Characteristics of lunar days and their meaning. Lunar day online. Lunar days for conception

Ruling Planet Capricorn: Saturn.

Talismans of Capricorn: black cat, devil, stairs.

Capricorn personality: Restrained, cold, practical, focused, diligent, with a strong will and great internal energy.

Capricorns differ from other signs in their great ambitions and practicality. They like to plan their lives and set specific goals, which they begin to strive hard for. Their life can be compared with climbers: they take a certain height and begin to conquer little by little, and it doesn’t matter what the speed of reaching will be, it is important that this peak be submitted to him, and the time will come to set a new task and also move towards it.

The zodiac sign Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, and in English there is even an adjective "saturn", which corresponds to the concepts of "gloomy", "lead". Usually they mean such traits as lethargy, inertia, gloom, which often corresponds to the behavior of the sign. Capricorns are intolerant of frivolity. They do not care if others notice their capabilities, as they highly value themselves. Capricorn has excellent intuition, which he shows in the struggle for his independence and economic security.

Capricorns achieve great success in politics. Very often, Capricorns have a long life. It is worth monitoring the general condition of the spine and avoiding general hypothermia. Do various exercises aimed at strengthening the spinal column. Take care of your teeth and visit your dentist often for checkups.

Often come across among them workaholics. This is the most serious sign of all. They have the ability to plan everything and, first of all, their main plan is their own life. In their youth, many of them have very real outlines of what they are going to do and when. For example, finish your studies, find a good job, have a family, children, career growth, and so on.

It may seem strange, but most Capricorns manage to bring everything to life. Positive emotions during work are an indispensable condition for good income for Capricorn; joyless unloved work will bring him nothing but disappointment.

Lunar day - what is it and where does it come from? And how to "live by them"?

The lunar day is a purely astronomical value, it is calculated mathematically, regardless of which zodiac the astrologer uses (tropical or sidereal, between which there is a 24 degree difference).

A lunar day is the size of an arc of 12 degrees (1/30 of 360 degrees, i.e. the entire circle) between the Moon and the Sun.

A new moon is when the positions of the sun and moon coincide absolutely. But now, the fast Moon begins to overtake the Sun again (as we observe it from the Earth) ... 12 degrees have passed - the first lunar day is over. Another 12 (i.e. 24 in total) - the second lunar day is over. Etc.)

It does not happen that there are no first or last lunar days: there are first, full, and thirtieth, no less complete.

Yes, the lunar day does not have an exact time length, like the solar ones. They always differ from 24 hours by an hour or two up or down. But the first and last days of the lunar month are always full.

And this is where the mystery comes in.

Because the network walks mainly tables of lunar days, calculated according to a different system. Where the first and last lunar day in the month sometimes does not happen.

Some astrologers write that there are lunar days - and lunar days, and they should not be confused ... However, I have not yet found a source or system for calculating these lunar days (by what principle they are calculated).

It is only known that the moments of the new moon and the full moon in these two systems still coincide))

I tested the lunar day system in practice - it works! The lunar day is one of the most important moments in the astrology of choice (selection of a date for the start of an important business or event), mistakes cannot be made here.

Lunar days are different in nature. They can be divided into groups - according to the results that we get.

So, for example, 4, 9, 14 lunar days of the first and second half of the lunar month (ie 4, 9, 14, 19, 24, 29th days) are otherwise called "empty hands". No material activity (especially related to getting something) will bring results these days. Therefore, these days it is recommended to work with your inner world, they are good for spiritual practice, purification of the mental and physical.

But 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 lunar days are "fullness". You can start anything! True, I would exclude the 15th and 30th days from here. Very ambiguous results can be obtained on a full or absent moon, it’s better not to take risks (or it’s hard to know exactly what things are good for such days, and be able to cope with the state of yourself and those around you).

To select the time of important undertakings, the nakshatra (the position of the moon relative to the stars) and some other factors are also taken into account. But this is a completely different topic, which I give in detail in the one-day course #astrology_for_non-astrologers "The Beginning of Glorious Deeds" (you can sign up for June, July or September).

I will add:

1, 6, 11, 16, 21, 26 lunar days (tithi - Sanskrit) - "satisfaction" (give an average result for starting important things);

2, 7, 12, 17, 22, 27 - "wise man", also an average result;

3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28 - "win", you can start important things and they will be successful.

And so that you do not get confused in the lunar day, here is a calendar for the current month :) Download in original size, expand and use it!)

The concept of the lunar day, day and month

A lunar day or day is the time that passes from sunrise to moonrise, with the exception of 1 lunar day: it ends at the moment of the next moonrise after the new moon. Thus, the first lunar day can be very short: only a few minutes.

Sometimes the lunar month is 29 lunar days, and sometimes 30. The 30 lunar day can also be very short: it ends not with the next moonrise, but at the moment of the new moon. The duration of all other lunar days is approximately the same.

The duration of the lunar month is on average 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 28 seconds, which corresponds to approximately 29.5 solar days.

Characteristics of the lunar day

Since people realized the influence of the Moon on their lives and the life of the Earth, they began to actively study the dependence of their existence on lunar days.

The system of lunar days has existed for thousands of years and is one of the popular methods for determining the astrological influence of the Sun and Moon on a day of interest to a person. The system of lunar days reflects the interaction of the luminaries - the Sun and the Moon - as the two main sources of astrological influence.

Each lunar day has its own symbol and is characterized by its own stone. The knowledge of the symbol can be used for meditation and better understand the nature of a particular lunar day. The stone can be carried with you (it will enhance the influence of the moon).

Consider the description and meaning of the lunar day. And in, the position of the Moon in the signs of the zodiac, you can easily notice that every day in our life is special and unique. It has its own character, its own energy. A day like this may never happen again. And therefore, you need to appreciate it, cherish every moment of your life and use it for the benefit of yourself, your family, and the entire Universe.

Influence of lunar days

Today, a person, living in cities, in a technologically developed modern world, is increasingly losing his connection with nature, and meanwhile, it has a huge impact on our lives. The moon has an all-pervading power and affects all human life. It affects our lives and makes its own adjustments, whether we know about our communication with her or not.

The moon is the degree of our emotional susceptibility, it is our intuition and subconscious. It gradually influences our likes and dislikes, causes emotional ups and downs. Nothing in the world is random. Our mood, behavior, which we cannot always explain even to ourselves, turns out to be quite understandable and explainable when we know the energy of lunar days. And, following this knowledge, we can easily avoid mistakes and maintain a joyful mood in any circumstances. The moon gives us the key to our soul and, accordingly, to our life, and to take this key, or leave it to rust in a stream of fuss and melancholy, the choice is up to each of us.

Favorable and unfavorable lunar days

Very often in the literature, and even on the Internet, information is given about the existence of satanic, black, unfavorable days. We, however, would like to avoid such a harsh interpretation of lunar days. Yes, there are lunar days that have heavy energy and are unfavorable for some kind of external activity, but at the same time, these days are the best suited for internal work on yourself, your habits, character. Therefore, to say that this or that day is “bad” is by no means impossible.

To live in harmony with the lunar rhythms, choose the right time for certain things, we offer you.

Lunar days calendar

The lunar days calendar presents the date and time of the beginning and end of each lunar day in the form of an interactive table. There you can also find out what day is according to the lunar calendar and the beginning of the lunar day on any date of the current year.

It is now 10 lunar day.

10th lunar day. The Moon is in the sign of Capricorn 2°36". The strength of the Moon is weak. The lunar day began on Saturday, August 10, 2019 at 16:58 and ends on Sunday, August 11, 2019 at 18:01. Sunset at 00:36. Moonrise at 18 :01.Moon coordinates: azimuth = 70.3°, height = -39.2°.Brightness = 85%.Earth-to-Moon distance = 394634 km.The next new moon will be on Friday, August 30, 2019 at 13:37.The next full moon will be on Thursday August 15, 2019 at 15:29.

Characteristics of the lunar day

10 lunar day.

Symbols: fountain, secret spring, crab.
- Stones: sardonyx, turquoise.
- Body: chest bones.

This lunar day is associated with Cancer. The day is related to exits to one's own tradition, self-deepening, turning on karmic memory. It is recommended to remember previous births, to group and explore this information, to generalize experience. It's good to even logically comprehend your past. Meditation on one's own karma, on a kind of family tree.

On this day, there is an exit to the secret sources of knowledge. Knowledge and the search for knowledge - that's what a person born on this day should do. His task is to work with knowledge.

Dreams and the Moon: 10th lunar day. This day is the exact opposite of the previous one. Only those dreams come true that lead to trouble, sadness, instill longing and despondency in the heart.

This day is considered the day of fidelity, preservation of tradition, protection of justice and agreement.

The day is good for creating a new family, marriage. It is also recommended to lay the foundation, the foundation for any business. This may be the construction of a house or other buildings. The repair that began on this day will not only clean and update your home, but also give a new round of relationships with your family. It is also recommended to make plans and lay down cycles of important events, organize companies, draw up contractual obligations that will be distinguished by their strength.

On this day, spontaneous exits to secret sources of knowledge take place. The day is very successful for speakers, lecturers, teachers. The day is good to start fasting. Passivity and a sedentary lifestyle are not recommended. You can carry out cleaning procedures.

This day is most favorable for treasure hunters and excavators of various burial mounds, etc. Happy for players, merchants, and for other professions can be considered average. Favorable for sowing and planting bread and other cereals. Dreams of this day, that is, those seen under it, come true only before noon. This day brings relief to the sick. Hunters always come with prey. Buying on this day any large enterprise or estate, land, forest - will be in profit. Those born on this day will be famous.

Haircut on the 10th lunar day according to the Tibetan lunar calendar: Luck and strength will increase (sense organs will improve) (In Tibetan: dbangthangche).

Additional Information

A favorable period that allows you to change the form of any activity, as well as engage in both individual and collective creativity. Professional success, love relationships and spiritual quests are very effective. You can start any business, build and carry out any plans, hold any meetings, since most people at this time are ready to move along new paths with new partners.

The day is happy for all businesses. Dreams mean nothing. The upsets that have happened will soon pass. Born are prone to travel.

The tenth lunar day is the time of activity of male energy. Therefore, it is believed that it is also the day of the founder of the clan. For this reason, many astrologers now advise going to church and remembering dead relatives and parents. Family quarrels and conflicts are very dangerous on the tenth lunar day. They must be avoided by all possible means. Be tolerant, do not be afraid to compromise, otherwise the conflict that arose between family members during this period will remain in the family for a long time, figuratively speaking, “take root”. It is good to devote this lunar day to historical sciences, to the study of the past of your family, city, region, country, nation or the whole earth as a whole. The fountain is associated with the energy that constantly overwhelms a person, reminds of spiritual independence. The day is associated with a person's exit to his own tradition, his self-deepening, the inclusion of karmic memory. On this day, there is an exit to the secret sources of knowledge. Sometimes a person begins to do something unconsciously. The dream images of this period are directly connected with the family, both with your spouse and children, and with the whole family as a whole (starting from your ancient ancestors and ending with the “astral” ancestors). Often on the tenth lunar day in a dream, the guardian spirit of your family may appear to you. You need to try to remember everything that he says or shows - for you this is very important information, which, if interpreted correctly, will bring a lot of useful things.

Characteristic: if the previous day was associated with overcoming space, flying through thorns to the stars in search of the lost Eden, then this day is the day of gaining internal sources of energy, self-sufficiency, self-confidence. A person realizes himself as a microcosm, reflecting in himself all world tendencies and phenomena. The day of finding your inner peace.

The hero of the day is Emelya, a true Russian Taoist with a philosophy of non-action. Everything around works by itself, and he doesn’t even get off the stove.

On the physical plane, the day is associated with the liver. In traditional Chinese medicine, this organ is endowed with the function of a commander, since ideas are born in it. This is Chapaev and Comrade Zhukov merged together in our body. If in the house they dance from the stove, then in the body - from the liver. The practice of the day is work with sleep, comprehension of the essence of sleep, which lies in the spiritual beginning of the human body.

Symbolic correspondence: 19th - 30th degrees of Cancer.

Action: victory.

Titles: Fountain. Domostroy. Source.

The symbol is a source of water, a fountain. The fountain is associated with the energy that constantly overwhelms a person, reminds of spiritual independence.

The day is associated with a person's exit to his own tradition, his self-deepening, the inclusion of karmic memory. On this day, there is an exit to the secret sources of knowledge. Sometimes a person begins to do something unconsciously.

Social Influence: very favorable, especially for affairs with close, well-known people. The beginnings are going well. It is not recommended to break off relations, especially business ones.

Household influence: Family day, it's good to be in the family, relax, invite relatives to visit. Things are easy to build a house or repair it. You can successfully trade, buy. It is not recommended to travel. The best day for a bath. Mystical influence: A day of spiritual independence, but not loneliness. The study of family traditions and roots will bring tangible results. It is recommended to search for a purpose by working with the history of the family. Frequent revelations, inspirations. On the tenth lunar day, meditation on one's own karma and the karma of the family is recommended, in order to understand our past and present, better imagine than ensure the future and the line that we lead in life. Reflections on one's family tree, meditation on the portraits of ancestors should be combined with strengthening the home, family. It is good to start construction on this day.
The tenth day is a day of rest. This is the best day for a Russian steam bath.

Medical influence: It is easier for all patients on this day, even hopeless ones. Not to starve.

Impact on born: gives popularity, long-distance travel. Imposes the task of working with mysticism, sometimes this influence looks like a tension of the subconscious. People born on the tenth day find new sources of energy for themselves, many turn to them for help as a source of strength. Those of them who follow the lower path are selfish, superficial, often suffer from cancerous tumors, men - diseases of the prostate gland.

Effect on conception: The child will be connected with your clan, the Karma of the fatherland and the state. The support of spirits and ancestors is provided to him. Traveler.

Stones - amber, tsvarovite, olivine-chrysolite, sardonyx.

Meditations: Family tree.

Signatures: amber.

Sometimes you can see disagreements in some places of descriptions of lunar days. For example, in one place it may be written that today's dreams portend joy, and below it may be written that you need to treat them as something unimportant. Information was taken from various sources. This is a view from different angles. So just keep both options in mind. It's much better if you reassure yourself with one solution and not know about the other (hidden).

First lunar day - meaning

Symbols: lamp, lampada, third eye.

Stones: diamond, rock crystal, quartz-rauchtopaz.

Body: front part of the head, brain.

Symbolically associated with the first 12 degrees of Aries.

This is a day of work with mental energies, mentality, mental images. As a rule, no business can be started on this day, you can only plan them. This is such a magical day when we can create mental images, mental forms in consciousness, which will then be embodied. "Not about that" to think that day is bad, very bad. We can create realities that will then be embodied and we will feel very bad about this. This is a very clean day. Another of his symbols is Pallas Athena, emerging in all her arms from the head of Zeus. Large contacts and group work are contraindicated.

Second lunar day - meaning

Symbols: cornucopia, mouth.

Stones: jadeite, chalcedony, iridescent agate.

Body: mouth, teeth.

The beginning of the combustion cycle of the solid. On this day, it is good to engage in diet, cleansing the stomach and intestines. It is good to start on this day a cycle of occupations with the physical body or a large information cycle, but due to the proximity of the new moon, it is especially impossible to load.

This day is also associated with the exteriorization of the astral, with the complete separation of the astral body from the physical, especially in children, they can see themselves from the outside. They do it spontaneously, and in reality, and not in a dream. People born on this day experience a sensation of almost physical impact on their astral body. The astral body may be condensed, it may take on a physical coloration - one lies on the sofa, the other stands against the wall.

Malice, anger is absolutely contraindicated.

Third lunar day - meaning

Symbols: leopard, leopard.

Stones: carnelian, red sardene, ruby, aventurine.

Body: occiput.

Astral Warrior Day. It is associated with the manifestation of aggression, the instinct of danger, struggle. On this day, you should concentrate your astral energy for self-defense. This is the most favorable day for practicing martial arts - tai chi, karate.

On such a day, astral warriors and magicians are born. People born on an antiphase day (16-17) are defenseless and vulnerable on this day.

Fourth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: tree of knowledge, word AUM

Stones: translucent agate, sardonyx, amazonite, green jade.

Body: pharynx, larynx.

On this day, it is recommended to focus on vibrations, work with vibrations. The best practice is to sing sacred hymns, sounding mantras. For any mantra, except for some common ones, you need to have a dedication. It is recommended to maintain blood and family ties, study traditions, and accumulate information on this topic.

This is the first of the bad days. It is dual, it has both positive and negative. Contacts, acquaintances, group work are contraindicated, it is very difficult, it ends badly. Sick people are especially bad. The people of this day are the primary bearers of the terrible secret of the separation of cosmic good and evil. They carry this secret in themselves, some do not know about it.

But they can unconsciously use this knowledge as a non-transferable key. Consciously they can use at a high level, but for this they must know what they have. According to Albert the Great, this day refers to the fall of man. The symbol of the day is Adam's apple stuck in the larynx. On the opposite day (18) silence is shown, but here you can speak.

Fifth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: oil for fire.

Stones: amber, turquoise, pink chalcedony.

Body: esophagus.

Symbolizes the beginning of the assimilation and transformation of food. In the food that enters the esophagus, there is already saliva - it is already in the field of our energy. On this day, they do not refuse food, but use it harmoniously. This is the only day when food (in the sense of its astral frame) burns out completely without residue and is completely transformed into an astral body.

Food is like oil for a fire: on this day it needs to be nourished for a whole month, you need to compensate for the astral lack of microelements. Many knowledgeable yogis go to the bazaar on this day, what they want, buy and eat a little, i.e. they eat what they are drawn to. It is better to eat living food, but you can also canned food and mineral salt - what the body wants.

On this day, it is forbidden to starve, on the antiphase day (18) - you can, this is an ideal day for fasting. On this day, people are born who transform food into physical and astral energy - these are powerful people, heroes, saints.

Sixth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: crane.

Stones: hyacinth, citrine.

Body: bronchi, upper respiratory tract.

Day of pranayama, work with telepathy, thought transfer, prophecy, absorption and assimilation of the energy of the Cosmos. Only in the upper respiratory tract, as well as in the tops of the lungs, the process of transformation of cosmic energy takes place, i.e. higher prana, into simpler or more complex, into modified pranas of our body. Contacts, work with the word, fortune-telling are recommended.

People born on this day are conductors, transformers of cosmic energy.

Seventh lunar day - meaning

Symbols: wand, wind rose, Aeolus.

Stones: sapphire, white coral, heliotrope.

Body: lungs.

This is the day of the elements and work with them, with natural spirits. Day of verbal magic, the use of mantras as prayers. This day is associated with a deeper use of the mantra than the 4th. You need to learn to speak, to get rid of "dirty" words (such as "you know", "so to speak", etc.). Antiphase day (21st) - unfavorable for saying prayers for the first time.

Eighth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: phoenix, treasure chest.

Stones: garnetite, uvarovite, olivine, chrysolite.

Body: stomach.

This is the day of transmutation of the body, alchemy, cleansing of the stomach. The most subtle energies are switched on from biological cells and cellular formations to alchemical reactions in our body. You can starve, practice cleansing the stomach and intestines.

Here the symbol is Proserpina, associated with Gemini. On this day the alchemists will be born.

Ninth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: bat, Milky Way.

Stones: black pearl, rauchtopaz, serpentine, marion, alexandrite.

Body: breast nipple.

This is a black day. One of the places of Satan in the sign of Cancer. Day of illusions, delusions, deceptions, poisonings. On this day, you need to take care of yourself, cleansing procedures. According to higher magic - the removal of astral larvae, diseases, damage. On this day, one must defend oneself, all satanic muck is being introduced. Self-intoxication of the body is possible. The antiphase day (23rd) is also difficult.

Nutrition on unfavorable days - 9, 15, 29 and 4.18, 23, 26 - do not eat animal food (dead meat). Don't starve, but don't eat too much, don't drink alcohol.

People born on this day need to constantly cleanse themselves of toxins, both physical and astral.

Tenth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: fountain, secret spring, crab.

Stones: sardonyx, turquoise.

Body: chest bones.

The day is associated with entering one's own tradition, self-deepening, turning on karmic memory. It is recommended to remember previous births, to group and explore this information, to generalize experience. It is also good to logically comprehend your past. Meditation on one's own karma, on a kind of family tree.

On this day, there is an exit to the secret sources of knowledge. Knowledge is what a person born on this day should do. His task is to work with knowledge.

Eleventh lunar day - meaning

Symbols: fiery sword, crown, labyrinth.

Stones: selenite, fire opal, hematite.

Body: spine.

This is the day of the inclusion of Kundalini, her transformation. If a person does not know anything or he knows, but he himself is not purified, then let him not do anything serious on this day. Only a trained person can lift the veil of secrecy associated with this day. The secret of Kundalini, it is owned by the initiates and carried by those who were born on this day.

This place is considered the most powerful of the entire lunar zodiac (Leo with a crown). For any student, this is a day of caution and diligence in preparing himself. This day is not bad, it can be used for some practices: purification, purification of the astral plane, prayer and magical actions. But practice must be followed to the end.

People born on such a day are very strong, almost unpredictable, disasters often happen to them.

Twelfth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: bowl.

Stones: mother-of-pearl, lapis lazuli, coral.

Body: heart.

This is the day of turning on the cosmic energy of love. It includes the love of man for God, the only source from which he once came out, and on the other hand, God's love for man, his creation. This is one of the days when prayers come true. Prayers and any exercises that affect Anahata (heart chakra) are associated with this day. But on the antiphase day (26th) it is contraindicated to act on Anahata.

Day of mercy, compassion, altruism. He who is not merciful on this day may himself lose mercy. On this day, merciful people are born, carriers of the "Grail", the purest people on the path of peace and goodness.

Thirteenth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: a wheel with a swastika inside (or a spinning wheel).

Stones: red opal, ruby.

Body: blood.

This is the day of accumulation of information, contacts in the group, teachings. Day of making round talismans, spinning threads, working with Karma. On this day, ideal students are born.

Fourteenth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: trumpet.

Stones: hyacinth, sapphire, lapis, azure.

Body: intestine.

This is the day of calling, gaining knowledge on the use of information sources, working with sacred texts. It is very bad to engage in any magical activity on this day.

You can pray, but not very hard. On this day, it is very good to engage in cleansing, mainly of the physical body, special enemas, washing (when the Moon is not in lunar signs). Good "dry" fasting, tk. any liquid that day pollutes. A sewer pipe through which slags must be removed.

This is the beginning of a cycle of good deeds. In general, things started on this day are successful. It is better to postpone the beginning of any important business to this day, if there are no aggravating factors - planets in destructive degrees, some bad planetary situations.

People born on this day have a true calling. They are always striving for something, going somewhere.

Fifteenth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: serpent, jackal (winged signalman between Isis and Osiris).

Stones: jet, emerald.

Body: diaphragm, pancreas, intestines.

This is Satan's day, the day of the tempting serpent, which manifests itself in the form of the womb of a person or his flesh. A particularly difficult day in relation to sexual temptations, sexual relaxation. On this day, you must definitely conquer your flesh in order to be pure (otherwise the astral is destroyed), work through any form of asceticism.

In some texts, this day is referred to the tempter Ahriman - the spirit of the flesh, which relaxes a person, makes him malleable, suggestible, lazy, succumbing to any earthly temptations.

People born on this day (full moon) succumb to all astral temptations, they are not alien to any temptations of the flesh.

Sixteenth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: dove, butterfly.

Stones: spinel, tourmaline, pearls (day), emerald (night).

Body: spleen.

Marked by justice, balance, harmony between the physical and astral bodies. On this day, all physical exercises corresponding to such harmony are recommended.

It is believed that screaming, unceremonious behavior on this day should be completely excluded. It is necessary to maintain calmness, not to violate any extraneous actions of spiritual comfort and peace in the soul. The symbol of this day is moderation, this is one of the clean days.

Seventeenth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: bunch of grapes.

Stones: hematite, zircon.

Shakti Day (this word was called dancers, priestesses of love). This day is favorable for tantric exercises, marital relations, intimacy. In general, this day of paired contacts, a day associated with the transformation of female energy. On this day, sublimated female energy can manifest itself, as a riot, as an involuntary exit. He is associated with Dionysus. In ancient Greece, sacred bacchanalia were held on this day.

On this day, be careful. Love is the best aspect, but because of the uncontrollable energies, it contains an element of surprise. It is good to marry on this day, they will be held on love for a long time. In general, 12, 16, 17 days are good for marriage: on the 16th day, marriage will be held in harmony, on the 12th day - on higher love.

People born on this day need their androgenic half, a true spouse or lover, so that a person has a constant source of pair polarity. Otherwise, such a person will be pathetic, will not have strength.

Eighteenth lunar day - meaning

P> Symbols: asp, mirror, baboon.

Stones: white agate, opal.

This is a dangerous day, though not a satanic one. Associated with asp. It is contraindicated to independently engage in some serious practices, except for strengthening the physical body. This is the best day for fasting - you need to start with a light meal for a day - two, do not eat any carrion, not even fish. Then take a laxative and make an enema, cleanse the intestines. Continue cleaning the next morning.

It is contraindicated for people born on this day to do anything serious on their own, because they must defeat the asp, pride in themselves, and then they will be able to "judge their people" i.e. rise spiritually. Then they will be able to refuse it (do not judge, but you will not be judged, but this is already a higher level, the kingdom of Vohumana. Many of their insights are false. They must find their true teacher in order to rise spiritually.

Nineteenth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: spider "Rachne".

Stones: labrador, chrysolite, olivine, green garnet, uvarovite, red onyx.

Body: navel center.

It's operational magic day. Astral contacts are switched on and established both in our world and in the other world. On this day, each of the people can be a catcher of human souls or some kind of astral influences. Many sorcerers use this particular day for their magical and black magic deeds. Our task on this day is not to hang around on what we do not hire (including holy books), otherwise we may get caught. You need to be vigilant and very attentive so as not to get caught in astral nets. You need to read what is connected with your tradition, the purity of which you vouch for. A very smooth detuning from other people's influences is possible, you just need to be able to feel them.

Twentieth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: eagle.

Stones: red jasper, rock crystal.

Body: shoulder blades, shoulders, peritoneum.

The eagle on many coats of arms is a symbol of statehood. There are already energies of the Sagittarius sign, which means Jupiter. This is a very spiritually important day when astral energies, astral vision are turned on (the day is colored blue). This is the day of receiving spiritual knowledge, initiation. You can study spiritual texts, but you should not treat extrasensory perception if there is not a huge accumulated potential, otherwise you will walk around "broken", because. exhaust yourself in a moment. In terms of spiritual bestowal, it makes it possible to give everything.

People born on this day, as a rule, tend to rise above others in a negative sense - they become false teachers, dictators, it's too easy for them.

Twenty-first lunar day - meaning

Symbols: herd of horses, Temple.

Stones: pyrite, zircon, aventurine.

Body: liver, blood.

A herd of horses is all the "horsepower" of your body. The body is the chariot, the mind is the charioteer. This day brings the person back to the problem of his physical body. Any physical exercises are recommended, building your body as a temple of the spirit, raising your body to a higher level. This day is especially good for asanas.

Twenty-second lunar day - meaning

Symbols: Ganesha is the Hindu god of wisdom.

Stones: red amber, blue agate, blue sapphire, blue jasper, blue jade.

This is the day of wisdom, the day of receiving secret knowledge and its use. On this day, it is recommended to mantically recognize your future (fortune-telling is inclusion in the stream, it reports the state of the universe at the moment, this is the day for using fortune-telling cards, it is better not to meddle in Jewish cabalism). On this day, meditation on magical symbols, on the signs of the Zodiac, on the symbols of the planets, on the entire horoscope.

Twenty-third lunar day - meaning

Symbols: Makkara - half turtle, half crocodile.

Stones: green crocodile, rauchtopaz, black jade.

Body: female organs, ovaries, Muladhara chakra (lower center in the coccyx region).

It is sometimes called the day of the square or the cross. This is the lunar day of Christmas.

Christ laid a tremendous rhythm in humanity. With his arrival, this day has changed a little over several millennia. This day is a symbol of sacrifice, self-sacrifice, sin-repentance, understanding and forgiveness of others. This is a day of fasting and abstaining from meat food.

On this day, it is better not to sin, but only to repent. In general, the use of tantric energy is prohibited on this day, because it can destroy.

People born on this day become true monks. Monasticism is not obligatory for everyone born on this day, but it is desirable for everyone. Sexual energy can destroy any people on this day, it undermines health.

Twenty-fourth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: Shiva - bear, mountain, phallus.

Stones: black jasper, marion, airy obsidian.

Body: armpit area.

This is the day of Shiva. It is associated with the transformation of male energy. In relation to the 18th day, this is a quadrature day. It is also a tantric day, a tantra day, a marriage day. It must be actively used in this regard to improve one's own health and increase the spiritual level.

Twenty-fifth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: turtle, shell, urn, two vessels (with living and dead water).

Stones: spars (amulets), tiger (red) eye, falcon (blue and blue) eye, cat's (green) eye, irazem - a translucent green stone (Salamander stone).

Body: knees.

This is a day of concentration, transformation. On this day, SIDHI is activated - higher psychic powers: levitation, telekinesis, clairvoyance. They can also turn on unconsciously, appear spontaneously on this day. It is good to use this day for working with psychic energies (if the potential has been accumulated). Everything works out well the first time, from the inside, subconsciously, on impulse.

Twenty-sixth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: swamp, toad.

Stones: orignment, blue stone.

This is one of the most dangerous days. He is not Satanic, but critical. The toad is a symbol of wisdom, but which does not bring any benefit to a person, for this is a false seduction of one's own achievements. This is a day of abstinence and fasting. Here abstinence is not as necessary as fasting. It is on this day that a person can overspend his energy.

On this day, it is better to refrain from vigorous activity, rest and be reasonable and economical in matters related to the waste of energy. Especially on this day, chatting is contraindicated, silence is favorable.

People born on this day must be silent all their lives, take vows, promises and fulfill them.

Twenty-seventh lunar day - meaning

Symbols: wand, trident.

Stones: red coral, amethyst, charoite, lapis lazuli, malachite, rose quartz.

Associated with Aquarius.

Twenty-eighth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: karma, lotus.

Stones: aragonite, andalusite, chrysoprase.

Soul Alchemy Day. It's like the 10th day of karma, when the soul in a dream or in meditation knows its past births. It is recommended to use the information received in a dream. The day of prophetic dreams, designed to work with dreams, work in a dream, with the astral body, with its most distant exits, with clairvoyance.

Twenty-ninth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: Maya, hydra.

Stones: serpentine, black pearls, mother of pearl.

Body: buttocks, anus, rectum.

One of the most dangerous days. Day of Satan, the day of the incarnation of Lucifer. This is the day when the astral fog thickens over people, and dreams will be deceptive and false. On this day, you can not do anything except ordinary everyday and household chores. There may be breakdowns on this day. It is necessary to observe fasting, abstinence, humility and repentance are necessary. If there is no 30th day, at the end of the 29th, you can take stock of the month.

People born on this day are the worst, they are the "scapegoats" of the entire zodiac. The only good study for them is to personally go through all the illusions, fill all the bumps and come out of it all alive and with dignity, if possible.

Thirtieth lunar day - meaning

Symbols: swan.

Stones: marble, black garnet, white corade.

Body: pineal gland.

It doesn't happen every moon. This is the day of summing up, the day of making sacrifices, the rejection of the unnecessary. This is the day of the completion of affairs, the distribution of old debts, and the day of entry into the new. Often this day is expressed as an equal amount of good and evil. And here two factors are enough to make him completely evil. And then in a given month, there is no entry into a new circle. We remain at the same level.

People born on this day have already gone through the whole circle of incarnations. This is their last incarnation at this level - they will already go to another level and, perhaps, they will no longer be born on Earth.

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