8th lunar day for a haircut. Favorable days for cutting hair. Successful days for cutting hair by day of the week

What should be the haircut on the 8th lunar day?

It is better to postpone a visit to the hairdresser for a couple of days. The moon is now in its waxing phase, and a haircut could strengthen your hair and speed up its growth.

But at the same time, it can greatly worsen relationships with others. It’s just a day when, in your passion for yourself and the desire to live “to show off,” it’s very easy to cross the line of decency and shock people with your appearance. For the same reasons, you should not dye your curls.

Since a “nest on the head” will not decorate any woman, you can style it, but try not to overdo it with creativity. It's best to simply straighten your hair and let it become a conductor of positive energy.

Try to be flexible in your communication. You should not react sharply to the subjective opinions of others. Today it is best to communicate only with well-known, trusted people who deserve complete trust.

And try to look at yourself with kind irony and a little critically, sober look in life, in the end, I have never let anyone down.


Eastern astrology pays attention toany action a person takes with his body is like a change in the quality of life. Even the most ordinary haircut can radically change your destiny. Tibetans divide lunar days into favorable and unfavorable for cutting (shaving), dyeing and treating hair, cutting nails, treating teeth, and days of operations.

The days of hair cutting have a beneficial effect on future fate a person - have a positive effect on longevity, luck, financial stability and external attractiveness, and a negative one, since a haircut these days can damage a person’s vitality and bring disaster.

Hair- the source of our cosmic force, which means that everything that happens to them changes the course of the invisible river, which washes us with its bioenergetic waves. Therefore, any effect on hair can change in one direction or another not only our appearance, but also throughout our lives. And therefore, in order not to go bald ahead of time and not to lose your heavenly half in the form of a Guardian Angel, you need to follow certain safety measures when cutting your hair, know when, with whose help and why you are doing it.


  • You can't trust your hair to just anyone.
  • It should be remembered that the person who cuts your hair changes your biofield.
  • Therefore, when you come to the hairdresser, choose an energetic and cheerful hairdresser, then your life after a haircut will change for the better.
  • The older the hairdresser, the greater his influence on your life.
  • If you are an independent person, you are used to solving your problems yourself and notlove, when something prevents you from implementing them, choose a master either the same age as you, or younger than you.
  • When you are chronically unlucky for some unknown reason, it makes sense to choose a very an old and famous master, even if the hairstyle done by him will cost you a lot. But after visiting the hairdresser, your life will change dramatically.

And if you time your visit correctly, your life will not only change, but will improve dramatically.

The lunar day does not coincide with the earthly day, and occurs at a certain time (hours, minutes) of an earthly day.

The calendar also indicates the time of the Moon’s entry into one or another Zodiac sign.constellation.

July 2019

day of the month day of the week moon phase Moon in the zodiac Lunar day
1 Mon decreasing in Gemini
28 from 02.44
2 Tue NEW MOON at 22.17 in Raki from 04.25 29/1 from 03.25
3 Wed growing in Cancer 2 from 04.21
4 Thu growing in Leo from 06.20 3 With 05.31
5 Fri growing in Leo 4 With 06.53
6 Sat growing in Virgo from 07.26
5 from 08.20
7 Sun growing in Virgo 6 from 09.48
8 Mon growing in Libra from 09.08 7 from 11.15
9 Tue growing in Libra 8 from 12.39
10 Wed growing in Scorpio from 12.30 9 from 14.01
11 Thu growing V Scorpio 10 from 15.22
12 Fri growing in Sagittarius from 18.06 11 from 16.42
13 Sat growing in Sagittarius
12 from 17.57
14 Sun growing in Sagittarius 13 from 19.06
15 Mon growing in Capricorn from 02.06 14 from 20.06
16 Tue growing V
15 from 20.55
17 Wed FULL MOON at 00.13 in Aquarius from 12.20 16 from 21.32
18 Thu decreasing in Aquarius 17 from 22.01
19 Fri decreasing in Aquarius 18 from 22.24
20 Sat decreasing in Pisces from 00.20 19 from 22.42
21 Sun decreasing in Pisces 20 from 22.57
22 Mon decreasing in Aries from 13.30 21 from 23.11
23 Tue decreasing V Aries 22 from 23.25
24 Wed decreasing in Aries 23 from 23.39
25 Thu decreasing in Taurus from 00.43 24 from 23.56
26 Fri decreasing V Corpuscle 24
27 Sat decreasing in Gemini from 09.30 25 from 00.15
28 Sun decreasing in Gemini 26 from 00.41
29 Mon decreasing in Rak from 14.32 27 from 01.15
30 Tue decreasing in Cancer 28 from 02.03
31 Wed decreasing in Leo from 16.19 29 s03.06


Before going to the hairdresser, look at Moon calendar


1st lunar day cutting your hair shortens your life.

2nd lunar day - haircutwill attract quarrels and litigation to you.

3rd lunar day - cutting your hair will cause harm to the body and may attract waste to you.

4th lunar day - a haircut will bringdiscomfort will attract melancholy and fear of losing loved ones. Will cause throat diseases and oral diseases.

5th lunar day - cutting your hair will lead to an increase in property, you will become a little richer.

6th lunar day - cutting your hair is not advisable - you will attract a cold, your sense of smell will deteriorate, you will look like a sick person and you will actually start to get sick.

7th lunar day - hair cuttingwill attract quarrels and litigation to you, you may come into conflict withboss There is a threat of conflict with a loved one. Burning day according to the Tibetan calendar, the day when cutting your hair will seriously worsen your health.

8th lunar day - a haircut will bring longevity to you, good health and will make your life worthy in the eyes of others (although not immediately, but in the coming months).

9th lunar day - cutting hair attracts illness.

The 10th lunar day is a burning day according to Tibetan traditions; it is recommended to refrain from cutting your hair, as this will attract illness to you.

12th lunar day - you can’t cut your hair - it attracts misfortunes, injuries and increases the likelihood of a threat to life.

13th lunar day - it is advisable to get a haircut, as a haircut will bring happiness and benefits, a beautiful appearance.

14th lunar day - a haircut will attract improvement in activity, financial situation, increase in property and favor with superiors. For the sake of your own well-being, at least for your hair.

15th lunar day - it is safer to refrain from cutting your hair, as mental disorders as a result of cutting, increased blood pressure, headaches and feelings of fear are possible. If you don't want to end up in a hospital bed, stay away from the hairdresser.

16th lunar day - it is better to refrain from cutting your hair - misfortunes and mistakes will arise. Negative habits and vices will manifest themselves in full, the craving for alcohol will increase, and the ability to control passions will decrease. Cutting your hair can attract infidelity, which will significantly worsen your health.

17th lunar day - as a result of a haircut, obstacles in business will appear, illnesses will arise. There is a high risk of future injury. The psyche will suffer. According to Eastern beliefs, cutting your hair on this day will attract harmful spirits to you.

18th lunar day - cutting your hair will lead to loss of property, theft, your pets may get sick (they sense the dangers that threaten you and worry about you). Also, according to Tibetan traditions, this is a burning day and cutting your hair will bring you a serious deterioration in your health.

19th Lunn th day- should go to a hairdresser - cutting your hair prolongs your life.

20th lunar day - cut hairundesirable, there will be a “disgust” for life.

21st lunar day - it is advisable to cut your hair - you will attract beauty and prosperity.

22nd lunar day - a haircut will attract you to the opportunity to acquire property, but you can get better, gain excess weight.

23rd lunar day - haircut will bring beautiful colour face, will improve yourfinancial condition.

The 24th lunar day is a very bad day for cutting hair - illnesses may appear. If you want to be healthy, refrain from cutting your hair.

25th lunar day - haircut will increase eye pressure and lead to vision impairment. As a result of the haircut, eye diseases will worsen, it is likelyinflammation, the appearance of styes.

26th lunar day - as a result of cutting your hair or creating a hairstyle, you will attract joy and happiness.

28th lunar day - as a result of cutting your hair, your charm will increase appearance, you willpeople like it.

29th lunar day - As a result of cutting hair, a person’s energy is lost, as people say, “you can cut your mind.”

30th lunar day - cutting hair can bring to a person the threat of encountering misfortune, an enemy, and can even attract death. There is also a possibility of involving a car accident.

August 2019

day of the month day of the week moon phase Moon in the zodiac Lunar day
1 Thu New moon at 06.13 in Leo 30/1 from 04.25
2 Fri growing in Virgo from 16.22 2 from 05.52
3 Sat growing V Virgo 3 from 07.23
4 Sun growing V Libra from 16.31 4 from 08.54
5 Mon growing V Libra 5 from 10.22
6 Tue growing in Scorpio from 18.33
6 from 11.47
7 Wed growing Scorpio 7 from 13.10
8 Thu growing in Sagittarius from 23.36 8 With 14.31
9 Fri growing V Sagittarius 9 s 15.48
10 Sat growing V Sagittarius 10 With 16.59
11 Sun growing V Capricorn from 07.51 11 from 18.01
12 Mon growing V Capricorn 12 from 18.53
13 Tue growing in Aquarius from 18.36
13 from 19.33
14 Wed growing V Aquarius 14 from 20.04
15 Thu FULL MOON at 15.30 V Aquarius 15 from 20.29
16 Fri decreasing V
Pisces from 06.51
16 s 20.48
17 Sat decreasing in Pisces 17 from 21.04
18 Sun decreasing in Aries from 19.34 18 from 21.18
19 Mon decreasing V Aries 19 s 21.32
20 Tue decreasing V Aries 20 from 21.46
21 Wed decreasing V Taurus from 07.38 21 With 22.01
22 Thu decreasing V Corpuscle 22 from 22.18
23 Fri decreasing V Gemini from 17.35 23 from 22.40
24 Sat decreasing V Gemini 24 s 23.10
25 Sun decreasing in Gemini 25 from 23.50
26 Mon decreasing in Cancer from 00.06 25
27 Tue decreasing V Cancer 26 from 01.18
28 vr decreasing V about Leo from 02.55 27 from 01.34
29 Thu decreasing V Lev 28 from 01.52
30 Fri New moon from 13.38 V Virgo from 02.58 29/1 from 02.15
31 Sat growing V Virgo 2 from 02.15

It has long been customary to cut hair only on certain days in order to improve your energy, as well as hair thickness and growth. Our ancestors believed that if you cut your hair on a bad day, it could negatively affect a person’s entire destiny.

The position of the Moon is a guideline for this procedure. It was not by chance that he was chosen for the haircut, because lunar phases influences a person in a special way. The moon also affects the condition of hair. There are good days to get a haircut and bad days. For the procedure, you need to choose only favorable days and it doesn’t matter whether you do the haircut during the day or in the evening.

The lunar month consists of 4 phases:

  • new moon;
  • full moon;
  • Waxing Crescent;
  • waning moon.

These phases affect the condition of the body and hair. The effect of the Moon on humans is a fact that has been scientifically proven. Favorable days for creating a hairstyle are the days on which, thanks to the stylist’s manipulations with the hair, it begins to grow faster and its volume increases.

Astrologers say that the condition of the hair is influenced not only by the Moon. They claim that hair is a kind of thread that connects a person with the Universe. Through them, cosmic energy is transmitted to a person, which affects his health and destiny.

If a haircut is done on favorable days, it will improve a person’s biofield and this will have a positive effect on fate.

Favorable period for haircut:

  • Full moon.
  • These are the most suitable lunar days for cutting hair. If you do your hair during the full moon, the strands will then quickly begin to gain length and the thickness of your hair will increase. These are favorable days not only for cutting hair, but also for coloring. This better days for carrying out absolutely any procedures for hair.

  • The period of the waxing moon.
  • If you do your hair at this time, the growth of the strands will accelerate, but the shine may disappear. The strands can also lose moisture. If your hair is already too dry, this will be detrimental to it.

  • 5, 8, 11, 13, 14, 19, 21–23, 26–28 lunar days.
  • The period when The moon is in the constellation Capricorn, Libra, Leo, Virgo or Taurus.

Unfavorable days for hairstyles

Unfavorable days for haircuts are the times when manipulations with strands will negatively affect their structure. They will become fragile, grow slowly and may begin to fall out.

Astrologers say that haircuts these days negatively affect a person’s biofield. It depletes energy and can cause illness and misfortune. Therefore, these days should be avoided.

Bad timing for manipulating strands:

  • Waning moon.
  • If you cut your hair during this phase, hair growth will slow down. At the same time, this time is favorable for depilation.

  • New moon.
  • By getting a haircut at this time, a person shortens his life. This procedure draws out of him vitality. Therefore, after visiting the salon, health problems appear. Under no circumstances should children cut their hair during the new moon. If boys get their hair done at this time, they will quickly become bald, and girls getting their hair cut during the new moon will cause their hair to become thin and begin to fall out a lot.

  • 9, 15, 29 lunar days.
  • They are not just unfavorable, but even dangerous for cutting hair. If you do your hair at this time, the strands will become thin, the volume of hair will disappear and hair loss will begin. A haircut these days will also affect a person’s fate. He will be haunted by misfortunes and health problems will arise.

  • Lunar and solar eclipse.
  • If you cut your hair these days, the hair structure, fate and health of the person will suffer.

  • Moon in the constellation Cancer or Pisces.
  • Haircut these days worsens hair structure and health.

Never cut your hair yourself. A procedure carried out with your own hands will disrupt the biofield and after it is carried out, misfortunes will arise.

It is better to have your hair cut by professionals and only during favorable periods.

Haircut on a specific lunar day

Now let’s take a closer look at which days you can get a haircut and which days you can’t:

1st day. This day is unfavorable. A haircut performed at this time will shorten life expectancy, because the supply of energy to a person from the Universe will be cut off.

3rd day. Not favorable time for haircut. A hairstyle done on the 3rd lunar day will lead to material problems. Manipulations with hair on the third day will lead to the appearance of troubles and illnesses.

4th day. Bad time for a haircut. The procedure will cause phobias and depression. Due to haircuts at this time, health problems will also appear. The throat and respiratory organs will be affected first.

5th day. At this time on the fifth day you can do your hair. A haircut done on the 5th lunar day will improve a person’s financial condition.

6th day. The sixth day is an unfavorable period. Cutting your hair on the 6th lunar day will lead to the appearance of diseases respiratory system. Hairstyle on the 6th lunar day will generally worsen your health.

7th day. The 7th lunar day is not suitable for cutting hair. The procedure done on the 7th day will lead to destabilization of relationships with loved ones and colleagues. Also, a haircut on the seventh day will cause a deterioration in the condition of the immune system.

8th day. Great time to create a hairstyle. A haircut on the 8th lunar day will prolong a person’s life and strengthen his health. The eighth day hairstyle will also boost your self-esteem and help you gain respect from others.

9th and 10th lunar day. Unfavorable time for a haircut. Manipulations with hair carried out on the 9th lunar day and on the 10th day will provoke the occurrence of illnesses. Hairstyle on the ninth day and on the tenth day shortens life.

11th lunar day. At this time, you can manipulate your hair. A haircut on the 11th lunar day will improve the hair structure. Manipulating strands on the eleventh day can develop the gift of clairvoyance and intuition and improve brain function.

12th day. Bad time for hair manipulation. Haircut on the 12th lunar day can cause accidents. A trip to the salon on the twelfth day can cause a sudden tragic interruption of life.

13th day. The thirteenth day is best time for women who want to increase their charm. A haircut done on the 13th lunar day will increase your charm and attractiveness.

14th day. Favorable day for a haircut. Hair treatments performed today will improve a person’s well-being and help him sign lucrative contracts and gain respect in society.

15th day. Unfavorable time. A haircut done today can worsen your psycho-emotional state. Phobias and depression will appear.

16th day. Unfavorable day. A haircut done today will lead to... fatal mistakes and bad addictions.

17th day. Bad day for a haircut. A trip to the salon on the 17th lunar day can result in accidents, health problems and psycho-emotional disorder. Hairstyle on the seventeenth day can lead to the destruction of relationships with loved ones and colleagues.

18th day. Unfavorable period. Manipulating your hair on this day can cause the loss of your property, the occurrence of illnesses and lead to problems for others. Pets can be especially hard hit.

19th day. This is an auspicious time. A haircut on the 19th lunar day will bring longevity. The nineteenth day hairstyle will improve the hair structure.

20th day. Bad timing. Cutting your hair on the 20th lunar day will result in health problems and psycho-emotional disorder. Manipulating hair on the 20th lunar day can also lead to a person having thoughts about parting with life. There is no need to choose the time of the twentieth day for a haircut.

Day 21 Favorable period. Manipulating your hair will lead to well-being and increased charm.

Day 22 Controversial period. On the one hand, you can improve your financial condition, on the other hand, problems with excess weight may appear.

Day 23 This time is great for getting a haircut. After visiting the salon, a person will feel happy. His self-esteem and attractiveness will increase.

Day 24 Bad day for a haircut. Manipulations with hair performed today will lead to the appearance of illnesses.

Day 25 Unfavorable time. A haircut will cause vision impairment and eye diseases.

Day 26 This period is good for haircuts. Hairstyles done today will bring happiness and improve the microclimate in the family.

Day 27 Auspicious day. A haircut on the 27th lunar day will bring happiness. Your relationship with your loved one will improve.

Day 28 Good period. A haircut on the 28th lunar day will increase a person’s charm, which will not go unnoticed by others. On this day there will not be a single flaw in your hairstyle.

29th lunar day. Unfavorable day. Manipulation with hair on day 29 will lead to a decrease in a person’s energy and a deterioration in brain function.

30th day. Bad period. A haircut will cause misfortunes and increased activity of enemies.

By getting a haircut on favorable lunar days, a person has the opportunity to improve his financial condition, health and improve the structure of his hair.

Using the Feng Shui forecast for each day, determine which lunar day rules today and read the recommendations.

8 lunar day.

Symbol: Phoenix.

Key words: birth, transformation.

Symbol of the 8th lunar day- Phoenix bird, burning and reborn again. And its main action is rebirth, transformation.

What does this mean? On this day, you can easily abandon the old and start new, as they say, start living “from scratch.”

But this requires some work. First of all, you need to realize the mistakes of the past, understand and forgive your offenders and yourself. It will be much easier to do this on this day than on any other. And you definitely need to think about what is for you this crucial moment counts new life. Do you want to quit bad habit, instill in yourself a new useful one? Or become a different person? Start loving yourself? To become successful? What do I need to do? Just change your thinking? Become open? Ask yourself questions. The answers will come by themselves.

If everything is done correctly, then you can physically feel that the process has begun, that the person has returned to the starting point, and he now has a chance to “write” everything out, from scratch. Or will there be a jump to new level, a new stage of development in some area of ​​your life. Observe your feelings. You can feel that at some point something happened on a physical level: the light came on, a second wind opened, or something like that.

It’s good to start implementing any plans on this day. This applies to both things that are significant to you and new ones. good habits, working on yourself, learning, traveling, any undertakings in general. Everything that is started today will be easy to succeed during the coming lunar month and will delight you with its results.

At the physical level, regardless of our consciousness, on the 8th lunar day all kinds of transformations of subtle energies, chemical and alchemical reactions also occur. Astrologers believe that at this time physical energy transforms into astral energy. Therefore, today it is not recommended to overload the body with heavy food, drink alcohol, or smoke. Ideally, on this day you need to fast, or, at a minimum, eat only what is quickly digested and does not burden the digestive system.

The eighth lunar day is usually used by experienced herbalists in their work, preparing herbal infusions and medicines at this time.

Fire on this day also has magical power. It can clear or burn. You need to use fire very carefully on this lunar day, and if you are not familiar with the practices of cleansing with fire, then it is better not to light it at all today.

If you get sick on this day, then if the illness is accompanied high temperature, This good sign: It will end faster. However, do not rush to bring down the temperature, otherwise there may be complications.

For those dreaming of a child, it should be borne in mind that the life of a person conceived on this day will be full of various kinds of events. The greatest highs and the most dangerous falls. All the colors of life, from the darkest to the brightest, will color the pages of the life of this strong-willed man.

Pay attention to the dreams you had on this moonlit night. They can help answer questions that concern you and predict upcoming events.

If what others say about you is important to you, then you need to schedule a visit to the hairdresser for this day. A haircut on this day attracts the favor of others into our lives.

Memo: let’s start living “from scratch”!

Memo for every lunar day. Key phrases that will help you quickly remember the peculiarities of each lunar day.

Lunar horoscope. We choose a favorable time for important meetings, romantic dates, and surgical interventions. We plan things in accordance with the passage of the Moon under the signs of the Zodiac.

Moon in Aries. Time for some quick work.

Moon in Taurus. Time to make money.

Moon in Gemini. Time to be friends.

Moon in Cancer. Time for family.

Moon in Leo. Time for presentations.

Moon in Virgo. Time for reports.

Hair cutting according to the lunar calendar has been practiced for several centuries and is based on long-term observations of the influence of the Moon on the condition and growth of hair. Based on these observations, a list of days that were favorable for this procedure was compiled.

Below are the favorable days of the lunar calendar for haircuts, and those days on which it is not recommended to get a haircut can be found on the page. Ours will help you quickly find out whether you can go to the hairdresser today, get a new hairstyle, dye your hair, strengthen it and improve its health.

Haircut, hair coloring on the 5th Lunar day

This is the perfect day for a haircut. One can say – one of the best of the entire lunar month. The result of visiting a beauty salon will be not only a wonderful hairstyle that will update and improve your image, but also stabilization of your financial situation, improvement emotional background person.

Astrologers assure that on the twenty-eighth lunar day you should definitely visit the hairdresser. For those who have long dreamed of new hairstyle, - do it, even if those around you dissuade you, and those who don’t have the opportunity to go to a salon need to take care of their appearance on their own.

Devote a couple of hours to your appearance. Experiment with your hairstyle. After all, it’s not at all necessary to get a haircut. Sometimes, parting on the right side instead of the left, or bangs combed to the side, radically change the appearance, make the owner of the hairstyle more attractive to others, and increase self-confidence.

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