Larisa Udovichenko's haircut. Secrets of eternal youth of stars. When did you become interested in acting?

How do these amazing star women manage to maintain the beauty and youth of their faces and bodies in their worthy years? Domestic female stars of cinema, show business and television share their secrets of beauty and eternal youth.

Beauty secrets from Larisa Udovichenko, actress, 53 years old

First of all, Larisa considers her constant good mood, positive mood in everything, even in the most difficult moments of life, to be a feminine attractiveness. The actress does not hide the fact that to maintain her beauty, she has repeatedly turned to plastic surgery for help.

Larisa is naturally inclined to be overweight, therefore she strictly limits herself in nutrition and constantly goes on various fashionable diets. The actress loves fitness and skiing and uses these physical activities to maintain overall body tone.

Beauty secrets from Vera Alentova, actress, 67 years old

At her age, the actress still looks elegant and slender. Alentova keeps herself within the strictest limits. She does not allow you to leave the house even for a minute without makeup and unkempt hair. Vera Valentinovna admits that she resorted to the help of plastic surgeons. The most important thing, the actress believes, is that in order to remain beautiful all your life you need to maintain the weight that you 20 years old. The actress eats as usual, but allows herself small portions. If she feels that she has gained extra pounds, she immediately goes on her favorite cottage cheese diet and quickly loses the gained weight.

Beauty secrets from Tatyana Vedeneyeva, TV presenter, 55 years old

The most charming TV presenter of both Soviet television from the 80s and modern television (the Domashny TV channel) has not changed much in appearance over the years. The secret of this woman’s beauty is positivity in everything, mandatory 8-9 hours of sleep and a properly selected nutrition system. Tatyana eats separately, does not eat fatty or floury foods. She loves grain bread very much, twice a month she arranges fasting days for herself - she either drinks only low-fat kefir, or eats only apples all day.

In the photo: Vera Alentova and Tatyana Vedeneeva

Beauty secrets from Laima Vaikule, singer, 54 years old

The secret of the beauty and youth of this star and stylish woman lies primarily in a balanced diet. Frequent “guests” on her menu are fruits, vegetables, and low-fat cottage cheese. She selects the products very carefully so that they are very fresh, exclusively natural, without preservatives in their composition. The singer is sure that everything she has eaten is reflected on a woman’s face. The singer eats small portions twice a day, and every hour drinks tea with lemon and honey. To maintain good physical shape, she regularly works out on exercise machines in fitness centers.

Larisa Udovichenko is a strong, self-sufficient woman who does not depend on anyone. After 20 years of marriage, it was not difficult for her to leave her husband when he squandered the entire family fortune in a casino. Larisa is raising her daughter alone, constantly acting in films and playing in the theater. After the New Year, we were all struck by shocking news: “Larisa Udovichenko was hospitalized with an open head injury.” Now everything is fine with the actress.

Larisa, you look great, as always. Tell me, do you usually go shopping in Moscow or dress abroad?

– I don’t do shopping on purpose. I buy things when I feel like it. I can go and buy an expensive thing that I want to have now, and not when there is a discount on it (smiles).

– Has it ever happened that you acted in your own clothes?

– Of course, I have costumes, my personal ones, which I can show to the audience so as not to waste budget money. For example, I have outfits that I bought 15 years ago, and sometimes they come in very handy on set. But it is usually difficult to find suitable shoes. As a result, in the film “We Are One Family,” I starred in my shoes. Because the shoes they found for me, although they matched the character of the heroine, turned out to be not very comfortable. I ended up wearing out all my legs.

– What do you prefer to wear at home?

– Regular pajamas, with a robe on top. There are slippers on your feet, a bandage on your head, and a thick layer of cream on your face. Then I become inaccessible to anyone.

– How do you feel about plastic surgery?

“Perhaps someday I’ll do something for myself, I’ve already talked to plastic surgeons twice, had a slight lift around my eyes and was very pleased with the result. But I'm a little afraid to do something more serious. In general, to look good, you need to get a good night's sleep! If there are no shootings planned for the morning, then I sleep until 12 noon. You need to sleep at least eight hours a day.

-You have a wonderful figure. Are you constantly on diets?

- No. I love good company and good cuisine. I am lucky with my constitution; I can eat in the evening. The main thing is oatmeal porridge and good strong coffee in the morning. Sometimes I gain a couple of extra pounds, then I switch to green tea and consume a minimum of calories. But this happens extremely rarely.

– Do you often cook yourself?

– Not often, when at home. I usually eat during filming, and my daughter goes to cafes with friends, it’s more fun and there’s no need to wash dishes. But sometimes I cook cabbage rolls or stuffed peppers.

– Are you a superstitious person, do you believe in omens?

– Of course, especially in theatrical signs. I’ll sit on a fallen script, even if it falls into a puddle, into the mud, I’ll still sit on it and have to rise with it. We recently dropped the script with our second director and, pushing each other away, tried to sit on it, and I realized that he also wants a positive result. And he held my hand, but sat down himself, that is, it turned out that we were in a pair.

How to change your appearance, how to look twenty years younger, what rejuvenation procedures are most effective, how to lose weight, what to eat and what to wear - you will receive all the answers to these pressing questions from movie and television stars by reading this book. Those you love and trust will give you a lot of useful advice, arm you with a certain philosophy on the topic of healthy living and help you change your life for the better. Written in a fascinating and informative way, Natalia Korneeva’s new book will be the best gift for the weaker half of humanity.

A series: A Taste of Scandal

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The given introductory fragment of the book Secrets of the youth of stars (Natalia Korneeva, 2011) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Larisa Udovichenko

One day, a viewer, after watching Sergei Gerasimov’s film “Mothers and Daughters,” met the film debutante Larisa Udovichenko and fell in love with her for many years. Then Larisa was remembered by everyone in the brilliant role of Manka Bonds in the famous series “The meeting place cannot be changed.” Some people love the inimitable Larisa Udovichenko in “Winter Cherry,” and others know her from Evgeny Matveev’s three films “Loving in Russian.” Larisa has always played vulnerable heroines who need love and deserve this love. She is almost the same in life.

Larisa, you starred in a detective series based on the works of Daria Dontsova, do you like reading detective stories?

– I’m not interested in detective stories, my reading is historical novels and memoirs. I love reading about the fates of great people who experienced deep, tragic, real things in their lives.

It is believed that detective stories help you relax and disconnect from your own problems. Don't you need this kind of relaxation?

– I relax very well on ladies' magazines. I read all the tips that are published there with great interest. It seems that it has already helped. I like to solve crossword puzzles, they also unload the psyche well. And for delight, for absolute happiness, I have Pushkin.

Did you, like many others, have a difficult moment when you were not filming, when there was no work?

– I don’t remember that I had to suffer much about this, because, one way or another, I worked all the time. The choice has shrunk, there are far fewer good films, but the work itself is always enough. I am a characteristic actress, so my years are not terrible. I don’t have a complex of unemployment and fear that I’ll suddenly be left without a job.

Was it easier to make a name for yourself before?

– In Soviet times, a lot of films were made and there were not so many Western films in the box office, much less on TV. The “Iron Curtain” in this case was kind of to our advantage. Then everyone knew and loved their own actors, not foreign ones.

Larisa, you have starred in melodramas more than once. How do you feel about this genre?

– I like the story to have a happy ending and to have a lot of emotions. The task of creativity is to help people survive, not die. And you can survive only by believing in the good. I really love Brazilian TV series. They are made with such love for people, they contain so many recipes for all occasions and goodness triumphs. This is such a help! If I'm somewhere on a trip and suddenly find myself in a hotel room watching TV or sitting in the waiting room at the airport and a series is playing on TV, I take a cup of coffee and run to the screen. Such fairy tales are needed, they help. Why are Dontsova’s novels so popular? Because they are also fairy tales, only about our lives, but we want, first of all, to read and watch about our lives, and not about the Pauls and Johns and other “Swedes.” We live in our own country. I don’t like it when they say about Russia: “This country.” What does "this country" mean? This is my country, this is your country, this is our country, and we live in it. And we must make our country better so that people can live happily in it. And both cinema and literature should teach this.

Why do you care so much?

“Because I’m worried about the question: where do our children go, what do they become, if everyone smokes, everyone drinks, if on TV you endlessly hear: “Who will follow Klinsky?” And they use teenagers in advertising! This is so immoral! After all, we will someday leave and leave our country to our children, but what if they all run after Klinsky? What then?

Does your daughter Masha ask you a lot of questions “about life”?

“Now she is going through a difficult transitional age, and she knows everything herself. She doesn’t ask questions, and when I come to her with advice, she says that she doesn’t need it.

Would you like to ask her any questions, is there anything you don’t understand about her?

“I don’t understand a lot, but I’m looking for some moves and adapting to her in every possible way, because we shouldn’t lose each other.” I try not to put pressure on her, not to humiliate her. However, suddenly one day I hear her making an arrangement on the phone with friends to go somewhere in the evening. I didn't allow it. It seemed to me that it was too late, seven o’clock in the evening - it was winter, dark, and under every bush I imagined a bandit, which is essentially true. And she says: “No, you better come to me. You know, my mother is a beast.” (Laughs.)

Larisa, when you appeared on the screen, you immediately became very popular. Which of your films have you traveled the most around the world?

– I was unlucky with this, I was not allowed to travel abroad. Friendship with foreigners was not encouraged. Not even a romance, just friendship. I was friends with one family, they both worked here all their lives and were even buried here, and because of them they didn’t let me go abroad. It was believed: communication with foreigners. I started traveling when Mikhail Gorbachev came to power.

– You studied with Sergei Gerasimov. Was it scary to take his course?

“I was so confident in myself that I had no doubt that I would do it.” If not me, then who? – I thought. It was incredibly interesting to study, it was as if it was not a study, but a book of life. Even now, when so many years have passed, I always remember the advice that this wonderful teacher gave us. Gerasimov was fantastically educated, but he knew all the world literature, he had a statesman's mind, he was a personality of enormous proportions. And at the same time, he was very democratic and accessible. He invited us all to his house for dumplings. We came, made dumplings - Gerasimov was a Siberian, he knew a lot about dumplings - and then everyone sat down at the table. I remember with the painting “Mothers and Daughters” we flew with him to Nizhny Tagil, to his homeland. We were so welcomed there! When there is a person like Sergei Gerasimov nearby, it gives a powerful charge for life.

How did you choose your profession?

“She has guided me since childhood. I couldn’t even imagine myself in any other capacity. Already at the age of five I knew that I would become an artist. My father was a military doctor, I was born in Vienna and since then I have never been there again, I still dream of going someday. We wandered around a lot to different military bases, but the feeling that I would connect my life with cinema always lived in me. My older sister Sveta had a portrait cut out from a magazine of Alain Delon with blue-blue eyes and a blue shirt hanging above her desk. I looked at him with delight - how handsome! And I dreamed that someday I would act in a movie with him. Surprisingly, my dream almost came true. Last winter I filmed “Dasha Vasilyeva” in Paris with Alain Delon’s nephew Felicien. True, he doesn’t look like Alain.

You look so wonderful, apparently you know the secret of eternal youth. Would you mind sharing?

– The secret is very simple: I control myself.

And have you never escaped from your hands?

– I tried my best, but in order to work and be in demand, you need to look good, so self-discipline is necessary. First of all, self-restraint in food. In the morning I drink two large cups of coffee with milk without sugar. I have low blood pressure, I can’t live without coffee, although they say coffee is harmful, but it doesn’t seem to be the same with milk. During the day I eat two apples. And this is all in a whole day.

And at dinner?

“And in the evening, when I return home, I’ll sit at the table and eat all the goodies I can find.” And I’ll eat as much as I can.

But that’s not possible!

– Who knows how it’s possible? I tried this way and that, but my body tells me just that. But I won’t beat myself up: don’t eat this, don’t drink that. Once a day I allow myself to eat everything, because I spent so much energy, burned so many calories during the whole working day, that in the evening eating food is not harmful to me, but rather a pleasure.

Do you eat absolutely everything, even white bread?

- All! And white bread too, but sometimes and only if you really, really want it. No more than once every six months.

Sergei Gerasimov's wife, Tamara Makarova, was the most beautiful of women. You probably learned something from her while communicating with her?

– Yes, she had a lot to learn from. For example, she always had a very straight back. She never bent or sagged, but sat very straight and lightly supported her chin with her hand, bent at the wrist. She had a beautiful bun of hair at the back of her head with a gray strand in the front, which she did not paint over, and blue, blue eyes. She wore jewelry that emphasized those eyes: turquoise earrings, beads. Of course, looking at her, I wanted to imitate her. We admired her. Tamara Fedorovna shared her beauty secrets with us. For example, she told us that women’s most vulnerable spot is their neck and they need to do gymnastics to strengthen the muscles. First, slowly move your head back, then forward, lowering your chin down, then, slowly rotating your chin, turn your head first to the right, then to the left. And so on several times. Then slowly tilt your head to the sides.

Is it really effective?

– If you do it constantly, it will be effective. For example, I have my own set of exercises specifically for my figure, which I found for myself. If I do it regularly, then I am in good shape and very happy.

Larisa, you have an amazingly thin waist. What are you doing for this?

– The waist is genes, I don’t work with this, I have it thin on its own. But I have other problems to work on. Actually, I’m a lazy person; for me it would be better not to do anything. As a child, I grew up by the sea, in Odessa, and although I really love the sun and the beach, I hate swimming. I would rather work more than take care of myself. Although now you have to work so much, you are so physically and mentally exhausted that you have no time for anything. While I'm filming, I don't communicate with anyone and I'm not there for anyone.

What would a house be like without you?

– Sister Svetlana is my good angel. She runs my household and house. I don’t cook and I don’t want to do it.

How do you like to dress?

– At all kinds of meetings and social events, I need to look attractive, because such events are part of my profession. For such occasions, I try to dress elegantly and expensively. And in life I like to wear comfortable things: soft sweaters and long skirts. I like my clothes not to be tight or restrict my movements. As a student, I learned the rule that you need to dress the way you feel comfortable. I remember that at the rehearsal of the film “Mothers and Daughters” Innokenty Smoktunovsky came in worn out shoes, canvas trousers and a sweater that was hanging on him. I looked at him in bewilderment and thought to myself: “He’s Smoktunovsky, a genius, and he looks like that.” And he looked like that because he was so comfortable, cozy, because he was Smoktunovsky, and he didn’t need to prove who he was with his clothes. When you step over this barrier, you no longer attach importance to what you are and how you are.

It is very difficult to create a wardrobe in such a way that there are absolutely no unnecessary things in it. Do you have extra things?

– I have a lot of such things. If by chance you go into some boutique, people are trying to persuade you from all sides, but it’s easy to persuade me, I’m suggestible. I arrange my wardrobe in this way: first of all, I like things to be combined, so that I can wear and change one with the other. I don’t like a thing to amaze those around me, so that the dress, and not the person himself, attracts attention, although all my evening dresses are all beautiful, elegant and, as a rule, from good companies. I dress expensively not because I want to show how expensive I am, but because expensive things can last ten years. Some blouse can hang in my closet for five years, and then its time will come and I will wear it again, paired with a modern skirt. My wardrobe is mainly classic style. True, Masha has recently begun to criticize me: “Well, again you’re in that long skirt!” Sometimes in the summer I wear something youthful, but very rarely, because I still don’t feel it as mine.

Larisa, it seems that you are quite happy with your life, is that true?

– Now I don’t ask myself about this anymore and don’t think about whether I’m happy or not. I don’t compare myself to anyone and try not to live in the past. You need to live for pleasure now, not tomorrow. It often seems to us: now I’ll earn money, now I’ll buy this, now I’ll renovate the apartment and then... And then it may not happen. Sometimes they invite me to visit, and I think: “Oh, these roads, oh, start the car - I’ll lie on the sofa in front of the TV.” And this is completely wrong. You need to get ready and be sure to go visit while you’re invited.

Seventeen-year-old Larisa in the film “Yulka”. Performs the role of Lariska.

Always know what you want

Larisa's father, Ivan Nikonovich, was born in the Sumy region. He graduated from the Medical Institute in Kharkov, then the Military Academy in Leningrad. At the beginning of the war, he served on the Road of Life leading to besieged Leningrad. At this time, Larisa’s 19-year-old mother, Muza Alekseevna, a student at the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography, remained in the city. After the evacuation of the institute, she began working as a teacher in a kindergarten and caring for her sick mother. While crossing the children, her dad accidentally saw her and... fell in love. Throughout the war, he helped her as best he could. And when he returned, they lived together.

His father was a military doctor, the family constantly moved from one military unit to another. Larisa was born in Vienna, and when she was seven years old, her father was demobilized with the rank of lieutenant colonel in the medical service, and the family settled in Odessa.

“From early childhood I was sure that I would become an actress. Probably my mother's genes worked. I was incredibly busy at school. She was seriously involved in rhythmic gymnastics - she went to train at a professional sports school. She attended the school drama club, from which in high school she moved to the People's Studio of Actors at the Odessa Film Studio, where she studied for three years. It was a professional school where they taught stage movement, speech, plastic arts, art history and, of course, acting. We acted in extras, and I even had the chance to play the main role - Lyudmilochka in Alexander Pavlovsky’s graduation film “Happy Kukushkin”. There, the then unknown Vladimir Menshov made his debut in the male role. Well, as soon as I received my certificate, I went to Moscow to receive acting education. I didn’t even consider other options.”, - Larisa Udovichenko recalls the beginning of her acting career.

“We watch Burda magazine monthly,” said fashionable Lyusya Vinogradova from “The Most Charming and Attractive.”

She submitted documents to all theater universities in Moscow. But it so happened that the final selection round was the first at VGIK. It was recruited by Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova. And if Sergei Apollinaryevich had a little doubt about Larisa, then Tamara Fedorovna wanted to take this girl into her course, who seemed to her similar to the young Marina Vladi.

Larisa remained forever grateful to her teacher: “She changed me. She molded me into a character actress. That’s probably why I’ve been in cinema for so long.”

It is no coincidence that the actress was so successful in her cameo role as Manka-Bond in Stanislav Govorukhin’s film “The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed.” The director offered her another role, but Larisa, having read the script, chose Manka, although at first glance she did not at all coincide with this image. “No, you don’t fit in appearance. Look at yourself - small, lyrical, infantile. Which of you is an experienced prostitute?!”- Govorukhin snapped and sent her on her way. And after some time a telegram arrived confirming approval for the role.

Larisa with her daughter Maria.

Try to save the family

Larisa Ivanovna considers it tactless to talk about her personal life before marriage in relation to those people with whom fate has long separated her. “Well, of course, I fell in love, and all the accompanying components were present: joy, jealousy, resentment, selfless devotion... There were quarrels and reconciliations. Everything is as it should be in youth. I suffered the most if it seemed to me that my chosen one was looking in the other direction. I suffered greatly because of this, but inside myself. I reasoned like this: since he was interested in someone else, that means I should retreat. Never in my life have I fought for a man, never participated in squabbles or showdowns.”“, she admits.

In the early eighties, Larisa met pianist Gennady Bolgarin. Unlike his predecessors, he quickly proposed marriage to Larisa, and she accepted the offer. Larisa was thirty-two when her daughter Mashenka was born. The actress did not work for two years after the birth of her daughter. This was the biggest break in her career.

Never in my life have I fought for a man, never participated in squabbles or showdowns.

Larisa Udovichenko


Over time, the husband also received an economic education and became a successful businessman. But after some time it became clear that her daughter’s father was addicted to the gambling business. The actress carefully hid this fact from friends, colleagues and family. But when life became impossible, she filed for divorce. However, she did not initiate anyone into family squabbles. She simply said: "Did not get along".

“A child should live in love, joy and happiness. He must know that he has protectors: mom and dad. I consider it a crime when parents separate when there are small children. And if there is the slightest possibility of delaying this marriage, even by force, for at least a year, at least two, at least five, until the child grows up, then it must be done.”, - Larisa Ivanovna is sure.

“Love in Russian” is one of the cult Russian films of the 90s. Larisa played the main role, her partner was the not yet shocking Nikita Dzhigurda.

Find a fulcrum

When Larisa was in her third year, her mother died from a transient form. Soon after the funeral, the girl was forced to return and take the exam. The need to study and work partly helped. But every free minute she did not stop thinking about her mother and talking to her. Seeing her suffering, one elderly woman advised her to go to the temple: “Go, child, stay at the service, pray”.

I consider it a crime when parents separate when there are small children. And if there is the slightest possibility of delaying this marriage, even by force, for at least a year, at least two, at least five, until the child grows up, then it must be done

Larisa Udovichenko


“And I, almost burned inside with despair, went. Not understanding anything about services, or about who to light a candle to, or how to ask for help. But... It turned out that inept reading of prayers, and even just being present at a sermon in some incomprehensible way supports you, although you still don’t know anything about it.”

Larisa Ivanovna has an old childhood friend, Evgeny Nikiforov, who heads the Radonezh Orthodox society. This is the person she consults with in difficult times. Sometimes they travel to holy places together. “Somehow, when the yellow press completely finished me off, I shared: “Zhenya, I can’t cope with myself, resentment gnaws, it takes all my strength, I know: even if I confess, I still won’t forgive.” He says: “And tell your father everything you feel.” We then traveled around Italy and stopped in the city of Bari, at the Basilica of St. Nicholas, where the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are kept. I immediately went up to the abbot and told him everything that had accumulated in my soul. And he answered: “The main thing is that you realize both your offense and your unwillingness to forgive. Now think about your health, about your soul - what will happen to you if you don’t change the situation within yourself? Try to isolate yourself internally so that it doesn’t affect you so much.”, - the actress shares her life experience.

Graceful and romantic Larisa Udovichenko perfectly played the role of the experienced prostitute Manka Bonds in the mini-series “The meeting place cannot be changed.”

Be modern

The daughter of Larisa Udovichenko did not follow in the footsteps of her parents. Having received a Russian diploma in international economics, she then entered the famous School of Fashion and Design in Milan, becoming an economist in the field of fashion. But she recently graduated from film school in Rome and dreams of making her own film. Larisa Ivanovna never dictates her will to her daughter, but is always ready to support her.

“I definitely use all sorts of Botox, Restylane, light touch-ups, subcutaneous anti-wrinkle injections, cosmetic procedures, massages, thalassotherapy. These are wonderful helpers for women. As for the diet, I just try not to let myself go, I keep within limits, I monitor my weight, not allowing it to rise above 57 kg.”, says one of the most charming actresses of Russian cinema.

Now Larisa Udovichenko looks very good.

Larisa Udovichenko is a strong, self-sufficient woman who does not depend on anyone. After 20 years of marriage, it was not difficult for her to leave her husband when he squandered the entire family fortune in a casino. Larisa is raising her daughter alone, constantly acting in films and playing in the theater. After the New Year, we were all struck by shocking news: “Larisa Udovichenko was hospitalized with an open head injury.” Now everything is fine with the actress.

Larisa, you look great, as always. Tell me, do you usually go shopping in Moscow or dress abroad?

– I don’t do shopping on purpose. I buy things when I feel like it. I can go and buy an expensive thing that I want to have now, and not when there is a discount on it (smiles).

– Has it ever happened that you acted in your own clothes?

– Of course, I have costumes, my personal ones, which I can show to the audience so as not to waste budget money. For example, I have outfits that I bought 15 years ago, and sometimes they come in very handy on set. But it is usually difficult to find suitable shoes. As a result, in the film “We Are One Family,” I starred in my shoes. Because the shoes they found for me, although they matched the character of the heroine, turned out to be not very comfortable. I ended up wearing out all my legs.

– What do you prefer to wear at home?

– Regular pajamas, with a robe on top. There are slippers on your feet, a bandage on your head, and a thick layer of cream on your face. Then I become inaccessible to anyone.

– How do you feel about plastic surgery?

“Perhaps someday I’ll do something for myself, I’ve already talked to plastic surgeons twice, had a slight lift around my eyes and was very pleased with the result. But I'm a little afraid to do something more serious. In general, to look good, you need to get a good night's sleep! If there are no shootings planned for the morning, then I sleep until 12 noon. You need to sleep at least eight hours a day.

-You have a wonderful figure. Are you constantly on diets?

- No. I love good company and good cuisine. I am lucky with my constitution; I can eat in the evening. The main thing is oatmeal porridge and good strong coffee in the morning. Sometimes I gain a couple of extra pounds, then I switch to green tea and consume a minimum of calories. But this happens extremely rarely.

– Do you often cook yourself?

– Not often, when at home. I usually eat during filming, and my daughter goes to cafes with friends, it’s more fun and there’s no need to wash dishes. But sometimes I cook cabbage rolls or stuffed peppers.

– Are you a superstitious person, do you believe in omens?

– Of course, especially in theatrical signs. I’ll sit on a fallen script, even if it falls into a puddle, into the mud, I’ll still sit on it and have to rise with it. We recently dropped the script with our second director and, pushing each other away, tried to sit on it, and I realized that he also wants a positive result. And he held my hand, but sat down himself, that is, it turned out that we were in a pair.

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