What can replace liquid soap? How to make liquid soap from soap remnants with your own hands: a simple method. How is homemade soap better than store-bought soap?

Nowadays, many people are thinking about making their own soap. It is known that in the manufacture of all household chemicals The manufacturer uses a lot of harmful substances, which sometimes only cause harm instead of benefit. People who care about their health try to make liquid soap with your own hands, since a homemade remedy will have a large number of beneficial properties and will be very effective, in addition, it is easier to add useful components, such as oils, vitamins and many other necessary ingredients, to a liquid substance.


Few people know that you can make your own soap from scratch at home. In this way, a person can protect himself from harmful chemical additives included in factory products. The great advantage of liquid soap is that it is one of the most hygienic means for cleansing the skin, since such products are poured into containers with a special dispenser, thus the liquid will in no way come into contact with the dirty hands of the person who is going to wash them, which This is not typical for classic solid soap and is its big drawback.

Also, due to its consistency, liquid soap can be easily diluted with useful components, for example, glycerin, oils, herbal tinctures and much more. It is also important to note that liquid soap can be not only classic for cleansing hands, but also cosmetic, household or children's. A huge advantage of liquid soap is that it is very convenient to store and take with you on a trip. Antibacterial liquid soap is an indispensable assistant for any traveler. Not a single person who cares about personal hygiene can do without it.

It's no secret that liquid soap is much more loyal and gentle than its solid counterpart. It's in to a lesser extent dries the skin of your hands and leaves only pleasant sensations on it after use. It has a positive effect on the ph balance of the skin. This value for liquid soap is no more than seven units, while the skin pH is five units, and the balance of solid soap is more than 10. That is why the liquid does not disturb the skin balance and does not dry out the skin.. But despite all this, the substance is capable of creating protective layer very small thickness on the skin, which is absolutely imperceptible, but necessary.

In addition, liquid detergent contains less alkali than solid detergent, so all the necessary beneficial features, which are contained in other additives, such as oil, esters, extracts, acids are not lost in it and it retains their benefits much longer.

Experts have also calculated that any liquid soap is more economical than its solid counterpart, since people often simply do not know what to do with the remnants left over from solid hand wash and simply throw them away. While liquid soap is consumed to the last drop, the dispenser on its packaging allows you to control its supply in the required quantities.

Experts point out that all such purchased products contain a large amount of dyes, so it is better to prepare them at home. They also do not recommend adding artificial preparations to it - fragrances and dyes. But in this way you will not be able to get such a bright aroma and color of a homemade product as a purchased analogue, but homemade will be much more useful.

If you want to protect your skin from the harmful effects of store-bought products, try making your own much less aggressive liquid soap with your own hands. It can also be prepared for children; it should have a more foamy structure and a soft composition so that it does not dry out delicate skin the baby and did not sting the eyes when it got into them. This is why it is important to prepare natural soap for children at home to protect them from exposure to harmful chemicals.


Any liquid soap has a standard recipe. Not a single such remedy can do without including in its composition alkalis, because it is this substance that can cleanse the skin. Many people use it as alkali potassium substances, that is, KOH. The second option is sodium hydroxide. This soap is able to remove sebum, which absorbs everything harmful substances and dirt. It is also important to consider that alkali must make up a certain percentage in this product; its excess can be harmful, since soap will dry out the skin and destroy its upper layers and cells.

Also, the formulation of natural liquid soap may include various oils, as well as natural wax, algae, herbal extracts and tinctures, vegetable and fruit juice, essential oils, which are natural antioxidants and have a positive effect on the skin, and many other products. All of them are capable of providing a protective and restorative effect on the skin.

When preparing liquid soap glycerin based you can increase the level of moisture in the skin, so experts recommend using soap products based on it for those who have very sensitive and delicate skin. But it is also important not to exceed its norm, since an excess of glycerin can lead to dehydration of the dermis. Also, some soap makers suggest adding it to natural liquid soap. petrolatum. They indicate that this product can help cope with dry skin and prevent flaking.

Very useful in liquid cleanser and cleanser natural honey, because it perfectly cares for the skin and makes it velvety and pleasant to the touch. It helps restore the skin. If you want to make a liquid soap to wash your face, try including eucalyptus oil as it has anti-inflammatory effects and can help treat blemishes and irritation.

To make the texture of the liquid product more delicate, you can prepare it with milk, since milk soap will very gently care for the skin, enveloping and cleansing it, in addition, it goes well with honey.

For those who have very sensitive skin, it is better to prepare homemade liquid soap with chamomile extract, since this product has a calming effect and helps restore the protective functions of the skin.

A universal additive in any liquid soap will be citrus oil, that is orange, grapefruit, lemon oil. These products are natural antioxidants, they can rejuvenate the skin, smooth it and refresh it. They accelerate the recovery processes in the skin and perfectly nourish it.

Very useful liquid soap made from stearic acid, which not only makes it thicker, but is also responsible for the formation of a thin film on the skin, which has a protective effect. Stearic acid copes well with irritation and flaking; it also perfectly protects the skin from exposure external factors such as sun rays, high humidity, and also cold. In addition, this acid has a positive effect on the skin’s production of collagen, therefore slowing down the aging process.

How to make it yourself

You can make your own liquid soap different ways. For example, from ordinary lumps or from soap remnants. This option preparation is more economical, since a homemade remedy from leftovers and pieces will entail a minimum of costs. Small pieces can be broken with your hands, but larger pieces of soap must be grated using a regular grater.

If you don't have any leftover soap, you can prepare a liquid solution from a whole solid piece. Many people wonder how to make soap themselves. A large number of recipes for homemade soap from a ready-made soap base will come to the rescue. It can be purchased at a specialized store; it will be the base to which you need to add all the necessary ingredients to get a handmade washing gel.


Potassium soap so called because it is made from potassium hydroxide. It can also be made with one of the vegetable oils, which will form its base, for example, olive oil. You can also add citrus oils to it, which have a very pleasant aroma. Be sure to add alkali and water. In this case, water should make up about 30% of the total volume of the product. An important component is superfat - it should be 5%.

To prepare this product, you need to beat it with a blender. After this you will receive soap in the form of a clot. In order for it to become liquid, you need to dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:2.


You can also cook very healthy castile soap. It will contain approximately 700 g of olive oil, 100 g of coconut oil, a chamomile decoction of approximately 300 ml, as well as 100 g palm oil. You will also need sodium lye, approximately 120 g. This soap is prepared in a cold way, that is, all the ingredients are mixed without heating. This product is very soft and gentle, it has a wonderful effect on the skin and maintains its balance.

For dishes

Many housewives strive to make dishwashing liquid at home, since everyone knows that store-bought analogues contain a huge amount of harmful chemical additives that are so harmful to the delicate skin of women’s hands. To prepare a liquid home remedy, you need to take a standard bar of laundry soap, six tablespoons of glycerin, about a liter hot water, a couple of tablespoons of vodka, as well as a few drops of your favorite flavoring so that the product has a pleasant smell.

To prepare this liquid soap you need rub classic laundry soap on the finest grater, and then add it to 1/2 liter of hot water and leave until dissolved. This mixture must be stirred, then you can add the remaining half of the hot water. After all the pieces of laundry soap have completely dissolved, add this mixture glycerin and vodka are added, also don't forget to add some fragrance or essential oils with a distinct scent, such as sweet orange oil.

All this must be thoroughly mixed and left to cool. Once cooled, the mixture will thicken and have a semi-liquid consistency. After this, it can be poured into a convenient bottle with a special dispenser. This soap foams perfectly and is therefore excellent for washing dishes; in addition, it does not have a harmful effect on the skin of your hands and does not disturb its water balance. This soap is absolutely harmless, it can be used constantly, in addition, it perfectly removes excess fat and scale from dishes and cleans them perfectly.

Liquid soap made at home compares favorably with the store-bought product. The product prepared with your own hands is safe, contains only natural ingredients and is cheaper than industrial analogues. Making homemade liquid soap is an interesting creative process that allows you to get results to suit every taste.


Orange soap has a wonderful aroma and gently cares for the skin.

  • water - 1 liter;
  • baby soap - 50 grams;
  • honey - dessert spoon;
  • glycerin - 15 ml;
  • orange ether - 10 drops;
  • dried orange peels.

Pour 500 ml of water over the orange peels and cook for 10 minutes after boiling. Leave the broth to steep for 20 minutes, and then pour it into the pan where the soap will be boiled.

Grind the baby soap into shavings and add to the orange infusion. Place the pan on the fire and heat, stirring constantly, until the chips dissolve. If foam forms on the surface of the broth, it must be removed. Once the mixture has become homogeneous, remove from heat.

Add glycerin, honey, essential oil. Pour in 500 ml cold water, mix everything thoroughly and pour the finished soap into bottles.

Bathhouse "Beldi"

Among the recipes for liquid bath soap that can be prepared at home, the most famous is Moroccan soap “Beldi”. It is famous for its peeling and nourishing properties, has a soft oily consistency and black color. To prepare you will need:

  • baby soap - 75 grams;
  • olive oil - 40 ml;
  • eucalyptus essential oil - 25 ml;
  • horsetail - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • eucalyptus leaves - 50 grams;
  • boiled water - 120 ml.

Pour boiling water over horsetail and leave covered for half an hour. Finely grate baby soap and melt in a water bath. Grind eucalyptus leaves into powder. Pour half of the horsetail decoction into the soap shavings, continuing to melt. When a homogeneous consistency is obtained, add olive oil, mix thoroughly and pour in the remaining horsetail decoction.

Ground eucalyptus leaves should be rubbed into the soap with a tablespoon. After this, heat the mixture for a couple more minutes in a water bath, add essential oil and quickly pour the soap into a separate container. The finished composition should be kept for a week in a cool, dark place, covering the container with cling film.

Bath soap "Beldi" is applied to steamed skin, allowed to absorb, rubbed with a soft washcloth and washed off with warm water.

For dish washing

Homemade dishwashing detergent is environmentally friendly and safe.

  • water - from 250 ml;
  • baking soda - 125 grams;
  • mustard powder - 50 grams;
  • ground coffee - 50 grams;
  • vinegar - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • borax in glycerin - 15 ml.

Mix grated laundry soap, vinegar and borax in glycerin. Pour hot water over the mixture and leave to dissolve for 4 hours. If you don’t want to wait, you can beat with a blender until smooth.

Add soda and mix well. Consistently add mustard and coffee to the liquid and blend again with a blender. If necessary, dilute with water to the desired consistency of liquid soap.

The bottle containing this product should be shaken before use. It perfectly washes dishes of any greasy content, and can also be used to clean glass.

For washing

For household purposes, you can make liquid laundry soap at home.

  • laundry soap - 100 grams;
  • soda ash - 100 grams;
  • water - 2 liters.

Grind the soap on a grater and fill it with 1/3 of the water. Melt over low heat until smooth. Add the remaining water, stir thoroughly. Add soda ash and stir until completely dissolved. The liquid should thicken slightly.

After a couple of minutes, remove the resulting gel from the heat, cover with a lid or film and leave for a day. Afterwards you can pour it into convenient containers.

From caustic soda

  • caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) - 25 grams;
  • distilled water - 1 liter;
  • olive oil - 125 ml;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • plastic bottle;
  • gloves, mask and safety glasses.

Pour water into plastic bottle and add caustic soda little by little.

Sodium hydroxide is caustic, so wear protective equipment when working with it.

Add the oil and salt, and shake the bottle vigorously until the ingredients are combined. Infuse in a cool, dark place, making sure to stir twice a day. After 15 days, the soap will be ready for use.

From lye

To prepare liquid soap from potassium hydroxide (lye) at home, you need to combine the following substances in the correct proportions:

  • potassium hydroxide - 310 grams;
  • distilled water - 930 grams;
  • coconut oil - 680 grams;
  • olive and castor oil - 280 grams each;
  • jojoba oil - 85 grams.

You will also need:

  • slow cooker;
  • measuring container;
  • kitchen scales;
  • immersion blender;
  • gloves and safety glasses.

Work should be done in a well-ventilated area.

First you need to weigh all the ingredients, measuring them exactly in the indicated quantities. Combine oils in slow cooker and place over low heat. Using protective equipment, prepare a lye solution: gradually add potassium hydroxide to distilled water. You should not do the opposite, that is, pour water into the lye, as this will cause an undesirable reaction.

Slowly pour the potassium hydroxide solution into the oils and mix with an immersion blender until thickened. The mixture should simmer over low heat for about 6 hours and should be stirred every half hour. The criterion for readiness is to obtain a clear liquid when 30 grams of paste are dissolved in 60 ml of boiling water. If the sample turns out cloudy, the mixture is not ready yet.

To the resulting 500 grams of paste, add 935 ml of distilled water and wait several hours until completely dissolved. Finally, you can add any essential oil and natural dye, mix, and pour the finished soap into storage containers.

Milk and honey

Homemade soap for washing with milk and honey gently cleanses and moisturizes delicate facial skin.

  • soap base (Castile or other natural liquid soap) - 30 ml;
  • milk powder - 7 grams;
  • honey - 10 grams;
  • macadamia and castor oil - 5 ml each;
  • ylang-ylang and orange esters - 2-3 drops each;
  • water.

Dissolve milk powder in a tablespoon of warm boiled water. Add honey, oils, half the soap base and mix well. Pour the mixture into a sterile bottle, add the remaining soap base. Shake thoroughly. Store Milk and Honey soap in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.


Liquid soap can not only be boiled, but also prepared in a cold way, exclusively using a blender.

  • hard soap - 65 grams;
  • distilled water - 330 ml;
  • almond oil - 30 ml;
  • any essential oil - 20 drops.

Grind the solid soap, mix with the rest of the ingredients and beat with a blender. The soap is ready.


The most economical way to make liquid soap at home is from leftover soap that you would hate to throw away.

  • remaining pieces of soap - 1 cup;
  • glycerin - 15 ml;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • vanillin.

Pour the soap into a saucepan, add a liter of hot water and leave for a day. It is better to pre-grind large pieces of soap. After a day, heat the pan and ensure that the remnants are completely dissolved.

During the process, pour in the remaining water in which vanillin is diluted. Bring the mixture until smooth, cool, add glycerin and mix thoroughly. Pour the soap into bottles.


At home, the easiest way to make liquid soap is from solid baby soap. For this you will need:

  • baby soap without additives - 1 piece;
  • glycerin - 1 tablespoon;
  • boiling water - 4 cups;
  • essential oil of your choice - a few drops.

Grate a piece of baby soap into a pan and pour boiling water over it. Cook over low heat until dissolved, stirring continuously. Cool the resulting homogeneous mixture and add glycerin. If desired, scent the soap with a few drops essential oil. Pour the finished mixture into bottles with a dispenser.

Today, supermarkets have a very large selection of soap products for every color and taste, but despite this, soap making is becoming increasingly popular and therefore we present to you a master class on how to make liquid soap with your own hands, which even beginners can handle.

NECESSARY INGREDIENTS To make liquid soap at home, we will need the following ingredients:

1 cup soap shavings;

10 cups of water;

1 tablespoon glycerin;

Essential oils (optional);

Dye (optional).


Large enamel saucepan;


Spoon for stirring;

Soap bottle with pump;


Attention to the video:


So, to make liquid soap at home, you first need to grate any selected soap. If you prefer to cook from old remnants, be sure to read the instructions for making soap from remnants. It is advisable to use soap without a strong smell, for example, baby soap. The properties of the final product depend on the soap you choose. The higher its quality, the better the liquid soap will be. Therefore, it is better not to use laundry soap.

You need to grate it on a coarse grater, and when you're done, the soap shavings will look like grated cheese.

One bar of soap yields about 1.5 cups of shavings. According to the recipe, we only need one cup, so the excess can be hidden until the next brew.

Mix 1 cup of chips and 10 cups of water in a saucepan. Then put it on medium heat and stir all the time. When the soap has completely dissolved, the cooking process is complete. This happens quickly, in 1-2 minutes. Now you can add dyes and desired oils to it. Remember that no matter what dye you add, the color will still remain matte.

You can make liquid soap with herbal extracts. To do this, brew the desired collection of herbs in a separate bowl, strain and pour into the soap final stage.

After complete cooling, add 1 tbsp. glycerin. This will give the soap a moisturizing effect. Then pour the finished liquid soap into the bottle through a funnel.

If you use this recipe, you end up with a lot of soap, enough for several uses.

Now you know how to make liquid soap with your own hands at home. If you love the massage effect, read our article about adding a loofah. We hope our master class for beginners has made the soap making process easier. And most importantly, now you can show off your soap and proudly say: “I made it myself!”

In this case, any bar soap will do, for example, a piece of baby soap. Depending on what soap you choose and with what properties, you will get such soap in liquid form. If you take an antibacterial soap, then you will get a good cleansing soap; if you take a moisturizing facial soap, then you can wash your face with your liquid soap. It is also important to remember that any soap has a smell and color, so choose bars that have the least amount of flavorings and dyes, then you can recolor and flavor the liquid soap to your taste.

Basic recipe for liquid soap

Based on this recipe, you can make any liquid soap, supplementing it with other components and giving it the necessary properties.


  • bar of baby soap (or any other) approximately 100 g. weight;
  • about 2 liters of water (you can use a decoction of herbs);
  • 1 tablespoon glycerin;

Preparation of liquid soap:

  1. The bar of soap must be grated on the finest grater.
  2. Heat the broth in a saucepan and add soap shavings little by little, stir well until the soap becomes homogeneous. When the soap shavings dissolve, turn off the heat and leave the soap to cool. Remove excess foam. Add glycerin and other caring ingredients to the cooled mass. You can also add dyes and flavors. After a couple of hours, the soap mass will become thicker.
  3. The liquid soap is ready, pour it into bottles and enjoy the result.

Liquid soap made from soap

Economy option. The preparation scheme is approximately the same. If the remnants are large, then they need to be grated, if they are small, then they can be broken. It is advisable to maintain the proportion of water and soap shavings. Then everything is exactly the same as in the previous recipe.

Lazy recipe for making liquid soap from solid soap

In order not to cook and waste time, you can use lazy recipe liquid soap.


  • half a bar of soap (or any other) approximately 50 gr. weight;
  • about a liter of water (you can use a decoction of herbs);
  • 1 tablespoon glycerin;
  • flavorings and colorings as desired;
  • caring components (base oils, vitamins, etc.).


  1. If you want to make soap with herbal infusion, then brew the herb you like according to the recommendations that are often written on the packaging, then strain well.
  2. Half a bar of soap should be grated on the finest grater.
  3. Add soap shavings to the water/decoction and stir well. Leave it for a day. The soap should completely dissolve and become a thick, homogeneous mass.
  4. Add glycerin, caring ingredients, dyes and fragrances to liquid soap.
  5. Pour your soap into jars and use with pleasure.

How to make liquid soap: 4 interesting options

Making liquid soap is not difficult, so even a beginner can handle this task. Today on the shelves of cosmetics stores and pharmacies you can find a wide variety of cosmetics that are intended for different types skin and have their own characteristics and characteristics. However, such a large selection does not at all indicate the high quality of cosmetics. Many people prefer to make their own soap. This allows you to choose only high-quality natural ingredients, and also take into account your skin type. “How to make liquid soap?” – The answer to this question can be found in this article. It is important to follow the advice of professional soap makers.

What is liquid soap made from?

At times, use solid soap leads to dissatisfaction and irritation. Very often, such soap becomes limp in the soap dish, falls apart into pieces and over time has an unpleasant consistency. Liquid soap has become quite popular, as it is convenient to use by pouring it into a jar with a dispenser.

You can prepare liquid soap yourself. The easiest way is to use baby soap.

Soap can be given any properties by adding essential oils and various useful fillers to its composition. Soap can be moisturizing, softening, bactericidal or nourishing. It is important not to overdo it with the number of components. For example, you should mix fragrances and essential oils carefully, as some combinations can spoil the aromatic properties of the soap.

To prepare liquid soap, you can use both old soap and baby soap.

How to make liquid soap:

  • Make a herbal decoction of chamomile, mint or lemon balm. It will give the soap skin-soothing properties. The decoction should be prepared exclusively in a water bath - only then will the herbs impart their beneficial properties.
  • The finished broth is diluted with boiled water. The result should be 8 glasses of solution.
  • Grate baby soap (preferably unscented) on a fine grater. It is important to remember that the thinner and smaller the sawdust, the more uniform the composition will be. A glass of soap shavings is enough.
  • Soap shavings are added to the herbal decoction and put on fire. It should be slow. While the soap is melting, it should be thoroughly mixed. The composition may seem liquid, but after adding other components, it will thicken within a few hours.
  • Add a large spoonful of glycerin to the cooled mixture and mix well.
  • Essential oil is added to liquid soap. Before doing this, you should test for an allergic reaction.

Dyes can be added to the soap if desired. They can be food or natural. Milk, coffee, herbal infusions, and juices can be used as dyes.

How to make liquid soap at home

To make liquid soap, you can use soap base, a bar of baby soap and a pile of old soap. This preparation will not take much time and will be very economical. In addition, it can be given specific properties that will have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

In pharmacies and cosmetics stores you can often find liquid soap for personal hygiene. You can make this soap yourself at home.

You can make liquid soap, which is brewed at home, fragrant using special aromatic oils

In order for the soap to care for the skin, you can use olive oil and distilled water to prepare it. Liquid soap is stored in a container with a dispenser. Today on the market there are a large number of simple bottles with a dispenser and creative, original bottles.

Soap making process:

  • Grate soap or soap on a fine grater. Fill with hot water.
  • For every part of grated soap there are three parts of water or herbal decoction.
  • The chips and water should be kept on low heat, stirring constantly.
  • After turning off the heat, add a large spoon of olive oil to the soap.
  • After the mixture has cooled, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil to it.

This soap will perfectly moisturize the skin and protect it from the effects of cold water and wind. This is an economical option that allows you to get more liquid from one bar of soap. So that the soap has beautiful colour, you can add natural or artificial colors to its composition.

Making liquid soap for washing dishes

Today, manufacturers offer a large number of dishwashing detergents. But most of them contain dangerous chemicals that, if not washed thoroughly with water, can be harmful to health. To be sure of the quality of the dishwashing liquid, you need to prepare the composition yourself.

Dishwashing soap does not contain harmful components and perfectly fights stains even when using low-temperature water.

Before you start making soap, you should prepare everything in advance necessary materials and ingredients for work

To make soap you need to purchase borax, baking soda, baby soap, clean water, distilled vinegar. You need to prepare the mixture in the kitchen. Use special dishes for cooking.

Cooking process:

  • Pour clean water into a 250 ml glass.
  • Add two large spoons of vinegar to the water.
  • Heat the water with vinegar over low heat and wait until it boils.
  • Pour a glass of borax and a glass of baking soda into the liquid.
  • Mix everything.
  • Add half a glass of crushed baby soap.

The composition is thoroughly mixed until it becomes homogeneous. After cooling, add a few drops of lemon oil to it. Store the product in a glass jar covered with a lid.

Making liquid soap from soap remnants

Very often people don’t like to throw away remnants, but they don’t know what to do with them. Helpful advice– prepare liquid soap, which will allow you to make soap by adding additional useful components to it. Soap made independently will definitely be environmentally friendly and harmless.

Those who tried self-production soap, no longer use store-bought soap and do not spend money on buying it.

In order to make your own liquid soap, it is best to use soap remnants that are similar in smell and color.

If you have a blender at home, cooking will be very quick and easy. In order to prepare healthy soap, you need to collect soap sawdust, prepare glycerin, honey, and essential oil. To make soap, it is better to use purified soft water.

Cooking process:

  • Rub the soap remnants (200 g). They should be as small as possible.
  • Pour a glass of boiling water over the soap.
  • The composition must be whipped using a hand blender.
  • Enrich the composition with a spoonful of glycerin, a few drops of essential oil and a spoonful of honey (if you are not allergic to it).
  • After a quarter of an hour, beat the mixture again.

It is good to store this composition in a special container with a dispenser. Instead of honey, you can add a variety of ingredients to soap. This can be various herbal decoctions, milk, vegetable oils, cocoa, fruit juices. It is important to consider the needs and condition of the skin. Soap can be made nourishing, moisturizing, cleansing, disinfecting, and soothing. When preparing, it is important to be careful and follow safety precautions. If a child drinks soap, he should be given plenty of water and contact a pediatrician.

Instructions: how to make liquid soap (video)

Liquid soap is very pleasant to use. Unlike solid soap, it does not get wet, does not fall into pieces, and does not leave soap behind. But you can cook it using baby soap and soap remnants as a base. Making your own soap is very easy. It is important to correctly calculate the proportions and select fillers that will improve the properties of the soap. This soap is much more economical than buying solid soap. And making it yourself leaves no doubt about the quality and safety of the soap for health.

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