Do grapes have stem cells? Don't waste your money on stem cell cosmetics! Stem cells in cosmetology - principles of application and action

In the process of studying the effect of stem cells on the skin, scientists discovered amazing facts, allowing you to expand the range of anti-aging procedures without harming the skin. It turned out that stem cells are present and in plants, and, most interestingly, they can be successfully used in various programs to correct signs of skin aging.

They provide the unique ability of plants to restore themselves from the smallest fragments. These cells are concentrated mainly in buds, young roots and seedlings and form a special tissue called meristem. They remain active and capable of unlimited division throughout the life of the plant.

Mechanism of action of plant stem cells:

  1. A specific division process: each stem cell is divided into two, but one of the newly formed cells remains a stem cell, and the other enters the stage of differentiation and forms plant tissue. In theory stem cell capable of dividing countless times, but in fact, this is unnecessary and even harmful. Therefore, both humans and plants have a mechanism that regulates the division of stem cells.
  2. Plant stem cells contain active substances in their maximum concentration, which is explained by the high susceptibility of seedlings to stress caused by environment and the need to survive in this world.

But you might reasonably ask: “What do plant stem cells have to do with our skin?”

It turns out that the most direct thing. By the beginning of the 21st century, enough data had accumulated to state that plant meristem cells are similar to animal and human stem cells:

  • just like animals plant stem cells they divide asymmetrically, that is, their descendants have different fates - they can remain a stem cell or transform into any other cell of the body;
  • stem cells of animals and plants contain special, specific molecules that distinguish them from all other cells of the body;
  • descendants of stem cells can, under certain conditions, turn back into stem cells;
  • the fate of stem cells and their descendants depends on the “environment” in which they are located or where they end up;
  • Stem cells from animals and plants give rise to clones of specialized cells.

The difference between plant stem cells and human cells is that plant cells have the ability to transform into absolutely any other cells, as needed. In humans, only cells on the body have this ability. early stages embryonic development. After birth, this property is lost and only stem cells remain in the human body, which can only give rise to a certain type tissues, for example, hematopoietic tissue.

Methods of obtaining and properties of plant stem cells.

There are two ways to obtain plant stem cells - the biotechnology method and the “natural” method.

In the first case, an incision is made in a laboratory setting on a piece of plant tissue. At the site of damage, intensive cell division immediately begins and a colorless cell mass - callus - is formed. The callus is then placed in special liquid media containing nutrients, stimulants and increase biomass. This process ends with the extraction of active substances and stabilization of the resulting drug.

But this method of obtaining plant stem cells has a number of disadvantages. Cells obtained in this way are genetically unstable, plant tissue grows slowly and loses its beneficial properties.

Another method for obtaining plant stem cells is based on natural properties plants grow and reproduce. In early spring They collect buds, seedlings, young roots and shoots - parts of plants rich in meristem. Then, fresh, they are cleaned, crushed and extracts are prepared from them. This method preserves the genetic integrity of the material and allows one to obtain substances rich in active components.

The term "therapy" plant stem cells"was first used by the French physician Dominique Richard back in 1970.

Another interesting fact about the action of phytoestrogens - it turned out that they not only can influence the metabolism in skin cells, but are also formed in the human body. Thus, plants produce a special inorganic acid, which is responsible for the plant’s response to stress. And this same acid is secreted by pancreatic cells and human blood cells.

Also, other active substances were found in plant stem cells, absolutely identical to those found in the human body. This is cytokinin - kinetin, which prevents the occurrence of defects in RNA during their “maturation”, the enzyme superoxide dismutase, which neutralizes free radicals, components responsible for tissue respiration.

Application of plant stem cells in cosmetology

The experience of American and European doctors indicates that with the help of plant stem cells it is possible to correct many pathological changes that occur as a result of aging of human skin.

Unfortunately, the stem cells of the human body also age and their number catastrophically decreases with age. If at birth a person has 1 stem cell per 10,000 other cells, then by the age of 50 - one per 500,000!

In 2008, scientists received standardized extracts of stem cells and the first data appeared on the effect of these extracts on human stem cells. It turned out that an extract of cells from one of the apple tree species increases the growth of human stem cells and protects them from damage by ultraviolet radiation. When this extract is applied to the area of ​​crow's feet, after 4 weeks from the start of its use, a decrease in the depth of wrinkles by 15% was registered!

Of course, cosmetics companies immediately launched entire lines of products containing plant stem cells onto the market. And the first line to appear was based on stem cells from the apple variety Ultwier Spatlauber.

Plant stem cells recommended for use in cosmetics as stimulators of biological processes occurring in human skin cells. This effect is associated with the presence of growth factors in stem cells that can activate the division of cells in the germinal layer of the epidermis, stimulate the synthesis of the main proteins of the dermis by fibroblasts - collagen and elastin, and stimulate the synthesis of hyaluronic acid.

Thus, plant stem cell extracts protect the skin from thinning, dehydration and wrinkle formation. It is important to note the fact that plant stem cells are hypoallergenic, unlike cell preparations obtained from animal or human tissues.

Since almost all plants have meristem cells, preparations have now been created based on stem cells not only from apples, but also from lilacs, centella asiatica, edelweiss, and echinacea.

But I’ll add a fly in the ointment! It is possible to obtain plant stem cells of high purity and high functional activity only in specialized, strictly controlled conditions, using the latest equipment And modern knowledge. Unfortunately, not all laboratories can boast of this. Therefore, first of all, choose high-quality cosmetics, do not chase the cheapness of the drug. There is no such thing as cheap and super- effective means!

The following publications were used in preparing the materials for this article:

Schmid D., Schutz T. “Plant stem cell extract against aging skin and hair,” 2008.

Puchkova T.V. “Stem cells from plants. Cosmetic market today", 2009.

At the present stage the most hot topic in the beauty industry there is a topic related to the rejuvenation of the human body using stem cells.

A little history

The palm for the discovery of a stem cell belongs to the professor of the Imperial Military Medical Academy, the famous Russian scientist of the last century, Alexander Maksimov. His report in Hamburg in 1908 on the hematopoietic stem cell created a real sensation. But only in 1998 after the discovery of human embryonic stem cells this fact was recognized as an important event in biological science.

What is a stem cell? This is a cell that has not reached maturity, which is capable of renewing itself, developing and transforming into special cells of the body. This cell contains all genetic information about the vital processes of the body and at the slightest failure, such a cell plays the role of an ambulance.

First, cosmetology began to use products based on animal stem cells. But products based on plant stem cells began to be produced not so long ago.

Interest in stem plant cells It was first demonstrated by Japanese scientists and only then by Europeans. In the course of their research, scientists were able to prove that, unlike animal stem cells, plant stem cells do not contain hormones, which in turn means that they cannot cause any side effects in the human body.

How it works

Plant stem cells immediately influence a number of causes associated with skin aging, for example, cell intoxication or oxidative stress.

Plants with antioxidant properties are able to protect against cell death, thereby interrupting chain reactions involving free radicals. Other plants have a unique ability to remove toxins accumulated in the human body. Still others are involved in normalizing the process of cell division and renewal, as well as protecting DNA.

In addition, biochemist scientists have noticed that a skillful combination of plant stem cells and natural or synthetic compounds, so-called peptides, which have the unique ability to create the most suitable conditions for triggering the mechanism of rejuvenating effects of plant stem cells, provides an excellent anti-aging effect on the skin.

At the present stage, to obtain plant stem cells that would have high frequency and functionality, two methods are usually used. The first method involves direct extraction and consists of the following.

In the spring, buds, shoots and young roots with the greatest energy potential are crushed, then placed in a specially prepared composition, the components of which are water, glycerin and alcohol to extract all the necessary components from the plants. At the same time, this composition is also an excellent preservative. In extracts obtained in this way, the integrity of intercellular substances is completely preserved. However, despite this circumstance, it is used quite rarely, as it is quite expensive. In practice, the method of biotechnological synthesis is more often used.

Significance of the discovery of plant stem cells

Over the past decade, cosmetics manufacturers have spent a fabulous amount of money searching for an elixir of youth that could slow down the aging of the human body and restore youth to the skin. Thus, it was the search for a new and effective anti-aging remedy that forced the majority of cosmetologists to turn to the roots, that is, to Mother Nature.

Scientists have proven that stem cells isolated from different plants, for example, such as alpine rose or apple remove waste and toxins from the human body, take Active participation in moisturizing the skin, successfully fight cellulite, and help minimize the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. In other words, they have the full effect of rejuvenating the body.

In order to tighten the skin, restore its tone and elasticity, cosmetologists resort to the help of fibroblasts, which can produce proteins, that is, the cells of the human body will work more productively. For these purposes, extracts of plants such as:

  1. edelweiss has a unique ability to reduce wrinkles and protects coda from harmful influence ultraviolet;
  2. apple, its stem cells work almost the same as human skin cells;
  3. sea ​​fennel accelerates the skin renewal process;
  4. French grapes of burgundy color are able to neutralize free radicals mainly due to the content of quite powerful antioxidants, so-called anthocyanins;
  5. gardenia, which tightens and shapes the facial contour.

So, plant stem cells contain the most maximum amount substances that a person needs for renewal. In other words, they have enormous growth potential.

The future of plant stem cells

Biochemists have a huge field of activity. They are working to find components that can make active process production of own stem cells by a living organism. In this regard, they experiment with organisms and plants that grow in extremely difficult conditions. These plants are evolutionary process were forced to adapt and, therefore, they developed such protective substances that, when they come into contact with human skin, can truly work miracles, restoring youth and beauty to it.

Therefore, plant stem cells have a great future. This is primarily due to:

  1. safety of the ingredients, since you can only choose a healthy plant that grew in ideal conditions and accordingly was not treated with pesticides harmful to human health;
  2. availability of raw materials even from fairly rare plants;
  3. safety surrounding a person environment, since in order to obtain the required amount of raw material there is no need for huge plantations for growing plants, it is enough to equip a small room for this purpose;
  4. the possibility of obtaining stem cells from plants in the concentration required. To achieve this goal, it is only necessary to establish production technological process to obtain the desired extract from the plant mass with the necessary active substances.

also in Lately Another development has appeared related to a plant such as argan, which belongs to the Sapotov family. Due to the fact that this plant grows in very difficult conditions, it is forced to develop exceptional repair and defense mechanisms. Conducted research suggests that the stem cells of this plant can have a stimulating effect on the human body to intensively produce its own stem cells.

In conclusion, we would like to add that plant stem cells undoubtedly have a great future, since they have a high concentration of actively beneficial substances that successfully help in the fight against aging of human skin.

Only lazy people haven’t talked or written about stem cells these days. Some scientists believe that this material will help rid the entire population globe from aging, others blame stem cells for the occurrence of cancer.

Just a few years ago, in order to put these cells into work, the material was obtained from the placenta of newly born babies. The question of ethics has been an issue all this time. And when Japanese scientists discovered the magical properties of plant stem cells, which are now actively used in various beauty products, it was a real breakthrough.

What kind of miracle of nature is this and is it capable of giving humanity eternal youth, told the site Natalya Krytsovkina, Lumene brand expert.

Unfamiliar stem cells

The term “stem cell” itself was introduced by St. Petersburg hematologist A. A. Maksimov in 1908. The scientist compared this discovery to the development of a tree: first the trunk grows, then branches, leaves, and it begins to bear fruit.

The development pattern is similar in humans; we also start with just one cell - a fertilized egg. It divides, forming so-called stem cells, from which muscle, nerve and other cells appear that form all the tissues and organs of the human body.

In our body they perform two important functions - renewal and regeneration of organs and tissues. For example, stem cells are responsible for the healing of scratches, bone healing, and even maintaining skin tone.

The human body contains approximately 50 billion of these “babies”, which are regularly renewed. As long as there are enough “immortal” cells in the body, we remain practically healthy.

But with age, due to a slowdown in metabolic rate, stress, unhealthy diets, and diseases, there are fewer of them, and the body begins to inevitably fade. This is a natural biological process that cannot be stopped by any vitamins , diets and exercise.

If a newborn has 1 stem cell in 10 thousand, by the age of 20-25 – 1 in 100 thousand, by 30 – 1 in 300 thousand, then by the age of 50, only 1 stem cell in 500 thousand remains in the body. With age, stem cells become less universal: they can still turn into blood cells, but they can no longer turn into nerve cells. In this regard, by old age a person begins to resemble a dried fruit.

In search of beneficial properties

The debut of stem cells as a material for skin rejuvenation took place at the beginning of the last century. Both European and Russian scientists worked on how to synthesize and introduce stem cells from the outside, and wondered whether the “sent Cossacks” would eventually be able to restore the balance of lost cells.

By numerous studies it turned out that the most a large number of The stem cells available for removal are contained in the umbilical cord blood at the time of birth, which is where the genetic material began to be obtained. Few people cared about the question of ethics; everyone wanted to find out whether a miracle of rejuvenation was possible.

The first experiments were pleasing to the eye; the cells actually stimulated the activity of their own stem cells. But as time passed, the tests began to give different results.

No, the human immune system did not reject foreign embryonic cells, but the material itself began to degenerate in the body. The introduced stem cells began to conflict with their own cells in the host’s body, because in order to take root, they needed to go through their own genetic path.

As a result, mutations began to occur, leading to cancer. After a series of unsuccessful experiments, they decided to forget about stem cells for a while.

Plant stem cells

The topic of stem cells still did not leave scientists alone; they decided to use genetic material similar to human that would not cause side effects and mutations in the body.

Scientific minds from the Land of the Rising Sun were the first to cast their gaze on plants. Biologists and technologists have long known that plant stem cells - or, as they are also called, phytostem cells - have a common basic property with animals: they promote the growth and reproduction of a specific tissue, are able to divide and support life in the whole organism. All that remained was to correctly synthesize this material and begin to use its beneficial properties.

In 2008, standardized extracts of plant stem cells came into the hands of a team of European scientists; laboratory experiments proved that plant stem cell extract increases the activity of human stem cells. Being completely cleared of hormones, plant stem cells do not degenerate or mutate, and do not cause side effects.

But a huge number of living plant extracts, peptides , vitamins, antioxidants , ribonucleic acids find a positive response in our skin.

Plant stem cells in cosmetics

They do not become part of our tissues, but are active biostimulators of human cells.

This effect is associated with the presence of growth factors in them that regulate division, growth and metabolism. Plant growth factors activate cell division in the basal layer of the epidermis, stimulate the synthesis of fibroblasts, the main structural proteins of the dermis - collagen, elastin, and the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans (the trio responsible for the elasticity of our skin and its tone). Preparations based on plant stem cells protect the skin from thinning, dehydration and wrinkle formation .
An important advantage of using cosmetic products based on plant stem cells is their absolute hypoallergenicity and excellent tolerability.

Methods for obtaining stem cells

To obtain plant stem cells, this moment Scientists use two methods. One is natural, and the other is laboratory.

Natural way provided to us by nature itself. In early spring, buds, sprouts, young roots and shoots are collected, cleaned, crushed and extracts are prepared. The extracting mixture, which includes water, glycerin, and alcohol, is itself an excellent preservative. Therefore, no other substances are required to be added to it.

The extracts obtained in this way are of particular value - they preserve the integrity of intercellular relationships and a harmonious combination of “authentic” active substances. It was proven that even after 57 months of such storage, the cells were actively dividing and did not change either color or shape!

Products labeled “contains stem cells” often begin to appear on the cosmetics market. Initially, such cosmetics were credited with anti-aging properties, but marketers don’t get paid for nothing - inscriptions appeared that such creams lighten the skin of the face and help fight age spots and skin folds.

Cosmetologists have a slightly different opinion about such statements, and it is worth knowing them so as not to harm your own health.

Read in this article

What are plant stem cells

Animal and human stem cells have long been known to doctors and the majority of the population in general; they are actively used in various areas of medicine.

But endless debates about the ethics of use have made it impossible to use them in the production of cosmetics. They have been successfully replaced by plant (phytostem) cells, which have a unique feature - no matter what part of the plant they are taken from, the desired part of the flora can grow “on demand”.

How do plant stem cells behave in the human body? It's simple - they are able to acquire the properties of any type of fabric. They have enormous potential, which promotes active renewal of epidermal cells. But the question of the compatibility of plant stem cells with the human body still remains open, although research and debate are active, but no specific conclusions have yet been made.

Another surprising thing: the compatibility of phytostem cells with the tissues of the human body in cosmetology is not important at all. Cells themselves are not used in the production of products; their DNA does not enter the epidermal cells of human skin. Only individual components act as active substances - for example, enzymes or a peptide complex.

Reason for popularity in cosmetology

Plant stem cells take an active part in the regeneration of human tissues and are able to accelerate their renewal. It is believed that with regular use of cosmetics with such components, the skin becomes smoother and more youthful. The most interesting thing is that there is no scientific evidence of such an effect of cosmetics on the epidermis.

But many may argue in this regard that “the neighbor used the cream and looked younger” and this would be true! The secret lies in the fact that manufacturers add, in addition to phytostem cells, to such products hyaluronic acid, and vitamins with minerals, and extracts medicinal plants. This is why creams are effective - the complex effect on the skin simply “forces” the epidermis to rejuvenate and constantly renew itself.

In general, cosmetologists themselves consider the use of plant stem cells in anti-aging products to be very controversial in terms of positive effects. Nevertheless, such creams are popular and are unlikely to disappear from the shelves, since the benefits of use and effectiveness are noted by the majority of consumers.

Methods for obtaining material

Embryonic stem cells are not used to make cosmetics. This is mainly a matter of ethics, and in some countries it is generally prohibited by law.

As for phytostem cells, they are “extracted” from the actual representatives of the flora. Young shoots of trees and shrubs, buds and those parts of the trunks where there was damage and a new coating began to form are used.

After collecting natural material, it is sent for processing - it is crushed, stem cells are isolated and sent to special chambers. They grow and divide in nutrient media, and once they reach the required quantity, they serve as material for obtaining an extract, which is used in the manufacture of cosmetics.

There is also the option of biochemically obtaining phytostem cells: a deep cut is made on the plant, in which the necessary elements begin to form. They are collected and further grown in nutrient media until the required quantity is reached. This method is considered quite labor-intensive and requires compliance with sterility rules, so it is rarely used.

There are anti-aging creams on sale that contain stem cells from the human body. But such means are illegal, although relatively accessible. The necessary extracts are obtained from the placenta or umbilical cord blood, bone marrow or adipose tissue. Before using them in the cosmetics industry, the material is tested for HIV infection, syphilis, hepatitis and other infectious diseases.

For information on the use of plant stem cells in cosmetology, watch this video:

The benefits of cosmetics with stem cells

Despite the many controversies surrounding such cosmetics, its benefits are obvious. With regular use of creams with stem cells:

  • The complexion changes. He becomes healthier, grayish, yellowish and bluish shades disappear. Although it is possible that this is due to the constant and rapid renewal of cells of the surface epidermis.
  • The surface of the dermis is smoothed. Plant stem cells can enhance the production of natural collagen and elastin. Additionally, the fibers that connect the cells of the dermis are strengthened - this also increases its elasticity and smoothness.
  • Pronounced signs of aging disappear. It's about about pigment spots and wrinkles that appear under the influence of sunlight, winds and the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics. Behind long years A large amount of waste and toxins accumulate in the dermis, and phytostem cells are powerful antioxidants. Due to this, active output occurs harmful substances and healing of the skin at the cellular level.

Potential Harm

Creams with phytostem cells are considered hypoallergenic and have no contraindications. Practicing cosmetologists and doctors in other areas think somewhat differently and name several possible unpleasant consequences of such rejuvenation:

  • phytostem cells are considered foreign to the human body and, when penetrating into the deep layers of the dermis, they are attacked by the immune system - inflammatory processes, deformation of the epidermis, and profuse acne breakouts are inevitable;
  • having gone through all stages of processing and storage, cells can cause the growth of malignant or benign tumors;
  • With regular, long-term use of the drug, fibroblasts are formed, and they participate in the development of cancer.

Cost of cosmetics based on stem cells

By definition, cosmetic products containing phytostem cells cannot be cheap - “extraction” processes necessary materials too labor-intensive and financially expensive. The price of creams starts from 3000 rubles for a small tube/bottle of 30 ml. The most popular products on the market cost 5,000 rubles or more for the minimum volume.

The effectiveness of creams with phytostem cells has not been scientifically proven, and even if they have anti-aging properties, you should not hope that appearance will improve by 100%. It will not be possible to look 10 to 15 years younger, as manufacturers say. It is worth carefully studying the available information about the effect of stem cells on the human body and possible harm from their use in order to avoid unpleasant and dangerous consequences.

Useful video

About stem cells, watch this video:

Hello. I ask that a competent physician answer my question: do stem cells exist in plants? Are there any research results for using them in creams?

Valentina Eremeeva,

Voronezh region, Borisoglebsk

A comment

Plant cells that are used today in cosmetics are more correctly called not stem cells, but initial or meristemal. These are undifferentiated, i.e., identical cells, which then become differentiated (having the characteristics of a certain tissue). The unique ability of plants to restore themselves from the smallest fragments has been known for a long time. All plant stem (initial) cells are capable of differentiating into any of the plant cells.

Whole plant cells do not go into a cosmetic product. Manufacturers are interested in the active components they contain. To do this, the cell mass is processed in a special way, extracting from the cells those substances that are necessary to solve certain skin problems. These substances include fatty acid, nucleic acids and amino acids, peptides, vitamins and cofactors, enzymes of proliferative and antioxidant protection, antioxidants. Entire classes of regulatory substances have been discovered that ensure processes of intercellular interaction. Plant stem cells produce large amounts of ribonucleic acids (RNA).

The experience of American and European doctors has shown that the use of plant stem (initial) cell extracts helps correct many pathological changes that accompany aging: improves cellular metabolism, cleanses cells of toxins, restores their damaged components, and provides an adequate response to stressful situations. These agents restore the activity of fibroblasts, cells of the intercellular matrix, which decrease with age, on which the production of collagen and elastin depends. When plant stem cell extracts are applied to the skin in the area of ​​the so-called “crow’s feet”, after four weeks of use, a 15% decrease in the depth of wrinkles was recorded.

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