Business letter sample. Letter of request: samples and examples, drafting rules

In business workflow, the request letter format is used very often when it becomes necessary to obtain the consent of the second party or a certain service from it. Finished samples and examples for different situations, as well as the rules for writing such letters, you will find in this article.

The tradition and rules for writing a letter of request have developed exclusively in practical document management - i.e. at the legislative level, no forms or instructions have been approved. However, in general view the following structure should be followed:

  1. As usual, the “header” is filled in first, which indicates the full name of the sending organization with the corresponding contact details, as well as the name of a specific employee (usually the director of the company) and the name of the receiving organization.
  2. This is followed by the text itself, which consists of a description of the situation and the rationale for the request. The text should be as short as possible - usually 1-2 paragraphs are enough. It is important to specifically and unambiguously state your request so that the interlocutor understands the essence of your appeal well.
  3. This is followed by a signature, a transcript of the signature and the date of compilation.

Thus, it is drawn up according to the standard version for such documents - the form is given below.

The finished sample can be used as an example of this.

NOTE. The decision to indicate or not to indicate the name of the document (i.e., write in the middle “Request Letter”) is made by the sender himself. As a rule, this is necessary in cases where it is appropriate to emphasize the nature of the document and the purpose that one company is trying to achieve from another.

Because in this case we are talking that one company is counting on some service or even a concession from its partner, of course, writing a letter, its design and even sending should be taken very seriously. Any detail can make an impression, so it is better to take into account even the nuances that are insignificant at first glance:

  1. First of all, it is better to send it using physical mail - regular Russian Post or even better. private organization, which delivers mail door-to-door and much faster. A message in electronic form, or even more so transmitted by fax, is often perceived more impersonally as spam.
  2. In addition, the physical way the document is executed (i.e., as usual mailing) allows you to make a favorable impression with more expensive paper, an envelope, a stamp and other means of registration.
  3. To write the text, a letterhead is always chosen - this allows you to give the request more formality.
  4. In the text, it is better to avoid obvious bureaucraticisms - i.e. set words and expressions that are commonly used in the business environment. They literally "dry" the story and make a generally negative impression. They are easy to replace with more original options - for example, "Please consider" to "I hope for your understanding and assistance in resolving this issue."
  5. Finally, it is worth adhering to the traditions of business correspondence in general, i.e. the text is predominantly written in formal business style. Lyrical digressions, too complex syntactic constructions, double (in meaning) phrases should not be. Care should be taken to make it very easy for the interlocutor to perceive the message - both in terms of understanding and psychologically.

ADVICE. If it is possible to write the text by hand, it is better to use this method. A handwritten letter allows you to distinguish it from the background of all the others. However, it is better to entrust the writing to a specialist who knows the techniques of calligraphy.


Depending on the specific situation, there are different types of letters. Most of the requests are related to financial issues, such as a discount, a reduction in the payment for a service, or a deferment. A smaller part of the letters of request is devoted to assistance in resolving any other issues. The most common cases and ready-made examples letters are discussed below.

About the allocation of funds

Asking for money, even for charitable purposes, is a pretty serious request. Therefore, when drawing up, it is important to describe the situation as specifically as possible and, moreover, clearly indicate what exactly the money is required for, and for what reason it cannot be taken from another source.

When compiling, you can take such a sample as a basis.

From NGO "Rainbow"

Member of the Legislative Assembly

St. Petersburg Miloshnikov I.N.

Dear Ilya Nikolaevich! Welcome to the director non-profit organization Rainbow". Our organization was founded in 2012 and throughout all these years has been continuously providing financial assistance to children suffering from acute forms of leukemia. The main direction of our activity is the purchase of appropriate medicines and complex operations.

All these years, the main source of financing for our activities has been the enterprise LLC “…”. However, in April of the current 2017, the volume of financing decreased sharply, and in this moment we cannot carry out charitable actions in the same volume.

According to our data, the annual budget of the fund, taking into account private donations, should be 10 million rubles. Thus, due to the termination of financing, it is necessary to cover the difference in the amount of 8 million rubles. annually. We look forward to your cooperation, as it is not possible to find sponsors at the moment.

Sincerely, Svetozarov V.K.

About the delivery of goods

Here it is important to demonstrate your interest and desire to cooperate. Therefore, you need to find Right words so that the interlocutor is imbued with trust and makes an appropriate decision. As a basis, you can take such a sample.

General Director of LLC "…"

Nekrasov N.K.

From the director of the company LLC “…”

Elizarova V.M.

Greetings, Nikolai Konstantinovich! At the regional exhibition agriculture, which was held in May this year, our company became interested in the samples of machinery and equipment that were offered by you.

We would like to start cooperation with you with the delivery of a trial batch of goods ( full list attached as a separate document to this letter). We guarantee timely payments for goods and services. We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial cooperation.

Our contact details:

Sincerely, Elizarov V.M.

About the discount

Currently, this is a fairly common type, since economic conditions have deteriorated in many ways. As experience shows, convincing the counterparty to provide a discount is especially good in such cases:

  • if the companies have been cooperating for a long time, for example, more than a year;
  • if purchased immediately a large number of goods.

to CEO

Avantage LLC Filippov G.V.

From the director of Veres LLC

Alexandrova K.N.

Hello, Gennady Viktorovich. We are pleased to note the fact that our companies have been cooperating for more than 2 years. We express our gratitude to you for the consistently high quality of your services, as well as for your assistance in resolving a number of current issues.

We believe it is no secret to you that Last year the economic situation in our market niche has deteriorated significantly. Unfortunately, at the moment we are experiencing a certain lack of income, which is associated with a decrease in quarterly profit.

In connection with these circumstances, We hope for your understanding and consent in providing a 10% discount on services that will be provided in the next 2018 calendar year. Of course, such a measure is temporary, and we are committed to full-fledged cooperation on mutually beneficial conditions when the economic situation stabilizes.

Sincerely, Alexandrov K.N.

About rent reduction

In this case, the rationale for your request in the letter will be approximately the same as discussed in the previous example.

to CEO

Avantage LLC Filippov G.V.

From the director of Veres LLC

Alexandrova K.N.

Hello, Gennady Viktorovich. In the financial year ended in 2016, our company suffered losses that exceeded expectations by 10%. We are forced to state that our company was affected by the financial crisis. This translates into a decrease in client flow by 15-20% of owners.

In this regard, we hope for your consent to provide a 10% discount on rent. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we are fairly large tenants and, at the same time, during the entire period of our five-year cooperation, we have not allowed a single delay in payment, and also filled out all the other terms of the contract. We proceed from this measure temporary, so we are ready to continue paying the full amount as soon as the market situation stabilizes.

Sincerely, Alexandrov K.N.

About deferred payment

In this case, it is important to acknowledge that you really did not make the payment on time and explain in detail the reason. Of course, you need to accurately specify the terms of repayment of the entire amount.

Director of LLC "Gruzodar"

Vakulov N.Yu.

From the Director of Parabolia LLC

Aksakova T.G.

Hello, dear Nikolai Yuryevich. In September 2017, we did not make another payment for your services in the amount of 100,000 rubles. We officially notified you about the impossibility of making a payment one month in advance. At the moment, we explain that the company has found funds for the payment. We ask you to provide an installment plan for two months: October and November (50,000 rubles each).

We do not shy away from our financial obligations and debts and draw your attention to the fact that for all 3 years of our cooperation we have never violated the contract. We hope for your understanding and look forward to further mutually beneficial cooperation.

Sincerely, Aksakov T.G.

Please pay for another company

Such requests may arise in cases where one company undertakes to fulfill the financial obligations of another company under certain conditions. As an example, you can use this template.

IP Blagodarov A.K.

from IP Inina A.A.

Hello, dear Anatoly Konstantinovich. As you know, you have a debt to me in the amount of 100,000 rubles. During the past financial year, I also had a debt to 3 companies in the amount of 50,000 rubles. I suggest you pay my debt in full. For my part, I guarantee the provision of installments for the entire balance of your debt for a period of 6 months.

Letter of request- one of the most common options for business correspondence. Among entrepreneurs, such letters are used when representatives of one organization turn to another with a request for a service. Such messages can be used in completely different situations, for example, when you need to get information about products, see product samples, meet a business traveler, agree on some actions, etc.

Rules for writing a letter of request

We bring to your attention for downloading a general template for such a document:

FILES Open these files online 2 files

A letter of request, for obvious reasons, does not have a standard form, but, despite this, it is a form of an official document. That is why, when compiling it, one should adhere to certain norms established by the rules of office work and business ethics. Before proceeding directly to the basic rules for its compilation, it should be noted that it can be addressed both to a group of people (for example, managers, employees of the accounting department, lawyers, etc.) and to a specific addressee.

Like any other document, this letter must contain introductory part, namely:

  • information about the sending company making the request and the company to which it is addressed;
  • the reason for the appeal (“because of the delay”, “in connection with receipt”, “based on the results”, etc.);
  • references to the basis (“on the basis of an oral agreement”, “on the basis of negotiations”, “on the basis of telephone conversation" etc.);
  • the purpose of the appeal (“to resolve the issue”, “in order to avoid conflict”, “in order to eliminate violations”, etc.).

Followed by main part relating directly to the request. It must be expressed using any derivative form of the verb “to ask” (“we ask you”, “we make a request”, etc.), and since such a message is, in any case, a petition for some kind of service, it should be written in a respectful manner. It is good if the request is preceded by a compliment (“knowing your great opportunities”, “admiring your organizational talents”, etc.).

If the letter contains several requests at once, then they must be indicated in separate paragraphs or paragraphs.

The unspoken rules of correspondence between organizations state that a response to a multi-stage request can also be sent in one message, with separate comments on each item. It should be noted that this type of correspondence reduces the amount of workflow and, therefore, reduces the time for reading and processing such letters.

If the letter implies receiving a response within a certain period, then this must be indicated as correctly as possible in the text of the message.

Send and receive letters, as a rule, secretaries of the organization (in large companies Whole departments do this. After compiling or reading, they pass them on to the head of the enterprise for review. Exceptions are messages marked "confidential" or "personally in hand" - such letters are sent directly to the addressee.

Instructions for writing a letter of request

Since this message is part of corporate correspondence, the author must first be indicated, namely: the name of the sending company, its actual address and telephone number for communication. Then you need to enter data about the addressee: also the name of the enterprise and the specific recipient. Further in the middle of the line, you can immediately indicate that this is a request letter (but this is not necessary).

The next part of the letter deals directly with the request. Previously, it is desirable to substantiate it and only then express the very essence of the request. At the end, the letter must be signed (it is better if this is done by the head of the company or an authorized, trusted person), as well as the date the document was created.

How to send a letter

The letter can be sent by e-mail or fax - it's fast and convenient, but the conservative sending through the Russian Post will allow you to formalize the letter in a solid and attractive way. For example, you can make a request in writing by hand in beautiful calligraphic handwriting or print the text on good, expensive paper.

Attention to such trifles will make it clear to the addressee how respectful the opponent is towards him, and will once again emphasize the importance of the request. The only thing to remember is that letters through regular mail take a long time, so the message must be sent in advance so that the document is delivered to the recipient on time.

After sending a letter

This message, like any other document, must be registered in the journal of outgoing documentation. Similarly, the recipient of the letter registers the arrival of correspondence. In case of misunderstandings occurring in business relations, fixing the fact of sending and receiving letters will help to quickly sort out the situation.

Examples of drafting letters of request with explanations

So, we figured out that a request letter is a letter that contains a request to the recipient. The purpose of the text is to encourage the recipient to perform an action that is beneficial to the sender. The letter should contain a formulated request, its justification. It is desirable to formulate the request in such a way as to justify why it should be beneficial for the recipient to comply with the request. The sender must not only know the rules for composing the text, but also take into account the psychological nuances. Next, consider specific templates-examples, depending on the situation.

Letter of request for the allocation of funds

The letter is drawn up in the event that it is necessary to obtain the allocation of funds from the state, sponsors, individuals.

From the NGO "Help for Pensioners"
Member of the Legislative Assembly
Ivanov I.I.

Hello Ivan Ivanovich. I am a representative of the non-profit organization "Help for Pensioners". We are engaged in helping single pensioners: we bring food, help with cleaning and repair.

Our organization has been in existence for 5 years. Previously, we coped with the financing of activities ourselves, however, due to the expansion of NGOs, the funds began to be insufficient. We need money to rent premises, pay salaries to employees, and purchase equipment.

At a recent meeting of the Government, the president mentioned the difficult situation of pensioners and noted that the situation needs to be urgently changed. In this regard, I ask you for 200,000 rubles for the needs of the NGO Help for Pensioners.

Sincerely, Petrova A.A.


The above text is written according to the rules. He has:

  • The name of the NPO and an explanation of its activities.
  • Request for money, explanation of their need (money is needed for rent and salaries).
  • Mention of the President. It is necessary to justify the benefits of sponsorship for the official. What is the MP interested in? IN career growth. The help of the organization will help to achieve this goal.

The specific amount of funds that a commercial organization needs is also indicated.

Letter of request for the supply of goods

The letter is usually sent to the partners of the company. In the text, it is desirable to justify the mutual benefit for both companies.

Head of AAA
Ivanov I.I.
From the head of the BBB company
Petrova B. B.

Hello Ivan Ivanovich. We would like to order a set of products from your company (specify). We got interested in your product at a regional exhibition.

If you agree, please let us know the terms of delivery and terms convenient for you. We guarantee timely payment. We hope this will be the beginning of mutually beneficial cooperation.

Our contacts: (specify).

Sincerely, Boris Borisovich.

Letter of request for a discount

Typically, such texts are sent to the company's suppliers. For example, an organization organizes exhibitions. She has a supplier - a printing house that supplies brochures, stands, booklets and more. The cost of services is quite high. The crisis came, and it became difficult for the company to pay for the goods of the printing house. This may well be a reason to ask for a discount.

Head of the company "Vostok"
Ivanov I.I.
From the head of the company "West"
Petrova B. B.

Hello Ivan Ivanov. Our organization was affected by the financial crisis. The number of contracts concluded with us decreased by 20%. Unfortunately, the crisis affected not only us, but also our customers. People cannot pay for our services in the same amount as before. Therefore, we have provided a 25% discount on tickets.

Due to the difficult financial situation, our company asks you for a 15% discount for the remaining six months of cooperation under the contract.

We have sent letters asking for a discount to all our suppliers. If 20% of our partners provide us with favorable conditions, our company will survive in difficult times and will not close. We've already been given a discount by the landlords and the phone company.

Sincerely, Boris Petrov.


The letter contains the following important points:

  • Explanation of the need for a discount.
  • Indication of the exact size of the discount, terms.
  • An indirect indication that if the printer does not provide a discount, the company will terminate the contract.

The text must be written in such a way that the letter is read to the end and agreed to the proposed conditions.

Letter requesting a rent reduction

Rent "eats" the budgets of most organizations. Its reduction allows the company to stay afloat in difficult times. The letter should be sent to the landlord.

Head of Plus
Ivanov P.P.
From the head of the company "Minus"
Petrova I. I.

Hello, Petr Petrovich. Our company was affected by the financial crisis. The purchasing power of consumers has decreased, business revenues have decreased. In this regard, we ask you to reduce the rent by 10%.

For all the time of our cooperation, we have never delayed payments. We hope that you will make concessions to us, and we will maintain our business relationship. We guarantee timely payment of the rent, despite the difficult financial conditions.

Sincerely, Ivan Ivanovich.


In the letter, it is important to mention that the company has previously fulfilled its obligations in full. The landlord must be sure that the landlord will continue to make payments. The recipient must also understand that if he does not agree to the proposed terms, the tenant will refuse his services.

Letter of request for debt payment

Debts very often arise in the interaction between companies. If the organization is set to continue cooperation with the counterparty, which has a debt, a letter of request is sent.

Ivanov I.I.

Sidorova P.P.

Dear Ivan Ivanovich, we ask you to pay off the debt to our company in the amount of 200,000 rubles. All this time, we continued to cooperate with you, hoping to continue business relations. However, we are now forced to suspend the provision of services due to the lack of payments.

The amount of your debt is 200,000 rubles. Please pay by March 1, 2017. If the debt is not repaid, we will be forced to resolve the issue in court.

Sincerely, Petr Petrovich.


The letter must include the following items:

  • The exact amount owed.
  • The date by which the debt must be paid.
  • Actions the company will take if payments are not received.

The text can mention a long-term successful cooperation with the organization. It should be a request, not a demand. The request is made according to a different template.

Letter of request for deferred payment to the supplier

The organization supplied the company with a batch of products, but did not pay for it. A debt has formed, but the debtor has no funds to pay. In this case, it makes sense to write a letter of request for a delay.

Head of the company "Where is the money"
Sidorov P.P.
From the head of the company "Money is about to be"
Ivanova I. I.

Dear Petr Petrovich, we have not paid the debt of 200,000 rubles. We do not shy away from our debt, but now we cannot make payments in full due to the difficult financial condition.

For 2 years we have maintained successful business relations with you, we have not missed the deadlines for payments. Today we ask for an installment payment. Our company is ready to pay the debt in two stages:

  • We will deposit 100,000 rubles by March 1, 2017.
  • 100,000 rubles will be paid before April 1, 2017.

We promise you timely payments. Thanks for understanding.

Sincerely, Ivan Ivanovich.

Letter requesting payment for another organization

The debt of the company can be paid by another organization. Of course entity will not pay shares just like that. Usually a letter of request is sent to the debtor of the company or another person who has obligations to the company.

To the head of the company "Money is about to be"
Ivanov I.I.
From the head of the company "Where is the money"
Sidorova P.P.

Dear Ivan Ivanovich, you have a debt to our company in the amount of 300,000 rubles. Our organization also has a debt to another company in the amount of 200,000 rubles. We ask you to pay our debt to the creditor in the amount of 200,000 rubles. In return, we will provide you with an installment plan for the balance of the debt that you requested earlier. Thanks for understanding.

Sincerely, Petr Petrovich.

Letter of request for assistance in resolving the issue

Before any companies can get up difficult problems which cannot be dealt with without outside help. A letter of request for assistance can be sent if necessary, for example, holding events. The request is sent to commercial organizations, state structures.

Director of AAA
Petrov B. B.
From public organization
"We give good"

Dear Boris Borisovich, I am a representative of the public organization "Giving Good". We are engaged in organizing and holding holidays for children from the orphanage.

We ask for your help in organizing food supplies for the holiday. Of course, at the event we will mention you and your company. The celebration will be attended by representatives of the legislative assembly, the public.

You can contact us by phone XXX

Sincerely, Ivan Ivanovich.


Let's combine all the rules for writing a letter of request. First you need to introduce yourself, tell about your activities. But the introductory part should not be drawn out. Our goal is to encourage the recipient to read the letter. If the text is too long, the recipient is unlikely to read it to the end. Then you need to start presenting your request. Accuracy is required: indication of terms, amount of funds. It is important to understand that the recipient must feel the benefit. Therefore, the letter must indicate why it would be beneficial for the organization to comply with the request. At the end, you need to say goodbye politely and without fawning.

A business letter is one of the main communication tools in any business. A well-written business letter will help create a positive impression of the company. And one poorly written letter can kill your entire reputation. We already wrote about the rules of business correspondence, now let's look at concrete examples business letters.

business letter samples

There are many types of business letters - business proposals, letters of complaint, letters of gratitude, letters of refusal, cover letters, letters of guarantee, information and so on. The principles of their compilation practically do not differ from each other. Look again at to avoid mistakes.

Thank You Letter Examples

Example of a letter of guarantee

Sample response letter

This good example of what a polite rejection letter might look like:

An example of an information letter

Complaint letter example

Examples of letters in English in business correspondence

Unfortunately, not everyone has a high level of English proficiency. And often managers are a little lost when they need to write a business letter to English language. If even in Russian people in correspondence cannot always understand each other, then what can we say about foreign language? The best way out in this situation is to search for similar letters and use phrases that are suitable from them in your letter. For example, here are three examples of business letters in English: a letter of gratitude to the client, a letter clarifying the terms of the transaction, and a letter in response to a purchase offer. Each file contains a version of the letter in English and its translation into Russian.
Download a letter of gratitude to the client in English.
Download the letter with the terms of the deal in English.
Download a response letter to a purchase offer in English.

Structure of a business letter

A clear structure is a mandatory characteristic of a business letter. It will help the recipient to quickly understand the meaning of what is written and reduce the time to read it. A business letter consists of the following main parts:

1. Title (subject of the letter). In the title of the letter, you should write its brief purpose or essence. No abstract phrases can be used here. It should be clear to the addressee by the heading alone what the letter is about. For example, “On changes in prices for the supply of products” or “ Business offer about trade cooperation with the company XXX”.

2. Greeting. The greeting “Dear + First Name Patronymic!” is considered traditional in business letters. However, the name is not required. You can also address the addressee through his position: "Dear Mr. Director!". However, keep in mind that addressing by name somewhat reduces the psychological distance and emphasizes the well-established business relationship. If the letter is addressed to a group of people, then it is permissible to write “Dear ladies and gentlemen!”, “Dear partners!” and so on. The use of the abbreviations "Mr", "Ms" or initials is perceived as a sign of disrespect, so try to avoid it.

3. A statement of the purpose of writing a letter, its essence, the main idea. This is the main part of the letter. Here you write directly about the very reason for writing the letter.

4. Your suggestions for solving this problem, recommendations, requests, complaints. Business letters almost always involve a certain reaction of the addressee (except for purely informative letters). Therefore, it is important to describe not only the problem itself, but also to offer your own options for solving it. If you are writing a complaint, then ask to take appropriate action, if you make an offer of cooperation, then describe it possible options. In a word, the recipient of your letter must not only understand "what" you want from him, but also understand "how" you propose to implement it. Then it will be a real business letter.

5. Summary and conclusions. At the very end, we can sum up all of the above. However, it is not always possible to do this very briefly. In this case, writing in a few sentences what you already described in the first two paragraphs is not worth it. Remember that a business letter's best friend is brevity. Therefore, in most cases, it is enough to confine ourselves to the phrases “I hope for successful cooperation”, “I am waiting for your answer on this issue”, and so on.

6. Signature. A business letter is signed with the position, name and surname of the sender with the traditional phrase "Respectfully". Other options are also possible: Best wishes”, “Sincerely yours”, and so on, depending on the proximity of your contact with the recipient. The phrase "Respectfully" is the most universal, so if in doubt how it would be more appropriate to subscribe, then use this phrase and you will definitely not miss.

Also, it would not be superfluous to add contact options with you to the signature: other email addresses, work phone numbers, skype. The benefit of this is not only that the recipient, if desired, will be able to quickly contact you in a convenient way, but also that in this way you will demonstrate your openness and readiness to communicate with the addressee.

And do not forget that an official letter is first of all a document. Therefore, neglecting the rules for compiling it, you irrevocably ruin the reputation of your company and yourself as a specialist.

What if you need to urgently receive important documents, request up-to-date information, or seek help from a company or an official? Compose a letter of request according to all the rules of business correspondence and get a positive response.

From the article you will learn:

How is a business request letter different from other types of letters?

Business correspondence is the most important part of the system of documentary communications. Letters are her most massive documents. There are many types of official correspondence. All of it is a form of written dialogue that contributes to the solution critical issues activities of organizations. Its genre-thematic range is distinguished by a wide variety.

A letter of request is one of the most common types of business correspondence. The need to write such appeals can be caused by various reasons, and it is not possible to list them all. However, there are a number of features that make it possible to distinguish this letter among the general array of service documentation.

A formal request letter can be a tactful request or a diplomatic demand on a current issue. It serves to achieve the specific goal of the author and is necessary to encourage the addressee to take the actions that are necessary for the compiler of the letter of request.

There are especially many situations when it becomes necessary to write a letter of request in management activities. The reason can be either a simple situation that does not require enhanced argumentation and detailed explanations, or a problem, without explaining the essence of which it is impossible to get a positive answer. In the second case, the author will need not only to state his request, but also to substantiate it, explain to the recipient why it is necessary to act in one way or another.

Templates and standards that exist in office work make it easier to write a formal letter of request. Any business appeal must comply with the rules of business correspondence. Correspondence is, first of all, the face of the sending company. Its design requires attention to detail and compliance with the rules of business etiquette. In order to write a letter of request on behalf of the organization, you will need a letterhead with all the necessary details. The appeal is certified by the signature of an authorized official and the seal of the company.

How to write a formal request letter?

A business letter of request is drawn up according to all the rules of official correspondence. In order to eventually get a positive answer, when writing an appeal, you should follow a certain algorithm. It will allow structuring the content of the letter, conveying the main thoughts to the addressee, clearly and clearly state the essence of the problem.

Determine who exactly you are talking to?

It is better to contact the addressee personally. Following the generally accepted rules of business etiquette, use the address by name and patronymic. This will help show respect. In addition, a personal request imposes executive who received the letter, a certain responsibility. Even in the case when you need to write a letter of request for a group of people, it is better to personalize the appeal.

Why are you addressing this particular recipient?

It is recommended to explain in advance to the addressee why you contacted him. You can compliment him and note his business or personal qualities, past achievements that matter in the context of your appeal. Such a technique will encourage you to consider the letter with a request more carefully and find an opportunity to satisfy it. It is important to be sincere and not cross the line between compliment and flattery.

How can you justify your request?

Think over the arguments in advance and line them up in the text letters according to the scheme strong - medium - strongest. Interest the addressee, reveal to him the potential benefits associated with the fulfillment of your desire. Voice a problem that is relevant to him and show how it can be solved to your interests. Describe the significance of the problem and let the recipient know that solving it can be beneficial for both of you.

What information should be provided to the addressee?

Describe the problem as concisely and as clearly as possible. Avoid ambiguity and be as specific as possible about the desired result: specify the exact price, date, percentage, etc. The letter of request requires the addressee to accept management decision. To do this, he needs accurate information: how much, what, when and at what price. These details must be formulated precisely, leaving no room for innuendo. Otherwise, the initiative may pass to the recipient, the request will be formally granted, but the originator will not get what he wanted.

What conclusions can be drawn?

After the request is made, it must be modified and repeated again, focusing the addressee's attention on the potential benefits. At the same time, the possible benefit does not always have to be material.

In order to write a message to CEO organization did not become torture for the employee, it is enough to put into practice the rules for writing a business letter, that is, to break the entire message into several parts and correctly arrange them.


1. Start your letter by indicating who you are writing to. Format the message as is customary in business correspondence. In the upper right part of the document, write in three lines the position, company name and surname of the head, for example: General Director of IntersvyazCom LLC Ivanov I.I.

2. Specify who is the addressee of the letter. Do this after the indentation from the previous section of the message also on the right side. You need to note your position and last name with initials, say: From the head of the sales department Esenina E.E.

3. Indent a few lines from the previous section, align the cursor in the middle of the page, indicate the nature of the message. You can write " Memo», « Information mail”or“ Explanatory note ”, it all depends on what reason you are contacting the head of the organization. You don't need to put a period after the heading. If the letter is related to any request, it is easy to address the director by name and patronymic in a respectful manner.

4. Start the letter with words that explain the reason for writing it, say, "in continuation of our negotiations", "in accordance with your request", or "based on your suggestions."

5. If your letter is related to a request for equipment, an increase in an employee, or an opportunity to take a business trip, it is better to start the letter with the phrase “I beg you to see the opportunity ...”.

6. Express the situation, make explanations, draw up tables or graphs, if the nature of the letter requires it. The alignment of the core part of the document should be set to the width of the page. Every line must start with an indent.

7. Sign the letter, strictly use the standard “respectfully yours” before indicating the surname, after it you need to put a comma.

8. Do not forget to indicate the date of writing the letter and put your signature on the printed document.

9. If your organization has an internal communication e-mail, start the letter with an appeal and express all the information in a free form.

Official letters make up to 80% of the total number of documents that are prepared in an organization or enterprise. With their help, there is communication between institutions and individuals. Service letters are informational in nature, they can also be made in the form of a request or requirement.


1. Decide on the purpose of the letter. It must be written only if the issue to which it is devoted cannot be resolved by telephone or in an individual meeting, and also if it should serve as an official document confirming the very fact of its sending. Think it over in advance and make sure that you have chosen the addressee correctly and that the result will lie in his competence if your letter- request.

2. Only one question should be asked in one letter. Several questions are allowed to be stated only if they are interconnected. The recipient should immediately realize the essence and category of your letter, therefore it must be expressed in the very first phrases. In them, inform not only the essence of the issue, but also the actions that you expect to get as a result. In the introduction, you can refer to regulations, which you are guided by when compiling a letter and which serve as the basis for requesting or providing information.

3. If the circumstances and the essence of the issue are more familiar to the addressee and have been discussed in advance, then it is allowed to write a service letter without an introductory part, stating the issue itself immediately.

4. The main part of the letter should encourage action, persuade or explain. The text should be clear, distinct, short and logical. The facts stated in it must be verified and objective, the digital data must be as accurate as possible. Write the letter in a businesslike, neutral tone. The text can be written in the first person in exclusive or plural or from a third party in an exceptional number.

5. Avoid unconditional expressions in the text of the letter. Use for this introductory words and constructions: if it is permissible, probably, as follows from, as it is known.

6. Business Etiquette requires starting a letter with the phrase "Highly Honored" and writing the name and patronymic of the addressee. If they are not there, then at the end of the letter, before the signature of the head of your organization, there must certainly be the phrase “Respectfully,”. You can also emphasize this respect in the text of the letter, using such participial cycles as: “having scrupulously studied your notes, your comments ...”, “observantly examining your proposals ...”.

7. A service letter must certainly be written on the letterhead of the organization, which indicates its full name and contact numbers.

When implementing economic activity some heads of organizations are required to apply official travel. From Article 166 Labor Code RF follows that the employee is sent to business trip by order of the head of the organization. But what if the director himself goes on an official assignment, it turns out that he sends himself on an official assignment.


1. First of all, look in the charter of the society who has the right to issue administrative documents. If it is written there that only the head (who is also the director) has the right to publish, then he must draw up documents for a business trip. If you have delegated the right to sign to a deputy, travel documents are signed by this person.

2. Issue a job assignment for sending on a business trip, it has a unified form No. T-10a. Here indicate the destination of the business trip, the time of its beginning and end (according to tickets), the purpose of the trip. Sign the document. After the end of the business trip, fill out the report, the one located at the bottom of the form.

3. Issue an order to send an employee on a business trip (form No. T-9). If the charter provides for the delegation of the right to sign to another person, he must draw up an administrative document. Enter information about the business trip here: destination and period of the business trip, purpose and reason (duty assignment). Sign the document or give it to the deputy for signature.

4. Issue an order for your temporary substitution. If there is a deputy, appoint him to act as chief; if there is no such position in the state, appoint another person. In the administrative document, write down the replacement period and the reason (business trip), specify a number of powers.

5. Issue a power of attorney for the right to conduct business. For example, to represent the interests of the company in the tax authority. Take care of signing financial documents. To do this, you can contact your bank and remake the signature card.

6. Draw up a travel certificate (form No. T-10). Please enter your full name director of the organization, his personnel number. Below, enter the purpose of the trip and the period of being away from the workplace. Sign the document.

If there is a table in a document executed in, Abiword or Microsoft Word, the number of rows and columns in it is not fixed. If necessary, they can be added, thereby increasing the number of points tables and their parameters.


1. Open the document containing the table. To do this, select the menu item "File" - "Open" or press the keys Ctrl-O. Find the file in one or another folder, and then press the OK key. Locate the table in the document to which you want to add continuation .

2. Place the cursor in a cell tables, after which you want to place a further column or row.

3. Bring the arrow to the same cell, then press the right mouse button.

4. In the menu that appears, select "Row" - "Insert" or "Column" - "Insert".

5. In the "Number" input field, enter from the keyboard the number of rows or columns to be added. You can also increase or decrease their number using the arrow buttons located on the right side of the field.

6. Select the location of the added rows or columns: before or after the cell in which the cursor is currently located.

7. Click OK. Rows or columns will be added, but they will be empty. Enter the required information in them.

8. After adding new cells, you may need to edit the appearance of the border more closely than the existing ones. To do this, move the cursor to any of the cells tables, in the text editor menu, select "Format" - "Table".

9. When the window opens, select the "Frame" tab in it. After that, activate one of the ready-made framing options in the "Predefined" field, or configure appearance all of the walls in the "User Defined" field.

10. If you make a mistake when setting the frame, press the "Restore" key, and later adjust the settings again. When all errors are fixed, click the OK button, and the view tables will change to the one you set. After that, here, save the document to the newest file (“File” - “Save As”) or to the same file (Ctrl-S). When using the editor and using a format that is not the default editor, make sure the format is unchanged.

If you find an error, please select a piece of text and press Ctrl+Enter.