eq%), that is, as a percentage of the equivalent mass of an ion in the sum of the equivalent masses of all ions. The name of water is formed from the names of the main ions contained in it, if their concentration is above 20 eq.%. In addition, other biologically active components may also be included in the composition of water in small quantities: iodine, bromine, fluorine, iron, manganese, organic substances, radioactive substances, etc.

3. Gas composition. Highest value contains carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen in water.

4. Active reaction. Hydrogen index or acidity.

Distinguish water:

Strongly acidic - pH less than 3.5;
acidic - pH 3.5-7.2;
slightly alkaline - pH 7.2-8.5;
alkaline - pH greater than 8.5.

5. Water temperature.

Water is classified according to temperature:

Cold - up to 20 degrees Celsius;
warm or low thermal - 21-35 degrees;
hot or thermal - 36-42 degrees;
very hot or high-thermal - above 42 degrees.

So the full title mineral water might look like this:

Essentuki No. 17 - carbonate water of medium mineralization, hydrocarbonate-chloride sodium, slightly acidic, cold.

Depending on the nature of the chemical composition, nine balneological groups of mineral waters are distinguished:

I. Mineral waters, the effect of which is determined by mineralization and ionic composition.
II. carbonic waters.
III. Hydrogen sulfide waters.
IV. Ferrous waters.
V. Bromine, iodine and iodine-bromine waters.
VI. Siliceous thermal waters.
VII. Arsenic-containing waters.
VIII. Radon or radioactive water.
IX. Boron-containing waters.

Application of mineral waters

Artificial mineral waters are prescribed as an external remedy. Only natural water is used inside.

Options for external use of mineral waters:

Mineral baths;
therapeutic pools;
underwater traction;

Also mineral water you can rinse your mouth or throat, use microclysters with mineral water, do inhalations, etc.

Bottled mineral water

Bottled mineral waters are used for drinking. They are divided into three groups: medical, medical-dining and dining.

Medicinal mineral waters include waters with a mineralization of 8-12 g/l or other mineralization values, if they contain trace elements and organic substances in high concentrations. You can take such water only under the supervision of a doctor. Understand the types of mineral waters modern man just as important as knowing what forex is or mobile phone. This will help restore lost health, cope with chronic diseases and organize good nutrition.

Therapeutic table waters have a mineralization of 2-8 g/l. They can be taken as prescribed by a doctor as medicinal waters, as well as on their own, if this is done infrequently.

Table water mineralization is below 2 g/l. They do not contain active ingredients.

During bottling, mineral waters are saturated with carbon dioxide. This is done so that air does not penetrate into the bottles, which can change the physico-chemical properties of water. Mineral water must be bottled in yellow or green glass bottles and must be transparent, colorless, without foreign inclusions. Only a small sediment of mineral salts is allowed.

If you store water in a bottle at a temperature of -4 to +14 degrees in a dark place, then it useful qualities will be preserved. Shelf life is usually one year.

For treatment, mineral water must be taken in a certain way. When prescribing mineral water, the doctor is obliged to give specific recommendations for admission. Understanding the types of mineral waters is as important for a modern person as knowing what Forex or a mobile phone is. This will help restore lost health, cope with chronic diseases and organize good nutrition.

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It seems to be very easy. And at first glance it may seem so. After all, nature itself took care of the quality and benefits of the product. And the entrepreneur only needs to drill a well and put on a tap so that water flows into bottles immediately. This is only a superficial knowledge of the process. If we take a deeper approach to the issue of mineral water production, then a lot of nuances will appear, without which it is impossible to set up the quality work of a plant for bottling medicinal drinks.

Mineral water

In order to understand how complicated the production process of bottled medicinal water is, let's look at what mineral waters are. Firstly, it is a mineral that is formed in the bowels of the earth and pours out to the surface or is mined using drilling rigs. But where does the water come from in the earth's thickness? There are several hypotheses for the formation of mineral waters:

  • Water that has fallen into the earth's thickness as a result of the process of infiltration (leakage) from the surface.
  • Water released from mineral rocks by metamorphic and volcanic processes.
  • Water from buried reservoirs in the process of accumulation of sedimentary rocks.

In the future, water circulates in the thickness of geological rocks and undergoes various changes: it is saturated with salts, gases, radioactive elements and organic components. As a result of long time under the action external factors formed The groundwater with a unique composition that a person has learned to use in medicinal purposes.

The healing properties of mineral waters have been known since antiquity. Many rulers organized places near the springs flowing to the surface where they could improve their health. Mineral waters were used for baths, inhalations or simply ingestion. Depending on the composition of the dissolved components and their concentration, mineral waters have different purposes. The article will consider only water used for food purposes.

Types of mineral waters

Depending on what defining features are used for separation, mineral waters are differentiated into different types. Consider the most popular classification according to the concentration of dissolved elements:

  1. Table mineral waters. The concentration of dissolved substances is less than 1 g/l. Such natural drinks can be freely used in Everyday life without restrictions, like drinking water.
  2. Therapeutic dining rooms. The concentration ranges from 1 to 10 g/l. These waters have healing properties due to the higher salt content in the solution or the presence of biological components. Applicable without restrictions.
  3. Medicinal waters with a salt content of more than 10 g/l. The intake of such waters takes place only under the supervision of a doctor according to a strictly planned plan.

The first two types of water are freely sold in any supermarket or pharmacy, and in order to drink an ion-cation cocktail, you do not need to ask permission from a doctor. The situation is different with medicinal mineral waters. Their consumption is possible only according to a certain scheme drawn up by a doctor. In supermarkets, you won’t find a bottle marked “healing mineral waters”. In order for the effect of the reception to be positive, it is recommended to use medicinal waters only in balneological sanatoriums or mineral resorts.

Useful effect of mineral waters

Everyone knows that, first of all, mineral water, when taken orally, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Treatment of kidney diseases can occur with the help of healing drinks. Also, table and medicinal table waters can be used for inhalation to help the upper respiratory tract in case of diseases.

Extraction of mineral waters

It is known that mineral waters are extracted from the earth by drilling wells. Sometimes their depth is more than one and a half thousand meters (for example, a well for the extraction of mineral waters "Borjomi"). It happens that water itself finds a way out to the surface of the earth through cracks in rock layers.

To preserve the uniqueness of natural deep waters, it is necessary to ensure the isolation of the extraction process. Mixing of mineral waters from different aquifers is strictly prohibited. For this, specialists carefully develop a project for drilling a future well. It must contain a clause on the liquidation or conservation of the well. And in order for the extraction of mineral waters not to be considered barbaric, it is necessary to take into account how much water will flow during self-spillage. After all, only in this way the healing liquid pumped out of the depths will be renewed again.

Technology for the production of mineral and drinking water

Before bottling mineral water, which has risen to the surface through wells, it is necessary to go through several more stages of production. About each in order:

  1. The water poured out of the well first enters a special container, in which it accumulates for further supply to production.
  2. The next step is cooling. Firstly, many mineral waters have a specific smell, which disappears when cooled. Secondly, the low water temperature is comfortable for bottling.
  3. After the water is purified from various impurities using filters. Natural environmental materials are used as cleaning agents: coal, sand, etc.
  4. The bacteriological safety of water is ensured by the stage of ultraviolet exposure to water. It is the spectrum of light that is able to destroy harmful microorganisms while not disturbing the structure of water.
  5. Enrichment with carbon dioxide. This event is being held in order to beneficial features mineral waters for a long time. Plus, it tastes better to drink.
  6. Blowing plastic bottles from special blanks.
  7. Bottling of products into containers and transportation to the warehouse. After forwarding to the point of sale.


In order for the plant for the production of mineral waters to work, it must be equipped with special equipment:

  1. Special tanks (large tanks) where water from the well will accumulate.
  2. Pumps that will pump water through pipes.
  3. Filters for water purification from unwanted mechanical impurities.
  4. UV lamps for water disinfection.
  5. A device designed to saturate water with carbon dioxide.
  6. Automatic machine for pouring water into containers.
  7. The device that will blow plastic bottles from blanks.
  8. Apparatus for sticking labels.
  9. A device that automatically or semi-automatically seals bottles hermetically.
  10. Sterile containers of large volume, which will store purified water for bottling.

For quality control at the plant, it is necessary to organize a laboratory in which the chemical composition of the source waters and their safety, as well as compliance with standards will be checked. finished products. It is desirable to have a warehouse for storing manufactured goods on the territory of the enterprise.

Mineral Water Business

Despite the fact that today there are many factories in the country and abroad that are engaged in the extraction and bottling of mineral waters, this direction remains promising. Firstly, this is due to the fact that the raw material base is unlimited, because with proper operation of the well, the supply of mineral water is restored. For creating full cycle the production of special units will require little, the technology for the production of mineral water does not contain complex schemes and stages. Secondly, the equipment is different in price: from inexpensive to exclusive. Thirdly, the damage to nature is minimal (unlike, for example, wastewater from the production mineral fertilizers). The profitability of such an enterprise is about 30%. The equipment will be able to pay off within a year.

Today we are going with you to the production of natural mineral water from artesian well hundred meters deep. Artesian water is reliably protected by thirty-meter layers of clay with various impurities and waterproof clay of the Jurassic age.

The limestone aquifer below them is even older. And the water has been stored in it for centuries. Behind for a long time Since the existence of the well, there have never been any complaints about the microbiology of water, its chemical composition has never changed.

So, first, water is extracted from a well. The well is a concreted pipe going deep underground. Nothing interesting to see here.

Then the water enters the reverse osmosis system, where it is purified from impurities to the desired level.
And then soft and hard water is mixed in certain proportions.

Then we need to make a bottle where we will pour water. For this, such PET preforms are used.

And this is how the mold for blowing 1.5 liter bottles looks like.

They are blown in such a machine. The total productivity of the blowing shop is 9,000 bottles of various sizes, shapes and colors per hour.

And here is the conveyor line, along which the blown bottles move to the next unit.

The bottles are moved by powerful fans that blow them along the conveyor.

Then the bottles fall into the filling unit. Here they are rinsed with water, filled and closed with a lid.

In the case of the production of sweet drinks, there are six blending tanks where syrups are prepared, which are added to the water.

The interior of the pouring machine.

Bottle caps.

Throughout the conveyor there are photocells that track the movement of products, but in addition there is always an operator nearby who monitors possible defects.

Label sticker.

General view of the conveyor of the first line from above.

The labels have been pasted.

The bottles are collected in front of the packaging machine.

Arrange in orderly rows.

Wrapped with shrink film.

And they go to the oven.

After the furnace, they are blown by a large fan.

And they continue to move along the conveyor.

Here they are labeled with a barcode.

And sent to the warehouse.

Let's take a walk along the neighboring second line, which at the time of the shooting was on prophylaxis.

Conveyor management.

Let's look at the top again.

Apparatus for carbonation of water.


The insides of the pouring apparatus, the bottles here move along two circles, first they are washed, then they are poured and the cork is immediately screwed on.

Photocells on the line, plus a lamp that allows the operator to visually monitor the level of filling of bottles with water.

Labels for 1.5 liter bottles.

In a neighboring workshop, 5-liter bottles are produced.

We take a PET preform.

The device mixes the preforms with simple movements in such a way that sometimes they catch on the upper edge and go further.

First, the preform is heated.

Then placed in a blow mold and in a second the bottle is ready.


Next, fill the bottles with water. Filling takes place gradually, since this ensures the constant advancement of the conveyor.

Screw on the lid.

We cling to the carrying handle.

We paste the label.

And we send the products to the warehouse. Here, the products are placed on euro pallets and wrapped with foil.

This concludes our tour. I express my deep gratitude to the company DANA for their help in organizing this photography.

Warning: you can’t drink mineral water spontaneously, just because “you felt like it” or “she helped improve the health of your friends”, first you need to consult your doctor who will prescribe what is right for you. For drinking treatment, bottled mineral waters can be used, in which the water is packaged in glass containers, as a rule, they are sold in a pharmacy.

How mineral water is formed

Spring water, passing through various rocks saturated with minerals, acquires invaluable taste and healing qualities and becomes mineral on the surface. Science has established that according to the degree of mineralization, all natural waters are divided into fresh (up to 1 g / kg), brackish (1-25 g / kg), salty (25-50 g / kg) and brines (more than 50 g / kg), but by chemical composition water - into carbonate, sulfate and chloride. Each of the properties of water helps in the treatment of certain diseases and is also used differently.

How to drink mineral water

Drinking mineral water can be divided into table, medical-table and medicinal - it depends on its composition.

Table mineral water should not contain more than 1 g of salts / liter, such water can be drunk daily, without the risk of harming the body, it cleanses and tones well. Doctors consider the optimal intake of mineral water three times: in the morning - on an empty stomach, in the afternoon - before lunch and before dinner.

Therapeutic-table mineral water is distinguished by a higher concentration (from 1 to 10 g of salts / liter). It can be consumed as a table drink or for the prevention of diseases, following the recommendations of a doctor.

Healing mineral water has a concentration of more than 10 g of salts / liter. Such water can only be prescribed by a doctor in a sanatorium or a gastroenterologist. This water you need to drink slowly, slowly, in small sips. In sanatoriums in the morning, while still in bed, the patient is given to drink 500 ml of slightly warmed mineral water, which is drunk in two doses of 250 ml with a time interval of 15 minutes. After taking mineral water, it is necessary to stay in bed for more effective health benefits.

Drinking treatment with mineral waters is prescribed for the following diseases:

Indications for treatment with mineral waters:

1) diseases of the stomach and duodenum;

2) diseases of the intestines, diseases of the liver and biliary tract (hepatitis, cholecystitis)

3). Metabolic disorders: diabetes, obesity, gout, urinary diathesis.

4). Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pharynx, oral cavity.

Contraindications to drinking treatment include:

1) cardiovascular diseases, accompanied by circulatory disorders;

2) acute kidney disease;

3) acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;

4) bleeding of any origin.

How to choose high-quality mineral water

Original mineral water usually contains a label with detailed information about the manufacturing company, its location, the terms and conditions of water storage, the number of the well, the possibility of sedimentation, as well as the time and date of storage. Be sure to indicate on the labels the groups of diseases in which this category of water is indicated.

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