Should a pregnant woman take calcium? What calcium is best to take during pregnancy? Natural and medicinal sources of calcium

Pregnant women are often advised to supplement their diet with vitamins and minerals; they are needed not only by the child, but also by the expectant mother. One of the most important minerals, which is often recommended to be taken additionally, is calcium, because during the period of bearing a child, the need for it increases significantly.

Calcium intake per day for pregnant women

This is one of the most important “building” materials for the future baby. But it is also irreplaceable in his mother’s body. With its help, bone and cartilage tissues are formed and regenerated. In addition, it is needed for the proper and smooth functioning of muscles and muscular organs, such as the heart. Calcium is indispensable for proper metabolism, normal hormonal levels, transmission of nerve impulses, correct kidney function and blood clotting. The organs responsible for the release of calcium are digestive system and kidneys.

We get the lion's share of this macronutrient from food products containing it.

According to statistics, the daily requirement of an adult female body for this element is one gram (1000 mg). In pregnant women, this figure ranges from 1.3 to 1.5 grams. The need increases towards the end of pregnancy. If at the beginning of its development the fetus receives 2-3 milligrams of calcium per day, then already at the final stage (in the third trimester) the daily need for it increases to 250-300 mg.

It is a mistake to think that calcium is necessary only for the formation of bones and teeth of the unborn child. With its participation, almost all tissues and organs of the fetus are generated: skin, hair, eyes, internal organs, nervous tissue, etc.

It is known that 20 percent of pregnant women, especially in the second half of the term, are directly faced with the problem of calcium deficiency. There are special tests to diagnose such a deficiency. Besides, obvious signs calcium deficiency can be seen with the naked eye. This includes brittle nails and bad condition hair (dullness, fragility, loss), and dry skin, and deterioration of dental health, and possible muscle cramps in the legs. If the expectant mother had a serious calcium deficiency during pregnancy, then her baby increases the risk of developing rickets (a disease in which the process of growth and bone formation is disrupted, and there is a risk of skeletal deformation).

To prevent such situations, expectant mothers are advised to change their diet at the beginning of pregnancy in order to meet the body’s increased needs for calcium through nutrition. If it is difficult to solve the problem in this way, they prescribe taking medications containing this microelement.

When should you take calcium during pregnancy?

A woman expecting a baby should remember her special needs for vitamins and microelements. After all unborn child will definitely receive from his mother what he needs for growth and development. But how to compensate for this loss to the female body so that it does not suffer is a serious question.

The expectant mother should discuss this topic with her doctor. And if it is impossible to compensate for the lack of calcium by simply adjusting the diet, then the doctor will prescribe the appropriate medications to the pregnant woman and specify the period from which additional calcium should be taken during pregnancy. As a rule, such drugs are recommended to be taken in the second trimester. Usually, this is a continuous course that lasts no more than a month. Calcium-containing pharmaceutical preparations are available in the form of tablets, powders or solutions.

It is very undesirable to take pharmaceutical products at your own discretion without consulting a specialist. Especially in the third trimester of pregnancy, because this can have an extremely negative impact on the course of labor.

Calcium tablets for pregnant women: which one is better?

As a rule, pharmacies offer calcium carbonate, citrate or bicarbonate. They differ from each other not only in the content of the main element, but also in the degree of absorption by the body. Schemes and recommendations for admission different drugs also differ. Some are recommended to be taken with meals, others on an empty stomach. In addition, if a pregnant woman also takes iron supplements, then their intake should be separated by several hours: in this case, all beneficial substances will be correctly absorbed by the body.

There are also combination preparations that, in addition to calcium, contain vitamin D (helps to absorb calcium), magnesium and zinc. In addition, calcium is included in most multivitamin complexes for pregnant and lactating women.

It is important to remember that the body can only absorb 500 mg of this element at one time, so there should be several doses of special medications throughout the day.

Calcium for pregnant women in food: what foods contain it

As mentioned, the most desirable way to obtain the extra calcium a pregnant woman needs is from food.

And the first tip for improving nutrition for pregnant women is to increase the amount of dairy products on the menu. Our grandmothers used this rule, but it is really effective. Milk, natural yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, goat cheese, kefir, hard cheese, and yogurt will be beneficial. It is better to choose foods with less fat - they are rich in calcium, but contain fewer calories, and the expectant mother does not need overweight. Important rule: Dairy products will be more beneficial if consumed with vegetables rather than with fatty foods. If you decide to boil vegetables, then remember that almost a quarter of the calcium from them will remain in the water, so it is better to prepare vegetable soup.

In addition, the diet should include fish, eggs, cabbage (broccoli), walnuts, almonds (do not overdo it, because nuts are a fairly allergenic product), celery, raisins, dried apricots, sunflower seeds. Pay attention to sesame: 100 grams of these seeds contain daily requirement of the adult human body in calcium. Sesame can be added to salads; it is good to use sesame oil. Eat dried apricots and bananas - they contain potassium, which is not only good for the heart, but also prevents calcium loss.

Also keep in mind that there are foods that slow down the absorption of this substance by the body. For example, spinach, sorrel, beets, cereals. In addition, products that contain caffeine accelerate the removal of calcium from the body. Therefore, a pregnant woman should not abuse caffeine-containing drinks and foods.

It is also important to remember that for more effective absorption of calcium, the body must also receive other vitamins and microelements: vitamin D, vitamin C, magnesium, phosphorus. Be sure to eat foods rich in such substances. For example, there is a lot of vitamin D in liver, eggs, and seafood. In addition, it is produced in the body under the influence of sunlight (15-20 minutes a day is enough). Therefore, try to walk outside more often, if the weather and health conditions allow.

And most importantly, remember: pregnant women need to follow the recommendations, but without excessive fanaticism. Listen to yourself, don't worry and be healthy!

Especially for - Ksenia Boyko

The body of a pregnant woman performs a super task - it works to create a new person, and therefore needs an increased dose of vitamins, microelements, minerals and other useful substances. One of these elements is calcium. He is responsible for skeletal formation, nervous system, development internal organs child. Calcium during pregnancy, which enters the mother's body in sufficient quantities, reduces the risk of miscarriage, severe bleeding during childbirth, and increased blood pressure.

How to understand that the body does not have enough calcium

Calcium deficiency must be diagnosed by a doctor. But you are most likely at risk if:

  • You are excessively thin
  • Do you suffer from lack of appetite?
  • Don't sleep well
  • Smoke
  • Are you experiencing joint pain?
  • You notice a deterioration in the condition of your hair, nails and teeth

A pregnant woman needs to eliminate calcium deficiency, because the deficiency will have a detrimental effect on both her and the condition of the fetus.

Calcium during pregnancy - daily requirement

Our body contains two types of calcium: ionized (free) and bound to proteins. It is considered normal if the share of ionized calcium in the blood is at least 45%. For a doctor, the proportion of free calcium is an informative indicator. With the help of which you can identify a number of diseases, confirm or refute a previously made diagnosis.

The average daily calcium requirement for an adult is 1000 mg. Calcium during pregnancy and breastfeeding is consumed by the body more actively, and the dose increases to 1300 – 1500 mg.

Calcium during pregnancy is especially necessary in the second trimester. Approximately at 20 weeks active formation of fetal bones begins. The norm of calcium per day during this period is 1500 mg. At the end of the third trimester, calcium intake should be reduced to prevent excessive ossification of the fetal skull bones, which impairs the adaptation of the head to passage through the birth canal.

If we translate these obscure milligrams into ordinary products, we get the following ratio:

  • 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese contains 300 mg of calcium; for the daily requirement you need to eat 400-450 grams
  • glass of milk - 300 mg, 1 liter per day
  • 30 g of hard cheese - 250 mg, 150 grams.

We will not say that it is impossible to eat so much in a day, but for this you need to really love dairy products. And you will have to eat this way not just once, but day after day throughout your pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

It is also important to understand that it is not enough to simply eat foods rich in calcium, you need it to be absorbed by the body.

Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium (produced as a result of sun exposure to the skin), but sunbathing during pregnancy is not very useful, and sunny days We don't have much, especially in winter.

The table below shows the calcium content of various foods.

Products Calcium content in mg per 100 g
Salad 83
Cabbage 60
Celery 240
Onion 60
Beans 40
Olives 77
Rye bread 60
Wheat bread 30
Fruits and nuts
Orange 35
Dried apples 45
Figs 57
Dried apricots 170
Raisin 56
Almond 254
Peanut 70
Sesame 1150
Pumpkin seeds 60
Sunflower seeds 100
Fish and meat
Dried fish with bones 3000
Canned sardines with bones 350
Boiled fish 20-30
Beef 20-30

A little about the structure of bones

We all know that calcium is necessary for the formation of a strong skeleton. But you need calcium mounting base like a spool of thread. This role is played by collagen- a very strong protein that forms the basis of many body tissues, including tendons, cartilage, and skin.

Collagen synthesis is impossible without osteotropic minerals: zinc, copper, manganese, boron. Why this chemistry lesson, you ask? It's simple! For the formation of healthy bones calcium alone is not enough, it is necessary to take in a number of other elements.

The entire necessary complex contains the drug Kalcemin. It contains minerals involved in collagen synthesis, calcium and vitamin D3.

Calcium is important during pregnancy and the body will signal its deficiency. If a woman hears herself, then the desire to eat cheese, cottage cheese, and sometimes chalk should lead to taking calcium-containing medications!

Calcium and breastfeeding

The expectant mother knows how important it is to watch her diet and take vitamins. But how often does a woman returning from the maternity hospital completely concentrate on the child, and take care of herself on a residual basis.

You can't forget about yourself! At least out of a desire to maintain health!

Studies show that in the first six months of lactation, a nursing mother loses 5% of calcium from bone tissue. Lactation accelerates bone metabolism. If during this period a woman does not receive calcium in the amount she needs, her bones will become fragile. The risk of getting a fracture, even with a minor fall, will increase significantly. But this is already an extreme stage. First, your nails will begin to break and peel, and your hair will become dull. Joint pain, tooth decay and cramps will occur. If you notice similar symptoms in yourself, take action!

The daily intake of calcium during breastfeeding should be 1500 mg. It is important for a nursing mother to observe the principle of reasonable balance and not exceed the recommended dosage of calcium. Excessive consumption leads to hypercalcemia. Its symptoms: excessive fatigue, drowsiness, depression, sometimes hypercalcemia can cause hypertension and arrhythmia.

It is reasonable to adjust the diet and take calcium supplements during breastfeeding under the supervision of a doctor.

When a woman is carrying a baby, her body acts as a supplier of all building materials for the full development of the child’s body. Calcium occupies a special place in this process. It not only forms the entire musculoskeletal system of the fetus, but also ensures the uninterrupted functioning of the mother’s nervous system. If there is a catastrophic lack of calcium, the body begins to take this mineral from the bones and teeth and gives it to the baby. Subsequently, the condition of the woman’s bone tissue deteriorates, muscle tone is disturbed, and teeth deteriorate. How important is calcium during pregnancy? How to recognize a pathological condition in a timely manner? And where to look for the source of this mineral? Let's put everything in its place to get rid of unnecessary worries and prevent possible problems with health.

Being “pregnant”, a woman instinctively begins to eat more healthy food in order to provide the baby with the complex of substances necessary for development. The need for calcium increases two or even three times. If the diet is balanced and the woman has no contraindications to consuming dairy products, then this mineral is enough for two. But poor ecology, lack of natural cow's milk in stores and health problems do a disservice to pregnant women. And there is often a question about taking additional calcium tablets during pregnancy.

Calcium needs of pregnant women

The daily calcium intake during pregnancy ranges from 1500 to 2000 mg. At the same time, in the early stages of pregnancy, the baby takes no more than 10 mg, but starting from the second trimester, he needs at least 300 mg of calcium ions per day.
Calcium during pregnancy, like a conductor, directs the most important organs and systems. It is part of all bones and cartilage of the fetus, forms the skin, eyes and nerve cells. A sufficient amount of calcium contributes to the normal mental development of the child after childbirth.

On a note! The normal level of calcium in the blood of a pregnant woman is 2.15-2.5 mmol/l.

But for the mother it is no less important. Calcium is good for nervous condition women, prevents uterine hypertonicity and night cramps in the limbs, and also supports blood clotting to avoid postpartum hemorrhage. Calcium is involved in carbohydrate metabolic reactions. It reduces the amount of “bad” cholesterol and provides sufficient glucose.
After childbirth, a sufficient amount of calcium allows you to keep a woman’s teeth and hair safe and sound. And milk rich in this element serves as a prevention of childhood rickets.

Important! Excess calcium is also dangerous. Only a gynecologist can make a decision regarding the use of calcium supplements.

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in women

Calcium deficiency occurs gradually and is not always accompanied by severe symptoms. A deficiency of this substance can only be unequivocally confirmed by a clinical blood test. But this condition can be suspected by a sharp deterioration appearance women: hair becomes dull and “lifeless”, skin flakes and seems to tighten, nails peel and crack, and at night severe cramps in the calf muscles disturb.
More than 20% of women in an “interesting” situation become hostage to hypocalcemia. This is facilitated by a deficiency of calcium-rich foods, abuse of caffeine-containing drinks (tea, coffee), bakery products, pasta and salty foods. In addition, low activity, passive smoking and intestinal dysbiosis affect calcium absorption.

On a note! A severe calcium deficiency is indicated by sensitive tooth enamel, bleeding gums, bone pain and nervousness.

What are the dangers of calcium deficiency during pregnancy?

A severe calcium deficiency causes a decline in the mother's immune system. A woman experiences allergic reactions and often develops viral infections and inflammatory processes. Sharp jumps in blood pressure may occur, and the condition of the skin also worsens. In general, the woman notes Bad mood and loss of strength.
If there was not enough calcium during the period of bearing a child, then difficulties also arise during the delivery process. There is poor labor activity with more pronounced pain syndrome, bleeding is possible due to a blood clotting disorder.
For a baby, calcium deficiency means problems with the functionality of the cerebral cortex, poor blood circulation, pathologies of the nervous system and rickets. In the first months of life, the baby will not gain weight well, much later teeth will begin to erupt, hormonal system will function worse.
It is also worth considering that excess calcium is no less dangerous. Excessive intake of this mineral promotes compaction of the cranial bones with subsequent birth injuries, calcification of the placenta and impaired blood flow, premature overgrowth of the fontanel in the baby. The woman, in turn, may suffer from gallstone disease.

On a note! Women who have experienced hypocalcemia during pregnancy are more prone to osteoporosis during menopause and the development of endocrinological diseases after 35 years.

Food as a source of calcium during pregnancy

A properly adjusted diet can protect a woman from taking oral calcium supplements. This option is more desirable, since calcium from foods is completely absorbed and does not leave “surprises” in the form of kidney stones or intoxication from drug overdose.
Where can you find the right amount of calcium to help maintain your health and provide for your baby? A favorite among calcium-rich foods is hard cheese. The average concentration of this element in cheese is 1000 mg, while a glass of cow's milk supplies only 200-240 mg. There is a little more calcium in goat milk - about 400 mg per glass, but this product is quite rare and you definitely won’t find it in the supermarket. An additional 300 mg of calcium can be obtained from a glass of natural yogurt or a serving of cottage cheese (homemade!).
An alternative source of calcium ions is fish and other seafood. It is especially useful to feast on sardines (240 mg/100 g) or cod (20 mg/100 g). For a variety of dishes, brown algae (170 mg/100 g) and shrimp (47 mg/100 g) are suitable.
It is imperative to eat fresh greens, which also contain enough calcium in combination with vegetable mixes. Among vegetables, the leaders in the amount of calcium are broccoli, celery, cucumbers and carrots, and among fruits - figs, currants, strawberries, peaches and oranges. Have small snacks of dried fruits, seeds and nuts. Instead of a side dish, choose beans and peas, because they contain no less calcium than milk.
So that proper nutrition gives positive result avoid overuse tea, cocoa and oatmeal. These products “wash” calcium from the stomach, preventing it from being fully absorbed.

Advice! Calcium prefers proximity to vitamin D and phosphorus. Take frequent walks under sunny skies to ensure vitamin D is synthesized regularly in your body, and eat fish two to three times a week to replenish phosphorus levels.

There is a short list of foods that are best excluded when eliminating calcium deficiency. During pregnancy, calcium and products that contain it cannot fully “take root” in the body in combination with the following foods:

  1. Vegetables rich in oxalic acid: spinach, sorrel, rhubarb, cauliflower, beet.
  2. Porridges that contain phytin: oatmeal, semolina.
  3. Products with xanthines: cocoa, black and green tea, chocolate (any kind).
  4. Smoked meats, fatty or too salty foods.
  5. White bread.
  6. Carbonated sweet waters.

Did you know...
Additional sources of vitamin D include egg yolks, cod liver and traditional fish oil.

Use of calcium during pregnancy: types and dosage

Not every pregnant woman can drink liters of milk and eat 600-700 cottage cheese daily. Not to mention a history of lactose intolerance or a period of pregnancy in autumn-winter period, when there is sorely not enough sun to produce vitamin D. There is only one way out - take calcium tablets. It would be useful to remind you that these are not vitamins and this drug cannot be prescribed on your own. What calcium to take during pregnancy and whether it is needed at all is decided only by the gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

On a note! Calcium medications are prescribed after the 12th week of pregnancy and can be taken until the end of the baby's feeding period, with the exception of the third trimester of gestation. If you need calcium supplements during pregnancy and don’t know what to take, it is better to consult a competent specialist.

Calcium D3 Nycomed

Calcium D3 is completely harmless during pregnancy and is approved for use. It is available in the form of combined chewable tablets in different flavors (orange, mint, lemon). The composition includes calcium carbonate, vitamin D3 and cholecalciferol.
The drug completely eliminates the imbalance between calcium and phosphorus, restores the mineralization of tooth enamel and is 99% absorbed by bone tissue. Nervous excitability and sudden muscle contractions disappear.
As part of the additional substances, this drug contains aspartame. Under the influence of enzymes, it is transformed into phenylalanine, so women with phenylketonuria are prohibited from taking Nycomed calcium during pregnancy. Lactose is also used as an auxiliary agent, so this remedy is not recommended for women with hypolactasia.
Calcium dosage during pregnancy: for pregnant women, the optimal amount of calcium is 1500 mg, that is, 1 tablet per day. The duration of therapy is adjusted by the doctor, referring to the test results and the woman’s general well-being. The tablet can be dissolved or chewed.

Calcium gluconate

The drug is available in the form of monocomponent tablets (500 mg) or 10% solution for injection. Active substance - calcium gluconate, additional components - starch, silicon dioxide.
Tablets should be taken orally before meals in an amount of 3-6 tablets. The duration of treatment is selected individually. Injections are administered intravenously or intramuscularly at 5-10 mg per day. Calcium gluconate during pregnancy in the form of injections is prescribed only in severe cases hypocalcemia with a sharp deterioration in the woman’s condition and only in the hospital.

Advice! It is better to combine calcium gluconate with additional intake aqueous solution vitamin D


One of the approved calcium supplements during pregnancy with positive reviews is the drug Calcid domestic production. In addition to calcium and D3, it contains vitamins B, C, H, E, PP, folic and pantothenic acid, eggshell. The course of administration is at least 1 month, three capsules per day.
This drug increases the level of calcium salts during pregnancy or lactation, also eliminates vitamin deficiency, allergic pathologies, and improves immunity.


Combined drug with calcium and minerals. The composition includes: calcium carbonate, calcium citrate, zinc, copper, boron, manganese, vitamin D3. The base used is soy polysaccharide, cellulose, and silicon. An additional mineral complex prevents demineralization of bone tissue and promotes complete absorption of calcium salts. The daily norm for women in an “interesting” position is 2 tablets per day.

Interesting! Calcemin cannot be combined with other calcium antagonists or vitamin complexes. Parallel use can cause intoxication from an overdose of calcium salts.

Unambiguously state which one best calcium during pregnancy, impossible. The prescription of the drug depends on clinical picture hypocalcemia and sensitivity of the female body to the components of the drug. Most doctors in winter prefer combined types of calcium with vitamin D3, but in hot weather it is better to use regular calcium gluconate.

Calcium supplements during pregnancy: indications for use and contraindications

To receive a prescription for calcium supplements, you must be good reasons. You shouldn’t just take this medicine for prevention, because the consequences can be very unpleasant. In order, as they say, not to bite your elbows, take note of when calcium tablets need to be taken and what this treatment can leave as a gift.

Indications for use:

  • Risk of occurrence and treatment of osteoporosis.
  • Lack of calcium or vitamin D3.
  • Diseases accompanied by hypocalcemia.
  • Excessive permeability of cell membranes.
  • Impaired conduction of nerve impulses.
  • Hyperphosphatemia in renal failure.
  • Rickets.
  • Spasmophilia.
  • Osteomalacia.
  • Lack of calcium in food during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Postmenopausal period.
  • Bleeding of various origins.
  • Allergic conditions.
  • Intoxication with magnesium salts.
  • Prolonged bed rest.
  • Frequently recurring diarrhea.
  • Bone fractures.

When calcium intake is contraindicated:

  • Intolerance to components.
  • Hypercalcemia.
  • Tendency to thrombosis.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Severe renal impairment.
  • Prescribing medications based on digitalis.
  • Calcium nephrourolithiasis.
  • Hypervitaminosis of vitamin D3.

If you take calcium for a long time, you need to regularly monitor the level of creatinine and calcium in the blood. Monitoring of kidney and liver function is also indicated. If clinical indicators are violated, the drug is discontinued. If a pregnant woman is taking iron supplements, there should be a three-hour pause between taking calcium and iron tablets.

What complications can calcium tablets cause?

  • Bradycardia (heart rhythm disturbances).
  • Hypercalciuria (excessive excretion of calcium salts in the urine).
  • Nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain, constipation, vomiting, bloating, calcification of stones.
  • Swelling of the legs, frequent urination.
  • Deposition of stones on teeth.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Rash, itching, redness on the skin.

Sufficient calcium intake during pregnancy is essential to keep mother and baby healthy. But doctors often play it safe and advise taking pills simply for prevention. This is an absolutely illiterate approach to women in such a delicate state. Therefore, whether to drink calcium during pregnancy or just eat well is up to you.

Video “Why do you need calcium during pregnancy”

Every woman knows that acute calcium deficiency during pregnancy can negatively affect not only her health, but also the development of the baby. It is calcium that acts as the basis of bone tissue, as well as hair and teeth, and is directly involved in the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Such a valuable microelement as calcium is simply necessary for the correct and complete development of all systems, tissues and organs of the child.

It will be quite easy to independently determine the lack of calcium in the body, as characteristic signs begin to appear:

  • increased fragility of nails appears, they begin to peel off;
  • the condition of the teeth sharply and severely deteriorates, and such an unpleasant disease as caries may develop;
  • the hair becomes very dry and brittle, dullness appears, the ends begin to split intensively, and intense hair loss may also develop;
  • During the second and third trimester of pregnancy, severe cramps in the calf muscles may occur.

How to compensate for calcium deficiency?

It is worth remembering that the maximum amount of calcium enters the human body precisely with products that include this valuable microelement and should be included in the daily diet.

Therefore, without fail, during pregnancy, it is necessary to diversify your diet with cod liver, since it contains not only calcium, but also phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin D. You should also regularly eat fish, eggs, fish oil, cabbage, rye bread, parsley, celery, currants, strawberries, nuts and cherries.

Quite a large amount of calcium is also found in fermented milk products, as well as milk. But it is worth considering the fact that they should not be too fatty. The fact is that calcium, interacting with saturated animal fats, will be practically not absorbed, therefore, there will simply be no benefit from consuming such products. Ideal option will choose natural yogurt (without adding various flavoring additives), kefir, cheese and low-fat cottage cheese.

However, getting calcium into the body of a pregnant woman through food may have certain difficulties. The fact is that full absorption of this microelement will occur only in combination with potassium, vitamin D, phosphorus and magnesium. But at the same time, iron can seriously slow down this process and reduce the efficiency of calcium absorption into the intestinal walls.

When preparing a daily diet, it is recommended to supplement foods that contain calcium with bran, cabbage, legumes, cod liver, and egg yolk. However, you should not combine foods containing calcium with the main sources of iron, which include meat, beef tongue and liver, apples, buckwheat, pumpkin, apricots.

To compensate for the lack of calcium in a pregnant woman’s body, special preparations can be used. However, when choosing a particular vitamin complex, it is imperative to consult with your doctor, who is monitoring the course of your pregnancy, since he will be the one who will be able to select the ideal drug that meets all the needs of your body.

For a pregnant woman daily norm calcium is 1500 milligrams, and during the feeding period this figure rises to 2000 milligrams. It is advisable to take calcium vitamin complexes on an empty stomach and before bedtime, since this element will be absorbed much more effectively by an empty stomach.

When should you take calcium during pregnancy?

The fact is that most of the calcium is concentrated in the skeletal system and teeth of the female body. If the concentration of this mineral in the blood decreases, then its gradual “washing out” begins. This causes bones to become more brittle and teeth may suffer from caries. It is as a result of a serious lack of calcium that during pregnancy you may simply have an irresistible desire to eat a piece of chalk.

During pregnancy, additional calcium intake may be needed in the following cases:

  • severe and rapid tooth decay begins;
  • increased fragility of nails and hair appears;
  • there is a risk of premature labor;
  • the development of preeclampsia in pregnant women begins, that is;
  • early toxicosis manifests itself, which is severe;
  • there is a risk of miscarriage;
  • concerns about increased nervousness and anxiety;
  • cramps appear in the legs;
  • primary weakness of labor is observed.

Why is calcium supplementation necessary during pregnancy?

Calcium makes up approximately 2% of the total human body weight, and it is the most important element for the creation of cartilage and bone tissue. If this element is missing, the process of cholesterol exchange and fatty acids, from which the synthesis of steroid hormones occurs.

It is calcium that is responsible for the functioning of muscular organs and muscles, which also includes the uterus. Therefore, if there is a lack of this element in the body, labor will have a negative effect.

Calcium effectively regulates the functioning of the coagulation system, as well as the functioning of the kidneys, therefore, during pregnancy, additional intake of calcium supplements is completely justified, and sometimes simply irreplaceable.

During pregnancy, the female body's need for calcium doubles, and the daily requirement should be at least 1500 milligrams (as written above). The fact is that during this period, which is not the easiest for the female body, calcium is consumed quite quickly, which leads to a decrease in bone mass, while it can be fully restored only after the menstrual cycle has normalized.

In the event that the developing fetus does not receive a sufficient amount of calcium through the bloodstream, there is a possibility that a stop will occur not only physically, but also mental development. The risk that a child will develop such a dangerous disease as is also significantly increased. That is why, during intrauterine development, the baby must receive the required amount of calcium.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that an excessive amount of calcium in the body is not capable of making a child an outstanding athlete or a genius, but at the same time there is a possibility of it having a negative impact on the development of the child. The most important thing here is to observe moderation, which is why you should take medications containing calcium only after consulting your doctor.

Before you start directly saturating your baby’s body with calcium, it is imperative to consult your doctor. The fact is that it is necessary to determine the safe dosage of the drug as accurately as possible, and the period of pregnancy at which calcium deficiency began to be experienced will also be important.

It is important to take into account the fact that in almost all cases, calcium supplements are taken starting from the second trimester of pregnancy and no earlier than the 13th week of gestation. Taking calcium supplements should continue for a fairly long period of time, without interruption, but not more than one month.

It is not recommended to take additional calcium supplements after the 35th week of pregnancy. The fact is that as a result, this can provoke the onset of premature ossification of the fetal head, therefore, its passage through the birth canal will be difficult.

In order to restore the correct balance of calcium in the body, you can take special medications, which can be in the form of powder, tablets, or solution.

You can take the following medications:

  • Calcium D3 Nycomed (Calcium Carbonate) – contains 500 milligrams of calcium, as well as essential vitamin D, which significantly improves the absorption of this mineral;
  • Calcium gluconate contains 500 milligrams of calcium in each tablet;
  • Vitrum, Elevit, Pregnavit and other multivitamin complexes intended for use not only by pregnant women, but also by nursing mothers;
  • Calcemin (Calcium Citrate) is absorbed much better and faster female body, unlike other forms of this element, one tablet contains 250 milligrams of calcium.

Contraindications to taking calcium during pregnancy

Despite the fact that calcium is one of the most important microelements in the human body, at the same time, its intake may have a number of certain contraindications, namely:

  • the presence of individual intolerance to the components of such drugs;
  • the presence of various malignant neoplasms;
  • development, which is chronic;
  • development ;

Only a doctor should choose a particular drug containing calcium, since he evaluates not only its effectiveness, but also the possibility of developing characteristic symptoms. side effects, which are present in all medications.

How to properly take calcium during pregnancy?

  • the human body is simply not able to absorb more than 500 milligrams of calcium at one time. That is why the daily norm should be divided into several doses, which are carried out throughout the day;
  • if this is possible, then calcium supplements should be taken with meals, at lunch or in the evening, before bed, on an empty stomach;
  • very carefully it is necessary to take calcium supplements at the same time as it has the ability to accumulate in the body and enter the breast milk;
  • during breastfeeding There remains an increased need for calcium in the body, which is why, after the birth of the baby, it is recommended to resume taking the vitamin complex, but only if the doctor allows it.

In case of excess calcium in the body, there is a possibility of such consequences as:

  • the formation of calcium deposits directly in the placenta, which also disrupts the proper fetal-placental blood flow;
  • The fetal bones begin to lose their elasticity.

It is advisable that the expectant mother receives calcium through food. To this end, your own diet will need to be diversified with products that contain this valuable mineral. In this way, it will be possible not only to prevent the likelihood of its excess in the body, but also to minimize the risk of side effects that occur when taking this drug (extreme thirst, vomiting, and others).

To avoid taking additional medications containing calcium, you need to add milk and other fermented milk products to your diet. The fact is that maximum amount This microelement is contained in these products.

During pregnancy, it is recommended to consume low-fat cheeses, yogurt, natural yogurt, and milk containing a minimum percentage of fat content. At the same time, it is recommended to replace homemade cottage cheese, which many pregnant women simply adore, with a less fatty product, since it has approximately the same calcium content, but significantly fewer calories.

In order to significantly increase the level of calcium absorption by the body, it is worth combining dairy products with vegetables and fruits, but not with fats, as they will interfere with the absorption of this valuable microelement.

During pregnancy, regular walks will help to cope with calcium deficiency. fresh air, balanced and proper nutrition, and of course, staying in a good mood.

Calcium plays a very important role during pregnancy important role. The lack of this chemical element can negatively affect the formation of the unborn baby and the general well-being of the woman. Therefore, all expectant mothers are recommended to additionally take medications that contain this chemical element. What calcium should you take during pregnancy? Which drug should I choose? Is it possible to do without medications?

The role of calcium in the body

The chemical element calcium belongs to the group of macroelements. In the body of a pregnant woman, it performs many important functions that ensure the normal development of the fetus.

Functions of calcium during the perinatal period:

  • the main element for the formation of bone and cartilage tissue of the unborn child;
  • supports the proper functioning of a woman’s musculoskeletal system;
  • participates in cholesterol metabolism;
  • ensures normal fatty acid metabolism;
  • regulates the contractility of muscle tissue;
  • participates in the process of thrombus formation and ensures the normal course of the blood clotting process;
  • supports the functioning of the kidneys and excretory apparatus.

Calcium is necessary for normal pregnancy. Therefore, it is necessary to control its amount in the body.

Symptoms of deficiency

Lack of calcium during pregnancy is manifested by characteristic symptoms:

  • the appearance of muscle cramps, especially at night;
  • the appearance of pain in bones and joints;
  • deterioration of dental health, development of caries;
  • bones become brittle high risk development of fractures;
  • traces appear;
  • a woman often has headaches and even develops migraines;
  • a sharp change in blood pressure levels;
  • severe swelling appears.

When diagnosing such symptoms, the expectant mother must tell the doctor who is monitoring the pregnancy about it.

He will prescribe an additional examination, on the basis of which the need for additional treatment will be determined. medicines.

How does calcium enter the body?

A pregnant woman can get calcium from food or from special medications. Proper balanced nutrition can fully satisfy the expectant mother’s needs for this macronutrient.

Not all women can provide themselves with varied and high-quality food, therefore, during the period of bearing a child, they are recommended to take additional mineral supplements to their food.

You should not replace calcium from food with medications without a doctor’s prescription. This is due to the fact that calcium from pharmaceutical preparations is very poorly absorbed by the body.

In addition, it is necessary to limit the consumption of foods that reduce the absorption of this substance. These include:

  • cocoa;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • oatmeal;
  • semolina;
  • fatty food;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles and preserves;
  • White bread.


When to take additional calcium during pregnancy is determined by the doctor after studying the test results and complaints of the expectant mother. In most cases, combination drugs are prescribed. As a rule, these are multivitamin complexes that contain calcium.

Examples of calcium supplements approved for use during pregnancy:

  • calcium D3 nycomed;
  • calcium sandoz forte;
  • calcium-active;
  • calcemin;
  • calcium gluconate.

The most inexpensive medicine on this list is calcium gluconate. However, he demonstrates the poorest absorption of the element. This is due to the lack of vitamin D in its composition, which activates this process.

Calcium is best absorbed from the drug Kalcemin. Calcium D3, Sandoz or Active require caution when taken by women with kidney problems.

Attention! Only a doctor can tell which calcium is best for pregnant women, based on the general medical history of the expectant mother.

Folk remedies that make up for the deficiency

In addition to nutrition and medications, the lack of calcium in the body can be replenished using folk recipes.

Most popular folk remedy It is considered the use of ground eggshells. To prepare, you need to take the shells of several eggs. Both chicken and quail eggs. The shells must be washed and dried very well. Then it needs to be ground into a fine powder. A woman should take ½ teaspoon of the resulting mixture for 14 days.

However, the effectiveness of this remedy has not been proven. Therefore, it is imperative to consult a doctor before use.

Sometimes, expectant mothers eat chalk. But this remedy also has no evidence of benefits for the body. Calcium from such products is absorbed in very small dosages.

What products can fill the gap?

The intake of calcium into the body through food is considered the most effective. As a rule, such an element is almost completely absorbed and performs its functions.

Products that contain greatest number calcium:

  • milk;
  • cottage cheese;
  • all types of cheese;
  • sour cream;
  • natural yogurt;
  • salad;
  • White cabbage;
  • stem and root celery;
  • figs;
  • dried apricots;
  • almond;
  • sesame;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • dried fish;
  • canned fish.

The leading positions in the content of this element are occupied by dairy and fermented milk products. A pregnant woman should regularly include them in her diet.

Excessive consumption of foods increases the load on the kidneys. Therefore, women with pathologies excretory system It is worth eating them in limited quantities.

Daily norm

During pregnancy, the daily need for calcium increases. For the expectant mother up to 1500 mg of this element per day is required.

Of this amount, 300 mg should enter the body of a developing baby daily.

For better absorption of calcium, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • a single dose should not exceed 500 mg;
  • additional medications are taken only with meals;
  • Do not take calcium with iron;
  • While taking calcium, be sure to take additional vitamin D;
  • an excess of the substance in the body should not be allowed;
  • This element should not be taken in the last trimester of the perinatal period.

Attention! It is imperative to check with your doctor about how long it is necessary to take calcium during pregnancy.

Calcium is the most important macronutrient of the human body. Carrying a child requires a sufficient amount of it. Your doctor will be able to determine what to take as a source of calcium during pregnancy.

The expectant mother should adhere to the rules of a balanced diet and then there will be no need to take medications.

Educational video: calcium during pregnancy

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