What is the human soul. human soul and spiritual development. The human soul, what is it from the point of view of esotericism

Today we will talk about the most important thing for all people, about the truth that underlies every person. This truth is the Soul, and if so, it is necessary to define what the Soul of a person is, what is the Essence of the Soul, what are its tasks, and also what is the Beauty of the Soul and its Content.

Essence of the Soul or what is the Soul

So, what is the human soul? Often people use the word Soul without understanding what is behind it, and what is the great power of this word. What is the Essence of the Soul?

The soul is a part or particle of God that exists in the heart of every person.. In the infinity of all existence, which is NOTHING, there is always a God or Creator of all that exists.

You can imagine an infinite, immense NOTHING - and there is only Love.

And God has no beginning and no end – an Infinite Void filled with Love. And every human being is from there, from the Central and Single Source of Love, and each is connected by a silvery thread with this Source.

What is the human soul? All Souls are one whole, since their origin is from the Source of Love or God.

Many people know the theory of the Big Bang, which simply indicates that God separated parts of Himself from Himself, and it was precisely the Souls in the form of Spheres of Light that began the journey to gain the necessary experience during the creation of Universes and Galaxies.

Thinking about what the Human Soul is, about its essence, it is important to understand: all Souls are the roots of the Single Soul, which is called God, the Creator, the Absolute.

God is present in every situation in life. When you were in sorrow, He was with you, and when you rejoiced, He was there too, and therefore He knows about everything, about all the needs and tasks of each person.

Development of Soul and Personality

Now let's talk about the development of the Soul and personality. In fact, the Soul comes to Earth for spiritual development and improvement. And the entire experience of its previous incarnations is located in the human Soul.

The Earth is a favorable place for human habitation and development of the Soul. And so the Soul of a person, having come to the planet, must develop according to its tasks, gaining experience.

Since the Soul is incorporeal in form - for the passage of experience on Earth, She created physical body, personality and psyche.

And now a person seems to be living and doing something in his life, but there is no desired result, there is no satisfaction from life and happiness. Instead, there are diseases, complexes, fears, discontent and many other negative things.

This is precisely what says that a person lives as a personality, serves a personality, which itself must be a servant of the Soul that created it.

And such a person simply does not fulfill the Tasks of his Soul. There is no connection between the personality and the Soul, and therefore there is no process of evolution for which a person was born on the planet, there is no development of the human soul.

Understanding what the Soul of a person is, one must live in the tasks of the Soul - this, in fact, is life for the good and for the good, when the concept of "Do no harm" is the basis.

For the development of the soul, it is very important for a person to accumulate precisely for which he came to the planet. And this means loving other people with Absolute love, and not for something and for some reason, but just like that, because in others there is the same piece of God as you have, and the same Soul.

You need to learn to love everyone who is hard and bad in this life, even the evil ones, and those who may be disgusting to you. This is how you will develop spiritual matter in your life, improve the beauty of the soul.

And what does spiritual matter mean - this is what God wants, this is what will dissolve negative experience and stop your illnesses.

Spiritual matter improves both your life and the life of all mankind, gives a state of inner joy and satisfaction - what the Soul of every person desires and what many people on Earth lack.

What happens in a person's life is a reflection of his Soul, that light or dark experience accumulated in the past and present.

Therefore, a person's life must correspond to the tasks of the Soul, then it will be joyful, financially secure, filled with health and well-being.

So, in this article we have determined what the Soul of a person is, its essence and content. What is the expression of the beauty of the human soul, what is the relationship between the personality, the physical body and the Soul in its development - I tried to answer these questions.

human soul

the immortal image of God in man. This is the divine basis of man, his life principle, the receptacle of spiritual potency and the ability for spiritual and moral improvement, according to the teachings of the New Testament. The soul is immortal and does not die with the body. The soul is the person himself, his personality. Concern for the salvation of the soul is the main thing in a person's life. From how a person lived his life, the soul is either saved or doomed to eternal death and, accordingly, goes either to heaven or hell. After Doomsday the soul unites with the resurrected body. Man, according to the teaching of Holy Scripture, consists of a body and a soul (see Gen. 2:7; Matt. 10:28). The soul animates the body, spiritualizes it, without it the body is dust, and therefore the soul in the Bible is often called the breath of life, the spirit of life, or simply the spirit. The soul does not come from the body, but is that special force that turns dust into Living being and has its source in God.

The whole world was created by God in such an order that during His creation the Creator passed from the lower forms to the higher ones. First, inorganic bodies were created, plants, then fish and birds, then animals, and finally, as the crown of the universe, man. Animals also have a soul. But the very fact that man is the latest and most perfect creation of God testifies to the perfection and distinctive properties of the soul of man from the soul of the animal. The nature of animals was created at once, but in man body and soul were created separately; at the same time, the very creation of the soul of animals and man took place differently. The souls of animals were created by God from those principles that were contained in matter itself, although by creation they represented something different from it (see Gen. 1, 20, 24). The human soul was created by God as something separate, independent and different in the material world, in a way that was called the breath of God (Genesis 2:7). This image of the creation of the human soul testifies that it had to receive perfections that brought it closer and made it related to God, in contrast to animals; the soul of man possessed those distinctive properties that he alone was created in the image and likeness of God. The special properties of the soul consist in its unity, spirituality and immortality, in the ability of reason, freedom and the gift of speech.

IN Orthodox teaching there are theologians about the two-part and three-part nature of man. In the first case, a person is the antithesis of bodily and mental-spiritual substances. One pole is the earthly physical, carnal beginning of a person, the other pole is the heavenly immaterial, incorporeal beginning. The difference between the soul-spiritual is presented here as the difference between the higher and the lower, as two sides of a single spiritual principle. In the second case, the antithesis "body - spirit" takes place, and the soul is something intermediate, uniting, connecting, "linking" the material and immaterial principles. The problem of choosing the theologian arises, while the opinion is widespread that both theologian do not contradict each other, but everything depends on the “point of view” (ie epistemology). The soul and spirit constitute something unified from the point of view of those who are close to the two-dimensional vision of man. This is the unity of the soul-spiritual substance. The point of view is also widespread that the spirit is the soul in its spiritual nature. Souls are born from parents, and the spirit is breathed in by God, i.e. spirit is something else. Sometimes the spirit is identified with the mind. The well-known words of the Apostle Paul: May the God of peace Himself sanctify you in all fullness, and may your spirit, soul and body be preserved without blemish in all its integrity (1 Thess. 5:23), which are taken to substantiate the tripartite nature of man, are sometimes interpreted as two sides mental life: either as a spiritual structure in the soul, or as a step in the life of the soul.

Orthodoxy. Dictionary-reference. 2014 .

See what the "Soul of Man" is in other dictionaries:

    human soul- Having created the first man Adam from the earth, God breathed into him the breath of life, i.e. soul, a spiritual and immortal being (Gen. 1:26, 27). After the death of a person, the soul returns to God, Who gave it (Ecc. 13:7) ... Bible. dilapidated and New testaments. Synodal translation. Bible encyclopedia arch. Nicephorus.

    human soul- the immortal image of God, enclosed in man. Man is formed by the unity of the body and soul (spirit) ... Orthodox Encyclopedic Dictionary

    human soul- after God created the first man from the earth, he breathed into him a living soul (an immortal spiritual being). And after the death of a person, she returns to God, who gave her (Ecclesiastes, 8, 7) ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

    SOUL- [Greek. ψυχή], together with the body, forms the composition of a person (see the articles Dichotomism, Anthropology), while being an independent beginning; D. man contains the image of God (according to some of the fathers of the Church; according to others, the image of God is contained in everything ... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

    Soul- This term has other meanings, see Soul (meanings). Soul (from other Russian ... Wikipedia

    soul- @font face (font family: ChurchArial ; src: url(/fonts/ARIAL Church 02.ttf);) span (font size:17px; font weight:normal !important; font family: ChurchArial ,Arial,Serif;)   (ψυχή) breath, animal soul: 1) the beginning of sensual life, common to ... ... Church Slavonic Dictionary

    SOUL- (Greek psyhe, lat. anima) is one of the central concepts of European philosophy, in connection with the development of which the entire hierarchy of being, life and thought is gradually mastered both in its lowest and highest layers and in relation to which ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    THE SOUL IN THE ARAB-MOSLIM PHILOSOPHY- is expressed by the term "nafs". In the classical period, two lines of interpretation of the soul stand out: one brings it closer to the concept of “zat” (self, see Essence), with further identification of the self with “I” ('ana) and “appearance” (zuhur), with which the understanding is connected ... … Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Soul- (Greek psychē, lat. anima) a concept that expressed historically changing views on the inner world of a person; in religion and idealistic philosophy and psychology, the concept of a special non-material substance independent of the body. The concept of D. ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    SPIRIT and SOUL- religious and philosophical concepts, meaning immaterial beginnings, in contrast to the material Man relatively easily cognizes the material shell of created nature, but he does not have easy external access to the essences of the spirit and soul, which is often ... Modern Philosophical Dictionary

Is there really at least some evidence of the existence of the soul?.. These questions have been and are being asked by many. What is the human soul from a scientific point of view?

Even Joseph Vissarionich Stalin, at one time, was interested in this issue. And he once asked the Simferopol Archbishop Luka:

“Do you, being a famous and famous doctor, believe in the existence of the soul?”

The doctor answered in the affirmative and without a shadow of any doubt. To which Stalin replied:

“Did you find it during the operation in the human body?”

Naturally, the surgeon replied that he did not find her there ... This gave the great pilot another reason to doubt:

“How, then, can one believe that the soul exists?”

“Do you believe, Iosif Vissarionovich, for example, that a person has a conscience? ..” Luka (aka Valentin Voino-Yasnetsky) asked, in turn, his interlocutor.

Stalin fell silent, thought for a while, then said: "I believe." The answer of the famous surgeon was truly magnificent:

“I also did not find conscience in the bodies of the patients I operated on.”

This funny story you can quote, remember, interpret in some way ... but its essence does not change from this. The fact remains that not everything that exists in the universe can be seen or touched. But this does not make the existence of subtle matters any less convincing.

Nevertheless, regardless of the most diverse views on this topic, there are unconditional scientific evidence in the world for the existence of a spiritual substance, and in this sense, scientists have managed to unravel the mystery of the human soul.

What is the soul from a scientific point of view?

The existence of the soul from the point of view of science is confirmed by a number of scientific experiments and evidence. That is, the concepts of science and soul today are no longer as incompatible as they seemed to many before. And if in the past philosophers and religious figures were thinking more and more about this, today scientists are speaking more and more often about the soul.

For example, Professor Korotkov from St. Petersburg, using special devices, recorded the aura of dying people and it was proved that its glow lasts even after their death, only gradually fading and disappearing into space. And only after that the body of the deceased became a kind of inanimate flesh, causing the association of the object. That is, it is obvious that our energy shell lives longer than our physical body.

Pavel Guskov, a scientist from Barnaul, also proved that every person has a soul. What is the soul from a scientific point of view according to Guskov, for example?

  • Firstly, each person, - he believes, - has a unique soul, just like his fingerprints.
  • Secondly, as a result of a series of experiments and the method of materialization of the soul, which were carried out by his scientific group, it turned out that there is also a certain energy-informational substance in our body.

Surprisingly, the scientist managed to identify it with the help of the presence of ordinary water next to a person, which, as it turned out, is able to change its structure when recording various kinds of information. The experiments looked like this: near one or another person, water purified from various kinds of energy influence of another nature was placed for some time, after which its structure was studied.

Conducted similar experiments involving ultraprecise measuring instruments showed thousands of times that in each case, depending on which of the subjects stood next to a container of water, certain changes occur in its structure. Moreover, if the same person turned out to be the subject twice, this structure was repeated.

Other scientists on the existence of the soul

Does the soul exist scientifically? In any case, there is scientific evidence for the existence of the soul. There are many and you can follow them. In principle, their result, from the point of view of science, confirms that the nature of consciousness as such is non-material.

It was noted by the creator quantum mechanics and Nobel Prize winner E. Schrödinger already in the twentieth century. He said that the nature of the connection of consciousness with physical processes lies aside from science and beyond the limits of human understanding.

Russian academician P.K. Anokhin also argued that none of the mental operations that we usually attribute to the mind, scientists still have not been able to connect directly with any part of our brain. And generally speaking:

the psyche is not inherently a function of the brain as such. It is a manifestation of some completely different - non-material - spiritual forces.

Is this not yet another proof of the existence of the soul?

The fact of the existence of the soul is confirmed

by a variety of scientists and their numerous scientific studies. For example, the results of four years of experiments conducted by German physicians and psychologists are also known. On the example of being in a state clinical death about a thousand subjects, the scientific group of Dr. Berthold Ackermann in Berlin technical university a lot of evidence has been collected about the nature of the post-mortem state of people.

And all these people, regardless of the views of their confessions, - and for the experiments they selected their most diverse representatives, from atheists to Christians, Jews, Muslims ... - all of them after their return to the world (and they were absent from it under the supervision of scientists from forty minutes up to an hour) testified to the same thing: about their feeling leaving the body, about feeling safe, calm and warm; everyone remembered the state of levitation and the image of bright light…

I understand that the results of our scientific research on the basis of this medical experiment, they may contradict the beliefs of the majority, - Ackerman later noted, - but as a result we got the desired answer: there is an eternal soul. Just like there is some other life after our death.

Similar results of similar experiments already in England were confirmed by Peter Fenwick and Sam Parnia from the Institute of Psychiatry in London. They also studied the condition of patients who managed to come back to life after their heart stopped. It was found that some of these patients were absolutely accurately transmitted, for example, the conversations of the medical staff at a time when these people themselves were in a state of clinical death. They also described in all accuracy some of the facts and events of an external nature that took place at that moment.

On the immortality of the soul as a scientific problem

Academician, neurophysiologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences Natalya Bekhtereva spoke about this both directly and indirectly. For the first time, from the report of the world famous scientist, Professor John Ecksle, who also received the Nobel Prize for his research, she learned that

the human brain, for example, does not create or produce thoughts on its own: it only perceives them as coming from somewhere outside, being, in fact, only their repeater.

This was subsequently confirmed by her own experiments: scientists from St. Petersburg (Research Institute of the Brain) could not explain from a scientific point of view the mechanics of the creative process, for example. It turned out that the brain itself is capable of generating only elementary thoughts, such as, for example, “stir sugar in a glass” and something like that. As for the creative process, these are manifestations of a completely different quality and

as a believer, - Bekhtereva expressed her opinion, - I admit the participation of the Almighty in the management of the thought process.

There is life after death

At the international symposium "Life after death: from faith to knowledge", held at the beginning of the 2000s in St. Petersburg, scientist A.V. Mikheev outlined some important scientific positions that have been proven and confirmed:

  1. The existence of the so-called subtle body, which is the carrier of such components of a human being as self-consciousness, memory, emotions and inner life . This subtle body is a kind of parallel component of our physical body, which provides the above-mentioned processes. The physical body is only an intermediary for their manifestation in the physical world.
  2. A scientific experiment, in the broad sense of the word, proved that our life does not end with earthly death, but continues after. And this is a natural law that applies to any human individual.
  3. The new reality ahead of us consists of a large number different levels, which differ in their frequency characteristics and their, in turn, components.
  4. The place where the human soul will be after the death of the physical body is determined by the person's forthcoming attunement to a certain energy level, which is the general result of his thoughts, feelings and actions generated during his earthly stay. That is, it can be compared with the spectrum electromagnetic radiation that comes from one or the other chemical and depends, ultimately, on its composition.
  5. Such well-known concepts as heaven and hell are just a reflection of two possible polar posthumous states of the human soul.

In continuation of the thought about reality and even some kind of material component of our soul, we can once again mention the human aura. For a long time its existence - as, indeed, and all of the above - was questioned. (It should be noted that at all times, regardless of whether or not there are irrefutable scientific evidence of this or that phenomenon, there have always existed, exist and will exist people who deny them). But we are not talking about them now.

And just about that - that under the aura of a person is understood his very real biofield. And there are already highly sensitive devices capable of capturing both this biofield and, in fact, its very aura: luminous multi-colored light rays-reflections. At the same time, certain colors of the aura, the degree of its density and even the direction of its rays are associated with the intensity and nature of our biofield and the root cause of one or another of its radiation: the state of our body, including our psychological state.

The scientific approach in the study or study of the soul has confirmed the presence of an energy wave body in humans. The world does not stop arguing about whether the soul actually exists, or is it fiction, if the soul exists, then what it is. Can you see her. Is reincarnation (relocation of the soul) real? Does God exist? What is the source of religion and faith in general. As soon as science began to have instruments with which it was possible to observe previously invisible phenomena, inquisitive scientists immediately began to search for an answer to the question: does the soul exist or not. In this section, you will find the results of such studies, and you yourself will be able to answer this question that always worries people.

In 1982 George Gallup Jr. published a book titled Immortality Adventures in which he described near-death and out-of-body experiences. Those who had near-death experience were asked to describe it. Nine percent talked about how they felt that they had left the body, and eight percent noted "the presence at that moment of some unusual being or beings nearby."

The results obtained by Gallup are very curious, but the main question still remains unanswered. Is there any scientific proof of the reality of post-mortem experiences associated, in particular, with leaving the body?

Undoubtedly, there is such evidence - these are the testimonies of those who have been beyond death (being in a seemingly unconscious state) and later were able to very accurately describe everything that happened to their physical body, as if they were watching it all from the side. Heart attack survivors, disaster victims, heavily wounded soldiers all recount their experiences in similar ways. Dr Michael Sabom, a cardiologist at the Emory University Clinic, conducted a scientific analysis of such evidence. He recorded and studied the testimony of thirty-two patients who spoke of leaving their body at the time of cardiac arrest. When the heart stops, blood stops flowing to the brain, and the patient, as is commonly believed, completely loses consciousness. However, twenty-six of the thirty-two respondents were able to fairly accurately reproduce the picture of their death and subsequent return to life. And the remaining six described in amazing detail the special resuscitation techniques applied to them, and these descriptions fully corresponded to the medical protocols kept in the clinic under the heading “For Official Use”. Dr. Sabom himself was convinced of the reality of the exit from the body, and he published them in the book “Memories of Death. Medical Research, which was published in 1982. Sabom came to the conclusion that consciousness is something different from the brain, and that on the verge of death, consciousness and brain separate from each other and exist separately for some time. Sabom writes: “Maybe the consciousness capable of separating from the brain is, after all, the very soul that, as some religions teach, does not die, but continues to live after the final death of the body? It seems to me that this is the most important question arising from descriptions of near-death experience.

IN documentary"Soul. Journey to the Afterlife” (film presented at the end of this section) describes the following experiment. In one of the hospitals where there were deaths, hung in different places cards with various signs. In cases when the patient at the critical moment of the operation saw himself from the side (from above), he was asked if he saw the signs drawn on the cards. Patients could not describe these signs. But, imagine yourself in the place of the patient who “left” the body. What will you turn your attention to, your own physical body, which is in a dying state, or will you begin to study the drawings located on the walls?

American scientists in the last century tried to figure out what happens to the human body at the time of death. Examining the body of hopelessly ill patients on an electric wave spectrometer, they showed that at the time of death, a certain energy body (phantom) is separated from the human body.

In another experiment, terminally ill patients were placed on a bed that was set on an accurate scale. At the time of the patient's death, a decrease in readings by several grams was recorded on the scales. And this happened in every case.

Animal experiment is also known. A live mouse was placed in a glass flask, then the flask was hermetically sealed. At the time of mouse death, the weight of the flask also decreased. And if they try to explain the decrease in the weight of a deceased person by intense oxidative processes occurring in the body of a dying person, then in an experiment with a mouse, this “explanation” is refuted, because. the flask is hermetically sealed, and all material excretions from the body are inside. Only a certain substance with a finer, non-molecular structure can penetrate glass.

As a result of research in this area, it turned out that plants also have energy wave bodies. The following experiments were carried out. Part of the plant leaf was removed, and the rest was irradiated with electromagnetic pulses. In a special device, a certain glow was observed along the very edge of the sheet, and after removing part of it, the shape of the glow halo remained unchanged. Around the bodies of recently deceased people, when observed with a special device, there is a certain “glow”, depending on the conditions under which the person died. This "glow" behaves differently, depending on whether the death of a person was sudden, or whether it was death from old age or illness. The “glow” around the bodies of suicides was very different. This phenomenon could be observed until the ninth day, from the moment of death of a person. After the ninth day, the "glow" disappears. Is it by chance that on the ninth day, the commemoration of the deceased takes place?

Our scientists also conducted experiments with a person who had the ability to exteriorize, that is, the ability to separate his energy (subtle) body from his physical body. The person was located on the bed, which was installed on accurate scales. After some time, the reading of the scales sharply decreased by several grams. After a certain period of time, the scales showed their original value.

American scientists conducted similar experiments. The subjects sat on beds that were mounted on high-precision scales. The purpose of the experiment was to find out whether the subject's weight changes during sleep. In all cases, during falling asleep, the weight of the bed with the subject decreased by 4-6 grams. And by exactly the same amount, the readings of the scales increased at the time when the subject woke up.

Experiments that prove the existence of the soul

A doctor from England, Sham Panier, scientific tests for the first time proved the reality of the existence of a "soul" (or spirit, consciousness). The test was as follows: in the room where the patient was lying, he hung a board from the ceiling, on which he placed some small things that only the doctor himself knew about. If after death the patient's soul can fly up, can see his body, see how doctors save his body, see the chandelier on the ceiling, then the soul should see these small things on the board. If you manage to save this patient, and he can tell about these small things on the board, then the “soul” is not a fiction, but an objectively existing object.

Sham Panier studied more than 100 patients. Seven of them, who were rescued after clinical death, woke up and said that they saw their “soul” and all the small things on the board. This scientific experiment proved for the first time the reality of the existence of the soul.

Russian scientists studied the brain of a sleeping person. They acted on different parts of the brain with electromagnetic impulses. Neurons affected by electromagnetic pulse, came to an excited state. But the neighboring neurons connected with them did not react in any way. In other words, the neural connections in the brain of a sleeping person do not work, that is, the brain is generally turned off. And, nevertheless, a person sees "himself" in a dream, and this information remains in memory. Question: where does this vision occur, and in the memory of “what” does it remain if the human brain is not working at this time?

Another scientific study related to the study of the energy wave body. In this experiment, Russian scientist Pyotr Garyaev, Doctor of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, irradiated a DNA molecule with a laser. After a while, an energy body appeared next to the molecule. Moreover, after the removal of the DNA molecule, the energy body could be observed in this place for another forty days. And again a coincidence - it is on the fortieth day that the dead are also commemorated. It follows from the last experiment that the energy body can exist independently of the physical body.

Even in ancient times, information about the soul was known - as about the most living being: “Exactly the same as the soul moves from a child's body to a youthful one and from it to an old one, so at death it passes into another body. These changes do not bother one who has realized his spiritual nature. ).

“The soul is neither born nor dies. It did not arise once in the past and will never cease to exist. She is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, immortal and primordial. It is not destroyed when the body dies." ).

2 The human body and soul.

In 1975, the phenomenon of an electric wave phantom was discovered - this is how scientists conventionally called the human soul. Scientists have found that before a fetus appears in the mother's uterus, it already has an electric wave phantom. Initially, this is an electric wave halo, slightly larger than the embryo itself. The phantom grows faster and advances the development of the embryo by several days. Thus, the future baby develops, catching up and adjusting to his own electric wave phantom. The baby catches up with him just before the very birth, and they are born the same.

Cases where the pregnancy was interrupted were investigated. It turned out that in this case the phantom continues to live in the mother's uterus for as long as it would take the child to be born. Therefore, many women after an abortion feel some movement in the uterus for a long time. On the days when childbirth should have occurred, women feel especially bad: they feel severe pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, depression, which can lead to serious mental and health disorders. All this is set out in the report of the American physiologist Herman Haity, who conducted research in American clinics from 1979 to 1994.

Thus, we found out that even before the development of the embryo, a certain energy body appears in the uterus.

At the initial stage, the embryo begins to develop from stem cells, from which, as you know, any tissue of the body can be formed: bone, muscle, or it will be a cell of the eye, brain, skin, etc. But stem cells cannot “know” which organ tissue they need to turn into. The embryo cannot develop "on its own". Thus, the energy body deciphers the information encoded in the DNA molecule and converts it into a three-dimensional model, i.e. creates a three-dimensional holographic drawing, which changes in accordance with the development of the fetus, and in accordance with this three-dimensional drawing, in each stem cell, a development program is launched that corresponds to this drawing.

Let's generalize. The energy wave body or soul, which appears BEFORE the development of the fetal body begins - at the moment of fertilization of the egg (it can be called differently: soul, divine spark, etc.), has the following abilities:

  1. Decodes the information encrypted in the DNA molecule;
  2. According to this information, it creates a three-dimensional holographic drawing, analyzes the development of the fetus at every moment in real time, and, in accordance with this, changes this drawing.
  3. In accordance with the holographic drawing, launches the development program each stem cell.

Based on the analysis carried out, it turns out that the energy wave body, directly connected with the physical body, has information that it decodes from the DNA molecule, and by transmitting this information, can directly influence living cells, indicating which cell of the body should be formed by that or other stem cell germ. And it also has energy that selectively acts on each cell of the body. Also, the energy wave body can exist for some time independently of the physical body.

3. Do animals have a soul.

Do animals have a soul? This question is also of interest to many. The presented studies show the actions of representatives of the animal world, the organization of which cannot be explained from a material point of view.

Surprisingly, the most a complex system organization of life and relationships, it is in insects that do not have a brain. The question remains open: where and in what way is the organization managed by such complex actions of each insect? The answer is clear. If control cannot be carried out by a material object, then control is carried out by an individual object - non-material nature (structure).

At the Institute of the Brain, the following experiment was conducted, confirming the presence of the property of memory in the energy wave body (soul), even in animals. A group of experimental rats was observed. Each animal was given the opportunity to memorize the complex route of movement in the maze from the entrance to the feeder with food. Then, in the experimental animals, a section of the brain was removed, and in each animal, not the one that was removed from the others. Thus, there was not a single part of the brain that was not removed from at least one of the rats. But after the removal of a part of the brain, none of the rats forgot the complex route of movement. If memory were a property exclusively belonging to the brain, then at least one of the animals would “forget” about the route of movement, as a result of the removal of a brain area with this information. But, despite the fact that during the experiment there was not a single part of the brain that was not removed from at least one of the rats, all the experimental animals retained the information they had. Therefore, based on the above examples, we can conclude that information is stored not only in certain areas of the brain, but also in the EWT (energy wave body), which has the ability to record and store information.

Here is another example that is not explicable from a material point of view.

In private farms that breed domestic animals, in particular chicken, the bird is killed, usually by cutting off its head. In almost all cases, the bird does not die instantly. At the same time, there were cases, already after cutting off the head, when the chicken managed to escape, and even run some distance, flapping its wings already in a decapitated form. The question arises - how is this possible? While running, about two dozen muscles are involved in the body. This means that a certain number of electrical impulses, of a certain strength, come from the brain to the muscles in a strictly defined sequence (synchronized with each other). The corresponding program is recorded in the brain, which is responsible for transmitting these impulses to the body. The spinal cord is a train of conductors of nerve impulses isolated from each other, along which these impulses are transmitted from the brain to other organs (some kind of computer bus). None of the organs can perform the functions of the brain.

During the cutting off of the head, communication with the control organ (brain) is interrupted. And, nevertheless, in the nerve conductors, electrical impulses continue to form, which cause the muscles involved in the bird's run to contract.

From the above observations and studies, we found out that the soul (energy wave body) has the ability to store information. Also, the energy body initiates the contraction of the heart muscle.

The last case of a headless bird also indicates that in a certain moment, the soul, which can store information, can transmit control impulses to the physical body, even in the absence of a brain in an animal.

There is an untenable explanation for this phenomenon. It consists in the following: the spinal cord of the chicken has “motor reflexes”, which appear at the time when the brain of the chicken is cut off.

The absurdity of such an explanation lies in the fact that the spinal cord itself is a kind of “tire” of conducting nerve fibers. Moreover, EVERY conductive fiber must be - ISOLATED from other nerve fibers. Otherwise, the impulses from the brain will not come to a SPECIFIC organ or muscle, but to all at once.

After cutting off the brain, the chicken does not make chaotic movements, and - AGREED. That is, the impulses entering the muscles provide - the chicken runs, and in some cases, the chicken can fly up to a height of about a meter. All these movements can be explained by: ORDERED, SYNCHRONIZED WITH EACH OTHER IMPULSES, WHICH CONTINUE TO ENTER THE CHICKEN MUSCLE. And for the synchronization of electrical impulses, a GENERAL control center is needed, which continues to perform the functions of the severed brain of a bird.

VIDEO: "A chicken runs without a head." (+14 years old)

4 Definition of the soul.

In different religions, one can find a mention that the soul and blood of a living being are directly related in some way. For example, in Judaism, it is strictly forbidden to eat food containing the blood of an animal. According to the rules of kashrut, the meat of animals used for food must be previously bled special methods. Due to the connection of the soul with blood, in other religions it is forbidden to transfuse blood from a donor.

Here is what the Bible says: “Only flesh with its soul, with its blood, do not eat; I will reckon for your blood, in which is your life…” (Genesis 9:4,5).

How is the soul related to blood? And how should this be expressed?

The winner of the television show "The Battle of Psychics" Alexander Litvin, told, in a television program, an interesting incident that happened to him.

Once, as a result of his poor health condition, he received a transfusion of a fairly large amount of blood from different donors. After recovery, he noticed some changes that happened to him. For six months, his height suddenly increased by four centimeters, despite the fact that he was already in adulthood. He also noticed that the shape of his earlobes had changed, which he could verify by comparing them with the image in his old photographs. At the very beginning, it was said that the energy wave body located in the uterus creates a three-dimensional holographic drawing, according to which the body of the embryo is built. In the case of blood transfusion, along with blood cells, the donor's DNA with information about the structure of his body enters the body. The EWT (soul) of the person who received the donor's blood created a holographic blueprint based on the donor's new DNA. The physical body of an already adult person was “completed” according to this new three-dimensional drawing, changing some physical parameters.

Along with these changes in the physical body, Alexander Litvin noted some changes that occurred in the nature of his behavior.

From the above story, we can draw the following conclusion regarding the definition of the soul: the energy body (soul) of a person, deciphers the DNA that has entered the blood, creates a new volumetric holographic drawing, according to which it “completes” the material body. Also, in accordance with the information decoded from the new DNA, it changes the biochemical processes in the body that affect the psychological portrait of a person who received blood from a donor.

In the documentary "Soul. Journey to the afterlife”, describes the story of a girl who underwent a heart transplant from a donor - another girl who was attacked by an unknown person and killed by him. Some time after a successful heart transplant operation, the girl began to be haunted by nightmares in which she is attacked by an unknown man. When the nightmares became completely unbearable, the girl's mother went to the police station. Subsequently, according to the signs described by the girl, the real killer was detained, who killed the girl - the donor.

Another case involving a heart transplant.

The patient received a heart transplant from a deceased donor. From that moment on, the character of the person completely changed. After the operation, a person acquires a hunting dog, a gun. Before the heart transplant, he was not fond of hunting, and did not express any desire to do so. After the operation, I started watching action movies, horror films with bloody scenes. Once he hit his wife, which had never happened before. For some unknown reason, he shot the dog. As it turned out, the deceased donor fought. For a crime, he served time, then shot himself. Later, a heart transplant patient shot himself with a hunting rifle in the same place where the donor committed suicide, being unaware of the fate of his donor.

The ancient Vedic scriptures also speak of the immortality of the soul:

“Know that what pervades the whole body is indestructible. No one can destroy an immortal soul .

Based on the above cases, the following can be said as a definition of the soul and its properties: localized in the heart, has memory, and carries full information about a person's personality. In fact, EWT (energy wave body, or soul) is the human personality itself. And a heart transplant operation, together with the energy wave substance localized in it, shows that a person's personality exists regardless of what body it is in. The soul has a different, non-material nature, and always acts in a decisive way on a biological organism.

Medical scientists study the human body. They consider man solely as a material body. And they try to explain all inexplicable phenomena as "not fully understood" properties of the brain.

However, there are facts to which the brain has nothing to do. And these phenomena can be explained only if we take into account the fact that a person is not only a material body, but in essence, as a person, is an energy wave substance!

5 Soul twins.

It is worth considering another example that nature has given us. Probably, each of us, once had to see twins in his life. If we talk about identical twins, then the following happens. A fertilized egg, for some reason, separates, and two organisms develop in the uterus, with exactly the same DNA molecules (we are considering the so-called "identical" twins). That is, in fact, one person is born, but in two "copies". In fact, this would be the case if everything is considered only from a molecular point of view.

If you managed to communicate with the twins for a long time, then after a while, you might notice a difference in their characters. The physiological processes in the body influence the character of a person. So, for example, the speed nervous processes, - affects excitability; properties endocrine system, - affects the performance (energy) of a person.

The process of upbringing, as, of course, has an impact on human behavior. But in the case of twins, both the process of education and physiology are exactly the same. But, nevertheless, in spite of all equal conditions, the difference in the behavior of twins, their parents notice from early childhood, that is, when the character, in fact, has not yet begun to form. If in early age, the twins are dressed in the same clothes, then often, which of them is who, the mother can determine only when they are together, paying attention to the difference in their behavior. Almost always one of the twins takes more active position, and the other - takes this leadership, taking a less active position. Even the handwriting of the twins who grow up and are brought up together is different.

But after all, the “leader” and the “recognizing” the leadership of the other are two completely different personalities, who, nevertheless, are in two identical bodies. Recall that these two individuals belong to organisms that are similar to each other, up to the order of the arrangement of atoms in each molecule.

Imagine the following situation. You have two absolutely identical programs. Enter the same data into each of these programs. But at the end, you get different results. If we take into account the fact that initially the programs are absolutely identical, then the only legitimate statement remains: something else influences the result. Moreover, it is different in each of the two cases.

DNA is a program. For twins, it's the same. The only way twins can differ from each other is intangible substances - energy wave bodies.

The phenomenon of differences in the character of twins allows us to draw an unambiguous conclusion:

The physical bodies of the twins are the same. And this means that the difference in their personalities, as well as these personalities themselves, is completely determined by the energy wave bodies to which these organisms belong. That is, in fact, the soul is the personality itself, the living being itself, at the disposal of which is this physical body - a biological organism.


The understanding that the soul exists is present in all the major religions of the world.

Now let's look at the most important and, at the same time, the simplest organ of the body - the heart. Any other internal organ is much more complex and more functional. For example, the liver in its work can be compared with a complex "chemical plant", in which thousands of chemical reactions. The intestine is a complex mechanism designed to sort and absorb the necessary substances, and dispose of unnecessary ones. And the heart, in its structure, is just a muscle with cartilaginous valves, with the only function of pumping blood. And at the same time, the heart remains the most important and most mysterious organ of our body. The mystery is that until now, not a single scientist who studies the heart with a scalpel, microscope, or using magnetic resonance imaging is able to answer the most important question: What causes the heart muscle to contract? Why is the heart beating? And why does the moment come when it stops beating?

Since the heart continues to beat outside the body (for example, during a heart transplant operation), it indicates that the source of impulses that cause the heart muscle to contract is located directly in the heart itself. This is also evidenced by the fact that the heart continues to contract even when a person is in an unconscious state, that is, devices that register brain impulses show a straight line. This shows that the brain is not a source of electrical impulses that cause the heart muscle to contract and the heart to beat. The condition of a person can affect the frequency and intensity of the heartbeat. But, all studies and operations carried out on the heart prove that the source of the heartbeat is in the heart itself.

Video #2. The heart beats separately from foreign objects.


The thing is that the source of heart contractions cannot be something material. If this were the case, then by installing a heart pacemaker (and such operations are performed on patients with cardiac pathology), doctors could solve the problem of a person’s death. It would only be necessary to change the battery of the heart stimulator in a timely manner, and human life would continue as long as the rest of the organs could perform their functions. But, nevertheless, when the time comes, the heart stops - no matter what. And it was at the moment of cardiac arrest that American scientists observed on an electric wave spectrometer that a certain energy wave cloud was separated from the body.

The moments of the coincidence of the time of stopping the heartbeat, and the separation of a certain wave substance from the body, proves that the source of contraction of the heart muscle is a certain energy wave body (EWT), the presence of which in the physical body of a person initiates electrical impulses in the heart muscle, which defines a person like a living being. In fact, this energy wave body is the definition of life as such.

The question may arise whether it is realistic to detect this source of cardiac impulses when it is located directly in the heart.

The Vedic literature says: "... the atma (soul), located in the heart and illuminating the entire body with consciousness, has a size equal to one ten thousandth of the tip of a human hair." The thickness of the hair is about 50 microns, or 0.05 millimeters. And we must not forget that the soul is not a material substance. The question arises: how can such a small source of non-material nature have such an amount of energy that ensures the work of the heart throughout life? We all know such a form of energy as atomic energy. It also has a structure invisible to the human eye. And, nevertheless, this energy, concentrated in a relatively small volume, is enough to ensure the operation of an entire power plant for several decades.

Thus, the energy wave substance - the soul, localized in the heart, initiates the contraction of the heart muscle, and thus, gives us the right to consider this physical body as alive. Physicians study the human body in our society. But in medical universities they do not study quantum physics. Therefore, when talking about the soul, they smile meaningfully, and they tend to attribute all inexplicable phenomena in the body to “inexplicable” properties of the brain.

Based on the above conclusions, it can be seen that the soul is such an energy body, which is a source of energy in the form of electrical impulses that cause the myocardium, the heart muscle, to contract throughout a person’s life.

7. Man lived without a brain.

People began to think about what our consciousness is a very long time ago. Consciousness is the understanding that we are a person who is related to any objects or objects. That is, it is an understanding of one's own "I". In other words, this consciousness is actually “I”.

Exploring consciousness, we ask ourselves the question: what is this “I” or its sensation, which we used to call consciousness.

Materialistic scientists, with their characteristic zeal, began to actively search for it among the material elements of the human body. And of course, which is completely logical, they paid attention to the brain. If consciousness is some kind of "derivative" of the brain, then it is possible to find out, at least, the area that is responsible for it. Well, if you're lucky, then understand how this "consciousness" is formed and what it really is.

The idea that the feeling of being a person should belong to some area of ​​the neurons of the brain was called into question when it was discovered that the cells of the brain, as well as the cells of the whole body, are updated. The beginning of this discovery was given by employees of the California Institute for Biological Research, who studied the brain of mammals, and came to the unequivocal conclusion that brain cells are updated faster in animals that lead an active lifestyle. Thus, the idea that a certain group of brain neurons is responsible for our consciousness has disappeared.

Can a person live without a brain?

And so, over time, when medicine began to seriously study the human brain, facts began to appear that that man lived without a brain, and in absolute consciousness. Studies of this kind are presented below.

One such case was published in 1917 in the journal Nature and People. It was an article by Dr. A. Brooke. This article describes a unique case that happened to a boy of ten years. He received swipe rapier (cold weapon, with a blade length of about 130 centimeters), which pierced the skull in the occipital region. His brain was just leaking out through a massive wound! Incredibly, the boy survived such a terrible wound. But three years later he died. All this time he was naturally conscious. Huge surprise was caused by the fact that at the autopsy there were NO signs of the brain! Instead of a brain, there was a cavity filled with a clear liquid. That is, three years man lived without a brain!!

A more "classic" case of existence without a brain was recorded in the United States in 1935. A boy was born in New York who developed normally and showed regular weight gain. But twenty-seven days later, he suddenly died. An autopsy unexpectedly showed that the brain was completely absent!

There were similar cases in our country. Professor Blinkov S. M. (neurologist, deputy director for research at the Brain Institute of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, author of more than 270 scientific works) personally observed such a malformation as the absence of a brain in an infant. Exploring the consciousness of a newborn child, he noted that the baby could breathe, sleep, and hold the pacifier on its own. He also reacted to painful sensations, and showed a “benevolent” expression on his face if nothing irritated him. These facts prove that a person can live without a brain.

The historical facts that a person can live for some time without a brain are presented below.

In ancient cruel times, when people were executed mainly by cutting off the head, evidence has been preserved that the executed person continued to live for some time already without a head. Moreover, they were able to perform certain actions, which they warned about in advance, before the execution!

In 1336, in Germany, for organizing and committing a rebellion, Dietz von Schaunburg and four other participants in the uprising were sentenced to death by beheading. Just before the execution, Dietz von Schaunburg, who took last word, managed to get the king's promise that he would pardon the other four participants in the uprising, if Dietz von Schaunburg, after cutting off his head, could run past the other participants in the uprising already without a head. Hundreds of spectators of the execution were able to see how the decapitated Dietz von Schaunburg ran past the four condemned. The king kept his word and pardoned the other four condemned.

In 1528, in the city of Rodstadt (the territory of modern Austria), a monk was sentenced to death. This monk proved his innocence by the fact that about three minutes after the beheading, he rolled over on his back, crossed his arms over his chest and died!

You can read about this and other amazing cases in the literary and historical almanac "Russian Antiquity", issue 2 (M., Profizdat, 1992) and in the book by G. Dyachenko " Spiritual world» (M., 1990). The events described there provide information for the most serious reflections.

The British professor, neurologist, Dr. John Lorber of the University of Sheffield, also in the eighties of the twentieth century, gave many examples of the life of children suffering from hydrocephalus. They had extremely little brain matter in their skulls. Practically, the entire place in the skull was occupied by water. Such children developed normally, and some of them showed high intelligence. One day a student came to see John Lorber. He was a good student with an IQ of 126 ( normal rate). The professor scanned the skull and found: the almost complete absence of the patient's brain! In a student, by the way, who had good academic performance, instead of the brain, a layer of tissue less than one millimeter thick was found, which only covered the upper end of the vertebral nerve. The rest of the space in the skull was occupied by water. With such a “deviation from the norm (?)”, the student graduated with honors (!) from the university and continued to live a normal life. normal life. So, after such studies, is it possible to assert that our consciousness, intellect are a property of the brain?

Even before the moment when such facts of the existence of people without a brain became known, in 1914, professor at Moscow University, philosopher A.I. Vvedensky in 1914 formulated the law of "the absence of objective signs of animation." The essence of this law is that the role of the human psyche in the management and regulation of material processes is inexplicable. All studies prove that there are absolutely no factors connecting the work of the brain and the area of ​​mental phenomena, and most importantly, consciousness.

Academician Anokhin Pyotr Kuzmich, a physiologist, argued that not a single “thinking” action that we attribute to the work of our mind can be associated with the functioning of a certain part of the brain. The academician suggested that in the absence of a connection between mental and brain activity, it is absolutely logical to assume that human mental activity is not a function of the brain at all, but represents some kind of non-material energy (force).

The largest scientists, neurophysiologists, Nobel Prize winners David Hubel and Thorsten Wiesel, recognized it as impossible to find an object that reads and decodes information coming to the brain from the senses. Without this, it is absolutely impossible to talk about the connection between the brain and human consciousness.

Scientists are actively studying the work of the brain, while using all the new and most modern sophisticated devices. A huge number of different connections between the processes occurring in the brain and various physiological processes of the body have been established. And here's what's amazing. Despite the importance of establishing a connection between a person’s personality and the characteristics of the brain, for the entire period of research, not a single relationship has been established between the vital activity of the brain and the definition of one’s own “I”, that is, directly with the human consciousness.

Most recently, Dutch physiologists conducted extensive research on this topic, and made a sensational conclusion that consciousness continued to exist even after the complete cessation of the functioning of the brain! This conclusion was made by the head of scientific research Pim van Lommel in the authoritative biological journal The Lancet.

At the end of the 20th century, the creator of quantum mechanics, Nobel Prize winner E. Schrödinger wrote that the nature of the connection of some physical processes with subjective events (to which Consciousness belongs) lies "aside from science and beyond the limits of human understanding."

The largest modern neurophysiologist, Nobel Prize winner in medicine J. Eccles developed the idea that it is impossible to determine the origin of mental phenomena based on the analysis of brain activity, and this fact can be easily interpreted in the sense that the psyche is not a function of the brain at all. According to Eccles, neither physiology nor the theory of evolution can shed light on the origin and nature of consciousness, which is absolutely alien to all material processes in the universe. The spiritual world of man and the world physical realities, including the activity of the brain, are completely independent independent worlds that only interact and to some extent influence each other. He is echoed by such prominent experts as Carl Lashley (an American scientist, director of the primate biology laboratory in Orange Park (Florida), who studied the mechanisms of the brain) and Edward Tolman, doctor of Harvard University.

Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation, Director of Scientific research institute Mozga (Russian Academy of Medical Sciences), world-famous neurophysiologist, professor, MD Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva: “The hypothesis that the human brain only perceives thoughts from somewhere outside, I first heard from Nobel laureate, Professor John Eccles. Of course, at the time it seemed absurd to me. But then research conducted at our St. Petersburg Research Institute of the Brain confirmed that we cannot explain the mechanics of the creative process. The brain can generate only the simplest thoughts like how to turn the pages the book you read or stir sugar in a glass. And the creative process is a manifestation of a completely new quality. As a believer, I admit the participation of the Almighty in the management of the thought process.

“A scientist does not have the right to reject facts (if he is a scientist!) just because they do not fit into a dogma, worldview.” (Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Russian Federation, Director of the Research Institute of the Brain (RAMS RF), Natalya Bekhtereva)

The existence of the soul has been known since very ancient times. In the most ancient scriptures - the Vedas, there was information about both the speed of light and the size of the atom. IN "Bhagavad Gita" written:

- "... the atma (soul), located in the heart and illuminating the entire body with consciousness, has a size equal to one ten thousandth of the tip of a human hair"

“The soul is neither born nor dies. It did not arise once in the past and will never cease to exist. She is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, immortal and primordial. It is not destroyed when the body dies." ).

"Bhagavad Gita"— ARTICLES AND BOOKS S. Amalanov - reviewing the popular answers to this question, and determining the one correct answer.



Primitive man first thought about the soul when he became interested in such phenomena as dreams, fainting, madness. The ancients believed that at the time of dreams soul a person is separated from the body and travels somewhere far away, returning home in the morning. If soul did not return home, then the man . Souls move to the afterlife and continue to live there. You can even chat with them if you want. If a person goes crazy, the place of his soul is taken by soul evil spirit.

Scientists still cannot confirm the existence of the soul with absolute certainty. However, a person's belief in the presence of a soul is so strong that he does not need scientific arguments.

scientific point of view

Scientists are close to the idea that the soul is an energy clot that is located inside the human body. It is formed in the womb and leaves the body a few days after death. The existence of such a bunch of energy was proved several dozens ago. In a variety of devices that can determine its shape, size and spectral color. However, there is still no scientific evidence that this particular energy cloud is the human soul.


The ancient Greek Plato believed that outwardly the soul looks like one whole. Whereas inside a human is a combination of a human, a lion and a chimera that coexist in one body. A narrow-minded person starves his inner appearance with spiritual hunger and feeds a many-headed beast, while a reasonable person tries to be fair, taming a lion and ennobling a chimera. Plato presented this image as an allegory, which he tried to explain a person.

Representation of the soul by the peoples of the world

Representatives of the people believe that the soul exactly repeats the appearance of the body. However, it is translucent and airy.

The Nootka Indians, who live on the island of the same name, believe that the soul of a small person is 30-50 centimeters tall. At night, he can leave the physical body and walk around the house.

Among the ancients, who lived in the Western European part of Russia, it was believed that the soul is like a translucent cloud of smoke, which can take on any shape. It was believed to be located in the area between the throat and stomach. Ancient people believed that they grow old together with a person, eating the vapors of the food that he eats.

The first settlers of Sloboda Ukraine had a belief that the soul is a tiny person with a transparent body that protects its owner. And the inhabitants of the Vladimir region believed in the same little man, but they imagined him without bones.

Many peoples of the world had beliefs according to which souls or even living people in a state of sleep can take the form of animals, insects or trees.

Soul in Christianity

In Christianity there is no clear description of the soul. However, it is repeatedly mentioned in the Bible.

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