Bible and Science. The world after the flood, the division of the earth and Job. Secrets of the world and the universe, two questions about what happened after the flood. Is a new global flood possible?

After the Flood ended, Noah left the ark with his sons. His sons were named Shem, Ham and Japheth.

Noah began to cultivate the land and grow grapes. He made wine out of grape juice, and after tasting it, he became drunk, because he did not yet know the power of wine. He lay naked in his tent and his son Ham saw it. He disrespected his father - he told his brothers about it. His brothers, Shem and Japheth, took clothes, approached their father so as not to see his nakedness, and covered him. When Noah woke up and learned about the deed of his younger son Ham, he condemned and cursed him, in the face of his son Canaan.

He said that his descendants would be in bondage to the descendants of his brothers. And Shem and Japheth he blessed and predicted that the true faith would be preserved in the offspring of Shem, and the descendants of Japheth would spread over the earth and accept the true faith from the descendants of Shem.

Everything that Noah predicted to his sons came true exactly. The descendants of Shem are called Semites, they include, first of all, the Jewish people, in it alone the faith in true God. The descendants of Japheth are called Japhetids, they include the peoples inhabiting Europe, who accepted from the Jews faith in the true God.

The descendants of Ham are called Hamites; these include the Canaanite tribes who originally inhabited Palestine, many peoples of Africa and other countries.

Babylonian pandemonium and scattering of people

The descendants of Noah lived together for a long time in one country, not far from the mountains of Ararat, and spoke the same language.

When the human race became numerous, then evil deeds and strife among people increased, and they saw that they would soon have to disperse throughout the earth.

But before dispersing, the descendants of Ham, dragging others along with them, planned to build a city and in it a tower, like a pillar, high to heaven, in order to be glorified and not be subject to the descendants of Shem and Japheth, as Noah predicted. They made bricks and set to work.

This proud idea of ​​people was displeasing to God. So that evil would not completely destroy them, the Lord mixed the language of the builders so that they began to speak different languages and stopped understanding each other.

Then people were forced to abandon the construction they had begun and disperse along the ground in different directions. The descendants of Japheth went west and settled in Europe. The descendants of Shem remained in Asia, the descendants of Ham went to Africa, but some of them also remained in Asia.

The unfinished city is nicknamed Babylon, which means "mixing". The whole country where this city was, began to be called the land of Babylon, and also the Chaldean.

People settled on the earth gradually began to forget their kinship, and separate, independent peoples or nations began to form with their own customs and language.

The Lord saw that people learn more from each other evil deeds than good ones, and therefore he produced a mixture of languages, divided people into separate nations and gave each nation a separate task and goal in life.

The emergence of idolatry

When people dispersed throughout the earth, they began to forget the invisible true God, the Creator of the world. main reason this was the sins that move people away from God and darken the mind. There were fewer and fewer righteous people, and there was no one to teach people the true faith in God. Then the wrong faith (superstition) began to appear among people.

People saw a lot of wonderful and incomprehensible things around them, and instead of God, they began to honor the sun, moon, stars, fire, water and various animals, make images of them, worship them, make sacrifices and build temples or temples for them.

Such images of false gods are called idols, or idols, and the peoples who worship them are called idolaters, or pagans. This is how idolatry appeared on earth.

Soon almost all people became pagans. Only in Asia, in the offspring of Shem, was there a righteous man named Abraham who remained faithful to God.

The rain is whistling. The clouds are getting gloomier.

A wave hits Noah's Ark.

Howling animals locked in the hold,

Satan breaks out from under the decks...

The Flood occurred 11,000 years ago as a result of the approach of Nibiru to the Earth. When, after the Flood, "the water dried up on the earth" and the soil began to dry out, the Anunnaki landed on the very high mountain Asia Minor, Mount Nizir. Nizir - translated as "Mountain of Salvation", this is Mount Ararat. There also arrived the ship of Ziusudra-Noah, which was controlled by an experienced navigator provided by Enki. Enlil saw that "the seed of man" had not perished, and became very angry. But Enki convinced him that it was good for the Anunnaki. Because all cities and stations have to be rebuilt, and without the help of earthlings it is difficult to do this. Enlil agreed with the existence of people: "And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them: be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth."

IN Old Testament Moses, where further the story is only about the family of Noah, the names of other people who were on board the ship are not mentioned. But the more detailed Sumerian texts about the Flood also speak of the navigator of the ship, Ziusudra's friends and helpers and their families, who boarded the ship just before sailing. We learn that after the Flood the gods took Ziusudra, his family and navigator to their abode on Nibiru, and other people were ordered to return to Mesopotamia.

Further, it is said that the rescued immediately faced the threat of starvation. According to the Bible of Moses, the Lord said to Noah and his sons: “Let all the beasts of the earth fear and tremble, and all the birds of the air, everything that moves on the earth, and all the fish of the sea; they are given into your hands. Everything that moves that lives will be food for you.” And then one important addition follows: “I give you everything like green grass.”

This short phrase of the Old Testament, affecting the very origins Agriculture, alludes to something much more detailed in the Sumerian texts. When big squads The Anunnaki came to Earth, says a Sumerian text entitled “The Tale of Cattle and Bread,” that there were no domestic animals or cultivars of cereals on our planet. Then in the "Creation Room" of the Anunnaki, in their genetic laboratory, were "made wonderful views» Lahar and Anshan. Lahar is wool-producing cattle and Anshan is a grain of wheat.

By that time, Primitive workers already lived on the earth - these are the first earthlings who "did not yet know bread ... they chewed grass like sheep."

In order to establish the production of livestock and bread to feed the gods, the Anunnaki Council decided: "We must teach the cultivation of the land and the breeding of sheep ... to feed the gods of the Primitive Workers." “And so, to feed the gods, to breed sheep, he came into the world man of sense».

Along with the created species of animals and plants, the text also lists the types of agricultural crops that have not yet been born, but will appear later. All these types of plants were planted on the earth by Enlil and Ninurta some time after the Flood.

When the waters receded after the Flood, the Anunnaki first of all faced the task of where to get the seeds for the revival of agriculture. Fortunately, samples of cultivated grains were sent to Nibiru by the Anunnaki, and now "Anu sent them from Heaven to Enlil." Enlil searched for suitable land for growing bread. At that time, almost the entire surface of the Earth was still flooded with ocean waters, and only the slopes of the “mountain of fragrant cedars” were suitable for this purpose.

Enlil chose the Cedar Mountain, turned into a Forbidden, that is, "Holy" Place, not by chance. In the entire Middle East, there is only one famous Cedar Mountain - it is in Lebanon. At its top, a wide platform has been preserved to this day, at the base of which huge boulders are laid. Here was the place where the missiles were launched and where they landed. The locals named the platform Baalbek. This platform was built in antediluvian times, back in the time of Adam. And after the Flood, the Baalbek platform was the only place where Anunnaki spaceships could land - the spaceport at Sippar was washed away by water and buried under a thick layer of sediment. And when the seeds were delivered from Nibiru to Baalbek, the question arose where to plant them ... The still flooded lowland lands were unsuitable for agriculture and habitation. In the highland regions, where the water has already subsided, all the soil has softened from the rains that poured onto the earth during the thaw period. Streams turned into rivers, riverbeds were washed away, the water did not subside. It seemed that agriculture could not be revived. In ancient Sumerian texts, the author writes: “A severe famine came, and nothing grew from the earth. Small rivers are dammed up, silt does not drift into the sea ... The land does not bring crops, only weeds are everywhere. And with two major rivers The same thing happened in Mesopotamia: “The Euphrates does not find banks, woe; the Tigris waters mixed up. And Ninurta took up the work of building in the mountains, laying new riverbeds and draining the soil: “Then the lord showed high intelligence; Ninurta, son of Enlil, did a great job. To protect the earth, he erected a mighty wall around. He splits the mountains with his rod; he lifts stone blocks on his shoulders, he builds houses from them ... He gathered the spilled waters together; those waters that scattered in the mountains, he collected and sent to the Tigris. From the high waters, he drains the arable land. And now - everyone on earth praises Ninurta, the Lord of the land.

Ninurta flew from place to place in the mountains in his airship, seeking to establish industrial and agricultural activities as quickly as possible. But one day he crashed on his jet plane: “His Winged Bird crashed on the top; losing plumage, falls to the ground. After the crash of the flying ship, the crew and passengers of the aircraft were saved by Adad.

Further, dear Pythagoras, from the Sumerian texts we learn that at first fruit trees and shrubs, including grapes, were planted on the mountain slopes. The Anunnaki gave the earth “wonderful white grapes and fine white wine; wonderful black grapes and fine red wine.” And in the Bible of Moses about these times we read that “Noah began to till the land, and planted a vineyard. And he drank the wine, and became drunk.

Some time passed after Ninurta carried out drainage work in Mesopotamia. And now the cultivation of the lowlands became possible. Then the Anunnaki "lowered the grain from the mountains", and "The Earth - meaning Sumer - gave birth to barley, began to wheat."

Over the next millennia, generations of people living in Mesopotamia worshiped Ninurta, the god who taught them to cultivate the land. On the site of the ancient Sumerian settlement "Larisa", our archaeologists found the "Agricultural Calendar". This calendar depicts the Anunnaki Ninurta handing over a plow to the people.

At the same time that Enlil and Ninurta taught the earthlings the skills of agriculture, Enki taught the "little people" to raise livestock, keep animals and use their milk, wool, strength, dung and other products. Many animals were brought to Earth from Nibiru. The Sumerian author reports that animal husbandry arose after people began to grow bread, but at that time there was still no "grain that multiplies", that is, grain with double, triple and quadruple chromosomes. These kinds of grains were laboratory-bred by Enki with the permission of Enlil. When Enlil gave his consent to the transfer of livestock and crop technologies to people, then the times of abundance came on Earth. Enki created a new tool that greatly accelerated the development of agriculture - the plow. This simple but ingenious wooden device was first harnessed by people. But then Enki gave domestic animals, and people began to use bulls and horses as draft power. So, according to the Sumerian texts, "the gods increased the fertility of the earth."

Enki then returned to Africa to assess the damage caused by the Flood while Ninurta was busy building drainage structures in the mountains on the Mesopotamian border.

It so happened that Enlil and his son took possession of the entire highland region, stretching from the southeast, Elam, to the northwest, the mountains of Taurus and Asia Minor. Enlil concentrated in his hands the supreme power, while retaining the ancient E-din. The place of Landing of planes and shuttles on Cedar Mountain in Baalbek was entrusted to Utu-Shamash. And Enki and his descendants were left with Abza.

Enki examined Africa destroyed by the Flood and decided that he could not be content with one Abzu - the southern part of the continent. Mesopotamian "abundance" was achieved by the Anunnaki mainly due to the development of land in the river valleys, large crops of wheat. And, hoping to achieve the same in Africa, Enki directed all his efforts to the revival of the Nile Valley.

Dear friend, the modern Egyptians, as we know, claim that their great gods came to Egypt from Ur. According to Manetho, the god Ptah began to rule the lands of the Nile 17,900 years before the era of Menes. Then Ptah transferred his Egyptian possessions to his son Ra, but the Deluge happened. Egyptian priests say that after the Flood, Ptah returned to Egypt to carry out extensive land reclamation work and literally raised Egypt from under the water. And so we found the Sumerian texts, which also say that Enki went to Meluhha, as they call Ethiopia and Nubia, and Magan. Egypt is called Magan. He flew to Magan to make these lands suitable for human and animal life. These Sumerian texts, linking the name of Enki to the African lands of the Nile, tell us that the Egyptian god Ptah is none other than Enki.

The Sumerian texts further tell us that after these lands around the Nile were drained and repopulated, Enki divided the African continent among his six sons. Southern Africa was given to Nergal and his wife Ereshkigal. The mining region, a little further north, fell to Gibil, whom his father initiated into the secrets of metalworking. The son of Ninagal received possession of the region of the great lakes and the upper reaches of the Nile. Further north stretched the lush pastures of the Sudan plateau, which belonged to younger son Enki - Dumuzi. Dumuzi was nicknamed "The Cattleman". The last son of Enki was called Marduk. The Egyptian name for Marduk is Ra.

Dear Pythagoras, if we compare the deeds of the god Marduk and the god Ra, we will find many similarities: the former was the son of Enki, the latter was Ptah, and the names Enki and Ptah referred to the same god. Numerous, albeit indirect, evidence that the Egyptians called this god Ra, and the inhabitants of Mesopotamia - Marduk, we find in others in the Sumerian texts. So, in the laudatory hymn to Marduk, - Ashur tablet number 4125, - one of his epithets is indicated - "God Imkurgar - Ra", which translates from Sumerian as - "Ra, who lives near the mountainous land."

There is other written evidence that the Sumerians knew about the Egyptian name of the god Ra. So in the tablets dated to the period of the Third Dynasty of Ur, the name "Dingir Ra" is found, as well as the name of the temple - E-Dingir-Ra. Then, after the fall of the dynasty of Ur, when Marduk was proclaimed the chief deity in his beloved city of Babylon, Marduk was called Kadingir Ra. Kadingir Ra - translated from Sumerian means "Gate of the Gods Ra".

Dear friend, all stages in human development from the time of the destruction of Atlantis to the era of the Sumerian civilization are separated by an interval of 3600 years. Look - 11000, 7400 and 3800… Whose mysterious hand is it that each time pulled a person out of the quagmire of decline and raised him to a much higher level of culture, science and civilization? It was the hand of the Anunnaki, the giants from the Twelfth Planet. Every 3600 years, the planet Nibiru approached the Earth, and the Anunnaki got the opportunity to make interplanetary flights.

And so, when the revival of Sumer began after the Flood, the Ancient Cities were first restored, which, however, were no longer exclusively the Cities of the Gods. In these cities, people were allowed to settle, who were supposed to sow the surrounding arable land, plant gardens, raise cattle to feed the gods and serve the gods in every possible way. Among the earthlings were not only cooks and bakers, artisans and tailors, but also priests, musicians, artists, temple prostitutes. The first of the cities of Mesopotamia was revived by Eridu. Eridu is the first settlement of Enki on Earth, and it has gained a second life. In Eridu, his ancient sanctuary was also rebuilt. It was a ziggurat - a real miracle of architecture, decorated with gold, silver and other precious metals from the Underworld. The ziggurat was guarded by the Bull of Heaven. The city of Nippur was restored for Enlil and Ninlil. There, the Anunnaki erected a new Ekur - "Home-Mountain", where this time, instead of the equipment for the Mission Control Center, a formidable weapon was placed: "Raised Eye that examines the earth" and "Raised Ray", "Ray", breaking through any obstacle. Sumerian authors write: “In this sacred building there was also Swift Bird Enlil, from whose clutches no one can escape."

We can read in the "Hymn to Eridu" about Enki's journey to the meeting place of the great gods, which took place on the occasion of Anu's arrival on Earth. At this meeting, the fate of the gods and people on Earth for the next 3600 years was to be determined. After a feast at which "the gods drank an intoxicating drink, wine prepared by men," the Anunnaki Council began. The ruler of the Earth Enlil was dissatisfied with the fact that Enki withheld from the rest of the gods "Divine Formulas" - knowledge about more than a hundred aspects of civilization. Enki allowed only his close associates to enter the city of Eridu. Then it was decided that Enki should share the Divine Formulas with other gods so that they too could build their cities: the fruits of civilization should be used by all Sumer.

The Anunnaki, who lived on Earth, prepared a surprise for their heavenly guests: between Nippur and Eridu, they built a sanctuary dedicated to An, which, accordingly, was named E-anna in his honor. Which translates as "House of Anu".

Before returning to Nibiru, Anu and his consort Antu spent the night in their earthly temple. And this event was arranged with due solemnity. When the divine couple approached the new city, the procession of the gods escorted them to the temple. This city was later named Uruk.

The priests of the temple served "wine and good oil" and sacrificed "a bull and a ram for Anu, Antu and all the gods" to the ruler's table. Then there was a break for the main ceremony of the evening. Then a group of priests chanted the hymn "Kakkab Anu etella shamame", which translates as "The planet Anu rises in the sky." Then one priest climbed to the "top step of the temple tower" while waiting for the appearance of the planet Anu, the planet Nibiru, in the sky. And at the calculated time, and in a certain place in the sky, the planet Anu appeared. And then the priests sang hymns: “To the one that grows in radiance, the heavenly planet of the lord Anu”, “The Face of the Creator ascended.” Then a signal fire was lit, and, passing along the chain the news of the appearance of the planet, fires were lit one after another in the remaining cities of the Anunnaki. Dawn was still far away, but it was as bright as day.

In the morning Anu and Antu went to the spaceport. A tablet found in the archives of Uruk states that Anu and Antu went to the spaceport on the seventeenth day of their stay on Earth. The brief visit to Earth by the ruler of Nibiru was successfully completed. But the decisions made during the visit laid the foundation for the grandiose construction and development of human civilization. In addition to the Ancient Cities, new urban settlements were built. The largest of the built cities was Kish. It was given to Ninurta, "Enlil's chief son", who made it the first administrative capital of Sumer. For Nannar, in other words Sin, the first son of Enlil, the city of Ur was founded, which played the role of the economic center of the entire Mesopotamia.

During Anu's visit, issues related to further development humanity and the relationship between humans and the Anunnaki. The Sumerian texts tell of the "Secret Conference" that resulted in the great civilization of Sumer. The author of the Sumerian tablet says: “The great Anunnaki, who determine destinies, decided that the gods were too high for man. The Anunnaki decided to give people a "Kingdom", which would play the role of an intermediary between them and the mortal population of the Earth. All Sumerian legends indicate that this decision was made during Anu's visit to Earth, at the Council of the Great Gods.

While the Mosaic Bible says that the first three capitals were called Cush, Babylon, and Erech, the Sumerian king lists indicate that the Kingdom moved from Kish to Erech and then to Ur. Babylon is not mentioned among the Sumerians, since it did not yet exist. And the biblical "Tower of Babel" was. The fact is that the ancient “Tower of Babel” of the Old Testament was located on Mount Lebanon, on the Baalbek platform. It was a gigantic seven-stage building that served takeoff and landing at Baalbek. spaceships Anunnaki and their "flying chariots" - planes.

Further, Mesopotamian texts tell of the same incident: Marduk's futile attempt to prevent the transfer of the kingdom from Kish to Erech and Ur - large urban centers that belonged to Nannar-Sin. However, this attempt by Marduk entailed a chain of irreversible tragic events- internecine wars of the Anunnaki.

Dear Pythagoras, at this point I have to interrupt my story. It's late, and tomorrow we need to have bright heads to work in the library." Pythagoras got up from his chair and thanked Caspar: “Thank you, friend, your stories about the legends of the Sumerians close many gaps in my knowledge of history. Good night!"

Browser "KP" studied the sacred texts and made an incredible discovery

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Let us turn to the genealogy of the first man on earth, Adam. In the Old Testament it is written in black and white: “All the days of Adam's life were nine hundred and thirty years; and he died."

Adam's son Seth lived 912 years. Grandson Enos - 905. Great-grandson Cainan - 910. Great-great-grandson Malaleel - 895. Great-great-great-grandson Jared - 962. The next descendant Enoch - 365. Methuselah and all - 969! World record holder. No wonder there is an expression of the Methuselah age. Lamech - 777. Noah - 950.

By simple addition, division, we find out: the average life expectancy of the patriarchs of the nine antediluvian generations was 912 years. (The tenth, Enoch, does not count, he was taken alive to heaven at the age of 365. But he managed to give birth to Methuselah himself!)

Each of these respectable fathers of families also had sons and daughters. But the genealogy mentions only the first-born in the line of Adam. It must be assumed that the rest of the children lived for a long time.

It is strange that the Old Testament does not say how long the progenitor of mankind Eve and her heirs lived. Perhaps because it was created from the rib of Adam. Sorry, feminists, but you can't take words out of the Bible. The iron patriarchy ruled the ball before the flood, women knew their place...


But why, why did the first people live so long?

I remember that the leading gerontologist of the country (a specialist in aging), an academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, on the Direct Line with readers of Komsomolskaya Pravda answered a similar question concisely and authoritatively: “Then in the Bible, a month was considered a year!” I sat next to the academician, allowed him to doubt. "Scientifically proven fact!" - said the honored worker of science of the Russian Federation.

Yes, you can't argue against science.

The other day, taking up this biblical detective story, I asked a burning question about the Methuselah age to another respected gerontologist, geneticist, doctor of sciences. “The Bible was rewritten in different languages ​​in different centuries,” the scientist explained intelligibly. - There was a translation error. In the original, the “lunar month” stood, and the ancient translator put the word “year”. Then it went like this. And if you recalculate, then life expectancy was around 80 years, which is real.”

It turns out that the legendary Methuselah actually lived just over 80?! The rest of the patriarchs - and even less. This is what omniscient science means!

Not otherwise, the demon beguiled the ancient translator. He brought a strong wine to him, or accidentally pushed him under the elbow. Introduced, the evil one, confusion in the holy book. Oh, that Satan! First, under the guise of a snake, he seduced Eve to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. For which the Lord was angry with Adam and his frivolous wife, drove them out of Eden. Thus, the first people and all their offspring, including you and me, lost their eternal, endless life, violating the original plan of the Creator. And then the devil replaced the month in the Bible with a year, and people in different countries have been racking their brains for more than one thousand years, why before the flood people lived for nine centuries, and now they only reach one with a creak.

You can safely close the journalistic investigation.


But one hitch emerged. Judging by the Old Testament chronicle, Adam gave birth to Seth at 130 years old. If we believe our gerontologists, in fact, the first father of the planet then did not turn eleven years old. But before Seth, for a moment, he managed to give birth to two sons. Lost them as adults. Remember the story of how Cain killed Abel, he himself went into exile. It was only after this loss that Adam conceived Seth, by the way. To prolong the lineage. He gave Adam the grandson of Enos at 105 years old. We divide by 12. Is it that the young parent has not turned 9 years old? Gee! Another big mystery is Adam's great-great-grandson Malleleil. He became the father of Jared in 65. If you follow the scientific version that the antediluvian year was equal to our month, he conceived the first-born when he himself was not even five years old. Isn't science funny? In antediluvian 65, by the way, Enoch also begat Methuselah himself.

So, comrade scientists, there is a discrepancy in your scientific formula - "a year for a month."

"For debauchery, for drunkenness, for debauchery!"

Then came the Flood. Well, I guess everyone has heard of him. The Lord was angry with the people for their sins and decided to drown everyone.

Backfilling question: for what specific sins? I don't think most people know.

When Adam's offspring began to multiply on earth, "the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful, and took them to their wives, which one they chose." And the daughters of men began to give birth to the sons of God giants. Are their giant skeletons still periodically found by archaeologists in different parts of the world? Who are the sons of God themselves? The Bible does not provide an answer. Some consider them Atlanteans, others - aliens from other planets, the same Nibiru. However, this is the topic of a separate biblical detective story, beyond the scope of our today's investigation.

“And the Lord saw that the corruption of men on earth was great, and that all the thoughts and thoughts of their hearts were evil at all times…. And the Lord said: I will destroy from the face of the earth the people whom I created, from men to cattle, and creeping things and the birds of the air I will destroy ... "

He pardoned only the pious grandson of Methuselah, the six hundred year old Noah and his wife, and his three sons and their spouses. He ordered Noah to build a huge ark, to take his big family and each creature in pairs. For divorce after the flood.

And now, citizens, pay attention!

“In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the rain fell on the earth for forty days and forty nights ... Every creature that was on the surface of the earth was destroyed; from man to cattle, and creeping things, and birds of the air; only Noah and all that was with him in the ark remained. And the waters began to subside at the end of one hundred and fifty days. And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat.

Judging by the Bible, the ark sailed to stop over Ararat for exactly 5 months - 150 days. So a month was 30 days. About the same as today.

What if there were only 7 months in the Old Testament year, the meticulous reader will ask? Then the Methuselah century will be almost half as long, and with young 65-year-old fathers everything is tip-top!

“The water was constantly decreasing until the tenth month. On the first day of the tenth month, the tops of the mountains appeared. After forty days (almost the middle of the eleventh! - Auth.) Noah opened the window of the ark he had made. And he released a dove to find out if there was land anywhere. He returned without finding her. After a delay of seven days, Noah released the bird again. In the evening, she flew in with an olive leaf in her beak. After waiting another seven days, the patriarch again released the dove, and he did not return. Apparently, he found somewhere a piece of sushi and stayed. But Noah continued to wait. Until the end of the twelfth month. And only "the six hundred and first year, by the first day of the first month, the water on the earth dried up and Noah opened the lid of the ark." The earth dried up only on the twenty-seventh day of the second month. It was then that God ordered Noah to leave the ark along with his family, all cattle, reptiles and disperse over the earth in order to be fruitful and multiply.


With the calendar, at the very least, figured it out. It turns out that with the Old Testament chronology everything was as it is today. I specifically do not name the academician and doctor of sciences that I really respect, who misled me with the "scientific" formula - the biblical year is equal to the modern month. They themselves have clearly not read the Bible, although the topic of longevity touched upon in it is their life's work. They simply repeated the version common in scientific circles, deftly refuting the age that was inexplicable for Methuselah scientists. That is why I quoted the Bible in such detail, cited facts. You may not believe me. And don't believe me, check it out for yourself. Today is not Soviet atheistic times, anyone who is interested can easily find and read the Bible.

There is another version that the then 10 years went for one year of the current one. But how does she explain that Mallalel and Enoch had their first children at 6.5?

Even before the flood, having become angry at the people who sinned with the sons of God, the Lord said: “My Spirit will not forever be neglected by people; because they are flesh; let their days be a hundred and twenty years.” This is where, dear readers, all the talk of scientists comes from, that a person should live 120 years. From the Bible. (If we take the "scientific formulas of the biblical chronology", it turns out that God gave us 10-12 years each. Nonsense!!!)

And now let's take a closer look at how the Lord's strict sentence to sinful humanity to reduce life from 969 Methuselah years to 120 was carried out.

The fulfillment did not happen instantly, by the method of the Divine Miracle, as one might think: someone hit 120 - immediately give your soul to God! But gradually. Evolutionary. After the Flood.

Noah himself, having descended from the ark with his family and cattle, no longer experienced the joy of fatherhood. Although he lived another 350 years after the universal cataclysm. And he rested in a bose in 950. The earth was inhabited by numerous offspring of his sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth. But in the Old Testament, according to tradition, the genealogy of the first-born Noah is described in detail.

Shem himself, born before the Flood, lived 600 years, his son Arfaxad, who was born two years after the universal flood - 438, the grandson of Sal - 433, the great-grandson of Eber - 464, the great-great-grandson of Peleg - 239, Raghav - 239, Serug - 230, Nahor - 148, Terah - 205. The son of Terah - the legendary "father of many tribes" Abraham - 175, his wife Sarah - 127. Abraham's son Isaac - 180, grandson Jacob - 147, great-grandson Joseph - only 110. The same wise Joseph that predicted to the Egyptian pharaoh seven fat years and seven hungry years. After his death, his body was embalmed and placed in an ark in Egypt.

And soon the prophet Moses will bring all the Jews out of Egyptian captivity to the Promised Land. Moses himself lived exactly 120 years designated by the Lord. But here is his curious psalm:

“The days of our years are seventy years,

and with a greater fortress - eighty years;

and their best time is labor and illness,

for they pass quickly, and we fly.

It was said before the birth of Christ, but as if about us, unfortunate 21st century.

Judging by the genealogy of Sim, it took only a dozen generations of descendants of the 950-year-old Patriarch Noah to reduce life expectancy sharply and steadily. Frozen at our modern level. What's wrong? Flood universal? But the water has gone, the earth has dried up. And people did not stop sinning after the Flood. The burning of Sodom and Gomorrah for homosexuality happened under Abraham.

There are speculative near-scientific hypotheses that before the Flood there was a huge steam-water dome above the earth's atmosphere. 12 meters thick! He, they say, like a screen, reliably protected the planet and the first people from harmful cosmic rays, ultraviolet, absorbing more than 70% of the radioactive background. At the same time, it created a greenhouse effect, plus additional atmospheric pressure. Oxygen on earth was more than 50 percent. People lived as if in a giant greenhouse, combined with a healing hyperbaric chamber. All year round, supposedly, everything bloomed, fragrant. It was easy to breathe. Therefore, a person could run tirelessly for hundreds of kilometers. No, they say, you are sick. And if there was any ailment, people quickly recovered. The food around is natural, enriched with all vitamins and other additives.

During the flood, the heavens opened up, the entire water layer poured onto the earth, flooding it. The protective screen disappeared, there was no salvation for the descendants of Noah from evil cosmic radiation, ultraviolet, all kinds of gamma-beta rays. Mutations, degenerative changes, diseases, epidemics have gone. And then the climate has changed, the earth's axis has shifted, the cold has become regular ... That's why, they say, human life has become difficult, short.

But, I repeat, these are all amateur hypotheses, not confirmed by the Bible.


But this is what is indicated in the Bible itself in plain text! After creating male and female in the first week, God said, “Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed that is in all the earth, and every tree bearing fruit of a tree yielding seed: this shall be food for you.”

It turns out that the Creator created the first people as vegetarians. Clean. The so-called vegans. No eggs, caviar, milk, cheese and other gastronomic tricks with livestock products, poultry farming, as many modern vegetarians do. Only fruits, vegetables, cereals. From birth to death. Without "unloading days". Eternal Post!

Moreover, the Creator also made animals herbivores. “And to all the beasts of the earth, and to all the birds of the air, and to every creeping thing on the earth, in which there is a living soul, I have given all herbs for food. And so it was."

Imagine an idyll: lions, tigers, cows, wolves, hares, people calmly walk together. Nobody eats anyone! And everyone lives forever.

But people did not appreciate such grace. Weakened, indulged in debauchery and other indecency. And outraged by this black ingratitude, the Lord decided to drown the sinners. And for future generations to reduce life to 120 years. So as not to indulge a lot. And therefore, Noah and his family came out of the ark and gave a different covenant than to his distant ancestor Adam. “Let all the beasts of the earth fear and tremble at you, and all the birds of the air, everything that moves on the earth, and all the fish of the sea; they are given into your hands. Everything that moves that lives will be food for you; like green grass I give you everything.” Later, through Moses, the Lord gave people a large list of clean and unclean animals, fish, birds and reptiles, specifying who can be eaten and who cannot.

As you can see, only nutrition changed dramatically after the Flood. A person was allowed to jump off veganism, eat meat, milk, eggs and other animal foods, which, according to science, give strength, fats and proteins necessary for the body. Only a dozen and a half generations of direct descendants of the antediluvian patriarch, 950-year-old Noah, have changed, as life expectancy has sharply and inexorably decreased on animal food. Up to 120 years awarded by the Creator. And this is in an exceptional case. Our usual destiny is still 70-80 years. What else in ancient times did Moses mourn in his famous psalm.

One must think that it was meat-eating that became the humane tool of the Creator for the execution of his irrevocable sentence on the cardinal reduction of the life of sinful people.

And in memory of the golden ages of vegetarianism in Christianity, I believe, posts have been preserved. March 14 begins the strictest of them - the Great. It will last until May 1st.

Surely you ask why vegetarians today do not live much longer than meat-eaters. To be honest, I don't know. Although medicine does find small advantages of plant nutrition over animals. Perhaps because there are no generations of pure vegans who have eaten this way for several centuries without a single violation. Then one could look at the results, compare statistics, genealogies, as in the Bible before and after the Flood. This is the business of scientists. There are a lot of them now among vegetarians. Let them figure it out. My job as a journalist is to unravel the biblical detective story about centenarians.



Sergei ZUBOV, lecturer at the Moscow Theological Academy:

Indeed, the original food of man was vegetable: And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed, which is in all the earth, and every tree bearing fruit of the tree yielding seed; - you [this] will be food (Gen. 1, 29).

Animals also did not eat meat.

Initially, a person was potentially immortal, that is, God gave him immortality, the reason for it was in God. The task of man was, becoming like God in caring for creation, in obedience to God, ascending from strength to strength and achieving similarity to Him. Since God is the source of life, a person, becoming more and more like God, would reveal divine properties in himself - this process is endless, because. God Himself is infinite.

The whole problem is not in the "diet", but in violation of the commandments of God. The fall into sin took place and the road to immortality was closed for man. After the fall, man cannot but sin. Accordingly, if given eternal life, then this means the possibility for endless perfection in sins.

Therefore, God drives a person out of Paradise: And the Lord God said: Behold, Adam has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, no matter how he stretched out his hand, and also took from the tree of life, and tasted, and began to live forever (Gen. 3, 22). - God limits the human age so that a person cannot sin forever.

Note that it is not after the flood that God shortens the duration of life, but before: And the Lord said: My Spirit will not be forever neglected by men; because they are flesh; let their days be a hundred and twenty years (Gen. 6:3).

And the permission to eat meat is given after the flood, rather, to reinforce a person, because, probably, the world and the conditions of existence have changed.

Thus, according to Orthodox theology, the duration of a person's earthly life was reduced not because of eating meat food, but because of committing sins:

1. the fall of Adam and Eve in Paradise - a person becomes mortal;

2. the sins of antediluvian mankind - the age of man is shrinking.

In both cases, the reduction is due to a decrease in the time of approval in committing sins.

In the book of the Wisdom of Solomon we read:

Do not hasten death by the delusions of your life, and do not attract destruction to yourself by the works of your hands (Wisdom 1, 12).

Righteousness is immortal, but unrighteousness causes death: the wicked attracted her with both hands and words, considered her a friend and withered, and made an alliance with her, for they are worthy to be her lot (Wisdom 1, 15-16).

The Bible says this about the impact on life expectancy: Honor your father and your mother, that your days on earth may be long (Ex. 20:12). In the beginning, man did not honor the Father. And as a result, man became mortal.


All - women, age was documented.

1. Jeanne Calment, France. 122 years, 164 days. (1875-1997)

2. Sarah KNAUSS, USA. 119 years, 97 days. (1880-1999)

3. Lucy HANNA, USA. 117 years, 248 days (1875-1993)

4. Maria Louise MEILER, Canada. 117 years, 230 days (1880-1998)

5. Misao OKawa, Japan. 117 years, 27 days (1898 - 2015)



The Flood appears not only in the Christian Bible. Traditions about him are preserved in the myths and religious texts of many peoples of Australia, North and South America, India, Europe, Papua New Guinea, Japan, China, the Middle East ... The British anthropologist, historian of religions J. J. Fraser collected about a hundred such versions around the world . Legends about the first ancient centenarians - gods, kings - were also widespread among different peoples. Let us recall at least our Kashchei the Immortal.

Atheist scientists often call the Bible a collection of myths, legends about the origin of the Earth, man, which have nothing to do with science. But, let's agree, the deeply scientific theory of the Big Bang about the origin of the Universe is also just a hypothesis, albeit the most common one so far. She has many critics in the scientific community. And alternate versions. The main thing is that there is still no answer, but what happened before the explosion? After all, empty space does not explode. There are also critics of the scientific theory of the origin of man from apes. What is the origin! Modern gerontologists and biologists cannot clearly explain why a person ages. There are dozens of deeply scientific, clever theories on this subject, sometimes mutually exclusive. Some academicians believe that a person, like a military rocket, is programmed for self-destruction, others blame free radicals that cause the “rust” of the body, others blame the “slag” that clogs the body ...

So everyone has the right to believe what they want.

The world after the flood

Source - "How our world arose" by W. Gladshauer

The flood ended, and land again emerged from under the water. Noah and his family left the ark. What they saw before them, in fact, was a completely new, different world: “the world then” (2 Pet. 3:6) has completely disappeared. Many do not fully realize that God punished with the flood not only the world of living beings, but the whole Earth: it took on a completely different look. Once abundantly covered with vegetation, the Earth has now turned into a desert. The seas and mountains that were before the flood disappeared, and completely different ones appeared in their place. Noah and his sons stepped onto the surface of a new, completely unknown planet for them, the formation of which was still ongoing. For many centuries after the Flood, the new people suffered greatly from the consequences of this worldwide catastrophe. earth surface shuddered from constant earthquakes, the displacement of continental plates led to the formation of new mountains and faults, winds from the sea caused severe floods and prolonged heavy rains. Many hundreds of years had to pass before the tectonic transformations that began simultaneously with the flood ended and the conditions of life on Earth approached today. ice ages and the movements of the continents that uniformitarians often talk about must indeed have taken place, not in ancient times, but within a few centuries after the Flood. In the third book of this series, we take a closer look at the history of mankind after the Flood: the construction of the Tower of Babel, the settlement of people throughout the earth, the archaeological periods (Stone, Bronze, Iron Age), the emergence of ancient civilizations, the cultures of Egypt and Mesopotamia, and, last but not least, the emergence of Israeli people. In this, the final chapter of the second book, we want to continue the reasoning that we started already in the first chapter. Before that, we considered the world mainly from the point of view of the natural sciences. We traced the emergence of the plant and animal world and man, investigated the causes and forces that shaped the current appearance of our planet: first in the week of creation, then during the flood. Continuing this line, we want to complete this book. How did the post-Flood world develop into the world we live in today and which is accessible to natural science research?

Book of Job

With all our questions, we have so far turned to the Bible in order to draw information vital for our research. Let's do it now. This is truly a miracle: we find in the Bible a whole book containing precious descriptions of natural phenomena that occurred shortly after the Flood. We mean the book of Job. This is a very special book of the Bible - not only because of its literary uniqueness and deep wisdom (it is dedicated to the exciting topic of deep human grief), but also because of the meteorological and geophysical information it contains. We are absolutely certain that Job lived in the first millennium after the flood. His book gives us an impressive description of the gigantic transformations that took place on the earth for some time after the Flood. Without giving lengthy proofs here, we strongly emphasize that the book of Job was written in the time of Moses, or even before him. If we remember that Moses, in all likelihood, had in his possession the very ancient written documents that he laid at the basis of the first part of the book of Genesis, then he may well have had the book of Job (perhaps written in another language). Thanks to the authority of Moses, who was convinced of the inspiration of this non-Jewish book, it was able to take its place in the canon of the Bible. In any case, everything indicates that the book of Job was written not much later than the events that took place in it. The natural-scientific and historical description of that era is visible in the book even through sublime poetic forms. This brings us to the question of what time Job lived. That Job was a historical figure is evident from reading Ezek. 14:14-20 and Jas. 5.11. We believe that Job lived no later than 2000 BC. This assumption is supported by the following:

A) old age Job (cf. Job 42:16). If we remember that the life expectancy of people after the flood gradually decreased, then Job must have lived before Terah, the father of Abraham.

B) The book does not mention any form of worship, except for the family, Job as the head of the family was also its priest (Job 1,5). Like the patriarchs, he knew only the burnt offering, making no distinction between it and the special sin offering (Job 1:5; cf. Gen. 8:20; 22:1-13; Lev. 1:4-6).

C) True knowledge of God outside the Jewish people we meet mainly in very ancient times: let us remember Abraham, Melchizedek, Jethro and Abimelech. In addition, this book uses the name of God "Almighty", which is typical only for the Pentateuch.

D) Other parallels with the book of Genesis, pointing to the great antiquity of the book of Job, are, in particular, the mention of angels as "sons of God" (Job 1-2, Gen. 6), the similarity of the vocabulary and style of books, as well as the absence of any there was no mention of the Law and the exodus of the Jews from Egypt.

E) Only the most ancient forms of idolatry are mentioned in the book of Job: the worship of the Sun and the Moon (Job 31:26). We already meet these cults among the Egyptian, Akkadian and Sumerian civilizations (cf. Is. Pav. 24:2; Deut. 4:19; 17:2-7).

The events of the book of Job are played out in the land of Uz (Job 1:1), probably corresponding to Edom (Gen. 36:28). The Septuagint mentions the land of Uz as the country of the Aishites, a people whom the geographer Ptolemy calls the inhabitants of the Arabian Desert (therefore they were neighbors of the Edomites who lived in the mountains of Seir). Some ancient writers even identified Job with Jobab, king of Edom (Genesis 36:33). In favor of Edom is also the fact that Job's friend Eliphaz was from Teman, a well-known place in Edom (Gen. 36:, and Elihu was from the Bouzites, a people who lived next to the Chaldeans in the northeast of Arabia (cf. Job 1:17;32:2). And finally, the Lamentations of Jeremiah (4:21, cf. Jer. 25:20) points to the connection with Edom.

Climate in Job's time

Knowing now where the ancient land of Uz was located, we immediately notice that the climatic conditions in those days were very different from today. Today there is a sweltering desert. The animals mentioned by Job (lions, wild donkeys, unicorns, jackals and ostriches - see Job 30.29; 38.39 - 39.18) are not found at all on the Arabian Peninsula, but are very common, for example, in the savannahs of East Africa. This must mean that the land of Job must have had a temperate humid climate. The book also speaks of numerous rivers and streams, but today south Dead Sea it is difficult to find even wadis (dry ravines) that fill with water during rains, not to mention a stream or a river. This neighborhood today is one of the hottest and driest places on earth. The second remarkable sign of a different climate is the large amounts of precipitation mentioned in the book, and not only heavy rains (36.26-33), but even snow (6.15-18; 37.6-11; 38.28-30). The fact that the inhabitants of the land of Uz were familiar with snow and ice can only indicate that the Arabian Peninsula was once dominated by a much more temperate climate. Such a strong climate change can only be explained by a large shift climatic zones. Rainfall in Job's time was not only frequent, but so heavy that it destroyed crops. Heavy rain showers sometimes completely washed the plants from the fields (14,18-19). Apparently, in the time before Job, the rains were even more intense, because he recalls how people then, driven to extremes by want and hunger, looked for food in the steppe. These unfortunates were expelled by their richer relatives and doomed to life in caves and gorges (30:1-8). As we shall see later, these outcasts are known to us all as cavemen from the Pleistocene! The reasons for the plight of these people could lie not only in heavy rainfall, which caused crop failures. Large earthquakes and displacements in the earth's crust should have played their role here. Imagine what it was like to live in a country where the earthen huts of the poor were simply swept off the face of the earth from time to time (4:19-21)! Some areas were completely depopulated due to constant earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, and only a few outcasts ventured to settle there (15,28). To this day, in many places south of Palestine, one can see the ruins of primitive stone buildings attributed by uniformitarians to stone age. In the third book of this series, we will dwell on these findings in more detail when analyzing the cultural layers of the most ancient cities of the earth, such as Jericho.

Another source of constant danger to Job and his contemporaries was the sea. Today, the country of Uz is far from the sea, but Job often mentions it. In ch. 6:3 he speaks of the sand of the seas, in ch. 9.8 - about the "heights" (waves) of the sea. What could Job, a savannah inhabitant, say about the height of the sea waves? In ch. 12:15 he even says of God that He "will stop the waters, and everything will dry up; let them in, and they will turn (dig up) the earth." So Job was familiar with the destructive power of floods? Let's look at his words in ch. 7:12: "Am I a sea or a dragon, that you put a guard over me?" Apparently, it was customary for people who lived with Job to put up posts in order to timely notify people about approaching floods, as well as "sea monsters" - huge dinosaurs that still lived on earth for some time after the flood (see ch. 4 and Job 40- 41). So how were Job's contemporaries so familiar with the sea? Maybe their country bordered on the sea that disappeared today? Geologists do believe that once there was a large sea in those places, filling the entire Jordan Valley, including the Lake of Gennesaret and the Dead Sea, and located tens of meters above its current level. Even today you can see terraces and beaches there, formed by once raging waves. In those days, heavy rains fell in Palestine, and blizzards raged north of it. The severe soil erosion caused by these precipitations led to the formation of a large number of limestone grottoes and caves, which in the days of Job served as housing for "cave people".

Movement of the continents

Why did people post posts by the sea? Because, as we have already seen, the sea over and over again brought down terrible floods on the earth. Chapter 12.15 describes precisely the onset of these tidal waves: a short time before them, the water recedes, exposing the wet bottom of the sea. Warned by observers, people in a hurry leave the dangerous area. Then the waves come back at high speed, crash on the shore and flood large areas of land. Eliphaz also refers in his speech to the waves of the flood, although we must bear in mind that he may only be remembering the destructive waves of the flood: "Darkness in which you see nothing, and many waters covered you (allegory?). Is God in heaven? Look at the stars, how high they are! And you say: "What does God know? can He judge through the darkness? The clouds are His curtain, so that He does not see, but only walks in the circle of heaven. "Do you really keep the path of the ancients, in which the lawless people walked, who were prematurely destroyed when the water overflowed under their foundations?" (22:11-16). Job also had a vivid memory of the floods, comparing his friends with them: "They came to me as if through a wide gap; they rushed at me with a noise" (30:14). Job and his contemporaries lived by the sea and were familiar with this formidable element.

In today's Palestine, sandy beaches are found high in the mountains, stretching all the way to Lebanon and the southern coast of Turkey. Their high location is caused by the rise of the land, but even today you can see traces of flood waves beating on the rocks. Turkey's current cotton belt, warm coast Mediterranean Sea, is nothing more than a Pleistocene beach formed by powerful sea tides. Waves crushed the stone shore and eventually turned it into fertile soil. How are these tidal waves formed? They are caused by local shifts earth's crust. We have already talked a lot about tectonic processes on land: in the same way they occur at the bottom of the oceans. Job says of dry land: "He moves the mountains, and they do not recognize them; he turns them in his anger" (9:5). In another place it is written: "The mountain, falling, is destroyed, and the rock comes down from its place; water erases the stones; its spill washes away the dust of the earth: so you destroy the hope of man" (14:18-19). Of the oceans, Job says: "(God) stirs the sea with His power" (26:12). Considering the previous chapters, we can connect these statements with a certain historical epoch: the times of Job correspond to the end of the Pleistocene or the beginning of the Holocene, the last geological periods in the history of the earth. At this time, giant tectonic processes must have taken place, caused by the movement of the continents. One of the reasons why Palestine and the entire Middle East has been hit hard by the separation of the continents is the huge rift in the Jordan Valley. The movement of the earth's crust here has led to the formation of a giant fault, stretching for 8,000 km from the mountains of Ararat in northeastern Turkey to Johannesburg in South Africa. This is already a giant fault, but it does not compare with the fault at the bottom. Atlantic Ocean, reaching a length of 67,000 km. One can imagine what it was like for the inhabitants of the country of Uz who lived during such gigantic transformations. The search for echoes of these events in the book of Job is often complicated by the fact that the translators of the Bible did not know the historical background of the natural disasters described in it: considering many events only metaphors, they did not fully convey the meaning of the original to us. For example, the prominent interpreter of the Bible Karl Budde (1913) wanted to exclude Job 12:22 entirely from the translation, considering it too abstract. Translating this verse literally, we get: "He lays bare the depths out of darkness and brings forth into the light the shadows of death." At the same time, the word "depths" can mean something unsearchable (see Eccl. 7:24; Ps. 63:7), but is derived from the specific meaning "deep abyss" (Pr. water" (Pr. 18:4; 20:5). Verse 11:8 stands in the middle between the concrete and the abstract meaning of this word. Second keyword of this verse, "shadows of death", can be understood as a description of deep darkness (3.5; 16.16; 24.17; 34.22), underworld(10.21-22; 38.17) or the depths of the earth (28.3), while the last two interpretations are difficult to strictly distinguish between them. In the context of the entire chapter 12, the concrete meaning of verse 22 still outweighs the abstract (cf. above all vv. 7-9,14,23-25). We are talking here about the boundless and sometimes even seemingly uncontrollable power of God, commanding water elements and scattering the nations. Therefore, verse 22 can be read as follows: "He lays down the abysses of darkness and brings into light the dark depths." This is quite understandable: after all, the Syrian-African rift was formed before the eyes of Job. Researchers of the Jordanian fault believe that at that time the earth's crust was simply torn in the truest sense of the word. Many of the rock strata west of the Jordan are still in the order they were before the break. The layers of the earth's crust were formed mainly during the Flood, while gigantic shifts of the continental plates took place for many centuries after it.

In God's Cosmology Lesson

In this regard, the description of the emergence of the world and its further history which God reveals to Job in chapter 38. The first part of the chapter (where God asks Job how much he knows about the creation of the world in order to judge about it) talks about the creation of the Earth (vv. 4-7), the emergence of the sea (v. 8), the formation of the layer of water vapor we have already discussed in the atmosphere (v. 9), the separation of the land from the sea (v. 10), and some other aspects of creation (dawn, light, precipitation). But, recalling the conclusions made in chapter 4 about the climate of the antediluvian world, we conclude that those mentioned in v. 22 hail and snow indicate the time after the flood. Next, we read verse 25, which is very interesting for our consideration: "Who makes channels (channels) for the outpouring of water (flood waves)?" The word "water" we find in the same meaning in the book of the prophet Nahum ("the all-drowning flood"; 1.8) and Psalm 31.6 ("the overflow of many waters"), the word "channels" in the same meaning is found in 1 Kings.; Ezek. 31:4, and in the meaning of "water pipe" in 2 Kings. 18.17; 20.20; Is. 7.3; 36.2. Now we can translate our verse as follows: "Who made a channel for the all-flooding waters?" The verb used in this verse is of great importance: it is an intensified form of the Hebrew word "peleg" (peleg), which occurs in a different meaning only in Ps. 54:10, in its usual form it is used in Gen. 10:25 and 1 Chr. 1:19, where we read twice: "Two sons were born to Eber: the name of one was Peleg, because in his days the earth was divided; the name of his brother was Joktan." Many great minds have labored over the interpretation of this verse, but before we deal with it in more detail, we list the facts we have already established:

A) Named in Gen. 10:25 the event was to take place in the time of Job (see above).

B) The verb "peleg" (peleg) in verse 38.25 means separation, splitting of the earth's crust and formation of a channel for a large stream.

C) Derived from the verb "peleg" related forms of words can mean "separation", but in most cases - "source" or "dug channel". Thus, the word "peleg" is indeed most often used to denote the flow of water. This is confirmed by the study of related Semitic languages.

D) The alleged connection of this word with the Greek "pelagos" (sea), which we meet in our language in the word "archipelago", is also interesting.

Therefore, we will not exceed our authority by connecting verse 38:25 with the movement of continents and the formation of faults, explaining Gen. 10.25. The widespread explanation that the division of the earth in the days of Peleg is connected with the settlement and isolation of peoples that began after the Babylonian confusion of languages, in our opinion, is unacceptable here. From Gen. 10:8-12 it is obvious that the confusion of languages ​​occurred no later than the establishment of the kingdom of Nimrod - but Nimrod was the third from Noah, while Peleg belonged to the fifth generation, that is, he lived significantly (perhaps even several centuries) later than the confusion languages. In addition, we are not reading here about the division of peoples (as in v. 5, where a completely different verb is used for this), but about the division of the land itself - dry land, which, as in Gen. 6-9, was supposed to be one whole (cf. ch. 8). Thus, here we are talking about the worldwide division of the earth's crust, associated with the formation of water-filled faults.


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: Descending water.

Brief historical background - Search for Noah's Ark:

In his enthusiasm, he formed a society to finance a second expedition, supplied with the necessary materials, but with the condition that the ark, lowered from Ararat, be taken to the Chicago exhibition.

In the end, Nurri had to abandon his brilliant project because his shareholders backed out because the Turkish government refused to allow Noah's Ark to be taken out of the country.

After that, there was no information about the expeditions before the First World War.

But in August 1916, Russian aviator Vladimir Roskovitsky, who was exploring the Turkish border, found himself over Ararat (then this area was part of the Russian Empire). He observed in the eastern part of the snow-covered peak, a frozen mountain lake. There was a carcass on the edge of this lake giant ship. Part of the ship remained ice-covered and the sides were open. Some of them were damaged. One of the doors was visible. When Roskovitsky announced to his superiors about his discovery (that he had seen a "lying large ship" from an airplane), they wanted an exact confirmation of this.

After flying over the mountain, they, for their part, became convinced of the existence of this object and made their report to Moscow and Petrograd. Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II ordered (despite the war) to send a government expedition to Ararat. 150 soldiers worked for a month to make it possible to climb the mountain.

Then a scientific mission was sent to this area. She did research: measured and photographed the ark, and collected samples. All this was sent to Petrograd. Unfortunately, the entire collection of these priceless documents apparently perished during the revolution. And the territory of Greater Ararat was captured by Turkish troops.

“The Roskovitsky case must have had some kind of response during the Second World War. The chief of the Soviet security service, Major Jaaspar Maskalin, says that one of his men was curious to fly over Ararat to see if there was anything close to the truth from what Roskovitsky reported 25 years ago. Soviet pilot actually noticed a structure partially submerged in an icy lake.”

“All this did not prevent the Soviet expedition from defining the story of Noah's Ark as a myth that has nothing to do with science.”

“Expeditions were undertaken in the post-war period, but they were unsuccessful due to the obstacles put in place by the Turkish government under pressure from the Muslim world, since the Koran indicates another mountain where Noah's ark supposedly stopped.”

(In the summer of 1949, two expeditions went to the ark at once. The first, of 4 missionaries led by Dr. Smith from North Carolina, she observed only one strange “vision” at the top. And the second, consisting of the French, reported that they “saw the ark” , but not on Big Ararat, but on the neighboring peak of Dzhubel-Judi southeast of Sevan. locals it is said that visions of a “ghost ship” covered with a layer of mud were often observed here. In the same place, two Turkish journalists saw a vessel measuring 500x80x50 feet (165x25x15 m).

In the summer of 1953, American oilman George Jefferson Green took 6 very clear photographs from a helicopter from a height of 30 meters. big ship, half gone into the rocks and sliding down the mountain ledge into the ice. Green subsequently failed to equip an expedition to this place, and when he died 9 years later, all the originals of his photographs disappeared.

But at the same time, photographs appeared in the press with clearly distinguishable outlines of the ship taken from space (“Daily Telegraph”, 09/13/1965). - Ed.).

F. Navarra was supposed to take part in the expedition of the missionary Dr. Smith. Having suffered several failures, F. Navarra decided to act on his own, even without the permission of the Turkish government. This heroic epic of the last expedition he breathtakingly described in his book.

Having reached the border of glaciation at night, at the direction of his Armenian friend, he set up camp there in order to set off in the morning to storm impregnable rocks completely covered with ice. At night, a terrible storm broke out with severe frost, and F. Navarre and his son Gabriel almost froze, brought in a shelter with a large layer of snow, at a temperature of 30 degrees below zero.

In the morning, with God's help, as Navarre writes, he went to a place that he had seen from a distance on one of his first expeditions. The time was unfavorable - everything was covered with ice and covered with snow, but despite this, he managed to find the ark and, with great difficulty and risk, cut out of the ice a piece of oak frame, 1 m long and 20 centimeters thick, the antiquity of which was then determined at 5 thousand years. There were no sheathing boards in this place, they were in another place, from where they were cut down.

In that last time Navarra was fired on and arrested by border guards, but safely released with all the photo films and a piece of the frame. Such were the conditions of this heroic expedition.

F. Navarra's book is illustrated with his photographs of cutting out the frame, the area where the ark is located under the ice, photographs of laboratory evidence and others: drawings, plans, etc.

After 14 years, F. Navarra repeated his attempt with the help of American organization"Search" and brought a few more boards from the ark.

We hope that this is not the last expedition of F. Navarra and the future will bring us even more detailed information.

Farkhettin Kolan, the owner of a hotel in Dogubayazit at the foot of Ararat, participated as a guide in expeditions to the ark, several of them were successful.

But Eryl Cummins made the most ascents: since 1961, 31 ascents.

In the 1970s, among the last, Tom Crotser made 5 ascents to the ark. Returning with a board from the ark, he said in front of the press: “Yes, there are 70 thousand tons of this tree,” and at the same time he swore. And again, radiocarbon analysis showed the age of the wood of the boards to be about 5,000 years.

The history of expeditions to the ark ends in 1974, when the Turkish government closed this area to the public, placing observation posts on the border line on Ararat.

In 1995, the American expedition again reached Noah's Ark, bringing from Mount Ararat part of the frame and other irrefutable evidence of the truth of the Biblical story.

Noah's Life After the Flood

Genealogy of peoples

Babylonian pandemonium - confusion of languages ​​​​and scattering of peoples


PERIOD TWO - From the Flood to Abraham

Repeat questions:

1 . Global flood.

2 . Noah after the flood.

3 . Genealogy of peoples.

4 . Babylonian pandemonium - a mixture of languages ​​​​and genealogy of peoples.

Quiz from the Flood to Abraham

1 . What does the name Noah mean?

2 . Describe the events of the flood.

3 . Which people were in the ark?

4 . How long did it take for the water to arrive?

5 . How long did the flood last?

6 . What were Noah's first actions upon leaving the ark?

7 . : God's covenant with Noah - by heart.

8 . What sign of the Covenant does the Lord give to Noah and the people?

9 . What does the name Japhet mean? Tell briefly about him.

10 . What does the name Sim mean? Tell briefly about him.

11 . What does the name Ham mean? Tell briefly about him.

12 . Who is Canaan? What was Ham's crime?

13 . : Noah's blessing of his sons - by heart.

14 . Reveal the prophetic meaning of Noah's blessing of his sons.

15 . What was the purpose of building the Tower of Babel?

16 . Show on the map the city of Babylon.

17 . What does the word Babylon mean?

18 . What are the reasons for the dispersion of people throughout the earth and the formation of national boundaries? thirty

The name Sim means “name”, “name”. He was the eldest son of Noah and the ancestor of numerous offspring. Sim was born when his father was 500 years old. His sons were: Elam, Asshur, Arfaxad, Lud and Aram. Sim became the ancestor of the Semitic peoples. Christ Himself, according to the flesh, came from this generation and spent all earthly life my. Shem lived to be 600 years old and survived the birth of Isaac. The five sons of Shem inhabited beautiful countries East, and the languages ​​of these peoples are still called Semitic languages, including: Hebrew, Chaldean, Syriac, Arabic, Ethiopian.

The name Ham means "dark", "tanned", "dark". The Assyrian and Egyptian empires were founded by the descendants of Ham. Also from him come the Philistines, Canaanites, Sidonians, Amorites and others. The sons of Ham were: Cush, Mizraim, Kut (or Foot) and Canaan (). According to ancient Jewish tradition, Ham is considered the inventor of idols, and some even identify him with the pagan deity Ammon, idolized in Egypt.

The name Japheth means "let it spread". It is noteworthy that when listing the genealogical lines of the sons of Noah, they follow in the following order: Japheth, Ham and Shem (;), although the eldest son of Noah was Shem. The descendants of Japheth inhabited Europe and northeast Asia, as a result of which there is a remarkable similarity between the European languages, and the languages ​​of East Asia, with the exception of Chinese and connected with it. We find traces of the name Japheth in the name of Mount Nepat or Nifan (Armenia). There is a legend that Japheth built the city of Joppa or Jaffa (current Tel_Aviv).

The name Babylon means "mixing". The Tower of Babel was built in the valley of Shinar. The Hamovo tribe, out of fear of dispersion and slavery threatening it, set out to prevent the fulfillment of the Divine decree and, in alliance with other tribes, began to build a large city, and with it a high tower, which could serve as the center of all tribes and at the same time a sign of universal equality. The height and volume of the tower, according to the original drawings that have come down to us, were truly enormous. Chronologists calculate that the descendants of Noah should have spent 3 years only on one collection of materials, and at least 22 years on the construction of the tower itself. According to one ancient legend, the bricks, or, as they can be more correctly called, the slabs used to build the tower, were about 6 meters long, 4.5 meters wide and 2 meters thick.

Protestant literature often contains the erroneous opinion that the period of the dispersion of peoples is the time of the geological formation of the continents. But the story of the dispersion of peoples describes rather the formation of political boundaries, the formation of states.

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