Business idea - Household chemicals store. Business plan for a household chemicals and cosmetics store. How to calculate the profitability of a household chemicals store

To open a store household chemicals from scratch and achieve high profitability, you need to analyze the market and competitors, draw up a product range, and choose the right premises. It will take a lot of time to register an enterprise and obtain permits. In many ways, the efficiency and level of profit will depend on the ability to find wholesalers who supply products at reduced prices. Proper display of goods, advertising campaigns - all this affects the amount of income received. Therefore, it is necessary to understand all this in detail.

The relevance of opening a household chemicals store

Many aspiring entrepreneurs want to open a household chemicals store in small town. This is not surprising, because such products belong to everyday goods. Any person every month makes purchases in such stores with different frequency.

As a result, only one family spends from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles a month. Someone spends much more, preferring branded goods.

Modern citizens are used to doing their own shopping, so it's better to spend a little more money, but to provide customers with the opportunity to choose products themselves and pay for them at the checkout. The presence of a sales assistant will be an additional plus.

Advantages of working in the field of household chemicals

A novice entrepreneur, before starting his own business, must figure out whether the direction he has chosen is profitable or not. To do this, it is necessary to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of the idea.

Selling household chemicals is an idea that can bring a good income. The prerequisites for this are the following advantages:

  • high demand for products, and for the most part it does not depend on the economic situation in the country and in a particular family;
  • ease of starting a business - there is no need to license your activities or have any specific education;
  • long shelf life of products allows you not to constantly monitor demand - this can be done once a month or less, the main thing is to make sure that the most hot commodity was always available.

Household chemicals store in terms of demand among the population can only be compared with grocery stores. They go shopping very often. Therefore, there is no doubt about the profitability of such an outlet. At the same time, it is much easier to store household chemicals than products.

Of the minuses can be noted high level competition - it will not be easy to win your place in the market. In many ways, the level of income will depend on the correct choice of location, marketing strategy. To attract your customer, you can offer a system of discounts or loyalty programs, exclusive products.

Opening a household chemicals store from scratch will require registering your business. It should be noted right away that this type of activity does not fall under the law on licensing. This means that you do not have to obtain the corresponding document. But it will not be possible to completely avoid paperwork. You will have to get the following documents:

  1. permission from SES;
  2. permission from the fire department;
  3. official lease agreement for the premises (if it is owned, then an appropriate certificate will be required);
  4. quality conformity certificates for the supplied products (you need to request them from your wholesale suppliers);
  5. an agreement for the removal of garbage and solid waste, the disposal of fluorescent lamps, if any.

Will not do without the official registration of their activities. The organizational form here can be any. But in a small town it is more appropriate to use IP, especially if a novice businessman opens a store. When registering, the application will need to indicate the OKVED code 47.75 - "Retail trade in cosmetic and personal hygiene products in specialized stores."

The choice of tax system is an equally important step. The level of profit and tax deductions will depend on it.

If the store area is less than 150 m 2, then it will be possible to choose UTII. Otherwise, it is worth stopping at the simplified tax system "income minus expenses." It is this simplification that should be chosen, because the size of the margin in this area is not too large, and there are still other expenses.

Sometimes even experienced entrepreneurs do not know where to start opening a household chemicals store. One of the most important points is choosing the right location to trade. The store must be located in a crowded or residential area. The latter option is acceptable if there are a large number of residents nearby and there are no competitors. The most successful location methods are the following:

  • on the first floors of residential buildings in houses and areas with a large number of residents;
  • on the first floors of large shopping centers.

Entrepreneurs are often afraid to open outlets for household chemicals near supermarkets. They explain this by the fact that such establishments already have the appropriate product. But in fact, it turns out that visitors to the supermarket actively buy household chemicals in nearby stores. Such demand is explained by a much larger assortment and a better price.

If you plan to open a small shop, then a room with an area of ​​​​100 m 2 will be enough. On them it will be possible to place the trading floor itself with racks, a warehouse and a room for staff and their belongings.

Purchase of equipment

As such, expensive equipment for a household chemicals store is not required. It will be enough to buy the following:

  • racks and shelves;
  • showcases;
  • KKM (1 - 2 pieces will be enough);
  • storage chambers;
  • carts and baskets.

If you plan to open a self-service store, then you should additionally think about installing CCTV cameras and a panic button. This will protect against theft and illegal intrusions into the premises.

Assortment definition

The level of income and profit will depend on two components - the breadth of the range and the price of the goods. Do not overestimate the cost, as the level of competition in this niche is high. It is better to focus on the average market prices. The list of products sold should include the following categories of goods:

  • hair care products (including shampoos, masks, conditioners);
  • shower gels and soaps (liquid and lump);
  • oral care products (toothbrushes and pastes, mouth fresheners);
  • baby products (diapers, creams, etc.);
  • napkins, toilet paper;
  • detergents and sponges, rags;
  • detergents (powders, bleaches, conditioners).

Additionally, the store can place goods from related categories - perfumes, stationery, underwear, hosiery and jewelry.

When deciding on the assortment, it is necessary to think not only about product categories, but also about their prices.

Price popular products it is better to do less than competitors, since buyers usually remember the prices for such products. But cheaper products can be sold at a higher price.

It is very important to find wholesale suppliers of goods. You can buy products at wholesale bases or from private traders. It is important that they provide quality certificates. They may be needed by buyers or regulatory authorities.

The margin for household chemicals ranges from 10 to 35% on average. At the same time, the number of items usually varies from 5,000 to 10,000 varieties of goods.

You can try to arrange the supply of goods directly from manufacturing plants. Then the size of the margin will be even more impressive, which means that the profit level of the store will also increase.

Advertising: the most effective methods of promotion

The attitude of potential buyers to the store, their interest in the newly appeared outlet will largely depend on the correctness of the marketing strategy. The more advertising there is, the more customers will appear, but here you also need to know when to stop. The greatest emphasis should be placed on the following promotion formats:

  1. distribution of leaflets near the store;
  2. posting posters nearby;
  3. placing ads on the Internet - on city forums, in local groups;
  4. TV advertising.

The last promotion option is more appropriate for large stores, so it is undesirable for small retail outlets to use it.

You can additionally attract customers by developing your own loyalty program. It may involve the accumulation of bonuses, the issuance of discount and accumulation cards, and promotions.

The chip of the store can be the sale of a separate line of goods. It may be a well-known brand, loved by the Russians. You can give it a separate stand or a stained-glass window and offer the most favorable prices.

Financial results

To open a small store, investments in the amount of 300,000 - 500,000 rubles will be required in a small town. For large cities start-up capital may be 2-3 times higher. The level of profit per month can reach 100,000 - 200,000 rubles and more. The profitability of such a business is about 15 - 20%. Payback on average can vary from 6 months to 2 years.

The correctness of the strategy and respect for the client are the keys to success, which can multiply the profit of the entrepreneur. And coupled with the high quality of service and the availability of loyalty programs, you can acquire regular customers in a few months.

Household chemicals are bought at any time of the year, during periods of financial crises and under other circumstances. People want to live clean, and they cannot do without washing powders, detergents and cleaning products. You can become an intermediary between manufacturers of household chemicals and buyers if you open a specialized store.

The demand for household chemicals does not depend on seasonal fluctuations and economic crises - even in the most difficult times, people want to live clean.

This laudable endeavor drives us to do the dishes, clean the house, do the laundry, and take a shower every day. Fortunately, manufacturers are helping consumers in the good cause of cleanliness, and there are many disinfectants, detergents, cleaners, laundry detergents, and disinfectants available.

For those wishing to become an intermediary between producers and consumers by opening a household chemicals store, we will tell you how to draw up a business plan for such an enterprise.

Trade in household chemicals is a good choice for start-up entrepreneurs

Some specific features of household chemicals make the trade in household chemicals quite profitable: Household chemicals are spent quickly enough, so stocks have to be updated every month.

These products, as a rule, have a long shelf life, and special conditions are not needed for their storage. The average cost of goods is low, so you can form a rich assortment and purchase fairly large quantities of funds. The format of trade can be very diverse - from a car shop to a market for the sale of household chemicals.

On early stages it will be difficult for you to compete with large stores and retail chains that are in almost all cities. But you can always find places that are not occupied by networkers. Do not try to fill your store with products of all trademarks present on the market. It may be worth concentrating on a few brands and presenting them as fully as possible.

Registration and organization of a trade enterprise

Your store format will depend on your further actions. If you are going to organize a small outlet, it is enough to register an individual business. But, when planning the future development of a chain of stores, open a Limited Liability Company.

In a small store, trading from behind the counter is quite appropriate. If the room is spacious, organize self-service or trade, in which some of the goods will be freely available, and some will be on display. In this case, trade licensing is not required.

Shop premises

The area of ​​the store must be at least 100 square meters. m. The room needs a quality repair. The cost of rent in a shopping center can range from 5 to 20 dollars per 1 sq. m.

The right choice of premises can be one of the main factors of your success. In the sleeping areas, supermarkets and department stores with a large selection of goods have long “reigned”, so you hardly need to try to get settled in such a place. In the central part of the city, as a rule, there are not enough stores with household chemicals. Try to find a room near the grocery store or on its territory - it is convenient for customers to buy household chemicals along with food.


It is desirable that in the store you can buy, in addition to household chemicals, personal hygiene products, cosmetics and perfumes.

Here is a sample list of the most requested items:

  • cleaners and detergents;
  • hair, face and body care products;
  • shaving products;
  • shoe care products;
  • decorative cosmetics and perfumery;
  • washing powder.

If you are not going to organize a highly specialized store selling elite products, pay attention to the goods of the middle price segment - these are the products that are in constant demand. To attract buyers to the store, reduce the trade margin at the initial stages.

The number of product positions must be within the range of 5 to 15 thousand. You must be attractive to buyers with different levels of income.


You will need counters, display cases and shelving. It is desirable that you have at your disposal several cash registers located behind the counter. Shelving can be placed along the walls and in the middle trading floor. Customers should be able to move freely in the store, so keep in mind that the distance between the racks should be sufficient.

If you open a self-service store, don't forget about the cells where you can leave your things and shopping baskets. By purchasing used commercial equipment, you can save a lot. But be guided by a sense of proportion and buy equipment in good condition. Its image and your profit depend on the design of the store. If you can’t find used equipment in excellent condition, don’t be stingy and buy a new one – the investment will definitely pay off.

Purchase of household chemicals

In the best case, you will be able to establish direct cooperation with manufacturers who will provide extensive information support, provide hygienic conclusions and quality certificates, and help arrange retail space. It should be clarified that with such a beneficial cooperation there is one drawback - you will not be able to sell goods from other manufacturers in your store.

An alternative, and also a very advantageous option, is to work with wholesale depots. You will have to deal with the design of the outlet yourself, but the assortment of goods in the store will be much richer. The markup level should not exceed 15%. required condition to generate real income.


The business plan should include a clause on the selection of employees. Your store must have:

  • managing director;
  • accountant;
  • sellers - 5-8 people;
  • cleaners.

This is quite enough for a small store, but try to pick up workers with experience in similar positions.


There is no need to convince anyone of the effectiveness of advertising. The choice of form of advertising depends on your financial opportunities, but you should not completely exclude this method of attracting buyers. All means are good - from leaflets handed out on the streets to advertising in the media, on local TV channels and radio stations. Efficient comparatively new way promotion of goods and services - advertising on the Internet. Advertising costs must be taken into account in the business plan of the store.

Customers can be attracted to the store with the help of promotions and loyalty programs. Do not forget to please regular customers with gifts, create a system of discounts - you will make a profit not due to high prices, but as a result of an increase in the average check amount.

Basic expenses

Summing up, we will determine the costs for starting a business:

  • rent for the year - from 200,000 rubles;
  • equipment - from 400,000 rubles;
  • advertising campaign - from 50,000 rubles;
  • purchase of goods, per year - from 1,000,000 rubles;
  • salary, per year - from 400,000 rubles.

Starting capital is about 2-2.5 million rubles.

Projected Profit

With the right choice of the location of the store and the competent organization of trade, the monthly profit can reach 5-6 thousand dollars. There are many examples confirming the prospects of opening a household chemicals store. Successful projects paid back within 6 months.

The opening of a household chemicals store in Russia can be safely attributed to promising solutions. The expected volume of the segment in 2016 is 202.7 billion rubles. Consumption of products is growing, and therefore the industry is not bad going through a crisis period. Characteristic features here are fierce competition, specialization of goods, as well as the hegemony of large manufacturers - transnational corporations. Even after the launch of the import substitution program, foreign companies remain key players. Domestic factories are completely dependent on foreign raw materials.

Manufacturer's name

A country

Most Popular Brands

Ariel, Fairy ,Tide, Mr.Proper, Dreft, Myth, Ace, Lenor, Comet


Prill, Pemolux, Pemos, Persil, Weasel, Somat, Clin, Losk, Vernel, Deni, Bref

Nefis Cosmetics

Bimax, Aos, " forest clearing”, Sorti, “Feather”, “Biolan”, Love, “Healing herbs”

Reckitt Benckiser


Cillit Bang, Calgon, Harpic, Vanish, Mortein, Finish, Woolite

"Neva cosmetics"

"Sarma", "Eared Nanny", "Lotus", "Regular", "Max", "Index", "Villus", "Mr. Chister"

England (British-Irish Corporation)

Glorix, Domestos, Cif

"BOS", "Stork", "Lazurite", "Drops", "Cashmere", "Yat"

The rating reflects the preferences of the domestic consumer, and therefore it should be taken into account in the formation of the assortment of the store. Market segmentation data will also help in compiling a product line. In 2016, household chemicals are understood as:

detergents for dishes;

· washing powders, gels and capsules;

cleaning agents;


At the same time, the first two categories account for the bulk of sales. In 2014, the purchase of liquid detergents reached 130 million liters. The growth in demand for products is due to a change in the way of life of Russians. Already about 11% of families have purchased dishwashers. With the spread of automatic machines, the frequency of washing clothes has increased to 2-3 times a week.

The business plan for a household chemicals store will need to take into account consumer behavior. For this purpose, you can use the materials of marketing research and social surveys. Thus, according to the report of the NTR monitoring center, the Russians have become more demanding in terms of product safety. Buyers prefer products that do not contain harmful phosphates, chlorine or sodium perborate. For example, bleaches based on hydrogen peroxide are of great interest.

Demand for generic goods has fallen. Specialized developments took the first place: powders for colored clothes, gels for delicate cleaning of materials, care products for ceramic surfaces, etc. The selection criteria were:

· price;

security for environment;

Minimal toxicity

presence in the composition of natural components;


It is interesting that washing powders packed in bags of 3-5 kg ​​became the sales leader. Once popular packs of 400 gr. have lost their relevance. Great importance for Russians, the brand also has.

Please note that only the powder produced under the BiMax brand can be called completely Russian products. The reason for this phenomenon is considered to be the low quality of domestic household chemicals. Many developments of transnational corporations have the best characteristics and are sold at an affordable price.

Experts agree on characteristic features modern consumer:

reads labels

· compares the promised and actual result;

well versed in the assortment.

A significant influence on the choice of the buyer has information about certification, successful testing, laboratory research. The population of the country prefers to use technological and modern products.

Rules for registering a business and opening a store

In most cases, trade in household chemicals is carried out on behalf of individual entrepreneur. In practice, there are also sellers operating in the form of an LLC. We discussed in detail the procedure for registering these types of businesses in previous articles. You can get up-to-date information and.

Table No. 2 Basic requirements for a household chemicals store

Evaluation criterion



Not less than 18 sq.m.

Restriction introduced by GOST R 51773-2009


Lighting, heating, staff toilet, ventilation

The list of requirements is the same for all non-food outlets


Detached or attached buildings, non-residential floors of apartment buildings

The store must have an isolated entrance, a platform for unloading goods, separate garbage containers

Fire safety

Evacuation plans, instructions for personnel on the rules of behavior in case of fire, fire extinguishing equipment

The owner of the outlet is obliged to organize training sessions for employees to follow the instructions once every 6 months, introduce a ban on smoking in the territory of warehouses, closed premises, in the entrance area of ​​​​the store (with the placement of appropriate signs), ensure regular checks of the state of fire fighting equipment, and also exclude obstruction of aisles, maintain fire-prevention distances

Sanitary and hygienic standards

Notification to the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor

The notification procedure and the form of the document were approved by government decree No. 584 dated July 16, 2009

Retail trade in household chemicals is carried out by taxpayers who, when registering OKVED, chose the following classifier positions:

Note! When registering with the state, an entrepreneur indicates at least 3 activity codes. No maximum limit has been set. We recommend that you include all possible positions in the application. The optimal number of OKVED will be 5 - 6.

The future entrepreneur will also have to choose a tax regime. Each of the existing systems has its own characteristics. Comparative characteristics we cited in the framework of one of the previous articles. Small retail outlets are suitable for UTII and USN.

Legal features of sales of household chemicals

Legal regulation of the direction of commercial activity is carried out by dozens of regulations. Apart from common documents, the future entrepreneur will have to study a number of industry guidelines and standards. In particular, we recommend paying attention to the following sources:

· rules of sale, approved by government decree No. 55 of 01/19/98 (section 10);

The decision of the Commission Customs Union No. 299 dated May 28, 2010 (requirements for consumer labeling);

· Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 390 dated April 25, 2012 (fire protection regime for trade facilities);

· Order of the Ministry of Trade of the RSFSR No. 117 dated 10.1191, taking into account the provisions of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (rates of losses during transportation).

Exactly these regulations determine the specifics of the work of a household chemicals store. The owner of the outlet is obliged to ensure compliance with the established requirements under the threat of sanctions.

1) Pre-sale preparation

All goods received at the warehouse must undergo a preliminary check. The responsible employee is obliged to assess the integrity of the packaging, the availability of information about the composition, properties, rules for use and storage. At the same time, store employees are studying accompanying documents, comparing data on quantity, articles and grade. Products are released from shipping containers, grouped according to their intended purpose and placed on display cases.

At the federal level, there are a number of strict requirements for product information. The following information must be on the packaging:

· Name;

information about the manufacturer;

a list of components;

Details of the technical certificate, if any;

rules for use and storage.

Neglect of the order threatens long litigation and sanctions from regulatory authorities. So, an entrepreneur from the Smolensk region had to defend his interests in an arbitration court. The owner of the store was brought to administrative responsibility for the sale of dishwashing detergent "Sorceress". There was no information on the composition on the packaging. It was possible to defend his innocence and achieve the abolition of punishment only in the cassation instance. At the same time, the violation of a procedural, rather than a material nature served as an argument (decree of the FAS Central Organ in case A62-4477 / 01 dated 03.02.03).

2) Order of sales

Retail trade in household chemicals is allowed in different formats. Acceptable options for organizing a business are:

stationary shop traditional type;

self-service halls;


· virtual platforms;

· trade from the car (depends on the region).

Household chemicals are categorized as goods that are not subject to exchange or return regulations. This means that customers will be able to refuse products after paying for them only if poor quality is confirmed. Let us also remind you that when buying, the visitor has the right to inspect the packaging, get acquainted with all the certificates and instructions. Checking funds in aerosol cans in the store is prohibited.

3) Documentation of the point of sale

When organizing sales, do not forget about the obligation to inform a potential buyer. The point of sale should have a so-called consumer corner. Standard set of documents located in open access, includes:

copies of registration certificates;

a printed version of the consumer protection law;

Book of suggestions and complaints;

a copy of the notice territorial bodies Rospotrebnadzor on the start of trading activities;

evacuation plan in case of fire;

· contact details of controlling services;

a list of persons served out of turn;

· the layout of the control scales, if the goods are released by weight;

Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55.

Note! The book of complaints must be stitched with clerical thread and sealed. All sheets in the document are numbered to avoid unauthorized deletion. negative feedback. The absence of individual documents at the information stand threatens the entrepreneur with an administrative fine.

Yes, in Novosibirsk region owner held liable retail store. The inspectors did not find a printed version of the rules for the sale of certain goods in the consumer's corner and imposed a punishment in accordance with Art. 14.15 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Considering the case No. F04-3817 / 2006 (23794-A45-19), the FAS ZSO confirmed the legitimacy of the sanctions.

In addition, employees of household chemicals stores are required to have documents for the goods. The standard package includes bills of lading, instructions for storage and use, invoices, certificates or declarations of conformity.

4) Organization of settlements with visitors

The procedure for registering operations for the sale of goods at retail depends on the selected mode. Until 2018, UTII payers are not required to use cash registers. It is enough for them to give customers a sales receipt indicating the name, quantity and cost of products. At the same time, the absence of documents confirming the purchase will not be an obstacle to filing claims.

If the USN is chosen as the tax system, you will have to register the cash register. Registration of the device is carried out free of charge at the request of the head of the store. The equipment must meet modern requirements, that is, have a device for transmitting fiscal data to the operator.

In addition to the cash register, you will have to open a current account. A direct indication of the conclusion of an agreement with a bank in the law is present only in relation to legal entities. In fact, an entrepreneur will also need a tool. Experts made this conclusion after analyzing the rules on paying for goods with cards. A special terminal must be installed at the point of sale. The device is issued only after opening a current account.

In conclusion, let's pay attention to the need for a detailed study of the scheme of relationships with suppliers. Despite the fact that the Russian market of household chemicals is monopolized by foreign companies, there is no need to go through customs procedures. overwhelming number retailers successfully cooperates with official dealers and wholesale bases. The parties determine the terms of transactions independently, guided by civil law.

Consider information on how to open a household chemicals store, as well as free finished example business plan for its opening.

People use household chemicals every day. Because there is a demand for these products, many entrepreneurs decide to move in this direction. And additional advantages are that these products do not need a license, and their shelf life is quite long. But, of course, due to such favorable conditions, quite a lot of competition has already been created in the household chemicals market. And in view of the large number of competitors, the profit that you can count on is constantly falling. Although many entrepreneurs are unable to obtain discounts from suppliers, they still continue to run a business that at times is not very profitable.

Business plan

We present you a free ready-made example of a business plan for a household chemicals store. This material contains all items of expenditure, examples of graphs and calculations.

This type of commercial business is relevant for almost all cities in Russia and the CIS countries, because we have always washed, washed, cleaned, removed and will continue to do so.

Instructions how to open

Consider step by step information on how to open a household chemicals store. Read about his registration.

Room selection

This is the main decision that a businessman has to make. The home improvement store must be located in a location where the population density is high, but the rent must be affordable. There should be no competitors in the vicinity, and the place should be passable.

One of the most good options- This is the city center. Large chains selling household chemicals often cannot afford to rent large premises, because prices in the center are high, and payment for a small area will be affordable. The advantage is that a large number of people live in the center and they need household chemicals. So it remains only to make the right advertising and buyers will go to the store right there. The combination of good advertising and the right location are the two most important components of a business.


In order to organize a small household chemicals store, you should focus on individual entrepreneurs. The Law "On Licensing Certain Types of Activities" confirms that a license is not needed. But you still need to contact the SES and firefighters. Legal security also implies the availability of all required certificates from suppliers.

In order to organize right choice goods, one should turn to different price categories and means for different purposes. You should always have the most advertised brands. The most useful assortment of a household chemicals store include:

  • Powder for washing;
  • Hair care;
  • Personal hygiene;
  • Means for washing and cleaning;
  • Toilet paper;
  • Napkins, brushes, protective gloves and other related products.

How to attract customers

In order to attract a sufficient number of buyers, it is not enough to distribute flyers and hang ads, it is necessary to promote a household chemicals store. Here you need to approach marketing wisely. Flexibility can manifest itself in various tricks. For example, you can sell the most well-known products at no markup, and the lesser-known products at a higher markup. Thus, the client, buying an expensive detergent for cheap, also buy another product, which in total will bring enough profit.

IN modern world buyers, including household chemicals, also count on gifts and loyalty cards. You should know your regular customers and please them, as many modern stores and networks use discount cards to attract. But you should choose a method of working with clients that will really interest them. To do this, you should compare all existing discount systems from competitors.

sad math

Among household chemicals, the margin is rarely higher than 15%. Taking into account the payment of employees and rent, it should be considered whether this amount is enough to cover all expenses and make a profit. In order to calculate the minimum income of a store when selling household chemicals, you should take all expenses including wages and rent and multiply by 10. This amount will be the one you should focus on so that the business does not turn out to be unprofitable.

Ideas for additional income

Fortunately, if the business is highly competitive, then you can find a certain niche in the market. For example, you can sell those drugs that do not harm health, the environment and are hypoallergenic. You can also work with non-cash payments so that you can buy goods for offices and enterprises in the store. A good move is the sale of holiday sets, which should be replenished with the onset of big holidays.

In order to open a household chemicals store, you have to work hard. It is necessary not only to search for the most favorable conditions, but also to be able to keep records of the marketing development of the company, as well as to know your clientele and those buyers who should be lured. You also need to have good relationships with suppliers and be able to find the most favorable conditions.

In addition, you need to have communication skills in order to hire qualified workers, or in order to act in his own role. You should also constantly monitor the actions of competitors and keep up with advanced technologies. At first, every business works in the red and does not receive any profit, but after a while the debts will be covered and the store will begin to generate income. It will be possible to develop a base of regular customers, as well as suppliers who will provide discounts and deliver all new items.

We hope that this article and a sample household chemicals store business plan will help you open a successful business in your city.

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