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Conducted All-Russian Center public opinion survey (VTsIOM) showed the following:

A third of Russians, most of whom called themselves Orthodox, could not remember a single mortal sin.
Those who remember such sins most often name murder, theft and adultery. Murder was called a mortal sin by 43%, theft - 28%, adultery - 14% of respondents. 10% of respondents consider lying and perjury to be deadly sins, 8% - envy, 5% - pride and vanity, 4% - gluttony and gluttony. alcohol consumption is a mortal sin, the same number of Russians are intolerant of fornication, anger, harm to another and betrayal. 2% consider despondency, laziness, greed and greed, blasphemy, suicide and abortion to be a mortal sin. 1% - anger, hatred, disrespect for parents and foul language.

P.S. I also asked a similar question, I didn’t remember much myself. There was some confusion...

A.V. Here, my dears, just now I got involved in a religious discussion. She began to explain everything to people about the church, about superstitions, why fasting is needed, and so on. And then I, a sinner, was asked, as a seminarian, 2 questions. First: and list the 10 commandments. To be honest, I was taken by surprise, I named five commandments, I completely forgot the first three ... In general, I suffered a complete fiasco. When I got home, I set myself to learn all 10 commandments, so that later people would not take seriously everything that I tell them about religion. It turned out to be more difficult with the seven deadly sins. Nowhere did I find a mention of them, I could only say: Murder, suicide, theft, fornication, sodomy. Maybe tell me?
In general, I noticed that many Orthodox are not strongly savvy in the region. of my doctrine, precisely theoretically, I mean that many non-Orthodox necessarily blame us ....

A.K. This is not in the bible. It usually refers to the list of the seven deadly sins according to Thomas Aquinas.

V.S. If we read the 10 commandments in Holy Scripture, then the 7 deadly sins are still a kind of convention. Any sin can become mortal if it is not confessed, not healed, if it gave rise to a passion that took possession of a person ...

And here is what we have on Wikipedia on this topic:

IN Christian tradition concepts occupy a special place. sin And repentance. Sin for Christians is not just an offense or fault, it is something that contradicts human nature (after all, man is created in the image and likeness of God). Sin is the depravity of a human being. Sin is a visible manifestation of the sinful fallen nature of a human being, which he acquired during the fall.

The focus or dwelling place of sin in man is his flesh (fallen body). From the flesh, sin penetrates into the soul and manifests itself in the form of thoughts, words, emotions, passions, deeds, etc.

A person is helpless before sin and cannot cope with it on his own, only God can deliver him from this vice, so a person needs salvation.

Types of sin

There are three types of sin

  • Personal sin- an act against conscience and the commandment of God.
  • Original sin- damage human nature that arose as a result of the sin of the forefathers.
  • Generic sin- a special in a given genus (tribe, people, etc.) hereditary susceptibility to any passion, due to the serious crimes of one's ancestor (ancestors). This concept is quite new and is not recognized by everyone.

St. Macarius the Great speaks of all three types of sin: “As soon as you move away from the world and begin to seek God and talk about Him, you will already have to fight with your nature ( original sin), with former customs (personal sin) and with the skill that is innate in you (generic sin) ”(Conversation 32; 9).

An action (or inaction), a word, a thought, a desire, a feeling can be sinful.

According to Christian doctrine, there are a number of acts that are sinful and unworthy of a true Christian. Classification of acts on this basis based on biblical texts, especially on ten commandments of the law of God and the gospel commandments. The following is an approximate list of acts that are considered sins, regardless of denomination.

According to the Christian understanding of the Bible, a person who commits an arbitrary sin (i.e. realizing that it is a sin and resisting God), can become obsessed.

Sins against the Lord God

  • pride;
  • failure to fulfill the holy will of God;
  • violation of the commandments: ten commandments of the Law of God, gospel commandments, church commandments;
  • unbelief and lack of faith;
  • lack of hope for the mercy of the Lord, despair;
  • overreliance on the mercy of God;
  • hypocritical worship of God, without the love and fear of God;
  • lack of gratitude to the Lord for all His blessings - including for the sorrows and illnesses sent down to them;
  • appeal to psychics, astrologers, fortune-tellers, soothsayers;
  • occupation of "black" and "white" magic, witchcraft, divination, spiritualism;
  • superstition, belief in dreams, omens, wearing talismans, reading horoscopes even out of curiosity;
  • blasphemy and grumbling against the Lord in the soul and in words;
  • failure to fulfill the vows given to God;
  • calling on the name of God in vain, unnecessarily, swearing by the name of the Lord;
  • blasphemous attitude to the Holy Scriptures;
  • shame and fear to profess faith;
  • non-reading of the Holy Scriptures;
  • going to the temple without zeal, laziness in prayer, absent-minded and cold prayer, absent-minded listening to reading and singing; late attendance and early departure from worship;
  • disrespect for the feasts of God;
  • thoughts about suicide, attempts to commit suicide;
  • sexual immorality as adultery, fornication, sodomy, sadomasochism, onanism, etc.

Sins against neighbor

  • lack of love for neighbors;
  • lack of love for enemies, hatred for them, wishing them evil;
  • inability to forgive, retribution by evil for evil;
  • lack of respect for elders and commanding, to parents, chagrin and resentment of parents;
  • failure to fulfill the promise, non-payment of debts, explicit or secret appropriation of someone else's;
  • beating, attempt on someone else's life;
  • killing babies in the womb abortions), advice to have abortions to neighbors;
  • robbery, extortion;
  • bribery;
  • refusal to intervene for the weak and innocent, refusal to help those in trouble;
  • laziness and negligence in work, disrespect for the work of others, irresponsibility;
  • bad parenting is outside the Christian faith;
  • cursing children;
  • lack of mercy, stinginess;
  • unwillingness to visit the sick;
  • non-prayer for mentors, relatives, enemies;
  • cruelty, cruelty to animals, birds;
  • destruction trees without need;
  • bickering, non-compliance with neighbors, disputes;
  • slander, condemnation, slander;
  • gossip, retelling other people's sins, eavesdropping on other people's conversations;
  • insult, enmity with neighbors, scandals, hysteria, curses, impudence, impudent and free behavior towards one's neighbor, mockery;
  • hypocrisy;
  • anger;
  • suspicion of neighbors in unseemly deeds;
  • deception;
  • perjury;
  • seductive behavior, desire to seduce;
  • jealousy;
  • telling dirty jokes corruption by their actions of neighbors (adults and minors);
  • friendship for profit and treason.

Sins against oneself

  • vanity, honoring yourself best,pride , lack of humility and obedience, arrogance, arrogance, spiritual selfishness, suspicion;
  • lie, envy;
  • idle talk, laughingstock;
  • foul language;
  • irritation, indignation, resentment, resentment, resentment;
  • despondency, melancholy, sadness;
  • doing good deeds for show;
  • laziness, spending time in idleness, polysleeping;
  • overeating, gluttony;
  • love for the earthly and material more than for the heavenly, spiritual;
  • predilection to the money things, luxury, pleasures;
  • excessive attention to the flesh;
  • striving for earthly honors and glory;
  • excessive attachment to everything earthly, all sorts of things and worldly goods;
  • drug use, drunkenness;
  • playing cards, gambling;
  • pimping, prostitution;
  • performance of obscene songs, dances;
  • watching pornographic films, reading pornographic books, magazines;
  • acceptance of fornication thoughts, delight and slowness in impure thoughts;
  • desecration in a dream, fornication (sex outside of marriage);
  • adultery (treason during marriage);
  • the admission of liberties to the crown and perversion in married life;
  • masturbation (defilement of oneself with prodigal touches), immodest view of wives and young men;
  • sodomy;
  • bestiality;
  • belittling one's sins, blaming others, not condemning oneself.

The lists of the Ten Commandments in the Jewish and Christian traditions are somewhat different.

  1. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage; Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
  2. You shall not make for yourself an idol or any image of what is in heaven above, and what is on the earth below, and what is in the water below the earth; do not worship them and do not serve them, for I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, punishing children for the guilt of their fathers up to the third and fourth generations that hate Me, and showing mercy to thousands of generations of those who love Me and keep My commandments.
  3. Do not pronounce the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who pronounces His name in vain.
  4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy; work for six days and do all your work in them, and the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God: do not do any work on it, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor nor your donkey, nor any of your livestock, nor the stranger that is in your dwellings; for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
  5. Honor your father and your mother, that you may be well and that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
  6. Don't kill.
  7. Don't commit adultery.
  8. Don't steal.
  9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house; Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his field, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor any of his cattle, nor anything that is your neighbor's.

Reading the holy scriptures, many believers very often come across such an expression as "seven deadly sins." This phraseologism has nothing to do with any specific sins. The list of such acts is much longer. As far back as 590, Gregory the Great suggested conditionally grouping actions into 7 main groups. There is also a division in the church.

Pride or intoxication with one's dignity

To date, you can also see books, films and cartoons that talk about terrible human vices. The word passion in translation from the Church Slavonic language means suffering. Peccata capitalia - translated from Latin means "major sins." Christianity describes pride as a mortal sin, which has the classification:

Unhealthy attention to oneself is the result of all these diseases. With the development of this spiritual deviation, vanity first appears in a person. Not everyone can get sick with pride. Since everyone, without exception, strives for good. In a person, only approval always generates any manifestation of love and virtue. A child always tries to do things better and more correctly if he receives praise for his success and diligence. In raising children one of important points counted as an encouragement.

However, the desire for praise can make a person turn off the right path. If a person will seek praise great deeds that he will do for the sake of impressing others - this can lead to hypocrisy. Excessive self-confidence breeds pride. The development of this sin prepares excellent ground for lies and hypocrisy. Subsequently, feelings such as irritation, hostility, anger and cruelty may develop. Pride is a rejection of God's help. It is the proud person who really needs the help of the Savior. Since, except for the Almighty himself, no one can heal his spiritual illness.

The mood of the conceited begins to deteriorate over time. As a rule, he cares about everything except his own correction. He never observes any shortcomings in himself or always tries to find reasons that would justify his behavior. He is very hungry for recognition of his superiority. so always trying to exaggerate their skills and experience.

Criticism and disagreement with his opinion is very painfully displayed on his mood. He perceives someone else's independent opinion in any disputes as a challenge to himself. It increases arrogance. His manifestation most often meets the rebuff of others. Subsequently, irritability and stubbornness increase greatly. A vain person begins to believe that all the people around him are very jealous of him.

With the development last stage this disease, the human soul becomes cold and dark. It engenders contempt and malice. His mind is very much clouded and he is no longer able to distinguish evil from good. It becomes increasingly difficult for him to recognize other people's priorities, as he begins to be burdened by the "stupidity" of the bosses. In the first place for him is the proof of his superiority. As a rule, he lacks this like air. He is very sensitive to situations when he is wrong. Other person's success taken as a personal insult.

Insatiable desire to have everything

Greed is one of the most common sins modern world. The Lord helped people to gain knowledge that philanthropy can overcome the love of money. Otherwise, a person tries all his life to show that earthly wealth is valued much higher. eternal life he is ready to exchange for a momentary benefit. For prevention against evil, it is worth taking care of systematic donations. God saw that covetousness brings true godliness out of the heart.

Immeasurable love for money contributes to the cooling and hardening of hearts and hinders generosity. It also makes a person blind and deaf to the needs of those who suffer. Greed has a paralyzing effect on the soul of people. Their thoughts are increasingly filled with the desire to get rich. Often ambition is fixed in the character of a person. He becomes indifferent to the interests and needs of other people, since the passion for the accumulation of funds appeases all noble motives in him. Over time, he becomes insensitive.

IN modern society the world has dulled the moral feelings of people. Even those people who were brought up in Orthodox faith, often allow premarital affairs and divorces. A harlot is considered much worse than a harlot. Since it is easier for him to part with his sin. As a rule, he counts on impunity. But a harlot woman always risks her reputation. Today, many people have lost that sense of sin. This has never happened in the history of mankind.

The great people of the whole world have always tried to eradicate this sin from the consciousness of people. The Evil One has always been outraged by God's commandments. Therefore, it is no coincidence that one can meet an increase in crime in various countries. In some of them on this moment not considered something reprehensible even sodomy sin - sodomy. Today, even same-sex relationships receive official status.

The poison of the human heart is envy

Envy is understood as resistance to the creator, enmity against everything that God has given. There is no more pernicious passion in the soul than envy. Corruption of life and desecration of nature itself strongly eats away the soul in much the same way as rust corrodes iron. Envy is one of the most irresistible varieties of enmity. As a rule, an envious person is greatly annoyed by a good deed done to him.

The devil is the first destroyer of life and who bestows envy as a weapon from the beginning of the world. From this comes the death of the soul. Alienation from God and deprivation of all the blessings of life are inherent in such a person, to the delight of the evil one, although he himself is struck by the same passion. With special zeal it is necessary to beware of the envious. Envy that has taken possession of the soul can leave a person only after it has brought him to complete recklessness. Despite the fact that a spiritually ill person can lead a sober life, give alms and fast regularly, this will not protect him from crime, he will still be envious for all his deeds.

The envious will consider all those around him as his enemies, even those who have never offended him in any way. Envy originates from pride. A proud person always wants to rise above everyone else. It is very difficult for him to be around people equal to him, especially those who are better than him.

Gluttony - slavery to one's own stomach

Gluttony is a great sin, forcing one to take food for the sake of pleasure. Such passion can lead to the fact that a person will cease to be sentient being and become like cattle. He will no longer have the gift of speech and understanding. A person is capable of harming not only his health, but also all his virtues, if he gives full rein to the womb. And also the owner of this sin will kindle lust in himself, since excess food greatly contributes to this. It is necessary to arm yourself well against this passion, since lust leads to a fall.

In no case should you give the womb as much as it wants. Eating food is necessary only to maintain vitality. Oddly enough, gluttony is counted among the seven deadly sins, since through it various passions are born. To remain human, you must control your womb. It is worth keeping oneself with special care so as not to accidentally be defeated by gluttony. First of all, you need to think about how gluttony depresses the human body.

Gluttony and drunkenness bring a lot of hardships to the stomach. What could be special about gluttony? The good taste of treats lasts only when they are in the mouth. After swallowing, there is not only no taste left, but even memories of eating them.

Anger as a property of the human soul

sin who most removes the soul from god, is anger. An angry man will spend his life:

  • In anxiety.
  • Confused.
  • Losing peace and health.
  • The soul begins to grieve.
  • The mind is slowly failing.
  • The flesh begins to wither and the face to turn pale.

Anger is the most dangerous advisor. He often forces to resort to revenge. Since all the deeds done under his influence cannot be called prudent. There is no greater evil than something that a person in the grip of anger does. Strong anger especially darkens the clarity of thought and the purity of the soul. Such a person is unable to think sensibly, he begins to lie and dodge. Most often, he is likened to those people who have lost the ability to reason. Anger, like an all-devouring fire, scorches the soul and harms the body. It covers the whole human being, burning it. At the same time, even the very appearance of a person is rather unpleasant.

Despondency and endless anxiety

Number seven is grave sin, despondency is an endless restlessness that can crush the strength of the soul. It brings the soul to exhaustion. From it are born the inconstancy of the body and mind, drowsiness, laziness, idleness, vagrancy, talkativeness and curiosity. Despondency is the helper of all evil. It is not necessary to allocate a place in the heart for this bad feeling.

Only demons can bring despondency to the soul. They suggest that patience wears thin in the long wait for God's mercy. However, love, temperance and patience are able to resist the demons. Only despondency for a Christian is a striking passion. Of all the seven passions, despondency cannot be abolished by any of the Christian virtues.

Some preachers and believers believe that there are 10 sins in Orthodoxy. The octal scheme is being studied in the East serious sins. The Bible does not list sins as an exact list, but does try to warn against committing them in the Ten Commandments. To figure out how many deadly sins there really are, there is a whole list in the form of a table that clearly describes the meaning of each sin and its explanation.

The mortal sin is called the heaviest of the probable sins. It can be redeemed only by repentance. Committing such a sin forbids the soul to go to heaven. Basically, in Orthodoxy there are seven deadly sins. And they are called mortals, because their invariable repetition leads to falling into hell. Such actions are based on biblical texts. Their appearance in the texts of theologians dates back to a later time.

To prepare for confession need to repent and gain faith. Reading prayers of repentance and fasting are best suited for this. A repentant person needs to confess his sins, thereby showing recognition of his sinfulness. It is necessary to single out those passions that are especially characteristic of him. It is best to name specific sins that burden the soul. To date, you can find a huge number of descriptions of all vices and it will be quite difficult to describe the entire list, the first who began to describe sins were:

  • Gregory the Great enumerated the hierarchy of sins in an essay entitled "Commentary on the Book of Job or Moral Interpretations."
  • The poet Dante Alighieri in the poem "The Divine Comedy" described the seven circles of purgatory.
  • Saint John of the Ladder told how to deal with the eight main passions.

To sin or not to sin is a personal matter for everyone. But, knowing the list of sins, you can still refrain from some of them, thereby securing your place in paradise.

The concept of sin is the main theological concept, which is the starting point in determining the essence of good and evil, truth and falsehood. Commitment is an offense that requires awareness and repentance, a violation of the commandments of God, actions that are contrary to the generally accepted rules of virtue and righteousness. At the same time, in the biblical tradition, offenses before society, before God and man, and only then - violations of the commandments come to the fore most often.

What is mortal sin in the Bible?

Often the concept of "sin" is compressed to a certain, narrow framework. Such a framework distorts the meaning of the concept and leads away from understanding the essence of sinfulness and righteousness as defined in the Bible.

Deliberate simplification of the meaning of sin leads to a decrease in its role in life and the responsibility of the sinner for his actions. At the same time, the importance of the concept is very great, there is even a definition of “mortal sin”, the very name of which fully conveys the degree of its significance in the Christian tradition.

There is an opinion among ignorant people that mortal sin is an offense before God, which is followed by the death penalty as a punishment. This is an erroneous point of view; in fact, we are talking about something else. A mortal sin in the biblical traditional definition is a sin, the consequence of which is the impossibility of saving the soul if the sinner does not repent.

That is, adjective "mortal" in this case means the death of the soul, but not bodily death as a punishment for transgressions, although Catholic Church during the Inquisition, she practiced physical execution quite widely. The reason is that in the Catholic tradition, mortal sin is a dogmatically fixed concept, which was used by the Inquisition to fight heretics.

Wherein, the definition does not specify the act itself, we are talking about a crime committed knowingly and by own will and on serious issues. This breadth of interpretation has caused a lot of discrepancies and abuses.

Everyone was free to determine the degree of sin according to their own understanding, which gave rise to mass executions of heretics condemned in the most primitive way, and the death penalty was practically the same type of punishment - burning at the stake.

The Orthodox branch of Christianity interprets the concept of mortal sin differently. This refers to the distortion of God's plan for man, although exact definition No. Criticism of God, opposition to everything divine, opposition to truth is indicated as a mortal sin.

In addition, there is a broader concept of mortal sin - as a conscious and voluntary submission of oneself to pernicious passions that turn away from God and destroy the soul. That is, there is a more intelligible definition of mortal sin, although without specifics, but quite accurately defining the framework for a verdict. Wherein, Orthodox Church acted more gently, not arranging mass executions and campaigns to capture witches.

The task of salvation was put at the forefront, and not the death of the body which fundamentally distinguished Orthodoxy and Catholicism. The difference in the approaches of confessions to the essence of mortal sin and responsibility for it even led to some confrontation. There were no wars on religious grounds between Orthodox and Catholics, but there were skirmishes at the household level.

First of the list

The first, most serious mortal sin is pride. IN Orthodox tradition the concept of "pride", although consonant with the word "pride", but means a different phenomenon. Pride, in short - opposing oneself to God, disbelief in him and an attempt to put oneself above God. The concept is very capacious, having many consequences and shades.

Pride guides and feeds all other sins, both mortal and ordinary, although the difference between them is rather vague and not always determined. For example, murder is also a consequence of pride, since the murderer puts himself above God, considering himself entitled to take the life of others. It is the same with suicides - they take their own lives, ignoring the will of God, who sent them trials, and die unrepentant.

In the old days, suicide was a rarity; suicides were buried outside the cemetery fence, without a funeral service, they were not commemorated. This attitude was considered quite correct, since a person committed terrible sin and unworthy of the rites used for others.

People, possessed by pride, are confident in the absence of God, which makes them confident in the absence of a higher judgment over their thoughts and actions. Such people are extremely dangerous, because they believe that they are allowed to do whatever they want, since there is no punishment for it. For such, there are no restrictions other than their own momentary ones, and their actions can be very scary.

Seven deadly sins

It is customary to distinguish between seven deadly sins, although eight are often mentioned. It should be understood that such a division does not so much describe specific offenses as it shows the main vices that cause other sins with their presence. The existing list of mortal sins in Orthodoxy includes both broad concepts and more specific human vices.

At the same time, there is an expanded classification of mortal sins. So, the catechism of Peter Mohyla (XII century) divides mortal sins into three types.

The first type is a classic list of sins leading to other sins:

  1. pride
  2. adultery
  3. covetousness (greed)
  4. gluttony
  5. envy
  6. laziness.

It is this list, albeit in a different sequence, that is considered to be the seven deadly sins., although, strictly speaking, this is a list of human vices, one way or another present everywhere.

The second type is sins against God. Here are indicated:

  1. despair and despondency
  2. carelessness (excessive hope in God with one's own inaction)
  3. theomachism
  4. neglect of repentance
  5. malice and envy.

The third type contains sins “crying to heaven”, which include:

  1. murder
  2. sodomy sin
  3. oppression of the orphans and the poor
  4. insulting parents
  5. refusal to pay employees.

The classification of Peter Mogila significantly expands the list of mortal sins, but at the same time makes their definition closer and more understandable.

It is believed that a person is not guilty of the emergence of sinful thoughts or desires, but that he allowed them to take possession of his consciousness, linger in his thoughts and give rise to passions in him - he is guilty. That is, mortal sin arises where it is not resisted and does not resist.

How to deal with them?

The first and most important act should be the awareness of one's sin, the understanding of its presence and the need to eradicate it. Without this, the fight against sins is impossible, since all of them live only in the minds of people. The appearance of sinful thoughts and intentions is traditionally called temptation. It is believed that temptation is the most dangerous effect on the human psyche, since its effect is imperceptible, gradual and not immediately apparent.

Victory over temptation is in many ways a victory over sin itself, the elimination of its main cause.. But the difficulty of such a victory is extremely great, since it requires constant control over one's thoughts and actions, concentration of will and thought. The greatest difficulty lies precisely in constancy, any indulgence, any indulgence leads to the renewal of sin and reduces all previous efforts to nothing.

At the same time, different vices affect differently, and require simultaneous monitoring and attention. Only one's own will and conviction in the need to overcome sin can help in the fight against one's vices.

Awareness of sin leads to the rejection of it, from unrighteous actions that give rise to the death of one's soul. Understanding your wrongdoing means nothing without a physical refusal to commit it, since the fact itself remains inviolable. Only a complete and conscious cessation of sinful deeds eliminates the fact of committing a sin.

All these actions are extremely difficult, because in addition to the struggle with one's own passions, there is a struggle with public opinion who often perceive sinful actions as an expression of individual freedom and treat them as worthy and progressive deeds.


The Islamic tradition interprets mortal sins in a slightly different way than the Christian one.. The division is made into major and minor sins. Major sins in significance are a kind of analogue of mortal sins in Christianity.

Among them are:

  1. Idolatry(meaning that disbelief in Allah means worshiping idols)
  2. Slander(here is a rather narrow interpretation of the concept, meaning the false accusation of a woman of adultery leading to the destruction of the family)
  3. The murder of a true believer(Islam forbids any murder, but if we are talking about a Muslim, this is a very serious sin)
  4. Flight from the battlefield(A Muslim cannot afford to dishonor his shrines and his nation)
  5. Orphan Robbery
  6. Doing wrong things in Mecca
  7. Loss of hope for atonement for sins and salvation (Islam interprets this as a weakness of faith)
  8. In addition to these, major sins are adultery, drinking alcohol, usury, homosexuality, eating pork or carrion.

The concept of sin in Islam differs not so much from the Christian interpretation in the semantic aspect, but in the transfer of shades of local tradition and way of life. General Directions Islamic and Christian morality are consonant, and require almost the same actions and thoughts from a person.

The difference in definitions and sounds is based on linguistic meanings, translation features and subtleties of national psychology. In understanding the essence of mortal sin great importance has a habitual way of life, mentality and features of psychology.

In conclusion, one should note the great importance of the concept of sin in religious movements in general and in Orthodoxy in particular. The absence of this concept would not allow Christianity to maintain its position until today and would greatly reduce the significance of the whole.

The significant limiting ability of the concept of sin made it possible to introduce moral and ethical principles that have shaped the worldview of people for two millennia.

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