Biography: Bunin's poem Loneliness. Artistic and visual means of the poem by I. A. Bunin "Loneliness"

Ivan Bunin "Loneliness"

And the wind, and the rain, and the haze
Above the cold desert water.
Here life died until spring,
Until spring, the gardens are empty.
I am alone at the cottage. I'm dark
Behind the easel, and blowing through the window.

Yesterday you were with me
But you're already sad with me.
In the evening of a rainy day
You seem like a wife to me...
Well, goodbye! Sometime before spring
I will live alone - without a wife ...

Today they go on without end
The same clouds - ridge after ridge.
Your footprint in the rain at the porch
Fluffed up, filled with water.
And it hurts me to look alone
In the late afternoon gray darkness.

I wanted to shout out:
"Come back, I'm related to you!"
But for a woman there is no past:
She fell out of love - and became a stranger to her.
Well! I'll light the fireplace, I'll drink...
It would be nice to buy a dog.

Collection "Knowledge". intimate lyrics. Genre - monologue-confession. The lyrical hero addresses the beloved woman who has left him. But at the same time, a dialogue with himself: after all, the hero was left alone with his memories. Summer 1903 Constantinople. He dedicated it to his friend, the Odessa artist Peter Nilus, whom he called only "the poet of painting." Before the trip, Bunin experienced a deep emotional tragedy, parting with his wife, Anna Tsakni. The bleak landscape outside the window, cold and dampness is just an entourage that only emphasizes the spiritual confusion, melancholy and emptiness of the character. The reason for the breakup is falling out of love. At the beginning, he uses gradation, thereby forcing a painful impression, setting the reader in a piercingly tragic mood. "Loneliness" begins with a description of a dreary autumn nature: "and the wind, and the rain, and the haze ...". To create a minor mood, Bunin uses a vivid metaphor: “above the cold desert of water”, showing the alienation of the lyrical hero, his rejection of the surrounding reality. It is not for nothing that the hero feels that "here life died before spring," referring to the life of nature, and with it his own. The lyrical hero is uncomfortable in this world. “It’s dark for me,” he says, but it’s dark not because of the lack of light outside the window, but because of the lack of “light” in life.

In the second line, the metaphor "desert of water" creates the effect of the boundlessness of sadness. The third line introduces the theme of death.

The sad spiritual mood of the lyrical hero gives the images of nature, reflected in the poem, a feeling of emptiness. Nature and man are merged together, they suffer for one reason: nature after the past spring, and man, who has lost his beloved Spring, without which autumn has come in the soul of the hero.

The lyrical hero is waiting for spring: “Somehow until spring I will live alone - without a wife ...” Maybe spring will come to the hero’s life, and his heart will come to life, as nature comes to life every year ... But for now, the desire for happiness and awareness of its impossibility are expressed in deliberately calm ending. “I will flood the fireplace” - the hero is trying to disperse the “darkness”, “gray darkness” that has enveloped his soul. "I will drink" - the age-old way to "drown" your grief in wine - a sign of despair, which not everyone is destined to cope with. “It would be nice to buy a dog,” because a faithful dog will never leave, unlike a woman who has fallen out of love, he will be with his master until the end of his life.


Bunin was not only a remarkable prose writer, but also an outstanding poet. He adopted the traditions of classical Russian poetry, the traditions of Pushkin and Lermontov, their desire for simplicity and clarity, their transparent verse, their subtle sense of nature.

Bunin devoted many poems to Russian nature, which often evoked joyful, bright feelings in the poet's soul.

Philosophical problems, often interconnected with the theme of nature, are reflected in Bunin's poetry. Thus, the idea of ​​the continuity of the connection between the past and the present, the theme of death runs through many of his poetic works.

Of course, Bunin, as a magnificent artist, a subtle psychologist, devoted his poetic works to living human emotions: love, joy, suffering.

Such, for example, is the poem "Loneliness". The genre is a monologue-confession. The lyrical hero addresses the beloved woman who has left him. But at the same time, a dialogue with himself: after all, the hero was left alone with his memories.

The poem begins with a description of an autumn landscape that sets emotional background throughout the lyric

And the wind, and the rain, and the haze

Above the cold desert water.

Here life died until spring,

Until spring, the gardens are empty.

The stanza is built on the principle of gradation. Each new line reinforces the feeling of homelessness. In the second line, the metaphor "desert of water" creates the effect of the boundlessness of sadness. The third line introduces the theme of death.

The sad spiritual mood of the lyrical hero gives the images of nature, reflected in the poem, a feeling of emptiness. Nature and man are merged together, they suffer for one reason: nature after the past spring, and man, who has lost his beloved Spring, without which autumn has come in the soul of the hero.

The motive of loneliness in Bunin's lyrics is rooted in the feelings of childhood and youth.

Bunin recalled: “I grew up without peers, I didn’t have them in my youth either ... Everyone at this time is learning something somewhere, and there, each in his own environment, they meet, converge, but I didn’t study anywhere, I didn’t know any environment ".

And yet, the desire to get rid of this dejection, to break into the world of light, hope, to find the lost harmony with oneself and the world clearly emerges:

And the heart longs for the brilliance of the day and happiness.

This is a work about a lonely soul who is trying to break through her loneliness, because now it is painful for her. This poem is about a woman, about love, and, ultimately, about the meaning of life.

The poet had nature as an interlocutor, a friend from childhood. And the lyrical hero of his works is attentive to the world around him, subtly feels nature, empathizes with it. Either he is in the amber environment of a “frozen” garden, then in a birch forest, “where birds sing”, then in a “sweet forest”, then “dozing over the Dnieper at a wide reach”, but most often - “among the steppe, expanse and heaven” .

Yesterday you were with me...

It turns out that yesterday was also a rainy day, but it was perceived differently, because "she was" and "seemed to be a wife." Bunin uses the default figure twice here. And behind these dots are opposite thoughts: the first is what would happen if she stayed? The second - what will happen now and how to live alone?

But how hard it will be to live until spring, if it is still only autumn, and it is impossible to live even this day (today) ... The image of “today” in the third stanza expands to infinity:

Today they go on without end

The same clouds - ridge after ridge ...

And suddenly - from the clouds, from the sky, from infinity - to a very specific earthly detail:

Your footprint in the rain at the porch

Fluffed up, filled with water.

Bunin is not afraid to introduce a household detail into the poem, which often acquires special expressiveness under his pen. There are many more such expressive details in this work. For example, in lines

I am alone at the cottage. I'm dark

Behind the easel and blowing through the window

We guess that the hero lives in solitude, he is an artist - a creative, vulnerable nature, acutely experiencing all failures, upheavals, especially if they relate to love.

But the emphatically everyday, prosaic ending of the poem, subtly conveying the longing of the abandoned artist, is especially impressive:

Well! I'll flood the fireplace, I'll drink ...

It would be nice to buy a dog.

The theme of love, the relationship between a man and a woman, of course, is much more deeply comprehended in Bunin's prose, especially in the later one. And in the poem "Loneliness" a knot of this topic so exciting to the author was tied up.

1. Natural emptiness.
2. The secret of sadness and longing.
3. Sound filling.

In his poetry, Bunin managed to do a lot of beauty. How can you be grateful to him?
V. F. Khodasevich

The lyrical heritage of I. A. Bunin is filled with various colors. These are natural sketches, the poet's thoughts about the village, a description of various feelings. According to A. T. Tvardovsky, he skillfully touches the thinnest fabric, capable of reflecting colors, smells, sounds in the work. The poet fills his poems with a special melody. Sometimes they just want to sing. They are remembered in moments of sadness or sadness, such as the lyrical sketch "Loneliness", written in 1903.

Such withering in the soul is certainly associated with autumn. I. A. Bunin has many poems in which autumn has its own beautiful golden outfit. But in this work, nature agrees with inner world that reigns in the soul of a lyrical hero. And there settled rain, wind and haze. They, as if with a veil, cover those feelings that have accumulated in the soul of the poet and do not give them an outlet. After all, if there was not at least darkness on the street, then the rain, perhaps, gave consolation, taking away all troubles and sorrows along with the streams of water.

But in the next line, a body of water appears, which the lyrical hero calls a desert. We don't see any birds or foliage here. It is cold and lifeless. This creates a very gloomy picture, into which we are immersed from the very first lines of the work.

And the wind, and the rain, and the haze
Above the cold desert water.

A. T. Tvardovsky wrote that I. A. Bunin is extremely specific and accurate in the details and details of the descriptions. We understand that this space that surrounds the lyrical hero is empty. There is no one and nothing in it, except for natural manifestations. However, the lyrical hero still indicates that there is no life in this place. Even the gardens are empty until spring. In them we will not hear the singing of birds, so they will not be able to add their sounds to the sad picture, which he always attached great importance I. A. Bunin. Thus, a silent picture appears before us, full of melancholy and disappointment.

Here life died until spring,
Until spring, the gardens are empty.

In these lines the word "spring" is repeated twice. It seems that the lyrical hero is sure that this particular time of the year can bring relief. But once for. autumn window, then spring is still far away. And that means that we will not soon see and hear joyful notes in the speech of the lyrical hero.

After such a natural composition, he himself appears in the story. A poetic work allows you to talk about inner spiritual feelings. But the use of the pronoun "I" enhances the effect. And we want to join the hero so that he is not so lonely in the country. Later, one friend appears in the poem - an easel, to which the lyrical hero would like to pour out his feelings. But in this part of the room it is dark, so the work does not say that anything will be painted on the easel. Then a new visitor enters the lyrical hero - a breeze. But he is not able to dispel sadness. On the contrary, it seems that the breeze brings with it the cold that hovered over the water and now decided to get to the soul of the lyrical hero.

I am alone at the cottage. I'm dark
Behind the easel, and blowing through the window.

So why does loneliness live in the soul of a lyrical hero? Who disturbed his peace? According to the memoirs of the poet's wife V. N. Muromtseva-Bunina, the poem was written in the summer: “The summer was fruitful, he wrote 33 poems. "Solitude", dedicated to the artist Nilus, was especially successful. Then new questions arise: how in the realm of light and beauty one can create such dark and gloomy poems. Let's rise in memories one more time interval higher. Here, for example, is a letter to his older brother in the spring of the same year: “I sat alone for a long time, and my heart was not only boring, but quiet, lonely. I didn’t feel any excitement, but there was still something new.”

A lot of sad experiences invade the life of the poet. This is a break with his first wife, A. N. Tsakni, and "literary loneliness." All these are prerequisites for writing such a poem.

The lyrical hero finally reveals to us the secret of his sadness and longing. Yesterday he had a visitor who is dear to his heart. But she left, because now she is sad with him. This means that the sadness of the lyrical hero was so great that it laid a heavy burden on a loved one. The fragile woman he may have once loved did not want to fill her heart with longing. She chose to leave him alone, alone with her thoughts and feelings.

Yesterday you were with me
But you're already sad with me.

A certain hopelessness is also set in the poem by the musicality of Bunin's letter, which A. T. Tvardovsky spoke about. So, the first line of the poem ends with the letter "a" (the word "mist"). It seems to expand the space that can accommodate all the loneliness of the lyrical hero. When he himself appears in the work, several lines end with the letter "o" (the words "dark", "window"). And at this moment the space around the lyrical hero seems to close. He closes his spiritual world from strangers.

And we learn that all day he had to be alone with a sad nature, so in the evening his beloved began to seem like his wife. Probably, the heart was very thirsty for this, therefore, a similar picture arises in the imagination of the lyrical hero.

In the evening of a rainy day
You seem like a wife to me...

The lyrical hero seems to cut himself off in a half-phrase and puts an ellipsis. Some researchers of the poet's work noted that his poetry is "strict and emotionally restrained." Maybe that's why the lyrical hero stops telling us about what he imagined on such a rainy day. He says goodbye to the image of his beloved, who must certainly return in the spring. That is, such a spring and joyful person has no place in his cold autumn soul.

Well, goodbye! Sometime before spring
I will live alone - without a wife ...

And again the lyrical hero stops. An ellipsis appears in the poem. But this time it seems to us that he is trying not to throw out his anger on a loved one. After all last words, which are reported to us that he was left alone again, the lyrical hero pronounces with some bitterness.

And the only thing that remains with him is nature. But there is constant movement in it, it does not freeze despite the fact that autumn has descended to the ground. The lyrical hero is trying to find his magnificence in this picture.

Today they go on without end
The same clouds - ridge after ridge.

But the image of a loved one again invades his world and immediately disappears, as the rain washes away even her traces.

Your footprint in the rain at the porch
Fluffed up, filled with water.

Finally, colors appear in the poem, which are always in in large numbers spilled over the poet's lyrical heritage. But for his loneliness, he uses only one - gray. This definition is followed by the noun "darkness", which adds a new shade to such a color.

And it hurts me to look alone
In the late afternoon gray darkness.

So, darkness becomes the last drop in the sea of ​​sadness and longing. The lyrical hero finally decides to open his circle with a cry. He wants to return the one who was insanely dear to him, who became a part of his soul.

I wanted to shout out:
"Come back, I'm related to you!"

But he understands that it is impossible to return a woman:

once she fell out of love, then forever. The lyrical hero becomes a stranger to her, and accordingly, she will not be able to free him from that loneliness that would fill her heart and soul.

But for a woman there is no past:
She fell out of love - and became a stranger to her.

Then he decides to warm himself by the fireplace. This is the only friend who stayed by his side. He will be able, at least with his tongues of flame, to bring cheerful notes to the shaken peace of mind.

Well! I'll light the fireplace, I'll drink...
It would be nice to buy a dog.

At the end of the work, after describing all the shades of loneliness, specific everyday details appear. So, the emotional intensity seems to be balanced: the lyrical hero decides to just buy a dog.

In a short poem about loneliness, I. A. Bunin raises many problems. It says that nature and friends (easel, breeze) cannot always heal the soul, that love has its limits. And all this together makes it possible to create an equally expressive picture of loneliness, which the poet captures in poetic lines.

But for a woman there is no past...

She loved - fell out of love, loved - fell out of love ... Ivan Alekseevich Bunin in 1903 wrote a modest poem called "Loneliness", he is still married, but already alone. He is 33 years old and has more to come whole life. But for now, a strange loneliness forces him to write his sad poetic phrase: " She fell out of love - and became a stranger to her! In 1897, an aspiring writer, future Nobel Laureate, Ivan Bunin meets the daughter of a Greek revolutionary Anna Nikolaevna Tsakni, in 1898 he marries her for love. However, happiness lasted only two years: they, as modern psychologists would say now, did not get along in character. He was ten years old older than Anna: she loved balls, fun and was almost not interested in her husband's work. She accused him of callousness and indifference to her hobbies. In 1900, Anna left Bunin, gave birth to a son who died in 1905... But what about Bunin? He was still associated with Anna for a long time, although since 1906 he had already lived with another woman, Vera Nikolaevna Muromtseva, but only in 1922 Anna Tsakni would give the writer an official divorce, which would allow him to register a marriage with his second wife. Was there love and when did it end in this whole story? The world was enriched with a poetic sigh about our eternal loneliness...


And the wind, and the rain, and the haze
Above the cold desert water.
Here life died until spring,
Until spring, the gardens are empty.
I am alone at the cottage. I'm dark
Behind the easel, and blowing through the window.

Yesterday you were with me
But you're already sad with me.
In the evening of a rainy day
You seem like a wife to me...
Well, goodbye! Sometime before spring
I will live alone - without a wife ...

Today they go on without end
The same clouds - ridge after ridge.
Your footprint in the rain at the porch
Fluffed up, filled with water.
And it hurts me to look alone
In the late afternoon gray darkness.

I wanted to shout out:
"Come back, I'm related to you!"
But for a woman there is no past:
She fell out of love - and became a stranger to her.
Well! I'll light the fireplace, I'll drink...
It would be nice to buy a dog.

Anna Nikolaevna Tsakni

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin 1904

In 1927-1929, Ivan Bunin wrote the autobiographical story "The Life of Arseniev", where one way or another in literary form he will tell about his relationship with his first wife. He ends the story with these lines: Recently I saw her in a dream - the only time in my long life without her. She was the same age as then, at the time of our common life and general youth, but in her face there was already the charm of faded beauty. She was thin, she was wearing what looked like mourning. I saw her vaguely, but with such power of love, joy, with such bodily and spiritual closeness, which I had never felt for anyone.."

P.S. Maybe all this will captivate someone and make them remember the classics. It's not as boring as many people think...

And the wind, and the rain, and the haze
Above the cold desert water.
Here life died until spring,
Until spring, the gardens are empty.
I am alone at the cottage. I'm dark
Behind the easel, and blowing through the window.

Yesterday you were with me
But you're already sad with me.
In the evening of a rainy day
You began to seem like a wife to me ...
Well, goodbye! Sometime before spring
I will live alone - without a wife ...

Today they go on without end
The same clouds - ridge after ridge.
Your footprint in the rain at the porch
Fluffed up, filled with water.
And it hurts me to look alone
In the late afternoon gray darkness.

I wanted to shout out:
"Come back, I'm related to you!"
But for a woman there is no past:
She fell out of love - and became a stranger to her.
Well! I'll flood the fireplace, I'll drink ...
It would be nice to buy a dog.

Analysis of the poem "Loneliness" by Bunin

The theme of loneliness has become one of the key on the creative path of the outstanding poet and writer Ivan Bunin. The lyrical heroes of his works often encounter this feeling. In them, the author revealed his own loneliness not only at home, but also abroad.

When reading the poem "Loneliness" one gets the impression that this is an autobiographical work. However, it is known that Ivan Bunin dedicated a poem close friend Petr Nilus, an artist from Odessa, famous general public nicknamed "the poet of painting."

Ivan began writing the work in 1903 in the city of Constantinople. This period is considered the most productive for the entire creative way Bunin. With the poem “Loneliness”, the author wanted to show that everyone is faced with misunderstanding talented people. Combining his own and Peter's fate, Ivan confirmed his guesses on a specific example.

Before his departure to Constantinople, Bunin broke up with his wife, which was reflected in his work. Despite the fact that the poem was written on a beautiful summer day, the melancholy characteristic of the autumn season is clearly visible in it.

The reader is presented with a lyrical hero who finds himself face to face in a country house. With each line, the mood of loneliness and sadness intensifies, plunging into this atmosphere.

In the process of narration, it becomes known about the lost love of the lyrical hero. The reason for this was the lack of attraction and passion for a loved one. As a result of emotional experiences, the hero plunges into his own gray world devoid of any color.

The author portrays the image of a person who takes his loneliness for granted, without trying to change anything. The lyrical hero is in a state of apathy. In this connection, he does not want to try to return his love, talk to her and explain himself. The hero hopes that with the advent of spring, the country house will again be filled with voices.

The lyrical hero is portrayed as a person who is accustomed to go with the flow, accepting all the "gifts" that fate has prepared. Everything is indifferent to him, and he is ready to put up with all events.

In the work, Ivan Bunin touches on the topic of the relationship between a dog and a person, hinting at the fact that a dog will never leave a person in trouble and will not go away in a difficult period. The lyrical hero also comes to the conclusion that he should get a dog.

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