Coloring a black and white photo. How to turn a color photo into black and white

Hi all! With you, as usual, I, Dmitry Kostin. And today we will photoshop again. Remember how we did? Be that as it may, this is not surprising, since it is not difficult to discolor an image. But how to make a black and white photo color? Is that possible?

Of course available. Already entire films are coloring. What is there to make some image color? But it's still a very interesting experience. Can you imagine? You can think of the colors you would like to see in this photo. For example, you can set the color of eyes, hair, skin, clothing and much more. This is how I colored old photos. It turned out funny)

Let me not make long introductions. Let's start coloring right now. Open any b/w photo (I chose a photo I found on the Internet).

Just look at what mode the photo is in right away. It's just possible that it is saved in the format "Greyscale", then you just won't be able to work with color.

Change the color mode to RGB. To do this, go to the top menu and select the item "Image" - "Mode". Well, if it's not the RSL, then put it.

Let's look at the first method, namely the familiar one.

Overlay options

Here is another fairly effective trick for coloring photos. The main thing here is to create a separate layer for each element. I took new photo for these needs.

By the way, this was the very first method that I learned about. When I found out about it, I liked it so much that I colored a lot of photos).

Layer mask

Well, the last way of transformation for today is with the help of a layer mask. Let's get straight to the point.

Well, as a result, a beautiful color photograph is obtained and it already looks completely different. Oops, I just screwed up a little. But you can always fix this.

I never cease to be amazed at the power of Photoshop. Indeed, in many cases the same problem can be solved in several ways, and you yourself can choose the method that suits you best. By the way, which one do you like best? Or do you have your own way of how to make a black and white photo color in Photoshop, which I have not described here? Please write in the comments.

If you want to explore the possibilities of Photoshop in the shortest possible time and learn how to work with it, then I strongly recommend that you look great video course. Everything is told in detail in it, everything is told in human language and laid out on the shelves. The material is easy to digest. So I recommend.

Well, I'm done for today. I hope you enjoyed my article. Be sure to subscribe to my blog updates, then you will always be aware of the most relevant information on the blog. I will not spam. I promise). And I wish you good luck in mastering Photoshop. Bye bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

Many at least once thought about the restoration of old black and white photographs. Most of the shots from the so-called soapboxes were digitized, but never acquired colors. The solution to the problem of converting a decolorized image into color is very difficult, but to some extent accessible.

Converting a black and white photo to color

If done color photo simple in black and white, then solving the problem in the opposite direction becomes much more difficult. The computer needs to understand exactly how to color this or that fragment, consisting of a large number pixels. Recently, this issue has been dealt with by the site presented in our article. So far, this is the only high-quality option that works in automatic processing mode.

Colorize Black is developed by Algorithmia, which implements hundreds of other interesting algorithms. This is one of the new and successful projects that managed to surprise netizens. It is based on artificial intelligence based on a neural network, which selects the necessary colors for the loaded image. Frankly, the processed photo does not always meet expectations, but today the service shows amazing results. In addition to files from a computer, Coloriz Black can work with pictures from the Internet.

  • Save image divided by purple line in half (1);
  • Save the fully colorized photo (2).

Your picture will be downloaded to your computer via your browser. In it looks something like this:

The results of image processing show that artificial intelligence based on a neural network has not yet thoroughly learned how to turn black and white photos into color ones. However, it works well with photographs of people and paints their faces more or less well. Although the colors in the example of the article were chosen incorrectly, the Colorize Black algorithm still picked up some shades successfully. So far, this is the only actual option for automatically converting a decolorized image to color.

Hi all! We continue to conquer the basics of working in Photoshop. Today I have prepared a lesson for readers on the topic How to turn a color photo into black and white.

Sooner or later, while processing photos and images in Photoshop, we are faced with the need to turn a color photo into black and white. Therefore, I decided to prepare this short lesson for my readers to show how this is done visually.

There are many ways to perform this operation. As part of this mini lesson, we will not consider the methods used by professional photographers, we will consider the most simple and quick ways How to turn a color photo into black and white. In the future, in future lessons, we will definitely return to this topic and see other ways, more complex and professional, used by advanced users of Photoshop.

We will get to know 3 ways converting color photos to black and white, I’ll say right away that these methods are not professional, the quality after processing by them is not the best, but these methods are quite suitable for novice users to learn.

So, I propose to move from words to deeds. First, let's open the image we want to make black and white.

Now let's start processing. I present to your attention the first method.

Method #1:

We turn color photograph to black and white using the "G grayscale".

To do this, we need to go to the top menu: Image/Mode/Grayscale. A window will appear with the question “Delete color information”, click delete and our photo has become black and white.

We go to the menu Picture/Modes/Grayscale

Very fast and easy, right? We move on.

Attention! Remember that you can always return an action back with the hotkeys CTRL+Z. Let's move on to the second method.

Method #2:

We turn a color photo into black and white using the " Discolor".

We rise to the top menu of the program and go to:( Shift + CTRL+U ) . See below the result of the operation.

Go to the top menu Image/Correction/Desaturate or press hot keys Shift+Ctrl+U

Method #3:

Making a black and white image using an adjustment layer " Black and white»

This method is also extremely simple and fast, its advantage is that when using adjustment layers, Photoshop makes changes and corrections to a special adjustment layer, and not to the original image, which we decided to make in black and white. We also have features such as: reverse the entire editing process, control the opacity of the layer, turn the visibility of the layer on and off. This method allows you to get a more beautiful black and white image, unlike the previous ones.

Step 1:

So, the photo is already open for us. Now go to the panel "Correction", if it is closed for you, then open it through the top menu Window/Correction. We find in the panel " Correction» adjustment layer « black and white” and click on it.

To open the Adjustment Layers panel, go to the top menu Window/Correction

Step 2:

After you click on the adjustment layer " black and white“, our image has been converted to black and white and a window with sliders has appeared. In this window, with the help of a set simple parameters, You can customize the black and white effect as you like. Move the sliders until you get a sharp black and white image. Moving the sliders to the right colors areas that were previously colored with the slider's color a lighter shade of gray, while moving the sliders to the left colors areas a darker shade of gray.

At the top of this window, you can select pre-made sets or create your own set and then save it via the "triangle with stripes" menu, which is located in the upper right corner of the window. If you click on the " Auto“, Photoshop will automatically select the options for how it thinks the black and white image should look. Here's what happened to me.

Here's what happened to me

That's all for today, try to train everyone 3 ways and write about your results below in the comments. See you in the next lessons!

Today. digital camera Almost everyone has it in one form or another. And photography, in itself, has become a truly mass hobby. Digital technology is developing so rapidly that now, in order to get high-quality photographs, it is not at all necessary to have an expensive, professional camera. After all, today, even cameras on phones have learned to take good pictures. For example, the same iPhone, now shoots no worse than a full-fledged digital camera. What can we say about semi-professional or professional mirrors.

But until recently, cameras were exclusively film, and photographs were mostly black and white. And the process of developing photographs was a whole mystery. Now we remember all this with a smile, and some, in a nostalgic impulse, even acquire or restore old photographic equipment, trying to repeat the unforgettable experience of obtaining analog photographs.

But it's one thing to apply the effects of an old photo to an already finished picture, and quite another to restore an old photo to the state of a new one, or colorize photo in photoshop.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to completely eliminate all the defects of old photographs, because. it all depends on general condition photos, as well as such factors as:

  • Photo age
  • Color fade in photo
  • Scratches and microcracks on the front surface of the photo
  • Irreversible loss of some snapshot elements

In most cases, an old photograph can be significantly improved, or even completely restored to its original characteristics. And you can do even better than the original source. About one of these operations, namely, how to turn a black and white photo into color, we will talk in today's material.

Color matching

It will be more difficult to make a photo in color in Photoshop than to carry out the reverse operation, where the whole process can be reduced to literally a few mouse clicks. This will require painstaking handmade in the graphic editor Adobe Photoshop . Therefore, in order to turn a black and white photo into color, it will be necessary hand colorize the image. At the same time, for some parts of the image, it will be possible to show imagination, and arbitrarily color them, choosing individual colors.

For example, the black-and-white photo shows a portrait of a man in a Quid suit. Let's say we don't know the original color of the suit, so we can color it however we like, for example, beige. The color of other elements of the picture can be determined by one or another, clear signs. It goes without saying that we will paint the sky predominantly blue, and the clouds gray-white. Definitely, the grass and foliage on the trees should be dyed green.

But still, in most cases, the original colors of some elements of the image will remain unknown, and they will need to be selected in order to get a photo image that is natural in color.

Therefore, before making a color photo out of a black and white photo, you must first decide on the color design of all elements of the photograph. If you are at a loss with the selection of colors, then you can look at the color analogues of photographs that are similar in structure, or ask for help from people who understand this, for example, from photographers or graphic designers.

Color fill

After the colors are selected, we proceed directly to the process of coloring a black and white photograph. ways colorize photo with photoshop, there are several. We will consider one of them, namely - color fill method for individual adjustment layers. For this we need:

  1. original photo file

  2. Graphic editor Adobe Photoshop

  3. Layout with selected colors for filling (remember, we had to define it in advance)

  4. Time and a little patience, because the operation is quite laborious.

In order to black white photograph make color, step by step perform the following steps:

1) Uploading a photo to Adobe Photoshop
2) In order to always return to the original file if our experiments go too far, we create in Photoshop duplicate layer
3) In the layers palette, click on the icon New adjustment layer", and in the proposed options for creating a layer, select - Color or Chroma (solid color)

After that, a color palette will appear, in which you need to select the color closest to the color of the part of the photo image that we intend to fill. For example, if it is grass, then choose green color, if the sky, then blue, if the sun, then accordingly yellow. Again, based on the layout of colors that we made earlier, before starting to turn a black and white photo into color.

Let's say we decide to start coloring our photo from the face. Accordingly, select in the color palette of the new adjustment layer, a dark beige color ( closest to the color structure of the face, in our case).

So, the color for the face is selected, but now it completely fills our entire photo. To exclude this, in the layers palette, select from the drop-down list of options - Color or Chroma. By default, it is set to - Blend mode and this needs to be changed.

Great! Now the adjustment layer only affects the color of the bottom layer, and we see our photo with a tint of the color chosen for the face. Now our task is to leave this color only on the part of the photo image for which it is intended. In our case, this is the face. To do this, click on the icon Layer mask, after which an outline will appear on the layer thumbnail.

Now select in the Photoshop tool palette - " Eraser", and erase everything except the face.

Attention! As you can see in our example, the neck and part of the chest have a similar color characteristic to the face. But we will also erase them, and create for them separate adjustment layer. This is explained by the fact that the color shade between the face and neck is still quite different. And, later, these differences will be possible to emphasize only on different layers.

The more adjustment layers we create, the better it will be to color a black and white photo into color later.

Editing the finished layout with adjustment layers

So, we filled it with a color similar in color, our first element is the face. The same is to be done with all other elements of the photographic image. Those. simply repeat the above operation for other elements of the photo, taking into account their color features. Don't worry that the colors will be hyper-exaggerated and unnatural. We will fix this a little later by editing each adjustment layer. Now the main thing is to fill in the main elements of the photo image colors similar in color. Moreover, the more elements will be selected in a separate adjustment layer, the better!

After we have worked out all the elements of the photographic image, it will be much easier for us to cope with the task of making a color photograph from black and white. Of course, now the colors look artificial, but, nevertheless, we have a ready-made layout with different layers that are available for processing separately, which will give us undeniable manufacturing advantages. color photo through photoshop. Actually, we will now proceed to this processing.

Let's go in order, and start with the first layer. We need to correct the color scheme of the face. As you can see in your original version, the skin tone is hyper-exaggerated and certainly doesn't look natural. Let's try to fix this.

4) Double click on the layer thumbnail in the layers palette and experiment with the adjustment layer settings. It is necessary to work with the existing color, so you do not need to touch the tone settings, but operate with the sliders responsible for the brightness and color saturation of the edited area. We need to achieve the most natural color reproduction by controlling the changes in color parameters in live preview mode.

Well, that's a completely different matter. We do the same with the rest of the layers. That is, we just double-click on the thumbnail of each layer, and in the settings we change the color parameters to the most natural colors. This is very convenient, because working with many layers, we are able to convey color shades much more accurately than in the case of manually painting over individual elements of the image, described in most of the methods that teach how to make black and white photos in color.

Actually last step change the background and eye color correction. For a more harmonious visual effect, you can choose colors for the background to match the color of the eyes, or vice versa, the color of the eyes to match the background color ( unless of course it contradicts the general concept of the picture).

When creating an adjustment layer for small elements of the image, for example, for the same eyes, you need to erase the entire image with an eraser, except for the iris itself. This is a rather painstaking operation, so in case of an error, just switch to the mode - Brush, and repaint the area where you erased the excess. At the same time, it is recommended to set the brush strength to 50% .


Today we will learn how to turn a non-color photo into a color one. I’ll make a reservation right away, for those who are looking for the “make photo in color” button in this article. Alas, such a button has not yet been invented. You can desaturate a photo with one click, but you can’t colorize it with the same click, because a black and white photo has no color information. So we have to work with our hands and fill our black and white image with color information in the most direct sense. Some plugins for Photoshop do a good job of colorizing photos, but now we will not discuss any plugins that we don’t understand where to get. Let's talk about what is available for colorization in Photoshop itself. And there is a lot in it.

The method of coloring a photo is simple and primitive. A five-year-old child can master it in 10 minutes. I will tell you about all the ways to colorize a photo, as well as show how this simple operation can be taken to a new, more professional level. So let's get started.


To colorize a photo you will need to be able to use the tool brush tool, as well as have an idea about the work of other Photoshop tools. The ability to select areas of a photo and the initial knowledge about layers and masks, which you can learn from my article Masks in Photoshop, will not hurt. In this tutorial, you will see in practice how you can automate work in Photoshop using masks, and have full control over the color settings.

I borrowed a photo from the collection of a photographer friend of mine. Black and white photographs look mysterious and conceptual, but what happens if we lightly colorize it? Create a new layer on top of the photo Layer > New > Layer or click on the little layer icon in the layers palette Windows > Layers

Now select a tool brush tool, a brush with soft edges, make it bigger and move the mouse over a new layer with some red. The natural result is a red daub on a masterfully taken photograph. It doesn't suit us. In order for the red color to be painted, you need to change the settings of the layer itself. These settings are called overlay settings. Color Mode. You can only find them in the layers palette. Layers, above the layers themselves. Click on this drop down menu and you will see a whole list of different blend modes. The point is that by changing the blending mode of a color, we establish new rules by which the color of the layer interacts with the colors of the layers below. The blend mode we need is called color, and its meaning is simple - it colors the image in the color we need, while maintaining the naturalness of the colors. Install Let's Decide color, choose the color you need, and decorate the girl's hair.

That's all. Quite simple isn't it? Save me the trouble of stretching this process out over 10 pages and demonstrating how I will step by step paint the skin, gloves, eyes, and so on. Coloring depends on your imagination, and realism, on the quality of work and the naturalness of the selected colors. Work with the brush, choose the size, adjust the invisibility opasity and fill, which you will find in the brush settings menu Windows > Options

This is the “mask” my wife sketched for a few minutes of work. Note that the layer blending mode is Normal. I hope you are convinced that making a color photo in Photoshop is very simple.

And this is what happens if you change the layer blending settings to color.


And now let's start to go deeper and complicate the process. Complication, it is not to make work more difficult, but to make work easier. You know, all these kali mali on one layer are fine, of course, but they are more suitable for creative personalities, for those who like to sit and wind a clay pot on a gurney for hours. Smearing one color and another on this layer is perhaps convenient for artists from the academy who are banned from Google, so they still have not heard about Photoshop. Alas, even cartoons are drawn on a computer, 1000 drawings on paper, which are then quickly flipped over, remained in the 20th century. Personally, as a designer, I would like to have more control over color and settings. I would like to effectively and quickly tweak the colors through the menu, rather than redrawing the layer.

How can we bring more control over the image? To begin with, it would be nice to divide one layer into several layers. Let's create
really many layers. And each layer will be responsible for its own area. Create a layer "hair", layer "eyes", "gloves", "nails" and others. I started coloring the photo myself, creating thematic layers for this. Now the control process is more manageable, at least the coloring is not on the same layer. Any part of the coloring can be muted, turned off, in other words, do everything with it that can be done with a layer. Other coloring layers will remain untouched.

But it still doesn't make much sense. The color of all layers is still arbitrary. On the layer "Hair" you can paint as before with both blue and red. In other words, as before, Kali Mali, but more manageable Kali Mali, divided into sectors. And I would like to control the color. I want to change the entire color with one click, and not sculpt with a brush, constantly reworking the result with my hands. I'll show you how to do it with layer styles. layer style.

Create a layer and name it "Hair". Decorate your hair with any color, even green. Go to the layers palette and set the fill Fill on 0% Thus, what you have drawn will become invisible.

Roughly speaking, we create some kind of raster area, turn off the filling fill and apply layer styles to the area. The area itself does not become invisible, as is the case with Opasity. The content of the region becomes invisible, but not the region itself. Therefore, the applied layer styles will be visible. But if we set the Opasity to 0%, the entire layer would become invisible along with the styles. We will define areas certain style, but since we still have to apply layer blending for coloring, the original color must be removed by setting Fill to 0%, otherwise it will become translucent when blending and we will not get the desired result.

Now let's add a style to the layer. Layer > Layer Style > Color Overlay In the blend menu blend mode set the mode color. And in the box with the color, set the color we need.

If you forgot to set the fill to 0%, then this can be done in the same window, in the blending settings tab Blending Options. If you did it in the layers palette Layers, then the fill will already be set as it should.

Now we have full control over the color. Give each layer its own style. Double-clicking on the layer will automatically bring up Layer Styles, where you can change the color of the hair with one click. You don't have to smear everything 100 times, the color changes in one second, while you see the result in on-line mode. Choosing a color just got a whole lot easier.

That's what I call color control. Now let's go even deeper.


You know what I think. These attempts to control the image are certainly cool, but somehow difficult. What if you need to change the color? You have to constantly click on the layer, call the style window, go to the tab color overlay and change something. Not such a fast process if you want to quickly change the colors of the layers. Of course, if we have 2 layers, this is not difficult, but what if we had 102 layers? We need to make this process even easier. This is where the real work with layers comes in. Now I'll show you how to make a photo color using fill layers.

Create a new fill layer Layers > New Fill Layers > Solid Color The fill layer completely covers the photo, filling the entire work surface. We just don't need this. As you can see from the layers palette, the fill layer is created with an empty mask ready. We need to turn the white mask into a black mask in order to hide the entire fill layer entirely. You can click on the mask icon and select Delete.

Or select the mask icon and do the same from the menu Layer > Layer Mask > Delete. Now create a mask from scratch, but not empty, but hiding. We did this in my article "Masks in Photoshop". Select Layer > Layer Mask > Hide All

And you can go the other way. The mask is the same working surface as the layer itself. The mask can be drawn by hand with any drawing tool. For example with a brush brush tool. Only unlike the layer, the mask is created in gradation from black to white, where white is the visible part, and black is the hiding part. Click on the mask icon in the layer palette. The mask must be selected so that you can draw on it. Then select the fill bucket Paint Bucket Toll and black color. Click on the work surface. The empty mask has become a concealing mask.

Now choose a regular brush brush tool And White color. Create a hair mask by painting on top of the mask exactly as you did.
draw on a layer. You can enjoy all the benefits of brush settings. Make it transparent, resize, soft edges. All this will only affect how visible our mask is. And of course don't forget to set it to blend mode. color to immediately see the result of painting. We could go the other way. For example, leave the mask white, and paint over the entire area around the hair with black. But you must admit, it is somewhat tedious to gloss over 70% working area. And of course don't forget to work on the mask, the mask must be selected. This can be done by simply clicking on its icon in the layers palette.

As a result, you should get a fill layer, with a hair mask. The advantage of this method is that you do not have to dig into the color settings every time, which is not clear where. One simple click on the fill of the layer brings up a window with a choice of color.

Paint other areas of the photo in the same way. In some areas where color does not tolerate soft transitions, you will need to create marquees. For example, in the case of nails, I created selections with the tool Magic WandTool And Polygonal Lasso Toll. In other cases, I managed to change the size of the brush and switch between soft edges and hard edges.

Once you've created all the photo area layers, you'll be able to create other tint layers that create hair tones, shimmers, and other lighting effects. That's what it is professional result. And now consider alternative options photo coloring.


Here's another way to color your photo. Use color correction settings adjustments. I already imagine how you open familiar to everyone Image > Adjustments, highlight the area and apply the effects. No, we certainly won't do that. We will get the same kalya mala. Of course, selecting an area, applying color correction, selecting a new area, applying color correction again is an option. Only this option is dull, without any possibility to tweak and change the results.

Therefore, we will use color-correcting layers. Layer > New Adjustment Layer. The color correction layer is the same color correction, only it is not applied to the graphics layer, but is a layer itself. Imagine that the photo is our layer. And on top we put red glass, which changed the color of the photo. The red glass is the color correction layer. You can remove it, make it invisible, apply layers, mask and more.

Which of the color corrections are suitable for coloring? In my opinion, color correction works best. Photo Filter. Select Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Photo Filter Or create a color correction layer via the layers palette menu Layers.

Now I want you to do all the things I described for coloring photos through fill layers. Create a mask, fill it with black and with a regular brush apply a filter to the area you need. Here is what you should get:

At the same time, you can reconfigure the filter color, change the color and adjust the mask at any time. Just click on the color correction layer and in the palette adjustments adjust the color. If you don't know where this palette is located, open it via Windows > Ajustments. You'll see for yourself that it's as easy to colorize a photo through color correction as it is through fill layers, but I personally like the latter.

I hope that there is no need to demonstrate phased coloring. You already understood that in a similar way you need to colorize all areas of the photo. I will give the final version of the photo coloring and wish you successful experiments in Photoshop. Now you know how to make a photo in color.

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