How to build a life without it. How to live right? Let's figure it out together. Goal will be reached

Happiness is our personal right. Each of us has this amazing but brief chance to build ourselves the life of our dreams. If we don't believe that we deserve happiness, we end up living a mediocre life. Happiness is much deeper than money: it is how, where and with whom we spend our time, what we do, and whether we like what we do.

1. Desire

Your task is to find out who you are, what are your talents and strengths and then further develop them. Desire comes from within. Activate your own destiny and do what interests you the most. You yourself know that all people work very productively in the area that they really like. Wake up your desires and follow them.

2. Never settle for a mediocre life

If you ignore what you like; if you follow a path that holds back your interests and kills your enthusiasm, you will never be successful. When you are relatively “comfortable” in your usual routine, you unconsciously build barriers to your success. You become a slave to the established way of life. This type of comfort creates something very mediocre and lazy in you when you do what you are told or expected to do, but don't go overboard. To be above average, you must become a hunter. You must be willing to take risks.

3. Strive for more

You must become a person who wants to be more successful, do more and constantly test your limits. The more you learn and learn, the more effective and productive you become. More effort - more knowledge, experience and self-confidence. Most of us certainly don't like having a boss directing our actions. But in order to reach these higher levels, you must always go beyond what is expected of you and be a few steps ahead.

4. Be prepared for discomfort

You won't attract success by sitting around waiting and hoping it will find you. Of course, you can believe in the power of positive thoughts and affirmations, but this is not enough without consistent action. Miracles happen the moment we take a leap into our own discomfort, overcome fears and uncertainty, and forcefully move forward until we achieve our goals. If you don't want discomfort, the laws of attraction won't work. Action is energy in motion. Without action, you will not become the magnet that attracts what you want.

5. Listen to your heart

The vast majority of people will not push you to get up and do it and succeed. In fact, they may really dislike your aspirations as they make them feel "less important". Therefore, you must listen to your own heart and allow yourself to live the life you aspire to—yes, leaving some people behind. The advantage is that it lightens your load. If losses feel painful to you, ask yourself what are you really losing? Perhaps this is not a loss, but rather a gain.

6. Freedom

Freedom is the reward for hard work. When you work hard, you gain experience and fewer barriers and obstacles in your actions. And who does not yearn for the freedom to do what he wants, travel where he plans, live where he chooses - and experience joy and happiness from this. It's not selfish; it is the fruits of your labour. When you have this freedom (although it comes with a lot of responsibility), you can be proud that you have created a great life for yourself and loved ones.

7. Leave your mark

8. Be kind

Being kind does not mean being weak; it means to be a good man. The greatest leaders of all time have two things in common: share and care. Be kind and open to others, and new opportunities will arise and new doors will open.

All of us want to achieve Success in life, but for some reason in practice I see how many do not even try to try, they just want success to come to them, but they themselves do not go for it ...

This picture "the pyramid of success" caught my eye, and indeed - after all, almost all people notice only the tip of the iceberg - this is when a person has already achieved successful implementation in his life, has material well-being, respect, success and knowledge.

Then many generally say: this is what he was lucky! This is such a fate! That is luck .... and for some reason, few people are aware of this invisible part, when a person stuffed bumps on his mistakes, but he simply did not give up and went forward to the station called Success, he did not obey his relatives, who parted and advised him live by the "usual standard" and not try to be realized.

The man did not give up HIS LIFE and did not give up - he went against fate and people! He succeeded only with his patience and perseverance.
The most important thing in life that always affects our success is Self-discipline.
The moment you get up off the couch. When you decide not only to change your life, but also to take concrete actions, then changes will begin to occur. Perhaps not as fast as you would like, but you must not give up, you must move forward, only forward!
Success is the very Star in our life that we need to reach.

Our path consists of mistakes and attempts, sometimes people achieve recognition and success for a long time, few people appreciate what they have experienced - they only envy them later. People believe that this is pure luck and he did not deserve it, people even swear, they also came up with such a trick - that money is evil - "he is rich, he cheats in any way" and therefore became rich - this is a lie and envy speaks in them !
This is what they suggested to you so that you perceive money energy badly and that money does not go to you. You need to change your thinking, consciousness and start managing your life!

You must be aware that you can go to success.

It just takes time to really change your life. You have to learn new things, develop yourself, get up early in the morning, study financial literacy, develop good intentions and goals in yourself, improve personal qualities and always go forward and not give up, not succumb to the negativity from people who will meet....
After all, when a person wants to change his life, then in the first place and at first, as many failures as possible await him, there are Devilry who wants a person to be inactive, to be a lazy and eternal consumer, unhappy in his life and unsuccessful ...

Therefore, at the beginning of the path to success, the most difficult. The hardest thing is to start, take the first step, the hardest thing is to earn the first 1000 dollars - but this is part of our karma and destiny when we have to overcome all these obstacles in order to reach new level own life.
I urge you to reflect and Realize that in order to build your Pyramid of Success, at the beginning you need to do the hardest thing - to lay the foundation.

Imagine a life in which everything is carefully organized: there is nothing superfluous, everything important is at hand, and not very important is in famous place. Moreover, it is not only about physical objects, but also about time, thoughts, goals.

For example, let's take reading. You love to read, but you do it in a disorderly and chaotic manner. Of the read, 5-10% is remembered, and even then this information is not always important. If you learn to have an organized approach to reading, then this percentage may not increase, but you will get much more benefit.

Below are a few ways to organize your life in different areas.

Organize your clothes

Only the things you really need should be in the closet. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What colors do I like to wear the most?
  • What styles suit me best?
  • If I could only have 40 pieces of clothing left, what would they be?

Imagine that you open your closet in the morning to pick up things for work, and in it - only those clothes that you like, fit well on you, are appropriate and compatible. Keep your wardrobe organized and stocked with what you really need.

Organize your relationships with people

Life is too short to spend it with people who spoil your mood or behave incorrectly towards you. Learn not only to get rid of the company of such people (many of us are masters here), but also to find worthy ones for communication (this is a whole art).

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What kind of people do I want to be surrounded by?
  • Who do I want to have in my social circle?
  • Why do I need friendships?
  • How do I see them?

Organize Goals

Explore your goals by finding new challenges - be it a marathon or a marathon - that will allow you to create the future you want.

When trying to organize goals, ask yourself the following:

  • Do I find this goal meaningful?
  • Does this goal align with my beliefs, values, goals, and life?
  • What emotions do I experience when I think about this goal? Delight, inspiration or sadness with stress?

When you set and organize your goals, your life will also become organized.

Organize your time

Be organized when it comes to and about. Instead of adding tasks to your schedule willy-nilly, take a close look at each task before doing so. Do the following:

  • Ask yourself: Is this worth my time?
  • Then: "Is this going to add value to my day?"
  • End by answering the question, “Is this challenge helping me create the life I want for myself?”

Organize your thoughts

Whenever you start thinking about something bad, you can say to yourself, "I'm not going to think about it." That's just how it works.

Many people are surprised when they are told that they can not think about the bad. This is a brilliant revelation for anyone who really understands its meaning. You don't have to think negatively or worry about the future if you can't do anything right now. You don't have to be sad and dissatisfied.

Instead of passively letting your inner voice talk about something, actively choose what thoughts you are going to cultivate and nurture in your mind. Your personality will blossom from them. Therefore, choose seeds for sowing very carefully.

We wish you good luck!

In the life of each of us, failures periodically occur, turning points in a certain area, for example, in business, love or health, or in all areas of life at once. Under such circumstances, we feel overwhelmed, depressed, we do not know what to do next, in which direction to move, We will treat everything philosophically, as milestone in our life.

Such crises are not in vain: there is a kind of rethinking of the past, often a struggle with oneself, a struggle between intellect and intuition. We are given the chance to move on to more high level spirituality. And who knows, maybe this test was given to us also so that we could live in the future better than we lived before what happened?

The main thing now is not to despair and move in the right direction. To begin with, we will listen to our desires of the soul. What we feel with the heart, not with the mind, is important to us. In order to better understand yourself and start building new life Let's do some tasks.

Getting rid of the negative

Take some quiet time, grab a piece of paper, a pen, and get ready to write. Think about your past and present, write about what worries you, torments you, annoys you, what makes you sad. Maybe someone offended you, deceived or betrayed you, and you are tormented by anger, hatred, anger towards this person. Or do you have such qualities of character that prevent you from living. Describe everything as it is, not embarrassed in terms and not afraid that someone will read your outpourings. Write from the heart, do not think about the correct spelling of words and phraseological turns.

When you feel that all your negativity is on paper, take this piece of paper and burn it. Looking at the fire, think that everything bad leaves you along with the smoke. After the entire leaf has burned, wash off all the ashes with water. To consolidate the cleansing effect, hold your hands under a stream of running water for several minutes.

Start planning a new life

This time, take some beautiful notebook or notepad for writing, and whoever loves a computer can use it this time. Most importantly, boldly connect your imagination and dreams!

Step one. First, imagine how you would like to live. Not what you would like to change in your current existence, but imagine the ideal picture of your life. For example, how are your relationships with loved ones ideally built. If you do not have a soulmate, what kind of man is next to you. Imagine what you have: health, house, apartment, car, travel. How do you realize yourself professionally, what is your favorite hobby. Describe everything in detail.

Feel all the sensations that you experience - love, joy, happiness. And write down all these feelings coming from the heart in your magic notebook. Try in this case not to focus on the calls of the mind to return from heaven to earth. The results after everything you read may surprise you and raise doubts. That ideal life that you imagined may be fundamentally different from the harsh reality. But immediately drive away from yourself the thought that this is all unrealistic. It is in our power to change our lives for the better, but for this we need to make some efforts.

picture ideal life you created. We dreamed a little. Now we do second step to your new life. We reread carefully everything that you wrote and begin to form goals. For example, if you dreamed of a house, write down the goal: to get your own house. If you dreamed about own business, respectively, we write down the goal of creating and developing successful business if about the second half - meet the man of your dreams, etc.

It's only natural that as you write down these goals, you may be overwhelmed by fears and doubts. This is fine. The main thing is not to panic. For this case, there are techniques for calming and giving confidence, for example, the method of statements or affirmations. If you are tormented by uncertainty in your abilities and desires, train yourself a new style positive thinking.

Let's move on to the next one third step. Start transforming your goals into positive affirmations, such as "Me and my family live happily in our own home!" “I let the beloved into my life and loving man!" and so on for each goal in the same spirit. Repeat these affirmations every day many, many times! It is quite possible that it will take quite a long time to put these statements into practice. Our brains and our subconscious are too clogged with negativity and disbelief. One would like to mention here the well-known biblical wisdom: “And everyone will be rewarded according to his faith!”.

Step four. After you have decided on your goals, you need to write a detailed action plan for each goal. It is possible that you will not be able to immediately describe in detail all the steps to achieve your plan, but this is not necessary. You can move towards the goal different ways. Think about which path you consider most acceptable for yourself, which is less acceptable, and so on.

Do not focus on one option, think over your strategy for each further action. Perhaps you will change your mind about the most acceptable path. If you find it difficult to write down detailed plan actions, display first those steps that you intend to perform in the near future. And it is quite possible that after that it will be easier for you to navigate in further planning.

Step five. The most difficult, on which we often stumble. We love to dream, fantasize, we love to make grandiose plans, but when it comes to this step, where does our energy go? Without this stage, everything we have done before will become useless. I think that you have guessed what step this is - this is your action, the implementation of what was conceived into real life. Act immediately, do not put things off until later. The more time passes after making a plan, the more difficult it is to force yourself to act. The main thing is to start, and there you will feel that everything is not so scary, that your every action brings you closer to your cherished goal and to the picture of an ideal life.

So we have considered all the steps leading us to the life we ​​dream of. Rebuild life each of us can, the main thing is not to give up, go towards the goal in stages, remember our dreams, fight fears, doubts and failures, positively tune ourselves with the help of affirmations and live in harmony with the world around us!

"Get ready to change your goals,o never change your values"

We are all looking for ways and opportunities to realize our goals and desires. In fact, we are all striving for the same thing. It doesn’t matter who we are, where we were born, who our parents are, how old we are, whether we have an education and what gender we are, we want to wake up one day to be sure that our life is dear to us, that we love it, what is in front of us there is no question of how to live correctly, and we are satisfied with our lives. Everything we dreamed about is in our life.

And what we strive for, what is there in this life that we put together in puzzles, but are not always satisfied with the result, what it means to live beautifully, and how to achieve this, remains a mystery for most people. What do we want from life?


Of course, we all want to be healthy, and if one of us does not think about health yet, it is only because we have it. We know for sure that it is impossible to live beautifully if the morning begins with the fact that it is difficult for us to get out of bed.

Why do we think about health when it has already been shaken, why do we not consider it necessary to take care of it with early years? Why do we only then think about the question of how to live correctly in order to preserve our health longer, when it has already made itself felt?


Everyone chooses the amount of their material well-being. But we all know when well-being begins. When we can buy everything we want in the store, no matter what the price of our desires. When over time we do not know how much bread costs.

When we do not think where to get money in order to pay utility bills. When we can relax where we want, wear what we like. When we, going to bed, do not think about money. Indeed, for many, this is what it means to live beautifully. How to achieve financial independence?


Yes, not everyone aspires to become president, not everyone is tormented by ambition, but we treat our life and our environment with ambition. We want our children to ask for advice from us, not from their neighbors. We want our parents to be proud of us, not jealous of their friends, pointing out to us the success of their children.

The main thing is that we all dream of being successful and happy. And it is important for us that our work brings us pleasure and joy. We know that this is the only way we can live beautifully. But most of us still cannot find our cherished niche, torment ourselves in search or give up.

freedom of time

How many times do we hear that there is not enough time for anything. free time few can boast. But only it can give a chance to get something that cannot be lost or stolen.

Our emotions, knowledge, experience, communication, travel, personal and spiritual growth - all this we receive only when there is enough time. How to live full life if there is not enough time even for the necessary things?

Few can say that they love their life, that everything they dreamed about came true. Most people are just thinking about how to make their lives better, they understand that everything is not as they would like, but they cannot find an answer to the question.

Our delusions

We ask a lot of questions, but we cannot find the right answers. But that doesn't mean they don't exist. Just a daily routine does not allow many to find a way out.

Work, family, wasting time waiting for transport or traffic jams, shopping is not always quality products, in order to save money. You have to make it to paycheck somehow.

Behind workplace, even a low-paid one, must hold on, as it is difficult to find another job. And we tolerate unfair bosses, continuing to work for someone, but not for ourselves. We do not know how to create capital to solve the problem of how to make life better, although the solution is on the surface.

Fear of taking a rash step, fear of being condemned even unfamiliar people– all this prevents us from spreading our wings and becoming free. We are not looking for solutions to problems, we stand still and enjoy stories about our failures, in the hope of compassion.

But in order to figure out how to live better, you need not shake the air, do not waste time on stories and useless chatter on the phone, you need to act. It takes one step forward to start earning more so that dreams come true. What have we done to improve our lives?

Many believe that someone and something owes them, the government or the country. But no one owes anything to anyone, only ourselves. We must carry out our plans ourselves and move our lives in the direction we see fit.

We live by what we build. We are the only owners of our lives. We decide how to make life better. It makes no sense to stand in one place, we need to move forward and create life the way we want.

How to move towards the goal

For starters, make peace with your past, it has no power to corrupt the present and in no way determines the future. The future is created by your beliefs and actions, and only they will lead to a solution to the question of how to live correctly.

Development and knowledge

  1. Read good and motivating literature, watch educational programs and films, find those activities that bring a lot of pleasure and do them if possible, if not, strive for it.
  2. Do not waste time watching meaningless TV shows and reading the “yellow press”, because such a pastime does not bring any benefit, there is no answer to the question: “how to live right”, and time is running out.
  3. Be grateful for everything you have already achieved. Constantly develop, learn something new, and find application of the acquired knowledge in practice. You can only be the reason.
  4. Wasting money on pleasure is a stupid thing to do, and it doesn't solve the question of how to live better, it only makes it worse. We must learn to enjoy even the smallest achievements.
  5. Don't waste time thinking. It is impossible to find answers to all the questions that have arisen, you just need to accept everything as it is.
  6. Give full freedom to your "I", be creative, be proud of yourself, be always confident in yourself. There is no mood - help someone, and simply, periodically try to help people.
  7. Do what you have long dreamed of, but by virtue of different reasons couldn't do it. Such actions will bring closer the solution of the question of how to make your life better.

Case Planning

  1. Plan your life constantly. Set yourself achievable, but a little overpriced. Be sure to set deadlines for achieving any goals. They should be real, but a little close.
  2. Be organized, do not try to complicate situations, try to perceive some events easier. Remember that you are one of the most fortunate people. Love yourself, but not to the point of insanity and not to, try to look good, take care of your health and keep fit, regardless of your age, this is the question of how to start living for yourself.
  3. Optimism in a company with self-improvement is the path to health, improved appearance, professional development and personal qualities, respectively, and living standards.
  4. Unachieved goals are only your responsibility. No need to look for someone to blame for your problems.
  5. If your job is boring and not an important turning point in achieving your goals, you don't need it. This will only slow down or delay for a long time the solution of the question of how to make life better.
  6. Mentally imagine that your goals have already been achieved, imagine how you experience this. If there is no thrill and delight in the performance, then change the goals. This means that they are wrong and will not solve the question of how to live better.
  7. Failures occur - easily forget about them, remember the victories that you got more often, those joyful feelings will help you achieve new goals.
  8. Rejoice in your failures as much as your achievements, because these are also steps, but with important lessons.
  9. Pass on your knowledge to other people. These are not only good deeds, but also a great practice for you. paired with love for loved ones give excellent results.
  10. Do not give up, even when strength and patience run out. Endurance is at the forefront of patience. These are important qualities in order to bring closer the solution of the question of how to live well. Difficult - ask for help from people close to you, but do not abuse it.
  11. Learn to forgive people with whom you were angry or even considered your enemies. Time heals, scars make us who we are, they define our lives and explain why we are the way we are.
  12. The goal is to be strong. It didn't kill, so it made it stronger. Learn to accept mistakes and failures. There are no people who have not been let down and deceived. With grief and past grievances, it is difficult to decide how to live well.
  13. Do not let yourself be controlled, no circumstances should interfere with your chosen path. Not everyone thinks the same way, other people's advice can make you doubt the correctness of the decision. Heart and intuition can give the most best advice and suggest how to live correctly.

Any problems are temporary, you can always find a way out of adverse situations. It doesn't matter what others think. What matters is what you think and do. Not the best choice compare your life with others. No one knows what the path of those people is. If you close your eyes to your problems and see the problems of other people, then your life may seem beautiful.

Do not pretend and do not put on masks, sincerity allows you to quickly resolve the issue of how to make your life better. Honesty with yourself and others important element in character. Even if your honesty is not publicly recognized, it is still highly valued. You need to believe in kindness, people have different qualities, but kindness attracts like a magnet.

Doubt and procrastination

Do not doubt yourself, it prevents you from achieving your goals. Many questions need understanding, you need to persistently seek the answer to them.

Sometimes we look for answers to unnecessary questions. For example, why a neighbor was able to achieve prosperity, why we do not have as much intelligence as our colleagues, why we were born in this country, and not on a more developed continent.

These questions are not worth your time. Those who want to change their lives are looking for ways to achieve a better life, and do not delve into the causes of problems.

You shouldn't judge other people. And if we judge, then only by deeds and deeds, and not by appearance and car make. Learn to sincerely praise the virtues of others. No need to envy anyone - it means not respecting yourself.

Slowness or postponing the solution of issues takes precious minutes of life. Ask yourself more often if you really want what you want.

Don't blame anyone for your failures - it's a stupid choice. Nobody is to blame for your problems. It was your choice to go that route. Aspirations to change circumstances will not be able to solve the question of how to make your life better, change yourself more effectively.

Expectations and hopes

The expectation of a new life is equal to its non-appearance. There is no time when it gets better. It should be right now. Do not look for those who would take care of you or think, think for yourself. Worrying about what others think takes away precious freedom.

Throw away all doubts, surround yourself with those people with whom you are interested, try to exclude from your environment those who oppress you, including skeptics. This will help you understand how to organize your life.

It is impossible to embrace all the problems of the world, if everyone can accept and solve their problems with a smile, then life will be beautiful. You also need to be able to smile, as there is a chance to seem like an idiot.

And believe in yourself and your strengths. There are goals and desires, which means that you need to go towards them without a doubt. Get ready for difficulties. Even optimism does not guarantee the absence of problems, but it is easier to solve them with optimism. Strive to be valuable and useful. This solves the question of how to live right.

Spend the weekend with your loved ones, strengthen relationships with family and friends. Do not forget to dream big and global. Dreams are useful for any age, and you will no longer wonder: "how to improve life." She has already become beautiful, you are already on the way to achieving your goals.

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