Environment and habitat of mammals. Lesson summary "general characteristics and features of the external structure of mammals." III. Formation of new concepts, methods of action

Class Mammals, or Animals General characteristics. External building. Living environments and habitats.

Targets: Pprovide students with the structure of animals class Mammals,

note the progressive features of the organization of Mammals, which allowed them to occupy all the main habitat,

to acquaint with the general characteristics of the detachments of the Monotremes and Marsupials,

prove the need to protect animals of the class Mammals,

exercise moral and environmental education students.


find its components in an object;

learn to generalize;

establish similarities and differences;

find causal relationships;

develop communication skills.

Lesson type:learning new material. \

Org moment.

View pictures of animals
Based on what external signs did you classify these animals as Reptiles and as Birds?
And now together we will try to find the answer to the question:
What are the features external structure mammals?
General characteristics of mammals.
About 4 thousand species. Warm-blooded animals, coat. Live birth. Feeding the young with milk. complex behavior.They have different adaptations to living conditions. Differentiation of teeth. The presence of the outer ear. The presence of various glands.
Mammal sizes
pygmy shrew
Blue whale
External structure on the example of a dog
tree climbers
mammal head
brain department
Facial department
mouth opening
Coat of mammals
Most have a well-developed coat
Meaning of the covers:

Provides thermoregulation;

Protects against mechanical damage;

Attaches patronizing coloration.
Vibrissae - long stiff hairs located on the muzzle, performing a tactile function
Mole has no guard hairs
Horn formations of the skin

Laboratory work№13 External structure of Mammals.
1. You are given five words. Four of them are combined common feature. The fifth does not apply to them. Which? a) hooves; b) hair; c) claws; d) chitin; e) nails 2. The limbs of mammals are located: A) both pairs under the body; B) both pairs on the sides of the body; C) one under the body, the other on the sides 3. Vibrissae are: A) wool; B) undercoat; C) mustache 4. Heat regulation in mammals occurs with the participation of: A) odorous glands; B) sweat glands; C) sebaceous glands
Establish a correspondence between animals and their organs of locomotion. Write your answers in the table.
1. Noble deer2. Red evening party 3. Harp seal 4. killer whale
A. Wings B. FinsV. LegsG. Flippers
1 2 3 4
Let's check ourselves:
1) d) chitin 2) a) both pairs under the body 3) c) mustaches 4) b) sweat glands
1 2 3 4 C A D B
Check your answers and rate:
5-6 points score "5" 4 points score "4" 3 points score "3"
Let's summarize.
Mammals are a class of vertebrates, the main distinctive features which are live birth (with the exception of the cloacal infraclass) and the feeding of cubs with milk. Outwardly, animals are characterized by the fact that they are covered with hair, have mammary glands, jaws with teeth, and auricles. Warm-bloodedness, live birth, feeding of young with milk, a highly developed nervous system, the ability to regulate body temperature allow mammals to live in a variety of conditions. More than 4 thousand species of mammals are known.
Answer the questions: Mammals or mammals, which is correct and why? Which mammal has no eyes? Why in extreme heat Does the dog stick out its tongue? Optional: Prepare a report on the role of vibrissae in the life of mammals.

Sections: Biology

This form has been tested in various biology courses and is suitable for all age groups of students. The methodological assistance of the teacher in this lesson is to control the transformation of educational cubes, the formulation and analysis of educational information on them. Lesson on the topic “General characteristics of the detachment mammals. Features of their structure depending on the habitat” is aimed at achieving the main goal: the formation of a culture of analysis of educational material about mammals and the identification of the dependences of their external structure on ecological habitats. As a result of a phased study, the main issues of the topic are considered: general characteristics animals, signs of the external structure of mammals, the study of body parts, practical observations and advice on the care, maintenance and diversity of mammals, ecological groups of animals and features of their external structure, consolidation of the material in the form of verification of statements. The practical part of the cubes is represented by instructional cards, which some students did at home in the form of research projects presented to their classmates. For clarity, high-quality toys and stuffed animals were used - fox, goat, wolf and wild boar. Part of the lesson was accompanied by a computer presentation with pictures and basic terms.

Subject:"General characteristics of mammals. Living environments, external structure and habitats.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Educational:
    • explore common features class mammals;
    • to form knowledge of the features of the external structure of mammals and their habitats.
  • Educational:
    • recall and consolidate students' knowledge of the ecological characteristics of various groups of mammals;
    • repeat the sequence of work according to the algorithm of cubes.
  • educators:
    • continue to work in a group
    • develop a sense of collectivism and community, aesthetic perception of the world around.

Didactic and material equipment of the lesson: stuffed mammals, multimedia educational complex 1s-biology, a set of educational cubes, animal figurines.


I. Organizational moment

1. Greeting students.
2. Familiarization with the topic of the lesson, setting educational goals and objectives for students.
3. Repetition of work with the algorithm of cubes: pointers (triangles) show the rows (horizontal or vertical), and the direction of the arrows and degrees - the angle of rotation of the rows of cubes. each side has its own color scheme to facilitate the work. in case of confusion of cubes, return to the beginning (Figure 1).

II. Actualization of supporting zun, motivational states

Warm-up - questions on side 1 ( Annex 1 )

answers: 1. Goat; 2. Yak; 3. Bear; 4. Hedgehog; 5. Tiger; 6. Elephant and horse; 7. Boar; 8. Puma; 9. Gazelle; 10. Beaver; 11. Sable; 12. Chipmunk; 13. Cat; 14. Marten - kuna; 15. Whale.

III. Formation of new concepts, methods of action

1. "Theriology"- a branch of zoology that studies the features of the structure and behavior of mammals.

2. Exploring Side 2 - general characteristics of mammals.(together with the students, all points are spoken out and discussed ( Annex 2 ).

  • mammals have a second name "animals";
  • known about 5000 modern species animals;
  • distributed throughout the globe(students watch the video fragment "the origin of mammals and distribution");
  • higher vertebrates;
  • warm-blooded ( constant temperature body);
  • body covered with hair hairline);
  • give birth to live cubs and feed them with milk;
  • sizes from 4 cm to 33 meters;
  • weight from 1.2 grams to 150 tons;
  • have a large brain with developed anterior hemispheres;
  • have diverse and complex behavior (instincts);
  • all organ systems reach the greatest differentiation;
  • high development nervous system allows you to quickly adapt to environmental conditions;
  • in the class of mammals there are 19 orders, 122 families, 1017 genera, 5237 animal species;

Students voice famous Russian teriologists (dice 16).

Project topics:

1. “We took a dog into the house” (examining the dog’s coat, vibrissae, behavior and habits when executing commands).
2. "Ruminants" (observation of cows, horses, goats during feeding, studying the diversity of ungulates in Kazan).
3. "My cat" (observation of the behavior of a cat during pregnancy, caring for offspring, the behavior of kittens).
4. "Mastering imitation in monkeys as evidence of the development of the psyche" (research work)

IV. Application of new concepts, methods of action

1. Application of knowledge about the structure of mammals in the field of animal ecology (Party 5, Appendix 5 )

- What phenomenon allowed mammals to populate all environments of life? (Fitness)

Students are again divided into groups in order to recall from the ecology course the signs of the external structure of various ecological groups of animals:

  • Group 1 characterizes chthonobionts and edaphobionts;
  • Group 2 determines the signs of jumpers and aviators;
  • Group 3 characterizes dendrobionts and hydrobionts.

At the end of all the characteristics, students draw a general conclusion about the adaptability of mammals to different conditions existence and living environments.

2. Consolidate knowledge(Side 6, Appendix 6 )

Choose the correct statements:

  • Mammals are the highest warm-blooded vertebrates. (Yes)
  • The external structure of mammals does not depend on the habitat (No)
  • The skin of mammals is elastic, durable, has hairline (Yes)
  • Care for offspring is especially pronounced in animals giving birth to helpless cubs. (Yes)
  • The life of mammals does not depend on the seasons of the year (No)
  • The embryo develops outside the mother's body (No)
  • Mammals move on the ground, under the ground, through trees, in water, in the air (Yes)
  • aquatic mammals descended from land ancestors (Yes)
  • Horny formations of the skin can change (Yes)
  • There are many mammary glands, they develop regardless of the number of cubs (Yes)
  • Mammals react to loud sounds with their whole body. (Yes)
  • The limbs of mammals can be modified or lost altogether. (Yes)
  • The wool of mammals protects against temperature extremes.
  • The tail acts as a rudder or support.
  • Animals inhabited all environments of life on the planet

3. Mystery animal: Determine by what signs can Cheburashka be attributed to mammals?

The environments (habitats) in which organisms live are different. There are four habitats - ground-air, water, soil and organismic (bodies of other organisms).

Water environment associated with water bodies: oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, etc. The waters in them are different, somewhere stagnant, somewhere with fairly strong currents, salty and fresh. Many waters are low in oxygen and sunlight. With depth comes twilight, and after 200 m of depth there is no light at all.

Therefore, plants in water can grow only at a shallow depth, where light still penetrates. Temperature in aquatic environment does not change so dramatically during the year and day. There is no negative water temperature, so even in the coldest places it is +4 °C.

Majority aquatic plants- it's algae. However, among the water there are higher plants.

IN ground-air habitat the vast majority of plants and almost all higher plants grow. Land plants form forests and meadows, steppes and tundras and others. plant communities. Features of the ground-air environment are a large number of air and light, the presence of wind, in many places a strong fluctuation in temperature and humidity depending on the time of year and day.

The ground-air environment is very diverse. Plants are adapted to certain environmental conditions. Some grow in well-lit areas, others in shaded areas. Some plants do not tolerate cold and live only in warm latitudes, while others are adapted to seasonal temperature fluctuations. Because of this variety of environments, plants in the ground-air environment are distinguished by many different forms.

soil environment a habitat located in the soil - the upper fertile layer earth's crust. The soil is formed as a mixture of particles of decayed rocks and the remains of living organisms (humus). There is almost no light here, so only small algae can live in the soil. However, there are seeds and spores of plants, as well as roots. The soil habitat is inhabited mainly by bacteria, animals and fungi.

Plants can only live in the environments to which they are adapted. If you move the plant to another environment, it may die.

Therefore, when a person grows cultivated plants, he creates the necessary conditions for their normal growth and development - water them, fertilize the soil, get rid of pests. Wild plants are adapted to specific environmental conditions.

slide 2

Topic: Habitat and external structure of mammals

The purpose of the lesson: to give a general description of the animals of the Mammals class, to reveal the features of their external structure in connection with the habitat. Show similarities and differences in the external structure of mammals, birds and reptiles.

slide 3

Which of these animals belong to the group of mammals and are called animals?

Platypus Horse Porcupine Dolphins Bat Armadillo

slide 4

Mammals also vary in size.

Most little animal baby shrew - has a body weighing 2 grams: The largest animal that has ever lived on Earth - the blue whale - has a body weighing 130 tons. The blue whale is 65 million times heavier than the shrew!

slide 5

Lifestyle and behavior of animals.

In a platypus, a baby hatches from eggs: \\ A baby kangaroo is born underdeveloped: Newborn foals can follow their mother: Newborn kittens are completely helpless:

slide 6

Lifestyle and behavior of animals:

Many animals stay awake all year: And some spend almost half a year in hibernation:

Slide 7

Complete the task based on the existing knowledge:

1. Remember what life environments are on Earth. Write their names. 2. Sort the following animals by habitat: brown bear, saiga, mole, dolphin, elk, bat, whale, camel, hippopotamus.

Slide 8

Mammals have now mastered different habitats:

Ground-air Air Soil Water Ground-water

Slide 9

Ecological groups of mammals:

Aquatic and semi-aquatic mammals have a streamlined body shape or webbed feet:

Slide 10

Those living on open area ungulates high slender legs, dense body, long movable neck:

slide 11

Thanks to the variety of adaptations and the wide use of food resources, mammals have gained a dominant position in the animal world.

slide 12

Task: Study the features of the external structure of mammals using the text of the textbook (§ 63, p. 2) and answer the questions:

What departments are distinguished in the body of mammals? What organs are located on the head and body of mammals? What are the features of the arrangement of limbs in mammals? What is the body of mammals covered with?

slide 13

Slide 14

The location of the limbs of reptiles and mammals:

  • slide 15

    The structure of the skin of mammals:

  • slide 16

    The kinship of mammals, reptiles and birds is indicated by the presence of horny scales on their body:

    Slide 17

    The horny formations of the skin of mammals include:

    Horns: Hooves: 3. Claws: 4. Nails:

    Slide 18

    The structure of the skin of mammals:

  • Slide 19

    When a dog is hot, he sticks out his tongue.

  • Slide 20

    The cooling of the body of a hare and an elephant is due to the large ears:

  • slide 21

    Mammary glands are located on the ventral side of the body, and in some animals on the sides (nutria, beavers). They produce milk - a complete food for cubs:

    slide 22

    Looking at the photo, determine which sense organs are developed in mammals.

    slide 23

    Consolidation of the studied:

    In the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse" there is a phrase: "Miracle Yudo fish whale." What is incorrect in this phrase from the point of view of biology? What organs do mammals have on their heads that neither fish, nor amphibians, nor reptiles, nor birds have? It was a hot day. I am very tired. We walked slowly, but my dog ​​was breathing rapidly, sticking out his tongue. What happened to her? Why do elephants have big ears? Fox, polar bear, sable have thick fur that protects the body from low temperatures. And walruses, whales and seals living in northern latitudes no such fur. How do they escape the cold? The armadillo has two front legs, two back legs, two left legs and two right legs. How many legs does an armadillo have?

    slide 24


    Learn § 63 Repeat the general plan of the structure of the nervous system of vertebrates, the structure of the brain of birds and reptiles. Repeat definitions: reflex, instinct.

    View all slides

    Topic: “General characteristics of mammals. Living environments, external structure and habitats.

    The purpose of the lesson: note the progressive features of the organization of Mammals, which allowed them to occupy all the main habitats.



    To study the common features of the class mammals;

    To form knowledge of the features of the external structure of mammals and their habitats.


    Recall and consolidate students' knowledge about the ecological characteristics of various groups of mammals;


    Continue to work in a group

    To develop a sense of collectivism and community, an aesthetic perception of the world around.

    Equipment: presentation.

    Lesson type: combined.

    Teaching methods: problematic.

    Forms of organization of the educational process: work in pairs, frontal

    During the classes.

    Org. moment.

    The bell rang

    The lesson starts.

    Our ears are on top.

    We open our eyes wider

    We listen and remember.

    We don't waste a minute.

    A cheerful bell rang.

    We are ready to start the lesson.

    Let's listen, discuss

    And help each other.

      Checking d / z

    Look at pictures of animals. slide

    What two classes can animals be divided into?

    Based on what external features did you classify these animals as Reptiles and Birds?

      Knowledge update. (Statement of a problem question).

    The teacher shows illustrations of various representatives of the Mammals class and makes riddles on the slide.

    I, friends, underground dweller

    Digger and builder

    I dig the earth, I dig, I dig,

    I build corridors everywhere

    And then I'll build a house

    And I live peacefully in it.

    Lots of power in it.

    He is almost as tall as a house.

    He has a huge nose, like a nose

    Years a thousand grew.

    Touching the grass with hooves,

    A handsome man walks through the forest

    Walks boldly and easily

    Horns spread wide

    In the summer wanders without a road

    Between pines and birches

    And in winter he sleeps in a lair,

    Hiding your nose from the cold.


    Get into the poultry house -

    red tail

    Covers up traces

    What class do you think these animals belong to?

    (All these animals belong to the class Mammals)

    What associations does the word “mammals” evoke in you?

    They feed on milk, highly organized animals, covered with hair, warm-blooded, these include animals.

    Right. Where can you find mammals?

    In water, on land, in the air, in caves, at the North Pole.

    Let's formulate the topic of the lesson.

    Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the animals of the Mammals class.

    2. Statement of the problematic question: What progressive features of the organization of mammals allowed them to occupy all the main habitats? In order to answer problematic issue, it is necessary to study the general characteristics of the Mammals class.

    Open notebooks, write down the number, the topic of the lesson.

    3. Learning new material

    Open the textbook article on page 244, find and read the definition of what are mammals?

    Mammals are chordates, warm-blooded animals that feed their newborn babies with their milk.

    Let's try to give a general description of the Mammals class.

      About 5 thousand species.

      Warm-blooded animals, coat.

      Live birth.

      Feeding babies with milk.

      Large brain (front hemispheres are well developed).

      Diverse and complex behaviour.

      They have different adaptations to their habitats.

      Tooth differentiation.

      The presence of an external ear.

      The presence of various glands.

    Now we can answer the problem question

    Conclusion: progressive features of the structure of mammals allowed them to occupy all the main environments of life.

    And now together we will try to find the answer to the question: What are the features of the external structure of mammals? Slide

    Appearance and the sizes are very diverse: from 4 cm (pygmy insectivorous shrew), up to 33 m with a mass of 150 tons (blue whale) slide

    In the body of mammals, the same sections are distinguished as in other terrestrial vertebrates: head, neck, trunk, tail and two pairs of limbs. Slide

    The legs are not located on the sides, as in amphibians and reptiles, but under the body. Therefore, the body is raised above the ground. This expands the possibilities in the use of limbs. Slide

    In the structure of the head, the facial and brain sections are clearly distinguishable. In front is a mouth surrounded by soft lips. At the end of the muzzle there is a nose covered with bare skin with a pair of nasal openings. In front, on the sides of the head, there are eyes protected by movable eyelids, along the outer edges of which there are long eyelashes. The lacrimal glands are well developed, the secret of which washes the eyes and has a bactericidal effect. Closer to the back of the head, above the eyes, on the sides of the head, large auricles protrude, which turn towards the source of the sound and allow you to directionally capture it.

    Among the animals are known:




    tree climbers



    The structural features of mammals allow them to perform a variety of movements, develop great speed when running, it's great to fly, swim in the water. This indicates a long evolution of animals and the ability to adapt to a variety of conditions. Mammals have mastered almost everything living environment: Slide

    Aquatic (dolphin, fur seal, killer whale)

    Ground-air (bat, fox)

    Soil (mole, mole rat), and

    habitats: slide





    Ways to eat on the slide

    - Most mammals have a developed coat that protects them from sudden changes in temperature - from cooling and overheating, protects them from mechanical damage, and gives them a protective color. IN wool distinguish between harder and longer guard hair and short soft hairs forming undercoat. Long and coarse hair located on the muzzle and performing a tactile function is called vibrissae. Slide. Animals periodically molt seasonally: the thickness and color of the coat changes. In winter, the coat is thicker, and in animals living on a snow cover it becomes white. In summer, the coat is sparse and colored in protective dark colors.

    The lower end of each hair is immersed in the skin, around it there is hair bag, small muscles approach it, so the coat can rise like a frightened cat or a barking dog. At the base of the hair are sebaceous glands. Their secret lubricates the coat, giving it elasticity, reducing wettability and stickiness of the coat.

    Mammals and reptiles are related. Which? Open your textbook on page 246 and find the answer. Slide

    There are many glands in the skin of a mammal. Slide

    Fill in the slide table


    Complete the text about the external structure of mammals.

    Students work independently. Assignments are done on paper. Then a check is carried out, the children read the texts.

    The body of mammals is covered with ________________. There are _________, ________, _____________ on the head. The legs are located under _________________. Unlike other vertebrates, the eyes of mammals have eyelids with ___________, the ears have an external ___________. Mammals feed their young _________________.

    If there is time left work on the slides

    homework slide

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