New Year in Retro style. We present to your attention a scenario for celebrating the New Year in a “retro” style.

Retro evening “How young we were”

I dreamed, loved, danced and sang,

It was flying somewhere far, far away.

I got up easily, fell asleep instantly,

And I thought, I thought so secretly.

I walked through the forests, wandered through the meadows,

And most importantly, there was time for everything:

For work, for love and for little things.

And everything worked out, and everything worked out!

Oh, youth, youth, you are incomparable!

Why did you drive past once?

"Where are you going?" - he asked anxiously and sang...

She answered quietly: “I wanted to go to others.”

Today we have gathered here in this cozy room to remember our youth, to remember the years in which it fell: for some it was the 40-50s, and for others it was the 60-70s. It’s wonderful that you all still have good spirits, you look great, you have enthusiasm and sparkle in your eyes, the ability to enjoy life and share your joy with others. Each of you, of course, has your own secret of youth and beauty. And even if you and I don’t always like the reflection in the mirror, still, in our souls, each of us is a queen.

The song "Beauty Queen" is playing

Dear women, let's try to plunge into a time when life seemed long, long, and old age seemed something far, far away - into your youth. Attention to the screen.

Do you recognize this lovely girl? This is Batueva Anna Petrovna - she spent her youth in the Urals in the difficult 40s. At that time, this young teacher, Komsomol leader, activist, smart girl and beauty turned the head of more than one good guy.

Do you believe that Anna Petrovna promised to get married only after the Victory? (Yes, the wedding was on May 25, 1945)

Do you believe that Anna Petrovna personally knew the poetess Margarita Aliger and Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya’s mother? (Yes)

Did you know that a museum of the Batuev family has been opened at the Novoselskaya school?

Do you believe that Anna Petrovna keeps embroidery that is already 70 years old?

Anna Petrovna, your youth was spent in difficult war and post-war years, but was there anything that you remember with particular joy? Let's listen to the song “How Young We Were” performed by Gradsky

There's a song playing

Here is another photo. Who is this romantic and spiritual girl?...Tarasenko Berta Konstantinovna. In the post-war years, she lived in the third village, and after graduating from college she worked as an accountant at the Stroydetal plant. Berta Konstantinovna does not like to talk much about herself, but this portrait wonderfully reveals how charming she was in her youth.

Do you believe that Berta Konstantinovna came to the library for the first time in 1962? (Yes)

Do you believe that Berta Konstantinovna met her future husband by telephone when she worked as a telephone operator? (Yes)

Do you believe that Berta Konstantinovna’s wedding took place in a bathhouse? (Yes)

For you, Berta Konstantinovna, a song sounds

The song “I remember when I was still young” is playing.

Do you recognize the features of another of the ladies present here? This is Tamara Grigorievna Kovaleva. In the distant 50s, she lived in Kyrgyzstan, she had a chance to relax on the beautiful Lake Issyk-Kul. Memories of the demonstrations of those years are still fresh in her memory, as well as her regret that she could not go to college in due time.

Do you believe that the most a pleasant memory about Tamara Grigorievna’s youth - is this a memory of how she received letters from her loved one? (Yes)

Do you believe that every student at that time had to pick a ton of beets? (No)

The song "Oh, this girl drove me crazy..." is playing.

You can easily recognize this beauty, she has hardly changed... This is Tamara Andreevna Suslova. Her youth was in the 60s. The memories of those busy student times are, of course, the most pleasant; Tamara Andreevna loved going to the theater (and tickets were bought for three rubles in the very top rows), she often went hiking and skiing.

Do you believe that Tamara Vladimirovna was a member of the choir in St. Petersburg? (Yes)

Do you believe that Tamara Vladimirovna loved to wear Romanian shoes? (Yes)

The song "Three Waltzes" is playing

And this one serious girl you will learn? That's right, this is Tamara Vladimirovna Gnezdilova. In her youth, she lived in Kalmykia, loved to relax at the resorts of the Black Sea and the Caucasus, she was active and cheerful, but she chose a very serious specialty for herself - a teacher of drawing and mathematics.

But do you believe that Tamara Vladimirovna’s favorite hairstyle is “babette”? (No)

Do you believe that Tamara Vladimirovna did not miss a single dance in her younger years and lived by the principle “dance while you are young”? (No)

Tamara Vladimirovna, what dances were danced in your time?

Do you believe that some readers of our library go to visit Tamara Vladimirovna?

Let's listen to Valentina Tolkunova's song “I'm standing at a stop”

There's a song playing

And again turn your attention to the screen. In front of you... that's right Aseeva Margarita Ivanovna.

In her youth in the 70s, she had the opportunity to witness and participate in the development of nuclear engineering in Volgodonsk. The fragile girl was excellent at using side cutters and screwdrivers, and wound up kilometers of electrical tape, because she worked on an equal basis with men as an electrician.

Do you believe that future husband Margarita Ivanovna sent letters to the addressee starting with the letter “O”, Oseeva, not Aseeva, and thus accumulated 15 unreceived letters.

Do you believe that Margarita Ivanovna’s favorite pastime was wearing a red wig for the holidays? (Yes)

The song “Lada” performed by Vladimir Mulerman is playing

And who is this fatal beauty? Elena Vasilievna Platonova in the 70s, having graduated from medical school in Leningrad, because of her stubbornness in the direction, she left for the Far East, into the unknown. However, now the best memories for her are those of those years of life “at the ends of the earth.”

Do you believe that Elena Vasilievna swam across the Sea of ​​Okhotsk? (Yes, on a boat)

Do you believe that in the forests Far East Elena Vasilyevna collected 20 baskets of mushrooms? (No)

The song “By the sea, by the sea” sounds blue sea"performed by L. Agutin

Look at the screen. What a sweet, modest girl. Do you recognize? Of course, this is Vera Vasilievna Korolkova. Slantsy is her hometown, her favorite street is Rudnichnaya, where she lived, grew and flourished along with our city. In her youth there was no time for various nonsense, because she worked a lot around the house, did handicrafts - knitted, sewed, embroidered.

Do you believe that Vera Vasilievna was taught to knit by her father? (Yes, and besides that, he made shoes for the whole family)

In her youth, Vera Vasilievna read Belyaev’s books. And I still haven’t lost interest in reading.

For Vera Vasilievna and for all of you, a song performed by Joseph Kobzon “And in our yard” will now be heard.

There's a song playing

Before you is another portrait. This is...Izmailova Valentina Aleksandrovna. Pedagogical school, then Cherepovets Pedagogical Institute, work as a teacher in the village. Shekstana Vologda region. A bright and rich life. Valentina Aleksandrovna remembers how she received her first salary of 49 rubles, how joyfully the holidays were celebrated then, how the administration treated her very well and respectfully. They provided benefits, let me go without waiting in line at the store, and took me to the teachers’ meeting by car.

Do you believe that Valentna Alexandrovna’s favorite drink in her youth was “punch” - half a strong tea and a little vodka. (Yes)

Do you believe that Valentina Alexandrovna was the first ringleader at the dance?

Did you know that Valentina Alexandrovna’s favorite dance is “Lanchik”?

Do you believe that Valentina Alexandrovna’s favorite songs are “Chelita” and “Mari” (Yes)

Did you know that Valentina Alexandrovna’s favorite hairstyle is “Hala with a long braid”? (Yes)

The song sounds -

On this slide is a youthful photograph of Svetlana Konstantinovna Pavlova. In her younger years, Svetlana Konstantinovna lived in Leningrad and led social life: went to dances at the House of Officers, at naval schools, sang solo at the Kapranov House of Culture and even performed at weddings. She was a big fashionista: she wore stiletto heels, skirts with wide belts and the legendary babette hairstyle. Svetlana Konstantinovna’s gentlemen were exclusively officers who showered her with gifts, gave her flowers, “Red Moscow” perfume, and even wrote poetry.

But do you believe that at the age of 17, Svetlana Konstantinovna was almost taken to his homeland by a Hungarian? (Yes)

Do you believe that despite the fact that Svetlana Konstantinovna was courted exclusively by brave military men, she still married a civilian.

Did you know that Svetlana Konstantinovna loved to attend concerts of such performers as Alla Pugacheva, Valery Leontyev, Yuri Antonov, Mikhail Boyarsky?

For Svetlana Konstantinovna and for you the song “With a Flying Gait” sounds

There's a song playing

Dear women, let's continue talking about youth. Maybe some of you know and keep a secret about how to stay long years young? ...Remember who from Soviet actresses became the first to think about eternal youth? (Lyubov Orlova) Some of today's stars are trying to maintain youth with the help plastic surgery. But truly young is the one who is young at heart, who is capable of love. I can tell you how one 70-year-old world-famous actress was asked at what age a woman stops being interested in love. And she replied: “Please ask someone older...” Do you agree with this statement? An interesting observation - the Russian doctor and writer V. Veresaev said that if you walk straight, the drooping soul will straighten up. If you drive away the gloominess from your lips, it will leave your soul.

Let's play a little, as they say, let's shake the old days.

Continue the sentence:

“But she herself is majestic, she acts as if...” (peahen)

“And how does the speech say... (it sounds like a little river)

“You can see a falcon by its flight, and a good fellow by...” (steps)

“Everyone’s on their own...” (feast for the eyes)

“The man is beautiful...” (article)

Move more - you will live longer.

If you don't want to get old, eat less.

Temper yourself from a young age - it will be useful for the rest of your life.

Themed parties are always at the peak of popularity. Having organized a holiday in a certain style, you can turn it into a unique event. There are plenty of ideas for holding such holidays, one of the current ones is. Girls are interested in trying on a new image, and men are interested in transforming into bandits. Any parties, especially thematic ones, are interesting only if they are carefully prepared, where all the details are thought out - the design of the invitations, the decoration of the hall, the dress code, and, of course, the themed entertainment program.

When drawing up a script, you need to rely on the associations that Chicago evokes at that time: weapons, bandits, money, whiskey, cards, shooting, cigars, roulette, police, handcuffs. You can beat any competition by adding the appropriate props and making a suitable eyeliner.

For example, competitions for a party or with tied legs can be framed as follows: “gangsters of the clan ended up in the hands of the mafia from the enemy family. Soon they should be thrown into the river. Will they be able to escape? The one who jumped to the final line gets a prize, the rest...drowned (to the sounds of a funeral march).

Casino, shop and auction

  • An interesting moment for a theme party is earning chips or paper dollars and then using this money to buy various gangster-related items in the store. You can earn money or chips in competitions (more for winning, less for participating). The store's product range may include boas, cigarettes, decks of cards in gift format, a CD with the film "The Godfather", and the game "Mafia". If you don't have enough chips, you can pay extra in cash. Especially if you organize the sale in the form of an auction.
  • In addition to the store, a mini-casino would be appropriate at such a party. In this case, the gangsters must have a choice: take their dividends in the form of counterfeit dollars, which can be exchanged in the store for souvenirs, or take chips to play in the casino. It’s easy to make a tape measure with numbers yourself. Winners at the casino are also given prizes, only more valuable ones - a cigarette case, a bottle of whiskey, a cigarette holder.
  • To conduct such entertainment, the presenter will need assistants - a seller or auctioneer and a croupier. You can entrust these roles to guests, but it’s better to invite professionals - animators - it’s more fun with them. Magicians can play police officers who search all the men and take silver spoons, women's stockings and bottles of whiskey from their pockets (there was Prohibition in Chicago!).
  • It would be nice to invite a cartoonist to such a retro party and he will make friendly caricatures for all the guests. If inviting professionals is not part of your plans, a caricature competition can be organized among everyone.

Gangster nicknames

Many mafiosi had real nicknames, and this point can be used in entertainment. Guests are given cards on which everyone will write their real name and a nickname invented for themselves. For everyone else, he keeps this information secret. Then the host collects the cards and reads out the invented name - Big Joe, Red Beast, Little Carlito, Rusty, Jane - Golden Pen, and the guests must figure out who is behind the nickname. At a party, you need to call guests by invented names.


You can beat the most ordinary darts. Inscriptions are made on the sectors, for example, for a wedding party you can write the problems that the newlyweds face - boredom, quarrels, lack of money, in other sectors you can paste in sheets with the positive aspects of marriage - love, mutual understanding, well-being. The task of the groom's clan is to kill problems, for each mistake there is a fine (dollar or alcoholic).


The presenter gives the game participants a box of counterfeit dollars, which they must quickly hide on themselves, putting the bills in their pockets, socks, or shirts. Instead of a box, you can print dollars on toilet paper. They must be quickly torn off and hidden. Whoever hid the common fund first won.

Card sharper

This competition is similar to the previous one, but instead of money, players receive several decks of cards. They also need to be hidden in your clothes (just not in one place). Then the presenter announces that this is only the first part of the task, and the one who finds the queen of spades the fastest wins the competition.

Shoot and steal!

Volunteers are given any toy or sports weapon that shoots balls or darts - pistols, slingshots. The targets will be plastic cups containing a labeled dollar. If a player misses, he is eliminated from the game. The one who knocked down the cup looks at the designation of his color on the dollar. The next stage is to “go on business” - rob the guests and bring the host three things of “their” color.

Money down the drain

The players line up and place a dollar bill in front of each one. The players' task is to blow on the piece of paper as hard as possible so that it flies the farthest. The winner is the one whose dollar is the first to cross the target line.

Money doesn't smell

The volunteer is blindfolded and given a banknote, this time a real one, preferably in rubles. You can rub it, smell it, crush it and taste it - whatever you want to determine its value. If you guessed right, there was a prize; if you didn’t, there was a romantic penalty - kiss as many people of the opposite sex as the denomination of the bill.

Criminal couple

Contests for a Chicago-themed party cannot be complete without handcuffs (at least toy ones). If there are none, participants can tie their hands with ropes. They play in pairs. In a pair, the hands are tied (fastened). Issued with a bottle of whiskey (Cola or tea) and a ribbon. The summary is something like this: the newlyweds (or the hero of the day, other heroes of the occasion) decided to congratulate the gangsters who literally escaped from the prison walls. Now they are trying to make gift wrapping. Who is first? You need to tie a bow on the bottle with your hands fastened. Those who were the first to receive a gift immediately hand it over to the hosts of the holiday.

We all remember Ryazanov’s wonderful comedy “Carnival Night”, in which the factory employees stage a real carnival show in the House of Culture with jokes, laughter and unbridled fun, despite problems and troubles! Perhaps you also want to become heroes of something similar? Are you attracted by the voice of that time, is this aged New Year's scent close to you? Then you stopped by just in time to see our little light.

We offer you a holiday in retro style, the Soviet era of the 60s - the time of the legendary “Blue Lights”, music and films that have become eternal, good humor and, of course, the amazing human unity inherent in the people of our country in New Year's Eve. And you will fill the holiday with a charge of the most sincere and strong emotions and excellent mood!


Guests receive invitations in envelopes with Soviet stamps and New Year's symbols in retro style.


Stylization for the Blue Light program of the 60s (serpentine, balls, bright decorations, spruce branches, decorative snowflakes). The hall contains the decoration of a huge clock. Small tables are positioned so that everyone can see each other.

The stage is decorated in the style of “New Year's Lights” and “Carnival Night”, or resembles a “scene in a Soviet cultural center”: a massive curtain, a “homemade” festive inscription made of colored foil on the backdrop, and many multi-colored balls.

New Year tree, decorated in accordance with the traditions of Soviet times: toys in the form of animals, candies, candles and crackers.

Also creating a special atmosphere:

  • Stands with a humorous employee honor board, a humorous wall newspaper (photo collage), and children's black and white photographs employees with funny comments;
  • Curtains made from colored palettes, vinyl records, antiques and all kinds of retro paraphernalia.

Meeting with guests

  • Animator girls dressed in 60s style. They hand out carnival paraphernalia to the guests - boas, fans, masks, tinsel.
  • Caricature artists who will capture guests on paper in retro style.

New Year celebration

  • Congratulations from the company management;
  • Spectacular laser show and multimedia show on plasma screens. Bright changing frames demonstrate a dynamic video about the company.
  • A humorous, pre-recorded video about the pre-holiday routine of employees;
  • Presentation of a humorous New Year's horoscope for employees;
  • The arrival of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and their own music and dance number in the style of the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!”;
  • Awarding the best employees in the comic categories “Best Leading Worker of Production”, “Stakhanovite-2007”, “Drummer Employee” and others. Presentation of specially made badges.
  • Friendly New Year's Eve with sparklers under volleys of artificial snow.


  • Groovy dancing. The participants’ task is to dance a musical mix of famous dances different countries: apple, lezginka, dance of little swans, dance of little ducklings, macarena, lambada, gypsy, sirtaki, belly dance, twist, rock and roll, can-can.
  • Pantomime-Cinema. The task for two participants is to use gestures to depict a famous scene from a certain Soviet film so that the audience can guess which film was intended.
  • Karaoke a cappella. Participants line up in 3 rows and sing a famous song. The first row sings first, the second sings along, then the third joins.
  • Competition for the most fiery “party” toast for employees.
  • A comic auction for “scarce” New Year’s products with the company logo: condensed milk, green pea, chocolate candies.

Show program

  1. Performance by interesting and talented musicians (live music);
  2. Comic parody scenes;
  3. Musical enthusiasm from the group in the style of “Cabaret-Duet Academy”;
  4. Show ballet to classical music;
  5. A medley of favorite songs about the New Year (“Carnival Night”, “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath”, etc.);
  6. Performance by a popular Soviet times VIA.

The final

  • New Year's fireworks;
  • Disco!

Suitable scenarios for the holiday:

  • Italian associations. Who can name more associations associated with Italy (spaghetti, pizza, mafia, shoes,...
  • Wedding... What could be more beautiful for two loving hearts than this long-awaited event.…
  • Our most popular scenario for celebrating the New Year is still the carnival with Grandfather...

October 27, 2015

Fans of retro style should not despair, because in last years songs that sounded 30 years ago and the fashion of that time have gained their second popularity. Just look at the incendiary parties in the style of the 80s, where both young people and the older generation enjoy having a blast listening to the songs of Modern Talking and ABBA. In addition to music, you can use them to create an image of that time: stylish clothes, hairstyle, shoes.

Combining music of the 80s and 90s, clothing style, retro interior design and fun competitions, you can have an unforgettable time with your best friends. This party is ideal for corporate events, New Year, birthday, bachelorette party, etc.

Stages of preparation and implementation:

Party Invitations

Since the party is in retro style, the invitations should be appropriate. Invitations designed in the same manner that was popular at the end of the last century are ideal. These could be dance tickets, cinema tickets or travel passes. Finding a template for such an invitation on the Internet is not a problem, but you can fill it out by hand with a regular ballpoint pen.

In the text, it is important to indicate the time and place of the event, as well as a strict dress code, that is, bright clothes in the style of the 80s or early 90s.

Interior decoration

You can hold a retro party anywhere: in a cafe, apartment, country house and even in the office. The main thing is to create the appropriate surroundings.

Not a single party in the style of the 80s is complete without a mirror ball suspended from the ceiling - this is an integral attribute of discos of that time. You can purchase such a ball or rent it. If you couldn’t buy it, you can make it yourself. An old globe covered with pieces of a mirror or disk plus glue - voila, the ball is ready!

What would an 80s party be without lights and a cassette recorder? Since it is not so easy to find a working tape recorder of that time, you can use it as a decorative element.

The walls of the rooms should be full of posters, posters and records of the musical idols of that time. The retro image will also be complemented by confetti, garlands and flags hung on the walls.

The most avid enthusiasts can try installing a soda fountain; previously, such installations were incredibly popular.

Being a generous and kind party organizer, you can purchase retro style elements for guests in advance. For example, large sunglasses with funny frames, various wigs in the “clown” or “Afro” style, false ties and headbands. All this is sold at any holiday supply store.

Guests' outfits and style

The theme of the party requires a certain dress code. This important factor when preparing for a holiday, because without fun, bright outfits, a retro party can easily turn into ordinary get-togethers.

Finding clothes in retro style is not difficult; now there are plenty of places where you can rent any outfit you like, or have a good rummage through mom and dad’s closet. Parents are unlikely to refuse the pleasure of letting you wear fishnet tights, a blouse with glitter and super-fashionable colored leggings, bell-bottoms, checkered jackets, banana jeans and much more.

Look for girls:

  • Makeup, like the entire image, should be rich and at the same time expressive. You can line your eyes with black eyeliner, apply shadow to the level of your eyebrows, and highlight your cheekbones with blush. The priority is pink and lilac colors, no flesh or matte shades.
  • It is best to choose pearlescent shadows, false eyelashes, and choose lipstick with purple tint, orange or red. It is preferable to use special glitter for the body.
  • Shoes, completing the look, should immediately catch the eye, but also be comfortable, since a retro party involves fiery dances. You can choose bronze or silver dancing sandals, ballet flats or pumps.

Look for guys:

  • A combination of a plain turtleneck with a contrasting jacket will look irresistible.
  • They will fit perfectly into the look of shirts and sweaters in pistachio, lemon, peach and black colors.
  • It is best to choose practical shoes to dance until you drop to the energetic music of a bygone era. These could be moccasins with bright laces or colored shoes.
  • The hairstyle should also reflect the man’s style: macho or Elvis Presley, and then all the girls at the party will not deprive such a stylish young man of attention.

To diversify the retro party, you can come in the guise of a star of that time, a famous performer or movie character, for example, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Elvis Presley, members of The Beatles or Queen.

Drinks and treats

The older generation remembers that in the 80s there was some shortage of food, so the treats and drinks of those times were quite modest. When organizing a retro-style party, you don’t need to focus on the treats; they should be simple and tasty:

Competitions and entertainment

Competitions will add additional excitement and fun to the party. Naturally, the entire entertainment program should fit into the theme of the evening.

Guess the melody or movie

A standard and timeless game, it always stays relevant and is a lot of fun. The rules are simple: the host turns on the music for a few seconds, and the participants must guess the artist and the name of the song. This type of game can also be played for films. Showing still frames of famous TV series and films of that time from a laptop screen, participants must guess the title or the actors who played in it.

Fashion designer from the past

For this game you will need a lot of old audio and video tapes. Each participant is given 6-7 pieces of these tapes, and he must create a fashionable outfit in the style of the 80s from the film. You can also use vinyl records, tape and, of course, scissors.

Price 80's

Playing this game will be easy for those who lived in the 80s, but for the younger generation such entertainment will not be easy. All participants are shown some thing made at that time, for example, an old toy, notebook or dishes. It is necessary to indicate the price for this product correctly or as approximately as possible.

If finding products from that era is a problem, you can ask verbally “how much did milk cost in the 80s? bread?" etc.

Lemonade fans

The start of the game is preceded by a survey of party guests on the topic, who remembers the names of lemonades from the 80s? Several names are sure to be heard, then the two most devoted lemonade fans are selected and go to the center of the room. The goal of the game is to pour Buratino or Duchess lemonade from a bottle into a glass. Whoever manages it first wins.

80s Olympics

As you know, the Olympics took place in the USSR in the 80s. In this regard, you can arrange comic competitions for guests of the holiday. For example, who can do the most push-ups, who can defeat whom in arm wrestling, or who can twirl a hoop around their waist. Prizes can be chocolate medals for champions, color and size corresponding, first place - large Golden medal, second place – smaller silver, third place – small bronze.

Retro hairdresser

This competition will appeal primarily to girls. Participants are selected from long hair and their potential hairdressers. Whoever makes the hairstyle more interesting and exotic wins. The reward for winning the competition is a comb with a bow.

Let's remember history

This quiz will test the erudition of party guests. The leader calls in turn historical facts, events, famous figures of the USSR and the whole world, you need to remember who it is, what event, when it happened, etc. For example, who is Brezhnev, when Yugoslavia collapsed, the most famous chewing gum 80s and more.

80's dancing

A synonym for a retro party is unbridled fun and fiery dancing. It is necessary to prepare musical accompaniment in advance, such as lambada, macarena and dance of little ducklings. By playing songs one by one, party guests must remember how to dance to them correctly.

Party star

Those guests who came to the event dressed as celebrities can compete for the title “Party Star”. The competition takes place in three stages: the similarity of the image with a real star, a vocal performance, and imitation of the idol’s movements.

Karaoke competition

Everyone can sing any songs from the past to the soundtrack. The soloist sings, some participants provide backup dancers. Whoever had the most interesting and funniest act won.

Queen and King of Disco

All party guests will enjoy this competition. You can show off your choreographic skills and become the king or queen of the evening.

Musical accompaniment of the holiday

To make the party fun and energetic, it is important to choose the right music. Since the main part of the event will be accompanied by fiery dancing, it is necessary to choose retro hits, and not just music of that time. The 80s and 90s were rich in musical masterpieces among both bands and performers. Consider the legends of world music ModernTalking, E-Type, TheBeatles, Queen, ElvisPresley, Michael Jackson, C.C. Catch, BillHaley and many others.

A well-organized retro party will help recharge you with positive energy for many years to come, bring a lot of positive and bright emotions to everyone present, and will become one of those events that you always remember with warmth and a smile on your face.


There is a MAIL BOX at the entrance. Everyone entering the house (hall) must write their wish on a postcard and post it there! (later, after the chimes, the host will read these wishes to everyone).


GARLANDS made of strips of colored paper, LANTERN BALLS, decorate the hall with SERpentine, and hang it in abundance, as in “Carnival Night”, hang thin, silver “RAIN” everywhere - a symbol of the Soviet New Year, firecrackers with confetti.

Prizes - pennants: "To the worker of the New Year's carnival" or "To the leader of the New Year's evening."

Hang the "NEW YEAR'S NIGHT MENU" on the wall (preferably somewhere in the kitchen or dining room area)

New Year's posters like: "New Year's greetings to the forefront of mental work! "Hurray!" comrades!" or “Comrade vacationers! Keep cleanliness in public places. Remember: clean is not where they clean, but where they don’t litter!” "We greet the leaders of communist labor."

TV (turn off the color so that the picture is black and white).

TRIBUNE, decanter, glass for speakers.

PHOTO SALON "SMILE" Set aside a small corner for the salon, hang a PRICE LIST on the wall (for example, the cost of a photo shoot - a New Year's joke), SLOGAN-TRANSPARENT: ("Employees of the photo studio are fighting for the title of shock workers of socialist (or New Year's) labor. ROCKET (a rocket is cut out of cardboard, Slot windows are made into which you can stick your head, like a rocket from the movie "Welcome or no outsiders are allowed in") - later, conduct a photo shoot for the guests. Photographer

Festive table:

Salad "Olivier"


Soviet Champagne

Soda "Buratino" (make labels and stick on Cheburashka bottles)

Beer "Zhigulevskoe"

Cherry compote

You can stick sticks into Dishes with the name and manufacturer of the dishes written on a piece of paper. For example: Communist cutlet. Soviet dumplings “Made in the USSR” or “Products of the Krasny Kommunar plant”, price 5 rubles, etc.

A LECTURER appears (the type is a lecturer from the film "Carnival Night") with a briefcase (preferably an old leather one with an iron plaque), black arm ruffles are put on over the jacket. You can take a wooden abacus with you.

Lecturer: Dear comrades!

There is an attitude - have fun celebrating the New Year! Let me announce the festive program for tonight:

1) Reading newspapers. Discussion of the results of the outgoing year, the behavior of the results of various sectors of the national economy.

2) Performance of songs by Soviet composers on military-patriotic themes.

3) Checkers tournament.

4) Amateur song club "Guitar in a circle"

5) Dance program "For those over three hundred..."

As I understand it, “The people have gathered for debauchery”! Therefore, allow us to consider our festive evening officially open! Hurray, comrades!

Let's meet with jokes and songs New Year! Let's join a round dance as a friendly team!

(Round dance)

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

She grew up in the forest

It was slim and green in winter and summer!

Everyone gather in this room

We are honored

And all of our achievements

Of course, you can't count them.

We worked together all year

For the benefit of the whole country,

Such people are very

Of course, everyone needs them.

Now we're all dressed up

Here we do a round dance.

Ready to have a fun meeting

Soviet New Year!

A banner group appears - pioneers in red ties, caps, with a drum and a pioneer flag.

New Year is a magical holiday,

We have loved him since childhood.

Our huge homeland

We say thank you!

And across all native expanses

Everyone's glasses are clinking,

And that's why soon

They will turn into piglets.

Today the year of Myshkin is everywhere

Celebrates the whole world

The main thing, of course, is the dish -

Delicious cheese with holes!

Cute girl

And her tall friend

Who reads poetry loudly -

Come out into the circle quickly!

A competition is being held for the best reader of the New Year's poem:

Poem options for adults:

Comic poems

I don't believe in Santa Claus

I won't open the door for him.

There are a lot of people walking around here -

Suddenly they snatch something.

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

Where's my computer?

He brought me chocolate -

Apparently he was confused.

Frost did not come to me,

Apparently he was offended -

I'm with the Snow Maiden all year round

I saw each other regularly.

I asked for New Year's

New car.

I get up first thing in the morning,

The tire was punctured.

Why on New Year's Day,

Whoever is going

Definitely by the end

Is he getting drunk?

With a white beard

Strange gait

Grandfather is coming to us.

Smells like herring

Salom and vodka -

So, New Year!

Auntie is soon 40 years old,

Jumping like a fool

Give the correct answer: who is this?..-

(Snow Maiden!)

The cowardly gray bunny was jumping under the Christmas tree,

And an angry wolf walked by and took away the jump rope.

Since then, all the wolves rush through the forest only at a gallop,

And the hares crawl sadly, well, what can you do - at least cry!

And at night they dream that Santa Claus

On New Year's Eve I brought them a jump rope as a gift.

The cowardly little gray bunny was jumping under the Christmas tree

And he compacted the snowflakes with his frozen paws.

He danced the gypsy girl, did the cancan

And my frostbitten ear hit a steel trap.

But then Green Peace arrived and from night to dawn

Called number zero three in a timely manner.

And again the little gray bunny runs under the Christmas tree,

And the one who touched the bunny lies in the damp ground.

I admire the Christmas ball

Tying a string to it,

I'm not so handsome in real life

I don't have cheeks like that.

By chance, instead of a ball, I

When decorated the Christmas tree,

He hung Sharik on a twig...

Sharik rocked and growled.

Dad went to get the Christmas tree

And he still doesn't exist.

Although it has flown by since then

Fifteen happy years.

Santa Claus on New Year's Eve

Lined up the children:

"Ivanov, two steps forward!

Get your milk froth!"

“Why, Grandfather,” Ivanov howled.

I listened to my mom and dad.

I behaved so well at the table,

That the other day I ate myself to death."

“Conversations in the ranks,” shouted Frost.

You know too many words.

You, Ivanov, are too curious.

I don't like you, Ivanov."

Lecturer: Dear comrades! Having summed up the results of the past year, allow me to accept the following comrades as pioneers! (either the best employees are called, if this is a corporate party, or the most active participants in competitions)

Newly-made pioneers are tied with ties and put on caps. Following the lecturer, everyone repeats the oath in chorus. For example:

“I, a Soviet pioneer, in the face of my comrades, solemnly swear in the year of the pig to be honest and fair, not to be late for work, to do exercises in the morning and brush my teeth, to comb my hair and cut my nails, I promise to get rid of everyone bad habits, give in public transport a place for elders, to carry old ladies across the road, to love animals and to have fun celebrating the New Year."

The barmaid comes out wearing a lace apron and kokoshnik.

Barmaid: Dear citizens and citizens. Our buffet offers a wide range of New Year's dishes. Everyone can go to the festive table.

New Year's banquet.

You can remember the tradition of Soviet people to write notes with wishes and while the chimes strike 1, 2, you need to burn the note, drown the ashes in a glass of champagne and drink this explosive mixture so that everything will certainly come true!


Blue light

Star Parade

Changeover songs

Karaoke battle

New Year's address to the people.

Make a TV frame, broadcast it to music, and when the music plays. will stop to take turns wishing each other a Happy New Year.

Competition for the best New Year's collection from the tables (if the New Year's banquet is held in the hall). The collection should consist of: what is on the tables. Teams must come up with a name for their collection and be sure to advertise it.

Competition to create the longest orange peel garland. Participants are given oranges and knives.

Competition for the best socialist slogan

Running in sacks (you can use this traditional Soviet fun if the size of the room allows.)

Competition for the fastest and most dexterous production of a paper lantern to decorate a New Year tree. Hand out scissors, a glue stick, colored paper, don’t tell us how to make a lantern. Let the guests try to remember for themselves.

Long-distance serpentine throwing competition

Competition between the pioneer team and the October star in the style of KVN-impromptu.

Competition for cutting snowflakes from napkins

Competition for the best expert on New Year's films


1. Announce the entire list, please

2. I want Larisa Ivanovna

3. By the way, they don’t wear a headdress like that

4. I want women's shoes - size 42, 43, 45

5. What a disgusting thing, this jellied fish of yours

6. Why do we need a blacksmith? to get to the library

8. O-plot! (the only phrase on which everyone thinks for a long time)

9. The group in striped swimsuits are swimming beautifully!

10. Is there life on Mars...

11.Well, I asked you not to make noise when working with the author.

12. Note that I didn’t suggest

13. Those who have been convicted are not registered!

14. (If you didn’t guess the last 3 phrases)

Catching up with Sovransky is a utopia


The photographer covers his head with a dark blanket and takes pictures of the guests digital camera. Someone holds the inscription “Photo Studio “Smile” 2007” so that this inscription appears in the corner of the photo. From the resulting photos you can then launch a slide show on TV during the feast.

The scenario can also be supplemented with games and competitions.

Scriptwriter: Langer Maria

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