We are opening a household chemicals store. Business plan for a household chemicals and cosmetics store. How to calculate the profitability of a household chemicals store

Store opening household chemicals in Russia can be safely attributed to promising solutions. The expected volume of the segment in 2016 is 202.7 billion rubles. Consumption of products is growing, and therefore the industry is surviving the crisis period well. The characteristic features here are fierce competition, specialization of goods, as well as the hegemony of large producers - transnational corporations. Even after the launch of the import substitution program, foreign companies remain the key players. Domestic factories are completely dependent on foreign raw materials.

Manufacturer's name

A country

Most Popular Brands

Ariel, Fairy ,Tide, Mr.Proper, Dreft, "Myth", Ace, Lenor, Comet


Prill, Pemolux, Pemos, Persil, Laska, Somat, Clin, Losk, Vernel, Deni, Bref

"Nefis Cosmetics"

Bimax, Aos, “Forest Glade”, Sorti, “Feather” “Biolan”, Love, “Healing Herbs”

Reckitt Benckiser


Cillit Bang, Calgon, Harpic, Vanish, Mortein, Finish, Woolite

"Nevskaya Cosmetics"

“Sarma”, “Eared Nanny”, “Lotus”, “Regular”, “Max”, “Index”, “Villi”, “Mr.

England (British-Irish corporation)

Glorix, Domestos, Cif

“BOS”, “Stork”, “Lapis Lazuli”, “Kapel”, “Cashmere”, “Yat”

The rating reflects the preferences of domestic consumers, and therefore should be taken into account when creating the store’s assortment. Data on market segmentation will also help in compiling a product line. In 2016, household chemicals are understood as:

· dishwashing detergents;

· washing powders, gels and capsules;

cleaning agents;


At the same time, the main share of sales is made up of the first two categories. In 2014, the purchase of liquid detergents reached 130 million liters. The growth in demand for products is due to changes in the lifestyle of Russians. Already about 11% of families have purchased dishwashers. With the spread of automatic machines, the frequency of washing clothes has increased to 2 - 3 times a week.

The business plan for a household chemicals store will need to take into account consumer behavior. For this purpose, you can use materials from marketing research and social surveys. Thus, according to the report of the scientific and technological revolution monitoring center, Russians have become more demanding about product safety. Buyers prefer products that do not contain harmful phosphates, chlorine or sodium perborate. For example, bleaches based on hydrogen peroxide are of increased interest.

Demand for generic goods has fallen. Specialized developments came first: powders for colored clothing, gels for delicate cleaning of materials, care products for ceramic surfaces, etc. The selection criteria were:

· price;

safety for the environment;

Minimal toxicity

presence in the composition of natural components;


Interestingly, the top sellers were washing powders packaged in 3-5 kg ​​bags. Once popular packs of 400 gr. have lost their relevance. Great importance for Russians, the brand also has.

Please note that only the powder produced under the BiMax brand can be called a completely Russian product. The reason for this phenomenon is considered to be the low quality of domestic household chemicals. Many developments of transnational corporations have best characteristics and sold at an affordable price.

Experts agree on characteristic features modern consumer:

reads labels

· compares the promised and actual result;

well versed in the assortment.

Information about certification, successful testing, and laboratory research has a noticeable influence on the buyer’s choice. The country's population prefers to use technological and modern products.

Rules for registering a business and opening a store

In most cases, trade in household chemicals is carried out on behalf of an individual entrepreneur. In practice, there are also sellers operating in the form of an LLC. We discussed in detail the procedure for registering these types of businesses in previous articles. You can get up-to-date information and.

Table No. 2 Basic requirements for a household chemicals store

Evaluation criterion



Not less than 18 sq.m.

The restriction was introduced by GOST R 51773-2009


Lighting, heating, staff toilet, ventilation

The list of requirements is the same for all non-food retail outlets


Detached or attached buildings, non-residential floors of apartment buildings

The store must have an isolated entrance, an area for unloading goods, and separate garbage containers

Fire safety

Evacuation plans, instructions for personnel on rules of conduct in case of fire, fire extinguishing equipment

The owner of a retail outlet is obliged to organize training for employees to follow instructions once every 6 months, introduce a smoking ban in warehouses, closed premises, in the entrance area of ​​the store (with the placement of appropriate signs), ensure regular checks of the condition of fire fighting equipment, as well as eliminate cluttering of aisles, maintain fire-fighting distances

Sanitary and hygienic standards

Notification to territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor

The notification procedure and document form were approved by government decree No. 584 of July 16, 2009

Retail trade in household chemicals is carried out by taxpayers who have chosen OKVED during registration for the following classifier positions:

Note! When registering with the state, an entrepreneur indicates at least 3 activity codes. There is no maximum limit. We recommend that you include all possible items in your application. The optimal number of OKVED will be 5 – 6.

The future entrepreneur will also have to choose a tax regime. Each of the existing systems has its own characteristics. Comparative characteristics we cited in one of the previous articles. UTII and simplified tax system are suitable for small retail outlets.

Legal features of sales of household chemicals

Legal regulation of commercial activities is carried out by dozens of regulations. In addition to general documents, the future entrepreneur will have to study a number of industry instructions and standards. In particular, we recommend paying attention to the following sources:

· sales rules approved by government decree No. 55 of January 19, 1998 (section 10);

· decision of the Customs Union Commission No. 299 of May 28, 2010 (requirements for consumer labeling);

· Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 390 of April 25, 2012 (fire safety regime for retail facilities);

· order of the Ministry of Trade of the RSFSR No. 117 dated 10.1191, taking into account the provisions of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (norms for losses during transportation).

Exactly these regulations determine the specifics of the work of a household chemicals store. The owner of the outlet is obliged to ensure compliance with the established requirements under the threat of sanctions.

1) Pre-sale preparation

All goods received at the warehouse must undergo preliminary inspection. The responsible employee is obliged to assess the integrity of the packaging, the availability of information about the composition, properties, rules of use and storage. At the same time, store employees study the accompanying documents, checking data on quantities, articles and grades. Products are removed from shipping containers, grouped according to their intended purpose and placed on display cases.

At the federal level, a number of strict requirements for product information have been established. The packaging must contain the following information:

· Name;

· information about the manufacturer;

· list of components;

· details of the technical certificate, if required;

· rules of use and storage.

Failure to comply with the instructions may result in long-term legal proceedings and sanctions from regulatory authorities. Thus, an entrepreneur from the Smolensk region had to defend his interests in an arbitration court. The owner of the store was brought to administrative responsibility for selling “Volshebnitsa” dishwashing detergent. There was no information about the composition on the packaging. He was able to defend his case and get the punishment overturned only in the cassation court. In this case, the argument was a violation of a procedural rather than a material nature (resolution of the FAS CO in case A62-4477/01 dated 02/03/03).

2) Sales procedure

Retail sales of household chemicals are permitted in different formats. Acceptable options for organizing a business are:

· traditional stationary store;

self-service halls;


· virtual platforms;

· trade from a car (depending on the region).

Household chemicals are classified as goods that are not subject to exchange or return regulations. This means that customers will be able to refuse products after payment only if they are confirmed to be of poor quality. Let us also remind you that upon purchase, the visitor has the right to inspect the packaging and read all the certificates and instructions. Checking products in aerosol cans inside a store is prohibited.

3) Documentation of the point of sale

When organizing sales, do not forget about the obligation to inform the potential buyer. The outlet must have a so-called consumer corner. Standard set of documents located in open access, includes:

· copies of registration certificates;

· printed version of the law on consumer protection;

· book of suggestions and complaints;

a copy of the notice territorial bodies Rospotrebnadzor on the start of trading activities;

· evacuation plan in case of fire;

· contact details of regulatory services;

· list of persons served out of turn;

· layout of control scales if the goods are sold by weight;

· rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55.

Note! The complaint book must be stitched with clerical thread and sealed. All sheets in the document are numbered to avoid unauthorized deletion of negative reviews. The absence of certain documents on the information stand threatens the entrepreneur with an administrative fine.

So, in Novosibirsk region The owner of the retail store was brought to justice. The inspectors did not find a printed version of the rules for the sale of certain goods in the consumer's corner and imposed a punishment in accordance with Art. 14.15 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Considering case No. F04-3817/2006 (23794-A45-19), the FAS ZSO confirmed the legality of the sanctions.

In addition, employees of household chemical stores are required to have documents for the goods. The standard package includes waybills, instructions for storage and use, invoices, certificates or declarations of conformity.

4) Organization of settlements with visitors

The procedure for registering transactions for the sale of goods at retail depends on the chosen mode. Until 2018, UTII payers are not required to use cash register equipment. It is enough for them to issue customers a sales receipt indicating the name, quantity and cost of the product. In this case, the lack of documents confirming the purchase will not be an obstacle to filing claims.

If the simplified tax system is chosen as the tax system, you will have to register a cash register. Registration of the device is free of charge upon application from the store manager. The equipment must meet modern requirements, that is, have a device for transmitting fiscal data to the operator.

In addition to a cash register, you will have to open a current account. The law contains a direct indication of concluding an agreement with a bank only in relation to legal entities. In fact, an entrepreneur will also need the tool. Experts made this conclusion after analyzing the rules on paying for goods with cards. A special terminal must be installed at the point of sale. The device is issued only after opening a current account.

In conclusion, let us draw attention to the need for a detailed elaboration of the scheme of relationships with suppliers. Although Russian market household chemicals are monopolized by foreign companies, there is no need to go through customs procedures. The overwhelming number of retailers successfully cooperate with official dealers and wholesale stores. The parties determine the terms of transactions independently, guided by civil law.

Washing powders, dishwashing liquids, floor shampoos and other household chemicals are used by modern housewives and homeowners almost every day. Trade in this group of goods does not require special permission, and long shelf life and simple storage conditions allow you not to worry about leftover goods on the shelves.

It is not surprising that the retail market for household chemicals very quickly filled with active entrepreneurs and became highly competitive. As a result, the profitability of this business fell to its minimum. Only high turnover allows you to get significant discounts from wholesalers and, as a result, get additional margin.

Despite the fact that the main competition is between chain stores of household chemicals, which are actively making money on economies of scale, a small private store, with a thoughtful approach, can also find its place in the sun in the market for goods that make washing and cleaning easier.

Choosing a location.

Location is one of the main factors for the success of a household chemicals store. Try to find a premises that is located along the path of your target customers. Most likely, this will be a location near a busy intersection, a popular public transport stop, and no more than a 10-15 minute walk from residential areas.

Observe the natural flow of people around your future store. Please note that people usually buy detergents and cleaning products on the way home or on weekends.

Your store or department should be located in an area with high population density, ideally in a residential area of ​​the city. Agree, we wash our hair and wash our clothes at home. Often, this is not always possible, but your counter should be the only one in a large space; simply, there should be no competitors around.

Try to ensure that there is no competing household chemicals store nearby, especially network format. Actively negotiate with the owner of the premises about the terms of the lease - low rent will give you an additional competitive advantage.

The city center, as a place to open a retail outlet, is also quite attractive; a huge number of people live in the city center, central regions There are a large number of offices in cities that also need household chemicals.

It is possible that luck will smile on you and you will find a cozy little corner in the central residential areas, where the shortage of large retail space has become an obstacle to chain stores with a self-service system. Installing additional signs and signs will attract customers whose usual route runs away from your store.

Business organization.

Today the easiest way is to start your own business as an individual entrepreneur without education legal entity. What in colloquial speech You will often hear it in the form of the abbreviation “IP”. Choose the most favorable tax regime for your new business.

Under current legislation, trade in household chemicals does not require licensing. But the organization of the store automatically leads to the need for coordination with the fire and sanitary and epidemiological services.

Feel free to be pedantic when negotiating and paperwork for the supply of goods to your store. Do not neglect requesting product certificates. Your high demands on suppliers will reduce the risk of losses due to their fault.

assortment policy.

The choice of specific groups and commodity items for your store is primarily determined by the requests of your future customers. If you decide to focus on a mass audience, then form the assortment with the most popular positions of different price categories.

Avoid too wide a selection. Advertising and marketing support from manufacturers and suppliers will help you understand better.

  • Laundry products – washing powders and fabric softeners;
  • Cleaning and cleaning products - liquids for dishes, grease removers, cleaning powders and gels for kitchen, bathroom, toilets, liquids for washing windows, floors, etc.;
  • Personal care products - various soaps, shampoos and rinses for hair and body, as well as razors, pads, paper napkins, handkerchiefs, toilet paper etc;
  • Accessories and other auxiliary materials for washing, cleaning, personal hygiene (all kinds of napkins, rags, sponges, brushes, scrapers, gloves).

Often, additional product groups are cosmetics-care products (scrubs, lotions, face and body creams) and decorative cosmetics.

If there are many young families with small children living in the neighborhood of your future store, then take a closer look at product groups designed for small children - cosmetics, hygiene products for babies, diapers.

Also choose the store’s operating hours with the consumer in mind and taking into account effective trading hours. Most likely, the main flow of consumers will occur in the evening, after the end of the traditional working day at most enterprises in your city.

It is possible that in the morning and afternoon your main customers will be people of retirement age and young mothers with small children. You can easily determine the composition of your future customers by daily observing the flow of pedestrians in different time days. Household chemicals are not among the goods that are in demand by customers around the clock.

Store promotion.

At first, you will make an effort to inform your potential buyers about the opening of the store, the range of products and special offers. You will need to provide an effective navigation system for pedestrians to guide them to your store.

Household chemicals store sign

Your next task is to do everything possible so that the first buyers come to you again and begin to recommend your store to their surroundings - family members, neighbors, colleagues. In its solution, you will be helped by point pricing for different commodity items, the use of discounts or small gifts, the right assortment and the courtesy of sellers.

Revenue management.

The average trade markup on household chemical goods usually does not exceed 15%. The main cost items in this case will be rent and labor costs. The minimum turnover required for break-even trading should be approximately 10 times the amount of the cost of rent and wages for the store staff (including tax deductions for the wage fund).

Additional opportunities for growing your income are hidden in understanding the desires of your customers and focusing on them. A clear positioning of the store will allow you to distance yourself from competitors and ensure customer loyalty.

For example, you can offer your customers household chemicals with a low load on environment and with minimal negative impact on the body. If the store is located in an office environment, then you have the opportunity to provide them with detergents and cleaning products.

If your customers are interested in having goods delivered to their home or office, consider this opportunity. Customers will be more inclined towards a store that accepts payment in different forms - cash, non-cash, using bank cards.

Starting your own business in household chemicals is risky, but it is possible. The main thing is to carefully monitor your potential consumers, evaluate related product items and services that may be in demand in this highly competitive market.


If you decide to open own business, then household chemicals may be one of the options demanded by buyers. It will bring a decent income if you know how to open a household chemicals store and approach this task competently and correctly. Such products are in demand every day. It doesn’t matter where the store will open - in the city or in the countryside.

It is possible to open a business from scratch. Such products are one of the most attractive areas in trade, according to most entrepreneurs. Business requires the presence large quantity competitors in the market. Every entrepreneur wants to oust them. In order for a business to develop successfully, it is necessary to offer customers something new: firms and forms of products that are rare. It is necessary to seize the moment and make the store original in everything, including advertising.

You can try to open a department of handmade products prepared by yourself at home to diversify the standard assortment.

So, how to organize a store to sell these products from scratch, which will bring you high and stable income and undeniable profit?

Selecting a room

One of important factors The success of the future store is the choice of premises and its location. It should be a pleasure for visitors to enter and purchase the necessary for daily use.

Room selection:

  • center;
  • rent of a large area;
  • an area that is not very crowded, but due to advertising will be popular throughout the city.

The more effective the advertising, the faster visitors will notice the business. An advertising campaign offered to residents of a city or rural area should correspond to their preferences and expected cost. Then the store will give a head start to its competitors and attract customers.

Business requires high-quality and effective promotion, regardless of its category. After renting a room, it is important to treat it carefully. Customers must visit a clean and tidy store: goods are placed on shelves according to name and type. In order for buyers to appreciate your trading enterprise, this is very important.

It's easy to open your own business

Beginning entrepreneurs should be meticulous in collecting the basic package of documents in order to establish their own store of relevant products. One of the suitable legal forms for small business is an individual entrepreneur. There is no need for specialized licenses for full and trouble-free content and running a store. It is recommended to purchase documents from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

When ordering goods from suppliers, to ensure your own legal security, you need to request a product certificate. Contracts must be concluded competently and safely. The business of these products from scratch can offer potential buyers a wide range of products - from soap to powders. On sale there may be skin care products, hair care products, nail care products and other little things that everyone needs.

Working moments

Before organizing a store, you need to think about competent personnel selection:

  • result-oriented;
  • interested in stable income;
  • ensuring the active attraction of customer attention and the successful implementation of the enterprise’s activities.

Consider the overall costs of starting a business and employees. Set aside their future salary for a few months. In the future, wages will be calculated from the company’s revenue, based on the performance of each employee.

If you decide to open a store, it is important to decide on the opening hours. You should not close before nine o'clock in the evening. After work, customers will be happy to come in to buy a similar product.

The main and pressing question is how to establish a store for the relevant products and what documentation and licenses are necessary for the full operation of the enterprise.

To establish a store you will need some documents.

  • Permission to sell this product. Issued by the prefecture.
  • Permission from the location and the right to operate the enterprise. Issued by Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Expertise from the SES.
  • Program concerning sanitary and industrial control.
  • A concluded agreement for pest control procedures at various levels.
  • Regulatory documents that you need to open and maintain entrepreneurial activity store for these products.
  • Other documentation for the full sale of goods.

There is no need to go to extremes: open early in the morning when other shops of a similar level are not open. If you open a store too early, it will not bring decent profits. Customers will not come to buy goods at this time. Offer exclusive new items for sale. Make more profitable promotions so that your business is beyond competition!

You can also sell cosmetics with this product without charging inflated prices. The only exception is for professional cosmetics.

When starting a business, you don’t have to worry about renting premises or buying it as your own. Can be purchased ready business by franchise. With the help of lawyers, check the legality of the activities of the former directors and the “purity” of the enterprise. Companies sold for pennies often engaged in dishonest activities and may have debt that passes to the new owners.

The success of running a business from scratch can be achieved by offering customers constant good discounts and promotions, in addition, by offering goods for sale without a markup or with a markup, but at a minimum level. The buyer will remember the chemical store as one of the most profitable.

It is profitable to organize a chemical trading store if certain conditions are met.

  • The need for products for housewives.
  • Long shelf life of goods on store displays.
  • Availability of unique European-level products that competitors do not have.
  • Opportunity to trade on both large and small scales.
  • Opened in crowded places, even a small kiosk selling essential household and beauty products will attract many housewives.
  • The ability to search for manufacturers of new and exclusive products and conclude agreements with them for sale in your own store.

Opening a chemical retail store is easy. It may be suitable for this small room, but with cosmetic repairs, fully purchased equipment and a cozy atmosphere. If you decide to open a small shop, then make it a holiday for potential visitors. This will be an ideal advertising campaign in the further sale of products.

Over time, trade can be developed into a network that attracts more visitors. In order for a store to pay off well after the first months of opening, it must become attractive for purchases.

The lower the cost of goods compared to similar retail outlets, the more promotions and special offers for visitors, the greater the profit.

Product option for successful business is the sale of hypoallergenic products that are not harmful to health. Soap and various handmade cosmetics have earned no less popularity. However, there are many offers and outlets with this product on the market. With such cosmetics you will not become competitive.

It’s easy to open a business selling goods from scratch! The main thing is to approach the process competently.

The business plan justifies the possibility of opening a household chemicals store. To justify positive results When opening a store, the necessary amount of calculations were carried out, which can later be used as the basis for your business plan. The calculations performed made it possible to show the profitability of the business project and take into account the accumulated experience and results of work on other similar developments and take into account the features of the FCMG market. The calculations are made in Excel, which makes them easy to change. You will be able to independently assess the financial attractiveness of opening a household chemicals store, determine investment goals, payback periods and profitability. You will also be able to present your own business project to a banking or financial credit organization.


Objective of the project: launch of a household chemicals store in Ulan-Ude

Project objectives: launching a convenience store on the household chemicals market for a wide target audience of 14 years and older with low and average incomes relative to the region.

Initiator of the project

The initiator is a private entrepreneur who wants to open a household chemicals store. According to him, there are no convenience stores in the city with the main category of goods being household chemicals. The initiator has experience in trading in the non-food FCMG sector and believes that such a store will be able to generate income and pay for itself within an acceptable time frame.

Investment costs

Initial capital investment (in rubles):

  1. Registration with tax authorities: 14000 rub..
  2. Security deposit for renting retail space: RUB 36,000.
  3. Obtaining permission from sanitary authorities: 10000 rub.
  4. Finishing of the retail area: 150,000 rub..
  5. Making a sign: 25,000 rub..
  6. Entrance refurbishment: 30,000 rub..
  7. RUR 267,800.
  8. Purchase of goods: 400,000 rub..
  9. Starting advertising costs: RUB 56,000.

Total investment: RUB 988,800, rounded to 1 million rubles

The work space is a one-room apartment on the ground floor of a residential building, converted by the owner into commercial real estate, with its own exit to the street. The reconstruction of the premises was agreed upon and carried out by the owner several years before the start of the project. The fire alarm required for household chemical stores has already been installed.

Project financing

Investments are planned in the amount of 1.5 million rubles. Capital expenses are 1 million rubles, working expenses are 500 thousand rubles. The initiator plans to invest in opening the store: 700 thousand. own funds and 800 thousand rubles. receives in the form of a loan received from a bank at 14% per annum.

Project payback

Planned payback for a household chemicals store:

  • NPV - 5103.52 rubles;
  • The simple payback period for the store is 24 months;
  • The discounted payback period for the store is 25 months.

Suppliers and contractors

The rented area will undergo cosmetic renovations. The sales area and ventilation system are being updated, which is required to comply with SNIP. The renovation allows for interior design uniform style. The repairs are carried out by a team of builders selected by the project initiator.

Furniture and equipment will be purchased from a company that supplies equipment to commercial enterprises. The supplier was selected by the initiator, who had experience working with the supplier company, was familiar with its pricing policy and had discounts.


Main groups of products presented in the store:

  • Hygiene products (soap, shampoos, toothpaste, etc.)
  • Hygiene products for children
  • Products for washing and treating fabrics and leather goods
  • Fertilizers and reagents
  • Household goods, garden tools, disposable tableware
  • Packaging materials


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists you will save time and increase quality finished document 4-5 times and increase your chances of receiving investments by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment size

Capital investments amount to 1.5 million rubles, of which:

  • working capital: 500 thousand rubles.
  • capital investment for opening a store: 1 million rubles. (rounded up from RUB 998,800)

Investments in capital funds are given below:

Name of works/products/services



Registration with tax authorities

Security deposit for renting retail space

Obtaining permission from sanitary authorities

Room renovation

Making a sign

Refurbishment of the entrance

Purchase of commercial equipment and furniture:

Cash register with bank card acceptance

Barcode reader

Storage Sections

Rear trade stands

Trade counters with showcase

Counter table


Purchase of goods

Launching a video on the radio

Group on VK and Odnoklassniki

Total investment

Investment work plan

The work and investments necessary for their implementation will be carried out according to the following schedule:

The amount to pay for the patent for the first half of the year is paid for 6 months. the amount is included in the calculation, but can be paid out of profit. All other patent payments are paid from profits.

Production plan


Work space - a one-room apartment on the ground floor of a residential building with a total area of ​​38.5 m², of which 12 m² is a sales area (room), 7.5 m² is an office space, 4 m² is a warehouse converted from a bathroom, 2 m² - bathroom There are two entrances: the main one from the street, the second from the yard, through the entrance of a residential building.


Equipping the store by purchasing the necessary equipment and furniture from a supplier company that professionally sells and supplies equipment for retail businesses. The purchase amount is included in capital investments.

Store time

The store will be open from 8.00-21.00 without breaks and weekends. On Fridays an inventory of goods is carried out.

Sales process

The procedure for selling consumer products classified as “Household Chemicals” product group for retail outlets is regulated by the provisions of Section 10 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Rules for the sale of certain types of goods ...” No. 55 of January 19, 1998 (as amended on December 23, 2016) According to this document, it is mandatory to:

  1. Providing the consumer with complete information:
    • Name of product;
    • information about the manufacturer;
    • data on the chemical composition of the product and possible hazardous, potentially hazardous and harmful substances;
    • about the procedure for use;
  2. Certificate of conformity and technical certificate (for products with statutory requirements requiring confirmation of its suitability when used for construction purposes);
  3. Ensuring the required storage conditions for goods, with legally established special storage requirements.
  4. Products must undergo pre-sale preparation before display:
    • the container used during transportation is removed;
    • information about the manufacturer and composition of the product is checked;
    • goods are sorted by types and groups;
    • checking the integrity of packaging containers. For household chemicals in aerosol packaging, the functioning is checked;
    • the availability of instructions on how to use the product is checked;
    • quality is verified based on external signs;
    • price reconciliation against invoices and price tags.
  5. Providing merchandising. Arrangement into groups and types, according to the purpose of the products, and in order to ensure better visibility.
  6. Testing the functioning of products in aerosol packaging is prohibited in enclosed spaces.

Sales are carried out in the following sequence:

  • Greeting and establishing contact with a possible client;
  • Clarification of needs;
  • Offering products that can satisfy needs;
  • Overcoming objections;
  • Making a sale;
  • Farewell to the buyer.

Cost of services

The margin on goods is set at 40% of the sales price.

Marketing plan

To promote the store starting from 2 months. From the beginning of the project the following marketing tools are used:

  1. Launching a video on the radio
  2. Group on VK and Odnoklassniki
  3. Advertisements in local newspapers
  4. Preparation and distribution of advertising leaflets

In the future, SMM promotion, direct marketing and distribution of leaflets and advertising booklets are carried out.

The target audience

Target audience: residents of nearby houses. Mostly family women over the age of 18 years, married and with children (80%), men over the age of 18 years. For the latter, a special group of products is being introduced into the assortment: car cosmetics.

Below you can see the seasonality graph:

Competition and location

A residential area with a high population density.

The main competitor is convenience stores that are part of federal or regional chains. The problem is that chain stores have the opportunity to receive goods with a minimum margin, received directly from manufacturers with a minimum margin, and a wider range. This approach makes it possible to implement a dumping policy and provide profitability due to sales volumes at more low prices. An example of such stores is Magnit-cosmetics, Fix-price, etc.

The emergence of a chain store, especially one that is part of a federal-level chain, significantly worsens the competitive situation. Individual stores have the opportunity to compete with chain stores only if their assortment includes high-quality, inexpensive products from brands that are not represented in chain stores of household chemicals.

Range of services

The sales structure of a household chemicals store is shown in the figure:

Note. The sales structure does not include goods classified as household chemicals and used in construction work, such as, for example, paints and varnishes and various adhesives for construction purposes. Products classified in these categories are reserved and if diversification of the assortment is necessary, this category will be introduced first. Another direction for expanding the range could be mass-segment cosmetics, primarily deodorants, mousses, etc.

Price policy

Average price level, close to the boundaries of the lower price segment. The products are designed for people with low and middle incomes who are prone to visible savings. Therefore, it will be necessary to introduce preferential programs, periodic temporary discounts, sales, etc., i.e. It is necessary to use every opportunity to attract customers and ensure loyalty.

Volume of sales

The number of buyers per day is planned at 50 people, on average buying 4 items.

Below you can see the plant's load chart:

Sales volume is presented in the table

Product groups

Average unit cost

Quantity per month

Sales amount per month (thousand rubles)

Household chemicals for cleaning the premises

Hygiene products (soap, shampoo, toothpaste)

Hygiene products for children

Detergents for washing and treating fabrics and
leather goods

Air fresheners, repellents, disinfectants

Fertilizers and reagents

Cleaning equipment and workwear

Household goods, garden tools,
disposable tableware

Car cosmetics and chemicals for cars

Packaging materials

Adhesive materials (glues, tapes, etc.)


SWOT analysis


  • Close location to potential buyers
  • Product quality
  • Presence of brands not represented in online retail
  • Wide range of household goods


  • Low margin
  • Ensuring sanitary and fire safety conditions
  • Small warehouse area
  • Heterogeneous product range


  • Additional items in the assortment;
  • prompt response to customer requests
  • customer retention
  • Discounts and other forms of customer retention
  • Selection of products that meet consumer needs
  • discounts and loyalty programs
  • search and expansion of the assortment due to high-margin goods
  • storage optimization through logistics

Difficulties and threats:

  • low customer demand
  • arrival of network discounters of the "near the house" format, including those specializing in household chemicals
  • limited number famous brands
  • sanitary requirements
  • increasing advertising, which focuses on discounts and benefits for the buyer
  • use of brands not represented in online retail
  • consider the possibility of selling “catalog” brands (for example, Amway)
  • carrying out external examination for compliance with sanitary and fire requirements
  • monitor the assortment of “network stores” and conduct discount promotions on those goods whose prices are higher in network stores

Advertising strategy

Provide widespread advertising in your area. The main direction is mass direct mail. To do this, you need to consider the possibility of cooperation with the post office. The second direction is distributing leaflets. If possible, introduce a system of discount coupons for repeat purchases. If your business develops and additional retail outlets open, you can introduce a system of savings cards.

Website and group support in social network secondary. It is possible to organize additional discounts for customers and group members who make advance orders online and delivery services. Website and group maintenance is outsourced.

Organizational plan

Form of doing business

The main form of doing business as an individual entrepreneur with a patent system. The patent form for a household chemicals store allows you to save on costs during the first year and simplifies taxation and filing reports with the Federal Tax Service.

The cost of the patent is 30,500 rubles. in year. In the first year, a third of the cost of the patent is paid in the first half of the year and the rest during the 2nd. Starting from the 2nd year, the cost of the patent is paid in equal shares.

Personnel and staffing structure

The initiator is the director of the store and carries out management.

Job structure and salaries the following are provided:

The store director has irregular working hours.

There are 2 sellers in the store, working on a 2-by-2 schedule.

The store manager receives goods, monitors the store's workload, ensures its smooth operation, controls the sales schedule, interacts with customers in case of complaints, monitors advertising, accepts orders via the Internet, makes deliveries, provides information about stores and purchases of supplies and equipment.

The process of organizing sales of household chemicals:

  1. The decision to purchase and receive goods for sale is made by the store director;
  2. Delivery is made by the store director or the supplier's delivery service;
  3. The received goods are arranged by the seller together with the store director;
  4. Direct sales are carried out by the seller, who, after selling the product, pushes it through the cash register.
  5. The director receives a sales report daily.
  6. The inventory is carried out by the director together with the seller at the end of the seller’s 2nd shift and before his replacement leaves.
  7. The results of the daily report and periodic inventory are sent to the accountant.

Financial plan

Project financing

Initial investments are planned in the amount of 1.5 million rubles, of which:

700 thousand rubles. own funds.

800 thousand rubles. bank loan at 14% per annum for 5 years secured by an apartment.

Funds in the amount of 600 thousand rubles. There are initial investments, consumables, which the bank credits in payments of 200 and 400 thousand rubles. within 2 and 3 months, another 200 thousand rubles. for working capital in the 4th investment month.

The project initiator spends funds on registering an individual entrepreneur

Calculation of loan payments differentiated (equal payments for the loan body and interest on the total balance) for 5 years

Return of own funds to the project initiator after repayment of the loan within 2 years. in equal shares taking into account inflation, but without interest, starting from the 3rd year

Project payback indicators

Calculations of the return on investment for a household chemicals store were carried out for a 10-year period. Basic indicators:

  • contributions to social funds 30% of the payroll, of which the Pension Fund - 22%, the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund - 5.1%, social insurance - 2.9%;
  • patent rate 30,500 rub. in year;
  • annual inflation 10%.

Payback of the project without discount (simple) - 24 months.

Efficiency indicators were calculated at a discount rate of 16.85%:

  • NPV - 5103.52 rubles;
  • IRR - 5.9%;
  • The payback period taking into account the discount is 25 months.

Risk analysis

Calculations have shown that the business project of a household chemicals store is interesting for both the initiator and the investor. The investor can receive a return on time, and the project initiator can receive a salary, and after repaying the loan, a refund taking into account inflation.

When implementing a project, it is necessary to highlight difficult-to-predict changes in economic conditions, the assessment of the impact of which on a business project has certain difficulties. These include the following risks:

  • decrease in purchasing power. The population is cutting costs, and the cost of utilities and rent will continue to grow at the same pace. Risk countermeasures: control of costs and price levels, focus on cheaper goods that allow maintaining the planned margin;
  • opening of chain stores of household chemicals in the same area. The biggest problem is created by federal networks. Price competition will increase sharply. The task is to diversify the business in a timely manner: introduce brands that are not available at the competitor’s outlet; use loyalty programs; expand the range with new product items (mass segment cosmetics; household chemical products used in construction, etc.).


Calculations have shown that the opening of household chemicals stores in Ulan-Ude shows positive planned indicators, allowing return of investment to both investors and the initiator, as well as obtain additional profit. The level of risks is assessed as increased, because Connected with low level purchasing power of the population and the development of network retail. This requires significant organizational and marketing work.

There is always a demand for household chemicals: neither seasonal fluctuations nor the crisis affect it. After all, even in the most difficult times, people want to live in beautiful, well-maintained housing. Every day we clean, do laundry, wash dishes, take a shower...

Manufacturers meet customers halfway and offer high-quality and inexpensive products of various categories - on store shelves you can find disinfectants, detergents, laundry detergents, cleaning products, disinfectants and, of course, cosmetics.

Today we will talk in detail about how to draw up a business plan for a household chemicals and cosmetics store.

Selling household chemicals is an excellent choice for a budding entrepreneur

Due to the specific characteristics of the goods themselves, trading household chemicals has many advantages. In particular, this is explained by the fact that:

  • most funds are spent quite quickly, and the average family replenishes their reserves at least 1-2 times a month;
  • Almost all products have a long shelf life and do not require special storage conditions;
  • due to the fact that the average cost per unit of goods is low, you can immediately purchase a fairly large assortment;
  • as an entrepreneur, you can choose any format of trade - from a drive-thru store to a hardware market.

Of course, it will not be easy to compete with major market players - almost every city has its own chain of household chemical stores. However, there are always places that have not yet been “captured” by networkers. In addition, it should be taken into account that it is simply impossible to present in one store the products of all brands that are on the market at once. And you can use this factor to your advantage.

Step 1. Organizational issues and registration

A lot depends on the store format you choose. If we are talking about a small retail outlet, it will be enough to register as an individual entrepreneur.

However, if you are drawing up a business plan for a household chemicals and cosmetics store with the prospect of developing into a chain of stores, you should immediately take this into account and open an LLC.

In the case of a small store, you can limit yourself to trading from behind the counter. But if the size of the premises allows, it is better to organize self-service or mixed trade (some of the products are put away in display cases, and some are placed on shelves for free access).

Trade licensing is not required in this case.

In addition, it is important to choose the name of the household chemicals store. It should be simple, bright and memorable, because this is the “face” of your business. If you really don’t have enough imagination, you can choose the name of a “classic” type of household chemicals store - for example, “Housewife”, “Cinderella”, “Domovenok”, “Shine”. You can use beautiful female names or names of colors. They are not too complex and are well recognizable. Remember that “whatever you call the ship, that’s how it will sail.”

Step 2. Selecting a room

It’s no secret that the right choice of premises is one of the main factors of your success. Sleeping areas can be “cut off” immediately - as a rule, they have long been monopolized by large supermarkets and department stores with a large selection of products, to which people have long been accustomed.

But on the central streets of the city, a household chemicals store will be very useful. Ideally, you can rent a room located near grocery stores or right on the territory of one of them. Why is this so? It’s all very simple: at the same time as food products, people, as a rule, also purchase household chemicals.

The area of ​​the room must be at least 100 m2. Naturally, it must undergo high-quality repairs. Rental price in modern shopping centers ranges from 5 to 20 dollars per 1 m 2.

Step 3. Determine the assortment

When drawing up a business plan for a household chemicals and cosmetics store, you definitely need to decide on the range of products that you will offer to your customers. It is desirable that in your store customers can find not only household chemicals, but also personal hygiene products, as well as cosmetics and perfumes.

Which products sell out the fastest? First of all this:

  • face, body and hair care products;
  • shaving products;
  • cleaning and detergents;
  • shoe care products;
  • decorative cosmetics and perfumes;
  • washing powders;
  • hosiery products;
  • all kinds of beautiful gift sets.

If you do not plan to create a highly specialized store selling luxury products, it is better to focus on mid-price products that are in great demand.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that in order to increase trade turnover by initial stage It is recommended to reduce the trade margin. It’s hard to imagine that customers will bypass a store that offers the goods they need at affordable prices.

The number of product items should vary between 5-15 thousand. That is, existing products should be aimed at citizens with different levels prosperity.

Step 4. Purchase of equipment

Go ahead. How to equip a household chemicals store? The basic set includes counters, racks and display cases. Behind the counter there is a cash register area (it is advisable to have 1-3 cash registers at your disposal). Shelving is located in the sales area, along the walls and in the center of the room.

It is important that there is a sufficiently large distance between them so that customers can move freely around the store. If we are talking about a self-service store, there should be shopping baskets and cells at the very entrance where people can leave their things.

You can save a lot of money by buying used equipment. However, in pursuit of cheapness, you should not grab the first counter offer. How well your store is designed directly determines its image and, as a result, your profit. Therefore, if you can’t find used equipment in good condition, it’s better not to skimp and buy new one - the money spent will quickly pay off.

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