Turgenev in the days of painful reflections. Ivan Turgenev - Russian language (Poem in prose): Verse. Expression of love for the motherland in the poem "Russian language"

Theme-praise (anthem) of the Russian language
.The main thought (idea) -r.yaz - salvation for a desperate person and the people, its carrier is great.
The author's position is expressed very clearly and unambiguously. Language is salvation for him and Turgenev believes, "That such a language was given to a great people"
Turgenev has a whole cycle of Poems in prose. They are read easily and sung. They have a certain rhythmic organization. If the poem is written line by line, then each line will have 8 or 9 (alternately) stressed syllables. This creates the effect of recitative (melodic pronunciation) In addition, the work contains stylistic figures and artistic means
A free language is a language without fetters and prohibitions, in which there are words for all phenomena and concepts, and not even one word. This is an excellent metaphor.
Epithets: painful (thoughts) - We know that Turgenev wrote poems in prose while in France in the family of P. Viardot (as he himself said, "basking on the edge of someone else's nest"). He wrote shortly before his death. Of course, he remembered his homeland. friends. And his thoughts were PAINFUL.
GREAT. POWERFUL, TRUE AND FREE Russian language - epithets speak for themselves. These are words that have become winged. This is a hymn to the native language ..
TO THE GREAT - to the people - Turgenev believed in the great destiny of the Russian people.
I think that this is a HYMN. justify another point of view.

In days of doubt, in days of painful reflections on the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, O great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! Without you - how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that happens at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!

Analysis of the poem in prose "Russian language" by Turgenev

I. Turgenev was a truly Russian writer, deeply worried about the fate of his homeland. In his works, he boldly and truthfully expressed his sincere views and beliefs. Turgenev did not embellish Russian reality and did not hide its pressing problems. For too harsh statements, he was punished in the form of exile, and was subsequently forced to go abroad. But even far from the Motherland, he constantly turned to her in his work, shared her pain and despair. A prime example Turgenev's patriotism is a prose poem "The Russian Language" (1882).

It is no coincidence that Turgenev chooses the Russian language as the theme of the work. Only being in a foreign land, he understands the importance and significance of this powerful element of national identity. The writer was cut off from the Russian environment, but thanks to the language he continued to feel his inextricable connection with it. After all, with the help of language, a person does not only pronounce words. It is much more important that people think in their own language, that is, they clothe thoughts in specific lexical units. For example, an important condition for the complete mastery of a foreign language is the moment when a person is able not only to speak, but also to think in it.

Turgenev claims that only the Russian language remained his only support and support abroad. The writer took all significant events in Russia very close to his heart. Some led him to despair, but he believed that the Russian language remained the main means of saving the long-suffering people.

"Great and mighty" is a phrase that is often used to mock the fate of Russia. But behind her pathos hides true pride in her language. The Russian language is one of the richest and most complex on the planet. Residents of Russia and border states, assimilating it from childhood, do not understand the significance of such an easy and accessible study. The Russian language has evolved over the centuries. It has amazing flexibility and variety of word formation. Amazing Ability our language - borrowing and rapid processing foreign words without harming yourself. Russian high society for a long time spoke exclusively in French. Foreign languages were studied by children first, to the detriment of their own. But this did not affect the Russian language in any way. The ability to self-preservation and self-purification helped the Russian language to remain pure and not undergo significant changes.

Turgenev was absolutely sure that, despite poverty and squalor, a great future awaited Russia. Language is a direct expression of the national spirit. The Russian language is a well-deserved highest gift to a great people.

In days of doubt, in days of painful reflections on the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, O great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! Without you, how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that happens at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!

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You are now reading the verse Russian language, the poet Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich

(1 option)

The lyrical miniature "Russian Language" is the writer's reflection on the peculiarities of the Russian language and its connection with the common people.

To sum up some of my thoughts, last years life of I.S. Turgenev writes "Poems in Prose", with the help of which he conveys his thoughts and feelings to the reader. Small lyrical miniatures do not have a rhyme, but reflect the experiences and moods of the author. One of the most famous Turgenev miniatures from the cycle "Poems in Prose" is "Russian Language".

In this lyrical sketch, I.S. Turgenev reflects on the essence of the Russian language, on the need for a native language, especially "in days of doubt, in days of painful reflections about the fate of ... the motherland." Russian word is support and support for the author, who is away from his homeland, because while writing lyrical miniatures, I.S. Turgenev lived abroad. The writer characterizes the Russian language with the following epithets: "great, mighty, truthful and free." Reflecting on the hard fate of his people, I.S. Turgenev writes: "... how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that happens at home." But the ending of the poem in prose is not tragic, the writer believes in the spiritual strength, moral strength, spiritual stamina of his people: “But you can’t believe that such a language was not given to a great people!” The fate of the people is directly related to the development of the Russian language, which is striking in its depth and beauty.

Thus, the lyrical miniature of I.S. Turge-

Neva "Russian language" contains a huge content: the writer's reflections on the features of the native language and its connection with the common people.

(Option 2)

In this poem in prose I.S. Turgenev there is no plot, but there is a composition and a pronounced position of the author. It can be divided into several parts: the first is the conditions, the time, the reason for turning to the language as a life support (“In the days of doubt, in the days of painful reflections about the fate of my homeland, you are my only support and support ...”); the second is a characteristic of the language (“... oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language!”); the third is a rhetorical question, a repeated assertion that the only support and hope for the best in critical days for the homeland is the language (“If it were not for you, how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that happens at home?”); Fourth, the discussion about great language given to a great people and the author does not allow another thought (“But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!”). Judging by the fact that the author falls into despair "at the sight of what is happening at home", he is at that time outside of Russia. And the more dear to him is his native language, and not only the language. Turgenev is proud of the Russian language, Russian literature and culture. He did a lot for foreigners to be able to read Russian novels, short stories, short stories, lyrics. What is the "Russian language" for a Russian person? This is a way of self-expression of a person, a way to express his thought, to make it accessible to many.

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