Swimming in the heat can lead to dementia. How can kids deal with the heat? Cancel daytime festivities

In hot weather, we dream of relaxing by the pond. And as soon as the opportunity arises, we grab our swimsuits and hurry to the beach, and then straight into the water. This is where the problems begin, doctors say. According to them, in any case, during the heat you should not dive into the water... But what then? Well, don't look at the water...

What rules should you follow on the beach and how to swim properly in the heat?

Nobody says that you can’t go into a body of water or swim in the heat. You can't dive! To understand the reason for such a reservation, imagine what happens to the body under conditions of a sharp change in the environment. First you have a good time basking in the sun, and then you dive into the cool water.

In this case, the body experiences a sharp temperature drop (often more than ten degrees). And this is a colossal load, very severe stress for the body. First of all, the impact falls on the cardiovascular system. The vessels first react to a very sharp temperature change and begin to spasm. Under such conditions, a person may even lose consciousness or experience a heart attack due to a jump in blood pressure.

By the way, the widespread belief that this only affects core patients is erroneous. Of course, people with hypertension, tachycardia, angina pectoris, or those who have suffered severe heart disease should be extremely careful while relaxing on the beach. But absolutely everyone, even children, must follow safety rules. Because heart problems Lately develop already in adolescence.

Therefore, parents should closely monitor their children's behavior. Please note that it is especially dangerous to jump into the water after playing ball. The body at such moments becomes too warm not only under the influence of sunlight, but also against the background of physical activity.

Only the cardiovascular system can't stand such trials?

If you do not follow these rules, you may at least suffer from snags. The cause of the cramp is a circulatory disorder. In such situations, do not panic, call for help and try to straighten your leg strongly. On the shore, rub the affected area well.

In addition, there is a threat of “earning” yourself a cold. This is especially true for people with weakened immune systems. Also at risk are people with chronic diseases, those who often suffer from inflammatory processes (for example, lungs, kidneys, bladder, ovaries in women). Severe hypothermia may worsen your condition.

So how do you go into the water to prevent this from happening?

After the game, you need to sit in the shade for a while so that your heartbeat and blood pressure normalize. In any case, first I advise you to do a few easy exercises (although twisting your body), then slowly go into the water up to your knees and wipe your body with water (first your arms, shoulders, then your face, torso). And then you can go into the water, again, slowly. Only when the body has adapted can you swim.

It is also important to add that in the summer, health problems often occur due to hypothermia in the shower. During the heat you really want to take cold shower, but in no case should you do this without preparation. It is better to wash with warm (or at least slightly cool) water, and at the end to douse yourself (first your feet, and then your whole body) with cool water. According to the rules, the water temperature for this purpose can be reduced by a degree. Be healthy!

Children in hot weather often complain of feeling unwell, tired and lack of appetite. A few simple recommendations will allow you and your baby to easily endure hot weather. summer days. Find out how you can help your child in the heat.

When the degrees go off scale

The summer heat can be a real challenge for a baby. A child may feel unwell and be capricious in the heat.

Of course, the easiest option to cope with the heat would be However, we will immediately discard this option due to its unsafety for the baby’s health. We will tell you about other, simpler and more unpretentious ways to help your baby in the heat.

Cancel daytime festivities

If it's too hot outside, it's better to spend this time at home. On such days you should go out early in the morning or in the evening, when the sun is not so active.

Reader Questions

18 October 2013, 17:25 Please tell me what the following indicators mean general analysis blood in a man: the amount of hemoglobin - 170, the number of erythrocytes - 5.1 * 10 to the 12th power, the number of leukocytes - 7.4 * 10, the number of platelets - 306 * 10 to the 12th power, the number of reticulocytes - 27%. The analysis was taken on July 2 . In April we also took tests, but all indicators were normal. Thank you very much in advance.

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How to dress?

If you nevertheless decide to go outside, then your baby must have a hat that will protect his head from overheating. It was still not enough to get one, which could have catastrophic consequences for the baby! Clothes for walking should be made from natural fabrics that allow air and moisture to pass freely.

Avoiding dehydration

One of the biggest dangers in the heat is dehydration. And for a child this condition is even more dangerous than for an adult. If you have a baby, then make sure that, in addition to milk, he also drinks water.

Swimming in the heat

On a hot day, swimming will help relieve the condition. Place your baby in a basin or bathtub, or even give him a cool shower (just for a short time). If you add a little (1-2 drops) of eucalyptus essential oil to the bathing water, the baby’s skin will not sweat, since eucalyptus has a slight cooling effect on the skin. Because the essential oil does not dissolve in water, it is recommended to dissolve it in water first liquid soap and then add to water.

What to feed your baby in the heat?

As you know, the heat affects not only children, but also adults. Therefore, you should not force your child to eat the entire portion if he does not want to. It is better to avoid hot dishes (especially liquid ones), giving preference to vegetable and fruit salads, dairy products and cereals.

In the summer, many dog ​​owners take their pets with them when they go on a picnic in the forest or to the river. But when the thermometer shows more than thirty degrees Celsius, you should be especially careful when walking your four-legged friend, carefully making sure that the dog does not get heatstroke. After all, animals, unlike humans, are not protected by clothing from the direct rays of the sun, so it is harmful for them to be outside for a long time in intense heat. How to help your beloved pet survive the heat and is it possible to bathe it often?

How often can dogs be bathed?

Most dogs love water treatments and enjoy swimming, both in natural bodies of water and in the bathroom at home. But experienced owners of these animals believe that Frequent bathing only brings harm to the dog, especially if you use various shampoos and gels.

There is no need to bathe your dog with shampoo often.

Because due to frequent washing the protective natural layer of the skin is compromised, causing the coat to become brittle and dull , and the skin dries out and the dog may even develop.

It is advisable to arrange full water procedures for your pet using detergents no more than once a month. And of course, it is necessary to bathe the dog if it returns from a walk covered in street mud.

In other cases, it is enough to wash the dog’s paws and wipe it with a damp glove or a towel moistened with water to clean the dog’s fur from street dust.

It is very important to choose the right shampoo for a four-legged pet. It should not contain too many harmful chemical additives and flavors.

Bathing dogs in the heat: benefit or harm?

What about bathing dogs when it’s very hot outside? Will a cool shower help an animal cope better with the summer heat?

Of course, water can relieve a dog suffering from unbearable heat, if you follow one rule - everything is good, but in moderation. Arrange water treatments for the dog more than once a day is strictly forbidden. You can pour water over your pet from the shower, but you just need to remember that the water should be slightly warm, not ice-cold. After all, if you bathe a hot dog in cold water, then there is a risk that the animal , or he will start problems with the genitourinary system.

In hot weather, you can douse your dog lightly warm water from the shower.

Best in extreme heat do not bathe your pet completely, but several times a day wet its fur with a hand dipped in cool water.

If your dog can’t stand water procedures (this happens too), then under no circumstances should he you should not try to drag her into the bath by force, believing that in this way it will be easier for the dog to endure the heat. The animal already experiences severe inconvenience in hot weather, and forced bathing will only aggravate the situation and instead of relieve it.

Owners who live in country houses often water the dog with a hose. This cannot be done, since a sharp temperature change - hot weather and cold water will lead to the animal getting sick and then you will have to seek help from a veterinarian.

Bathing dogs in natural reservoirs

If the owner took his four-legged pet with him to a river or lake, then he can bathe him there, provided that the water has had time to warm up a little.

It is necessary to ensure that the dog does not suddenly rush into the water to prevent hypothermia. The best thing gradually introduce the animal into the pond so that the dog’s body can adapt to cool water. But you can also wet your pet’s head before diving and only then allow him to plunge.

If a dog is afraid to go into the river, you should not force it. The owner can set an example by being the first to enter the water, and the pet will most likely soon follow. It would also be useful turn water treatments for animals into fun game . If the dog knows the “fetch” command, then you can throw a stick into the water and the pet will immediately rush after it to bring the trophy to its beloved owner.

The dog will stop being afraid of water if you start playing with it.

Before allowing your dog to frolic in the water, the owner must remove the collar, leash and muzzle from her. If this is not done, the animal may get caught on a stone or snag and drown. To prevent your wet pet from falling out after swimming in the sand, you should put a leash on it when leaving the water and walk with it along the shore until its fur dries.

It is advisable to bathe dogs in the river in the morning or evening, when it is not so hot outside. And choose for water procedures only reservoirs with running water and those where cattle are not taken to water.

Bathing dogs at home

If the owner does not plan to go to the river, but the dog is exhausted from the heat and really wants to swim, then you can give him water treatments right in the home bath.

To do this, fill the bath with water so that it is at the level of the pet’s stomach and gently dip it into it. The water should be slightly warm, ideally at room temperature. Use your hand or watering can to pour the dog’s sides, back, chest and wet your head. It is necessary to remember that you should not allow liquid to get into your ears, so the muzzle is carefully wiped with a damp hand, but under no circumstances is water poured on it.

The water in the bath should be at room temperature.

You can do it even simpler: wash the dog in the shower. Adjust the water temperature so that it is slightly cool, place the pet in the bath and shower him while giving him a hand massage.

In hot weather, water procedures should not be long, Five to seven minutes is enough. It is also necessary to ensure that there are no drafts in the room in which the dog will be after water procedures.

When bathing your dog in the heat, it is not advisable to use shampoo or gel. After all, the purpose of water procedures is to alleviate the suffering of a four-legged pet in extreme heat, and not to cleanse from dirt.

After the bath, lightly blot the animal's fur with a towel and make sure that the dog does not lie down on a cold tiled floor or under a fan until it is completely dry.

After bathing, the dog should be dried with a towel.

If your dog loves to swim, then you shouldn’t deprive him of the pleasure of frolicking in the river or splashing around in the bathtub. Especially if it’s hot outside and your pet wants to cool down a little. Of course, you should bathe your dog only under supervision and carefully ensure that the dog does not get too cold or catch a cold.

Video about bathing dogs in the heat

Summer, summer... the long-awaited one. But this long-awaited summer brings with it unbearable heat. And although it lasts only 2-3 weeks, it seems that it will never go away. And if an adult is not very comfortable being in the heat, then even less so for a baby. How to help a baby in the heat? How to protect it from overheating?

How to cool a newborn in the heat. Helping a baby survive the heat at home - The very first steps of help:

1. Let's protect your home from annoying flies, mosquitoes and other insects. To do this, just hang a regular net on the windows.

2. Protecting the baby's room from direct, bright rays of the sun. To do this, you can simply close the windows with blinds or curtains. We close it in the first half of the day, when the sun's rays shine more brightly and they create heat.

3. Getting rid of dust. After all, with the windows open, she instantly finds herself in our apartments. A The best way fight dust - wet cleaning! Ideal option will carry out wet cleaning at least once a day.

4. We soften the stuffiness in the apartment. You can reduce the stuffiness a little by placing containers of water on top of the cabinets. In addition, you can spray it around the apartment with a spray bottle, you can spray the plants on the windowsills.

5. If you have air conditioning, don't miss out on this benefit. use it. But only when turned on
air conditioning, it is better to place the child in another room to avoid drafts. And after a while you can enter the now slightly cooled room with your baby and enjoy :).

Should you go for a walk with your baby in the heat? How to cool a baby in the heat outside?

1. Children in summer time It is recommended to spend as much time outdoors as possible throughout the year. But when the outside temperature rises above 30 degrees, it is worth slightly limiting your time outside. It is better to walk with your baby on hot days before 11.00 am and after 17.00 pm. At this time the sun's rays are not so hot, and
shine with less intensity than at lunchtime. If you cannot adapt to this mode of walking, then when going out around lunchtime, choose a place to walk in the shade; this could be parks or a small forest.
It is advisable to walk away from roads where cars drive so that the baby breathes less exhaust fumes.

2. Dress the baby. The most suitable clothing for infants is light overalls made from natural fabrics.
such as cotton and linen. Such materials are well ventilated, as a result, the baby’s skin breathes, and in addition to this, such clothing will not allow ultraviolet rays to pass through. And of course, don’t forget about the headdress. It saves well
overheating If the baby is not walking yet, then it is better for him not to wear shoes and socks; let him sit on your arms or in a stroller with bare legs. If the baby is already stomping, you can also arrange barefoot walks for him, but just make sure that there are no dangerous, sharp objects in the space where he is walking, in order to avoid cuts to the baby’s feet. Disposable diapers - it is better to avoid them for a while, they are very uncomfortable and hot.

What if your child doesn’t eat well in hot weather? Does the baby not eat in the heat?

1. On hot days, babies have a decreased appetite - this is normal.. Because for the baby’s proper metabolism
you need more liquid and less food. Kids who are on breastfeeding, you need to apply it to your breast more often. Yes, he himself probably often asks for the breast. This happens because in the heat they eat in small portions, and mother’s milk will help the baby, in addition to food, quench its thirst.
2. regular boiled water is also necessary for babies. Let him drink a little water.
3. If you are already feeding your baby, or are just starting to introduce new foods into your baby’s diet, introduce them in small portions and gradually. Especially if these products can cause allergies such as: strawberries, currants, cherries. During the hottest hours of the day, it is better to give the baby light foods (fruits, vegetable soups, jelly), and give heavier foods in the late afternoon (meat purees, cereals)

Bathing a child in the heat. How many times should you bathe your baby in the heat?

1. On hot, stuffy days, water helps a lot. Bathe your baby more often. You can even do it 4-5 times a day.
If you bathe frequently, you do not need to use soap and shampoo. Just use water. If you notice that the baby is very flushed and sweating, do not wait for the prescribed hours for bathing, fill up with water and buy some. The bathing procedure can take only 5 minutes, and the baby will already feel more comfortable.

2. If you don’t have enough time and energy for swimming, you can arrange wet rubdowns. Take a soft terry towel, dip it in water at room temperature, wring it out and wipe parts of the child’s body one by one.
Rub one handle first, and after it dries, rub the other. Then rub your legs in the same way,
baby's back and tummy.

3. If you decide to go on vacation with your baby to the sea, keep in mind that newborns and infants get used to the new climate in at least a week. Therefore, when going on vacation, it is better to make it longer. (1 month). AND It is not worth bathing a child in the first year of life in open water (in a river, lake or sea). At this age, a baby can easily catch some kind of infection.

P.S. If you want to receive more detailed recommendations on providing assistance with heat and sunstroke, subscribe by filling out the form below and you will receive it directly to your e-mail.

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