Who can write a memo. Memo to the director. How to write a job letter

As part of my job, I have to prepare various documents on a daily basis. It is important to freely navigate the existing varieties of strict and arbitrary forms, as well as to have an idea of ​​​​how to write a particular document, what data to indicate and what information to present in it.

A sample memo can be easily found on the Internet and use this example when compiling.

Since there can be many reasons for writing a document, it is important to write the document correctly and state the essence of the issue in a simple, concise and understandable way.

Some features of compiling the form of a memo “I bring to your attention ...” will be discussed today in my note.

An example of writing any document today can be found on the Web, when drawing up an official appeal, it is necessary to be based on the main rules and recommendations for compiling business correspondence.

The main requirement is that the document should not contain the personal opinion of a citizen, as well as various embellishments, text with emotional coloring, threats.

The literacy of the appeal is extremely important, the use of vernacular and colloquial expressions is not allowed. Reports and memos are compiled according to special templates and usually have the following structure:

  • information about the originator and recipient of the document;
  • a brief summary of the essence of the issue;
  • artist's signature and date of application.

Depending on the circumstances under which the document will be submitted, some additional elements are added to the form. How a memo is written will be discussed in more detail later.

In what situations is a memo drawn up

This document is addressed to the head of the enterprise or a specific department. Usually, the document is used to improve production process or adjust if necessary difficult situation a team.

In other words, when referring to a memo, the employee uses his own method of vertical communication, when the necessary information from the employee is sent directly to the manager.

The main purpose of writing such a document is to draw the attention of the authorities to the problem and encourage them to take the necessary actions to resolve it. At certain circumstances, the note is compiled and submitted by authority, for informational purposes only.

The document is strictly internal and does not go beyond the company. A few words should be said about the purpose of writing the document. In fact, the grounds for compiling a "service" may be different:

  1. To absolve themselves of responsibility for a committed violation by subordinates. Upon receipt of such a document, the head will not be able to make claims against the citizen in the future.
  2. To get protection. If an employee experiences injustice and a picky attitude on the part of higher-ranking personnel, then this form of appeal can be used to resolve the issue amicably. If this fails, then the next instance is the court, where the memo can become additional evidence.
  3. In order to correct the situation related to the violation of the production process and subject to settlement.
  4. To improve labor efficiency.

Taking into account the grounds and goals for compiling such documentation, the types of memos also differ.

What are the types of memos

Despite the fact that the classification of such forms is very simple, sometimes there is a misunderstanding of which type of document to use for a particular situation. In particular, we highlight the most famous types of notes:

  1. The content of the documents are: informative, reporting and proactive.
  2. Taking into account the addressee: internal and external.
  3. Documents differ based on the facts stated in them.

The above classification is taken into account, it is worth choosing the appropriate document format and compiling a note according to the existing example.

Who can become the author of the "service"

Formally, any employee can draw up such a document, but here it is required to strictly observe subordination. In other words, it’s not worth stepping over the head of your immediate supervisor, but you need to submit a note to him.

Having submitted an appeal, a citizen should not wait for a written response, since the main reaction of a document that has not been received is the imposition of a resolution from the boss.


Writing a memo is common in large enterprises where a lot of people work and it is difficult to keep track of the situation on the ground. This approach allows the management of the enterprise to keep abreast of events and take timely action. necessary measures to resolve complex and sometimes conflict situations.

When drawing up an appeal, it is important to take into account the various nuances and requirements that the current standards impose. Only in this case the document will have significance.

A memo is an internal document through which communication takes place between employees in an official written form. Its content is reduced to assignments, the performance of any tasks, etc., that is, work issues. Despite the fact that writing a memo is a simple matter, and not regulated by very strict rules, nevertheless, you need to know them. In this article, we will consider the procedure for compiling this documentation, types, etc.


The nature of the service note is informational and reference, which means that it contains certain notifications, messages, instructions, etc. The issues raised in it relate to the specific employee to whom it is sent. In other words, a memo is a toolkit for communication within an enterprise.

Note: the obligation of a memo has not been established. This is an additional document, although orders and instructions can be drawn up on its basis.


A memo is considered to be a frequently used documentation, at the same time, not included in the list of officially classified management papers. Widely used, it becomes a connection at the horizontal level: that is, it is compiled by an employee of one department to convey a request or proposal to an employee of another.

Important: the statuses of control objects between which communication is made through a service note must be equivalent. Otherwise, the document is not considered a memo, but a memorandum.

Purposes of use

A memo to work can be used in various cases.

Here are some examples:

  • to reward an employee;
  • to send an employee on a business trip;
  • reporting to the logistics department about equipment malfunction;
  • notification of the head of security from the head of any other unit about the need to let unauthorized persons (non-employees) into the company building, indicating the reasons;
  • a request in the form of a memo sent to the accounting department for the allocation of material resources for certain needs, etc.

Separate cases of compiling memos

Although a memo is considered an internal paper, one of its varieties is a document sent to the attestation commission. However, the use of notes exclusively for work communication is still more common.

How to write a memo?

The basic rules for compiling a memo are similar to any others. They include writing on an A4 sheet, instructions from whom and to whom it is sent, assurances with a date and a signature. But how to write memo meeting all requirements?

  • in the center (it is also possible to place it on the left side of the sheet), write the corresponding title of the document;
  • there are two options for writing the date - both completely in Arabic numerals, and indicating the month in words;
  • in the title to the main heading, you can add short description the content of the document;
  • information about the sender and recipient must be complete: first name, last name and patronymic, full name of the position and department (division) to which this position is attached.

In response to the question of how to write a memo, not only the details and attributes of this document are included, but also what its content should be.

The paper in question does not require a very dry and official language- free narrative is allowed, however, specifically reflecting the reason for writing.

The content is divided into two parts. The first of these is called the preamble. It briefly talks about what prompted the originator to both write a memo and send it to a specific employee.

The second part is considered the main one, it is also more voluminous than the preamble. This text includes a statement of the direct request or proposal. To it you can add an analysis of the situation, conclusions and results.


Some companies, when asked how to write a memo, simply provide their employees with a special form. But, it should be noted, this is not a mandatory unification - GOST provides only advisory provisions (regarding fonts, dimensions and intervals) without an approved sample. However, if such a thing exists in a particular company, it is better to stick to it.

Service and memos

A little higher in the note it was indicated how service and memorandum notes differ. But many people still tend to confuse them with each other.

The most common mistakes are:

  • a memo for an employee from an employee to a boss (in fact, a memorandum);
  • about wage increases;
  • about a promotion.

The last two imply reference not at a horizontal level, but vertically, which denies the definition of a memo.

Important: the division of memos into memos and explanatory notes is a priori incorrect.


All memos are registered in the register. Depending on how the document flow is organized in each particular company, either the one who compiled the paper or the one who received it can do this. In any of the cases, this boils down to the fact that the memo is assigned a unique number, which should be indicated in its text.

Sample memo

"Sales Department, Division Director information technologies V. A. Kutsaku
№ 19-43/102
April 13, 2015
About testing the state of the PC for its performance
Starting from 04/10/2015, the personal computer of R. Maksimenko, an employee of the sales department, has been experiencing regular malfunctions, namely: restarting without issuing this command to the PC, problems with turning it on / off, and screen flickering. As a result of the above, I ask you to carry out the necessary diagnostics by the specialists of your department in order to identify the causes of the problems, as well as successfully eliminate them. I propose that the results of the testing carried out be presented in writing, summed up about next steps: repair or replacement of the machine.

Suppose that it turned out that the PC cannot be repaired. In this case, we issue a memo to write off the equipment.

Example of a note to write off equipment

"Sales Department, Director of the Logistics Department M. A. Oleinik
№ 21-45/104
From April 16, 2015
About writing off a non-working PC
Starting from 04/10/2015, R.D. Maksimenko, an employee of the sales department, experienced regular malfunctions in the personal computer. As a result, diagnostics carried out by specialists of the information technology department showed the following: the PC should not be further used. In this regard, I ask you to write off the above equipment due to inoperability.

Head of Department L. A. Kudryavtsev"

In addition to it, you will need another note - to replace decommissioned equipment.

Equipment replacement note

"Sales Department, Director of the Logistics Department M. A. Oleinik
№ 22-46/104
From April 17, 2015
About replacing a broken PC
The personal computer of the specialist of the department, Maksimenko R. D., was decommissioned and needs to be replaced due to its inoperability (according to doc. No. 20-44/103 of 04/15/2015). I ask you to provide new equipment that matches the parameters of the decommissioned one. Please report completion in writing. Attached to the note is a report from the information technology department on the diagnostics carried out and its results.

Head of Department L. A. Kudryavtsev"


Usually writing a memo does not cause problems. This internal document is a fairly familiar means of communication between different levels management. Conditional barriers can only be caused by "confusion" between memos and service notes (the article indicates how they differ).

In some companies, the preparation of memos takes place exclusively according to the introduced and approved sample (in this case it is better to stock up on special forms for them), in others it is more than free.

When compiling this document, you should be guided by the same rules as for other papers - the font and spacing in accordance with GOST, the date and signature for the validity of the note.

In general, a memo is a very convenient toolkit, which is easy to master and correct use which there is a harmonious and clear work group of organizations. It helps maintain a cohesive relationship between departments and also reinforces the structure they make up.

In any organization, a situation arises when employees need to notify management about problems that have arisen, explain the circumstances that have arisen, or suggest ways to resolve work issues. That's what this document is for. In the article, we will analyze in detail how to write a memo correctly, you can download a sample for free.

They are:

  1. Reporting. It is written if an employee makes a suggestion or seeks help to resolve violations or disagreements with another employee.
  2. Explanatory. Most often due to an incident that has Negative consequences, an explanatory text is written, which indicates the reasons for the violation.
  3. Analytical or informational. They contain an analysis working problem or concepts, conclusions and suggestions based on the information received.

The reason for the creation is the initiative of employees, but it can be an oral or written instruction from the head.

Document Requirements

Let's figure out how to write a memo, we'll make a sample for budget organization. In the list of primary accounting documents used government agencies, determined by Appendix No. 1 of the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2015 No. 52n, there is no unified form to draw up this paper. They are written in any form on a blank sheet of A4 paper. If necessary, in an organization with a branched structure, it is possible to develop this form.

The memo form (sample) should contain the necessary details that allow users to quickly orientate users to the essence of the document, its source, the relevance of the date and serial number. This document is not subject to mandatory registration. But the organization may decide to register them, for example, for control.

Form of memo

Important features and wording

Ethics must be respected in business conduct, especially among civil servants. The memo "I bring to your attention ..." does not meet the required high ethical standards. Write about the violation work schedule it’s easier to skip the phrase “I bring to your attention” in the report and immediately begin to state the facts and essence of the incident. For example: “Yesterday, 08/15/2018, a lesson in the classroom was disrupted due to ...”.

The question often arises, if an institution has adopted electronic document management, how to write a memo, the sample for its design is the same, and how does it differ from paper? Registration in in electronic format has no significant differences. When sent by e-mail you can request notification that it has been read by the addressee.

Step by step compilation

The rule for working with a memo consists of several steps:

  1. The employee creates a service.
  2. Coordinates it with the immediate supervisor and interested parties, for example, with specialists who will participate in the execution of work.
  3. Then it is submitted for consideration to the addressee in the specified division or department.
  4. The addressee gets acquainted with the content and makes a resolution, while giving instructions, if necessary.
  5. The document is sent for execution, and the author is notified of the result.

If the director did not write a refusal, only his positive resolution is the basis for taking any measures or performing work.

Consider the situation when the deputy director draws up a service in the name of the head of the institution. He needs to obtain permission for the access of third-party employees to the school premises before entering into an agreement for the supply of equipment. Upon reading, the director may put his resolution that it is necessary to draw up a list of persons for access, or order the preparation of temporary passes.

We told how a memo is written, an example for state employees is given below.

Sample for a budget organization

How and how much to store

Documents in the organization, completed by office work, are placed in the archive on different dates storage, depending on their type and type. In 2019, the list of types of documents with indication of the storage periods from the Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2010 No. 558 remains relevant as amended on February 16, 2016.

Explanatory, report and other memos are stored together with other documents generated in the course of activities government organizations, - correspondence, acts, applications for the issuance of passes, statements about the loss of certificates, etc. The period of their storage in the archive is 5 years.

A memo is one of the most popular types of documents in modern office work. It performs the function of interaction between the company's management, structural divisions and employees of the organization. Writing a memo requires compliance with certain rules regarding its content and design. By following these requirements, you will always be able to effectively convey information to colleagues and subordinates.

From this article you will learn:

Why are memos needed?

The service note belongs to the group of information and reference documentation. The main purpose of this group is the exchange of information between departments of the company and its employees. The need for such an official letter arises in several cases:

when it is necessary to promptly notify a certain official about a problem that has arisen;

to make suggestions to fix this problem;

to agree on planned actions;

In addition, the purposes of such a letter may include a request for information, the issuance of instructions, or a notice. It is necessary when an employee has a need to explain or agree with colleagues or management aspects of business issues. In a situation where oral communication is not enough, and the message needs to be documented, an official written document is drawn up.

Note that this type of documentation is not included in the All-Russian classifier of management documentation (OKUD). The information included in it cannot contain directives or orders. The current legislation does not provide for specific requirements for such official papers. The procedure for their registration should take into account the specifics of the organization. As a rule, it is fixed in the local regulatory act of the company that regulates office processes. Such an act, for example, can be.

What is the difference between official, memorandum and explanatory notes?

The document is drawn up in free form, adhering to general rules preparation of official documentation. A guideline in how to write a job letter for any employee can be such a local regulation as an instruction on office work.

Common requirements include the following structure:

A statement of the reasons for the compilation, facts and events that initiated its writing;

Analysis of the problem situation (if any) and proposal of ways out of it;

Presenting concrete conclusions, formulating requests and proposing concrete actions;

As for the style of presentation of information, it is recommended to use, to avoid excessive verbosity, not to use complex speech turns. Compliance with these rules allows you to briefly and to the point state the essence of the situation.

The text does not use greetings and final wishes. The letter ends with the words: “I think ... (necessary, appropriate, etc.)”, “I suggest ...”, “I ask ... (highlight, send, etc. or draw the necessary conclusions)”

How to write a job letter?

Like any other official document, the office is drawn up on A4 sheet. It can be either handwritten or typed on a computer. In any case, the signature of the originator must be handwritten.

Content Field name
Full name of the person and his position, name of the structural unit.
(If an official paper is addressed to an official, the surname is placed after the initials. The position of the addressee is indicated in the dative case, the name of the structural unit - in the nominative).
Full name of the compiler and his position, name of the structural unit.
(If a group of people took part in the writing, the compiler is a representative of the initiative group or the head of the department. The list of employees can be given in the last paragraph. The sheet with the signature of the compilers is drawn up as an application).
Reporting, official or explanatory. Title of the document
Outgoing number in and letter designation document type Registration number
Date of signing in Arabic numerals in the following sequence: day, month, year. date
Begins with the preposition "About" or "About", includes a summary.
(The title does not use verbal constructions, it is better to use a verbal noun in the prepositional case).
Title to the text
Disclosure of the essence problematic issue or a description of the situation, conclusions and suggestions.
(It is allowed to use a text and tabular version of the presentation or a combination of them).
A note about the presence of the application mentioned in the text is drawn up as follows: Application: 3 sheets. in 1 copy.
(If there are any applications not named in the text, their names, number of sheets and number of copies must be indicated).
Application List
Position of the compiler, personal handwritten signature and its transcript: last name, first name, patronymic. Compiler's signature

Registration of a memo according to GOST: sample with explanations

Currently, Russian legislation does not contain a single regulatory legal act regulating the requirements for the content of an official letter and its design. Previously, the clerk could distinguish official letters, guided by the definitions Concise Dictionary types and varieties of documents (developed by the Main Archive of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Document Science and Archiving):

Official - informs about the performance of certain work, sent by one official to another;

Reporting - addressed to higher management, sets out the issue with the conclusions and proposals of the compiler;

In the current All-Russian classifier of management documentation OK 011-93, approved by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 30, 1993 N 299 (OKUD), there is no memo as independent view. There is only a mention of the report. However, it is mentioned in connection with the violation labor discipline and has its own code of the unified form N 0286041. It is noted that the report is compiled to inform the head of the organization by the head of the unit about a specific situation in order to encourage acceptance management decision.

However, writing official official letters is widely used in office practice. In order to ensure the uniformity of the execution of official documentation, it is recommended to be guided by the requirements of "Unified Documentation Systems. Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation. Requirements for Drafting Documents".

This GOST obliges the clerk to use the form of an official official letter for its correct execution and establishes requirements for such forms:

standard form format - A4 (210 x 297 mm) and A5 (148 x 210 mm);

material - white paper or light-colored paper;

margins: right - at least 10 mm., left, top, bottom - at least 20 mm.

When preparing an official letter on a computer, it is recommended to use the Times New Roman font, with a size of 12 to 14 points and a line spacing of 1-1.5 points. The text of the service must be printed in a clean version: without blots and corrections. When arranging the text on several pages, each of them must be numbered, starting from the second page. Arabic numerals are used for numbering without the word page and punctuation marks. The number is placed in the right part of the upper field.

Mandatory composition of details for the correct execution of a memo (see sample):

  • the name of the structural unit; — 1
  • name of the document type; — 2
  • date of creation; — 3
  • registration identification number; — 4
  • title to the text; — 5
  • text; — 6
  • addressee data; — 7
  • handwritten signature of the compiler (indicating the position); — 8
  • visa approval; — 9
  • resolution. — 10

Memo example

How to write a memo in electronic form?

How to register official official letters?

One of the main functions of office work is to provide an operational search in the documentary base of the organization. This function is associated with the transfer of documentation from the compiler to the performer. In order to facilitate the search among a huge array of official papers, as a rule, registration forms are used.

A memo is a carrier of valuable organizational information. The issue set out in it requires the adoption of a certain administrative decision by the company's management. The decision can be formalized in the form of a resolution of the head or his authorized representative. Consequently, service providers need to be registered along with other internal documents.

Documentation, following the procedure adopted in the organization. The rules for issuing an official letter contain a sample of the assigned identification number. As a rule, for its assignment, the chronological order of the documentation, the letter designation of the species and the structural unit are used. So, for example, the number 0204-СЗ-OP can be assigned to an internal document. This suggests that its serial number in the magazine is 204, it is a service file drawn up in the company's sales department.

The registration number can be assigned both at the place of compilation and at the place of receipt. This should be determined by the current instruction on office work.

Consideration of an external memo: agreement and resolution

The minimum period for consideration of memos is determined by the internal regulatory act of the organization. Interested parties study the document, after which they affix approval visas on it. After the adoption of a management decision on the issue covered in it, the head of the company makes his final resolution on this issue. This is what is final stage review procedures.

The procedure for considering external official correspondence is a little different. Unlike internal, this type of documentation is drawn up on letterhead and signed directly by the head of the enterprise. The full name of the addressee organization is used in accordance with the charter.

This document is also submitted for consideration to all interested persons who affix visas on it (or a separate application sheet). The visa, as a rule, consists of the signature and the title of the position of the visa officer, the transcript (last name and initials), the date of signing. If the original of the official official letter is planned to be kept in the organization that is the recipient, the visa must be affixed at the bottom reverse side his last sheet. If the original is returned to the compiler, the approval mark must be located at the bottom of the front side of the copy. At the discretion of the company (if it is enshrined in local regulations) sighting can be done sheet by sheet, i.e. marks are put down on each sheet, including appendices.

If the addressee has comments that he wants to state to the compiler of the service, this can be done on a separate sheet, which is signed and subsequently attached to the main document.

The final stage of consideration, as in the case of an internal office, is the decision of the head after the adoption of one or another administrative decision. The resolution can be placed directly on the original or be drawn up on a separate sheet. It contains information about the performers (surnames, initials and positions), the content of the order (if any), the deadlines for execution, the signature of the head and the date the resolution was issued.


Test "All about memos."

1. The execution of a memo is regulated by:

  • GOST
  • Local regulation

2. What is the name of the memo to a higher official?

  • Reporting
  • Explanatory
  • explanatory

3. The content of the memo does not include:

  • Requests and suggestions
  • Instructions and orders
  • Conclusions of the compiler about the problem situation

4. The decision of the head on the issue set out in the office is called:

  • Resolution
  • Disposition

5. What is the order of entries in the logbook?

  • Chronological
  • Alphabetical
  • Arbitrary

A fairly large percentage of the population is associated with work in organizations of various sizes and nature of activity. In the course of performing duties, employees regularly required to communicate with superiors to resolve certain issues.

Because with this kind business correspondence everyone can face, let's take a closer look at the main questions: when and how is a memo drawn up, what are the differences in drawing up an official paper for management?

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In what cases is a memo written?

A memo is one of the elements of the internal workflow. With its help, company employees can solve production issues and situations as quickly and efficiently as possible.

memo designed to solve business problems and issues associated with the work of a particular employee or an entire department. At the same time, the solution of the issue may depend both on another employee of the company, and on a completely different structural unit.

The main difference from the report is that it is used in business communication between employees or structural units having equal status in the organization. In other words, no direct subordination.

Writing a memo brings additional benefits. This document proves that the employee who compiled it indicated a problem located in his area of ​​​​responsibility.

If a specialist unable to figure it out with a problem that has arisen, he can draw up a memo and submit the issue for consideration by other specialists. In this case, he will be able to relieve himself of responsibility for poor quality or untimely consideration of the task.

In some cases, on the basis of a memo, an order is drawn up for the need to perform a particular action.

What should the text of the document contain?

Although the exact form of filling the mentioned business letter not defined, several main points can be identified, mandatory for designation in the document. The list of props includes:

  1. A header where the recipient's data is written, such as full name and position.
  2. The name of the official paper.
  3. Date of writing and number.
  4. The heading from which the subject of correspondence is immediately clear.
  5. The "body" of the document, which initially describes the current situation, after which the compiler indicates his request.
  6. The position of the employee who compiled the official message, his signature and full name of the author.

Often the text of the note begins with the words “I bring to your attention ...”, after which the main information follows. But this is not a mandatory rule.

How to compose and write?

The beginning of the document should be details of the organization and the originator of the official letter. The title of the document itself is written in the middle. The main text should start below and with a red line. As we mentioned earlier, the essence of the problem is conveyed in a free form. The document ends with the date of compilation and signature.

If the main text of the memo should be large, it needs to be divided into several paragraphs:

  • description of the main problem;
  • request;
  • the department and the names of the employees who compiled the note, if there is a collective appeal.

In the latter case the key signature on the document is put by the head of the department, filing a service . An application with the signature of all employees is added to the main document additionally.

A memo must be written on an A4 sheet, as well as any other document. Also must have a "live" signature made by hand.

A memo is written along with a serial number and date of writing.

If desired, the document can be compiled in an editor on a computer and subsequently printed out, but the signature must also be made by the compiler himself.

Features of the design of the note (with samples)

Depending on what kind of memo is being drawn up, the nuances of document execution and situations when it should be drawn up also change.

Director or management of the company

Addressed this leader various memos are being compiled, so let's talk about how best to convey them. It is advisable to draw up a document in two original versions.

According to the rules, the document is transferred to the secretary, from which it will not be superfluous to receive a mark on the acceptance of the document for consideration. After that, wait for the decision of the authorities.

On a business trip: renewal and cancellation

The memo serves as confirmation that the traveling employee is on site, plus fixes the dates of arrival and return from a business trip. This document may be issued if:

  • the employee travels on a rented, personal or company vehicle;
  • the employee does not have documents confirming his fact of travel and residence.

Review from vacation

There are frequent cases when, for operational reasons, managers have to be recalled from one of the employees.

In this situation, the head of the unit in which the employee who is on annual paid leave is listed becomes the compiler of the memo.

The head of the organization must familiarize himself with the submitted document and indicate your consent or refusal of the request fixed in the document.

According to Article 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the recall of an employee from vacation is possible only with his personal consent.

Also, according to article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is forbidden to withdraw from vacation:

  • pregnant women;
  • underage employees;
  • workers associated with dangerous or harmful working conditions.

On leave

In addition to vacation, employees of organizations can, under certain conditions, receive the so-called “time off”, i.e. take time off from work. Because the V Labor Code this concept withdrawn, the terms "extra rest time" or "other rest time" are used.

The document with which the employee expresses his wishes to the authorities can be either a statement or a memo.

An employee is entitled to leave when:

  • worked overtime;
  • worked on weekends or holidays;
  • had a total processing during rotational work;
  • accepted Active participation in the donor movement and blood donation;
  • employee;
  • for vacation.

About changing the work schedule or postponing working hours

Each employee may have good reasons on which he can apply to management with a request to change the work schedule.

If the initiative is manifested precisely on the part of the employee, who can document the need for adjustments, he draws up a memo addressed to the head of the enterprise.

In the case when the reason is really good, the employer does not have the right to refuse the employee in accordance with Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The document should indicate the current schedule and the desired one.

For the purchase of equipment

This memo is written by the department that needs to purchase new or replace old equipment.

An example might be a request from the economics or human resources department to the head of the information technology department with a request to replace a faulty computer as soon as possible.

Form of a memo for the purchase of a computer: .

About holding events

Memos concerning the solution of organizational issues for holding events, have their own specifics. They also found frequent use in educational institutions.

In the note, you will need to indicate the basic data on the upcoming event, if necessary, the contact details of the persons responsible for holding it.

About providing information

One of the most commonly used types service notes. It is used to make a request for obtaining this or that information and is built according to the following principle:

  1. it is necessary to indicate the key idea, form a request;
  2. provide details that the recipient may need;
  3. recall the main idea of ​​the query and provide additional information.

On the punishment of the employee

The specified type of document is used in cases where the behavior of an employee at the workplace or his inappropriate attitude to work duties requires appropriate reprimands.

The compiler of the memorandum must state the facts as much as possible objectively and unemotionally to allow management to deal with the incident.

On the need for a new employee

The document is drawn up when one of the structural divisions of the company requires new employee. Then the head of the department has the right to submit this element of internal business correspondence to the management.

In it, he must indicate objective reasons, according to which this decision be objective and acceptable.

Service note on hiring a new employee: .

For overtime work

A common reason for compiling such documents is presence of emergencies, under which it will be necessary to involve employees in resolving the issue after the end of working hours.

A memo is drawn up by the head of the shift or department in the name of the direct supervisor. In the text of the document reasons for the request and a list of those who are planned to be involved in overtime work.

Bringing on overtime work employee: .

On the creation of a new structural unit

The issue of creating new structural units can also be resolved using a request expressed using a memo. The purpose of this action is highlighted in the body of the document. Among them:

  • increasing the level of labor rationing;
  • more efficient solution of certain tasks;
  • improvement with staff and other reasons.

Memos in some situations can replace statements, acting more "softly". Most often they are used for internal processes related to the organization of production.

If the company supports the system electronic document management, the design of memos is practically no different from the paper version. Key Difference - Media transferred between structural divisions of the company.

The video clip below reveals some aspects of working with memos in electronic form:

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