What are bananas good for the body? Benefits and harms of bananas for men's health Useful qualities of a banana

One of the most popular types of fruits in our country, and throughout the world, are bananas - a tasty and nutritious, affordable and sold in every store, healthy and rich in essential substances product. They contain a large amount of pectins, natural natural sugars, phosphorus and calcium, magnesium and iron, potassium and other chemical compounds. Also, each ripe banana is a real storehouse of vitamins and easily digestible carbohydrates.

Useful properties of bananas

In many southern countries, in fact, where bananas of various varieties mainly grow, they are one of the main sources of nutrition for the population. This is not surprising, since in such places this fruit is grown in large quantities for export and consumption by local residents, and it also grows wild everywhere.

Among the huge variety of products, the banana stands out in that it has a really wide range of useful properties:

  1. The complex chemicals found in its pulp are an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Its regular use contributes to the normalization of the acidity index of gastric juice, stimulates the activation of the digestion process, thereby improving the digestibility of other foods.
  2. Another important advantage of a product such as a banana is a high concentration of magnesium and potassium - elements that should be in a healthy diet for every person, regardless of age and gender. Without their help, it is difficult to imagine the normal functioning of the heart, the activity of muscles, the growth of bones and teeth, and the functioning of the liver. By eating a couple of bananas daily, you can completely cover the daily requirement for potassium, as well as almost completely in magnesium. This fruit is considered especially useful for athletes and workers, who, by the nature of their activities, experience constant increased stress on the cardiovascular and muscular systems.
  3. Banana is a powerful source of energy, containing a large amount of sugars and other well-absorbed carbohydrates that saturate a person with strength. Its distinctive feature is its high calorie content, as a result of which nutritionists do not recommend including bananas in any form in the daily diet for people suffering from obesity and trying to lose weight.
  4. This southern fruit is important in the nutrition of a child. Its value in the children's diet is easily explained by its good digestibility, its chemical composition, which is rich in useful substances, and the absence of the risk of allergies. Even small children can eat bananas, however, it should be borne in mind that the fibers contained in them are poorly digested by humans until they reach the age of 3 years.
  5. The soothing and enveloping effect of banana pulp when exposed to the mucous membranes of the body allows you to get rid of heartburn. Also, the fruit is an excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of liver diseases and helps to accelerate the recovery processes occurring inside it.
  6. Substances contained in the pulp of bananas strengthen bones and hair, have a rejuvenating effect on the skin, therefore face masks and other cosmetics are produced on the basis of this product. According to the observations of experts, the natural acids in the fruit moisturize the surface of the skin, making it supple and elastic, which women will appreciate.
  7. The beneficial effect of bananas on the state of the nervous system is another serious plus in the treasury of their useful qualities. Regular consumption of the fruit allows you to forget about depression once and for all, to make your character more calm and balanced. And all because bananas are rich in the so-called "hormones of joy", when they enter the human body, they improve his mood.
  8. There is no doubt about their benefits for the hematopoietic system, due to the high content of iron. The inclusion of bananas in the diet can slow down the natural aging process, increase the mental capabilities of the brain, accelerate wound healing, and improve the digestibility of fats and proteins.
  9. The substances contained inside the fruit effectively neutralize and remove from the body the harmful compounds inhaled by the lungs during the daily process of smoking, so its use makes it easier for those who seriously decide to try to get rid of this addiction.

Bananas are also used in folk medicine - due to the high concentration of nutrients, they are effectively used to treat inflammatory diseases of the mouth and digestive system, constipation and diarrhea, stomach ulcers and gastritis, high blood pressure and anemia, diathesis and atherosclerosis, various kinds of nervous disorders. The peel is considered an excellent remedy for getting rid of warts and other skin problems.

The beneficial properties of bananas are due to the diverse chemical composition of the fruit. It contains a wide range of compounds important for the human body such as:

  1. Potassium - is responsible for the health of the heart and blood vessels, nourishes and strengthens the myocardium, maintains the elasticity and tone of the vascular walls, and reduces the risk of problems with blood pressure. It is enough to consume one such fruit a day to forget about hypertension.
  2. Fiber - normalizes the work of the intestines and other organs of the digestive system, cleansing their delicate mucous walls from toxins, has a mild laxative effect.
  3. Serotonin, also known as the “hormone of joy” or “hormone of happiness”, is a real safe natural antidepressant that calms the nerves, allows you to relax after a busy day at work, and purposefully causes positive emotions in a person.

Bananas contain almost no fats and proteins, but they are rich in vitamins and minerals - ascorbic acid, magnesium, calcium and others. Depending on the size, the calorie content of one fruit is from 70 to 100 kilocalories, or an average of 85 kilocalories.

Benefits of dried bananas

Today, dried bananas are becoming increasingly popular - sweet dried fruits that are an excellent delicacy. They are rich in potassium and other important chemicals that have a beneficial effect on the human brain and heart, hair and skin. Their regular use in food allows you to get rid of anemia, problems with the digestive and cardiovascular systems, constipation, toxins.

Eating dried bananas in food allows you to remove excess fluid from the body, getting rid of puffiness. The fibrous structure of their pulp has the most positive effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, stimulating digestive processes and improving the degree of absorption of food. Due to the large amount of fiber, this type of dried fruit has a slight laxative effect.

Dried banana is a product that is easily digestible by the human body, providing it with strength and energy, which is especially important for people who are fond of sports or work in hard physical work. In addition, the fruit is rich in vitamin C, which makes it an excellent tool for strengthening immunity, combating beriberi, preventing and treating viral and infectious diseases.

Despite the huge number of advantages, in some cases bananas can harm the human body:

  1. They contain a high concentration of sugars, so their frequent use is categorically not recommended for people with diabetes or who are prone to obesity, as well as trying to get rid of obesity.
  2. They should be consumed in moderation, since a large amount of pulp is difficult for the stomach and intestines to digest, especially when it comes to green bananas. Otherwise, you need to be prepared for such troubles as increased gas formation and bloating.
  3. You should not try to mix bananas with milk - in most cases, such a mixture will cause indigestion in the shortest possible time, causing loose stools and other troubles.
  4. It is not advisable to give large amounts of this fruit to children under the age of three. Firstly, their digestive system is not yet well adapted to digest the fiber found in the pulp, and secondly, there is a risk of allergies.
  5. It is not recommended to eat bananas while carrying a child or during breastfeeding - sometimes such a diet can cause allergic reactions, kernicterus or hemolytic anemia in infants.
  6. It is also worth refusing to take them for diseases such as thrombophlebitis, coronary heart disease, increased blood clotting. People who have had a heart attack or stroke should also refrain from buying them.

Often on sale you can find green unripe bananas. Eating them is not the best solution. The fact is that instead of easily digestible sugars, they contain hardly soluble starch, the entry of which into the digestive organs causes bloating and flatulence. Having bought such fruits, it is necessary to leave them to ripen for several days so that the starch has time to turn into sugar.

Video: what happens if you eat 2 bananas a day

Bananas are low-fat, but quite valuable and nutritious food. Exotic fruits have a lot of advantages. The high content of vitamins, mineral elements, valuable amino acids, essential oils helps to saturate the body with useful substances and get rid of some ailments. It has been proven that all the substances present in the pulp are beneficial for men's health. Regular consumption of them in food is the prevention of erectile dysfunction and decreased libido. The wonderful properties of fruits should be considered in more detail.

Banana fruits, their types

Many believe that bananas grow on a palm tree, in fact, a banana tree is a shrub. And the fruit, which we used to consider a fruit, from the point of view of botanical science is a berry.

The homeland of an exotic plant is the cluster of islands of the Malay Archipelago. Bananas grow in tropical and subtropical climates in Asia, Latin America, and Australia. For many peoples, bananas are the main food product, for example, each inhabitant of Ecuador eats an average of 74 kg of them per year.

Sunny fruits are consumed fresh, dried, fried, they are used to make flour, marmalade, and are used to make wine. Unripe fruits go to the production of starch. There are 2 types of edible bananas:

  • Dessert- edible bananas that are familiar to us, which can be consumed raw;
  • plantains- large vegetable crops requiring heat treatment.


banana pulp consists of 1/4 of sugars and carbohydrates and 1/3 of solids. Pectins and fiber ensure the elimination of toxic substances, improve metabolic processes and are a prophylactic against constipation. Essential oils give a specific aroma, proteins and sugars help to quickly satisfy hunger and quickly restore strength.

  • Vitamins C, PP, E, group B, carotenoids (precursors of vitamin A);
  • Minerals - potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, sodium, zinc, selenium;
  • Amino acids - methionine, tryptophan, lysine;
  • Antioxidants;
  • Catecholamines.

calories green banana is 89 kcal, mature - 110 kcal, and if the fruit is overripe, its energy value rises to 170 calories. 100 grams of pulp contains 1.5 g of protein, 0.4 g of fat and 21 g of carbohydrates. Due to its high calorie content, fruits are recommended by nutritionists as a way to saturate the body between meals. Despite the presence of sugars, they can be used in your diet when dieting. One banana a day will not harm the figure, but it will relieve vitamin and mineral deficiencies.


Useful properties of fruits are due to their chemical composition and biologically active substances. Fruits have the following effect on the body:

  • Sedative;
  • Hypotensive;
  • anti-aging;
  • Immunomodulatory;
  • Hematopoietic;
  • Regenerating;
  • Antiseptic;
  • General strengthening;
  • Anticholesterol.

Why are bananas good for health?

Bananas have a positive effect on the digestive tract, they have astringent properties and normalize the formation of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, yellow fruits are indicated for people suffering from gastritis and peptic ulcer. Because they promote mucus production, bananas are recommended for heartburn and flatulence. This is one of the few products that is useful for diarrhea: the fruit does not irritate the mucous membrane and relieves inflammation.

Pectins and delicate vegetable fiber gently act on the intestines and help cleanse it of toxins and stagnant masses. Interestingly, bananas are considered natural probiotics: they help the formation of beneficial microflora in the intestines.

In terms of the concentration of potassium and magnesium, sunny fruits are champions. If you eat 3-4 bananas daily, this will provide the daily requirement for these minerals. It is potassium and magnesium that are necessary for the functioning of the heart muscle, which means that regular fruit consumption is a preventive measure for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Minerals act as normalizers of water-salt metabolism, relieve edema and prevent the development of hypertension. Fiber and pectins remove excess cholesterol and have a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels.

The amino acid tryptophan promotes the production of the hormone of joy - serotonin. Therefore, you should eat a banana when you are tired, irritated, or experiencing a strong emotional upheaval. The fruit will help get rid of depression and bad mood.

Iron, which is part of the pulp, performs a hematopoietic function and prevents the development of anemia.

Nutritionists advise including bananas on the menu for all people involved in intellectual work, especially students and schoolchildren during a period of increased workload. The product improves memory and attention. Since the fruit helps to quickly restore strength, it is recommended to use it after hard physical work.

The natural sugars of the pulp act as an energy booster for men, which is why the fruit is widely used in protein shakes. Scientists tried to repeat the formula of banana antioxidants, but their work was not successful.

Let's summarize. As a medicinal product, bananas are used for:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypertension;
  • Inflammation of the oral cavity;
  • edema;
  • depression;
  • General loss of strength.

Benefits for men

Vitamins B, A, E are necessary for the synthesis of sex hormones, and also help the circulatory system, which supplies nutrients to the pelvic organs. The use of fruits improves all sexual functions.

No wonder bananas resemble the main male organ in shape. The product is considered excellent - a substance that stimulates desire. Banana consumption has been proven to increase sexual performance: the erection becomes stronger and more pronounced, and the duration of sexual intercourse lengthens. If you eat a banana before a romantic meeting, the evening will be successful for the man and his partner.

Thanks to the action of tryptophan, the effects of nervous tension and stress are removed, which will undoubtedly affect the emotional background and sexual function.

Since bananas stimulate the production of oxytocin, sperm quality and male fertility improve - the ability to conceive offspring. Regular consumption of fruits affects the results of the spermogram: there is an increase in the number of sperm, which become more mobile and active.

Such a property of the product as the ability is known, which is useful for men seeking to get rid of a bad habit. After a hearty feast, bananas remove toxins and breakdown products of alcohol and thus improve overall well-being.

Methods of application and recipes

Academician Bolotov advised to cook from banana peel healing kvass. The fizzy drink saturates the body with tryptophan, removes toxins, and is also a prophylactic against cancer. According to the scientist, banana kvass helps treat tumors in the early stages. To prepare a drink, you need to take the peel from 3-4 ripe fruits, pour it with three liters of water, add a spoonful of sour cream and a glass of sugar. Kvass perfectly quenches thirst and contains a small amount of calories.

Banana peel also has medicinal properties: it relieves inflammation on the skin and helps heal burns. Folk healers advise applying the peel to the forehead with a headache, to the site of an insect bite, to skin growths and warts.

Banana porridge helps with coughing. To prepare a healing agent, the pulp is mashed into a puree, a glass of water and a spoonful of honey are added. Drink a drink throughout the day.

Banana peels also help with coughing. It is washed, crushed and poured with a liter of milk. Boil for 15 minutes, after which the peel can be removed, and a teaspoon of honey can be added to the drink.

Product harm

Nutritionists do not advise eating the pulp of the fetus on an empty stomach: this can provoke discomfort in the stomach and provide bloating. It is optimal to eat a banana an hour after a meal.

Despite the fact that the fruit rarely causes allergies, you should not eat them in large quantities. Some people have a so-called latent sensitivity to the product. Bananas themselves do not cause any reactions, but they contribute to the development of allergies to other substances.

Limit the consumption of fruits should be patients with obesity and diabetes. In some people, bananas provoke blood clotting, so they should not be consumed with a tendency to thrombosis.

The harmful effect is the presence of chemicals on the surface of the peel. It is known that bananas are harvested unripe, in this form they better tolerate transportation and long-term storage. They are treated with chemicals, among which the most toxic are phenols that can provoke the growth of tumors. Therefore, after purchasing the product, be sure to rinse it under water to remove harmful compounds.

Selection rules

The most delicious and sweet fruits are bright yellow, medium-sized, on the peel of which there are dark spots (they should not be confused with rotten and moldy parts). A dull color indicates that the product has been refrigerated. A dark-colored peel occurs in fruits if storage conditions are violated, although the use of such fruits for food is allowed.

Many people buy green bananas because of their low calorie content. It should be noted that fruits of such ripeness can cause increased gas formation and abdominal discomfort. If you happened to get a greenish fruit, put it in the refrigerator. After 2-3 days, it will ripen and become suitable for eating.

Store fruits at room temperature for no more than 3 days. If you have purchased a large bunch of fruit, do not put it entirely in the vegetable compartment. Separate bananas keep longer. Freezing of the product is allowed, but do not rely on the fact that the pulp will remain the same. After defrosting, the fruit is suitable as an addition to sauces or pastries.

Without harm to health, you can eat 3 fruits a day in between meals.

Bananas are a very valuable product, but with moderate use. It saturates with energy, improves digestion, improves mood. Men should regularly eat them to maintain sexual function.

Bananas do not grow in our latitudes, but this fruit has been popular with us for several years. The roots of a perennial plant of the Banana family are found in the tropics of Southeast Asia, where tasty and fragrant fruits grow. There are about 40 types of different forms of bananas: apple, dwarf, red, black, etc. They all grow in large clusters.

Is there any benefit from this product? What vitamins are in bananas? Let's find out all about the beneficial and harmful properties of bananas.

The benefits of bananas for the body lies in their chemical composition. Banana contains a lot of potassium, iron, sodium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. The product also includes such a useful substance as vitamin C, a natural antioxidant that helps rejuvenate the body and protects it from colds and infections.

Bananas contain the following vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, PP and E. These useful elements can improve memory and attention, help overcome irritability and stress, fight insomnia, and increase efficiency. The above substances make the hair healthy and eliminate acne on the skin. In particular, vitamin E has a good effect on well-being, improves mood and makes the skin smooth and supple.

banana calories

A fairly common question is how many calories are in a banana and is it possible to eat a lot of bananas on a diet? Or can you get fat from this product?

A medium-sized banana weighs approximately 140 g.

This fruit contains about 120 kcal. It also contains more than 30 g of carbohydrates, with most of them being sugar. How much protein is in bananas? One fruit contains up to 1.5 g of protein.

Many people think that a banana is good for curbing hunger, but this is not true. After a brief saturation, it only strengthens it even more. A banana can increase blood sugar levels and affect appetite, but will not provide nutritional value.

Now you know how many calories are in a banana and you understand that it is better to refuse it during a diet. It is worth noting that after a workout, you should also not snack on this fruit, otherwise you can get fat, despite the seemingly insignificant, it would seem, 120 kcal. As a serving of calcium and quality carbohydrates, it is better to drink a fresh creamy carrot smoothie, and bananas after a workout are of dubious benefit.

However, you can periodically arrange a fasting day on bananas. Combining yellow fruits with low-fat yogurt, you can lose about 1.5 kg per day. Such a fasting day on bananas should not be repeated often.

Benefits of bananas for the body

What are the benefits of bananas? Banana is highly nutritious and a great source of energy. During a busy work process, it is quite possible to take a break and have a snack with a healthy fruit to restore strength.

The benefit of yellow fruits also lies in the fact that only 3 pieces contain the daily requirement of potassium. When asked whether bananas are useful for arrhythmia and hypertension, all experts will answer in the affirmative. The presence of potassium has a good effect on improving the activity of the cardiovascular system and contributes to the removal of excess fluid. Banana is an ideal assistant in the fight against edema.

The beneficial properties of bananas are also the enveloping effect that occurs after eating the fruit and is indicated for gastritis. Bananas for gastritis are advised to use even for the prevention of this disease - their benefits in this case have been proven. By absorbing gastric juice, a banana quickly relieves the symptoms of heartburn.

The beneficial properties of yellow fruits also apply to the nervous system. This exotic fruit is also recommended for those who quit smoking. After eating bananas, the content of endorphins rises, which has a wonderful effect on mood and a surge of energy.

The benefits of bananas during menstruation are undeniable - they greatly relieve pain. The iron found in bananas increases hemoglobin levels. Banana peel is used as an antihelminthic.

The benefits of bananas for pregnant and lactating mothers

Most expectant mothers are attentive to their diet and select products based on their benefits to the body. Can pregnant women eat bananas? What are the benefits of bananas during pregnancy?

Many pregnant women suffer from heartburn, which banana easily eliminates. It is enough to eat one fruit when unpleasant sensations appear, and soon an attack of heartburn will pass. Bananas during pregnancy are also useful because they contain a lot of ascorbic acid, which has a good effect on immunity.

Folic acid is indicated for pregnant women, as it is very useful for the baby - it is contained in bananas in sufficient quantities, both in dried and fresh fruits. The vitamins that make up these fruits can improve the condition and appearance of the pregnant woman and positively affect the health of the unborn baby.

After the birth of a child, a reasonable question arises, is it possible for a nursing mother to eat bananas, will they cause discomfort to the newborn? Bananas can be consumed while breastfeeding, but in moderation. The best option is to eat one banana and see the reaction of the child after a while. If the baby does not have constipation or loose stools, the tummy does not hurt, then a nursing mother can eat no more than 1 fetus per day. Are you allergic to bananas? You should postpone the consumption of this delicacy until better times.

When and how much can bananas be given to a child?

When breastfeeding, pediatricians advise starting complementary foods at about 6 months of age. Therefore, the question of when it is possible to give a banana to a child can be answered - no earlier than 6 months after birth. Until this age, breast milk or infant formula will be enough for the baby.

It is best to give a banana to a child when vegetables or cereals have already been introduced into complementary foods. Since this product is quite sweet, the baby may refuse vegetables in favor of a banana. When to give - in the morning or in the evening? Pediatricians advise introducing new foods in the morning in order to have time to see if the baby has an allergy by night. It is better to start with a small portion in the form of mashed potatoes, gradually increasing its volume. They don’t give fried bananas to babies - such a delicacy can only be consumed by children over 3 years old.

Not everyone knows that banana trees do not exist. But where do bananas grow? The "banana tree" does not have a trunk, it is replaced by leaves adjacent to each other, which are tightly wrapped around a single stem. It is on it that flowers first appear, and then fruits. This begs the question: is a banana a fruit or a berry? Oddly enough, but a banana is a berry, since fruits grow only on trees and bushes.

Fried bananas, dried bananas or fresh fruits - everyone chooses according to their taste. But what happens if you boil a banana? Some resort to such experiments. Try boiling ordinary yellow or red bananas and you will see that they become very soft and almost lose their taste.

Do you know what bananas dream of? Whatever a banana dreams about, such a dream does not bring anything good. For women, a banana can portend an unpleasant and tiring pastime, disappointment and vain chores. Bananas in a dream can also promise a waste of money and trouble. They also dream of love adventures.

Is there any harm in eating bananas?

What bananas are useful for, has already been described above, let's find out if they have not only useful, but harmful properties.

The harm of bananas is as follows:

  • The benefits of bananas do not apply to those with diabetes. For them, this product will only bring harm. With this disease, it is not recommended to eat either red bananas, or dried bananas, or fresh fruits;
  • if a banana weighs 140 g, it contains 120 kcal. That's how many calories are in bananas due to the presence of starch. What causes increased consumption of fruits? The benefits of such a diet are doubtful, as it can lead to weight gain. That is why it is not advised to eat a lot of bananas when dieting;
  • banana allergy. Another factor in the rejection of a tasty and fragrant fruit;
  • with increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis, diabetes, coronary heart disease, it is also not recommended to eat bananas. The harm will be greater than the benefits of this fruit.
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p20YUHo3lAc

Having studied the above tables, we can conclude that a fresh banana is not very fatty, but a very nutritious and energy-rich product. As for plantains, which require heat treatment before consumption, they are rich in the same minerals and vitamins as dessert bananas. Baking such fruits allows you to save their beneficial substances, but frying reduces the amount of vitamins and makes them fatter and more nutritious.

Medicinal properties

Despite the fact that a banana is 75% water, it contains many useful components. For example, this tropical fruit is very rich in potassium, and thus helps the body maintain a healthy heart and kidneys, as well as enhances attention and activates the brain. Scientists claim that a sufficient amount of this mineral in the body prevents the formation of kidney stones, helps to normalize blood pressure and reduces the risk of a heart attack by 27%. Magnesium in combination with vitamins C and B6 also has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart.

In addition, a banana is recommended for diarrhea. By itself, the fruit will not solve the situation, but it will certainly help restore the level of potassium that is washed out of the body during indigestion. Bananas also contain dietary fiber, which supports normal bowel function and plays an important role in preventing colorectal cancer. By the way, the antioxidants in bananas can help reduce the damage from free radicals, which scientists believe contribute to the development of cancerous tumors.

Banana is considered an effective assistant in the fight against ulcers, since it contains substances that resist the bacteria that cause this disease. It also has an antacid effect (reduces irritation of the mucous membrane, soothes the digestive system) and envelops the walls of the stomach.

Bananas are useful at any age, but are especially important at a very early stage of life. So, puree from this tropical fruit usually becomes almost the first meal of the baby after mother's milk. As a rule, a banana does not cause allergies and provides the child's body with useful substances. Moreover, according to the observations of British scientists, if children eat one banana every day, then their risk of developing asthma is reduced by 34%.

The use of this tropical fruit also benefits the organs of vision. Despite the fact that carrots are usually associated with a positive effect on the eyes, bananas also contribute to the fight against macular degeneration (retinal damage and impaired central vision), due to the presence of vitamin A in their composition.

Calcium is found in bananas in not very large quantities, but it still helps to strengthen bones. In addition, certain non-digestible carbohydrates increase the body's ability to absorb calcium from other sources.

Finally, bananas are often and not in vain associated with the product for athletes. Minerals and fast carbohydrates saturate the body and charge with energy and strength for a rich workout. In addition, some scientists believe that bananas help reduce muscle cramps and relieve soreness. However, this effect has not been scientifically proven.

In the same way, the effect of bananas on a person's mood has not been proven. The antioxidant dopamine, obtained from a banana, does not affect the hormonal background, so you should not associate its entry into the body with an improvement in mood. And in the case of the amino acid tryptophan, which in the body is transformed into the neurotransmitter serotonin (“the hormone of good mood”), its amount in a banana is so insignificant that it can hardly affect mood.

In medicine

Although bananas are not used in the pharmaceutical industry, they certainly have medicinal properties that are actively used in traditional medicine. In tropical countries, where a banana is considered one of the main components of the daily diet, not only the pulp of the fruit, but also the rest of the plant (roots, leaves, flowers, fruit peel) is used to treat various diseases. For example, it is believed that an infusion of flowers helps with diabetes, ulcers and bronchitis, the roots - with disorders of the stomach, dysentery, and the leaves - with skin wounds and burns. In our area, the use of banana for medicinal purposes is mainly limited to the use of the fruit and its peel.

Drinks and infusions

With bronchitis, in combination with drug treatment, it is recommended to drink a honey-banana drink. To prepare it, peel and mash 3 ripe bananas, pour 400 ml of boiling water over them, and let the mixture brew for about 30 minutes. In the cooled remedy, you need to add 2 tablespoons of honey and drink half a glass 4 times a day for 5 days.

A chocolate-banana drink can help get rid of a sore throat. It is necessary to mash 1 ripe banana and add 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder to it. Then dissolve the resulting mixture in 1 cup of boiled milk. Take the remedy at bedtime for 5 days.

To combat dry cough, it is advised to mash one ripe banana, add 100 ml of orange juice, 200 ml of boiling water, 1 tablespoon of honey and cinnamon to taste. Means to use for 5-7 days. And if you brew a whole banana with a peel like tea, adding a little cinnamon, then a cure for insomnia will come out.

Traditional healers claim that 1 mashed banana, poured into a glass of milk, can help the body cope with mild allergic reactions. The drink should be consumed 2-3 times a day. And if you add a little honey to this mixture, you get a good cure for a hangover.

Finally, banana kvass is considered to help the body with arrhythmias. To prepare it, put 2 cups of chopped banana peel in gauze and pour 3 liters of boiled water. Then add 1 tablespoon of sour cream, a glass of sugar and insist 12 days. A thin layer of mold may form on the surface of the liquid, which must be removed immediately. After 12 days, 1 liter of kvass can be poured and filtered through gauze, and the remaining one can be added with 1 liter of water and a third of a glass of sugar, leaving it to infuse for a few more days. It is necessary to drink kvass half a glass 2 times a day before meals.


Banana peel, less often banana pulp, is used as an appliqué. The inside of the skin acts as a natural antiseptic, and thanks to tannins and wax, it can help stop bleeding. In addition, the oils in its composition help relieve pain and itching. Thus, you can apply the peel or pulp, carefully scraped off with a knife, to scratches, abrasions, calluses, bruises, burns, insect bites. Folk recipes also suggest regularly applying a banana peel to warts. The result should be noticeable after 3-4 weeks.

in oriental medicine

In Eastern practice, a banana is considered a useful product and is used for various purposes. Particular attention is paid to the ripeness of the fruit, because this greatly affects its medicinal properties. For example, with ripening, a protein appears in a banana that is involved in preventing the development of cancerous tumors. Conversely, an unripe banana contains resistant starch (dietary fiber), which, according to Indian doctors, improves the condition of diabetes.

Oriental medicine also considers banana an effective means of cleaning blood vessels. This fruit contains phytosterols that help lower cholesterol levels. According to one of the recipes, pour 50 g of mashed banana into a cup of tea and add 2 teaspoons of honey. This remedy should be taken in the morning and evening.

In addition, in Eastern practice it is not customary to combine a banana with milk, as is often done in the West. It is believed that such a compound negatively affects the digestion process, can provoke allergies, and can also cause seemingly completely unrelated cough and runny nose.

In scientific research

Since the banana has a lot of useful properties and is the main part of the diet in many tropical countries, it has long been the object of scientific research. Scientists are looking for ways to make this fruit more resistant to various diseases, as well as studying its potential as a medicinal product.

For example, recently a 10-year humanitarian project by a group of Australian researchers was successfully completed, the purpose of which was to develop bananas rich in provitamin A. This task was set for scientists due to the fact that in Uganda and a number of other African countries, hundreds of thousands of children die or become blind due to a lack of this vitamin in the body. Now the problem can be partly solved, thanks to future harvests of "golden" bananas. In parallel, the mechanisms of carotenoid production in bananas are being studied in the USA.

Also in the United States, a group of scientists from different countries is working to investigate a compound found in a banana - a protein lectin (BanLec). It was found that this protein can become the basis for drugs against viral diseases (influenza, hepatitis C, HIV, etc.). The first experiments showed that it does not allow viruses to enter the cells of the body, but at the same time causes side effects in the form of irritation and inflammation. Slightly "improved" by scientists, BanLec will be gradually tested on animals, and then on humans.

In addition, British scientists are working on the creation of medicines that will use fiber from banana and broccoli. This remedy is aimed at the treatment of patients with Crohn's disease (inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract).

In dietetics

Nutritionists recommend a banana for inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the duodenum, stomach and oral cavity. It is included in the diet for diseases of the pancreas, as well as some diseases of the liver and kidneys.

As for diets aimed at reducing weight, in this area the attitude towards the banana is ambiguous. Some believe that this fruit is too high in calories and should never be included in the diet of a losing weight person. Others, on the contrary, argue that a banana, although high in calories, does not contain fat, so it can and should be consumed, but in moderation.

In any case, during the diet, it is preferable to eat unripe bananas, which contain starch that has not yet had time to turn into sugar. The glycemic index of such a fruit is only 30 units, while a ripe banana is about 50. Thus, an unripe fruit will be absorbed longer, avoid a sharp spike in sugar and bring longer saturation.

In cooking

In some tropical countries, where the banana is the basis of the diet, it is consumed not only raw or in desserts, but also boiled, deep-fried, baked on coals. Usually, plantains are used to prepare side dishes. Africans add them to cereals, omelettes, and even soups, and in China, a banana can be found in a vegetable salad. Sauces, casseroles, chips are prepared on the basis of bananas, flour and ketchup are made from them.

By the way, a banana can also come in handy while cooking meat. In order to make it softer and more tender, experienced housewives add banana skin to the pan.

As for the compatibility of a banana with other products, it combines well with sweet fruits and nuts. Some nutritionists do not see anything seditious in mixing a banana with dairy products, while others consider such a tandem unacceptable. It is best to eat a banana between main meals, separately from other meals.

Banana is used to make a wide variety of drinks, from fresh juices, smoothies and cocktails to tea, coffee, beer and gin. More traditional for us, juices and smoothies are recommended to drink every day between meals or after exercise. Nutritionists and Victoria's Secret trainers advise making green juice from a banana, two pears, a stalk of celery, a handful of spinach, a lemon and honey.

Coffee lovers may not be limited to adding banana syrup to the drink, but also experiment with fresh fruit. So, you need to cool 350 ml of strong coffee, add 100 g of ice cream, 1 banana, a pinch of cinnamon, a little grated chocolate and beat everything in a blender. Then put crushed ice in a glass and pour the drink.

Banana is also used in alcoholic beverages. For example, in Uganda they make a national drink from it. warags(homemade gin). Varagy is usually drunk from barrels through special long straws.

Banana can also be used to make a sweet wine-based cocktail. To do this, take 1 banana, 2 limes, 100 g of chocolate ice cream, 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar in a glass of white nutmeg wine and add ice after mixing.

In cosmetology

Numerous studies show that the banana is useful not only for the health of internal organs and systems, but is also effective when used externally. This fruit is actively used in the development of cosmetic products for facial skin and hair care. Global cosmetic giants annually buy tons of bananas for the manufacture of various creams, lotion masks, etc.

Banana is believed to help moisturize the skin of the face, help eliminate wrinkles and contribute to the fight against acne. The hydrating mask recipe is simple: mix half a ripe mashed banana with 1 tablespoon of yogurt and 1 tablespoon of vitamin E oil. Apply to a clean face and wash off after 30 minutes. In order to make the skin more elastic and elastic, mix the pulp cut from a banana skin and 1 one yolk. This mask is kept for 5 minutes and then washed off. To treat acne, simply rub the affected area with the inside of the peel and rinse with water after a few minutes.

In hair care, banana has a nourishing, moisturizing and strengthening effect. To achieve the effect and avoid difficulties, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not knead the banana with a fork, but beat with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained, otherwise the lumps will not be washed out well;
  • before washing off the mask with water, you should apply shampoo to the hair and lather, otherwise the hair may remain sticky;
  • do not keep the mask on your hair for longer than 20-30 minutes (do not let it dry).

As far as recipes go, simply beat a raw egg with 4 tablespoons of mashed banana to make the formula. To achieve a moisturizing effect, you need to mix 3 tablespoons of mashed banana and avocado, a raw egg and 2 tablespoons of unrefined olive oil. In the fight against hair loss, it is advised to combine 4 tablespoons of banana puree with 1 tablespoon of sea salt, and add a little olive oil to get a more liquid consistency. Such a mask is rubbed into the roots, not applied to the entire length of the hair.

Unconventional use

The banana fruit itself is usually used quite traditionally, although sometimes the skin of a banana is used instead of a cream for leather shoes or as a cosmetic product, but banana leaves find a much wider range of applications.

Firstly, they are used as decoration during various Buddhist ceremonies and rituals. In addition, in India they serve as plates for traditional dishes. Secondly, original umbrellas are made from banana leaves, as well as a kind of wrapping paper for products. Thirdly, even a special kind of plant is grown - a textile banana. Its strong false trunk of leaves is used to make fishing nets, sea ropes and rafts. Finally, in some regions of India, a banana leaf is still used instead of toilet paper.

Dangerous properties of a banana and contraindications

Like any other food product, with a general positive effect on the body, in some situations, a banana can produce the opposite effect. This does not mean that it should be completely excluded from the diet, but under certain conditions, the consumption of this fruit should be limited.

  • Banana actively removes fluid from the body, as a result of which blood thickens and its flow to organs and parts of the body decreases. Therefore, people suffering from varicose veins, men who have problems with erections, and patients with thrombophlebitis should not get carried away eating bananas.
  • Taking beta-blockers for heart disease significantly increases the level of potassium in the body, so you should not consume a large amount of bananas rich in this mineral, especially with unhealthy kidneys.
  • In large quantities, bananas are not recommended for irritable bowel syndrome, as they can cause bloating.
  • Uncontrolled consumption of bananas is contraindicated in obese people.
  • People with diabetes need to carefully approach the choice of bananas. Slightly unripe fruits are best, because when they ripen, the complex carbohydrates (starch and fiber) contained in them are transformed into carbohydrates with a high glycemic index.

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The areas where bananas grow are located in the same climatic zone encircling the entire globe, and jokingly called the "banana belt". In many of these countries, the banana is as important as our bread, but Uganda and Burundi are considered the leaders in the consumption of this fruit, where, according to statistics, each person eats about 200 kg per year.

But in the Philippines, bananas are not only eaten, but they also make good money on them. The Gokusen variety was bred by taking the best of 100 other varieties, so this fruit is more fragrant and sweeter than others. It is grown at an altitude of 500 m above sea level on ecologically clean land. One fruit weighs about 200 g and costs $6.

Naturally, growing and consuming bananas for thousands of years, the inhabitants of tropical countries could not but introduce the image of this fruit into their culture and language. For example, if we have, when everything is going well, they say " like clockwork", then in India they will say" goes like a banana skin". Many African proverbs are also known, in which, for example, a banana or its leaves are compared with a person: “an old banana leaf was once young and green too” or “a woman who gave birth to a child is like a banana tree that broke under the weight of its fruits” .

If in tropical countries the banana has long been treated favorably, then the same cannot be said about Europe. For example, in Germany in the 1930s In the 20th century, the exotic fruit was labeled "unpatriotic". The thing is that the money used to import bananas was directed to other needs. To cover it up, doctors across the country were forced to follow orders to talk about the dire dangers of the banana. And on the fruit stands there were posters saying "Patriots eat German apples."

Nowadays, bananas are actively sold all over the world, and marketers do not get tired of coming up with new ways to increase sales. So, in one of the US supermarkets you can buy overripe bananas with an attached recipe for banana bread. And in Korea, they came up with a package that contains seven bananas of varying degrees of maturity (from still green to ready to eat right today). The idea is that fruits ripen gradually and, having bought such a set, the client receives a ripe banana every day.

The banana is also reflected in world culture. Monuments are dedicated to him (in the USA, Australia, Canada, Norway), museums are opened (in Australia, USA, Germany), and on April 10 people celebrate the day dedicated to this fruit. In addition, songs were sung about bananas (for example, "We have no bananas" by Louis Prima or "Green bananas" by Jake Owen), children's poems were composed about them, they were often depicted in still lifes. And recently, artists have appeared, like the Dutchman Stefan Brushe, who turn banana fruits into real works of art.

Botanical description

Banana is the fruit of a large perennial herbaceous plant of the genus banana(lat. Musa) banana family (lat. musaceae). Although in everyday life and in cooking we are accustomed to consider bananas as just fruits, botanists classify them as berries. It is these non-standard berries that are included in the world's top most important agricultural crops along with wheat, rice, corn and potatoes. According to statistics, people around the world eat about one hundred billion bananas a year.

origin of name

As for the scientific term Musa, there are two versions of its origin. According to the first, it was borrowed from the Arabic language, in which the word Mauz(Arabic موز) means banana. According to the second version, the Latin name was given in honor of the Greek botanist of the Renaissance Antonio Muses. As for the word "banana" itself, it sounds the same in most modern European languages. It is likely that the Portuguese or Spaniards originally adopted it from the West African language Wolof, in which it is pronounced like this - banana .


Numerous researchers of the origin of the banana agree that the Malay Archipelago and Oceania were the birthplace of this fruit. Scientists believe that people began to grow bananas there for human consumption in the 5th millennium BC. And some even claim that the banana was cultivated in Papua New Guinea (Oceania) as early as the 8th millennium BC.

Until now, disputes have not subsided about the period of the appearance of bananas in Africa. So, some researchers are convinced that bananas have been grown in Madagascar for about 3 thousand years. However, more substantial evidence suggests that these fruits appeared on the African island only in 400-600 AD, thanks to Asian colonizers. Around the same time, bananas spread throughout the Middle East, and they appeared in China a little earlier - around 200 AD, although they managed to win wide popularity only in the 20th century.

Thanks to the Portuguese sailors who discovered yellow sweet fruits in Africa, banana plantations appeared in the Canary Islands, and from there the road to the Caribbean, Central and South America was opened for these fruits. As for the North American continent, yellow fruits got into the diet of local residents there only in the second half of the 19th century.

The same fate befell the banana in Europe. Until the beginning of the Victorian era, bananas were not in special demand, although they were already known in the Old World (according to legend, their great taste struck Alexander the Great, who brought them from India). A new wave of interest in bananas rose in the 19th century in Hamburg, Germany, where this overseas fruit was brought by sailors, and swept across Europe. The French especially liked the new delicacy. Moreover, in Paris, the banana has become an integral symbol of salon life.

As for Russia, the active import of bananas began under Nikita Khrushchev. Naturally, there is no need to talk about the widespread availability of these fruits, but in big cities they appeared on the shelves from time to time. However, in the 60s. relations between the USSR and one of the two main suppliers of tropical fruit, China, deteriorated. And another supplier country, Vietnam, was engulfed in war, so the import of bananas practically ceased. In the 70s. Leonid Brezhnev arranged the import of fruit from Africa and Latin America.

Interestingly, unlike our time, when a yellow sweet banana can be purchased almost anywhere in the world, earlier it was not possible to enjoy the sweet variety of this tropical fruit everywhere. Not in all countries where bananas were grown, they were suitable for eating raw. And yes, the taste could be different.

However, in the 19th century, a fortunate combination of circumstances contributed to the spread of sweet banana fruits around the world. At the beginning of the century, the French botanist and chemist Jean-Francois Pouyat brought a banana variety from the island of Martinique to Jamaica, which was later called Gros Michel. This sweet tropical fruit quickly gained popularity among the locals, and with the imminent appearance of the first cooling chambers, Jamaica established the first large shipments of bananas to other countries. Thus, Gros Michel gradually gained worldwide fame.


The species and varietal diversity of bananas is amazing. In addition to plants that produce edible fruits, there are also ornamental and wild bananas. Directly edible banana varieties are conditionally divided into dessert(with sweet pulp) and plantains(with a hard, starchy core). The former are usually consumed raw or dried, while the latter require heat treatment or are used as livestock feed.

Interestingly, almost all varieties of edible bananas grown today are varieties of one cultigen - a cultivated plant that has no analogue in the wild. Sometimes wild bananas have a visual resemblance to the familiar yellow crescents, but inside they are speckled with seeds, and a tiny amount of pulp has an unpleasant taste.

As for the bananas eaten, almost all existing varieties are variations of a human-bred hybrid. The work of breeders made it possible to achieve good taste characteristics and the required level of resistance to diseases and pests. Considering that the plant reproduces vegetatively, then, in fact, all bananas growing today have the same progenitor.

However, even such painstaking work is not a guarantee of safety for fruits. For example, the already mentioned Gros Michel variety, the undisputed leader in world supplies, was almost completely destroyed in the middle of the 20th century by a disease called " panama fungus". After that, scientists developed a new variety - Cavendish, which can now be found on store shelves all over the world.

Among the unusual bananas, in addition to the already described wild, there are also red cavendish, which, in addition to the skin of the corresponding color, has a creamy taste with raspberry notes. On the island of Java, you can find a blue banana, and in Florida and Hawaii, bananas grow. Ae Ae, which in appearance (alternating dark green and light green stripes) are more like zucchini. In addition, in many countries of the world, including ours, the so-called " baby banana". As the name implies, these are small bananas (up to 12 cm), with a thin skin and creamy flesh. As a rule, they are sweeter than ordinary fruits.

Growing Features

Contrary to popular belief, a banana fruit does not grow on a palm tree, but on a herbaceous plant of the same name, which, by the way, along with bamboo, is considered the tallest grass in the world. Leaves overlapping each other in a spiral, from which a false trunk is formed, sometimes reach 12 meters in height. The color of the leaves varies depending on the type and variety of banana (fully green, two-tone - purple-green or spotted - with brown patches). Developing, the banana sheds old leaves, and new shoots appear inside the false trunk.

The flowering period of a banana occurs 8-10 months after planting. A peduncle grows out of the ground through the trunk, forming a complex inflorescence of three tiers of flowers: on top are female flowers that form fruits, below are bisexual, and even lower are male. Pollination occurs due to bats, birds and small mammals. From one inflorescence, several hundred bananas usually develop. The color, shape and taste characteristics of the fruit depend on the cultivar.

The natural habitat of bananas is the territories located in the tropical and subtropical zones. Plants need high humidity, and the optimum temperature ranges from 25 to 36°C. In addition, bananas grow best in acidic soil rich in nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

On the territory of Russia, bananas are cultivated only in the vicinity of Sochi, but low winter temperatures do not allow the fruits to fully ripen. As a rule, at a temperature of about 16°C, the growth of a tropical fruit slows down, and at a temperature of 10°C, it stops. A long stay in adverse conditions can lead to the death of the plant.

Despite the unsuitable Russian climate, it is quite possible to grow a banana with edible fruits right in your house or even in an apartment, if you follow some conditions:

  1. 1 you need to choose seedlings of dwarf varieties (for example, Musa Super Cavendish Dwarf or Musa Cavendish Dwarf), which reach a height of no more than 1.5-2 meters;
  2. 2 the best location for a tropical plant is the brightest place;
  3. 3 banana needs abundant watering and high humidity, if it is not fully provided in the apartment, then the leaves should be sprayed regularly.

In addition, it is recommended to feed the banana every 2 weeks, as well as replant it on time. A sign that the plant is ripe for a larger container is usually rootlets that are visible from the drainage holes. As a rule, a banana begins to bear fruit when it has reached a size suitable for pots with a volume of 30-50 liters.

Selection and storage

Bananas are usually harvested unripe and then transported around the world in cold stores. However, the beauty of this fruit is that it ripens even when it is already plucked from the branch. When choosing bananas, you should start from your goal. If you plan to eat or use the fruit in the next 1-2 days, then you can take bananas with brown dots on the peel. These fruits are already ripe and ready to eat. However, brown or black spots indicate overripeness and the beginning of the rotting process of the fruit.

Naturally, you should check that the banana peel is elastic, without visible damage. Too soft core or light brown spots on it - a sign of overripeness. If you need bananas for the future, then you can take fruits with a greenish peel. You can also use them in this form, but they have a more viscous and less sweet taste, so it is better to let them ripen.

When it comes to storing bananas, 7-10°C is suitable for ripe fruits, and 12-14°C for ripe fruits. Bananas are not advised to be kept in the refrigerator, because at low temperatures the peel quickly turns black (although this does not have much effect on taste). By the way, the advice common on the Internet - to wrap the tails of a banana in cling film for its longer storage - in practice is not very effective.

Diseases and pests

The result of long and painstaking work of breeders was the development of the Cavendish variety, which has excellent taste characteristics, brings good yields and tolerates transportation well. However, for all its merits, there are certain disadvantages that become key when it comes to the viability of the variety. First of all, this is the inability of the plant to develop defense mechanisms against diseases.

The fact is that edible banana fruits can only be obtained from plants that have been propagated vegetatively (planting a shoot). But in this case, the banana ceases to evolve and adapt to the environment, and on the one hand, we always get the same high-quality and tasty crop, and on the other, susceptibility to disease.

The Gros Michel variety, bred by breeders, fell into the same trap. In the middle of the twentieth century, it was attacked by the so-called " panama disease» TR1 (Tropical Race 1 fungus), which led to the cessation of large-scale cultivation of Gros Michel. Working on breeding the Cavendish variety, the researchers took into account the characteristics of the disease and made the "new" fruit resistant to it. However, the organisms affecting the fruits continued to develop. As a result, the mutated type of "Panama disease" TR4 threatened the further fate of Cavendish.

However, the complete disappearance of the banana is not yet threatened. Scientists continue to conduct research and try to introduce into a new variety one of the genes of the Indonesian wild banana, which copes well with the TR diseases that exist today. However, this process is slightly slowed down by the fact that seeds are needed for selective selection, and they are extremely rare in edible bananas.

In addition to the "Panamanian disease", the banana is subject to attacks by roundworms and black weevils. Also, problems can arise due to the bacterial moko disease or sigatoka fungus, but banana growers have learned to cope with these misfortunes thanks to chemical means.

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The benefits and harms of bananas have been argued for a long time, because they come to us in green form and artificially ripen before being sent to stores. While opponents of bananas talk about usefulness, small children, pregnant women and the elderly are happy to eat fruits.

Bananas that we used to eat are sweet dessert varieties and can be eaten fresh. There are also types that cannot be used without heat treatment - they are called plantins. At home, they are used as vegetables, stewed, fried and boiled soups, approximately like we are potatoes.

Banana - fruit or berry

Bananas are commonly mistaken for fruits. By structure, a wild banana fruit consists of a dense peel, a layer of pulp and seeds from which bananas are grown. There are no seeds in dessert varieties. With close attention, black spots are noticeable that remain from the seeds. Therefore, based on botanical definitions, a banana is a berry.

The composition and calorie content of bananas

The composition of green and yellow bananas is different, as is the calorie content. Green bananas are higher in calories due to their starch content. As the fruit ripens, it turns into sugar and the number of calories decreases.

Composition 100 gr. ripe yellow banana as a percentage of the daily value:

  • vitamin B6- 18%. Prevents anemia;
  • vitamin C- 15%. Strengthens immunity;
  • manganese- 13%. Participates in metabolism;
  • potassium- 10%. Improves heart function;
  • magnesium– 7%. Good for skin and vision.

Calorie content of bananas - 89 kcal per 100 gr.

The composition of bananas is unique. The protein tryptophan, together with vitamin B6, is involved in the formation of serotonin, the hormone of joy. And the lectin protein helps fight cancer cells.

Banana strengthens memory and reduces fatigue due to potassium. It is effective in the treatment of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. This is an ideal remedy for the recovery of patients after a stroke.

Due to the production of dopamine and serotonin, bananas improve mood and relieve stress.

Vitamin A and beta-carotene in bananas improve eyesight and protect against the development of cataracts.

The fiber in bananas improves intestinal motility. Therefore, despite the high calorie content, bananas are used for weight loss.

The use of bananas normalizes the functioning of the kidneys. The study proved that women who ate bananas 2-3 times a week reduced their chances of developing kidney disease by 33%.

Vitamins A, C and E strengthen hair and nails, make the skin smooth and radiant, which is why bananas are so beneficial for women. The fruits are used as an independent remedy for the face or mixed with other components in the composition of the masks.

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