Schemes automatic battery charger. Simple automatic charger. As a result of numerous studies in the USSR, it was found that the capacity (stored ampere*hours) of betta-pbo2 significantly exceeds the capacity of alpha-pbo2

As you know, Ni-Cd and, to a lesser extent, Ni-Mh batteries have a memory effect, that is, they partially lose capacity when charging, if they have not been completely discharged before. Usually, the voltage on one cell is about 1 V. Therefore, before charging, the battery should be completely discharged. However, simply discharging through a resistor can lead to severe battery discharge if discharging is not stopped in time. Over-discharging is also bad for the battery. To slow down the discharge of the battery, you can include a semiconductor diode D223A in the circuit. A 12 ohm resistor is connected in series with the diode in the circuit.

Scheme of the simplest bit

As you know, a diode is a non-linear device and at low voltages (less than 1 V) a p-n junction, even in the forward direction, has a noticeable resistance to electric current. Silicon low-power rectifier or universal diodes are suitable for operation in this device. According to the handbook, the D-233A silicon diode opens in the forward direction at a voltage of about 0.6 V. Therefore, when a diode is included in the circuit, the battery discharge will be limited.

Structurally, the device is a block for one galvanic cell of size AA. Resistor R1 and diode VD1 are fixed by surface mounting.

The disadvantage of this device is that the battery discharge will stop completely when the voltage reaches 0.6 V. That is, the battery will be discharged more than necessary.

The second version of the scheme

The author tried to connect germanium and silicon diodes in series in order to stop the discharge at a voltage of about 0.9-1 V. In addition to the silicon D-233A, a D-18VP germanium diode was used, which opens in the forward direction at a voltage of about 0.4 IN .

But experience has shown that in this case, even a fully charged battery creates a current of about 4 mA in the circuit. Obviously, with such a current, the discharge of the battery will take an unacceptable period of time.

As the battery voltage drops during the discharge process, the current will also weaken, and, consequently, the battery discharge rate will decrease. Therefore, although the first version of the scheme allows the battery to be discharged more than desired, in fact, for this it must be forgotten in the discharge device for several hours.


  1. http://site/publ/pitanie/razrjadnoe_ustrojstvo_dlja_akkumuljatorov/5-1-0-332
  2. Semiconductor devices: Diodes, transistors, optoelectronic devices. Reference book / A. V. Bayukov, A. B. Gitsevich, A. A. Zaitsev and others; Under total Red N. N. Goryunova. - 2nd ed., revised. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1985. - 744 p.

It is known that during the operation of automotive batteries it is necessary to do preventive charge-discharge cycles from time to time in order to prevent sulfation of the plates and thereby increase their service life. There are quite a few devices, including home-made ones (see Modelist-Constructor magazine No. 9-11 '01), through which the battery is first discharged to 10.5 V with a current of 1/20 of its capacity, and then the voltage at its terminals is brought during the charge-discharge cycle to 14.2-14.5 V. And the ratio of the charge-discharge components of the current here for the most part is maintained almost ideal - like 10:1, and the charge-discharge pulse durations - like 3:1 , But…

I (yes, probably, and many other motorists, not to mention professionals) cannot be satisfied with the massiveness of the transformers and the large-sized radiators inherent in the designs of these devices. It seems that miniaturization and other features of progress, which are rapidly manifesting themselves, say, in television and computer technology, are almost not guessed in the equipment that the domestic market passes off as “modern discharge-charging, desulfating”.

Desperate to find a ready-made development with the parameters I needed, I created my own. Its main characteristics: the charge current is regulated by a variable resistor displayed on the front panel in the range from 2.5 to 7 A. This means that the required charge-discharge component of 1:10 can be easily set for most of the batteries in use. The discharge current is fixed, equal to 2.5 A (determined by the electrical parameters of the EL2 lamp). Well, the discharge current in the desulfation mode is 0.65 A (depending on the EL1 lamp).

The charge time is 17 s, and the discharge time is 5 s. That is, the charge-discharge pulse duration ratio approximately corresponds to the recommended 3:1. However, this parameter can be changed by selecting resistors R35 and, accordingly, R36. The power consumption depends on the set charging current and is approximately 30-90 watts. The threshold comparators are adjusted by trimmer resistors: R34 - lower limit (10.5 V) and R31 - upper limit (14.5 V). The device is powered by a battery and from a household power supply with a voltage of 180-250 V.

When the switch SB2 is in the CHARGE position (see circuit diagram), there is no control over the battery, discharge is not possible. In this mode, when the power button SB1 is on, the unit works like a normal charger with adjustable charging current. With the switch SB2 set to the DESULFATE mode, the battery is alternately charged and discharged.

When you press the START button (SB3), an initial discharge with a current of 2.5 A to a voltage of 10.5 V occurs, and then it is charged by the desulfating method to a voltage of 14.2-14.5 V, after which the device, being in the SINGLE mode, automatically turns off. If the push-button switch SB4 is in the MULTIPLE position, the discharge-charge process is repeated as much as you like, which is the most necessary condition for the "treatment" of the battery.

The “standard” power supply (220 V, 50 Hz) of the device is provided through the FU1 fuse and the L1C1C2 filter, which prevents radio interference from entering the network. The incoming alternating voltage is rectified by the diode bridge VD1-VD4 and smoothed out by capacitors C4, C5. The presence of resistor R2 is dictated by the need to limit the current while charging the capacitors. Optocoupler VU1 controls the presence of voltage in the network or, when it is absent, blocking (by pin 9 of the logic element DD2.3) of the battery discharge mode is provided.

Further. If you connect the battery, then pin 3 of the two-threshold comparator DA2 will set a high level voltage (logical "one"). This means that the VT6 semiconductor triode will open and the HL1 LED will light up. CHARGE. A low level (logical "zero"), which appeared on the collector of this transistor, will go to pins 9 DD1.3 and 13 DD1.4 and thereby ensure the unlocking of the low-frequency generator. The duty cycle of the pulses is determined by the resistance values ​​of the resistors R36 (charge) and R35 (discharge), and the frequency is determined by the value of the capacitance C18.

Log.1 is set to pin 10 of the DD1.3 logic element during battery charging, blocking the high threshold (14.2 V) of the DA2 comparator with the transistor VT3. The use of this algorithm is due to the fact that the comparison with the threshold named above should occur only in the discharge mode in order to prevent the comparator from operating with an undercharged battery. The same high level through the VU2 optocoupler and the VT1 transistor starts the voltage converter.

At the moment of discharge appears on the pin. 10 DD1.3 voltage low logic level. This creates favorable conditions for blocking the converter, as well as for establishing log.1 on pin 11 DD1.4. As a result, an electronic key assembled on transistors VT4, VT5 is activated, and the battery is discharged through an incandescent lamp EL1. The overestimated electrical parameters of the latter (24 V, 21 W) prevent its premature burnout.

Pressing the button SB3 START leads to the establishment of a low logic level voltage at the output of the comparator (vyv.3 DA2). Transistor VT6 is closed; the generator assembled on the IC DD1 is blocked, as well as the electronic voltage converter; log.1 is set to pin 3 of the RS flip-flop, which includes cells DD2.1, DD2.2 of the K561LA7 chip. And if the mains voltage is present, then at the inputs of the logic element DD2.3 - log. 1 and, accordingly, at the output of DD2.4 - a high level voltage. The latter triggers the transistor switch (VT7, VT8). As a result, the semiconductor HL2 LED begins to glow. DISCHARGE and incandescent lamp EL2 (12 V, 30 W); the battery is discharged to a voltage of 10.5 V. Then the “low” comparator (DA2 with resistors R33, R34) is activated, at the output of which log.1 is set again, thereby repeating the charge cycle.

When the voltage reaches 14.2 V, the “high” comparator (DA2 with resistors R31, R32) is activated. And if the pushbutton switch SB4 is in the SINGLE position, then the HL2 LED goes out, and the device is installed and operates in standby mode. But when SB4 is in the REPEATED position, then the battery will turn on again for a charge and the control-training cycle will be repeated as many times as desired.

Capacitors C19, C20 are necessary for protection against interference, as well as for some delay in the operation of comparators during transients. The DA3 electronic stabilizer is necessary to protect microcircuits during a short-term loss of contact at the battery terminals, since the voltage at the output of the converter in idle mode increases to 25 V.

Topology of circuit boards I and II(scale image from the side of radio components and from the side of printed conductors)

To improve the performance of the device (including reducing its weight to 900 g and bringing the case dimensions to a minimum of 80x80x150 mm), it is recommended to introduce an additional sub-unit into the design, with the installation of a small-sized fan. This is a kind of mini-forced cooling system for this equipment, which ensures proper reliability of powerful semiconductor devices even when using small-sized radiators: a duralumin plate 80x65x5 mm for VD9 and VD10, and a ribbed heat sink shortened to 30x22x15 mm for VT2. The rest of the “electronics” of the device, including transistors VT5 and VT8, works flawlessly in acceptable modes and without any kind of radiators.

Now about other design features. The converter uses homemade chokes and a transformer. The winding L1 is 15-20 turns on ferrite H2000NM K20x16x6 into two NGTF-0.25 wires. As a magnetic circuit for T1, ferrite Ш11.5 × 14.5 was used from line-scan chokes, which have already worked their way out in UPIMTST TVs. Windings, of course, need new ones. I and II are made in two, and III - in seven wires. That is, the primary winding of T1 should contain 91 turns (PEV2-0.5x2), the secondary - four turns of the same wire. And as the last, third winding, only nine turns are needed (PEV2-0.6x7).

The quality of the winding should be given special attention. The coils must be laid neatly, without overlaps; between the rows it is necessary to lay paper. If the last row of any winding threatens to be incompletely filled, then it is necessary to distribute the remaining turns evenly.

So that later there is no confusion, it is useful to immediately mark the beginning and end of each of the windings. But you can use the following, well-proven technique in practice. Especially when the time for notes seems to be lost and the transformer is already ready for installation in one or another design.

The primary winding should be supplied with a control voltage from a low-frequency generator (10-15 V, 5-15 kHz). Having arbitrarily taken the remaining conclusions as "beginnings" and "ends", the true windings are found with a digital voltmeter in the operating mode in alternating current circuits and the value is fixed for each of them.

Then the secondary is temporarily connected to the end of the primary winding. The voltage is measured relative to the known beginning of the "primary" and the unconnected "end" of the pair of conclusions under study.

If the device fixes an increased value of and in this experiment, then the temporarily connected output is the true beginning, and the connected (previously free) output is the end of the winding. And vice versa, an underestimated voltage indicates that the arbitrarily accepted names of the pair of conclusions under study must be changed to their antipodes. The beginning and end of the third winding are determined in the same way.

During the assembly of the transformer, it is necessary to provide a fixed gap of 1.3 mm by laying pieces of cardboard between the magnetic circuit and the "symbiosis" of frameless windings. As a current meter, it is recommended to use the M4761 switch (it was once equipped with reel-to-reel tape recorders) with a home-made shunt R26 - a piece of nichrome wire (diameter 2 mm, and length - based on the required resistance of 0.1 Ohm). Before installation, such a device must be carefully opened and the arrow moved to the middle of the scale, so that later, during the operation of the device, it would be possible to observe both the charge and discharge of the battery.

1,2 - terminals; 3 - pointer indicator of discharge-charge; 4 - button for turning on the device in the domestic network; 5 - START button; 6 - switch SINGLE-MULTIPLE; 7 - CHARGE-DESULFATE switch; 8 - knob of the CHARGE CURRENT regulator; 9 - LED INDICATOR. DISCHARGE; 10 - LED INDICATOR. CHARGE; 11 - forced cooling fan; 12 - circuit board II; 13 - cooling plate and radiator; 14 - compartment for incandescent lamps; 15 - circuit board I

The diodes used in the design are mostly of the KD226 type with any letter index at the end of the name. As VD8, it is recommended to use KD206D or an analogue designed for a voltage of 600-800 V, a direct average current of 1.7 A and a frequency of at least 30 kHz. Diodes VD9, VD10 in the author's version - KD213A (KD213B). But, as practice has shown, for greater reliability, it is desirable to replace them with Schottky diodes KD2997A (KD2997B) or KD2999A (KD2999B).

Optocouplers VU1, VU2 type AOT127. It is important that the insulation voltage is not lower than 500 V. Instead of the KT315 transistors indicated on the circuit diagram, any of the KT312, KT316, KT3102 series are acceptable, designed to work in devices with a voltage of 30 V. Transistor VT5 - KT801A (KT801B), others semiconductor triode types are undesirable here. But in place of VT8, KT819 is acceptable with any letter index at the end of the name.

The fan is used from an IBM computer: GI-486-12v. Trimmer resistors R31, R34 - multi-turn SP5-2, and adjusting (R14 - type SPZ-4am. MLT and their numerous analogues are acceptable as fixed resistors, the corresponding dissipation power and ratings are conventionally indicated on the circuit diagram. In the role of capacitors C1, C13 and C14 are the best suited for K78-2, in place of C2, SZ K15-5 will successfully work, designed for a voltage of at least 600 V, C4 and C5 - 100 microfarad each with Unom = 400 V or one 220-microfarad 400-volt K50 -32 The rest of the electrolytic capacitors are the widespread K50-35, and the non-polar ones are of any type.

The device is assembled on two printed circuit boards 111x75x2 mm from double-sided foil textolite or getinaks. Their rigid fixation in the case is achieved by means of an aluminum corner - to the front panel, and with the help of a cooling plate and radiators - to the walls of a durable metal case, which has ventilation holes in the upper part, and a compartment for incandescent lamps at the back. Everything is arranged so that the air flow captured from above blows the radiator of the transistor VT2, resistors R20-R22, passes through the holes of the radiator plate of the diodes VD9, VD10, cooling the valves themselves, and then the incandescent lamps EL1, EL2, after which it would freely leave the block in the back of it.

If the installation is carried out in strict accordance with the circuit diagram and from known good radio parts, then the device, as a rule, starts working immediately. However, in most cases it is not worth neglecting the adjustment of threshold comparators. And the algorithm for performing such an operation is quite simple.

First, EL1 and EL2 incandescent lamps are unscrewed from the cartridges (to reduce the load) and the device terminals displayed on the front panel are connected to the adjustable power supply. By setting the power supply to 10.5 V, the trimming resistor R34 achieves the appearance of a glow HL1 - INDIC. CHARGE. Then the voltage is set to 14.2 V, and by adjusting the "trimmer" R31, they reach the moment when HL1 turns off. After that, they screw incandescent lamps (EL1, EL2) into the cartridges and ... The pulsed automatic discharge charger can rightly be considered set up and ready for reliable operation!

S. ABRAMOV, Orenburg

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Batteries in cars are used in a mixed mode of operation: when starting the engine, a significant starting current is consumed, while driving, the battery is charged in buffer mode by a small current from the generator. If the car's automation is faulty, the charging current may be insufficient or lead to overcharging - at elevated values.Crystallization of the plates, increased charge voltage, premature electrolysis with abundant release of hydrogen sulfide and insufficient capacity at the end of the charge accompany the operation of such a battery.It is impossible to restore the normal operation of the battery directly from the car generator; chargers are used for this.

The battery discharge current for 10 hours is always equal to the battery capacity. If the discharge voltage dropped to 1.92 volts per cell, earlier than ten hours, then the capacity is much less.

Some cars use two batteries with a total voltage of 24 volts. Different discharge currents, due to the fact that the first battery is connected to the entire load with a voltage of 12 volts (TV, radio, tape recorder ...), which is powered by the battery in the parking lot and on the road, and the second is loaded only during the start of the starter and warming up the candle in a diesel engine. The voltage regulator in not all cars automatically monitors the battery charge voltage in winter and summer, which leads to undercharging or overcharging the battery.

It is necessary to restore the batteries with a separate charger with the ability to control the charge and discharge current on each battery.

Such a need prompted the creation of a two-channel charger-discharge device with separate adjustment of the charge current and discharge current, which is very convenient and allows you to choose the optimal recovery modes for the battery plates based on their technical condition.

The use of the cyclic recovery mode leads to a significant reduction in the yield of hydrogen sulfide and oxygen gases due to their complete use in the chemical reaction, the internal resistance and capacitance are quickly restored to working condition, there is no overheating of the case and warping of the plates.
The discharge current when charging with an asymmetric current should be no more than 1/5 of the charge current.

In the instructions of manufacturers, before charging the battery, it is required to discharge, that is, to mold the plates before charging. There is no need to search for a suitable discharge load, it is enough to make the appropriate switch in the device.

It is desirable to carry out control discharge with a current of 0.05C from the battery capacity for 20 hours, for example, with a battery capacity of 50 A / h, the discharge current is set to 2.5 amperes.

The proposed scheme allows forming the plates of two batteries simultaneously with separate setting of the discharge and charging current,

Device Specifications:
Mains voltage - 220V.
Secondary voltage 2 * 16 Volts
Charge current 1-10 Amps
Discharge current 0.1-1 Ampere.
The charge current form is a half-wave rectifier.
Battery capacity 10-100 Ah.
Battery voltage 3.6-12 Volts.

Current regulators are key regulators on powerful field-effect transistors VT1, VT2.

Optocouplers U1, U2 are installed in the feedback circuits, which are necessary to protect transistors from overload. At high charge currents, the influence of capacitors C3, C4 is minimal and almost a half-wave current lasting 5 ms with a pause of 5 ms accelerates the recovery of battery plates, due to a pause in the recovery cycle, there is no overheating of the plates and electrolysis, the recombination of electrolyte ions improves with full use in chemical reactions of hydrogen and oxygen atoms.

Capacitors C2, C3, operating in the voltage multiplication mode, when switching diodes VD1, VD2, create an additional impulse to melt coarse sulfation and convert lead oxide into amorphous lead.

The current regulators of both channels R2, R5 are powered by parametric voltage regulators on zener diodes VD3, VD4. Resistors R7, R8 in the gate circuits of field-effect transistors VT1, VT2 limit the gate current to a safe value.

Optocoupler transistors U1, U2 are designed to shunt the gate voltage of field-effect transistors when overloaded with charging or discharging currents. The control voltage is removed from the resistors R13, R14 in the drain circuits, through the trimming resistors R11, R12 and through the limiting resistors R9, R10 to the optocoupler LEDs. With an increased voltage across resistors R13, R14, the optocoupler transistors open and reduce the control voltage at the gates of field-effect transistors, the currents in the drain-source circuit decrease.

For visual determination of charge or discharge currents, galvanic devices are additionally installed in the drain circuits - ammeters PA1, PA2 with internal ten-amp shunts.

The charge mode is set by the switches SA1, SA2 to the upper position, the discharge to the lower position.

Batteries are connected to the charger-discharge device with stranded wires with a cross section of 2.5-4 mm in vinyl insulation with crocodile clips.

Field-effect transistors are mounted for cooling on separate radiators.
The power transformer T1 is not critical in terms of power; in this embodiment, a transformer is used from an old tube TV with rewinding to two voltages of 16-18 volts. The wire cross section is selected at least 4 mm / sq.

Resistors R13, R14 are made of a piece of nichrome wire with a diameter of 1.8 mm and a length of 10 cm, mounted on a PEV-50 type resistor.

If possible, use power transformers of the type TN59-TN63, CCI.
LEDs HL1, HL2 indicate the correct polarity of connecting batteries to the charging circuit.

After connecting the battery, the SA1 or SA2 mode switch is switched to the discharge mode. The current regulator, when the network is on, sets the discharge current within the above limits. After the discharge current drops to zero, after 6-10 hours the mode switch is moved to the upper position - charge, the recommended value of the charging current is set by the current regulator.

After 6-10 hours of charging, the current should drop to the recharge value.
Then re-discharge. With a full capacity of a 10-hour discharge (voltage not lower than 1.9 Volts per cell), carry out a repeated 10-hour charge.
The good condition of the battery allows a performance recovery in one cycle.

It is recommended to carry out a charge-discharge cycle of the battery even if it is in excellent condition, it is easier to eliminate crystallization at the beginning of operation and not wait until it turns into “old” sulfation with a deterioration in all battery parameters.

The circuit of the device is assembled and fixed with a transformer and power diodes inside the case, current regulators, switches and LEDs are installed on the front side, a fuse and a power wire are fixed on the rear wall of the case. Transistors are installed on powerful radiators 100*50*25. A variant of the appearance of a two-channel charger-discharge device is shown in the photo. Forming plates according to the specified technology must be carried out after long-term storage of the battery in a warehouse (pre-sale preparation), long-term operation or in the mode of the general supply voltage of the vehicle's electrical equipment - 24 Volts.

1. V. Konovalov. A. Razgildeev. Battery recovery. Radiomir 2005 No. 3 p.7.
2. V. Konovalov. A.Vanteev. electroplating technology. Radio amateur No. 9.2008.
3. V. Konovalov. Pulsating charger and recovery device Radio amateur No. 5 / 2007. p.30.
4. V. Konovalov. Key charger. Radiomir No. 9/2007 p.13.
5. D.A. Khrustalev. Batteries.g. Moscow. Emerald.2003
6. V. Konovalov. "Measurement of R-in AB". "Radiomir" No. 8, 2004, p.14.
7. V. Konovalov. "The memory effect is removed by a voltage boost." "Radiomir" No. 10.2005, p. 13.
8. V. Konovalov. "Charger and recovery device for NI-Cd batteries.". "Radio" No. 3 2006 p.53
9. V. Konovalov. "Battery Regenerator". Radiomir 6/2008 p14.
10. V. Konovalov. "Pulse diagnostics of the battery". Radiomir №7 2008 page 15.
11. V. Konovalov. Cell phone battery diagnostics. Radiomir 3/2009 11p.
12. V. Konovalov. "Recovery of batteries with alternating current" Radio amateur 07/2007 page 42.

List of radio elements

Designation Type Denomination Quantity NoteShopMy notepad
U1, U2 optocoupler


2 To notepad
VT1, VT2 MOSFET transistor


2 To notepad
VD1, VD2 Diode


2 To notepad
VD3, VD4 zener diode


2 To notepad
HL1, HL2 Light-emitting diode


2 To notepad
C1 Capacitor0.1uF 630V1 To notepad
C2, C3 Capacitor1 uF2 To notepad
C3, C4 electrolytic capacitor1000uF 25V2 To notepad
R1, R4 Resistor

910 ohm

2 0.25W To notepad
R2, R5 Variable resistor2.2 kOhm2 To notepad
R3, R6 Resistor

120 ohm

2 To notepad
R7, R8 Resistor

56 ohm


I tried to insert into the title of this article all the advantages of this scheme, which we will consider, and of course, I did not quite succeed. So let's now consider all the advantages in order.
The main advantage of the charger is that it is fully automatic. The circuit controls and stabilizes the desired battery charging current, controls the battery voltage and, when it reaches the desired level, it will reduce the current to zero.

What batteries can be recharged?

Almost everything: lithium-ion, nickel-cadmium, lead and others. The scope of application is limited only by the charge current and voltage.
For all household needs, this will be enough. For example, if your built-in charge controller is broken, you can replace it with this circuit. Cordless screwdrivers, vacuum cleaners, flashlights and other devices can be charged with this automatic charger, even car and motorcycle batteries.

Where else can you apply the scheme?

In addition to the charger, you can use this circuit as a charging controller for alternative energy sources, such as a solar battery.
Also, the circuit can be used as a regulated power supply for laboratory purposes with short circuit protection.

Main advantages:

  • - Simplicity: the circuit contains only 4 fairly common components.
  • - Full autonomy: current and voltage control.
  • - Chips LM317 have built-in protection against short circuit and overheating.
  • - Small dimensions of the final device.
  • - Large operating voltage range 1.2-37 V.


  • - Charging current up to 1.5 A. This is most likely not a drawback, but a characteristic, but I will define this parameter here.
  • - At a current of more than 0.5 A, it requires installation on a radiator. You should also consider the difference between input and output voltage. The greater this difference, the more the chips will heat up.

Diagram of an automatic charger

The diagram does not show the power supply, but only the control unit. The power source can be a transformer with a rectifier bridge, a power supply from a laptop (19 V), a power supply from a phone (5 V). It all depends on what goals you are pursuing.
The scheme can be divided into two parts, each of them functions separately. The current stabilizer is assembled on the first LM317. The stabilization resistor is calculated simply: “1.25 / 1 \u003d 1.25 Ohm”, where 1.25 is a constant that is always the same for everyone and “1” is the stabilization current you need. We calculate, then select the nearest resistor from the line. The higher the current, the more power the resistor needs to take. For current from 1 A - at least 5 watts.
The second half is a voltage stabilizer. Everything is simple here, with a variable resistor you set the voltage of a charged battery. For example, in car batteries, it is somewhere equal to 14.2-14.4. To configure, we connect a load resistor of 1 kOhm to the input and measure the voltage with a multimeter. We set the desired voltage with a trimmer resistor and that's it. As soon as the battery is charged and the voltage reaches the set value, the microcircuit will reduce the current to zero, and charging will stop.
I have personally used such a device to charge lithium-ion batteries. It's no secret that they need to be charged correctly and if you make a mistake, they can even explode. This charger does all the work.

To control the presence of a charge, you can use the scheme described in this article -.
There is also a circuit for turning this microcircuit into one: both current and voltage stabilization. But in this version, not quite linear work is observed, but in some cases it may come in handy.
Informative video, but not in Russian, but you can understand the calculation formulas.

Charger (charger) - a device for charging an electric battery from an external source of energy, usually from an alternating current network. Monitoring the condition of the car battery includes its periodic check and timely maintenance in working condition. In a car, this is more often done in the winter season, since in the summer the car battery (battery) has time to recharge from the generator. In the cold season, starting the engine is more difficult, and the load on the battery increases. The situation is exacerbated by long intervals between engine starts.

Modern battery charger

A variety of circuits and devices exist in large numbers, but in general, batteries are organized based on the following elements:

  • voltage converter (transformer or pulse unit);
  • rectifier;
  • automatic charge control;
  • indication.

The simplest charger

The simplest is a device based on a transformer and a rectifier, shown in the diagram below. It is easy to do it yourself.

Scheme of the simplest charger for a car

The main part of the device is the TC-160 transformer used in old TVs (figure below). By connecting two of its secondary windings of 6.55 V each in series, you can get 13.1 V at the output. Their maximum current is 7.5 A, which is quite suitable for charging the battery.

The appearance of a DIY charger

The optimal voltage value of a classic charger is 14.4 V. If you take 12 V, which the battery should have, it will not be possible to fully charge, since it will not be possible to create the required current. Overcharging voltage leads to battery failure.

Diodes D242A can be used as rectifiers, which correspond in power.

The circuit does not provide automatic regulation of the charging current. Therefore, you will have to consistently install an ammeter for visual control.

To prevent the transformer from burning out, fuses are installed at the input and output, respectively, 0.5 A and 10 A. Diodes are mounted on radiators, since in the initial charging period the current will be large due to the low internal resistance of the battery, which causes them to become very hot.

When the charging current decreases to 1A, it means that the battery is fully charged.

Device features

Modern models have replaced outdated devices with manual control. Device circuits provide automatic maintenance of the charging current with the choice of its required value as the state of the battery changes.

Modern devices have a declared charging current of 6 to 9 A for batteries with a capacity of 50-90 Ah, used for passenger cars.

Any battery is charged with a current of 10% of its capacity. If it is 60 Ah, the current should be 6 A, for 90 Ah - 9 A.


  1. The ability to restore a completely discharged battery. Not all memory devices have this function.
  2. Maximum charging current. It should be 10% of the battery capacity. The device must have a function to turn off after a full charge, as well as a support mode. When charging a fully discharged battery, a short circuit may occur. The device circuit must be protected.

The versatility and versatility of new devices with reasonable prices makes it impractical to make chargers with your own hands. In fact, they are multi-purpose power supplies with different modes of operation.

Charger - power supply


Models are selected mainly with 220 V power supply. To select, you need to know their features. The general characteristics of modern car battery chargers are as follows:

  • impulse type;
  • the presence of forced ventilation;
  • small dimensions and weight;
  • automatic charge mode.

Berkut Smart Power SP-25N

The model is professional and is designed to charge lead-acid batteries at 12 V. The automatic principle of operation includes the following modes of operation:

  • charging any car batteries under normal conditions;
  • charging in the "Winter" mode - at an ambient temperature of 5 0 C and below;
  • "desulfation" - recovery with an increase in voltage to the maximum;
  • “power supply” - used to supply voltage at a load of up to 300 W (not a battery).

Charger "Berkut" Smart Power SP-25N

Charging is done in 9 stages. It is difficult to make such a device with your own hands. First, the battery is tested for its ability to charge. After that, restoration is carried out with a small current with a gradual increase to the maximum. The last step is to create a save mode.

The model can have different protection classes, for example, IP20 (normal conditions) and IP44 (against splashes and particles of 1 mm or more).

The battery can be charged without removing it from the car: through the cigarette lighter or alligator contacts.

When charging, the “+” terminal of the battery must be disconnected from the car circuit.

"Orion" ("Vympel")

The device for pulse energy conversion makes automatic charging. The circuit provides smooth manual control of the current strength using a rotary knob. Control indicators can be arrow and linear. The battery discharge rate can be 0-12V.

Charger “Orion”

"Orion" is a power source for another load, for example, tools powered by 12-15 V.

The main advantage of the device is the price, which is several times less than that of analogues. With an increase in power and the number of additional functions, the cost can increase significantly.

Device overview. Video

You can learn a lot of useful information about the automatic battery charger from the video below.

On the market there is a large selection of impulse chargers for lead-acid batteries for cars. A feature is a simple interface and many functions. Simple charger circuits can be easily found and assembled with your own hands, but it is better to have a reliable device at hand that guarantees long-term operation of the car battery.

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