Russian stars involved in charity work. Stars and charity: who does real help?

The rich of this world are not always stingy and miserly, many of them use their financial situation to help other, less fortunate people.

The unprecedented generosity of Cesaria Evora was legendary. She gave her money to finance school education and medical care of their country. Thanks to her efforts, the majority of poor compatriots were able to receive a decent education and timely medical care, therefore she can deservedly be called a person involved in charity, with a capital “P”.

- hero of "The Matrix"- distributed the fee he received for filming parts 2 and 3 of the film to the entire team that took part in the creation of the film. He easily and without regret parted with $70 million. In addition, studio workers said that the actor was almost the only one from the entire star cast who greeted all the employees of the film group. And one of the employees, having learned about his difficult situation, allocated 25 thousand, saying that this was a Christmas bonus.

Some celebrities think that help must be specific. So Zach Galifianakis has been “sponsoring” for many years an elderly woman, whom he met in the laundry room. She not only cleaned up there, but also lived there, leaving her hated husband. Until now, he pays for her apartment and invites the woman to the premieres of his films. Zack's old friend, Renee Zellweger, often visits the old woman, bringing her gifts, most of them consisting of food and clothes.

Only after the death of pop star George Michael became aware of his charitable activities. He donated millions to people who found themselves in difficult and distressed situations, and held free concerts without advertising his activities. Michael's noble deeds can be pieced together based on the recollections of eyewitnesses. So, one day, seeing a crying woman in a cafe, he left her a check for 25 thousand, once paid for the training of one of the bar workers, gave the woman money so that she could do IVF, which made her happy.

Paul Winker, who died in 2013, He also did not seek public disclosure of his actions. Once, according to the story of jewelry store workers, the actor witnessed how a young couple was choosing wedding rings. They left with nothing because they could not afford the expensive purchase. Paul asked the store employees to send these rings anonymously to the address young man, which they did.

The former President of Uruguay received the nickname from his fellow citizens, who called him El Pepe. He remained in the memory of the Uruguayans as the poorest president. But this is not because his salary was very low, no - the fact is that he gave most of it to the needs of people. He himself lived in a modest rural house, drove an inexpensive car and visited the same medical institutions, as his fellow citizens.

Charles Chuck Feeney can be called a record holder among philanthropists. His merit is the founding of Duty Free. He spends his entire fortune on charity various countries. At 86, he dreams of using his remaining cash for the development of healthcare and education in those states that need them.

JK Rowling knows firsthand what is poverty? Before the release of her first book, she wrote it while living on benefits. Therefore, she sends from 16 to 20 percent of her fees to charitable foundations, having her own - “Lumos”.

One of them is royal generosity and doing the appropriate things. He absolutely loved cars and bought them. But it often happened that the singer did not acquire them for himself. There is a lot of evidence of Elvis giving cars to strangers admiring goods in car showrooms. Rumor has it that he gave away hundreds of Cadillacs, Lincolns and other cars in his entire life. Although some argue that this figure is too low.


This article is dedicated to ten significant people who, undoubtedly, left a huge mark on the lives of many people on this planet. Perhaps the proposed choice will seem rather one-sided to some, but this is not surprising, since All significant personalities, which we're talking about in this article, are considered as such in the opinion of Americans. In other words, one can dispute the fact that not a single Russian person was included in this list, but one cannot but agree that all the people presented on this list had a huge impact (including negative) on many areas of life of various people on our planet.

10. Bill Gates

It is known that Bill Gates, born in 1955, created his first computer program while still a student. high school. The well-known company "Microsoft Corporation" ( Microsoft Corporation), one of the founders of which is Bill Gates, appeared in 1975, and 18 years later, in 1993, Gates was officially declared the richest man on Earth. Despite the far ambiguous attitude towards the products offered by the Gates Corporation, it cannot be denied that this man not only made a real revolution in computer software, but also did a lot of good and useful things. For example, Bill, with his own money, founded several of the largest charitable foundations pursuing good causes around the world (for example, the fight against polio, and so on).

9. Martin Luther King (1929-1968)

Despite the fact that Martin Luther King was an American citizen who actively fought for the rights of black residents and against racial discrimination and racism, this man became known far beyond the borders of the United States of America. He was a real ideological fighter who was inspired by his spiritual mentor and fighter for Indian independence, Mahatma Gandhi. Despite the extremely pressing problem of racial discrimination against the black population in the United States, King always advocated peaceful methods of resolving the issue, while being an unsurpassed orator. In 1964, King was awarded Nobel Prize peace. And, despite the fact that King was assassinated in 1968, he is still remembered because, according to many, to this person managed to achieve the impossible by forcing the white population of America to listen to and respect the opinions of the black population.

8. Nelson Mandela

Another no less famous human rights activist who devoted his life to fierce opposition to apartheid - the policy of racial suppression of certain groups of the population in South Africa, in which black people did not even have the right to vote - Nelson Mandela, born in 1918, appeared. For his tough, uncompromising stance in the fight against the racist government Mandela was arrested in 1964. From the dungeons future president The Republic of South Africa emerged only 26 years later, and was almost immediately elected leader of the state. In 1993, Nelson Mandela also received the Nobel Peace Prize for his services in the fight against apartheid.

7. Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)

The German leader, who came to power in 1933, undoubtedly left not only one of the most significant marks in the history of mankind, but also the bloodiest and most destructive mark. Fierce hatred of Jews, exaggerated ideas about the right to advantage of the Aryan race on our planet, as well as manic commitment to one’s ideas- all this led to the death of tens of millions of people in Eastern Europe. And although Adolf Hitler’s diabolical plans were not destined to come true, this man is unlikely to be erased from people’s memory (as well as many other dictators).

6. Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Einstein, who is rightfully considered the greatest physicist of all time, has become a true symbol of genius. When Albert Einstein managed to prove one of his most significant works in 1919 - general theory relativity - scientists around the world recognized the genius of this man, as a result of which he was awarded the Nobel Prize for achievements in physics in 1921. Unfortunately, despite the fact that Einstein was an undoubted pacifist, his scientific research later helped other researchers create atomic bomb. Einstein was so distressed by this fact that a week before his death, in a letter addressed to Bertrand Russell, a British philosopher and ardent supporter nuclear disarmament, declared his readiness to sign an appeal to all countries calling on them to abandon the use of atomic energy for military purposes.

5. Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

Mahatma Gandhi, the spiritual leader of the Indian people and a fighter for the independence of this country from Great Britain, began his career as an ordinary lawyer, and only then became involved in political issues. He led a peaceful civil disobedience movement against the British regime in India, and conducted active negotiations with the leaders of Foggy Albion until 1947 when his country gained independence. In fact, Gandhi became the true embodiment of independence for all Indians for all time! Mahatma Gandhi is also known for his modest way of life and calls for religious tolerance, which, undoubtedly, only contributed to strengthening the people's love and faith in their leader.

4. Karl Marx (1818-1883)

It can be said without exaggeration that the ideas of the German thinker Karl Marx in the field of economics and sociology changed the world. Marx was one of those social philosophers who were dissatisfied with the bourgeois structure of the world, predicting social equality for everyone in the future. Of course, many of us know Marx primarily for his monumental work called Capital, but he became famous for his work written together with Friedrich Engels, another German philosopher, in a work entitled "Manifesto communist party"(This is where the famous phrase came from - “A ghost is haunting Europe - the ghost of communism”). As you know, it was the ideas of Karl Marx that inspired Russian revolutionaries and communists. In 1950, already half of the inhabitants of our planet lived in countries where the communist regime ruled !

3. Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

There is probably no need to explain to anyone that it was Charles Darwin who became the founder of the modern theory of evolution. Of course, it didn’t all start right away. Darwin's first thoughts on this topic began to form during the period when he went to trip around the world as a naturalist on a Royal Navy vessel called the Beagle (1831-1836). And Darwin devoted the rest of his life to the development of these ideas. The main work of his life, published in 1859 - “The Origin of Species” - caused a harsh reaction from conservative society. And this is not surprising: in fact, Darwin openly opposed the Bible and the version of the divine creation of the surrounding world, replacing it with the theory of the evolutionary development of all living beings. It was then that humanity first had to try to comprehend the fact that the direct ancestors of people were apes(according to Darwin).

2. William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

The appearance of William Shakespeare on this list is the most significant people in human history is not accidental. In fact, Shakespeare has been overwhelmingly voted the greatest English-language playwright in human history. Considering that this top ten was compiled according to the opinions of Americans, this choice is not surprising. But no matter what evil tongues say, Shakespeare, as a writer, had a huge influence on the entire world of drama.. He started as an ordinary actor, and eventually wrote 154 poems and 37 plays, among which the most famous were “Hamlet”, “King Lear”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Macbeth” and so on. The influence of William Shakespeare was so great that thanks to his work, English language was replenished with more than 1,700 new words.

1. Christopher Columbus (1451-1506)

It would probably be surprising if the list of the most significant people in the world, compiled by the Americans, did not include Christopher Columbus, one of the most famous travelers and discoverers. After all, it is believed that it was precisely thanks to his search for the coast of the so-called Western India that European settlers discovered two continents, which were later called America (and hardly anyone will dare to challenge America’s influence on the whole world). Among other things, Christopher Columbus became famous as a talented navigator. It is believed that of all the reliably known travelers, it was he who was the first to cross Atlantic Ocean, sailed in the Caribbean Sea and generally gave Europe a whole new world.

At one time, the passion of many celebrities for charity caused a lot of noise, some even tried to see the hidden meaning in it. Someone argued that philanthropy is nothing more than a means of increasing one’s influence in society. Despite these contradictory statements, we would still like to believe that all this is done only with good intentions. In March of this year, journalist Robert Friedman accused Lady Gaga of dishonest charity, pointing out the concealment of huge sums under the guise of donations. However, among the rich and famous there are those who, out of the kindness of their hearts, help people who are less fortunate in this life.

10. Meryl Streep – net worth: $45 million

Meryl Streep is rightfully considered one of greatest actresses of all times. Films such as The Deer Hunter, Kramer vs. Kramer, Sophie's Choice, and The Iron Lady"made her a household name. She has three Academy Awards, seven Golden Globes, two Emmy Awards, two Screen Actors Guild Awards and many others. When Meryl Streep is not shining on movie screens, she is involved in charity work. Together with her husband, she founded The Silver Mountain Arts Foundation in 1983, which tirelessly supported the nation's arts, education, health and social spheres services. The foundation has awarded more than $1 million to Vassar College, Oxfam America, Meals on Wheels, the Homeless Coalition and the National Women's Museum. The foundation also donated $1 million to the Public Theater and awarded two scholarships to UMass students.

9. Michael J. Fox – Net Worth: $65 Million

Fox became famous for his role in the sitcom " Family bonds", where he played young Republican and Reagan fan Alex Keaton between 1983 and 1989. His role in the Back to the Future films brought him even greater fame. Shortly after filming the film Dr. Hollywood was completed, Fox received a disappointing diagnosis of Parkinson's disease. Despite everything, he continued to work and even managed to star in the sitcom “Spin City” in the role of Mike Flaherty. Since 2000, the Michael J. Fox Foundation has given more than $450 million to find a cure for Parkinson's disease.

8. Matt Damon – $75 million

From the moment Damon burst onto the scene with his role in the film Good Will Hunting, he began to be pursued by a fast-moving career. After winning the Academy Award for Best Screenplay, he starred in a number of successful films such as Saving Private Ryan, the Ocean's trilogy, the Bourne series, The Departed and The False Temptation. All yours free time He has devoted himself to philanthropy, supporting peace in Darfur with the One Campaign and serving as a goodwill ambassador for OneXOne, which provides aid to children in need in the United States, Canada and the rest of the world.

7. Taylor Swift - $180 million net worth

Taylor Swift is an American favorite, an incredibly famous singer, songwriter and actress. She became the youngest artist signed to Sony/ATV Music Publishing House in 2006, and was ranked seventh on Forbes magazine's list of the most powerful celebrities in 2011. Her singles almost constantly become hits not only in America, but also on the world charts. But the girl does not forget about charity. She allocated $4 million educational center Country Music Hall Of Fame in Nashville. In addition, she gave $100,000 to the Nashville Symphony Orchestra and also sponsored organizations such as Hope for Haiti, the Red Cross, and Architecture for Humanity.

5. Mel Gibson - $800 million net worth

Believe it or not, Mel Gibson has made a name for himself in the world of philanthropy as an incredibly soft-hearted individual. The "Braveheart" star has given more than $10 million to UCLA and Cedars-Sinai medical centers in Los Angeles. The actor generously participates in charity, helping all children in need of treatment. Additionally, in 2007, he gave $500,000 to the El Mirador Basin project to protect tropical forests.

4. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie – $385 million

There is something more, besides the amazing beauty of this couple, that makes you look at them with respect. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are using their combined wealth and celebrity status to make a small difference in the world. better side. In 2007, Pitt founded the Make It Right Foundation, allocating $5 million to build 150 homes for victims of Hurricane Katrina, which swept through New Orleans. In turn, Jolie donated $200,000 to the Malala Yousafzais Foundation, which specializes in promoting women's rights in Pakistan. In addition, after their vacation in Namibia, the couple decided to allocate $2 million to preserve and protect the local wildlife. Among other things, they also own the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, created in 2006 and funding organizations such as Doctors Without Borders and Global Action for Children.

3. Paul McCartney – worth $1.2 billion

Former Beatle Sir Paul McCartney is well known not only as a musician, but also as a philanthropist. Even at the dawn of his solo career, the musician had already participated in a lot of charity concerts, such as Live Aid and New York City post 9-11. A vegetarian, he has fought for animal rights throughout his life. Together with his second wife Heather Mills, he campaigned against landmines and was active in the Adopt-A-Minefield movement.

2. Oprah Winfrey – $2.9 billion

Even though the "Queen of All Media" is primarily known for her show called The Oprah Winfrey Show, that doesn't stop her from being an incredibly generous woman. Oprah was born in poor family and received a rather tough upbringing, which helped her become more actively involved in charitable activities. In 2006, Business Week named Oprah the world's greatest black philanthropist. Her organization, called the Angel Network, has raised more than $80 million worldwide, including a $40 million donation from Oprah herself. The funds were used to develop many educational programs in South Africa and to help victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Russian celebrities spend their star fees not only on villas and exclusive cars. Many of them are engaged

1.Anita Tsoi

In 2001, the singer opened the Anita Foundation, which helps children with congenital disabilities. In just one year, he helped more than 35 thousand children. In 2010, Tsoi, together with Universal Music, launched the “Show Business with a Conscience” program: all the income she received from the album “To the East” was redirected to orphanages.
About 160 thousand euros were raised from the concert that Anita Tsoi held in Moscow and this money was donated to children affected by the Beslan tragedy.

2. Dina Korzun and Chulpan Khamatova

They created the “Gift of Life” foundation, which is currently being written and talked about a lot. The mission of the foundation is to support children with hematological and oncological diseases.
They provide assistance to special clinics by purchasing for them necessary equipment and drugs. They provide social and psychological services to sick children, draw attention to children who have cancer and find blood donors. They also hold events, charity concerts and auctions on the premises of the children's clinical hospital.

3. Konstantin Khabensky

After the death of his wife Anastasia, the actor, in 2008, created charitable foundation, dedicated to supporting children suffering from severe brain diseases.
The motto of the foundation is “One life saved is one life saved.” Konstantin helps purchase medicines, organizes rehabilitation programs for sick children, as well as psychological support. In addition, the foundation helps Russian institutions involved in the diagnosis and treatment of brain diseases.

4.Joseph Kobzon

The singer has been involved in charitable activities for many years. In 1992, he founded the Shield and Lyre Foundation.
What the fund does: providing assistance to the families of fallen military personnel and social protection internal affairs workers. Kobzon also restored the temple in Krasnodar and donated a large sum for the restoration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. He also patronizes two orphanages and provides children with a variety of assistance.

5. Egor Beroev and Ksenia Alferova

The couple organized a special charity foundation “I am!”.
They help people with disabilities, especially for children suffering from cerebral palsy, autism and Down syndrome. They are actively trying to make the lives of these children brighter and more diverse, creating educational programs which are aimed at teaching children.

6. Gosha Kutsenko

In 2011, the actor founded the “Step Together” foundation. He supports children who suffer from cerebral palsy. Twice a year he holds holiday concerts for sick children and charity events, with invited film, pop and theater stars.
Now the organization provides consulting assistance, targeted assistance to children in special need, legal assistance, and also purchases medical equipment.

7.Charitable Foundation "Artist"

Evgeny Mironov, Maria Mironova and Igor Vernik.

In 2008, the actors organized a foundation dedicated to supporting orphans, disabled children and the elderly.
The founders of the fund help elderly actors who have no home and money, and also support orphans and disabled orphans. The fund helps them get back on their feet and start living independently. The actors organized events where the funds raised went to help stage veterans and disabled children.

8. Natalya Vodyanova

The Naked Heart Foundation was founded by the model in 2005. The foundation builds children's playgrounds throughout Russia and the first city in which Vodianova gave children a holiday was Nizhny Novgorod(the city in which Natalya lived). The impetus for the creation of the fund was the tragedy in Beslan. The model set out to build a play park in Beslan to bring some joy to the children. Not immediately, but the plan was brought to life.
Since 2011, she has been involved in the “Every Child Deserves a Family” program. It is aimed at reversing the Russian trend of abandoning children with special needs.

9.Ingeborga Dapkunaite

Charitable Foundation "Vera". After the foundation was created in 2006, it quickly became the center of the hospice movement. Today it is the only one in Russia non-profit organization, which supports hospices and their patients.
The board of trustees includes writers, famous artists, musicians, journalists, and doctors. Chairmen of the board of trustees are actresses Ingeborga Dapkunaite and Tatiana Drubich. The Vera Foundation was the first to create endowment capital in the field of healthcare. We continue to look for opportunities to replenish our target capital. Directions of the fund's activities: - Help to the First Moscow Hospice;
- Assistance to regional hospices;
- Help for terminally ill children;
- Development of the volunteer movement;
- Publishing activities;
- Formation public interest to the problems of terminally ill people.

Charity is very popular among celebrities. Especially in the West - almost everyone donates to good causes, the only difference is in the amount of contributions - for some it is more, for others it is less. Perhaps some of the benefactors there can be accused of looking for extra reasons for PR in this way, but the very meaning of their actions does not change from this - their money helps someone survive, and someone gets better. Unfortunately, with rare exceptions, domestic stars prefer to promote themselves through love affairs and scandals.

Michael Jackson

The most generous star benefactor was, who acted on the principle: you cannot help everyone, but you can and should strive for this. He was even listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most endorsing pop star. a large number of charitable foundations - he had almost four dozen of them. Among the organizations Jackson championed were the Los Angeles AIDS Project, the American Cancer Society, the Fraternal Burn Center, the Children's Fund of the United States, and many others. And it’s impossible to count how many people he helped individually. Thus, Jackson donated almost $300 million to victims of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He also donated money to the Sick Children's Fund and supported schools for African Americans.

Now the work of the King of Pop is continued by his children, in particular, they support the Foundation for the Fight against Alcohol and Drugs among Youth, founded by their father.

Lady Gaga

Today Lady Gaga replaced Michael Jackson. The outrageous singer confidently takes first place in the ranking of star philanthropists. Firstly, she not only actively helps children. Secondly, she fights for gay rights - the singer came to the MTV awards ceremony accompanied by an escort of military personnel who had been discharged from the army for their non-traditional sexual orientation. For the same purpose, Lady Gaga organized her own charitable foundation, Born This Way Foundation, the goal of which is to instill self-respect in homosexuals and tolerance towards them in everyone else. . Thirdly, it eradicates, telling young women about the possibility of infection and safety methods; proceeds from the sale of its own line of Viva Glam lipstick are used for this. By the way, it was not by chance that the singer chose lipstick for this purpose. “When you go to someone's house for the night,” she says, “put a condom in your purse next to the tube of lipstick.” Lady Gaga also takes part in one-time events. So, after the earthquake in Haiti in 2010, she donated to the victims in total more than 500 thousand dollars.

Justin Bieber

The Canadian pop singer has been working hard lately and has already succeeded so much that he has risen to second place in the ranking (last time he was tenth), giving way only to Lady Gaga. And Bieber acts unconventionally, like everyone else, but with invention. In fact, donating royalties from concerts or selling CDs to those in need doesn’t require much intelligence, or putting up for auction a suit that he had previously worn for the whole (!) day or a lock of his hair. Justin also collects a lot of money on the Internet with the help of user votes. He donates the proceeds to people with cancer, animal shelters, and even just to buy food for Christmas dinner at the House of Blessing in his hometown of Stratford, Ontario. The singer believes that donating to charity is part of his creativity. “If I don’t give back some of the money,” he says, “I feel like I haven’t done my job.”

George Clooney

In third place in the ranking of philanthropic stars is. The main bachelor of Hollywood actively supports Christian humanitarian organizations that provide assistance to the population in hot spots of the planet. One of the places under Cluny's special patronage is the Darfur province in Western Sudan. According to the UN, genocide of the local population is taking place there, organized by local authorities - since 2003, more than 300 thousand people have died there. The actor not only regularly visits Darfur, not alone, but with a film crew, but also organizes events to draw attention to this problem. During one of them - a rally near the Sudanese Embassy in Washington - he and his father were arrested for refusing to stop this very rally. On it, Clooney called for "help Sudan humanitarian aid"before the situation there reaches its breaking point, and stop the killing of men, women and children."

In early May, the actor organized a charity dinner in support of US President Barack Obama. To put it mildly, the tickets were not cheap (in total, Clooney managed to collect $12 million) and were sold out in a matter of hours.

Eva Longoria

"Desperate Housewife" is concerned with the problems of people with disabilities - the mentally retarded and the deaf and dumb. The fact is that the actress has an intellectually disabled sister, Lisa, so she takes everything connected with such people to heart. Eva not only opposes the reduction of social programs for the needs of the disabled, but also makes charitable contributions to support boarding schools for the mentally retarded. For this purpose, Longoria even created her own charitable organization.

Leonardo DiCaprio

One of the highest paid Hollywood actors also spares no money for charity. DiCaprio heads the charitable foundation he created, the main task whose protection is environment. The actor helps victims of natural Disasters(earthquakes and floods), makes all possible contributions to the protection of rare animals (for example, tigers), participates in programs to ensure drinking water countries in distress and preserving the ocean biosphere. Well, since the fund’s treasury needs to be replenished, the actor recently decided to produce environmentally friendly coffee “Lion”, the raw materials for which are planned to be grown in Peru, Brazil, Ethiopia and Haiti. Proceeds from the sale of this miracle drink will be used for charitable purposes.


The famous singer is also no stranger to charity. The amount of her donations is simply amazing: in 2007, Shakira donated 40 million dollars to help victims of the earthquake in Peru and the hurricane in Nicaragua, in 2010 - 660 thousand dollars, fees for filming in a champagne advertisement, for the construction of two schools - in Colombia and Haiti .

The singer also founded the charity Fundación Pies Descalzos, which helps children from low-income families, both in her native Colombia and in other countries. Latin America. The UN even awarded Shakira a medal for her many years of helping Latin American children from poor families. The singer, who is a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, travels around the world encouraging girls from poor families to get an education so that as adults they will not be financially dependent on their husbands. She recently visited on a humanitarian mission to Indian state Rajasthan, where only 5 percent of women are educated. Shakira is confident that after her visit the situation will change for the better. In an interview, the singer admits that she is one of those people who cannot sit idle - she must do something.

Chulpan Khamatova

The star of Russian cinema, actress of the Sovremennik Theater is one of those who is involved in charity work in the post-Soviet space. The mother of three daughters founded the Gift of Life fund to help sick children. When Chulpan is asked in an interview what prompted her to do this noble cause, she replies that it was meetings with doctors who do not leave children alone with terrible diseases, and volunteers who help them. On the website of her foundation you can read how much money was collected and donated to sick children; to date it is almost 162 million rubles. Moreover, there is also a detailed report - “Give Life” can account for every penny of donations.

Khamatova calls herself... selfish, because doing charity work gives her incomparable pleasure: “When I see how recovered children are discharged and go into life, when I look into their eyes and the eyes of their parents, who know that they were not abandoned "When I'm in trouble, it lifts my spirits. It gives me so much love and happiness that no acting tinsel in the form of fame and success can compare with it."

Natalia Shvachko

"Miss Ukraine-96", now living in the USA, organized the Cancer Control Fund (UCDF). Natalya has a special problem with cancer - her father and first husband, millionaire Charles Kotik, died from it. Shvachko repeatedly organized charity evenings and fashion shows in New York, to which she invited the American elite. With the money she managed to collect, her foundation bought medical equipment for the Donetsk Regional Antitumor Center.

Now Shvachko has taken a short break from charitable activities. The fact is that in January of this year her daughter Polina was born, and now Natalya pays all her attention to her.

Vlada Prokaeva (Litovchenko)

“Miss Ukraine-95”, and now helps children with special abilities, who in the future will be able to glorify our country, for which she organized the charity foundation “Gifted Children - the Future of Ukraine”. It has existed for the fifth year, and Vlada says that every event organized by the foundation, every undertaking, is passed through her heart and soul.

Taisiya Kondratyeva

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