Holidays in Cyprus in June. Cyprus in June Weather Data for the Month

This resort, the youngest on the island, is also considered the most promising, very dynamically developing. It is located between Paphos and Limassol. Local residents have always been engaged in winemaking here.

Medium temperature sea ​​water is 23.7 degrees. Air temperature - from 27.5 during the day to 22 degrees at night. cloudy days- a rarity. The sea is always calm, as the beach is reliably guarded by white cliffs.

This resort has especially favorable conditions for kitesurfing (gliding on the surface of the water on a board held by a kite).

How to spend time on vacation?

Not the hottest temperature of June allows not only to bask in the sea, but also to actively participate in various cultural events.


Tourists are offered sightseeing trips:

  • V the capital of Cyprus Nicosia;
  • V Troodos mountains where there are many monasteries;
  • V villages preserving local traditions;
  • on ostrich farms;
  • on donkey farms;
  • on orange plantations;
  • V water parks (in the area of ​​Ayia Napa, Paphos).

Holidays, festivals

At the beginning of June, the country hosts Feast of Cataclysmos. It symbolizes biblical flood and is accompanied by folk songs, dances, and fun.

The whole of June on the island continues theater festival dedicated to the work of Shakespeare. Performances take place in the evenings in the open air.

In the capital of Cyprus Film Festival, where avant-garde, experimental tapes are presented.

In the city of Limassol Russian Cypriot Festival.


Vacationers in Cyprus can:

  1. go fishing;
  2. watch the show of singing fountains;
  3. go on a jeep safari;
  4. take part in cycling trips.

What tourists need to know - features of recreation in this country

Since the beginning of June, travel agencies do not yet refer to high season, you can save up to 20-30 percent the amount that you would spend, for example, in .

Since June is already pretty hot month, O must be taken with you headwear and creams that protect the skin from the sun. You can also buy a locally produced cream (based on olive oil) already in Cyprus.

Choosing , be sure to ask whether the rooms are equipped with air conditioning - without them, a vacation in June will not be comfortable enough.

I'll make it clear right away that I'm not going to impose my opinion on anyone. How many people - so many tastes.

But for those who have never been to Cyprus and are going to go there, I think my information will help make your vacation enjoyable. It's about about May-June in Limassol and Ayia Napa.

1. Flight.

There is no big difference between the quality of a charter and a regular flight. Moreover, the 3 - 3.5 hour flight from Sherematiyo-2 to Larnaca passes quite unnoticed. Buy a magazine at the airport - read it in flight. Food and drinks are typical, no alcohol is poured in charters. All flights are non-smoking. Even in IL-86.

2. Larnaca airport and transfer.

After getting off the plane, you will be driven to the airport entrance. You will enter the doors and see the passport control booths right in front of you. the main problem- there can be a very long queue at passport control. If you are not traveling alone, stand in different queues for different booths. Then figure out where it goes faster. Do not line up for the leftmost booths, where the blue EEC sign with asterisks hangs. they serve only the countries of the European Commonwealth.

While standing in line, take a card of a tourist entering the country from any booth. It must be filled in English language. Flight number, first name, last name, country of residence, date of birth, date of departure from Cyprus. When it's your turn, present your passport, card, and airline ticket to the officer in the booth. He will put a stamp and give you the documents. Then you will go out to the hall, where you will pick up your luggage and then to the exit to the city.

At the very exit on the right side there are racks of various travel companies. Your meeting guide should be there. He will mark your arrival on his list and tell you the bus number. When you find the right bus in the parking lot right in front of the airport (the airport is small and the parking lot too), go up to the driver and name your hotel again - let him confirm that this is the bus that goes to your hotel. Further, the paths diverge - to someone in Limassol, to someone in Ayia Napa. The distance is approximately the same and it takes 40 - 50 minutes to go there, that there. Maybe a little less. Depends on the driver. At the hotel, you need to fill out a short form in English (well, they love these cards!). Name, surname, arrival-departure, home address, profession, etc. If you really get stuck, do not hesitate to ask the "receptionist" how to fill it out. In the best cases, guides help fill it out.

3. Hotel.

Do not choose a hotel for its beautiful name or on the advice of a travel company. This is clear. Dig around on the Internet, look at the descriptions of hotels on different sites. Look at the maps where the location of the hotels is marked. If you want a restful sleep, don't choose a roadside hotel. Buses, trucks and motorcycles make sounds that will make you feel like you're half-position in Formula One. Or book a room with a sea view. But it costs more. The floor also matters. The higher, the quieter. Don't forget about "folklore evenings" that will be held in your hotel. This is when a couple of singers with an electronic piano are harping in a restaurant from 21.00 to 24.00. About the "star" hotels. My experience has shown that it has great importance. The more stars, the more expensive, but also better. It really is. Breakfast is better, service, even little things, such as soap, shower gel, napkins, etc., change of linen, room interior, air conditioner serviceability and noiselessness, hot and cold (!) water. If you don't want to look at shabby walls and sleep on stained sheets, choose 4-5 *.

The location of the hotel in relation to the city center, the beach and the tourist area matters. If you want to live in a hotel on the first line from the sea, not far from the city center, but not so close to it, then in Limassol I would prefer hotels Apollonia Beach 5 *, Four Seasons 5 * Amathus Beach 5 *, Mediterranean Beach 4*, Holiday Inn 4*. In Ayia Napa, these are Grecian Bay 5 *, Nissi Beach 4 *, Adams Beach 4 *.

4. The structure of cities.

Both Limassol and Ayia Napa consist of three belts. If we go from the sea, then we will cross: a strip of the beach, then in some places a strip of green spaces, then the main road, then the city itself begins - houses, shops, offices, banks, etc. Ayia Napa is like this Small town that there is only one serious intersection and the only traffic light on it. Souvenir shops and cafes are located along the road and in the very center of the city. Also in the center there are several nightclubs - clubs, discos. There are no markets. Limassol is larger in size and has more shops, offices and traffic lights. In both cities, there are a huge number of taxis that can take you from one end of the city to the other. There are also scheduled buses. The cities are clean, but here and there cigarette butts, cocktail tubes, peanut bags are sculpted on the beaches. In cities, something is being built all the time and you can see heaps of construction debris. There are small abandoned wastelands with elements of garbage and weeds. But all these negative points are insignificant.

5. Services and prices.

The currency in Cyprus is the Cypriot pound. Consists of 100 cents. In May - June, the rate of the Cypriot pound against the dollar is 1:1.62. Those. for 1 dollar you will be given 0.62 Cypriot pounds. Beaches are paid. Some hotels have their own free sunbeds on the beaches, but there are few of them. A lounger with a massage costs £1, and an umbrella costs the same. There are cafes on the beaches. There you can buy sandwiches, ice cream, salads, chips, hot dogs, drinks, etc. Much that is in the cafe can be bought in shops near the beach - it's cheaper there. There are showers on the beaches - 20 cents for one "garbage dump". Shops for tourists in the tourist area and in the cities sell absolutely the same souvenirs and products. In the center of Limassol there are several shops selling branded goods (clothes, shoes, cosmetics), as well as a couple of department stores with European quality goods.

There are no such stores in Ayia Napa. There are jewelry stores with only 750 gold and silver. I can't say anything about the quality, but it looks very nice. There are a couple of fur and leather shops in Limassol that sell good stuff. There are no furs or leather in Ayia Napa. There are several leather shops, but the quality of the products is very average. A large number of great fruits and vegetables. Watermelons, cherries, strawberries, peaches, apricots, melons, cucumbers, tomatoes - all grown in Cyprus and of excellent quality.

Cafes and restaurants serve local dishes - leftiko, aphelia, etc. meat dishes. The quality is good and worth a try. Be sure to try fish dishes in fish restaurants. Cypriot dry white and red wines are good. The average cost of a dinner for two with salad, hot, alcohol and dessert is 20-40 pounds. Depends on the restaurant and on the amount of alcohol.

Products in stores:
mineral water 1.5 l - 0.45 pounds,
natural orange juice 1l - 1.20 pounds,
pistachios 150g - 3.15 pounds,
sliced ​​cheese 150g - 1.9 pounds,
sliced ​​ham 150g - 1.60 pounds,
yogurt - 0.60 pounds, cherries 1kg - 3 pounds.

ceramics - 2.50 - 20 pounds,
lace - 2 - 160 pounds,
small sculpture - 0.95 - 8 pounds,
T-shirts, handkerchiefs, caps - 3-15 pounds.

If you want to read something, bring literature with you. Russian popular reading is sold in Cyprus, but it is expensive - 6 pounds for a small book. Phone conversation with Russia - 25 cents per minute. Every store sells phone cards. After 23.00 and on weekends - discounts. In the cities there are car, motorcycle and bicycle rentals. On the beaches jetski, scuba diving, parasailing.

6. Warnings.

There is practically no crime in Cyprus and there is no need to be afraid for your wallet or things in your room. However, I would not advise taking a lot of cash to the beach, mobile phone and jewels. The room has a safe that can be used for a fee. You can walk the streets all night long without fear for your life. Orthodox Cypriots treat Russians well. Many people in Cyprus speak Russian.

Be careful with left-hand traffic.

There are no scary insects or reptiles to be feared in Cyprus.

In May-June it is very hot in Cyprus and there is almost no rain. The temperature is about +35C. Be careful in the sun. Use a protective cream and after-sun lotion. This is especially dangerous for children. It's very easy to get burned.

7. Back to Russia.

When you are brought to the airport, you will go to the check-in desks of your airline. After check-in, you will need to take from the counter and fill out a green card in English. The same as at the entrance, only a different color. Further passport control and you will find yourself in the departure hall, where you will see a large cafe, Duty Free and TVs hung here and there with information for departing passengers. Find your flight and find out the gate number. And then with peace of mind you can go to Duty Free or sit in a cafe.

Thanks for reading my story. I hope it will be useful for you. Ask questions - I'll be happy to answer them.

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    Baggage question...
    how best to enter Sh-2: stuff all the junk in a couple of small bags and take them as hand luggage or all dump in one big and calmly check it in luggage?? How long do you have to wait for your luggage in the arrivals hall? I read here how they manage to send things to Sh-2 on the wrong flights - I don’t want to be in Cyprus at the time of vacation without things and devote all the time to finding out the fate of my junk :(

    And on the beaches there are safes so that gold and money can be folded before swimming? Do they sell our vodka or stock up with you? Is three pieces for a week enough for me and my girlfriend, or should I take more? Are our mobiles caught there?

    Reply to Sergey
    Of course, if all the junk fits in small bags, it’s better to take it with you to the salon. Especially if you fly on the IL-86 - there are roomy shelves. I have not experienced any loss of luggage. Wait a short time. The shuttle bus will be waiting for you anyway.

    Reply to Vita
    There are no safes on the beach. Vodka - 15 Cypriot pounds for half a liter of Stolichnaya. If a friend likes Jewelry with diamonds or a dress from Dior and you want to buy one of them, then three pieces for a week is not enough. Restaurants are cheaper compared to Moscow, an excursion to Israel-Egypt - 100-120 Cypriot pounds per person. Mobiles catch without problems if you are connected to roaming.

    Everything is written correctly, only we rested in Ayia Napa in the Kermia Beach suite and used the sunbeds and umbrellas for free. disappointments. But if you are traveling in early May, take warm clothes - we were freezing for the first week from May 8-15 - there were strong hurricane winds, rain and cool. But from 15-22 it was hot.

    Ayia Napa
    I bought a ticket to Ayia Napa, but judging by your story, there is nothing to do there. Is everything really that bad, or have you just not given Ayia Napa worthy attention?

    Reply to Lena
    No, no, I never said that Ayia Napa is bad. There are discos and night clubs. But there are few of them and they are concentrated in the very center. There is a small water park. Folklore evenings are held in hotels, but, frankly, this is more suitable for "who is over 50". On the beaches you can scuba dive, rent a jet ski, parachute. But Ayia Napa is a very small city. Much smaller than Limassol. If funds allow you, you can always rent a car and drive to Larnaca or Limassol. A taxi to Larnaca will set you back around £20. Of course, if you're into high-end vacations, it's better to go to Nice or Aspen. They say you can have a good time in the Canary Islands.

    As far as I know, almost all monasteries are active there. Will they be allowed to go there in trousers or is it necessary to go in a skirt?

    Reply Jane
    Pants will be allowed. Shorts, swimwear, overly open T-shirts and short skirts are not acceptable.

    From the Author: How to Relieve a Sunburn
    After talking with many people who have visited resorts and received sunburn I realized that this topic is relevant not only for me. My skin is very sensitive to the sun, however I love sunbathing and I do it quite well. My recipes are tested on my own experience and I share them with you: Sunscreen (Johnson, Nivea, Garnier) is good, but using it all the time, you will hardly get a tan. There can be no talk of any "bronze" skin. Use it for the first 2-3 days. Let your skin get used to the sun. Then, if you want to tan, use the following method: Take with you to the spa: An oil solution of vitamins E and A, sea ​​buckthorn oil, tea tree oil, aloe tincture, brewer's yeast tablets. Buy after sun lotion for sensitive skin Nivea (if you buy in Cyprus - after sun lotion for sensitive skin Nivea). I prefer this milk to all others. Throughout the trip, take the yeast as directed on the label - it contains a full complex of B vitamins, which helps the skin and hair to regenerate and withstand the sun. Mix oils with milk (a little oil, more milk), drip a few drops of aloe. Mix and apply to the skin of the body and face sparingly in the morning, afternoon and evening. After every swim and shower. The skin in the sun is very dry, even oily, and you yourself will see how your skin literally absorbs this "cream". Take cool showers as often as possible, use only the mildest shower gels, and avoid lotions that contain alcohol. If the burn is severe, take an aspirin. Don't forget to fuel your body with vitamin C - fruits and vegetables. Kefir and yogurt are good, but it is better to take them inside. All this helped me a lot in Cyprus. Remember that my recipe is good for those who are not allergic to the listed components, but it is still better for children to use children's sunscreen throughout the trip.

Holidays in Cyprus, a sunny holiday island, are real holiday. Cyprus is a clean sea, clean sandy beaches, excellent climate and tourist infrastructure. First of all, people go to Cyprus just for a beach holiday, that is, from the end of May to September. And in this article I would like to discuss what constitutes a holiday on the island in June.

mediterranean climate Cyprus predetermines a rather hot summer, but June is not the hottest month of summer. The weather also changes depending on the altitude of the area (and, by the way, most of the island is occupied by mountains).

And yet, wonderful. Air temperature grows slowly every day: at the beginning of the month + 25 ... + 30 ° C, in the second - + 30 ... + 35 ° C. Nights in June also very warm - + 20 ... + 26 ° С.

At the same time, it is hotter on the southern coast of Cyprus, in resorts such as or (where the thermometer can rise to + 37 ° C), and the nights there are a couple of degrees warmer. In, the capital of the Republic of Cyprus, which is located in the central part of the island of Cyprus, it is very hot in June - in the first week of June + 27 ... + 32 ° C, in the second - + 32 ... + 38 ° C, and the nights are about the same as on the coast.

Thus, during the day in Cyprus, you can easily dissect in flip flops and light clothes, but in the evening, sometimes you want to throw on a long-sleeved blouse.

There is practically no rain in June in Cyprus. Occasionally it can be cloudy, but this rare case unlikely to spoil the mood. So almost all days of June on the island are sunny. Moreover, June is one of the sunniest months of the year, and the sun illuminates the island for 15 hours a day. Swimming in the resorts of Cyprus in June is possible and necessary. True, the Mediterranean Sea is not so warm this month. At the beginning of the month - +22…+24°C, in the second - +24…+27°C. The sea, in principle, is approximately the same temperature everywhere, with a minimum difference of a degree. Thus, if at the beginning of the month you can swim, although the water is not so warm, but at the end it is already very pleasant to swim.

In general, the weather in Cyprus in June is pleasant, not too hot. By the way, June is not the high season, so the prices for trips to Cyprus are not too high yet.

As for the holidays that fall in June, everything is quite interesting here. On the 50th day after Easter, on the day of the Holy Trinity according to the Christian calendar, the island celebrates Cataclysmos. It can be, however, the end of May and June. In accordance with the legend of the global flood, the focus of the holiday is water, a flood as a symbol of purification and rebirth to a new life. Thus, the holiday marks the opening bathing season In Cyprus. The main resorts of the island arrange a variety of festive events - dance and theatrical performances, concerts, poetic duels, sports competitions and games, as well as fireworks.
Also on this day solemn services are held in the temples of Cyprus. After the service, the procession goes to the embankments, a prayer service is performed, at the end of which the cross is thrown into the depths of the sea. Some residents rush into the water to get the cross from the bottom of the sea, and the one who managed to do this becomes the king of the holiday. He is seated on a makeshift throne, a crown decorated with shells and stones is put on his head. And it is this winner who gives the command to the rest of the guests of the festival: “Everyone in the water!”.

One of the most lavish celebrations takes place on the Finikoudes waterfront. In Limassol, Kataklysmos is also interesting (it is celebrated on the Molos embankment). In (in Kato harbor), and in other towns and villages, shows and fairs that last for several days are definitely worth seeing. There is a chance to take a walk! Tables are bursting with sumptuous Cypriot sweets and national dishes, wine flows like water, and traditional souvenirs can be bought at fairs. The nights during this festival are very hot!

In mid-June - early July in Aglanja (Nicosia), in cultural center Skali passes art festival. The program of the holiday includes musical, dance and theatrical performances, which can be visited free of charge.

Also in June Shakespeare Festival. This is an annual charity event, which is held in the theater of ancient Kourion, near Limassol. In this theater, Shakespeare's plays are performed in the open air, and many Cypriots and tourists gather for the event.

Also in June in Paphos is held and ancient greek drama festival. Although the performances are performed in the original ancient Greek, they are very interesting to watch.

Next, June's pleasant weather is the perfect time for excursions. Agree, the heat can be confusing and tiring. Excursions are offered in a variety of ways, although it is very easy to rent a car and drive around the island in order to enjoy all its beauties and sights.

In Ayia Napa, it is worth seeing Makronissos rock tombs and 15th century monastery; in - on Bellapais Abbey, Buffavento Castle, Kyrenia Castle, St. Hilarion Castle on the mountain, monastery of St. Macarius on the edge of a picturesque cliff, Church of Antiphonitis 7th century etc. Larnaca has Kamares aqueduct 18th century as well medieval fort simple but beautiful Hala Sultan Tekke Mosque, Stavrovouni Monastery 3rd century and ancient settlement of Khirokitia. Antique Kition, the ancestor of Larnaca, was built around 1200 BC. Mycenaean Greeks. Open museums were laid out at the excavation site, and what finds from these territories were transferred to Archaeological Museum of Larnaca.

Near modern Limassol there is ancient city Amathus, and Kolossi castle 13th century a couple of churches and even small mosque Kebir Jami. In Nicosia are ruins of the Venetian walls 16th century and Famagusta gate, and beautiful palace Archbishop with old frescoes.
In general, Nicosia is a wonderful town for walking with mosques, monasteries, churches and narrow cozy streets. Near the proud are the ruins of ancient cities - Tamassos and Idalion.

In Paphos, tourists are taken to the mysterious Catacombs of Saint Solomon(overgrown with legends), as well as to Castle of Forty Columns(XIII century), Royal tombs(in which they were already buried in the 3rd century BC) and ancient Odeon theater in the northeast of the city.

There are not many attractions in Protaras (maybe with the exception of the Valley of Windmills). But worth a trip to the neighboring small fishing village Liopetri with old churches.

Famagusta has a once powerful Citadel of Castello with Othello's Tower as well as mysterious ruins of a Carmelite church and a 13th century mosque.

I'm not talking about the numerous museums of Cyprus (at the same time, there are many archaeological ones, which is not surprising). In short, with a guide or on your own, but it is worth looking at the man-made sights of Cyprus. And the natural attractions of Cyprus are an even more impressive side of the island. Those who travel to Ayia Napa must visit Cape Greco- the most romantic place in the vicinity of the resort.
in the waters coves of Petra tou Romiou, the most hyped Cypriot brand, tourists bathe in order to rejuvenate (thanks to the legends).
Picturesque Akamas peninsula is the place where the giant tortoises live, rare species butterflies and reptiles.
Millomeris Falls– definitely the most beautiful on the island. The Troodos mountain range with Mount Olympos (but this is not the same Olympus that you probably thought about) is space and beauty!

In June night life on the island is already playing with might and main! There are more and more tourists on the island, so the streets of cities and resort villages are already quite crowded and lively. In more major cities, for example, in Ayia Napa, which was even called the second Ibiza, there are a lot of clubs and bars. Limassol, Paphos and Nicosia are also very fun. Everyone works in June water parks the islands are a great alternative to a beach holiday. Go, for example, to a water park "Fasouri Watermania", which is 10 kilometers from Limassol (in the village of Fassouri) or in water park "Waterworld" in the western part of Ayia Napa, well, and in other water parks of the island.

Thus, to go to Cyprus in June means to provide yourself with a wonderful and high-quality vacation!

In June, the weather on the island becomes hot, but the July and August highs are still far away. The sea is finally warming up and you don’t want to leave it. Read on the Tour-Calendar what Cyprus can please you in June!

Weather in Cyprus in June

In June, temperatures in Cyprus continue to rise, but they reach their maximum only in July and August. At the beginning of summer, the air temperature, depending on the place, averages around +22..+27°C, and by the end of the month it often exceeds +30°C. On the west coast, as a rule, the temperature is slightly lower than on the south and southeast. In the interior of the island, in cities like Nicosia, it is the hottest, while in the Troodos mountains, on the contrary, it is noticeably cooler. Evenings in June can still be a little chilly and light blouses may be needed. By the end of the month it will be warm in the evening - around +20°C and above. Rains in June are extremely rare, so windbreakers and umbrellas can be safely left at home.

Nicosia Ayia Napa Limassol Famagusta Larnaca Paphos Protaras

The weather in June in Cyprus is sunny, but not too hot yet - great time for beach holidays, diving and water sports, trips to the Troodos mountains and some other nature excursions, visits to various holidays, festivals and other interesting events.

beach holiday

At the beginning of summer, as a rule, it is still not too hot, so it's nice to be on the beach for a long time and cool off in the already warm, but not yet overheated water. However, don't forget to use sunscreen and stay in the shade, especially between 11 am and 5 pm when the sun is at its strongest.

Entertainment and excursions

June in Cyprus is the time when it is still not too hot and beach holiday quite comfortable to combine with the excursion. The most interesting sightseeing destinations of the island: the capital Nicosia, ancient city Paphos, Cypriot villages where you can get acquainted with national characteristics local life, the Troodos mountains with many interesting monasteries. In addition, you can visit sea ​​fishing, jeep safari, ostrich farm, horse riding or diving, visit Cyprus Nights with traditional cuisine, dances and songs. If you are traveling with children, visit one of the water parks located in the areas of Limassol, Ayia Napa or Paphos.

Young people most often go to the resort of Ayia Napa, the Cypriot Ibiza, where daytime fun on the beach smoothly turns into nighttime in discos. On one of the evenings, be sure to visit the singing fountain show in Protaras, which is especially loved by children.

Holidays and festivals

Cyprus in June is not only the sea and the sun, but also the time of festivals, holidays and other bright events that you should definitely visit. At the beginning of summer, the festival of modern dance in Limassol and the festival of chamber music in Paphos, which started in May, continue. As a rule, in the first summer month one of the brightest holidays in Cyprus is also taking place - Cataclysmos, celebrated on the Trinity (every year in different time). Kataklysmos (water festival) symbolizes the first day of the biblical Flood and is celebrated on a grand scale with folklore performances, songs, dances and games in all cities of Cyprus. Coastal cities host parades of ships, fairs, competitions in various types of sea sports, festive swims, and in the evening the cities are illuminated by colorful fireworks.

Viewed: 22067


What is the weather in Cyprus in June 2019 and water temperature - tips for tourists, photos and videos

We are all looking forward to summer. After all, summer is wonderful. It's great and it's relaxing. If you have gathered for a vacation at the beginning of summer, then you need to plan your trip now. Find out what the weather will be like in Cyprus in June 2019, and what will be the water temperature in the sea. To find out. You do not need to call your acquaintances or friends in Cyprus. It is enough to read our article, where there are weather charts, facts, statistics and reviews of tourists. And so, let's see what it is - Cyprus in June.

Strictly speaking, yes, this is not a secret, in Cyprus it is always warm weather. Only here you can not always swim here, but only in some months. The first tourists begin to try the sea already in April, but there are few such daredevils. In May there are more of them, but still the majority prefers to just sunbathe on the beach. But already with the advent of June, absolutely everyone bathes in the sea. This is because it officially opens here beach season, and the weather becomes such that you can not be afraid and go into the warm sea.

Starting from the first days of June, warm and dry weather sets in. In the morning it still invigorates a little, but it only pleases, because closer to dinner it will become +28 +32, and then you will remember the morning chill. But this air temperature should not scare you. This is normal and not a fever. At the beginning of summer, winds blow here, which help to calmly endure such temperatures. And the humidity is still high, and it helps to breathe calmly. plus no. No, yes, and it will rain, which happens in Cyprus for 2-3 days in the first summer month.

The nights are getting warmer too. The average night temperature is +21 degrees. And in such weather, no one wants to sit in hotels. Therefore, in the evenings in the city, on the beach and on the promenade, there are also many tourists. Someone walks along the seashore and admires the stars. Someone prefers to go to the city, to nightclubs. And someone sits quietly in a cafe, listens to live music and enjoys the view of the sea and the reflection of the moon. But even though the evenings and nights are warm, it is still recommended to wear light clothes, but with long sleeves. For example, a light sweater or shirt. Because after daytime heat Evenings will still seem chilly.

As we have said, there is very little rain. On the territory of the island they can go 2-3 times a month. Therefore, there are not so many cloudy days. There are almost no days when the whole sky will be covered with clouds. For a month it happens no more than 3% cloudy days. At the same time, there is almost no day when there is no sun.
In June, daylight hours are added. It reaches 16 hours. But the sun can shine up to 14 hours a day. And the further June, the more this figure becomes. Sunset here is around 22:00 local time. And already at 4 in the morning the sun shines again and calls you to the sea.

And now the most important thing that worries any tourist is the sea temperature. And here you don’t have to be upset, since they are already quite warm and reach a mark of +23 +26 degrees. and in shallow water, even under the sun, it warms up to +30 degrees. in such places it is convenient to relax with children: both shallow and warm water.

August is the hottest and most peak month in the country. See what the weather is like in Cyprus in August and feel free to go here on vacation.

Cyprus in June - reviews of tourists about the weather in Cyprus in summer
According to statistics, most vacationers in Cyprus in August. But in June there are enough of them. You will not find a hotel where half the rooms are not occupied. And then there will be no places near the sea at all in hotels. Many tourists from Russia who visited here at the beginning of the month. Leave your feedback. Let's get to know them.

“My wife and I rested last year in Cyprus. June was specially chosen, as it is still not very hot here. We rested on our own, booked a hotel ourselves, bought tickets and everything else. I liked the hotel, it was the same as in the photo on the Internet.
Rested from 10 to 21 June. It never rained, the sun shone from morning to evening. Excursions, beach, cafes - this is the route for any day. The sea is warm, and I did not want to leave it. Next time we will go here again, and again in June.”

“While sitting on the plane, I admired the sea and the beaches of Cyprus. And when they landed. They immediately hurried to the hotel to quickly go to the beach. The water is gorgeous, the sand is warm and clean. Having entered the water, we got out of it only after three hours - everything was so great, we missed the summer so much.
The first days were in turmoil - hotel, beach, hotel, beach. After buying up and began to look around. We walked around the city, looked Beautiful places. We went to the local theater and watched something. Since we do not know the language, we simply enjoyed the acting.
In the evenings, we had a great time in a cafe, walked along the sea. Once they went so far that they returned almost in the morning. The nights are warm, and you can safely walk in light clothing.
The only negative is that there are already a lot of tourists. There are few tourists in the South of Russia at the beginning of summer, but the quality is different there, so it’s better than a bad vacation.”

“A trip to Cyprus is my old dream. And when my friends invited me, I agreed and quickly got ready.
The impression is the best. Everything here is made for tourists. Sometimes it seems that local residents No, there are tourists everywhere different languages and vacationers. We were in a place called the kiss of two seas. It's great to stand in a place where two seas meet. I could not even dream of such a thing.
I also liked the hotel, it was with three stars, but no one paid attention to this, since there was everything that was needed. The room has beds, shower and bath, armchairs, TV and much more. Downstairs there is a spacious hall where you can sit, read and use the Internet. Bar, cafe and restaurant - this is also for guests.
We did not sleep for a long time, as we tried to go to the beach as soon as possible in order to spend more time there. If I have another opportunity, I will gladly go there again.”

Tips for tourists.
If you are on a budget, don't worry. Holidays in Cyprus are already considered budgetary, and no one will scold you for this. There are ways to help you save money on vacation.

The first way is to use public transport. There are no mini gazelles, there is no crowding in buses. All buses are spacious and almost empty. They go frequently and all over the island. So for a few cents you can get anywhere. And if you use a taxi, then you will be immediately recognized as tourists, and you will pay several times more. than the locals.
The second way to save money is to pay in cash. Some may not find it convenient, but we will tell you everything now. Yes. plastic credit cards are accepted everywhere, even in a stall. But there is one BUT, and it is very big! If you pay with a credit card, then you will be charged dollars. If your credit card has rubles, then everything will not be written off immediately. There is some kind of mess in the banking system, and if you have rubles on your account, and the payment is in dollars, then the bank will convert the rubles into foreign currency. But he will do it with a delay, about two days. And yet he does it in his own way. As a result, you will lose on the transfer of money. And don't forget. What else will the banks of Cyprus take interest from you. After all, all points of non-cash trade belong to them. If you still prefer a card, then withdraw money from ATMs. It's full of banks that belong to Russian companies. They have a better exchange rate, and almost no interest.

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