Volochkovy's daughter Ariadne. The daughter of Anastasia Volochkova staged incendiary dances and earned compliments. Volochkova's daughter - Ariadna

Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova is raising her daughter Ariadne on her own. Yes, but she provides real love, affection and a role model for her daughter herself. She herself loves to show off the skills of Ariadne ..

Arina - the future thunderstorm of the dance floor

A video featuring Ariadne appeared on Anastasia Volochkova's Instagram. A 12-year-old girl demonstrates her new dance to rhythmic music, which, by the way, according to the ballerina, she invented herself. According to the signature, it is clear that the artist is proud of Arisha:

“My beloved Arisha ariadna_volochkova was preparing yesterday for the arrival of her friends. Incendiary. She invented everything herself. And she created a dance group herself ”(Orff. and points of the author are preserved, approx. Ed.).

The editors of JoInfoMedia also notice that Ariadne is really moving quite well, which the ballerina's fans also hastened to report in the comments.

Compliments and applause for daughter Anastasia Volochkova

Despite the fact that she limited the function of commenting on the video, apparently not wanting to read the negative about the girl. However, the ballerina's fan club has already managed to discuss this video. And from a positive point of view. Most liked not only the idea of ​​Ariadne's dance, but also the way she moves. Naturally, they mentioned good genetics and prophesied a great future for Volochkova's daughter.

By the way, Ariadne also has her own Instagram account. And quite successful. On this moment more than 30 thousand people and communities have signed up for the girl, and she has already managed to post 401 publications.

Anastasia Volochkova - Russian ballerina and dancer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2002). She was a prima ballerina first at the Mariinsky and then at the Bolshoi Theatre. She became famous not so much for her achievements in ballet art, but for her numerous scandals and extravagant behavior.

Anastasia Volochkova is increasingly attracting the attention of viewers and admirers of her talent, but sometimes black PR plays a cruel joke on her. Nevertheless, this is one of the most prominent stars of the domestic show business.

Childhood and family

Anastasia Yurievna Volochkova was born in Leningrad on January 20, 1976. Her father Yuri Fedorovich was the champion of the USSR and Europe in table tennis, later became a coach of the State Sports Committee of Russia. Mother Tamara Vladimirovna worked as an engineer, and, according to Anastasia herself, as a tour guide. The ballerina's parents divorced when she was still a child.

At the age of five, little Nastya attended the Nutcracker ballet at the Mariinsky Theater. It was after that that she caught fire with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbecoming a ballerina. Parents fully supported their daughter's hobby. After school, Volochkova, with difficulty, but still managed to enter the prestigious Academy of Russian Ballet. A. Ya. Vaganova, but initially she was accepted with a trial period of six months, explaining that the girl had no talent.

All the time that the trial period lasted, one of the teachers, as Volochkova later admitted, poisoned her, and her classmates, on the contrary, felt sorry for her. Fortunately for Nastya, the famous teacher Natalia Dudinskaya noticed her at the school, who supported the young ballerina and helped her achieve high results.

Ballerina career

Volochkova's final exam was the part of Odette-Odile in Swan Lake at the Mariinsky Theater in 1994. The ballerina graduated from the Academy with honors, after which she joined the troupe of the Mariinsky Theater, where she performed until 1998.

For four years in the St. Petersburg theater, Anastasia Volochkova performed the main roles in the classical ballets Giselle, Don Quixote, Sleeping Beauty, and The Nutcracker. According to Anastasia herself, this period was very difficult for her: she first learned from her own experience what intrigues are in the world of ballet. Passions in the troupe ran high to such an extent that Volochkova was removed from all performances and left without work.

In 1998, Vladimir Vasiliev invited Anastasia to the Bolshoi Theater to participate in his author's production of Swan Lake. The ballerina made her debut on the stage of the country's main theater as the Swan Princess. She was followed by the main roles in other productions - "La Bayadere", "Sleeping Beauty", in the process of working on which Volochkova was lucky to collaborate with Yuri Grigorovich. After leaving the Bolshoi in 2000, at the invitation of Grigorovich himself, in 2001 the ballerina returned to participate in Swan Lake.

According to unofficial information, sports patron Anzori Aksentiev "attached" Volochkova to the capital's ballet. He helped her with connections and money, but after the ballerina took everything that Aksentiev could give, she left him. At the same time, in the future, Volochkova in every possible way denied even the fact of meeting Aksentiev.

In 2000, at a competition in Austria, Volochkova won the Golden Lion honorary award as the most talented ballerina in Europe. After that, she was invited to "Sleeping Beauty" in the National English Ballet. And here it was not without a benefactor - it was the millionaire Anthony Kerman, who at that time was vice-president of the English National Ballet. For the sake of Volochkova, Kerman abandoned his family.

How Anastasia Volochkova dances

In 2002, Volochkova became the Honored Artist of Russia. In the spring of the same year, the ballerina was awarded the Benois de la Danse International Ballet Prize as the best dancer. This award was established in 1992 by Yuri Grigorovich, whom many began to call the patron of the ballerina. During the presentation of the award, Volochkova was booed by unknown people, shouts of “Shame!” were heard from the hall.

In 2003, Volochkova became the central figure in a major scandal - the Bolshoi Theater refused to sign a new contract with her, citing the fact that some of Anastasia's demands run counter to the interests of the ballet troupe.

Besides, CEO Bolshoi declared the unsuitability of the ballerina: the weight of the 171-centimeter Volochkova ranged from 50 to 55 kilograms (for comparison: Maya Plisetskaya's height was 167 centimeters, and the weight ranged from 49 to 58 kilograms). The troupe openly said: "It would be better if Volochkova became a swimmer." After lengthy litigation Volochkova left the troupe and began work on solo projects.

In 2004, Anastasia Volochkova began performing in the Grigorovich troupe at the Krasnodar Ballet Theater, where she became a prima ballerina. In the same year, Volochkova starred in the film "A Place in the Sun." In 2005, she played in the film The Black Prince, and in 2005-2006 she played a cameo role in the TV series Don't Be Born Beautiful. In 2006, Volochkova became the People's Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia.

In 2009, Volochkova released her autobiography, The History of a Russian Ballerina. And on June 17, 2010, the famous ballerina received an MBA degree in high school Economics (Master of Business Administration). In 2011, the creative center of Anastasia Volochkova was opened in Moscow.

On the eve of her 35th birthday in January 2011, the ballerina published a series of nude photos on her blog, which caused a flurry of criticism and discontent.

In 2013, the intimate pictures of Volochkova with Nikolai Baskov became the reason for scandalous discussions. There were even rumors in the press that the ballerina had an affair with him, but the woman denied this information.

In May 2016, information appeared in the media, according to which Anastasia Volochkova could be suspended from speaking for the next three years. The scandal was caused by the ballerina's refusal to participate in the play "A Man Came to a Woman" after Volochkova's partner was changed without her knowledge.

Personal life of Anastasia Volochkova

The love affairs of Anastasia Volochkova are a favorite subject of discussion for yellow publications and gossip lovers. The ballerina has been dating the oligarch Suleiman Kerimov for more than two years. The couple separated in 2003. It was after this, according to Anastasia herself, that she began to have problems at the Bolshoi Theater.

In 2005, Volochkova had a daughter, Ariadna. The father of the child is businessman Igor Aleksandrovich Vdovin. In 2007, the ballerina married him, but a year later the couple broke up, keeping friendly relations. Volochkova later admitted that their magnificent wedding, which attracted public attention, was fictitious. In 2009, Volochkova ran for the mayor's office of Sochi

Anastasia Volochkova now

The ballerina continues to work on solo projects, and she is also a regular tabloid heroine. She has excellent command of the levers of pressure on public opinion, which is confirmed by regular photos with her signature twine and shots from the bathhouse.

In 2017, hackers hacked into the page of the infamous ballerina and posted her intimate photos online. Many decided that Anastasia herself allowed the “draining” of photos in order to stir up interest in her person.

Anastasia Volochkova returned from the Maldives, from where Once again pleased numerous fans and haters with twine and unusual swimsuits, and went headlong into home life. The ballerina publishes photos from everyday life on her page on the social network Instagram.


In the pictures, Anastasia is captured in the company, according to her, friends. Note that among them are Volochkova's servant and her chosen one Mikhail Loginov. There was a place in the account and the 12-year-old daughter of the ballerina Ariadne. The dancer posted a picture taken, apparently, from the dressing room. In the photo, the girl stands near the open drawer with linen and takes out some thing from there.

"It's great when there is a choice of 30 mother's swimsuits for our joint concert! 🙈 And you only need four. Difficult. 😂 But the girls will figure it out! It's good when there is already one size 👍🏼🙈👍🏼🌺," Volochkova wrote.

Usually, under each post of the ballerina there are hundreds of comments, but this time Anastasia for some reason turned off the possibility of comments on the publication. The same applies to photographs with relatives of Volochkova. Why the infamous ballerina did not allow numerous subscribers to comment on the pictures is not yet known.

Publication from Anastasia Volochkova (@volochkova_art) Jan 25, 2018 at 8:33 AM PST

It is worth saying that netizens still found a way to speak about Anastasia and her teenage daughter. In various social networks, commentators reacted ambiguously to the words of the ballerina. "God! Only not that! Arisha don't catch up with your mother in size!!! (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved. - Approx. ed.)", "It's a pity for Arish. 12 years old is the age for all kinds of follies. And taking into account a mother who likes to drink is scared to imagine what she can do (((", "Nastya needs to wander around the Maldives less and spend time with incomprehensible men and do more with her daughter!", "That's what Ariadna is doing while Anastasia is doing splits on the beaches .. ." Internet users commented.

Anastasia Volochkova- a very interesting young lady, now she is mainly associated among the people with splits, bikinis, the Maldives,participating in dubious talk shows,PR novels with men of non-traditional sexual orientation. Ask a person who is ignorant of ballet to name three famous ballerinas and most likely he will answer you: Maya Plisetskaya, Anna Pavlova and, of course, Anastasia Volochkova. I'm not a fan of ballet, but Anastasia Volochkova I know a lot, but she does not hide anything, she likes to live brightly, shock, surprise, splurge. I, before writing this article, watched about five different interviews with Anastasia Volochkova, and my opinion about her changed every time, I concluded that in order to at least approximately imagine who this or that public person is, one interview is not enough, it is not enough secular news to see through the true essence of the personality of all this is not enough. Because in one interview this person will be inadequate and furious, in another stupid and ridiculous, in the third he will suddenly flash with intelligence, in the fourth he will open up as a caring mother, in the fifth he will generally appear drunk. And if initially I was negative towards the extravagant ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, then after watching the program "Mirror for a Hero" with the presenter Oksana Pushkina, I began to relate to Anastasia Volochkova softer, because the interviewer behaved unprofessionally, incorrectly in relation to our heroine, she literally trampled her into the dirt, condemned her furiously, humiliated, scolded and for what? She said she wishes well, but I do not believe this snake. Then I watched the program "School of Scandal" with the hosts Evdokia Smirnova and Tatyana Tolstaya, this interview was also harsh, but my opinion about Volochkova changed again, now she appeared before me still fresh, not flabby, refined, sublime, but already closed, ready for attacks and accusations. The last thing I watched was the program “Wife. Love Story” with the interviewer Kira Prshutinskaya, perhaps it was the most sincere and pleasant conversation, this TV presenter did not condemn her interlocutor, she sincerely tried to understand the motives that guided her Anastasia Volochkova when making certain decisions. In general, in what my opinion regarding the ballerina known throughout the country has changed, I will try to explain in this article.

Anastasia Volochkova ten years ago it was different. In 2006 - no cleavage, modest, intelligent, non-defiant.

In 2007, a fictitious wedding with Igor Vdovin, the bride changed five dresses in a day - a fairy tale, carriages, horses, arches, a palace, rose petals and flying peacocks, a year later a difficult parting, is it a joke, her husband borrowed three million dollars from her, the ballerina did not talk about this press, she has been ten years she was waiting for the return of the debt, but four and a half years of love with this man cost her dearly, and although the result of this relationship was a daughter Ariadne, but anyway Igor Vdovin I could do it for free. And probably in 2011 Anastasia Volochkova the roof begins to tear off, it is possible that this happened even earlier, but it was precisely then that the first photos from the Maldives happened, and then it went on and on.

Why do people dislike it so much? Anastasia Volochkova, and she, after all, is engaged in charity work and works in the sweat of her brow, tirelessly. I will try to analyze. Perhaps because Anastasia Volochkova idolizes luxury, she meets with oligarchs who give her crazy gifts: jewelry, cars, money, apartments. Anastasia Volochkova when she falls in love, she doesn’t look at it, her chosen one is not married, she loves, he is crazy about her, passion is born, and the rest is all on the side.

Volochkova she herself says that the man is not a heifer, no one pulls him by the rope, since he wished to leave his pregnant wife for her, then so be it. But Igor Vdovin went to her when he civil wife was pregnant with her third child. Well, yes, maybe he just left his wife first, and then met Nastya, but it was possible to say to this stunning man: “Go, sit and think, maybe you will return to your wife, she is about to give birth, you may not return, but I give you a turn from the gate.” But no, Anastasia Volochkova rushed with eyes closed into a new relationship, she was again showered with rose petals, without this attribute she came in handy true love can't imagine, but the parts of the crippled flowers are too expensive for her.

This time the cavalier was not an oligarch. But if you listen to the revelations Volochkova, then you will understand that you need to conquer it on a grand scale, in any case, these are flowers, those same unchanged rose petals, dust in your eyes, surprises, miracles. Make her a fairy tale, and she is yours, and this fairy tale should not be banal in two pages, preferably with incredible trials, abductions, adoration of the princess, admiration for her unearthly beauty and talent. That is, she has such values ​​in relationships, to an ordinary person, what can I say, such priorities, to put it mildly, are not clear, what do they have to do with simple human happiness? All these fabulous riches are tinsel, nothing more. Anastasia Volochkova wants to be heard by everyone, she does not let herself be forgotten for a day, the news about her is full of on the Internet, newspapers, and therefore this diva gets bored. She annoys too many, probably does not infuriate the poor Nastya only the same as herself, comrades who PR always and everywhere, not embarrassed to shake their dirty underwear, that is, most of our Russian show business. But at the same time, the compassionate women of Russia regret Anastasia Volochkova, men are already simply openly laughing at her, the rest regret that youth, once beautiful, is leaving, the chances for a new and bright feeling are less and less, the reputation has suffered, the heart is shattered, but there is a daughter who pleases, beloved mother and Dad, well, and ballet!

On this photo Anastasia Volochkova with Dad

Touching attitude Anastasia Volochkova to her parents, mother is the most for her close friend, he also has a very warm, reverent relationship with his father, although he has long been divorced from her mother, and in 2009 he survived a double stroke and still has not recovered from it. Yuri Fedorovich Volochkov loves his daughter immensely, supports her in everything and is proud of her achievements and victories.

And yet, in the program “Mirror for a Hero”, Oksana Pushkina applied too hard Anastasia Volochkova. In vain, leading like this, all over the country, cut down the truth-womb, you can’t stop a person from self-destruction in this way, and Oksana Pushkina herself is not a model of morality, as they say: “Who are the judges?” But in general, I want to believe that Anastasia Volochkova come to his senses, although it does not look like he will. Personally, I don’t feel negative towards this woman, in fact she is a kind, sympathetic person, the ballerina just got confused, lost her bearings, chooses the wrong values. And then, why does she mention God everywhere in an interview? God will protect her, God sends the men she needs at the right time, in fact, she had most of the goats on her way, were they all sent by God? Yes, if there was a god, he would have nothing more to do, only how to observe his personal life Anastasia Volochkova and send her men. During the Second World War, God calmly looked at how people were burned in furnaces, but in the 21st century, God became interested in what kind of man Anastasia Volochkova once again fly to the Maldives. Volochkova she puts on low-cut dresses herself, takes pictures in a bikini, sticks eyelashes, so men flock to her like flies to jam, no life tests God does not send her, she plunges herself into everything, of her own free will.

On the picture Anastasia Volochkova in childhood.

On the picture Anastasia Volochkova with daughter Ariadne.

In this photo, Ariadna Volochkova with her grandmother - the mother of her mother.

Ariadna Volochkova is a 12-year-old daughter of a famous Russian ballerina, dancer and public figure Anastasia Volochkova. The girl's mother actively exposes photos with her daughter in in social networks, on which a teenage girl, as a rule, is made up like an adult woman. We will tell about the life of Ariadna Volochkova and her famous mother in our article.

Girl's parents

Ariadna was born in September 2005. When her mother, Anastasia Volochkova, found out that she was in a position, she was slightly embarrassed. The profession of a ballerina is associated with huge physical activity and even some hardships that are not the best companions of a pregnant woman.

It is known that before last day Pregnancy Volochkova did not leave training, went to the bathhouse and adhered to a vegetarian menu. Fortunately, the birth of the famous ballerina went without complications and the baby was born a healthy, calm girl.

The father of the child is a businessman and Doctor of Law - Igor Vdovin. The man supported Anastasia during childbirth and was present in the delivery room. Igor held Volochkova's hand and cried with happiness when the girl was born.

Ariadna Volochkova: stages of growing up

Almost immediately after the birth of her daughter, Anastasia continued her studies at the ballet barre. And for the girl, she chose a nanny who taught Ariadna Volochkova to read, write, count, and also two foreign languages.

The child was not taken to kindergarten. School served as an alternative to this institution. early development, as well as a visit to the Domisolka ensemble, where the baby learned to sing and dance.

In addition, Nastya, together with her husband, invited for Ariadna Volochkova, whose photo you can see in the article, a special music teacher. The baby was shown various musical instruments, and also taught to listen to what sounds they make. Having matured a little, the child began to attend an Orthodox kindergarten and an English school.

The relationship of a girl with her father

After Volochkova's divorce from Vdovin, Ariadna does not stop communicating with her dad. Often, during the mother's tour, the girl moves in with him. Her father allows her a lot, but at the same time remains a very strict educator, denoting clear boundaries of permissible behavior. Igor believes that a girl should understand the meaning of such words as “no” and “no”. With Anastasia, the daughter feels more free, as she allows Ariadne almost everything.

Volochkova's daughter - Ariadne

Not so long ago, a photo appeared on social networks and, accordingly, Ariadne's correspondence with subscribers. Many were surprised by the girl's communication style. No vulgarity or vulgarity was demonstrated, but the very manner of communication was by no means childish. One got the impression that the text was dictated to her by her mother, or Ariadne was so used to Anastasia's manner of communication that she considers such a style to be the norm.

Volochkova herself has repeatedly stated that she has friendly relations with her daughter. But sometimes it seems that the famous ballerina goes too far. More than once on social networks, a teenage girl appeared in a bright fur coat, stripper shoes and with adult makeup on her face. Thus, according to fans of the parent's creativity, the girl tries to imitate her mother.

Not so long ago, the famous ballerina went on vacation with her daughter, after which she posted several photos on social networks. In one of the pictures, subscribers noticed that Anastasia and Ariadne are wearing the same bathing suits, which are made with lacing and a deep neckline. Fans began to express their dissatisfaction with such pictures, motivating reproaches against the star by the fact that she does not dress her daughter according to her age. However, Anastasia turned off the commenting function and thus avoided unnecessary criticism.

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