Message on the theme of Literacy Day. Event "international day of literacy in elementary school". How is International Literacy Day celebrated?

(International Literacy Day). It was first held in 1966 at the initiative of the World Conference of Ministers of Education on the Eradication of Illiteracy, held in Tehran (Iran) in September 1965, and was timed to coincide with the date of the grand opening of this conference.

Literacy is one of the key elements needed to ensure sustainable development, it helps people make the right decisions about economic growth, social development and ecological integration. Literacy is the foundation of lifelong learning and plays a fundamental role in building sustainable, peaceful and prosperous societies.

Education is central to the concept of sustainable development and is integral part one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of UNESCO.

This is to ensure a comprehensive and fair quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all. The goal is that by 2030, all young people and a large proportion of adults, both men and women, can read and count.

According to UNESCO, despite the rise in literacy rates over the past 50 years, there are still 750 million illiterate adults worldwide and 250 million children unable to acquire basic skills.

Adult literacy rates have improved since 2000, reaching 85.3% globally, but sub-Saharan Africa and South and West Asia continue to have the lowest rates.

Literacy among youth aged 15 to 24 now thanks to accessibility school education reached 90.6%.

Women make up two-thirds of all illiterate adults - 63%, young women make up 59% of illiterate youth.

In 2017, the theme of International Literacy Day will be "Digital Literacy".

In record time, digital technologies are fundamentally transforming people's lives, the way they work, learn and communicate. They give people new opportunities to improve all areas of their lives, including access to information, social security.

On September 8, 2017 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, a international Conference"Literacy in the Digital World".

Currently, International Literacy Day is celebrated all over the world. Its celebration is attended by governments, multilateral, bilateral and non-governmental organizations, professional communities, teachers, students and experts in this field.

Every year, UNESCO awards five literacy prizes: three The UNESCO Confucius Prize for Literacy, established in 2005 with the support of the PRC government, and two The UNESCO King Sejong Literacy Prize, for literacy. literacy programs, established in 1989 with the support of the South Korean government.

In 2016, the UNESCO King Sejong Literacy Prize was awarded to the Center for Information Assistance and Community Development for the Books for Rural Areas of Vietnam program and the Research Institute of Asian Languages ​​and Cultures of Mahidol University (Thailand) for the Bilingual/Multilingual Education Project Patani Malay-Thai.

In conditions modern world being literate is very important. But, unfortunately, today on our planet there are billions of adults and children whose level of literacy does not meet current requirements at all. It is to them that this World Literacy Day is dedicated.

The idea to hold such a holiday every year belongs to the UNESCO society. In 1965, on September 8, a conference was solemnly opened in Tehran, at which the main issue was considered and resolved - "The elimination and elimination of illiteracy in the world." After that, in 1966, UNESCO established Literacy Day, with the date of the new holiday coinciding with the opening day of the conference.

To date, technical and scientific progress impresses with its pace of development. Therefore, each person, in order to keep up with the times and feel like a member of a civilized society, must be educated and competently trained. Therefore, today UNESCO is working on the implementation special programs to spread literacy among all segments of the population of our planet.

Every year the holiday is held under a special motto, for example, "The Importance of Literacy for Women", "Literacy and Health", "Literacy Empowers Personal Opportunities", etc.

International Literacy Day 2020 - congratulations

Good speech -
She wants to take it immensely!
And neglect literacy -
The road to nowhere is by no means the right one!

And I want to wish you
So that literacy surrounds you!
to comprehend its fundamentals,
She helped in life!

So that all wishes come true
And everything was great for you -
I wish your life
I gave you literacy!

Literacy is always important
Everyone and everyone needs it!
Can good speech
There are many benefits for you to reap.

I wish on such a day
Only happiness with all my heart!
If you are literate -
You can rush to your goals!

You will always be in the right place!
Never be sad
For happiness to come to you
To be lucky in life!

Accept congratulations
On Literacy Day!
I wish you luck!
And to literacy - love.

Let everything work out for you
Dreams will come true!
Good, prosperity
Without too much fuss.

I wish true miracles
So as not to be sad in life!
You sincerely believe in yourself
To be smart!

Postcard for International Literacy Day 2020

Click on the repost to copy to social. net


Being literate is necessary in our century!
Everyone's duty is to write well.

Presenter 1

Today, September 8, the whole world celebrates International Literacy Day.

Literacy - the degree of a person's proficiency in writing and reading in their native language. Traditionally under the word"literate" means a person who can read and write or only read in any language. IN modern sense it means the ability to write according to established norms of grammar and spelling. People who can only read are also called"semi-literate".

Lead 2

The celebration of International Literacy Day is an opportunity to draw attention to the fact that, despite the role of literacy in human empowerment and its importance for development, there are still 776 million illiterate adults in the world and 75 million children out of school.

Presenter 1

Great and mighty is our Russian language. From birth to gray hair we never get tired of enjoying its beauty. Today we are holdingInternational Literacy Day in Primary Schools.

Lead 2

During the dayyou will receive assignments on the knowledge of your native language. Participation in individual and team competitions. Each of you will be able to express yourself. We wish you success.


2 teams participate: "Literates" and "Connoisseurs". I will ask questions. The jury will count the points. The team must find the answer, and the captain must raise his hand. If a team gives an incorrect answer, the other team has the opportunity to voice their answer.

1 competition-warm-up "Question-answer" (each correct answer - 1 point)

How many letters are in the Russian alphabet? (33)

How many consonants? (21)

How many vowels? (10)

What is the name of the part of speech denoting the action of an object? (verb)

What is the name of the part of speech that refers to an object? (noun)

What is the name of the part of speech denoting the attribute of an object? (adjective)

What is the first sound in the word apple? (th)

What is the name of the main member of the sentence, answering the question "who?" or "what?" (subject)

The subject and predicate are ... (the main members of the sentence)

2 competition "Merry Grammar"

From the proposed syllables, compose and write down the words:

Lu mon li but nya na remer manya moma

3 contest "Who is more"

The names of the inhabitants of the seas and rivers are hidden in a square with letters. Find them and write them down on a sheet. Whose team will name more words gets 1 point. Note that words can be written horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. One word - crab - has already been found.

Material for the teacher:

Contest clues:

1. Dolphin

2. Pike

3. Carp

4. Perch

5. Crucian

6. Catfish

7. Crab

8 Shark

9. Whale

10 Cancer

11. Medusa

12. Octopus

13. Herring.

4 competition "Tell me a word"

1. A foal every day

He grew up and became ... (horse)

2. Who will color our album?

Well, of course... (pencil)

3. Round, crumbly, white

Came to the table from the fields.

You salt it a little,

After all, the truth is delicious ... (potatoes)

4. What kind of creak, what kind of crunch?

What is this bush?

How to be, without a crunch,

If I... (cabbage)

5. I rush like a bullet forward,

Only the ice creaks.

Let the lights flicker!

Who is carrying me? ... (skates)

6. Our Mashenka is walking along the road,

She leads a goat by a rope

And passers-by look in all eyes

The girl has a very long ... (braid)

7. In the pit sleeps in the long winter

But as soon as the sun begins to warm,

On the road for honey and raspberries

Departing ... (bear)

8. In a black field, the hare is white.

Jumped, jumped, did loops.

The trail behind him was also white.

Who is this hare ... (chalk)

9. Underground, in a closet

She lives in a mink.

gray baby

Who is this? ... (mouse)

10. He slept in a fur coat all winter,

He sucked his brown paw,

And when he woke up, he began to cry

This beast of the forest ... (bear)

5 competition "Halves"

(task for the development of verbal-logical thinking)

Children, after reading the first part of the proverb, must match it with the second.

You love to ride, love to carry sleds.

Live and learn.

old friend better than the new two.

Business time, fun hour.

When the sun is warm, when the mother is good.

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

You can't even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.

5 competition "Guess the puzzles"

6th Calligraphy Competition

Each class gets a text to cheat on. The jury evaluates the purity, beauty and literacy of the written texts.

Presenter 1

We hope that today's event not only gave you pleasure, but also increased your literacy, introduced you to the richness of the Russian word, and aroused interest in the Russian language in general.

Lead 2

Guys, our fun program came to an end. You are great, you know a lot and know how to work together. And we will sum up the results in the afternoon, when the jury will calculate the points and check your work. See you!

Summing up begins the performance of students in grades 2-4

Student 1. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin had a great attitude towards his native language. In his opinion, "the Russian language is an expressive and sonorous language, flexible and powerful in its turns and means." It is characterized by "stately smoothness, brightness, simplicity and precision."

Student 2. "The Russian language is real, strong, where necessary - strict, serious, where necessary - passionate, where necessary - lively and lively." So thought Leo Tolstoy.

Student 3. The classic of French literature, Prosper Merimee, spoke of the Russian language as follows: “It is the most beautiful of all European languages, not excluding Greek.”

Student 4. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev in 1882 dedicated a prose poem to the Russian language."In the days of doubt, in the days painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you are my only support and support, oh great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! .. Without you, how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that happens at home. But it is impossible to believe that such a language was not given to a great people!”

Student 5. Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev asked: "Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language - this is a treasure, this is a property handed down to us by our predecessors!"

Student 6. I really like Gogol's statement about the Russian language: "You marvel at the preciousness of our language: every sound is a gift: everything is grainy, large, like pearls themselves, and, really, another name is even more precious than the thing itself."

Presenter 1

Word to our jury. (Voicing the results of the competition)

Lead 2

Learn Russian language -

Years in a row

With soul,



A great reward awaits you

And that reward is in himself”

(Sabir Abdullah)

Presenter 1

Thank you for your attention!

International Literacy Day

September 8 - International Literacy Day - one of the days celebrated in the United Nations system.

In 1965, the World Conference of Ministers of Education on the Elimination of Illiteracy was held in Tehran, its opening took place on September 8. At this conference, it was proposed to establish an International Literacy Day, which should be aimed at spreading literacy throughout the world. In 1966, UNESCO decided to support the proposal of the conference, and since then, International Literacy Day has been celebrated annually on 8 September.

The UN system states that literacy is essential for all children, youth and adults to acquire essential life skills that enable them to face the challenges they may face in life. In addition, the realization of the right to education contributes to the eradication of poverty.

However, literacy for all - children, youth and adults - is not yet complete. goal achieved. Despite notable progress in many countries, more than 860 million adults remain illiterate and more than 100 million children are out of school. Countless children, young people and adults covered by school or other educational programs, do not meet the level required to be considered literate in today's increasingly complex world.

Today every first grader

And reading the subject of passion

Often people can become.

Learn without limits

Strive to become smarter

So that the fruits of the labors of learning

You could eat with pride.

We forget about the real worldOpening another bookAnd we penetrate into the world of art,And we get to war or a feast.
We rustle the pages in silence.We are so close to the story of the hero!And we cry about fate, echoing it,And we enjoy life with him.
Sheet by sheet ... For every word gameOut in a row, whispering about different destinies,About good or evil, but still people,From under the writer's generous pen.

On what famous monument in Moscow does the inscription contain 5 spelling errors?

IN Moscow (Lubyansky proezd, 27) is a monument to Cyril and Methodius. To get to it, you need to get to Slavyanskaya Square. Sculptor V. V. Klykov created this monument in 1992.

Equal-to-the-Apostles Saints Methodius and Cyril were outstanding educators of their time, creators of the Slavic alphabet.

The monument dedicated to him is the figures of two brothers who are holding Holy Scripture and cross. The inscription on the pedestal is made in the Old Slavonic language: “To the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles first teachers of the Slavic Methodius and Cyril. Grateful Russia.


after examining the inscription, linguists discovered five grammatical errors. In the name "Methodius" and in the word "apostle" is written "O" instead of "omega". The name "Kirill" should contain the letter "i" instead of "i". But most of all the indignation was caused by two errors in the word "Russia": instead of "and" there should be "i", and instead of "o" there should be "omega".

Incredible, because this monument is a symbol of Slavic writing and contains such spelling errors! Many consider this curious case quite amusing.

Why do we need spelling rules?

The letter is one thing, but the sound is another. It would seem that such simple spelling rules, but how much hostility they cause among schoolchildren! It reads "barada", but it is necessary to write "beard". I would like to write: "Tiliphone does not work," but you need to write like this: "The phone does not work." This is how errors occur. And after mistakes, various disappointments arise ... Why is this complexity in spelling? Would it be easier to write exactly as they say? The answers to these questions can be found in scientific papers and large textbooks that explain how and why it is so correct to write in Russian.

In our great country a large number of areas, and in our language there are many local dialects, various dialects. Nearby cities such as St. Petersburg and Moscow also speak differently: Muscovites pronounce "dull", while Leningraders pronounce "boring". In some areas, even now you can hear “click Vankyu”, “drink kvassyu” ... In some places, residents still pronounce “onno” instead of “one”, “na nno” instead of “to the bottom”.

There are as many dialects as there are regions, and there is only one Russian language. So that all Russian people can easily understand each other and that newspapers and books can be read with equal simplicity both in Astrakhan and in Nizhny Novgorod, and near St. Petersburg, it is necessary that the same all-Russian spelling function everywhere - a single spelling.

What would you say after reading the following lines in the collected works of Pushkin:

Bahat and Slavin Kachubey,

Ivo luha niabazrimy...?

It would be difficult to understand them. And we can confidently say that “writing by ear” would only make your work harder, and learning to read and write would be almost unthinkable: instead of one Russian spelling, you would have to learn hundreds of regional spellings - for each region separately. The most rational solution is to stop at a single common spelling.

What is the best way to remember the spelling of vocabulary words?

What are "dictionary words"? This is a whole group of "naughty" words, the spelling of which often does not obey any rule of the Russian language. These words cannot be verified, so they have to be memorized.

Vocabulary words need to be known by heart, like a multiplication table, only they do not occupy half a notebook sheet, but a huge dictionary. To effectively memorize vocabulary words, experts have developed a list of tasks:

1. Read dictionary word and determine its meaning (an explanatory dictionary will come to the rescue).

2. Carry out spelling work on the word (emphasize, highlight the “disputed” letter in red, analyze the composition, divide the word into syllables).

3. Pick up as many cognate words, synonyms and antonyms as possible, as well as come up with phrases and sentences that will include this word.

4. Enter the words in the spelling dictionary.

5. Compose short story with a group of vocabulary words.

6. Form plural from the singular, and vice versa, to form another part of speech from the given word.

7. Write down words with various prefixes and prepositions (went-left, Saturday-on Saturday).

8. At the end, conduct a self-dictation and mutual verification.

Attention: sensation! It turns out that the word "window" can suggest which letter should be written at the end of the adverb. Do not believe me - see for yourself: on the left - from the window, to the left - into the window, dry - to the window, dry - to the window, long time ago - from the window, again - out of the window.
How to explain this verbal magic? The fact is that all such adverbs are formed from short forms of adjectives. And in the Old Russian language, short adjectives changed like neuter nouns. So here the adverbial suffixes -A and -O are the former (or, as linguists say, frozen) endings of the corresponding cases.

How easy is it to remember the spelling of words and rules?

"Verbal nesting dolls"

WITH like nesting dolls there are words:You write one, you get two.Take a look and you'll see:The cobra is hidden inside the porcupine.
Of course, in real life Cobra has nothing to do with porcupine. A good-natured animal with long needles on its back was named because of its intimidating appearance. Porcupine s is literally a beast wild image. The cobra here is the result of a random neighborhood of the final letter of the first root with the initial letters of the second.
But in the end it turned out that one word is hidden inside another, like a smaller nesting doll in a larger one. Learn to find such "word nesting dolls" - the spelling of many difficult words will become simple. And it's also a fun game.
Let's take the word director as an example. It is easy to confuse the sequence of unverifiable letters: first E, then I. But “there are words like nesting dolls”!
And now, from the larger matryoshka “cut sser”, a smaller one peeps out - “hedgehogs”. Note that she not only amuses us with her unexpected appearance, but also helps us remember the spelling of the “big nesting doll”.

How easy is it to remember the rule?

Helper drawings

rules can be drawn. And if you draw a rule, then you need to reflect its essential, decisive features in visual images. Let's show this on the example of a punctuation rule "The use of a comma before a single union AND". The owner symbolizes the subject, the dogs are the predicates, and the leashes are the semantic connection between the main members of the sentence. The semantic connection is the most decisive here. If both predicates denote actions or signs of one host-subject, then they are homogeneous and if there is a union between them, And a separating comma is not needed (The door opened and creaked).

It is a different matter when each dog-predicate serves its owner-subject (The door opened and the floorboard creaked). Here, in order to avoid a bloody conflict of part complex sentence are separated by a comma. IN
In the latter case, there are again two dogs, and one owner. However, only one of them serves the owner-subject, only one of them is connected with the owner by a leash of semantic connection. The second symbolizes the main member one-part sentence. This means that they must also be separated by a comma (The door opened, and it immediately got warmer).

The illiterate is the same blind.

Everywhere he is waiting for failures and misfortunes.

Most Difficult words

The company "Yandex" named the most difficult words found in search queries. According to the results of August 2013, out of the 10 thousand most used words in the search, the most common mistakes were made in the words “comment” (27%) and “girl” (26%). This is followed by "hard", "oily" (25% each). "Agency" and "program" got 24% each. "Calculate", "banner" received 23% each.

“The greatest difficulties for users are caused by Russian words with double and unpronounceable consonants, as well as words borrowed from other languages,” says Yandex.

The mechanism for detecting and correcting errors in Yandex is designed in such a way that it compares the spelling of a query by the frequency and compatibility of words with dictionaries and statistics on the use of words on large sites, such as Wikipedia. Often we are not talking about the illiteracy of users, but about the variability of writing standards. For example, the word "shopping". Most often, users request the option with two letters "p". The search engine does not define such requests as incorrect and simply considers the correct spelling that occurs more often.

In addition, auto-correction rules may conflict with vocabulary rules. For example, “Thailand” in 85 cases out of 100 is written in the search through “th”, and recently the Yandex search has stopped correcting this error - for the query “Thailand”, it searches for both spellings.

And, of course, you need to understand that the most reliable source to help you decide on the correct spelling of a word is a spelling dictionary.

Dictionaries are our friends and helpers

Respect SovereignNicknamed Dictionary.Even Pushkin, I'm talking about itI say for sureNot once for adviceTurned to the dictionary.He binds new and old,And you always, as a friend,Provide ready serviceRussian speech SovereignCalled Dictionary!

funny rules

Zhi and Shi
Zhi and Shi - Don't rush - with a letter And always write. Cha and Cha Meet, farewell - with a letter Don't forget. Chu and Shu - I'm flying, I'm screaming

Roots with alternation

mountains- and -gar-

I'm lying in the sun, Am I burning or burning? -gar-il-gor-, -zar-il-zor- - How to write, I do not understand.
Blame sunstroke, With an accent, the root -gár-, Without it in the root "o": I tan, but tan.
The root -zar-, on the contrary, Doesn't take a hit. There is a dawn, there are no two dawns - Believe it or not, argue. Like the wind, I howl: uuuuu.

To check unstressed, We need to change the word put the accent, Just make the sound sound.
Words will be close. With accent in syllables: "Wintering" check "winter", "Winter" is also suitable, "river", "rivers" and "river" Run after the river. Always bet without delay The required syllable is stressed. Learn to choose words To test you always And you won't make mistakes IN given word never.


Useful Internet Resources

Interesting facts

The third after the "Decree on Peace" and the "Decree on Land", issued by the Bolsheviks, was the "Decree on Spelling".

The famous Danish prose writer Hans Christian Andersen until the end of his days wrote with numerous grammatical and spelling errors, the situation was especially difficult with punctuation marks. And Andersen spent a lot of money to hire people who rewrote his fairy tales before taking them to the publisher.

Abdul Kassim Ismail - the Grand Vizier of Persia (10th century) - was always near his library. If he went somewhere, the library followed him. 117 thousand book volumes were transported by four hundred camels, and books, i.e. camels, arranged in alphabetical order.

The Germans invented the Lernstift Pen - a ballpoint pen with a built-in electronic device that recognizes all the movements of the writer's hand, analyzes them for correctness and, if it notices an error, reports it with a slight vibration and a low buzz. This technology guarantees a quick response from the writer and gives him the opportunity to quickly correct himself. You can turn on one of two modes: either you check the text for grammatical and spelling errors, or you try to correct handwriting and misspelled characters.

Interesting facts

What rule of the Russian language violates

the heroine of "Irony of Fate" Nadia?

To memorize the use of the verbs "put on" and "put on" there is a well-known mnemonic rule: "They put on Hope, but put on clothes." It's funny that in the film "The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!" the main character Nadia, a teacher of the Russian language, says a phrase with a caveat: "My dress, I forgot to put on a festive dress."

Who used the "(o)Albanian language" at the beginning of the 20th century?

In 1916, the futurist Zdanevich wrote a play without observing the normative rules of spelling and using "(o)Albanian language". The language of padonks that appeared in the 2000s, whose spelling is built on similar principles, is sometimes called the “(o)Albanian language”, but the coincidence with Zdanevich’s experience is accidental.

380 years ago the first primer was published

The first Moscow manual for teaching literacy - a primer - was published in 1634 by the printer Vasily Fedorovich Burtsov-Protopopov, who in 1633-1642. was in charge technical part Moscow Printing Yard and was called "clerk of the alphabet business." Prior to this, the main book on which literacy was taught was the Psalter (the book of biblical psalms). Keeping the principles of construction of the manual, the author placed immediately after addressing the students an engraving from a tree, vividly depicting a classroom and the punishment of a delinquent or negligent student with rods. This engraving marks the intrusion into the printed book of the secular motif. Later, in the 17th and early 18th centuries, illustrating the ABCs with everyday scenes from school life became a tradition. The second edition first contains verses on the aims and methods of teaching. This is one of the earliest printed poetic works of Russian authors. The verses contain instruction to the students, it tells about what a treasure is the knowledge of literacy.

Sytinskaya "Russian alphabet in pictures"

Moscow. Edition I.D. Sytin. 1911. "Russian alphabet in pictures"

The “Russian alphabet in pictures” presented above is typical for primers that were sent to all corners of Russia by the famous publisher I.D. Sytin. He produced millions of copies of cheap textbooks, general education and school manuals, popular books for popular reading, libraries for self-education. Bright, colorful, clear pictures, simple, accessible text, the absence of complex teaching methods - this is what characterizes Sytin primers and alphabets.

Fun "reminders"

Double consonants

Quantity WITH in a word art: 1/2.
In the first place - one, in the second - two.

H and HH in words

The swindler stole one H from the worker!

Alternating vowels at the root of a word

SobAnd RA t, stAnd RA th, assAnd RA
Take a closer look:
If the word has a name IrA ,
So, at the root of the letter AND .


Russian is considered the most difficult language in the world after Chinese in terms of learning. For us, Russians, this is wild, but for foreigners it is quite close and understandable. And pronunciation, and dialects, and an abundance of diminutive words, synonyms, homonyms, and, finally, grammar - everything is given to most of the foreigners who study the "great and mighty", with great difficulty. However, if illiteracy is excusable to them, then we given fact disgrace. However, this phenomenon takes place regardless of the language a person speaks. International Literacy Day is designed to eliminate the pernicious disease that occurs as a result of the unwillingness to learn and master one's native or necessary speech.

History of International Literacy Day

International Literacy Day is celebrated annually on September 8th. This holiday was established by UNESCO a little less than half a century ago - in 1966. The reason for this event was the recommendation of the "World Conference of Ministers of Education on the Eradication of Illiteracy". The event was held in Tehran a year earlier, in autumn.

It is known that there are still many illiterate people in the world who cannot properly write or read, despite the obvious progress in all spheres of life, especially in the field of information. Indeed, in addition to advanced Europe and America, there is also Africa, Asia, where there are many peoples who have no idea how important it is to master writing skills, moreover, to be able to correctly apply them in practice.

The statistics confirm the above. Indeed, more than 15% of the world's population is currently illiterate. It is unlikely that you will be surprised to learn that 2/3 of this indicator falls on the share of the female. Almost 40% of illiterate adults live in India, 1/5 of them live in African countries. However, even in highly developed countries there are still people who do not fully master the skills of writing and reading. This is every fifth person or 160 million inhabitants. In the EU member states, 75 million people are illiterate. As far as the children's generation is concerned, more than a hundred million children on the planet do not attend school.

Of course, the situation in the middle of the 20th century was much worse. Thus, by establishing the International Literacy Day, UNESCO pursued the most important goal: to unite and intensify the efforts of the world community in the process of the widespread dissemination of literacy and the implementation of educational program.

2002 was a very important year for those who created International Literacy Day and worked hard to make it flourish. General Assembly The UN has declared the United Nations Literacy Decade. A year later, she also approved the UN Action Plan for the Literacy Decade, entrusting UNESCO with the “position” of the coordinator responsible for carrying out specific activities within the framework of this event.

Every year International Literacy Day is held under a certain motto. So, in 2006, the theme of the holiday sounded like “Literacy provides sustainable development”, in 2007 - “Literacy and Health”, and 4 years ago the thesis “The Importance of Literacy for Women” was the slogan of the date. Last year, 2013, the events of the International Literacy Day were organized under the auspices of the theme "Literacy in the 21st century".

Many symposiums, award ceremonies, colloquia and workshops are held on International Literacy Day. Prizes are awarded for certain achievements in the field of activity related to the elimination of illiteracy. For example, there is the King Sejong Prize, which is awarded to individuals who have achieved concrete results in the process of spreading literacy in the globe. Another award - the Confucius Prize - finds its heroes in the field of promoting literacy in countryside as well as among the female population.

What are UNESCO's plans for further action in the field of educational program? The main task facing the staff of the peacekeeping organization is the following: to achieve by 2015 a halving of the number of illiterate adults, with particular emphasis on the female half. In other words, it is planned to implement the Education for All strategy.

The concept of literacy

From the school bench we are taught that it is necessary to be able to read and write fluently and correctly without errors. In other words, they teach literacy. After all, many doors in life are open to a literate person. But literacy is not only certain skills of writing, reading, correct speech and well-crafted sentences. Literacy is also the engine of progress (meaning personal and spiritual development). A literate person feels himself at his best, smart, competent and feels that he can do a lot. Thanks to literacy, the subject is able to reveal his inherent potential, develop natural inclinations, abilities and talents, and at the same time demonstrate them to the public.

The level of literacy of a person at a certain stage of life serves as a criterion by which one can determine whether further education and development of an individual is likely or not. You might object that "money is everything" these days. Indeed, many incompetent employees are now flooding firms different orientation labor. And this is very bad - the quality of goods and services produced, the process of contacting the manufacturer and the distributor suffer. provider and consumer. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that literacy is a right and at the same time a duty for each of us, as well as a tool for the cultural and civilized development of society.

Reasons for illiteracy

International Literacy Day is a great occasion to reflect on the causes of illiteracy.

Why does a child grow up illiterate, despite the fact that his parents regularly study with him, and he goes to school, and a smart head is given by nature? If we turn to specialists, namely psychologists and sociologists, with such a question, we will get the following answers:

  • Lack of love for reading. As a result, there is no habit to pick up every day interesting book and immerse yourself in a fictional, such an attractive world. Today, few people read, and the faces that do not ignore this process, choose the wrong thing to read.
  • Internet communication is quite an influential factor. Netizens have long developed their own virtual slang. In addition, frequent word abbreviations and spelling errors are unwittingly duplicated in standard written speech.
  • Educational preparation. Unfortunately, in schools and universities today she is lame. This is because the competence of teachers often leaves much to be desired. And many teachers are too lazy to fulfill their duties to the fullest extent.
  • The laziness of the student himself. It is also an important factor in the development of illiteracy in a person. Why read a book when you can play an exciting computer game or kick the ball in the yard with friends?

Each of us must stand up for literacy - at least for our own and those close to us. Otherwise, the reverse development of the personality will occur, and Darwin's theory will be realized in practice, only in the opposite direction ...

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