Cover letter for requesting documents. Cover letter for resume sample. cover letter example

IN Western countries, where the free labor market is much older than Russia, sending a resume to an employer without a cover letter is not accepted: it is considered impolite. In Russia, the tradition of job search is still in development, so the attitude towards cover letters is different.

Do I need to spend time and energy on a cover letter? And if so, how exactly is it compiled? To be able to create a competitive advantage for yourself, read the tips.

To write or not to write? That is the question…
To write or not to write a cover letter, sending a resume to an interested vacancy? This question is asked daily by almost all applicants. More than half of them (54%), according to the Research Center website, decide for themselves that cover letters are a waste of time, because all important information outlined in the summary. About a third of Russians (31%), on the contrary, are sure that a well-written one significantly increases the chances of success. Whose point of view is correct?

This correspondence dispute is one of those in which both sides are right in their own way. According to the site, the majority of employers (91%) consider all resumes, regardless of the presence of a cover letter, 8% only work with resumes that have at least a formal cover letter, and only 1% do not consider resumes without cover letters at all.

Why do Russian recruiters, unlike their Western colleagues, do not attach importance to cover letters? The reason is the insufficiently high level of these documents. According to recruiting managers, most applicants do not know how to write cover letters correctly, so often an illogical message with many errors is simply not taken into account. " Covering letter not so important, since very few applicants know how to write them,” explain the recruiters we interviewed.

But against this background, it's easy to get extra points! If your cover letter is written logically, competently and contains important information for the employer, do not doubt that this will be a significant plus! You just need to learn how to write this document, and the path to your dream job can become shorter.

Cover letter structure
Let's start with the main one. Why do we write a cover letter? The purpose of this document is to draw attention to your resume, make the recruiter read it carefully and be interested in your candidacy.

At the same time, the wording should fit into the framework of generally accepted ideas about business correspondence. Creativity and humor are acceptable only if you have no doubts about the relevance and quality of your ideas and jokes. However, there is one nuance. If you are applying for a position in a creative team, then deviations from business style quite appropriate. With a non-standard (but interesting and competent) cover letter, you may well interest the employer.

What should be included in a cover letter? Experts point out several points that should be followed.

Very important correct address to the addressee. As a rule, the vacancies posted on the site contain information about the contact person - the HR manager who directly supervises the vacancy. It is best to address the cover letter to him. "Good day, Elena!"; "Dear Igor Anatolyevich!" - the usual wording is fine. If a specific employee is not specified, you can use the standard "politeness formulas": "Dear ladies and gentlemen!". Experts warn against informal appeals that are not typical of the business style of writing, for example, “Good day, employees of *** LLC!” and so on.

It is also customary to indicate in the cover letter source of job information: "On the page of your company in social network it is reported that you need a sales manager”; “From your employee, IT specialist Sergey Sergeyev, I learned that you have a vacancy for a 1C programmer.” However, if you send a resume through a recruiting portal, this is not necessary - it is clear to the recruiter without this where you got the information.

Now let's get to the point. In a few sentences (short and clear) you need to state, Who are you and why do you want to work for this company?. At the same time, you do not need to retell your resume - it is only important to emphasize the most important thing - what distinguishes you from other candidates. As a rule, this is work experience and professional achievements. For example: “My experience in PR is 4 years. At my current job, I was able to double the number of media coverage of the company within the previous budget. Working with you attracts me with the scale of the tasks and the opportunity to work in a creative team.” Interested in your qualities, the recruiter will open and carefully study your CV.

Experts warn: you should not write about your career ambitions in your cover letter. This can scare off a recruiter, because in this moment he needs to close a specific position, and not replenish the personnel reserve of top managers with your candidacy. So the phrase: “Working in your company attracts me with the opportunity career development", - it is better to delete.

You do not need to focus on dubious places in your resume, if any. For example, it is better to explain why you did not work for six months at an interview, with personal contact. A cover letter is not a confession or detailed autobiography, but only a short business self-presentation.

Avoid platitudes. “I am easily trained, sociable and stress-resistant” - this is stated in many resumes and cover letters, so many recruiters do not pay attention to such template phrases.

At the end of the letter, do not forget to add that if you are interested in your candidacy, you are ready to come for an interview and answer all the remaining questions for you. In addition, it is necessary subscribe and provide your contacts. Of course, this data is in the resume, but these are the rules of business etiquette.

“Working in your company attracts me…”
So what should a good cover letter look like? For example, a candidate for the position of sales manager might compose it as follows:

“Good afternoon, Catherine!

From the "Career" section on your company's website, I learned about an open vacancy for a sales manager.

You may be interested in my experience in this area: for five years I have been in sales software in company "***". Among my personal achievements are large contracts for the supply of software products with a number of state corporations, an increase in the company's sales by 40% annually.

Working in your company attracts me with the opportunity to apply my experience and knowledge on the scale of a larger business. If my resume (see attachment) interests you, I will be happy to answer your questions at the interview.

Sincerely, Ivan Ivanov,
tel. +7 (910) ***-**-**”.

Finishing touches
Before sending a written letter and resume to the addressee, soberly assess its length. Should be guided simple rule: brevity is the soul of wit. 2-3 small paragraphs - this will be enough to interest the recruiter, but not tire him.

Finally, don't forget check your creation for literacy. Spelling and punctuation errors can negate all your work, especially if the position you are applying for involves high level general development. So use dictionaries, reference books and the possibilities of computer text editors.

And about the formalities. If you are sending your resume by email, then the cover letter should be in the "body" of your message. If by fax - on a separate page, which must be sent first, before the summary. On recruiting portals for a cover letter, as a rule, a special window is provided.

Good luck and inspiration!

Today, the Internet is the most popular tool for finding a job. The most elementary way is to leave a response to a vacancy on a recruitment site with just one click. But if it comes down to sending a resume email, here applicants often make mistakes. We will tell you how to properly send a resume to an employer so that it does not go unnoticed.

Subject line when submitting resume

Job seekers often neglect the most important rule- correctly format the subject of the letter when sending a resume by e-mail. In no case do not leave this field empty: without a subject, your letter may end up in spam, or the employer simply will not notice it.

The topic should be short, but contain necessary information. Examples of successful topics: “Response to the vacancy of an assistant designer”, “Resume of the chief accountant”, “Resume of A. N. Ivanova for the position of translator”.

Sometimes the employer asks to indicate something specific in the subject of the letter (for example, the job code). Be sure to pay attention to this so that you are not considered absent-minded.

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What to write to an employer when sending a resume

Do not send an employer a blank letter with an attached resume file. The presence of a cover letter is not only considered a sign good manners, but also shows your sincere interest in the proposed vacancy.

Sending a lot of correspondence during the day, we often wonder how to write a cover letter for documents?

Cover letter for documents- This business letter, which describes the package of documents sent to the addressee. Based on this, the cover letter to the documents confirms the fact of sending the documentation, gives its list and instructions for handling it, and allows you to determine the deadline.

Compose a cover letter documents must be on letterhead, affixing the outgoing registration number of the sender. The text of the document itself is divided into two main blocks: a message about sending documents, a request for a timely response to it (familiarization, response, approval, etc.).

The introductory part of the cover letter begins with the words:“We present to you ...”, “We are sending you ...” or “We are sending you ...” and continues with the words “for signing”, “for review”, “for approval”, “for filling out”, etc. In the second part, the cover letter to the documents contains information on what needs to be done with the attached documents: “Please sign ...”, “Please consider and send ...”, etc.

To write a proper cover letter for documents, the main thing is to draw up applications properly, since this is the main one in such correspondence. To do this, the cover letter to the documents must contain their complete list, indicating the number of copies and sheets in each of them. The name of the application is indicated only if it was not mentioned in the text of the letter. If there are multiple applications, they are listed after the word "Applications:".

If the cover letter to the documents contains a large list of applications, they are drawn up on a separate sheet as an inventory of applications, which is linked from the letter. When there is a need to write a cover letter for documents for several recipients, and the application is sent to only one of them, this should also be mentioned in the letter.

There are a few more rules how to write a cover letter for documents. If the letter has attachments, it should have a corresponding mark on it, and on each attachment, at the top right, it should be indicated to which cover letter it belongs. The letter is signed official which has the right to do so. But so that he is not disturbed later about clarifications, the name and contacts of the performer should also be indicated.

Also not recommended to specify exact date comply with the requirements of the letter, if your organization is not a higher regulatory authority. In practice business communication a month is usually given for consideration of such documents. If you want to get an answer earlier, it is better to issue it in the form of a request.

In order to save time in the future when it becomes necessary to write a cover letter to documents again, it is recommended to develop a form for such a letter and fill it out as necessary. As you can see, the question how to write cover letter for documents, not so complicated.

Cover letter sample:

Cover letter for documents- this is a letter that accompanies the sent documents and which contains the name of the document being sent and further actions recipient.

Convenient because:

  • firstly, it is proof of the sending of certain documents. The addressee will not be able to say that he did not receive some document, since the letter contains a description of the contents of the entire package of documents being sent;
  • secondly, it contains instructions to the recipient on what to do with the received documents: which copies must be signed, sealed, which ones should be returned back to the sender.

How to write a cover letter for documents

A cover letter is written to the documents in accordance with the general.

At the very top, in the header of this document, the position, company name and full name of the recipient of the letter are indicated.

Then the date is put down, the document number, and the heading of the letter is also written.

Below is a message to the recipient.

The text of the cover letter to the documents usually begins with the words:

  • We are sending you…
  • We send you…
  • We present to you…

Here it is necessary to indicate the name of the documents to be sent, their date, number and prescribe instructions to the recipient: what to do with the received documents.

The body of the cover letter for documents may also contain . In this case, the following template phrases are used:

  • Please confirm receipt...
  • Please pass on…
  • Please inform…
  • Please return...
  • Please be guided by ... etc.

Under the main text of the letter, there may also be a note about the presence of attachments in order to facilitate mail processing and reduce the likelihood of losing sent copies of documents (see sample).

The final part of the cover letter to the documents contains the signature of the sender, his position and full name.

Sample cover letter for documents

LLC "Standard"
E.S. Kuzmin

27.07.2013 № 23

Dear Evgeny Stanislavovich!

We are sending you signed and sealed contract No. 2013-25-07 dated 07/25/2013 with a protocol of disagreements. We ask you to sign the protocol of disagreements, seal it and send one copy to our address within 10 days.

1) contract in 2 copies. (total on 6 sheets);
2) protocol of disagreements in 2 copies. (Only 2 sheets).

Director Dykov CM. Dykov

The cover letter to the documents is issued on the letterhead of the organization.

Do you want to reasonably increase the credibility of your resume in the eyes of the employer and get high paying job? The right cover letter will greatly increase your chances of landing the desired position. The document will become serious competitive advantage in the fight for the current vacancy, because not all applicants know how to write it correctly.

What is a cover letter to an employer

A cover letter for a job is a formal business letter to an employer. It emphasizes your resume and encourages the recruiter to take your candidacy seriously and seriously. For example, in Western countries, where the labor market has already fully formed, applying for a vacancy without a personal appeal to the employer is considered a manifestation of disrespect for the employer.

Unfortunately, according to social surveys, our compatriots often neglect to compose such an appeal to the leader. 54% of applicants, due to various reasons, consider this occupation inappropriate. Often they simply do not understand the real power of this document or do not know how to write a cover letter. As a result, their chances of getting the desired position decrease exponentially. But this is not a sentence, because to learn how to competently propose one's candidacy for writing it's never too late, and a sample cover letter can be easily found on the Internet.

Before proceeding with the preparation of such an important document, a purposeful applicant for a vacancy needs to master the elementary basics business correspondence.

As a rule, humor and creativity are unacceptable, but every rule has exceptions. Delicately deviating from the business style is acceptable if you want to get a job in a creative team.

With a non-standard, but competent, interesting, concise and unique message to a potential employer, you can draw his attention to your resume.

What business memos do not read

HR managers mostly ignore business correspondence if they find numerous grammatical, spelling and stylistic mistakes in the body of the document. If they are available, they will not recommend the author for a vacancy, even if the applicant's resume is written flawlessly. That is why, before writing a business message, the applicant should improve their literacy, and after compiling the document, after a while, carefully re-read it several times. At the same time, you need to read aloud, because in this way errors can be detected not only with the eyes, but also with the ears.

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If necessary, ask a colleague, relative, or close person. They will certainly point out the most striking errors, which will help eliminate them with minimal effort, nerves and time. If this is not possible, use automatic text diagnostics on one of the specialized web resources, or entrust the checking and editing of the document to an experienced, qualified proofreader. Believe me, the money spent on the services of a philologist will pay off with interest.

When writing a cover letter for a resume without experience, avoid using the pronoun “I” multiple times. Remember, such directness and demonstration professional achievements talking about star disease applicant.

In the process of business correspondence, the candidate should avoid accustomed patterns, formalities and standard turns of speech. For example, you should not write: “In response to your vacancy, I am attaching my resume and I will be very grateful if you consider it.” Such a message carries no useful information for the employer and most likely will be ignored. But a sincere interest in the goals and concepts of the company's work will be a creditable, fat plus in favor of your candidacy and will certainly bring the expected dividends.

Employment market experts strongly recommend not to make the following mistakes in official business correspondence:

  • duplicate information from a resume;
  • ignore the axioms of business etiquette;
  • neglect the terms of cooperation, which are indicated in the body of the vacancy;
  • address the employer only by name, but without patronymic;
  • mention any negative information about the company even if the applicant fully trusts the source;
  • demand any guarantee of employment;
  • persistently inquire about the conditions of compensatory measures upon dismissal from work.

Respect for the employer, a sincere interest in the successful development of the company, as well as the informativeness and brevity of the text will help win the favor of the manager. Do not focus on what the company can give you. Try to specify as clearly and truthfully as possible what you are guaranteed to be ready to do for the successful commercial activity of the company.

What to write in a cover letter for a job

The business note that you attach to your resume should have a clear logical structure. Operate with facts, not abstract concepts and personal desires.

Concise introduction

In a friendly, confidential style, tell why you are interested in a particular position. Reasonably explain your motives and demonstrate sincere interest in mutually beneficial cooperation. The introductory part should encourage a potential employer to read the document to the end and by all means study your resume now, without delay.

Competence, experience and qualifications

The purpose of this information block is to draw the attention of the employer to specific aspects of your professional experience that can be successfully used for the benefit of the company without the need to attend retraining courses.

Try to describe as concisely as possible the conditions of the present and previous professional activity. Remember, you don’t need to get too carried away and tell in great detail what and how you do.

Excess information will force the employer to analyze a large amount of facts, which may cause reluctance to read your message further and force the addressee to refuse to study the resume. The result is obvious: a vacancy in the company will be offered to another applicant.

Try to formulate your professional skills and abilities in such a way that they meet the requirements for this vacancy. Without too much pathos, bring a few real facts who helped you become a highly qualified and competent specialist in a specific niche of professional activity.

Why you

Show interest and enthusiasm for the following aspects of the firm:

  • business success of the organization;
  • knowledge and understanding of the needs of the target audience;
  • mission and development concepts of the company;
  • staff participation in public life society;
  • benefit from the competence and professionalism of employees.

You can get detailed information about the work of the organization on the official website and public events, at retail outlets, as well as when visiting the main office or regional branch of the company. In addition, word of mouth will definitely help you with this. Friends, relatives, colleagues, as well as ordinary consumers of services and goods will certainly share their opinion about the work of a particular organization. At the same time, you can easily get information about your employer on one of the thematic forums on the Internet.


Summarizing the above, demonstrate a willingness to meet with the employer in person and informatively answer all his questions. Write that you will be waiting for his response to your proposal, and also let him know that you can call him back at any convenient time.

Be sure to check that you have entered the name and position of the addressee correctly. If you do not have such information at the moment, contact the manager of the organization and specify which of the employees is involved in the recruitment.

Such an initiative will allow you to directly contact a competent specialist and find out all the details, as well as the algorithm for further negotiations.

Analyze how your business message meets the main recommendations of experts modern market labor.

  1. Brevity, informativeness, unobtrusiveness and conciseness.
  2. The absence of plagiarism, as well as stylistic and grammatical errors.
  3. Availability of information that certifies your knowledge of the structure of the organization and the features of the commercial activities of the company.
  4. The presence of USP, which demonstrates enthusiasm and interest in mutually beneficial cooperation.
  5. The text takes up no more than 1–1.5 A4 pages.
  6. The presence in the document of truthful information about what you are ready to do for the company.

Example of a cover letter for a resume

Consider a cover letter template:

Dear, (I.O.)
Please consider my resume for the vacancy of "Account Manager"

Introduction. Try to explain in a few sentences why you are interested in a vacancy in this particular company.

Main part:

  1. Experience.
  2. Education (describe if it meets the requirements of the job. Otherwise, it is better to focus on work experience).
  3. Professional skills.
  4. Technical skills.

Completion: Re-emphasize that you are an ideal candidate for the vacant position and that you would be happy to attend an in-person interview.

Sincerely, F.I.

How to write a cover letter for a resume

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