How should a seller approach a buyer? Reception "Grandma" or how to start communication with the buyer on the trading floor

Stages of successful sales - how to start a conversation with a buyer

Greetings, Friends!

Let's continue the review. Today I propose to talk on the topic - How to start a conversation with a buyer.

So, a potential buyer enters the store, how best to approach him, where to start the conversation, so that the buyer is more likely to make a purchase. Let's look at some examples of how we can start a conversation with a customer.

An important point at the beginning of a conversation with the buyer is to arouse his desire to continue communication. most major mistake seller, may become question asked which disposes the buyer to answer "no". For example, the seller approaches and asks the buyer a question: “Would you like me to help you choose a product?” Of course, with a higher probability, a potential buyer will answer no or do not want to.

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How can you ask the question differently?

For example: “Good afternoon! If you suddenly need my help or you have any questions, I will be there, but in the meantime, you can look, maybe something will interest you. A potential buyer is more likely to answer “okay” and will look at the product, choose a purchase, with the feeling that he will always be able to ask the seller a question.

By and large, the essence of the first question is not particularly important. It is important to create a trusting atmosphere with the buyer so that nothing bothers him in choosing a product, and he knows that there is a person who will support him if he has a question. Establishing contact, starting a conversation, is important only in order to start a dialogue with a potential buyer, so to speak, to create a basis for further continuation of the conversation.

Examples of questions that will help win over a potential buyer. “Do you like this…?”, “Do you prefer… or…?”, “Are you looking for this… for yourself or as a gift?”

It is also successfully used at the beginning of a conversation with a buyer, the “question-start” technique. A question that implies an answer. For example: “Agree that this phone is original?”, “Is it true that this tie is more suitable for your suit?”. Opening questions often used by salespeople: “Don’t you?”, “Would you agree?” or “Do you agree?”, “Really?”. These strings can be inserted both at the beginning of a sentence, and in the middle or end of a sentence, phrase.

In the next article, we will begin to identify the need of a potential buyer.


Pay attention to the buyer. It is not necessary to immediately approach him with questions and suggestions. The main thing is to make it clear to the client that they see him and are ready to help at any time.

Greet the visitor. This can be done immediately at his entrance, or when he makes it clear that he is interested in a consultation. How talk With buyer depends on the specific situation. The greeting should be very warm and friendly. Be sure to smile when making contact. The speed of establishing contact depends on the first. Try to show your inner instinct and determine how to start talk with one or the other buyer.

Study buyers. You must that there are at least 4 types: decisive, indecisive, conflict and advanced. The first will establish contact himself, the second expects this from you, the third must be able to deprive the reasons for disputes, and the fourth should be agreed with in all his reasoning.
Of course, these are general recommendations. Each salesperson learn to understand what kind of person walked in.

Start so that the buyer wants to continue it. The main rule for this is never ask a question to which you can “no”. It is better to greet the client and say that you are always there and will be happy to help in choosing. Another way is to ask an open question. It represents some kind of statement and directly "strings". A good example is this phrase: "This modification is original, right?". This question is one of better ways begin talk With buyer.

Do not forget that the tone of the whole conversation is set by the first phrase. Learn to recognize the nature of customers and conduct a dialogue in accordance with it.

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Gender roles have changed so much that today it is not shameful for ladies not only to work, drive a car and engage in "male" professions, but also to get acquainted with representatives of the opposite sex. However, only the wisest women know that they need to exercise their right of the first step very carefully.


Evaluate the posture and gestures of the man you like. If a person is located to chat with, he holds his palms open, crosses his legs, directing his knees towards her. A man ready for communication does not hide his eyes and is ready. It's great if you see a man straighten his hair or straighten his clothes when he sees you looking at him. In sign language, this means an erotic interest in you.

Make eye contact. Hold your gaze on the one you are interested in and look away as soon as he looks at you. After a while, repeat the famous formula "to the corner, to the nose, to the object." Just do not run your eyes, do not fuss and do not look furtively. You just look at the person you like, smiling embarrassedly at the moment when he catches your eye with his.

Once near the object of your interest, drop a small remark. There can be three topics: the environment, he and you. The first option is the most preferable, because it is not as annoying as the second, and not boring as the third. Ask what cocktail to choose in this bar, who is playing in the upcoming performance, how to cook asparagus - in short, ask any question that is relevant to the circumstances of your meeting and requires a non-simple answer.

Don't start the conversation with a negative statement like, "This party is so noisy!" An exception, perhaps, may be exclamations about the weather. Avoid obvious clichés like "I think we've met before" or "What time is it?" - especially in situations where the futility of the answer is obvious.

Use the context of the situation. At dinner or in the reading room, making contact is as easy as shelling pears: ask the person you like to sit at the table. Even if you are refused, most likely, these will be strong arguments for this (employment, waiting for another satellite). While jogging, friendly offer: "Let's race?" (in the end, after an unsuccessful attempt to get acquainted, you can quickly run away). IN gym, shop or ask for advice.

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The success of an attempt to get acquainted very often depends on the first phrase spoken to a pretty representative of the opposite sex. An original conversation started is almost a guarantee that you will interest the person you like.

1. I don't know
Buyers don't expect the seller to know everything, but when it comes to product questions, buyers expect the seller to be skilled enough to find the answer.
Better:"Good question. Now I'll try to find out the answer"

2. This is the final sale
Your store policy may prohibit returns on sale items. And it's okay to let the customer know, but the retailer needs to be flexible and decide on the spot and take back the product if needed.
Better:"Let me know and if the product does not suit you, and we will think about what can be done"

3. Calm down
This phrase is just infuriating. This is one of the main taboos of retail, and of any customer service. If the buyer's emotions have reached a boiling point, the best thing you can do is to remain silent and listen to the end. Let the client speak. Once the buyer has said everything he or she has to say, he or she will be more receptive to your proposed solution.
Better:"I'm sorry"

4. You did not find?
If a buyer asks you about a particular product, then most likely he has already searched for this product and did not find it. This may mean that you no longer have this particular product or it is not in the hall, but it is in stock or he simply did not find it. The best thing in this situation is to take the buyer to the product, or bring it.
Better:"Yes, I'll bring it to you now, if it's in stock"

5. We are closed
The last thing a store employee wants to do is let a customer in after the store closes. Before sending it back home, remember that the customer may not know the store's business hours or, which is also possible, they do not know what time it is. None of these reasons should be overlooked.
Better:"We close at ….. hours, and now …. We open at … hours. Is there anything I can help you with?"

6. Is that all?
There are not many buyers who see something negative in this matter, but, however, in this way you miss the opportunity to offer to buy something else.
Better:"Did you see that the product ____ is included in the kit? Or "Have you also looked at ____?"

7. It's over there
We've all heard this phrase either from a busy or disinterested salesperson. Sometimes they just wave in one direction, sometimes they don't even raise their head to look at you. Let every seller know that such a response is prohibited.
Better:"Let me take you. This product is right here"

8. I can't do it
This is another negative phrase that should be banned from stores. Either let the employee make the decision, or train the salespeople on how to act in such cases, for example, instruct them to invite the store manager.
Better:"What can I do is _____"

9. This is not my department
This may be true, but no buyer wants to hear such an answer. Retailers must train in-store staff on everything they sell. At a minimum, they should know who to contact if a buyer asks a question that the seller does not have an answer for.
Better:"I'll be glad to help you. I'll take you to someone who knows more about the products in this category"

10. We have run out of this product
It's unavoidable. Goods are running out and customers know it. What you can do in this situation is to let them know when the next shipment is, otherwise they will buy the item they want from another store. Be proactive. Offer to call the customer when the item arrives at the store.
Better:"This product is temporarily out of stock, but ____ will deliver it. If you want, I can call you when it becomes available."

11. This is not in line with store policy
In today's competitive environment, retailers cannot afford to be inflexible. It's important to have in-store policies, but it's even more important to have a satisfied customer. Use this phrase only when you believe that the buyer intentionally wants to break the established rules.
Better:"We have the following rules, but we want to do everything to make you satisfied. Here's what I can offer"

12. I'm new here
For some reason, the new staff thinks that by saying this phrase, the buyer will be satisfied with this and will go looking for another seller. The buyer doesn't care if you're new or old. He would only like to deal with someone who knows the product and can answer the question.
Better:"Please, wait a second, I'll try to help you"

13. Wait
This is quite rude and does not give the client an understanding of when you will be free to help him. There are much softer words to say that right now you cannot pay attention to the buyer.
Better:"Do you have the opportunity to wait a minute?"

14. I'm in this moment busy
Have you ever said or heard the following: “Without customers, there is no retail. Or, without buyers, I wouldn't have a job."
Better:"I'll be glad to help you"

15. You are wrong
Of course, the buyers are not always right, but the seller should never tell the buyers that they are wrong. In such cases, you should always take the blame.
Better:"I think there's been a misunderstanding"

The success of sales directly depends on the correct approach to a potential buyer. It is no coincidence that employers who work in the field of trade are introducing various systems employee incentives. Those consultants who manage to attract more buyers receive more impressive income. Proper communication with the client is the key to success. There are 5 main stages of sales that every sales assistant should know about.

Stage one - establishing contact

The first impression of a person is the most important. This opinion is indeed justified and applies not only to communication in ordinary life. It matters how the store will be presented for the first time in the eyes of a potential buyer. And if the consultant manages to make a good impression, the sales volume will definitely be increased. At the same time, you can not ignore the client or be intrusive. You should choose the "golden mean".

In this business, those who are able to recognize the type of client at a glance become successful. Some potential buyers do not like contacting them, they are sure that they themselves will be able to ask a consultant a question if necessary. Others are waiting for attention to their nature immediately upon arrival at the store. And if the seller does not pay attention to such a client, the impression of the outlet will be negative. All these points should be clearly understood by a successful sales assistant in a clothing, footwear, household appliances etc.

How should a person who works in the field of trade behave? As soon as a potential customer crosses the threshold of the store, you should definitely smile and greet him. Over the next few seconds, you need to evaluate the buyer, to understand whether he needs help. Then you can turn to the client with the question “Is there something to suggest to you?” In case of refusal, in no case should it be imposed.

Also plays an important role appearance store employee. Even the most the best technique sales assistant sales assistant will not work if he looks untidy. The employee of the market must be well-groomed. It is good if the dress code is respected in the store.

Stage two - recognition of needs

A good sales assistant can in any case increase sales and sell goods that are not in demand. However, in this way it will not be possible to establish contact with a potential buyer for long-term cooperation. It is important to find out what exactly the client came for, what he is really interested in. How can I do that? First of all, you need to let the person talk without interrupting him. Active listening is the key to success. The only thing you can do is ask a few clarifying questions. So if we are talking about shoes, it is worth clarifying what size and color a potential buyer is interested in.

The sales assistant technique involves choosing questions that begin with the words “when?”, “Where?”, “For what purpose?” (for example: “Where do you plan to use this or that shoe model?”). Potential buyers will not be able to answer “yes” or “no” to such questions. He will have to provide detailed information that the seller can use to offer several product options at once. The buyer will certainly be able to choose one of the proposed models.

The most important qualities of the seller at this stage are: courtesy, goodwill, ability to listen. Patience is a quality that also has great importance. The seller will have to deal with a variety of buyers. Many of them will find it difficult to formulate their wishes. But statements like “you yourself do not know what you want” in relation to the client are not allowed.

Stage three - product presentation

If communication with the client went well in the first two stages, the buyer managed to figure out in which direction to proceed further. It is necessary to offer a potential buyer several models of the selected product at once, describe their benefits. Do not persuade a person to a more expensive model. There is a risk that a potential buyer will generally abandon the idea of ​​​​buying goods here and now.

What should be the sales technique of a clothing sales assistant? The specialist found out why the buyer came to the store. Next, you should ask clarifying questions and offer a potential buyer several suitable options. At the same time, it is worth assessing the physical parameters of a person, in no case discussing them aloud. So, you should not offer a woman with impressive forms a tight-fitting mini dress.

Communicating in the client's language is another important step. A person should feel comfortable in the store. If the consultant uses professional slang, calls the product with words unknown to the buyer, then most likely it will not be possible to increase sales. The consultant will be able to show his competence in a completely different way - offering a potential buyer product options that really suit him.

Stage four - questions and objections

Any objections and questions from a potential buyer - good sign. Such moments should not scare the seller. After all, they show that the client is really interested in purchasing the product. Any questions are steps that lead to a successful completion of the transaction. The task of the seller is to correctly answer any objections, to persuade the client to buy.

Consultants who have learned how to work with objections can consider themselves true masters. Indeed, for this it is necessary not only to have complete information about the product that is being presented, but also have the skills of a psychologist. It is important to understand the very essence of the buyer's objection in order to find an appropriate answer or offer an alternative product.

"Too expensive!" - this is the objection sellers hear most often. Discussing the cost is a separate moment of successful sales. The consultant must be able to argue the price of a particular model. What should be the sales technique of a phone sales assistant? The specialist should explain that a particular model costs more because it is made in England and not in China. In its manufacture were used durable materials. The buyer must understand that by buying a cheaper model, he receives only a temporary benefit.

What if the potential buyer agrees with all the arguments of the store specialist, but simply does not have the full amount to purchase the goods now? The sales technique of a sales assistant involves the promotion of not only store products, but also partners. So, almost any outlet cooperates with banks that can issue a loan for a particular product. This information should be provided to a potential buyer.

Stage five - closing the deal

The final stage of sales is the most difficult. The client still doubts whether he should make a purchase, and the seller is afraid of being refused. Now it is important not to step back. In most cases, buyers are waiting to be nudged into action. They already had the product in their hands, and parting with it can be quite difficult. At this stage, you can remind the indecisive buyer that, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the goods can be returned to the store within 14 days. This argument usually goes in favor of the sale. Although in reality no more than 5% of purchases are returned.

Pushing a doubting client into action should be unobtrusive. In this case, the likelihood that a person wants to return to a particular outlet increases. It is recommended to further encourage the client - offer him a discount on the next product or issue a discount card.

The success of a consultant directly depends on the chosen sales technique. The 5 stages described above are fundamental. But you should also be aware of the mistakes that most novice sellers make. If you manage to avoid them, your income will increase significantly.

Mistake #1: Not Listening

A seller who knows everything about the product and talks about it in silence will not be able to become successful. To really interest the buyer, you need to let him speak. The client must tell why exactly he came, what he would like to see in the proposed model. In no case should it give the impression that the seller is imposing something on a potential buyer. A consultant is an assistant who guides the client to the right choice.

Listening to the interlocutor, the seller must understand when and how to ask clarifying questions. If a potential client loses interest in communication, this should be noticed. The first 10-15 seconds of contact between the seller and the buyer who has come to the store are the most important. It will be easy to win over the client if you take notes during the meeting and conversation with him. Such a moment necessarily involves the sales technique of a furniture sales assistant. When ordering this or that model, the buyer must be sure that he was understood correctly and in the end he will really get such a sofa (bed, cabinet, wardrobe) that he wants.

Another important rule: if the conversation has reached a dead end, it should be stopped. Aggressiveness and obsession are traits that do not paint the seller. If the buyer receives negative emotions from communication, he will never want to return to the store again.

Mistake Two - Ignore the Buyer's Point of View

Each seller should carefully study the chosen sales technique, the 5 stages of which are described above. The correct presentation of this or that model is a necessity. However, it is worth remembering that the buyer turns to the store, based on their own benefit. He does not always care whether a particular product is the most in demand on the market (this is what most sellers report during the presentation).

Be sure to study the buyer's point of view. A person came to the store to buy cheap shoes? No need to dissuade him and report that economical models do not last long. The client himself knows what is more profitable for him. The footwear sales assistant's sales technique should include the presentation of models from various price categories.

Mistake three - to convince, not to explain

Beginning salespeople are confident that they will be able to increase profits if they drive the buyer into a corner, describe all the benefits of a particular product and achieve a purchase. It is possible that on the way of such consultants there will be weak clients who will nevertheless bring the deal to the end. But even such buyers will not want to return to the store again.

In no case should the seller aggressively convince the client that this or that product is the most beneficial for him. All that needs to be done is to argue the real benefit for the buyer. The sales technique of a sales assistant should include polite communication, clarification of the client's desires. If a person does not make contact, it is impossible to impose. Only if the buyer is really interested in the product and asks questions, it is worthwhile to honestly explain to him why it is worth making a purchase.

Mistake #4: Underestimating the Buyer's Intelligence

When a sales assistant comes to a clothing store for the first time, he does not know how to behave with potential customers. All the people who visit the outlet seem exactly the same. At the same time, many inexperienced sellers may underestimate the capabilities of the client. A consultant who talks about the benefits of acquiring a particular dress to a stylist looks rather funny. A successful seller must be able to evaluate buyers almost at a glance. This will avoid a funny situation.

Overestimating the mental capabilities of a potential buyer is another big mistake. When a consultant begins to operate with professional words that are not clear to everyone, a person feels his own incompetence in this matter. It’s good if the client is not embarrassed, wants to ask again and still makes contact. Many buyers decide to end the conversation if the information provided is not clear to them.

Active offer of additional services

How else can you interest a potential buyer? It is worth actively promoting additional products and services. The possibility of obtaining a particular product on credit has already been mentioned earlier. Additionally, you can offer the buyer to insure the purchase. This service is especially relevant in mobile communication salons. Perhaps the client will agree to purchase a more expensive smartphone if he is told that he can be insured against falls or theft.

What products can be additionally offered in clothing stores? It will be possible to increase sales very well with the help of various accessories. If the buyer came for trousers, you can offer him a belt or socks. Neckerchiefs and tights are also on sale. More income can be obtained if preparations for sales have been made correctly. Related products should be placed side by side on the shelves. Clothing stores also do well with additional services, such as a discount on dry cleaning, tailoring, and the possibility of delivering goods.

Client base

Those who decide to devote their lives to sales should start their own customer base. All you need to do is save the buyer's data when making a transaction. In the future, using the specified number or email, you can notify the client about the arrival of a new product or discounts on old products. Such tactics must necessarily include the sales technique of a sales assistant of household appliances. A person who bought a refrigerator will sooner or later need a microwave or a slow cooker. In addition, any technique eventually fails. In addition, the client can tell about the possible benefits to his relatives and friends. In this case, sales will grow exponentially.

Even more effective will be direct contact with the client through phone call. During the conversation, you can interest a potential buyer with new promotions and great deals. In this case, it is also important not to impose. Already from the first seconds of communication, a professional sales assistant must understand whether the conversation is interesting to the client.

Anyone can become a successful salesperson. The main thing is not to despair and try to correct the mistakes made. It is also important to choose the right field of activity. So, a woman who is not well versed in automotive technology, most likely, will not be able to achieve great success in an auto parts store. Also, the male sales assistant is not the best option for women's underwear salon.

Phrases for sellers

Using the right phrases for salespeople can make all the difference, especially at the start of a conversation. You will never get another chance to create the right impression. Either you start the conversation successfully and your phrase gets you in touch, or the communication fails and your commission goes with the buyer. The phrases of the seller to the buyer should cause a desire to keep the conversation going, and not look for a reason to refuse it.

Below we provide a list of sales consultant phrases that are undesirable for use, because they have long acquired the form of a "hackneyed cliché", are perceived negatively by buyers, and can often cause them irritation. In some cases, these phrases will work if a person urgently needs something or if he came to buy in good mood. But more often than not, using these phrases will incur anger, boredom, or create a negative image in the mind of the buyer.

List of unsolicited seller phrases:

How can I help you?

Do you have something to suggest?

If you have any questions, please contact (phrase to send off the buyer)

Are you interested in something? (“No, I just stand there for half an hour and look at the window!”, Think again, what is the best question to ask in such a situation)

Good afternoon My name is Max. I . How can I ... (the buyer did not listen to the end and already fell asleep)

Hello, my name is Maxim, I will be your seller! (too presumptuous phrase, besides, this is how waiters most often establish contact)

I can advise you ... (ready to advise, then be ready to answer for advice!)

What amount do you expect?

But how then to start a conversation? Are there any correct seller phrases and examples of working expressions that help establish contact? Yes, there are such phrases! And they work best when they're tailored to your store, inventory, and the characteristics of each individual sales assistant.

A big role in the use of words at the beginning of a conversation with a buyer is played by the mentality, culture, and habitual forms of communication, which may differ from each other even in neighboring cities, not to mention different countries. We invite you to get acquainted with the list of phrases used by sellers in various countries of the world. Your task is to think about which phrases are suitable for customers of your store, and which ones are definitely not!

Phrases of a sales assistant for all occasions:

  • Good afternoon It's great that you came to visit us!
  • Welcome to the most welcoming store!
  • Could you help us? We want to put a new carpet here. Which of these patterns do you like the most?
  • (Walk past with a few small boxes in your hands.) Could you do me a favor? Please fix the top box. You know, if one falls, then they all collapse.
  • I noticed that your daughter has pierced ears. I also have a girl about her age. She so dreamed about it
  • I I see you are wearing a jacket with the name of a rock band. Would you be at their concert yesterday?
  • May I ask you? Do you think women prefer candy or flowers on Valentine's Day?
  • I noticed you left the barbershop. What stylist do you cut your hair with?
  • It's very hot outside today, isn't it?

  • Twins! Double the hassle, double the fun! How many are they?
  • How did you celebrate yesterday's holiday?
  • What a great dress! How long do you think it took to sew on all those sequins?
  • You have a wonderful French braid. How much time did it take?
  • Someone was in today McDonald's ! Your children are also constantly asking for McDonald's? Mine are asking.
  • It's hard to believe that it hasn't rained for so long. Have you already started storing water for future use?
  • I see you are wearing a Zenith T-shirt". Do you think they will win the playoff?
  • Spent all day in this store. What do you hear about the launch of the "shuttle"?
  • There are three days off. How is the traffic on the street?
  • Great tan! Do you have this skin color or have you just returned from vacation?

  • Did you watch the Oscars broadcast last night?
  • Oh, these are new model skis! Where will you try them out?
  • You have bought so many books from the bookstore. What kind of books did you buy?
  • May I have your opinion? The buyer has just ordered this model. Do you think we should order it too?
  • God, plaster! What happened to your hand?
  • We've got a little argument here. When do you think is the best time to hang holiday decorations in the store?
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