Lucky numbers in the lottery, how to guess? Numerology and lottery

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Cancer lucky numbers - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Astrologers claim that for each zodiac symbol there are a number of favorable numbers. In particular, lucky numbers for Cancer are 2, 4, 5 and 8. They will help you easily turn the course of any events in your favor, determine the most optimal dates for making decisions or holding significant events.

Cancer lucky numbers

Numbers, as you know, play a huge role in the life of every person and each of us has preferences regarding lucky and unlucky dates. Based on the principles of numerology, cancer also has its own favorable and unfavorable numbers. Cancer's lucky numbers are 2,4,5,8.

On these dates of the month, for example, business and personal relationships will be established; all important transactions and meetings are also recommended to be held on these dates of the month.

But these numbers by no means relate only to the dates of the month; for example, for Cancers, every year that is a multiple of two will be more successful than the previous odd one. The rule of lucky numbers can be applied to almost any aspect of life that can have a numerical value.

So, for example, if Cancer plays in a casino and during the fifth bet wins the most a large sum for the whole evening, then, most likely, this will be followed by a number of losses and luck will return to him only somewhere around the eighth bet. Each lucky number has its own priority; for the Cancer zodiac sign, numbers 8 and 2 are the most lucky.

Important years for Cancer

According to astrological data, the most important years for Cancer are 25, 50 and 75. In this case, both the years of life and the last two digits directly in the calendar year are meant.

Lucky days of the week for Cancer

According to astrological data, the luckiest day of the week for people born under the constellation Cancer is Friday. Representatives of this zodiac sign should take this into account when planning significant events, when determining dates for important trips, and when making vital decisions.

Some astrologers believe that, in addition to this, the stars favor Cancer on Monday and Thursday, and Not favorable days Tuesday and Saturday are rightfully considered.

Unlucky numbers for Cancer

Since our world is divided into black and white, along with lucky numbers there are also unlucky numbers. For Cancers, these are 3, 9, 12, 15. Some people diligently avoid unlucky dates, and those who like to tickle their nerves still do not schedule important meetings for these days.

The unfavorable number for Cancers is 6. This means that no truly important matters should be associated with it, since in such a situation a favorable outcome is practically impossible.

Excessive caution can only hinder you in life, but neglect will also not lead to good, so we offer you a number of tips that, we believe, will help Cancers in their troubles. unfavorable days:

– Be patient on such days, as problems with your soul mate will not keep you waiting long. But do not blame your loved one for all the troubles, this can only aggravate the conflict, which will subsequently lead to a break in the relationship.

Business relationship It’s also worth “freezing” on such numbers; it is undesirable to sign contracts, they may turn out to be unprofitable, and your business partner will easily mislead you.

– Beware of making friends on such days; friends acquired now may have ulterior motives for communicating with you.

Be that as it may, you shouldn’t get hung up on numbers and look for the manifestation of this or that number in each date, you just need to live and listen to the advice of experts, including numerologists, because this science has very ancient roots and people have been accumulating their wisdom for thousands of years.

Zodiac sign Cancer

Let us present to your attention a detailed description of a person born under the zodiac sign Cancer.

Secrets of Cancer's happiness

You are not always able to maintain smooth, happy relationships, because you are a person of moods with a tendency to indecision. This is especially noticeable in Cancer men, who are inclined to change their assessments of what is happening, despite the fact that they are zealous defenders of people dear to them and have a noticeable sentimental streak.

You are a wonderful “getter”, you are persistent and reliable. You have an instinctive, almost telepathic understanding of your partner's feelings and moods, but you certainly need to learn firmness and determination, as well as curbing your tendency to be grumpy and dislike criticism. Don't over-emphasize of great importance your parents' opinion about you family life and do not resort to odious comparisons that can destroy family happiness.

However, you can be called a good, if not brave, lover. Learn to manage sudden changes in your mood wisely. As a rule, representatives of your sign tend to naturally calm down and settle down soon after starting married life. Home and household mean a lot to you.

Astrological characteristics of the zodiac sign Cancer

Ruling planet of Cancer: Moon.

Characteristics of the Cancer sign: watery-cardinal-negative.

Sign of a teacher, prophet.

The character of the owner of this sign is: sensitive and compassionate, subject to mood swings, persistent, ambitious, attentive and careful, susceptible to the influence of subtle energies.

Positive qualities of Cancer: perseverance, sensitivity, compassion, heightened mental sensitivity, the gift of persuasion, law-abidingness and idealism, a vivid imagination.

Negative qualities of Cancer: changeability of moods, pronounced inferiority complex, indecisiveness, inability to forgive, pessimism, vulnerability.

Cancer Personality

According to the traditional view, Cancer people are big fans hearth. For all their great commitment to family and home, others are also known special properties their personalities. So, they crave to be visible and in the spotlight.

You are unusually receptive; your sensitivity borders on hypersensitivity. Your main desire is the desire to be loved, despite the fact that your personal freedom is also dear to you. You have great determination and are able to stubbornly hold on, tightly clinging (not in vain your symbol is the crab) to your loved one, your idea or property. You have the power to achieve the impossible. Your attitude towards the world truly brings to mind a crab, first moving forward, and then immediately moving back.

Let us also note the grandiose desire to earn and save a lot of money, which you realize in life only to a very small extent. This drive makes you a hard worker in big organizations and corporations. However, the original reason for your desire for money is rooted in an excessively large sense of insecurity.

Sometimes this makes you overly cautious and timid, discouraging you from taking risks and taking advantage of good opportunities. Learn to be more entrepreneurial, it's in your best interest. You are a person of strong likes and dislikes, as well as great loyalty.

Your other passion is related to strong sexual attraction- perhaps largely due to your affectionate and grasping nature. You need completeness and completeness, and otherwise you tend to suppress and prohibit; it all comes from the same feeling of insecurity. The undoubted fact is that you are sensitive and sentimental and at the same time love money and good food. You have very strong intuition.

"Cancer" as a friend

People of your kind are worth their weight in gold where loyalty and love for people are important. You are always ready to give, but you are disappointed and sad if it does not bring rewards. You'll never end a relationship, but don't expect too much from a friendship either.

Cancer is like a father

You have excellent qualities as a father, but you feel best in this capacity while your children are very young. Keep up with them and their ideas about life as they grow. Don't be intolerant or reprimand them too harshly. Your imagination can be very rich and you can encourage your children's creativity. Pay special attention to seeing life through their eyes.

Cancer is like a mother

You have supreme maternal power over your family and home; you are an example of selfless maternal love. You are gentle and loving, you gather your chicks closer to the nest and, nevertheless, you are overly inquisitive about the deep, spiritual feelings of children and worry too much about them. Only by giving these inclinations their due can you experience the serene happiness of motherhood.

A look at the decades:

Although everyone born between June 22 and July 22 was born under the sign of Cancer, a more thorough study, taking into account the characteristics of your decade, will help you better evaluate the qualities of your character.

If you were born between June 22 and July 1 (first decade), then you are ruled by the Moon, and the features of a typical “cancer” are very prominently expressed in your character. You are tenacious and tenacious, compassionate, loyal and idealistic, but can be fickle, suspicious, pessimistic and unsure of yourself. Try to rely more on positive features your personality.

If your date of birth fell between July 2 and July 12 (second decade), then your ruler is the planet Mars with all his strength and valor, and he imparts these qualities to you.

You are an even stronger “cancer” and are capable of becoming almost a dictator. You have tremendous energy and mobility and will gravitate towards fame and attention from people.

If you were born between July 12 and July 22 (third decade), then you are ruled by the “great benefactor” Jupiter, and you are guaranteed fame, luck and a considerable amount of money. You were born happy, except for the unfortunate tendency to be overweight! Education and travel will benefit you the most.

About people of dual nature - for those born on the days of changing signs

If you were born between June 20-23, then your birth date fell during the Gemini/Cancer transition.

Extraordinary people. They have psychic abilities, are witty, and easily susceptible to mood swings; attractive and somewhat evasive at the same time, and sometimes reserved and cold; in some cases there may be a wonderful interaction of mind and heart and, unfortunately, disorder (when one falls under the control of the other), in others, however, whatever the real reason, they are undoubtedly captivating and charming creatures, often living in their own world . These people are either very sociable or very taciturn and calm. Like water, they are able to take any form, to be almost anything they want to be - and this is their peculiarity, their distinguishing feature. If only they understood this and made a sustained, sincere, concentrated and sustained effort!

Diseases of the chest, stomach, intestines, nervous attacks, colds, allergies, and skin diseases can pose a threat to health.

The most important years will be 2, 5, 7, 11, 14, 16, 20, 23, 25, 29, 32, 34, 38, 41, 43, 47, 52, 55, 59, 62, 65, 68, 70, 74 , 77, 79, 83, 86, 88, 92, 95, 97, 101 years.

As a rule, these are somewhat pompous, but inexplicably pleasant people. "Your Lordship" would suit them perfectly. True dignity is different from pomp and pomp - that is the lesson you should learn in life. By all accounts, you are amiable, often generous, law-abiding, and gifted beyond the ordinary. creative abilities; you are a good father (or mother) to your children, a wonderful host (or hostess), artistic, and often gifted with psychic abilities. Your sensitivity is well known, and this trait can poison your life. Don't let it come to this. This is undoubtedly your “fatal mistake”, a “flaw”, as if in Shakespeare’s tragedy “Hamlet”. Another contradiction is that although you are artistic and imaginative, you are also traditional and conservative, even if you are a bohemian. It's all you. A certain magnetism and the ability to attract and captivate people is inherent in you from birth. You can be a very private person and at the same time have a brilliant public image. It's you too.

Health problems can be caused by the condition of the stomach, chest, heart, circulatory system, back and spine.

The following years will be especially important: 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 19, 16, 20, 22, 28, 29 (critical), 31, 34, 38, 40, 43, 47, 52, 55-56 ( turning point years), 58, 64-65, 67, 73-74, 76, 82-83, 85, 91-92.

Know what's good for you:

Lucky number for Cancer: 2, 7, 11, 20, 29, 25, 34, etc. (series of twos and sevens).

Cancer's lucky colors are pink, pale green and white (mostly).

Happy Cancer Day: Monday and Thursday.

Cancer lucky flowers and herbs: White Rose, White Lily, poppy, honeysuckle.

Cancer's lucky stones: rubies, pearls, moonstone.

Lucky days– Monday and Thursday.

Bad days– Tuesday and Saturday.

Season- winter.

Good places– rivers, streams, lakes, sea ​​shores, forests.

Numbers– 2 (all numbers divisible by 2), 4, 5, 8.

Color spectrum– blue, pale blue, white, silver. Grey colour– unsuccessful.

Stones– emerald, ruby.

Flowers– lily, jasmine, honeysuckle and all white flowers.

Symbols– cancer, pink heart, crab.

Mascot– pink heart.

Lucky numbers in the lottery– 4, 9, 14 and their combinations 4914, 914.

Lucky stones: aventurine, agate, amethyst, bull's eye, hematite, rock crystal, serpentine, moonstone, quartz, carnelian, jasper.

Important years: 25, 50, 75.

Lucky stones: turquoise, jet, heliotrope, pearl, cat's eye, opal, sardonyx, chalcedony, chrysoprase.

Important years: 15, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 75.

Lucky stones: aquamarine, beryl, emerald, ruby, tourmaline, black star, spinel.

Important years: 16, 26, 36, 48, 50, 60, 72.

Characteristics of Cancer

Cancer man

Cancer woman



Ingmar Bergman, The King Henry VIII, Gina Lollobrigida, Marcel Proust, Rembrandt, Julius Caesar, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Nelson Rockefeller, Ernst Hemingway, Marc Chagall, L. Krasin, P. Fedotov (artist), V. Serov (artist).

Cancer zodiac sign lucky numbers

Not everyone knows that at birth the Universe awarded us with its personal talisman, which attracts happiness according to the Zodiac Sign.

Each Zodiac Sign has its own personal number that attracts good luck. Surrounding yourself lucky numbers, you can achieve success, attract financial wealth, health and happy love.

Many people believe in the luck that numbers bring. They associate all important events with a certain number in order to achieve maximum success. But not everyone knows that at birth the Universe awarded us with its personal talisman, which attracts happiness according to the Zodiac Sign. You can increase your luck with the help of numerology, which knows the secret of how to attract money, luck and love using individual calculations.

Lucky Numbers for Each Zodiac Sign

When drawing up a horoscope, numbers from one to nine are used - they determine future fate person. Each Zodiac Sign has its own personal numbers, which give it a positive aura and successful moments in life. To know full description a certain number can be obtained using numerological interpretation. By timing important events on dates that coincide with your lucky number, you can significantly increase your chances of success.

Number 1. The unit symbolizes individuality, determination, and leadership. Numbers give a person unlimited opportunities to achieve their goals. People under her protection are characterized by independence: they are not used to relying on chance and achieve everything through their own efforts. Number 1 dominates Pisces and Aquarius, giving representatives of these Zodiac Signs self-confidence, the ability to defend their point of view, positivity and determination.

Number 2. Two helps to reveal diplomatic abilities, talents, and high spiritual qualities. Truly kind and sympathetic people are born under the auspices of the number 2 - peacemakers who are able to resolve any dispute, resolve a conflict, smooth out sharp quarrels, without resorting to cruelty and violence. People who were destined to be born under the influence of this number achieve their personal happiness through communication. Thanks to innate goodwill Cancer, Libra and Taurus easily gain people's favor.

Number 3. Legends were made about the power of this number back in ancient times. Even in Orthodoxy the troika plays important role: It’s not for nothing that we say almost all prayers three times. This is a symbol of holiness, faith, creation. Those born with this code undoubtedly achieve heights in any area of ​​life. They are accompanied by success and good luck, and any difficulties only strengthen their character. Their achievements are the key to highly developed intuition and creative thinking. Zodiac signs favored by three are: Virgo, Capricorn, Gemini. And in combination with other numbers, the number 3 helps Libra, Aquarius, Leo and Sagittarius.

Number 4. The number four symbolizes boundless intelligence, loyalty, observation, perseverance, and independence. The lords of number 4 can be trusted unconditionally; they will undoubtedly lend you a helping hand. These are strong and independent individuals who can handle any problem. They value people for their spiritual qualities and know how to choose a life partner, whom they will follow through fire and water. The patronage of the four encourages people born under the constellation Cancer, Scorpio, Gemini, Aries, Taurus, to self-development and helping other people.

Number 5. Those born under the control of the 5 are endowed with energy, natural magnetism and great potential. Number 5 bestows Cancers and Scorpios stability, success and a desire for self-knowledge. By actively using this number in your life, you can expect success in your personal and business areas. Five gives its owners pleasant surprises, and the possibilities of the people under its protection know no bounds. However, this number requires independence and determination: you won’t be able to dance to someone else’s tune, otherwise there is a chance of attracting misfortune into your life.

Number 6. Six characterizes longevity, youth of soul, charisma, charm and prestige among people. Those born under her patronage easily gain favor with people, which plays into their hands in gaining a high position in society. Having a large number of connections and opportunities, the owner of the number 6 achieves success faster. They are also restless individuals who feel the need to travel. Five patronizes Pisces, Libra and Taurus. Representatives of these Signs are able to adapt to circumstances and benefit for themselves. They were tasked by the Universe to create comfort and coziness around them, as well as to help people in need. Happiness will come knocking in the lives of those with a Six when they learn to accept responsibility and show kindness towards others.

Number 7. Seven bestows independence, spirituality, and analytical abilities. Its owners are removed from the influence of other people, and the power of numbers helps them achieve success at the cost of their efforts, intelligence, ingenuity and high intuition. Number 7 patronizes Aries, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces. Often among them there are many pioneers and scientists. Their ability to generate unconventional and ingenious ideas is reflected in society. The life of such individuals never stands still; they are almost always in the turmoil of days and adventures. A calm and rational attitude towards money helps them achieve a comfortable existence.

Number 8. The number eight has enormous energy potential and bestows Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius and Capricorn purposefulness, energy and philosophical thinking. People born under her auspices have a craving for vanity, fame and easy money. Oddly enough, it is precisely such individuals who are more predisposed to acquiring wealth than others. A mysterious number, which has a dual nature, rewards its owners with the opportunity to contact other worlds. Such people can find their happiness with the help of magical rituals; some of them are even endowed psychic abilities. Practicality, resilience, leadership, initiative and a philosophical attitude towards life play an important role in achieving your goals.

Number 9. Nine has almost all the qualities of the numbers 1 to 8, but its strength can be both positive and negative. The number gives its owners intuition, sensitivity, powerful energy, and fortitude. U Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Libra there is a craving for everything unknown and unknown. And the perseverance and determination that is characteristic of them helps them achieve any heights that they can desire. The lucky number gives them a sharp mind and ability. quickly implement the idea. People who learn about their hidden capabilities in a timely manner can achieve great success in life.

Lucky numbers can help you find success - just learn to rely on them. By making a fateful decision on the day that is under the auspices of your number, you will ensure good luck in any matter. You can also try to calculate your personal life code of fate, which will indicate what can make you more successful.

Lucky numbers for Cancer

Each zodiac sign has its own talisman numbers. Stoloto will tell you what they are like for representatives of the Cancer sign.

Characteristics of the sign

Cancer (from the Latin Canser) is the fourth sign of the zodiac. According to Western astrology, the Sun is in the sign of Cancer from approximately June 22 to July 22. Together with Scorpio and Pisces it forms a water trine.

Representatives of this sign are full of contradictions. On the one hand, they have perseverance and desire to achieve goals, they are self-sufficient and do not depend on anyone in financially. On the other hand, they tend to depend on emotional support and encouragement. Representatives of the sign crave attention from other people and feel happy and protected in the circle of close friends and family. In general, Cancers will be loyal to those who appreciate and support them.

Cancers have a difficult temperament, they can be unpredictable and need constant support and encouragement; they always want to feel that they are needed by others. Their motto is: “I feel.” But at the same time, most Cancers are emotionally closed people.

Possessing incredible persistence, strong intuition and observation, Cancers are successful in any endeavor. They attract wealth and know exactly where to invest money. If Cancer allows himself to properly focus energy and persistence on monetary well-being, without allowing emotions to get the better of him, then he becomes a successful business person.

Famous personalities born under the sign of Cancer: Marc Chagall, Ernest Hemingway, Anna Akhmatova, Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise.

Mythology of the sign

Cancer is mentioned in the cycle of the 12 labors of Hercules. During the battle with the Lernaean Hydra, the ancient hero felt pain in his leg - this cancer dared to bite Hercules, for which he was immediately crushed. Hera is the most powerful goddess of Olympus and worst enemy Hercules - in gratitude she turned cancer into a constellation.

What numbers bring good luck?

Those who believe in numerology believe that numbers bring good luck and help overcome negative emotions and achieve harmony in personal life and profession. For example, talisman numbers for Cancers are 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25.

Two can talk about the duality of nature and internal contradictions. In addition, the symbol of Cancer is a pair of claws, which are interpreted both as an infinity sign and as yin and yang. Seven is the number of luck and good fortune; in numerology it symbolizes the cultural and spiritual basis of things. For example, in Japanese mythology and folklore, the seven gods of luck are often mentioned. The number 11 in numerology is balance and balance.

Looking at the statistics of the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery (by the way, the luckiest one for millionaires - there are now 249 of them), you will see that the numbers 2 and 20 have appeared in 14% of draws throughout the entire game. In the 2797th draw of Gosloto “5 out of 36”, three numbers of luck for Cancers came up at once: 7, 11, 25 and 34, 24. And a super prize of more than 1 million rubles was drawn. In May 2015, thanks to the “five,” seven people became millionaires. In the draws with the super prize, the number 16 came up three times, and 11 twice.

In order to get the Jackpot in most modern lotteries you need to guess a certain number of numbers from the proposed range. This is where the question arises: how to do this? Each of us would like to receive universal scheme winning. Many are ready to pay a lot of money for it, while forgetting obvious truth: no one will share with others the secret of how to get a million, having the opportunity to get rich themselves in the lottery.
However, this does not mean that you don’t need to play and get your fill of winnings. The main thing to remember is that in the lottery, luck is the only factor that determines whether you will become wealthy or simply waste your money.
Any lottery that involves guessing a specific combination of numbers involves a "random" selection of numbers or a "systematic" approach to filling out the lottery cards. Random selection is an option when a player, filling out a game card, determines the winning numbers randomly. These could be the birth dates of loved ones, getting a treasured combination by throwing dice, or simply numbers chosen at random from a book. At systematic approach cards are filled out by going through options using the selected scheme.

How to choose a winning system?

People have been searching for ways to help turn the wheel of Fortune for a long time. Legends were made about lucky people who knew the “secret of success”. On the Internet today you can find a lot of different systems for every taste. The huge number of methods and winning schemes that players share can not only surprise, but also cause mistrust. Many players to determine lucky numbers resort to numerology and astrology. Others use statistical data by analyzing the results of winnings for a particular period. A very popular method for calculating all existing possible combinations is the so-called drum system. Often players come up with their own schemes. IN Western countries players cooperate to create lottery syndicates, thereby increasing their chances of winning.
For those who do not want to waste their time selecting a lucky combination, we offer our universal

NUMEROLOGY and winning the lottery.

Numerology is the study of the mystical nature of numbers and should not be confused with mathematics, which is scientific study numbers, spatial forms and quantitative relationships and their applications in engineering, physics and other sciences. But for all its significance for exact sciences Do numbers have a mystical nature?


Mathematics is sometimes called the language of quantities. This language is understandable to anyone if we're talking about about distances, mass, time, area, etc., which can be expressed in the form of relations such as “equal to”, “less than” and “greater than”.

But mathematics also deals with other relationships, and our uneducated ancestors would certainly be amazed at the tricks modern mathematicians can perform with symbols, achieving such effects as if they were real magicians. And actions with unknown quantities expressed by algebraic symbols (x + y = z) can only strengthen faith in the occult properties of numbers.

This belief has some basis. More wise men Ancient China discovered that any number, regardless of the value it denotes, can be represented by two symbols - 1 and 0, which, as everyone knows, form the basis of the binary system of numbers and express the principle of operation of any electronic computer.


In ancient times, both in China and in the West, almost all people believed that certain numbers had mystical, or occult, meaning. Thus, in the West, 3 and 7 were considered lucky numbers, since 3 was associated with the Holy Trinity, and 7 with the Heptateuch (the first seven books Old Testament). The number 13, on the contrary, was considered unlucky. IN Tsarist Russia, given the inevitable superstitious fear among the soldiers, the Thirteenth Regiment was not formed (although some of the soldiers of the Fourteenth Regiment were also horrified when they discovered that their regiment was in fact the Thirteenth). In China, even numbers were preferred because they, when divisible by two, could form pairs that were perceived as complementary opposites, confirming the yin/yang principle. The number 64 was very popular in China - after all, it closes the numbering of hexagrams in the I Ching. Moreover, it is divisible by 2, as are its quotients:

64: 2 = 32, 32: 2 = 16, 16: 2 = 8, 8: 2 = 4, 4: 2 = 2, 2: 2 = 1.


Some believe that a person's destiny is correlated with a certain number. The easiest way to find out your destiny number is as follows:.

Add the date and month of your birth.

Add your year of birth.

Add up the numbers that make up the resulting number.

1+9 + 6+1 = 17 - this is the number of fate

2 + 0+1+9=12 - number of fate


Ask a European to choose any number between 1 and 12, and you will most likely hear “7”. This preference for sevens may be explained by religious beliefs. But there is also a psychological explanation for this choice. Consciously or unconsciously, when guessing something, people reject everything that is logical and try to find an illogical answer, although the correct one

choosing at random is impossible without careful weighing possible options. So, the train of thought may be as follows.

The concept of “between” forces us to exclude numbers that are extreme in a given series; This excludes the numbers 1, 2, 11 and 12.

All that remains is to choose 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10.

5 and 10 - whole (round) decimal numbers, they are also not selected. Now the remaining numbers are 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9.

4, 6 and 8 are even and multiple numbers, so they are excluded. We have 3, 7 and 9 left.

Of the three numbers, 3, 7 and 9, 7 is in the middle - farthest from the ends, which is why it is chosen.

But a Chinese person, faced with such a choice, will not choose 7. He will most likely think as follows.

Extreme numbers are excluded - 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 remain.

Odd numbers are excluded - they are bad! As a result, 4,.6, 8 or 10 remain.

Of the remaining numbers, only 4 and 8 are multiples of 2 - this is good. All that remains is to choose 4 or 8.

8 is closer to the middle of the given number series, than 4, and therefore it is selected.

Most lotteries, both state and conducted by various charitable organizations, are built on the principle that the winning number or set of numbers is chosen at random by the participants. But the numbers in this case are not just tags, they do not indicate quantity, and therefore do not have a mathematical value and can be represented, although less conveniently, by letters of the alphabet, colors or pictures.

When participating in national lotteries, many people choose fate numbers or dates of birth, considering them “their lucky ones”; others deliberately prefer to choose at random, due to psychological factors. In fact, one number is no better than any other, and the combination of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 has the same chance as 6,8, 19, 23, 42 and 51.

What are the odds?

The mathematical essence of any lottery is the odds. So, for example, if a church sells 1,745 charity tickets, numbered 1 to 1,745, and there is only one prize up for grabs, the odds of winning that prize for a person who buys only one ticket would be 1,745 to 1. If a person buys 5 tickets, their odds become 1745 to 5, that is, 349 to 1.

What days in 2019 are favorable for buying lottery tickets? How to use magical conspiracy attract good luck and win the lottery?

Surely many of you have bought a lottery ticket at least once in your life. Tickets come with instant win. Usually you can immediately erase the coating and see whether the ticket was a winner or not. And there are such lottery tickets for which you have to wait even for several months for the day of the prize drawing. Such a lottery, for example, is “ Russian lotto».

The article will discuss which lottery tickets should be preferred in order to avoid falling into the hands of scammers. We will also tell you about favorable days in 2019 for playing the lottery and buying tickets. Let's summarize our article with one very powerful conspiracy that will help you attract good luck and win the lottery.

Which lottery can you really win?

If you are afraid to play the lottery and are afraid to buy a ticket, then do not buy tickets from unknown brands. For example, everyone knows about the “Russian Lotto” or “Golden Key” lottery. Beginners should buy tickets for these lotteries.

Also, you should not purchase tickets at crossings, from dubious citizens, or in other places that do not inspire confidence in you. Tickets for verified lotteries are usually sold at post offices. You can also buy a ticket in large retail chains, for example, in Pyaterochka and so on.

Help and advice for those who want to win the lottery

As we have already noted, it is better to purchase lottery tickets from trusted places. Some major lotteries even have their own ticket sales offices. They can be seen in major cities. For those people who live in the provinces, the most reliable way to purchase lottery tickets is at post offices, which are found even in the most isolated villages of our country.

If you notice that on a particular day you were very lucky in something or the day was going wrong in the morning, then you can safely go for a lottery ticket, because this is a signal that luck is now on your side and bought the ticket may be winning. Below are the favorable days for playing the lottery by month of 2019. Guided by them, you can test your luck and play the lottery. You definitely have to be lucky.

Lunar horoscope of luck and winnings in 2019, lucky days for winning the lottery:

Let us note right away that it is best to buy tickets precisely during the period when our constant stellar companion, the Moon, is in its growth phase. This phase has a beneficial effect on all processes occurring in our lives. In this phase, our wallet is usually full of money, luck is on our side, and our physical and moral strength increases. Next, we will describe by month the most favorable periods for purchasing lottery tickets in the year of the Yellow Boar, that is, in the coming 2019.

January 2019

IN given month In winter 2019, it is most favorable to buy a lottery ticket from the 6th to the 21st. It is on these days that fortune will be favorable to you and will be able to please you with a decent win if you dare to play the lottery.

Zodiac signs such as Libra and Sagittarius will be especially lucky this month of 2019. Luck in the above period of January of the Year of the Yellow Pig will accompany them everywhere, including in the matter of the lottery.

February 2019

If you want to try your luck in February 2019 with a lottery ticket, then it is best to purchase it from the 4th to the 19th. These days the Moon is growing, which means that luck will be on your side and your income may also increase sharply. Feel free to buy a lottery ticket and wait for a miracle.

The luckiest people in this month of the Year of the Yellow Pig will be Scorpios and Taurus. They can safely go for a lottery ticket during the specified period in February of the coming year. Fortune will be especially favorable to them.

March 2019

If you want to play the lottery in March 2019, then the most favorable period for purchasing a lottery ticket will be the days from March 6 to March 21. During this period of this spring month, you can try your luck and play the lottery.

The most successful in terms of winning the lottery this spring month of 2019 will be Capricorns and Cancers. Luck this month will especially accompany them in all matters, and especially in the lottery.

April 2019

If in April 2019 you are attacked by an unbearable desire to purchase a lottery ticket in the hope of a big win, then do it from the 5th to the 19th. Luck will be on your side these days.

It is recommended for Leos and Aquarius to try their luck and buy a lottery ticket in April of this year. Luck will be on their side this month of spring 2019 and these signs will certainly be lucky in the lottery.

May 2019

If you want to try your luck in May 2019 and try to play the lottery in this month, then the best time to do this will be from the 4th to the 18th. It is on these dates that fortune will favor you and make you win.

Aries and Pisces will be especially lucky in the lottery this spring month of the Year of the Yellow Pig. They are strongly encouraged to try their luck and purchase a lottery ticket during the specified period of May 2019.

June 2019

The most favorable time to play the lottery in this month of 2019 is from the 3rd to the 17th. During this period of this summer month of the Year of the Yellow Pig, luck will always and everywhere be with you and contribute to your winnings.

In June 2019, Gemini and Virgo will be especially lucky. They should certainly be lucky in the lottery if they buy a ticket exactly during the above-mentioned period of June. The stars advise them not to hesitate, but to run quickly to get a lottery ticket.

July 2019

If you absolutely want to play the lottery in July in the hope that you will win, then buy the coveted ticket from the 2nd to the 16th. You will see that a lottery ticket purchased during this period will be lucky for you.

Especially lucky in this summer month 2019 will be Capricorns and Sagittarius. They are strongly advised to check their fortunes during the specified period in July of the coming year of the Yellow Pig.

August 2019

If you are going to play the lottery in August 2019, then do it from the 1st to the 15th. It is most favorable to experience happiness in this summer month of the Year of the Yellow Pig right now.

The luckiest people in this month of 2019 will be Pisces and Taurus. They can safely buy lottery tickets during the August interval that we indicated above. Fortune this month will be on the side of these zodiac signs.

September 2019

If you want to play the lottery and win something in September 2019, buy a lottery ticket between the 6th and 14th or in the last two days of this autumn month. These days, luck will be on your side.

In September of the Year of the Yellow Pig, zodiac signs such as Libra and Aries will be especially lucky. They should not think long about the issue of purchasing a lottery ticket in a given month of 2019. Feel free to buy a ticket and play the lottery to win prizes.

October 2019

If you want to try your luck and buy a lottery ticket in October 2019, the best time to do this is from the 1st to the 13th or from the 28th to the 31st. These days the Moon will be in its waxing phase and will help you to win.

In that autumn month In 2019, it is worth checking your destiny and trying the luck of such signs of the zodiac space as Virgo and Taurus. They are the ones who are the most lucky signs in October of the Year of the Yellow Boar.

November 2019

If you want to try your luck in the lottery in November 2019, then do it between November 1 and 12, and favorable days for playing with fortune in this month are the 26th, 27th and 29th.

Particularly lucky zodiac signs in this month of autumn 2019 are Cancers and Pisces. They will be lucky in everything, including the lottery. Feel free to run for a ticket if you are one of these signs.

December 2019

If you want to play the lottery in the last month of 2019, that is, in December, it is best to buy a ticket of happiness in the period from 1 to 12 and from 26 to 31. At these stages of December in the year of the Yellow Pig, the Moon will grow, and accordingly, luck will be on your side. A conspiracy to win a large sum of money in the lottery

If you want to turn to the help of magic in order to attract luck in the lottery, then in this case we have one very strong conspiracy. Here you will need to whisper magic words for some new thing. It must definitely be red. It is in this thing that you will subsequently need to go for a lottery ticket, which in the end should turn out to be winning.

This magical ritual must be performed at a time when the Moon is in its growth phase. Above, we described by month the most successful periods for playing the lottery in 2019. Guided by knowledge about these periods, and choose the date of commission magical ritual for attracting good luck in playing the lottery. No one should know about your conspiracy. It would be best to do it when everyone in the household is asleep or there is no one in the house at all.

As soon as you see the growing Moon in the sky, you can begin the ritual. Buy a red item in advance, it can be a T-shirt, socks, jacket or other item of clothing. For the ritual, choose a night when the Moon will be very clearly visible in the sky and preferably its size will be more than half. The growth phase of the Moon for this plot should be close to the full moon.

When all the conditions for performing a secret magical ritual are met, you can proceed to the conspiracy. Take out a new red item, turn off the lights, and open the curtains to illuminate your room with moonlight. If there is not enough light, you can light three candles. It is advisable to open the window completely, but if you read the plot in winter time years, then it will be enough to simply open the window.

Position your new clothes on the windowsill, stand side by side and read this plot: “May my new robe be filled with the light and power of the Moon, and may it bring me a lot of luck and luck. May the magical powers help me win the lottery, may the money in my wallet increase and may its quantity never decrease. May Mother Moon not leave me without money, may she make sure that the lottery ticket I bought turns out to be a winner. Yes, let it be the way I want and nothing else. My word is strong and indestructible. Amen!"

Then put these clothes on yourself and go to bed. The next morning, go to the sweat department or to a special stall where they sell lottery tickets. Buy a ticket there and go home. You'll see, the ticket will definitely be a winner if you carried out the secret conspiracy correctly and firmly believed that the power of the Moon and magic will help you summon good luck and win the lottery.

Now you know how to make sure that luck in the lottery is on your side. We also talked about the most favorable days of the coming year of the Yellow Pig, when it is best to buy lottery tickets.

Each zodiac sign has its own talisman numbers. Stoloto will tell you what they are like for representatives of the Cancer sign.

Characteristics of the sign

Cancer (from the Latin Canser) is the fourth sign of the zodiac. According to Western astrology, the Sun is in the sign of Cancer from approximately June 22 to July 22. Together with Scorpio and Pisces it forms a water trine.

Representatives of this sign are full of contradictions. On the one hand, they have perseverance and desire to achieve goals, they are self-sufficient and do not depend on anyone financially. On the other hand, they tend to depend on emotional support and encouragement. Representatives of the sign crave attention from other people and feel happy and protected in the circle of close friends and family. In general, Cancers will be loyal to those who appreciate and support them.

Cancers have a difficult temperament, they can be unpredictable and need constant support and encouragement; they always want to feel that they are needed by others. Their motto is: “I feel.” But at the same time, most Cancers are emotionally closed people.

Possessing incredible persistence, strong intuition and observation, Cancers are successful in any endeavor. They attract wealth and know exactly where to invest money. If Cancer allows himself to properly focus energy and persistence on monetary well-being, without allowing emotions to get the better of him, then he becomes a successful business person.

Famous personalities born under the sign of Cancer: Marc Chagall, Ernest Hemingway, Anna Akhmatova, Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise.

Mythology of the sign


Cancer is mentioned in the cycle of the 12 labors of Hercules. During the battle with the Lernaean Hydra, the ancient hero felt pain in his leg - this cancer dared to bite Hercules, for which he was immediately crushed. Hera, the most powerful goddess of Olympus and the worst enemy of Hercules, turned Cancer into a constellation in gratitude.

What numbers bring good luck?

Those who believe in numerology believe that numbers bring good luck, help overcome negative emotions and achieve harmony in their personal lives and profession. For example, talisman numbers for Cancers are 2, 7, 11, 16, 20, 25.

Two can talk about the duality of nature and internal contradictions. In addition, the symbol of Cancer is a pair of claws, which are interpreted both as an infinity sign and as yin and yang. Seven is the number of luck and good fortune; in numerology it symbolizes the cultural and spiritual basis of things. For example, in Japanese mythology and folklore, the seven gods of luck are often mentioned. The number 11 in numerology is balance and balance.

Looking at the statistics of the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery (by the way, the luckiest one for millionaires - there are now 249 of them), you will see that the numbers 2 and 20 have appeared in 14% of draws throughout the entire game. In the 2797th draw of Gosloto “5 out of 36”, three numbers of luck for Cancers came up at once: 7, 11, 25 and 34, 24. And a super prize of more than 1 million rubles was drawn. In May 2015, thanks to the “five,” seven people became millionaires. In the draws with the super prize, the number 16 came up three times, and 11 twice.

In the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery, where 67 participants won the super prize, the numbers 16 and 25 appeared in an average of 14% of draws throughout the game.

Monday and Thursday are considered lucky days of the week for Cancers. Moreover, Monday is ideal for new beginnings. Never played the lottery? Why not try it? Thursday is ruled by the planet Jupiter, which is a symbol of generosity and personal growth. Try to associate your zodiac sign with good days in 2015 and test your own luck in the lottery.

Important years of life for Cancers

2015 for Cancers

The year is favorable for Cancers, especially regarding finances. good time for large purchases, such as purchasing own home. By the way, you can win an apartment, a dacha, as well as cash prizes in the Housing Lottery, where 310 participants have already become new residents!

Remain confident in your professional relationships, but don't take on projects that you question. Intuition will help with this. The inspiration of the year is family and close friends.

Tips for Cancers from Stoloto:
- Be practical and don't let emotions interfere with your decisions.
— Don’t neglect health issues.
— Stay calm even in difficult moments.

What to give a woman under the sign of Cancer

When choosing a gift for Cancer women, remember their personal qualities. Among them there are many impeccable housewives who love their home. Therefore, decorative items to create coziness are ideal. And if such a housewife also loves to cook, then she cannot do without kitchen gadgets.

What to give a man under the sign of Cancer

Cancer men are friendly and purposeful; for the most part, they are ruled by feelings, not reason. They are attached to their loved ones, so arrange a family trip to the cinema, theater or exhibition. Invitations to events can be supplemented with raffle tickets. The Russian Lotto and Housing Lottery are best suited - you can play them with the whole family. Be sure to wish us good luck and prosperity!

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